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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest lallinachan

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Some old pictures of Sora

an amazing fan art!
credits: antijongdae

I guess I'm just bored

AH! a new FD!!!!
Welcome @noona !!! I see you are already in an investigation mood^^

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It is so nice to see Leeteuk drawing a a smiling face with V sign on his letter.

In his letter I noticed these words that somehow confirms our beliefs.

thank you for the hand-written and internet letters! While reading the letters word by words clearly(,) its not once or twice that I had strong feelings. Thank you.

Ah! and also(,) the DVD that is selling in Japan is number one! and also(,) boys in city.

After training they have time to spend infront of internet since in his letter he was able to read some internet letters from elf at the same time he was on track with the news about the DVD that was sold in Japan. If our hunch was right that Sora has started putting pictures in her twitter, including Gomi with some indirect tweets like . Sora loves using the words to Gomi grow fast or grow quickly...I remember in episode 9 she has given Leeteuk YEOBONG drink and there was a word written come back faster ..While in Episode 12 The MC ask the wives to do aegyo and she told Leeteuk come home faster and for their last episode she told Leeteuk that " I just felt like it came and just went by so fast "...She is used using those words to LT.... By seeing her tweets it does not intend to Gomi nor her followers instead it meant to 1 person to come home fast..




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I just noticed Sora's face in this picture..By looking at this she seems that she was sad looking at those winter shoes..She might be thinking that time PJS since he was out in the winter for training..I remember that this was the time her eyes are a little bit different and seeing her with Such a sad face. One thing that comes to my mind was the couple shoes given by Leeteuk and that Sora know that the meaning of it was that LT wanted to be a shoes where he can be able to be with her wherever she goes...

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Guest gisellec

good night here in Spain.

watching the episode when leeteuk and sora are after a long period (4 months), sora no buys food, sora says he seeks help from his mother to cook, this is done for a special person, Sora said in a chapter that when he went to his house was very quiet, ask your mother to cook for Leeteuk because he believes someone is very special.

And that's good to know that Leeteuk can receive and view news from the outside world, so perhaps the tweet of sora, so mysterious and so many hidden meanings.

  good night and be happy

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Guest smileagain2012




I saw that picture many times>>>>>>>>>>>
But for the first time today I notice that Eteuk closed his eyes
What was he expected and what did they want / sign Sora to do

Wished understand but gorgeous scenery
Why MBC cut those scenes
I hope after the real wedding

Operate a special episode
Shows us all those scenes
And whatever is not exposed and also behind  or before filming
Especially the day of the filming wedding photos
What happened on that day after that scene




Where they went and whether first kiss was on this special day

For many reasons within my mind I think the kiss was on that day

After filming.......Something of their own, far from the people



Only U

The you that grasps my hand
The you that follows my steps
Until the day that we meet again

 I won’t let go of your hand


 .......................... ...................... ..................


Apologized for the posts is useful
But close at 3 am There is no sleep and miss them
And read every word here
Thank you all
I wish you and them happiness


:)>- X_X :x




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Guest lallinachan

ok, I should be studying but since I had some thoughts... I just want to elaborate:
(Just bare with me for some minutes...)

