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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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I'm just wondering when I checked SJ twitter like Donghae. Eunhyuk, Yesung & the rest they are following ladies and the elf does not mind at all. Just an example was Donghae and his partner in the drama Panda & Hedgehog they are both following each other on twitter, Yesung & Jiyeon who was rumored as couple are also following each other. Somehow when it comes to LT it is like a big deal for them when He followed Sora before and poor him also that he only follow SJ. If he really was a ladies man like what his image was shown he should not even care about people reaction of who he has to follow. He gets affected with the reactions or he is really shy on women.

One more observation I noticed is that LT has placed his baby picture in his twitter and after going to the army Sora decided to put her baby picture as her profile photo. If you observed Sora's personality she is quite sensitive person as well since she has some inferiority complex on her side such as her fatness, face since she told LT that she has sensitive skin that whenever she works late pimples came out on her face and her cheeks. If among us women ever happened the same scenario Sora has when she was been unfollowed by LT on twitter and losing his proposal ring after the tango practice. Don't you think you will feel upset about it and somehow you will unfollow the person as well, but that was not the case instead she is still following LT on twitter and I saw that she has unfollowed 1 person on twitter I just forgot the person. Before she was following 68 and these days she only has 67.

Therefore it means that LT has informed the unfollowing of her on twitter and also he might have explained the reason of the missing ring on LT. I'm just wondering why she never brought up the matter of the missing ring during those episodes they have neither of them has brought the ring topic. Don't tell me that she was not able to notice it. I remember on the restaurant LT even tried wearing Sora's ring on his finger why she never ask him that time.

How can LT ask her about the skirt she was wearing as a manager and her asking him about their couple ring.

What is behind that couple ring story as well? Also I remember LT said that he will try to look on Sora's image whenever there are things that makes him uncomfortable. If that was the case LT knows that in entertainment industry eventhough you don't want to do some things that makes you uncomfortable still you have to do in order to fit in your image the way the public wanted you to be.

If Leeteuk's image was a ladies man although he was not comfortable with it he has to stick on that image in order to maintain his populairty and being in SH his image was to become a ladies man. Just look on Khuhyun their maknae in SJ he told in Taxi ( a korean show ) that his image in public is his rudeness to people or they call him eveil maknae and somehow it gives him stress and pressure to maintain it although he did not wanted it.

That is the reason LT tried his best to respect Sora since she was an actress the image perceive before by the public was that she is strong and can be able to have a kiss on the program since she was doing it, but when they started the WGM both has went out oftheir way to show their real image..

Leeteuk as a shy, caring, loving and jealous person which is real and for Sora a shy,mature and smart personality she had shown in WGM. Eventhough LT has hinted a lot of times a kiss and skinship, Sora was able to avoid it by following the rule of WGM that they have to show their real self and for her skinship and kiss in WGM will be done by her on her own free will and not for the satisfaction of the PD nor the viewers since the show is about their real self. For the skinship and kiss done by both ...there was a true feelings involved and done by their own free will. Whatever they have done skinship or kiss this was not been instructed in the program that was the reason it took a lot of time for them to do it and for Sora it took her 4 months of separation only to realize the importance of LT on her life. What she has before when she was with him and what she has missed when he was not with her.....

This separation has given Sora a chance to look deeper on her feelings for LT and that she was able to answer him indirectly when she said in her letter as I quote "  I didn’t know how to express myself well. I felt like I just let time pass, not taking care of Oppa who was very busy. I wish I could have taken one more step" and this wish might be granted after 21 months of LT in the army. That chances she might have wanted will definitely be taken care of properly by LT.

Always remember it was only Sora he was able to ask for following him on twitter and for meeting her at Singapore. Whatever he has asked her she has done it for him, what more of keeping the relationship in order to avoid criticism for Sora when LT was not around to protect her.Eventhough SH episodes has made me sad at 1 point but seeing LT in WGM and remembering the words said by Sora's mom that LT is different whenever he is on the other program. I will just put my trust on him and accept the ladies man image he has shown in public since I already know him in a way he has shown himself in WGM. PJS is totally different from LT of SJ and for Boom's advice to him that he can be able to maintain his relationship even he is in the army, PJS can handle it well.

