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[Drama 2012] The Moon that Embraces the Sun 해를 품은 달

Guest yeohweping

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Guest lavishuntoher

first time commenting on this thread!

i think the last part of ep 14 is really awesome!

at first i was confused when they showed the young YW sitting with her back towards wol. I was thinking how can it actually be a ghost when she hasn't died. But eventually everything made sense when it turned out that she was dreaming. I also found it really meaningful how they used this to differentiate this flashback from the ones she's been having in earlier episodes. If we actually enter into her head, the moment she saw little YW turn around, she then realized that it's her younger self. And that's when all the memories come flooding back and the pieces started to join and make sense.

Also, i'm so happy hwon is finally getting closer to the truth and making the correct guess that YW might have died from a spell!!! He's most probably gonna confront N next ep.. Can't help wishing he can finally know for sure that wol is actually YW!!!!

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hwonwas wearing those clothes becoz there was going to be eclipse on that day and some prayers performed.

ah, I remember.. when there is eclipse, sun or moon were blocking each other so they are in one line..

the PD and writer were so clever choosing an eclipse as the moment when Wol regain her memory as Yeonwoo

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first time commenting on this thread!

i think the last part of ep 14 is really awesome!

at first i was confused when they showed the young YW sitting with her back towards wol. I was thinking how can it actually be a ghost when she hasn't died. But eventually everything made sense when it turned out that she was dreaming. I also found it really meaningful how they used this to differentiate this flashback from the ones she's been having in earlier episodes. If we actually enter into her head, the moment she saw little YW turn around, she then realized that it's her younger self. And that's when all the memories come flooding back and the pieces started to join and make sense.

Also, i'm so happy hwon is finally getting closer to the truth and making the correct guess that YW might have died from a spell!!! He's most probably gonna confront Jang shik next ep.. Can't help wishing he can finally know for sure that wol is actually YW!!!!

Aactually hwon asked sang sun to contact sansuchoeng and bring the head shaman to meet him, I think. So probably he will confront NK in the next episode

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Guest Demyoujie

i seldom post.... or should i say don't usually participate in a forum.sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif

 But TMETS gives me the chills and excitement!w00t.gif

Good job on today's Episode!!! bravo!!!biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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I have not been able to watch the complete episode but when I read softy's recap, I am particularly touched by this...

N goes in to see Wol. N sees the blood and the sing sewn on wol’s clothes. N ask how her body is. Is it something you can endure. Wol says sorry for making her and s and jansil worry. N asks why she is worrying about others. N says a long time ago this place was the last time she saw Ari. And this is where ari asked her to take care of wol. Wol asks if ari was her mom. N says she was short sighted. Wol says since N raised and took care of her as her daughter after her own parents threw her away. Do you remember when I said I didn’t want to be a shaman – you said there was a reason why – that there was a reason why I had skills. I thought of that – even now – this pain and anguish there must be a reason for it. N takes off her cover and stands. She bow to Wol formally.

N calls wol “miss.” that who you have to protect who you have to throw away – you have to find the answer. Wol asks what that means and explain it. N says how strong wol is. How wol will win. Just trust yourself. N says in her head: one more thing – don’t forgive me.

I just felt how NY loved Wol as her child. Her first intention is really to fulfill Ari's last word but during those 8 years, she has always regarded her not just a Queen but her daughter. I am afraid to see her sacrifice her life for Wol's sake. I hope she will still be able to be with her till the end. I am waiting for the time, the two mothers meet.

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EP 14 was Daebak! Explosive!

I really liked how they used the eclipse as a tool to return everything to their original state - Evil grandma took away YW's life from Hidden Moon Palace but she sends her right back for Wol to regain her memory. The eclipse symbolises the "union" of the moon and sun, wonder if there's an underlying meaning that Hwon and YW is reunited and will return everything to their original place. Really dying to know what YW will do next.

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Guest aloakley

first time commenting on this thread!

i think the last part of ep 14 is really awesome!

at first i was confused when they showed the young YW sitting with her back towards wol. I was thinking how can it actually be a ghost when she hasn't died. But eventually everything made sense when it turned out that she was dreaming. I also found it really meaningful how they used this to differentiate this flashback from the ones she's been having in earlier episodes. If we actually enter into her head, the moment she saw little YW turn around, she then realized that it's her younger self. And that's when all the memories come flooding back and the pieces started to join and make sense.

