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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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DDAEBAKK!! and like how Sora says it -DDABONG!!!

That's how I wanted to describe everyone in this thread!!  You guys are awesome!  We just proved to intruders how united we are by defending our port from them, the enemies!

seems like the trolls did cause a lot of ruckus that even one of the REAL pioneers @alpenmori who hasn't been in here in a while suddenly appeared!

welcome to the newbies - appreciate all your posts!

welcome welcome back - @alpenmori & @hellokittymao!

@lazyme2day - my car looks so handsome now - shiny!  And I didn't take it to the carwash like DC did - I washed it myself!!


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@k_craze: Yes, TOP is manly but yet he has a very cute face. I listen to BigBang and GD&TOP.

@viyra: lol. I used to wash my car myself too and vacuum the inside as well, but then got lazy. lol. Did you "wax on...wax off" like the Karate Kid? lol. Sigh...I want to go to a car show. I haven't been to one ever since I started working.

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Guest ASerEt

@viyra Talking bout washing ur car manually, I think our TeukSo should have D.I.Y rather than go to the carwash then we can see how this two sexy love birds will look when they r both wet!! Lol delusion mode on again.... (omg soompi eat up my words again)

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Guest robinblue91

hellokittymao said: @viyra Talking bout washing ur car manually, I think our TeukSo should have D.I.Y rather than go to the carwash then we can see how this two sexy love birds will look when they r both wet!! Lol delusion mode on again.... (omg soompi eat up my words again)

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Guest malonowa

Hi all DC lovers.

I discovered K-Pop and dramas 3 months ago and it eventually lead me to our favourite WGM couple. I really enjoy the discussions and investigations here, and hope to be contributing soon too.

Counting the days until the next episode!

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Guest robinblue91

@hellokittymao: he sure is! he almost ends up proving that in every other episode... and as the nick name he got here wolf-teuk!

and oh ya! to all the new FDs, a warm welcome to forum! Keep spazzing and spreading love! kekekeke!

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Guest malonowa

This ahjuma now has to research BB. I only saw them last night on an old epi of Running Man. I have to add that from what I have seen there that TOP is very handsome indeed.

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Guest dee15

I really miss our DC. In 2 weeks what I do is only rewatching our DC from ep 1. Btw, for our intruder, you're very welcome, and what you said is very entertaining. One thing in my mind, maybe you are just jealous with us because we love DC very much. Call us delisional, but weather LT and SR is real or not, I knew exactly that they like each other. They didn't say it clear and loud, but their body language explained a lot. It so different if we saw another couple in WGM, some of them show their intimacy in superflous manner, that made us think that they just acting, but not with this couple, they are very natural. There are steps in their relationship. Before the strike episode is shown us how LT is trying so hard to get SR attention, after strike, they showed us that they realized that they need to be together. If it's only acting, so I thought LT is very good actor, but I knew, he can't act. And for SR, although she is an actrees, we can see her sincerity feeling for LT. 
Btw, LT new song is good and sad. Is it true that this song made before he meet SR? The lyrics is very touching and if he made this after he met SR, I am sure that SR was inspiration for him, althought he made it for ELF.

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Guest dee15

Btw guys, I just rewatch ep 13 of our DC. I don't know why, but I felt that LT is really serious to get their new house, like really prepering a new newlyweed house. U know why I said this, in other couples, MBC always gave them a clue when they really got their new house and they are directed to one of realty agent or suddenly they already got their new house. But for our DC, remember that LT said he already asked a realtor to find a house for them, and now realtor called him that thare's a house suitable for them, means that LT try to get a house by his own effort and pay it with his own money (see the realtor take a money from him). The other thing that made me think that LT really arrange his future (I hope with SR), he asked SR to choose all the furniture and also paid it with his own money. And another clue is some couples loosed their house because of the rent period (brave couple, woojung couple and adam couple), but not for our DC, I thought because LT really manage this house carefully.
Sorry for long posting, because I can't wait to see a new episode of our DC, that's why I started rewatching all of their previous episode. Call me delisional ahjuma, but I really love them ;)

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Guest lennycsn

Not sure how guys spend your time without DC for the last 2 weeks. but i was rereading and read old post alongside with rewatching all the episodes and found a few interesting things. one of it is that leeteuk kept on saying if they do this together there is possibility for them to fall in love. First one was his suggestion to feed each other and eating meat together will get them fall in love. second was the tango session in which he asked the dance teacher if dancing together would create higher chances for them to fall in love with each other. Now, when LT mentioned this in ep 3 i probably think he was totally smitten by sora and wanting to pursue sora at that instant. but to mention this during their reunion after 4 months without seeking each other, he still said the same thing. im amaze with his consistency. when he said that in ep 25, he wasnt joking at all but in casual tone. in other words, sora was on top of his mind all alonh. i suspect they communicate through text msgs during the strike period. But i could imagine how and what teukie"s text msgs looks like. it would be like what he wrote on the board in TvN "50 million questions" talkshow. if i were the women i would feel insecure and thought he probably not interested with me because its too polite!!! and thinking when he gonna make a move. :(|) sora did mention in the interview he is polite even with text msgs. luckily sora knew he is an introvert person and perhaps with SM helps, she made move to approach him. @janpyo i was about to make the same comment that by rewatching all episodes i realise it too it was like 2 different era or stages in their relationship. he was indeed like a school boy going after a girl that he first saw and in love at first sight. it is true that teukie feel comfortable with upon meeting her again as they reunited but got a bit shocked with their close proximity during tango session. he wanted it but his physical mysopobia betrayed him. LOL. I saw his manliness emerged during the feet massage scene. btw, the spy mv teaser is so cool! my mind kept on humming on that tune but i frown on husband teuk's middle parted hair style it reminds me of the 90s and my junior high school memories which all the boys got their haircut that way!