Sorry ladies for the long post...


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Guest gisellec

totally agree with you
, also in the episode of SH leeteuk leeteuk was not on many occasions, was park, and only silence makes us show that between sora and something more ....

thanks for your opinion, I really clarifies many doubts regarding this topic. I'm watching the Christmas episode last year and really all who know leeteuk say they had never seen him like that and that was the beginning of the relationship.

he himself said that he wanted sora knew him as the man park and not the celebrity.

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Guest gisellec

sora is aquarium, aquarium typically people are suspicious, because in our life and we always give much hope to receive the same, but almost always receive something happens that prevents the same way.

sora was afraid leeteuk life when she met said he knew many idols, because it seems to bring mysteries, to which Leeteuk had said no. was sincere at the time? to some extent I think that is apparently leeteuk is known for saying what he thinks. In the early chapters Leeteuk was obsessed to prove things, it was romantic, caring, loving. But there came a point where the person giving feel you want to receive, so his final words on Sora's feelings towards him.

sora always tried to leeteuk show his feelings, but the show was so concerned about her own who was not aware of the little things that she gave him, I think he felt too intimidated by it, I do not know that when he began to feel for her, I do not think he was lying when he told either that sora liked Shindong. but if we realize at the time that sora leeteuk cried for his mother continued to smile, a smile of concern. in episode 31 were half-smiles and smiles were sad, but we have seen many times leeteuk mourn at his concerts, these tears are surprising, losing something, and I think more distance to finish WGM knew what sora would have had with a turning point for their entry into the army.

leeteuk and sora admire that admiration might have become love, really see a sora decided, when he says @ shimaldita28, when they are apart for four months, but often sora had told him that she missed him, from there we see a leeteuk sora slower and a more decided. leeteuk could doubt that Sora was not interested, actually had his doubts and she sugmin. (It may seem that everything is a script) but leeteuk from the first chapter to the last showed signs and signs that a man is jealous by nature, so I do not doubt anything in this regard

Sora many times his voice broke, the nerves, the most important and I remember, in NAMI wishes with cards, with the gift of lingerie (his face) and the restaurant in Yeouido with leeteuk, sugmin and the girl's pale face, lol. sora although I take the subject very well, there are between leeteuk and she looks at the moment that will sugmin which reveal that the situation is not such a script as many think.

Forgive the post so long, but after seeing many times the chapters, there are always things you see through their words or gestures that demonstrate many of the things we think here. teuksora that is real.

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@shymaldita28 - something just caught my attention - the proposal ring!  Did somebody lose a ring?  Everyone were speculating this 'coz LT stopped wearing it.  He gave it Sora as he was preparing to give her a foot massage and it was clear he had it on his finger again as they were preparing to go to bedAnd the reason Sora had it as a necklace was because she's afraid she might lose it.  After that, I think both stopped wearing their rings.


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Guest gisellec

watching the Christmas episode, when he put the lie detector leeteuk, well in this case the two and although many people do not believe in these devices, I noticed something curious, the question of whether "you would like to marry your sora next life ", he replied" yes ", So far so good, it happens that the left detector said it was really your answer right side and it was a lie.

research on the sides of the body and emotions. according to the Sahaja Yoga says:

left sympathetic nervous system.
Location in hand: all left.
The first wish is our driving force, the power by which we exist and the root cause of our creation or search. The excitement stems from a desire that has not yet materialized. Therefore, the left is our emotional side.

The real and the most important quality is the left side to give us joy (anand), which is beyond the duality between happiness and pain. The Spirit is always in a state of joy. (Leeteuk said that happiness was something he felt being with sora).

On the left: find the heart and therefore we say that our deep emotions. Initially Indian and Asian perspectives relate it to the female, and is linked or identified as affective or emotional side. However, the emotions contained in this side only tabled to the family, specifically blood ties. It should be noted, that when we speak of family we refer mainly to parents, siblings and children and whose family later that cause significant emotional impact on the person due to presence and contact recurrence.