Also, i'm so happy hwon is finally getting closer to the truth and making the correct guess that YW might have died from a spell!!! He's most probably gonna confront Jang shik next ep.. Can't help wishing he can finally know for sure that wol is actually YW!!!!

yeah your'e right. i remember people asking how she couldn't recognise herself from the earlier flashbacks but that was because it was in her POV. its impossible to see yourself in your POV. its just that the PDs couldn't be bothered to reshoot those scenes, so this really was the first time she saw herself as the crown princess waaahh i love it!!! :D

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Guest lavishuntoher

Aactually hwon asked sang sun to contact sansuchoeng and bring the head shaman to meet him, I think. So probably he will confront NK in the next episode

yup you're right! I got the initials wrong. hehe. i alrdy made the change but u alrdy noticed it. blush.gif

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Aactually hwon asked sang sun to contact sansuchoeng and bring the head shaman to meet him, I think.  So probably he will confront NK in the next episode

That conversation will be interesting although I'm guessing she won't tell Hwon a single thing. She'll continue to lie to protect her girls, herself and Wol. (plus how could she tell him his Granny was the one who ordered the whole thing?) I'm scared for NK, I too have a feeling she might die in the end. sad.gif

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This episode made me cry so much. First it was when Hwon went to see Wol in the prison and told her that she could leave him now cos he is now clear that the person he is looking at is not her. It was his way of saving her but it was so heartbreaking.D; And when he asked her if she had anything to say to him, and she answered "No," I swear my heart just shattered into a million pieces. I could understand why she did that though because the more she says, the more heartbreaking the farewell would be.

The next scene when Hwon comes out of the prison and breaks down right in front of Woon. Goodness. I just went crazy. He wants to save Wol but his way of saving her broke Wol's heart (he knows it) and he can't do anything about it. I could feel his helplessness at that point of time. Sometimes, being the most powerful man can make him the weakest as well. He wants to do things his way but he has a lot of other factors to consider as well. What you he does can build or break his reputation as a king and he may just get pushed off the throne. I know some of you complained about how weak Hwon is as a king, but he is NOT an ordinary man. He is THE KING, the supposed God to everyone under him, so he needs to do things right even if he isn't always agreeable about the things he has to do.

Next, what can I say about Hyungsun? I only can say that I LOVE HIM TO THE BONES! As we all know, he is always very frantic whenever the king sneaks out of the palace. BUT, in this episode, he is the one who gave Hwon the chance to sneak out to see Wol for the last time! He knows how the king feels towards Wol and how guilty Hwon feels to hurt Wol in order to save her. He totally made me tear up when he said that he is going to make a snowman for Hwon the last time just to give Hwon the opportunity to sneak out. I think Hyungsun plays a very important role in this drama even though he is only a servant to the king. Up til this point of the drama, he has shown us how much he loves the king, how loyal he is to the king and how well he understands the king even if the king doesn't say anything. He can see through the king just by a subtle expression. And yes, I think he understands the king even better than Woon though Woon is the one who sticks by the king's side most of the time.

The part where Yeonwoo's mother recognizes Yeonwoo when she was being brought away by the officials also made me cried. That scene just shows how the bond between a mother and daughter can never be broken even though they had been separated for such a long time. Tight family bonds never fail to touch me. ;_;

And lastly, like all or most of you, the scene where Wol starts regaining her memory just made me bawl my eyes out. Her reaction when she realize that the flashbacks she has been seeing belong to her was just so heartbreaking. My heart was practically beating at a crazy speed that I thought I was going to get a heart attack. I know there have been a lot of criticism about Han Ga In's acting being bland and expressionless for the previous episodes. But in my opinion, she has been made a very simple character right from the start. Yes she is smart and all but she isn't conniving like Bokyung (forced to be so since young by her father). She is just an intelligent girl who is very kind and who stands up to injustice and unfairness. I don't see how she should be very exaggerated in her actions or reactions. This regaining of memory is a breakthrough for her as she had no memories of her past for the past 8 years and it's like she is reborned again. Living without memories for 8 long years is like living without much of a soul and I think she is plain awesome in this scene. The "death" she went through 8 years back changed her life completely and the explosion of feelings from her is totally understandable.

Phew! I think I have never written this much before in Soompi even when I was using my previous account. But this drama just makes me think and feel a lot about things. A lot of things that happened in the drama may not be realistic but there's something that draws me (and many of you here as well I believe xD) to it. I find myself wanting to know more every time I finish watching a episode and the craving just gets worse. Haha~

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Guest lollyshoe

Yet another awesome episode aside, did anyone notice Woon's tied up hair? Haha, perhaps the producers took advice from netizens and realised Woon shouldn't let down his hair as well :D

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@vicious kid, the witch granny wanted to kill two birds in one stone. Wol is going to be punished for treason. She also wanted a powerful shaman to stop thecries during thenight. She did not want nk becoz of the face off she had with her. She believed that wol has powers since she cured hwon. so, She planned to send her to that moon hall to absorb the soul of yw(acc to witch)due to which she can die. But actually she helped wol regain her memoriesby sending her into that room.

I doubt that the cries heard by bk and witch qd also the work of nk.

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