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Just dropping by to give my two cent in regarding to the post that was left by some passerby (two...or is it one person who was disguising as two) who promoted a huge discussion among fans. As everyone is entitle to their own opinion, I will respect your opinion and your preference. However, I hope you have the same level of respectability that many of the fans of Teukso have for you by cordially inviting you to refrain from posting anything negative that will turn this peaceful and loving forum into one with chaotic and unfriendly environment. 
As for the song "Only You," I also believe that it is written for ELF. However, whether LeeTeuk has Sora in his mind of not--pardon me for using Sungmin's word--only those two will know. LeeTeuk has voiced that this song was written for ELF...there is no doubt about it. However, was Sora an inspiration for some part of his composition: for that question we will never know unless Leeteuk admits it himself (which I highly doubt he will every admit even if it is true because he will be hurting a lot of ELF by admitting to it). 
As for being delusional, please don't be afraid we will be delusional. Although most of us have stated that we are being delusional, each one of us are rational beings. Many of us have weighted all the possibility and have considered that Leeteuk and Sora might just end up as friends or acquaintances in the future, but we have all agree to support this couple because we like them. The rationale is there, so if you are concern that we are going to be too irrational, you don't have to worry about it. And...thank you for your concern. 
Now, my question is, if Leeteuk really doesn't have any interest in Sora and they are only "acting for a show," then why does Leeteuk has to mention Sora outside of WGM so many times? You see...I can't understand why he has to mention Sora in Sukira so many times, and he even requested to have Sora called (he was the first to suggest it and then Shindong second his suggestion). This is SJ's only talk show...it has nothing to do with WGM. Why bring up Sora? Remember, at that time, there are still a lot of people who do not like Sora at that time for being Leeteuk's wife. Why bring her up when he is not filming for WGM when he knows he will have backlash from his fans? Please enlighten me. 
Okay...so you might say Leeteuk is doing this for the show...then what about Ryeowook and Sungmin. They mentioned about the authenticity of Sora and Leeteuk's relationship during their radio broadcast. Leeteuk wasn't there. Remember, SJ brothers are close knitted...why would Ryeowook (who isn't part of the Fighting Junior) be interested in their relationship, if Leeteuk is already dating someone else, as you have claimed? Won't Ryeowook know Leeteuk would have been in a relationship for three years? He doesn't need to bring up Sora, but he did, and it goes to show even he thinks that there are something going on between Sora and Leeteuk. If not, he at least noticed there is a strong attraction. 
Finally, Leeteuk mentioned he would like to have Sora send him off when he enlist. Why make such a statement about having her sending him off? Is it for WGM? If it is so, his the first part of his statement, when he mentioned he was sincerely treating her "his only one," is sufficient enough for his answer for WGM. It was not necessary for him to request that Sora sends him off. It makes no logical sense to say something that will provoke his fans dislike even if he said it would be right for a "wife" to send of her "husband." Remember, Leeteuk upsets many of his fans by giving Sora a ring during SS4 concert in Seoul (many fans have said it was wrong of him to do this when it was a time for him and ELF). His enlistment should be between his love ones, SJ brother, and ELF. Why include Sora if she is only his "business partner" in WGM? Why incur the wrath of his fans again by including Sora in an event that is supposed to be special between Leeteuk's fan, family, and brothers? 
The answer is relatively simple...it is because Sora is someone important to him. She might be the girl that Leeteuk mentioned in Strong Heart...or she might not. Nobody knows, but his statement in the press conference at least solidify that Sora is someone important in his heart. And I go back to what Sungmin said...only the both of them will know whether their relationship is true or not. 
Sorry for the long post. Hope the forum will not erase my post. 

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Hello FD's... i didnt visit the thread for 3 days, and then there's an intruder :-w but thanks to them, it only proves that FD's are united bound by love for our DC :x just wanna thank all FD's!! loveyahall!!
btw, i really love ONLY U...im having goosebumps everytime i listen to the song..it has full of meanings (totally believe that it is for Sora ♥♥♥)
and i wanna share this fmv i made for the couple.. i just love the wedding photoshoot so much.. kekeke ^_^hope youll like it!!!

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i really dont get it why i should bothers with others thougth about my delusional or not for this lovely couple...we all mature enough to know that WGM only for the show. 
And why i love this forum because we have the same tought n many..many..many love for this couple. PJS not an actor but from i saw his reaction from first episode...his eyes tells me everything, his body languange show his happines n satisfaction knowing that KS is his bride.....for 300th day seeing each other, sharing n caring..richard simmons if there is no 'something happen' between them...
N i dont want to think that PJS have talent in acting! I love my delusional cause it makes me HAPPY...really HAPPY... all day just think about their akwardness n their relationship progress week after week. N you know, their also give me a positive vibe for my relationship with my hubby...now this old ahjumma became more romantic n always smile...so i feel young again because of them....soooo why bother!!!!!! Lets FDDs n fighting all Teukso lovers....

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Guest nine09

Hi, i am new here. I love dc so much and love to read all of your post in this forum. Thank you so much..! 
Really can't wait for the next episode. ^^

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