On the right side: find represented the social. Understanding by our friends significant social, school or learning environment or the workers, neighbors as age and finally to our partner, as the pair is the nearest significant comes from our friends and surroundings.

in theory this topic is because of studies, but the reality is that Leeteuk replied with the left that if he wanted to marry sora in his next life and he said from his emotional side, affective, from his heart

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viyra said:

@shymaldita28 - something just caught my attention - the proposal ring!  Did somebody lose a ring?  Everyone were speculating this 'coz LT stopped wearing it.  He gave it Sora as he was preparing to give her a foot massage and it was clear he had it on his finger again as they were preparing to go to bedAnd the reason Sora had it as a necklace was because she's afraid she might lose it.  After that, I think both stopped wearing their rings.


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shymaldita28 said: viyra said:

@shymaldita28 - something just caught my attention - the proposal ring!  Did somebody lose a ring?  Everyone were speculating this 'coz LT stopped wearing it.  He gave it Sora as he was preparing to give her a foot massage and it was clear he had it on his finger again as they were preparing to go to bedAnd the reason Sora had it as a necklace was because she's afraid she might lose it.  After that, I think both stopped wearing their rings.


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Lovers Super Junior What is the name of this program, which that picture from


 I hope view it
Anything wasted time until his return
I did not know Super Junior and I do not know this world
Seems I would become elf angle due Teuksora

Miss them and waiting for any drama to my love Sora


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shymaldita28 said:

viyra said:

@shymaldita28 - something just caught my attention - the proposal ring!  Did somebody lose a ring?  Everyone were speculating this 'coz LT stopped wearing it.  He gave it Sora as he was preparing to give her a foot massage and it was clear he had it on his finger again as they were preparing to go to bed.  And the reason Sora had it as a necklace was because she's afraid she might lose it.  After that, I think both stopped wearing their rings. 

@viyra only Leeteuk has stopped wearing the ring coz he might have lost it. For 4 months It has not missed but after they met we never saw the ring of LT

First off, I don't think LeeTeuk would be able to afford to lose a ring that has diamonds in it - I think, from FD's initial investigations, each ring cost more than $600; LeeTeuk is one who cherishes every single thing that concerns them both (the first note Sora sent him while at the school is one good example, along with the card when they went to the park with DongHae), so losing it would be impossible.  If you watch episode 22 again, at the end while they were fixing to lie down, there was this shiny thing on his left finger. 

Well, this is just my thought: I don't think he lost it. I think he just stopped wearing it because of two possibilities.

1) SME told him to stop wearing it to avoid speculations from the public regarding his relationship with uri Sora-ssi. I mean he is a super idol in Korea afterall, so he does have an image to uphold/keep.

or 2) He's keeping it safe, so that he won't lose it. Remember, they take it off when outside of WGM. If they put it on and take it off, there may be a chance they can lose it. Hence, he probably has it nicely safed and stored/stowed.

Now that I wrote the above, I think both reasons are plausible. I mean like @shymaldita28 and @viyra has indicated that if he really lost it, you think Sora will let it slide or let alone not noticing it? Nope, remember uri Sora-ssi is a very sensitive and careful observer. So I think PJS has told her the reason for not wearing the ring.

Well that's just my point of view. I trust PJS will not lose something so important, remember he kept Sora's white clock next to his bed on his nightstand too. :)

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lazyme2day said:




shymaldita28 said:<br />

<br />

viyra said:<br />


- something just caught my attention - the proposal ring!  Did somebody lose a ring?  Everyone were speculating this 'coz LT stopped wearing it.  He gave it Sora as he was preparing to give her a foot massage and it was clear he had it on his finger again as they were preparing to go to bed.  And the reason Sora had it as a necklace was because she's afraid she might lose it.  After that, I think both stopped wearing their rings. <br />

<br />

<br />

<br />


only Leeteuk has stopped wearing the ring coz he might have lost it. For 4 months It has not missed but after they met we never saw the ring of LT<br />

<br />

<br />

First off, I don't think LeeTeuk would be able to afford to lose a ring that has diamonds in it - I think, from FD's initial investigations, each ring cost more than $600; LeeTeuk is one who cherishes every single thing that concerns them both (the first note Sora sent him while at the school is one good example, along with the card when they went to the park with DongHae), so losing it would be impossible.  If you watch episode 22 again, at the end while they were fixing to lie down, there was this shiny thing on his left finger. 

