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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Hi All,
I'm a new fan of DC. I must say they really got me hooked. I'm so addicted to them or anything related to them.

I cant recall how many times i've watched my fav episodes. And every single time i watch, i'll say deep in my heart "Please get married for real already".

My husband must think i'm crazy for smiling to myself & feeling so happy for a couple whom i only know from TV.
I love Leeteuk's new song. Its beautiful. Even though our groom made it clear its for ELFs. The song is more for like dedicated for only one person. I think he's juz saying it to keep his fans happy. 

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I listened to LT's Only U - the melody is nice - and with the lyrics that go with it, it would definitely melt someone's heart.  The lyrics has a lot of meaning - it is sad and at the same time heartwarming - sad that he'd be gone and the worries that the one(s) he's leaving behind would be lonely - but the same time he is giving some assurance - and love! 

@moschila - don't worry on what your husband would say -you are not alone; we have members here whose husbands are already feeling jealoous.


@witeku - got it right, girl!!  We do believe!!  The only coincidence is - the announcement of the composition was just recent - and it was done in a zip!!  Usually, you work on a piece for a while, try to find an inspiration to write it (even when writing a story) and others even try to go into seclusion.  Like what I had mentioned, even a blind or a dummy, would guess what is going on - it is too apparent.  And these two will not say anything - ever - and may even deny it - unless - a big accident happens!!  ;) ;;);)

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Guest dee15

@ viyra @moschila same here too, I am absolutely joined the members whose husbands are already feeling jealous. When he see me with my lappy, he always said why you always smile when you see that beautiful boy in the internet. They just don't understand. ;)

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Guest AnneDee07

@witeku what a very interesting finding u have there. LT is definitely a genius when it comes to play with words. He knows how to play with word and known as the man with ambiguous words. The song have something to do with sora. I'm 100% positive about that. ^^

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Guest janetv

(Song) TeukSora first forehead kiss (WGM Ep 27)

태사비애 - 빨주노초파남보 (duet with 사랑해 미안해)

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Guest akunohana

No ,I think this song is specially composed with ELF in his mind and heart.I'm a dimple couple fan and maybe he made it with both his fans and Sora in his mind.But saying it was only for Sora .... I think you don't know how much that guy is devoted to Super Junior and his fans.I hope he never has to choose but the woman he's going to marry has some tough competition and must accept she's always gonna be number two after his fans and his members.The guy is a workaholic, maybe it will change when he gets older and gets those twins .O:-)

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AGREE with everybody here ...I think its LT's thoughts and feelings about being separated for his MS. His worries, concern and hope for the future. It sounds like it is for his love one...those that has a place deep in his heart.  
...'I will remember the love you gave me
No one can take over you
That only love, I will keep in the bottom of my heart
Making you wait so long, I’m sorry
In my life only you are most special...'
...I love you, I love you, I love you, even if you can’t hear
Sorry Sorry Sorry I have regrets
F.O.R.E.V.E.R I will hold your hand tight
Just like when we first met, we will be back together'....
Since I have a very small amount of experience ( very small!) in song composing, I think when LT says I love you even if u can't hear could definitely mean that 'he loves her but have yet to tell her how he feels, thus the next line...SORRY, I have regrets.....
I'm sure LT will miss the SUJU boys and his FANS a lot...and he will definitely be counting his days to come back to his fans...but the love of a woman is nothing compared  to this. The loneliness without our partner/ soulmate is devastating....  :-S
Anyway , this is just an Ahjumma's 2 cents.. ;)