First of all, I think Teukie really likes to be called a ladies' man, a Casanova or whatever, something like an expert in that area. He likes to boast a lot, and he is narcissistic... he always showed in the past that he do not dislike that, we saw that in many tv show in the past, and of course the last episode in SH too gave that impression (but different in my opinion, I'll get to that later^^), if you want a sample just watch "5000 questions" tv-show, he looks with envy Heechul who is classified as an expert in love, and Teukie says he wants to be that too. BUT the expert in love (there were some kind of specialists in the show, one of them was an expert in love) didn't find Teukie an expert at all! He showed he was very "new", "fresh" in love matters and mostly on women. One thing the expert noticed was the fact that Teukie (it was 2011, If I'm correct) acts as a "still fresh" guy because he looks more the face of a woman. Well, if you remember this was something Sungmin said too in the Christmas episode... (While an expert with women focus on some other more feminine parts). Still, he showed a changing too in the same episode in WGM, and maybe poor Sungmin who was forced to reply to his questionings that "yes, Sora is pretty" , didn't noticed. Anyway from the way Leeteuk tried to portray Sora, he was more an admirer of her "mind"; showing that, if not an expert in women, he for sure was becoming more mature and insightful.
Keeping on the topic of discussion: Teukie likes to be believed a womanizer or an expert or whatever. We of course know that this is only an image (he said so, but WGM was pretty much a good lesson in that department.... no doubt!).
Other proofs that he plays along with that image are the many times you can see on sukira when the women subject comes out, he act as the one who knows better^^ , because he is the hyung so he has to know better. Males have their logic for these things, a man who had more expearence in that department is considered with a certain esteem, and he being a leader wants that in every misure he can get it. I still remember how he showed the difference between bobo and kiss... and still remember the way in WGM he said he has never done it right^^;;;;- and the way suju always says he try to get girls continuously and ask them to marry him (IN THE PAST! of course!)- well in my opinion he acts different if he is with his suju members, because he has to catch up to that image, but what is the most important thing is that he is not that kind of guy, and maybe there is a part of him that would dislike to be really a Casanova, because he has a very romantic side (like a fairytale, like "happy everafter" probably): he wants LOVE and to be loved, and taking care of a special someone more than he wants to (sorry the term) "bed" a girl.
We had many proofs of this:
-We read something said from someone in his stylist group, he said teukie didn't sleep around and wants fairy tales.
-Teukie said many tried to arrange blind dates for him, but he always rejected because he wanted something decided by Fate.
-He proved in WGM that he really want, more than anything else, to build something between them, while he could have played like a husband who wants skinship and take it, he never imposed himself on her, or tried to seduce her (He can be very seductive and we know it---> his V signs with kisses were a light example). He wanted romance.
-He said he wants "the girl to be the last". And I believe he was serious. That is the opposite way of thinking of a ladies' man.
For now I can only think of these, but of course there might be many others.

The basic point is: he likes that Ladies' man image,sometimes he tried to act on it, sometimes he cannot because he is shy (or there is an expert that can see deeply inside him even if he does).Then, why he had that angry twitter in whitch he tried to show us that it's only a mask?(I'm referring to the SISTAR in SH that said he called them at 3 am)
In the past he never tried something like that. He just denied some relationships offcially, but in this occasion with SISTAR he tried to explain to people (or some of them in particular), that he is not that kind of man. WHY?
If we think about the recent episode in SH, I believe he didn't really played to that image, he just reported what Boom and Kangin told him or bragged about him. When he said he is going to meet some women... I'm not sure on the correctness of this translation (some FD can help in this?) anyway it is not important, if he said "some women" than maybe it was the only sentence he said according to that tvshow image he had in the past (and maybe he still will use it to mask his real relationship ;) )
But then why he was that opposed to that SISTAR accident? The difference in my opinion is this:
The two SISTARS said something about it. They were the women he contacted, they were not a kind of joke he would fabricate according to that image. They said he contacted them, and he never expected that (he was kinda surprised and showed some unease after that). It was not something said by Boom or suju, but from the direct sources. Not the first time (YoonA said in the past he asked her many times to marry him, he never tried to explain the situation) in the past he would have played along, while here he explained the situation, and was cut by the show, so he explained in his twitter. The difference now is he has someone dear (guess who?). Sora might have been warned to not trust anything he or suju said on tv, but this time it was something said by some girls, of course there was a difference, and of course any girlfriend would have been upset.
SO that scene was very much telling in my opinion. He'll probably could play again according to that image but that episode was enough for us to know it's only a cover, a cover now not only for his insecurities, but also for his love relationship^^

anyway what I said is my version of the facts, I do not pretend to know how teukie is, no one can^^ It's just my guess ;)

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@noona @gisellec welcome welcome! Seems like you're having a blast in this thread. I can't blame you, DC is really very addicting.