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Hi dear FD's !!
Sharing new photos kkkk, i hope that like you ^^


690582690.jpgCredit: @Fuchoin_
cr: reneee (www.sup3rjunior.com)

class="entry-title" style="line-height: 1.3; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-style: inherit; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 50px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; outline-width: 0px; outline-style: initial; outline-color: initial; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; clear: both; "[FANTAKEN] Kang Sora at Vagina Monologue play
va3.jpgCre sepia0814  and loljysylve.blog.meCr: Kangsora.wordpress.com
All have a nice day~~

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I don't know if someone already post it or not..

I just want to share the Letter of Leeteuk...

This is the link...


I cant post it because on mobile now...


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Guest lallinachan

LEETEUK letter to his fans^^:
(oops! soorry @huey I didn't notice you already posted it!^^)


And thanks to @teukables for the translation (teukables said it's not 100% accurate because teuk's handriwriting is horrible, LOL):
Teuk's letter to fans:

To. The fan that I love! My everything(,) E.L.F..
I am Super Junior's Leeteuk!! Ah...now(,) I am soldier-in-training number 85(,) Park Jungsoo!!
Has everyone been well? I passed from Uijeongbu and is now doing well with brothers that are 10, 11 years younger than me at Baekmashin training centre.
From suju's leader to now(,) taking on a role as a company leader soldier in the army.
As expected(,) even at this place(,) I can feel the huge popularity!^-^
I had a lot of uneasiness and fear before coming in here but now that it's actually happening(,) it feels like its nothing
and also(,) thank you for the hand-written and internet letters! While reading the letters word by words clearly(,) its not once or twice that I had strong feelings. Thank you.
Its something that I am always thankful for. Even the day when I enlisted(,) there was a awesome crowd. As expected(,) the best!!
And also(,) from the 7th anniversary to the College Scholastic Ability exams. I am sorry that I couldn't take care of those one by one personally.
Do you know that the more I work(,) the more I want to meet you all? I miss doing the world tour with our members and being able to see the blue lightsticks and hearing the cheering sounds.
Ah! and also(,) the DVD that is selling in Japan is number one! and also(,) boys in city.
To the people awaiting to see my image(,) I am preparing so please anticipate!!
The end of year award ceremonies that are left(,) It would be good if everyone can smile brightly and end it well!
Really miss you and miss you and miss you and really want to see you see you see you
everyone...you have to be happy and healthy! Like it has been said that you don't smile because you are happy but because smiling is a happy thing..
Everyone(,) be well!! E.L.F-ya!! I love you...

From. leader teuk!! http://t.co/5vebVfep

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Guest smileagain2012


you don't smile because you are happy but because smiling is a happy thing..


I have no comment on the letter
Only a few tears
Then as promised myself with them
Waited with a smile

Smiled again


Really miss you and miss you and miss you and

really want to see you see you see you


:( :x :)>- =D> :)>-
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@lallinachan » its ok...

I'm in mobile right now so I can't post a picture so I hope someone post in...

And fortunately u did a good job...

Thanks to you to...

Btw Although he was far away but he did not forget to give us confidence that the V-sign is still valid ...

Maybe he hope we stiil and keep continue to support him with sora ...

Protect his other half...

He can be out of sight but near by heart...