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@MyangelicEvil, there is no doubt that publicly, the song is dedicated to ELF, no FD is challenging that, what i believe though, and  this is  my own personal view on this.....some of the lyrics if not most of them point to a very personal experience between two people who love each other and some of the circumstances mentioned seem to point to what we have witnessed and felt at WGM.  I know how much Teukie loves SUJU and ELF and i know how much him leaving this kind of life for 2 years is making him very sentimental ....and even though i try to think objectively and make myself think rationally.....i can not help but come to the same conclusion that Sora played a big part in inspiring him to write those beautiful words.....and maybe by now also  she may have been the biggest Angel/ELF fan there is.....so in essence it is also dedicated to her.
@dee15  welcome to the thread , yes it is a little bit slow because of a  combination of a couple of things, the olympics, vacations, no new episodes and no sightings of their recent recording. but just the same  we  welcome you warmly  and i hope you can join us in our discussions of our favorite WGM couple.
@viyra , yes not sure if this will come out well....soompi is giving me a hard time but will still try.
FD's  if you have seen Teukies' new hair style at the SPY video  and SM town fancam ,  he had his bangs  parted and I am not really digging it...but then maybe he just wanted to change his style to go with the concept of the video. Sora also changed her hair style for her movie....she  now has bangs making her look younger.... kkkk do you guys think they talked about it?
they both seem busy now with their own individual activities and no matter how hard i try to stalk most of my sources for news....nothing seems to come out of any of their recent recording, which makes me wonder if they had a chance to see each other again after their swimming pool episode. Sora pointed out from her tweet previously how busy she is ....although she made mention that she was free for one day.....kkkk you guys think she was trying to tell someone something?....ahhh...am getting delusional without new episodes to feed me.
is it just me or do you guys feel the same?  when you watch the pre and post strike episodes do you feel as if you are watching two different era? Whenever i watch the pre strike episodes.... i have this feeling of giddiness and euphoria ...of watching these two people who seem to really like each other steal glances at each other and meet each other's eyes shyly and hold hands sheepishly....they make my heart flutter and make me want to feel the same.....then when i watch the post strike episodes......it has the feeling of seriousness....there is sense of maturity to their interactions although they manage to continue to have so much fun.....and you can sense from the way they look at each other ....from the way they talk .....from the way have become more open to how one feels....and how they try to confront each others issues with each other(like jealousies and skinships)....it gives me the feeling of reality....like witnessing two people who are trying to make things work and taking their relationship to the next level.For me it is like  fantasy then and  reality now.
@marrsq, you have a point....but i really hope by now Teukie had overcome his insecurities and had enough courage to confess how he felt. I do not know how after seeing him so emotional and touched after what Sora did on his birthday episode and after she initiated their first kiss that he would not have done so. Plus we all saw how he whispered it to Sora behind the camera and it was meant for her to  see alone....but  some FD's were able to spot it . I think maybe what he regrets was the fact that he waited so long before he actually said them thereby wasting some time especially with his enlistment coming soon.
at the end of the day ....we have to go by what Teukie says and admits publicly and although we all want to know the real score...they both have to  decide on what is best for both of them and their relationship....which ultimately is also what we want for them.
Hoping for a good episode next saturday. FD's FIGHTING!!!

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Only U is just awesome! there are so many version of the english translation  for the lyric out there! After trying very hard with the translation..this is my version of it:-

Will you listen to me, don't say anything yet
Actually, I feel anxious
I don't know how i'm going to survive a day without you in my life
I know that this is not our end
Don't hurt and cry alone over the empty space that i left

There's only you in my heart, there's only me in your heart
We that resembles each other has made us fallen in love
In different places under the same sky, we are apart for a while
Don't ever forget to remember this moment forever

I'll remember the love that you've shown me
Nobody can't replace it
That one and only love, I will keep it deep inside my heart
I'm sorry for making you waiting for so long
You're really the most special,the only one in my whole life

There's only you in my heart, there's only me in your heart
We that resembles each other has made us fallen in love
In different places under the same sky, we are apart for a while
Don't ever forget to remember this moment forever

Actually you know it too
I can't live if it's not you, and you can't live if it's not me
The thoughts of you made my heart torn and my sighs deepened
Who says it will get better gradually at the end?
I love you, I love you, I love you, even if you can't hear it..
Regretablly..i'm sorry, i'm sorry , i'm sorry..
I'll hold your hand F.5.R.E.V.E.R. Like the day our eyes met for the first time
We refresh what we have between us anew.