Like you, my life have been invaded by Park Jung Soo & Sora. My phone is full of WGM DC episodes, started writing fictional stories and gain friends. And we flood each other twitter timeline and our favorite topic is no other than DC. We follow both Leeteuk & Sora on twitter and tweet them too. 

Now for the latest news, so military wasn't so bad after all. He's got letters and they can surf the net.  Since most of you analyze the letter, I'll leave it to them. If only I could ask Park Jung Soo, which picture of Sora have you brought in the army? And how many times have you checked Sora's timeline? 

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Guest gisellec


for some reason I feel the same, WGM is a variety show, like Big Brother and always show what they understand to be sold to the public, during the transmission of WGM with sora and leeteuk couple I was seeing Much brother Spain and follow the story makes me very similar to leeteuk and sora. Big Brother is a weekly program, but this house live and realize how these programs play with what is reality and what is the program. (what I call cut and paste) while we watched the live house every day 24 hours, what was going on daily, weekly summaries implied the opposite.

the couple leeteuk and sora really not a partner that sells itself, ie, although the two are known, are themselves very normal, with their strengths and weaknesses during the recording did not give us great moments kisses and hugs, (so I think that demonstrations of affection were true), however, sora often speak of "boyfriend" not a husband, that is, we can notice that they were creating a link from the first chapter to the last, as normal people do when they meet a person who likes to go step by step, that is why there are many things that happened within the same program recordings not edited because they understood that they were interesting parts, but for fans of this couple, we would understand many things that happened and it seemed that remained unfinished.

the important thing is to read between the lines and the relationship they had in the program leeteuk and sora, was something very special and I agree that before the kiss of Chapter 31, they had already kissed, Sora had said she wanted but no cameras and it showed sincerity in his words, that gives me even prove to be an actress Sora would not kiss just for the show.

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Guest gisellec

@ lallinachan totally agree with you, if so leeteuk casanova womanizer and sold as SH, because it gets so nervous when you have the minimum skinship with sora?, because blushed with any look or word?, is that Sora really liked from the beginning and saw it as a possible bride for? Christmas in the episode, the song numbers, tells us interesting things: with sora myself. (as a park, a shy man, and I wonder how can a man be shy casanova womanizer?). leeteuk is an insecure, shy, and may have some complex stuff just fills facade giving a hard and competitive in everything he does, he takes refuge in the job because it is certainly not happy with what is, with what has. I think that knowing sora came in handy, because sora without having to be explosive as most of the girls who know leeteuk, filled more with his personality, mature for her age, simple, sincere and honest. sora honestly could have taken advantage of WGM for his career and at no time is that she wants to have a leading role. always stayed behind leeteuk.

thank @Josan,

for the welcome, thanks for making us feel a part of this new family teuksora.

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Guest gisellec

Episode in tarot cards, the specialist told sora that leeteuk was a true prince and she had to say how good it was and how well she did things. Leeteuk needs recognition. I did not see the special where he talked about his family problems as a child, but I think he really has a strong family and perhaps lack of small received many insults and few compliments on how well to things. Sora and Leeteuk have many things in common, both of which are very quiet as people, not as an actress and idol.

I think leeteuk has had a hard life, as a child, but also hard to become what it is today, a person known to the various jobs he has. I think he is facade, a hard face, a womanizer, a brilliant and really is only one person who needs a lot of love.

I hope Leeteuk can find that person, raising a family and if Sora much better. :P

The joy of life is: to always have something to do, someone to love and something to wait "
Thomas Chalmer

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sorry FD's I don't think I made sense this morning.  I was super hype with no directions this morning so i just type what comes to mind.
I just miss DC too much lately, so I keep digging news about them.  Anyways, I'd like to fill my weekends and weekdays with DC stuff during my free time. Scratch that, I find a way to do DC stuff.  When work is too crazy my motto now is:

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Guest addsleepywood

Hello peeps!!

How is everyone here today? I have not much to share about our lovely jungso couple. However, i would like to share how i come to know about leeteuk and sora and finally land in this thread.