Love and peace ^^

Huey is Coming LOL

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Guest noona1430269773

Fictional husband is a gentleman, We Got Married has no script

“He’ll create a lot of surprises, the character is good too, although he has debuted for quite a long time, but still maintains the very original dream, as the older generation of entertainment industry, he has a lot of places that one should learn from, very polite and gentleman, is the best husband.” When talking about her fictional husband Leeteuk, Kang So Ra revealed a shy smile. When asked if Leeteuk often tried to kiss her, Kang So Ra repeatedly said, “Really?” and looked down. Becoming a couple with idol star has also made Kang So Ra received a lot of pressure from fans. But he revealed, “The persons who support us surprisingly many, some time ago the program cannot be broadcast because of issue on the TV station, some had even felt pity for us.”

Later, Kang So Ra denied about ‘We Got Married 3 script issue’ that exposed previously. “There is no script, even the location is known only on the day of shooting. Normally, will begin filming right after setting up a camera. The sketch everybody casted doubt on previously basically was done when traveling.”

read more : http://kangsora.wordpress.com/category/interview/page/2/

Maybe this is kinda reposting old story,but i think it's worth reminder, reminisce uri sweet Sora thought on her beloved Jung Soo oppa (yeobong) ,and of course i strongly believe and all FDs agree every bit of WGM Teukso is priceless as i also believe both Jung soo and Sora have same sentiment with us, that WGM is the most precious unforgettable memory of their love life.

From the above extract of Sora interview, i noticed 3 interesting points:

1- Sora SHYly  smile while talking about her virtual husband teukie, and i could sense that she also blushed when asked about her yeobong teukie insisted kissing  from her.

2- Sora got antifans because of her idol husband teuk, but then the beloved husband comforted her by saying that despite the hates they also have a lots of supporters (TSL and obviously us FDs, i'm so happy knowing that DC teuk and sora appreciate and always notice their supporters, in which could maintain DC relationship, this love tandem will last long with the love they received from their fans like us).

3- Again the most amazing point to remember - WGM is NOT SCRIPTED - particularly WGM TeukSo eps.

 Most were genuine and spontaneously came from Park Jung Soo and Kang So Ra pure love and hearts. (Am i exaggerating things?call me bias, i don't mind if haters called me delusional or whateva! I believe and have faith with my instinct, a human instinct who always could sense true love vibes, i have this strong good feelings from the very beginning of my observation on TeukSo lovey dovey interaction throughout the show. 

I was accidentally watched WGM teukso eps, which at the first place wasn't my intention, (I actually looked for other series to watch, but i dunno why i eventually immersed with teukso. As how DC are destined together, the reason i myself got into teukso love story is also a destiny. I learn to love and appreciate the one i loved from DC. 

 Not forgotten, all FDs in this thread, i love all FDs accounts and arts, you guys/gals awesome!

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Guest lennycsn

Hi @noona . haven't greet you yet. Welcome to teukso thread. Your post made smile because i have the same encountered like you, accidentally found teukso and wgm while browsing for new korean drama. Until today i still believe in them because they gave me goosebumps with their stealing glances, role playing and even their simple yet meaningful conversation. I understand pjs better because he is close to some of my personality and sora just melt my heart. I have never supported any celebrities as much nor do i shipped any couple before . Even now i still grin from ear to ear whenever i rewatch any of their episodes.

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Guest noona1430269773

lennycsn said: Hi @noona . haven't greet you yet. Welcome to teukso thread. Your post made smile because i have the same encountered like you, accidentally found teukso and wgm while browsing for new korean drama. Until today i still believe in them because they gave me goosebumps with their stealing glances, role playing and even their simple yet meaningful conversation. I understand pjs better because he is close to some of my personality and sora just melt my heart. I have never supported any celebrities as much nor do i shipped any couple before . Even now i still grin from ear to ear whenever i rewatch any of their episodes.

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Guest noona1430269773

2ic4qiv.jpg' alt='2ic4qiv.jpg'>

have u see any similarity? Sora vintage flower motif dress with Park In Sung (leeteuk sis) dress.  I have something in my mind, when i first saw these pictures. oh my..,may be i failed to post the pic,my ignorant,i dunno hw to post pic here.

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