Be my love, I need you girl.
To me there is only you, you know that too
When the cold wind blowing, the feeling that grazed your fingertips
It is me who always being by your side

You who hold my hand, I who match your walking steps
The day when I meet you again, I will not let go of your hands

There's only you in my heart, there's only me in your heart
We that resembles each other has made us fallen in love
In different places under the same sky, we are apart for a while
Don't ever forget to remember this moment forever

p/s: Sorry if it's not translated well. i did it for the fun's sake of learning hangul.

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I'll hold your hand F.5.R.E.V.E.R. Like the day our eyes met for the first time
Cette phrase précise me fait penser qu'il fait allusion a Sora et à leur première rencontre, dans le théâtre quand les sujus leur ont demandés de se regarder pendant 5 secondes en se tenant la main... J'adore cette idée.. en manque de DC ! 
J'ai regardé comme vous les anciens épisodes de notre DC  et j'ai aussi remarqué les changements... vivement la semaine prochaine pour avoir ma dose de DC ! Bonne semaine a tous ! ^_^
This exact phrase makes me think he is referring to Sora and their first meeting in the theater when sujus requested to them to look for 5 seconds, holding hands ... I love this idea .. lacking in DC!
I looked the old episodes of our DC and I also noticed the changes ... strongly next week to get my dose of DC! Good week to all! ^ _ ^

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BTW... I must have been absent from class on the day LT whispered to Sora  :-\"  .....
when did this happened? what was whispered? do we know?
or is it when LT whispered to Sora to close her eyes when he kissed her.....  

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Pour vous répondre @marrsq si c'est bien ce à quoi vous faites allusion, c'est lors du photoshop de mariage quand sora est devant le miroir et qu'il doit la regarder et à l'insu de tous sauf de nos supers détectives DC il lui a murmuré : je t'aime, ma jolie... En lisant sur les lèvres on arrive à le comprendre... Et à chaque fois que je me passe cette scène je regarde et c'est vraiment ce qu'il lui murmure... Trop romantique...
To meet @ marrsq if that's what you're referring to, is when photoshop wedding when Sora is in the mirror and he must look her.  Our DC great detectives find it when Teukie  whispered :  I love you, my pretty ... This is in lip reading to understand it happens ... And every time I pass this scene I look and that's really what it whispers ... Too romantic 

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Guest lennycsn

After much consideration and rereading it,vI have to agree with viyra that this Only you lyrics has double meanings. It is upfront for ELF, there is no deny on it but it carries some of soras shadow in the lyrics. And the lyrics, if you peel of the layers bit by bit, towards the mid until the end you will see deeper emotions exhibit in the composition. and it slowly become personal love messages like a man to woman. The first half of the lyrics is about farewell, thank you for the love, wait for him etc kind of meaning. For a second i thought the lyrics is split into two halves. Thats why we saw different things and meanings emerged for the composition. Anyhow, remember his statement in SH, there is some love inspiration for him to compose such lyrics. And it is so much different from All My Heart lyrics which i believe is really for elf but became personal meaning,after nami island trip with sora i.e. cyworld background music.

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Pour vous répondre @marrsq si c'est bien ce à quoi vous faites allusion, c'est lors du photoshop de mariage quand sora est devant le miroir et qu'il doit la regarder et à l'insu de tous sauf de nos supers détectives DC il lui a murmuré : je t'aime, ma jolie... En lisant sur les lèvres on arrive à le comprendre... Et à chaque fois que je me passe cette scène je regarde et c'est vraiment ce qu'il lui murmure... Trop romantique...
To meet @ marrsq if that's what you're referring to, is when photoshop wedding when Sora is in the mirror and he must look her.  Our DC great detectives find it when Teukie  whispered :  I love you, my pretty ... This is in lip reading to understand it happens ... And every time I pass this scene I look and that's really what it whispers ... Too romantic 

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Guest AnneDee07

i like @hiedi version of English translation. i can understand the song more and again it shows that sora might be the inspiration while LT writing the lyrics not to forget the elf too. i won't denied that elf do plays a big roles in LT's life. but to some extend i also think sora also occupied a big part in LT's life. who wouldn't fall in love with a girl as honest as sora. as much as i want to believe that she's only doing it for show as sincerely do think she's not.