First of all, i know about sora 1st before leeteuk as i'm more into kdrama than kpop. I have known Sora since she was one of the actress in my bittersweet life drama that was aired in 2011. I found her very cute and lovely in that drama and since then has been fond of her acting. I watched her appearance in SH as well and yup..leeteuk did not pay attention to her at that time.

Leeteuk - I only knew him at that time because of strong heart and star king. I did not pay much attention to him as i watched the show because both shows are fun to watch with hong dong and lee seungi at that time. However, he caught my attention slowly in the show and i came to know that he is from suju and the leader.

How i know about Leeteuk and Sora..it was because in one of SH episode, someone, i think it was boom mentioned about sora and teasing leeteuk. And i was more curious about them in the episode when uee appearead as guest and talked about kissing scene with joowon in OB. (Uee n joowon is another fav couple of mine). I was wondering at that time whether leeteuk n sora really married and started to google. The 1st thing i found was the concert's proposal. I was i would say mesmerized by leeteuk in the proposal and really thought it was real. Never in my heart and mind that time that it is part of WGM and i even show it to my hubby cause he also knows Sora. Only after i searched more i found out about WGM. I think it was around jun/july this year and the rest like other people said here is history.

Not even one time i have doubt about their relationship. Their interactions..i can see the sincerity in it. And i choose to be their supporter all the way. From teuksora, i started to know suju and bought their single,sexy, free repackage album in apple itune store.

I wrote long enough already for today. Will write again when i have time.

Jungsora forever love and will always love you no matter what it takes.

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Guest LuCyJuNg

hi everyone! :D :D :D
omo! newfamily joined us! welcome!!even though WHM TeukSora couple has ended, still many captivates their chemistry..im happy because of that! 
im happy to know that LT i mean PJS is doing well at the camp.. and his letter, VSIGN?? omo!! okay, this made my day...  becuase of that, missing him more...aigoo~  :( :( :(

anyway, take care everyone!!
sorry i dont know what else to post so i just post what so ever that burst our on my mind...
keep safe~

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Most of us tried to analyze the body languages of leeteuk but for now I want to give my perception on Sora.

Before the strike you can sense awkwardness of her to Leeteuk . Can't blame her since his virtual husband is famous but the words she has said during those times is consistent from the time he met him and after WGM special episode. She was thankful enough to be partnered to him. At first she is a little bit shy with him knowing how famous he is at the same time LT personality off cam was different also since he is always tired in his work but still he tried his best to make Sora happy with him. It took courage for LT to break the ice between them but no matter how big his effort he has done to Sora, still has built walls among them. She is scared of his popularity and at the same time scared on his fans also. She might not able to understand the reality of it at first since it was her first time to met an IDOL.If we watch the SJ episode with Sora still you can sense her awkwardness to Leeteuk. Both has the same personality. Though they used to laughing together still they have the sense of seriousness in their mindset.

Some of us during the strike felt like it will be a problem for the 2 but it ended as a blessing for the FD's coz only that time Sora was able to realize the importance of Leeteuk and how he was able to touch her heart in his own way. For that kind of longing feeling and regret she has for not being open with him. She has completely changed 360 degrees of her personality to him. If Leeteuk was the one exerting a big effort to her before. She make it a point that on their reunion she has completely changed. For my observation Sora behavior only indicates the she fell in love with Leeteuk during the strike period.

The way she has eye contact with him everytime, the way she laughs always whenever Leetuk is with her although sometimes Leeteuk was not even funny still she is being happy with him just like in the camping car inside. The physical touches she has done for Leeteuk when he is massaging her feet shows sincere appreciation from her heart same with her touch the gaze she has given to him is completely different to Sora's gazes before the strike.

If this kind of behavior she shows in WGM and the way she talked about him it will be hard not for them to be in a real relationship. Leeteuk already has the first hand of liking her from the beginning and it was Sora who always become passive but after the strike she shows a different side of her that she might not been also aware of. How she kissed him on his birthday... How she told him why you did not do the kiss on her cheek while taking a last photo of them only indicates she has this kind of feelings towards him. It is not for the show she has done that but for herself. The words and actions she has done has taken her a lot of courage to do that by knowing Sora before the strike. Only love can take a courage for the person to do what she wants and what she feels.

If ever they are in a real relationship, Sora being matured knows where she has to stand when it comes to Leeteuk career.

If Leeteuk's image in SH is different from PJS. Sora can able to understand it since she is also different when it comes to her acting she knows that her real self and her character in dramas are different same as Leeteuk as MC, IDOL and a Leader. She knows how to differentiate it compared to Leeteuk she can understand him more than him understanding her. Just look on LT reactions on her kisses in MV and drama he was not at ease on that but for Sora when LT said that he had tanned his body in order he can show it in Japan Concer her initial reaction was excited, proud and supportive to him as well.

In fairness with Leeteuk he tried his best to settle some issues about women. Also when he write his letter from the army he placed a V sign on his signature though the letter was meant for ELF somehow he has shown some signs for her in his own special way. If not why does he have to include a Vsign on his letter made for ELF. SInce his entry in the army we always see him doing the SJ hand signal on his pictures but his personal letter alone end up with a sign that only FD's knows and understand.

If it was for ELF hand signal in his pictures are fine there is no need to add a V sign... He has really put some effort to draw it personally



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Guest gisellec

good day

In the episode of SH where Jinwoon was saying that his ideal type of girl was ming Lee jung and tells such MC, Kang Sora, Leeteuk's face lol, as it illuminates the view out Jinwoon as blushes and makes the V sign, this was the period of the strike, and as a joke with this issue, but because in the final chapter and even watching WGM stay in SH made ​​no mention of any of that ... these doubts we kill. lol.

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Guest gisellec

Here sora tells oppa, I'm that kind of girl, lol, when the reporter says she knows many guys who like sora. that is beautiful. minute 5:36
the sign on his collar v... lol

Here we can see that with sora no trouble asking for Leeteuk and she answered honestly what you think, but because it is so hard to find interviews sora leeteuk talking about? Behind this is SM.

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Guest noona1430269773

Yeah! the sacred "V" sign in PJS letter really made my day, enough vitamin for this time being, i dun hv much complaints in my life anymore... :)>- Kudos to the thoughtful Park Jung Soo. 
Hmm...when i back read,the little tingling in my heart a bit hurt and of course as teukso lover naturally i was empathy, when i read some comments and frustration due to Lee teuk past relationship, he as a ladies man, casanova etc..etc..etc...me hurt too (like lee teuk  real gf ,i'm hurt on behalf of sora, i thought...hahaha... :D
But when i looked back, i came to my senses, i was thinking of a straight guy,how is actually their normal life should be, there is nothing wrong with PJS. I would like to compare his situation with my brothers ( i have 3 brothers), it's normal and common before they experienced true love which usually the last relationship before they got married, they usually had few girlfriends, as one of my brothers said,he had more than one potential girlfriends in order to choose the best one as his wife. My brother  before his happy marriage, was called casanova,a player etc. But then when he found his other half, he settled everything about being casanova etc . (similar to what happened to Teukie).
So, i made a conclusion, my bias teukie is a normal guy who is now finally found his potential future wife, and he is now at the safe stage.  

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Guest gisellec

the meaning of flowers: :x

Leeteuk gave a red rose in time to give the ring to sora, meaning red rose:

The meaning of red roses is love and respect. No flower has been able to touch so many hearts so deeply. The red rose has charm ...Is a majestic flower! It has exquisite sensuous side that no other has pink. It evokes a romantic feeling ... thoughts of passion ... conveys the meaning of love ... excitation romantic love ... Adding red roses, white roses in the same branch, the message is even clearer: it is an invitation to a carnal love.

Sora on the island Nami gave white flowers, including all white gifts.

White is the color of purity and innocence. And that is precisely what roses convey this color. White roses are bound to love. A couple, to indulge white roses convey expect a solid future together. They show a pure love, and happy life. You may have noticed that white is the color chosen by brides bouquets for your wedding day. And so they are sending is that this union will be for life.

The color white roses can also be used when someone close is sick. By this is the color we will demonstrate that we are waiting for her at all times.

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