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Guest kissx

About this whole ELF/Sora song issue, like everybody has said. The song is unquestionably dedicated to ELF, at the most, 100% of it, at the least, partly. Suju have dedicated officially and unofficially multitude of songs to ELF (Sapphire blue, No Other, Marry U, From U, Shining Star, All my heart etc.) and all of them have personal lyrics. That's the illusion/delusion they want ELF to have. That ELF are their "girlfriends."Now, about whether or not it's dedicated to Sora, or whether or not all the previous songs dedicated to ELF were also inspired by some girlfriend in addition to ELF. I think it is definitely a possibility.  Since SJ have a hand in composing some of them, and composing the rap for all of them. As all of you said, at least, the lyrics for Only U fit Teukso's situation. He said it publicly. The song is for ELF. And there's no questioning his devotion to ELF. At the same time, there's nothing that prevents him from being inspired partially by Sora or even privately dedicating it to Sora. We'll never know. Unless one day he decides to speak about it, if there's anything to speak about at all. 

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@marrsq - I know we both admitted we are ahjummas but how can you miss that and now forget?  Please go back to the first photoshoot segment - while holding the mirror, Sora looking at it and LT slowly bringing it down and stopped and "mouthed" to Sora - "saranghae ippo" (i love you beautiful).

@MyAgelicEvil - we all know how insecure LT is with his life and had already expressed his insecurity about losing his status while he is gone - and that is one of the main reasons he said "he composed a song for his fans".  At some point in his life, he has to make a choice (as oppose to your statement that he didn't have to make a choice in the future) and having somebody in his life permanently would be a good choice.  Will his fans be able to sleep next to him at night? will they be able to sit down have dinner or lunch or breakfast with him in his everyday life? will the fans be there when he is lonely and sick?  and most of all, will the fans give him the family that he wanted? especially the twins?  He is now 30 and from this moment on, he has to have a concrete plan for himself and his future.  The way I see it, he already did - and his plans are already incorporated in this song. 

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion - and what I see is what I get and what I believe.  LeeTeuk is a smart guy, he won't make or reveal those statements without thinking.  Wasn't being a politician his first dream before he got involved in showbiz?  That dream never left him - that is why he's been tagged as the 'big mouth Teuk" - he says whatever he feels and acts on it.

We read 3 different translations but all the contents are the same - which means no matter what and how it is interpreted, it is the way we interpret it that reveals the truth.  LeeTeuk must be sporting that big smile on his face knowing his fans are having a big argument as to the intent of his composition.  @Hiedi - thanks for the translation.

@janpyo - I think (and hope) that the new hairstyle is just for the MV of SPY.  Didn't he have the same hairstyle in high school? or he is following or keeping up with his wife's hairstyle?

The obvious:  LeeTeuk quiet - Sora quiet - SJ quiet - wassup??? 



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 I can't help but to come back on this forum since most of you are getting extremely delusional on the DC couple especially with the ONLY U song that I was laughing hard because of your heavenly interpretation on the song to think that this was intended for ELF!!

Before all of you go crazy just get back at the real world between the Leeteuksi and KangSora that there is no feelings between those two if ever Leeteuk or Kang Sora have they should been together long before.

Check this Leeteuk Twitter to stop your delusions about the only u song.

The song Spy will be released in the next few minutes!!And also the song I composed only U..!!The lyrics were written while thinking about our ELF~My honest heart^^Please anticipate!!!

Leeteuk already said his honest heart so please stop being delusioned about this song. Enough of convincing yourselves, if there is one person who I think Leeteuk loves it is taeyeon.  If you watch this video this is the real couple having the same duck bag and besides leeteuk likes duck until now and that means his heart still belongs with taeyeon so stop putting KangSora in the picture because the are just partners in a reality show. Show means program not relation okay guys..


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