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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest lallinachan

here's the link to ktr sukira where sungmin mentioned sis-in-law

starts @1.54

wook: sungmin ssi...yesterday was ur b'day

min: yes

wook: who gave you b'day wishes?

min: b'day wish? our members...and also kangsora sis in law

wook: she even gave you cake...kangsora ssi really...likes sungmin

min+wook: hahahahahhaa

min: kangsora ssi thank you, because of ur cake, my skin becomes better

credit:WEIBO: LIV單戀晟敏 + 阿飄_雞血腦殘真敏飯]]+ youtube:lovejc321


and here's the photo taken for today's shooting.

Thanks!!! I wanted to see that! I guess around 0.40 they are talking abaut the caking done by teukie^^

maybe you or silvershine.bells can tell us more abaut it?

WAH! thanks for the photo too!! They are eating again LOL!

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Guest kiminaeka

Question... to this thread's readers

The reason I posted so much Leeteuk's individual material was that when I first started to post in this thread, (page 40 ish? seems like eons ago. lol), it was a lot slower than this, and the reason I got out of lurk mode in the first place for the first time since I've known soompi (before 2008 in case ur wondering from my joined date. lol. i feel old) was because I couldnt stand to watch the thread dwindle. I loved teukso too much for that. Even as an ELF, I didnt go out of lurk mode for SJ's thread. lol. I asked the people then present, whether they would mind me posting updates about Leeteuk and Sora's individually in addition to their couple updates, and most people then showed interest in learning more about teukie, and said it was fine to post individual activities.

However, the thread has obviously evolved (yay!!!!) for the better, and faster, and my initial reason to go out of lurk mode no longer is. The population here also evolved. And I'm seeing lots of people expressing the sentiments that there's too many leeteuk's goodies. So i'm renewing my "survey"... would all of you still want me to continue posting leeteuk's individual activities updates, or would you rather not, keeping in  mind that unlike before, many more people besides myself are giving updates. I'm fine with either way. I enjoy sharing, but not if people aren't interested, especially when I dont have the luxury of time.  

I'll just read the comments when I return to this thread in several hours, and follow suit according to the general response. If the minority ends up being the ones who are interested in individual leeteuk activities, I'll just guide you guys to some sites so that you can get them on your own, without need for my compilation posts.

"poll" open... cheers. ^^

it's ok for me if u share about Leeteuk's individual or SuJu, i love all your posts... i love SuJu, i love Teuk & i love Sora biggrin.gif as long it related to SuJu & Sora i think it's ok to post here...

I like the idea of giving us shippers a name.. Like Adam Couple shippers call ourselves kkapliners..

Borrowed what @silvershine.bells has used earlier. dimples!  Sorry silvershine.bell, that I have cut your post.

agreee, dimples is good! *hope after that i suddenly will have a dimple too... LOL tongue.gif

here's the link to ktr sukira where sungmin mentioned sis-in-law

starts @1.54

wook: sungmin ssi...yesterday was ur b'day

min: yes

wook: who gave you b'day wishes?

min: b'day wish? our members...and also kangsora sis in law

wook: she even gave you cake...kangsora ssi really...likes sungmin 

min+wook: hahahahahhaa

min: kangsora ssi thank you, because of ur cake, my skin becomes better

credit:WEIBO: LIV單戀晟敏 + 阿飄_雞血腦殘真敏飯]]+ youtube:lovejc321


and here's the photo taken for today's shooting.

thanks for your youtube link & photo... ohh i want to see what is Sora wears today for her date... blush.gif

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The thread would not move so fast if we only talk about the moments in the show. I just want more of Sora hahaha Also we have to remember that this thread is for the couple so the things we post has to be couple related. A moderator put up a warning in WJ thread because we were posting to much about their individual activities without linking them with the couple itself.

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The thread would not move so fast if we only talk about the moments in the show. I just want more of Sora hahaha Also we have to remember that this thread is for the couple so the things we post has to be couple related. A moderator put up a warning in WJ thread because we were posting to much about their individual activities without linking them with the couple itself.

LOL. I was waiting for someone to mentioned about this. The thread is slowly straying away from what is it created for. Although no harm done by showing Super Junior information or photos, but do it with discretion please. That is the reason why i posted whether we have our own dedicated Super Junior thread.

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Yes. I agreed. Please post alot about Leeteuk and Sora as well as SUJU. akane_trans post let me very immense with SUJU n i really like Leeteuk personality.I dont care good and bad things about him. I love to know everything about them becoz i believe no one is prefect in this world. I become lee teuk biased and i really observed leeteuk in alot in variety show and his behavior totally different compared to WGM. Leeteuk also state he want became love expert but after test,he actually just a beginner in love. So, he like to show off to other that he very good in everything but eventually he not really good at certain part. I like him alot. That only my opinion.

SO PLEASE! Just continue post everything related lee teuk and kangsora. DIMPLES DAEBAK! ^_^

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Guest lallinachan

oh wow... what a strong response.. :o

i have several pages to catch up to (for later on) so I didnt see the post you replied to except for in your reply... I dont know if some part of it was cut or not but oh well..since I am too crunched up in terms of time to search for it, and I dont want to answer without knowing the full story,  I will just address the issue in general and address the topic broadly, and not just about what an6e7ic said.

[edit: since my comment is so long, I decided to give a title to paragraphs to make my point easier to grasp.)

Female bond, and antipathy towards male

To be honest, I'm not surprised by the fact that an6e7ic felt uncomfortable and insecure about leeteuk's sincerity or intentions. First, I assume most of DC'ers and wgm watchers in general are female... and I guess it's normal for girls to feel more emphatic or sympathetic towards another girl, especially one as likeable as Sora, while being more easily defensive towards males, and taking sides, especially when women either consciously, or subconsciously expect the possibility that most men can be too loose, or too easy with other women.


Also, even as an ELF, even though I feel like I know him enough to trust my instinct, even though I've repeatedly said that I truly believe Leeteuk's behavior towards Sora during many moments, to not be his usual "flirty," uh "smooth talker" or let's say "nice" behavior towards females in general, in that his reactions to her are sometimes very natural, spontaneous, or out of his control (which he would still have possessed even when he would playfully be nice to other girls....) Despite all of that, and believing that his liking and attraction to Sora to be genuine, I have to admit that while watching the special part 2 episode, I was finally swayed into doubting myself. So no wonder an6e7ic had doubts as well.

1st revelation: Leeteuk is nice to girls

But because I was annoyed with myself for doubting, and didn't like what it meant... I thought about it in the back of my head the whole day today... and i finally had my peace of mind restored.  First, I always knew that Teukie was nice to girls, and actually liked girls (in that non-platonic way) and tended to be giddy about them (as would many men. lol.), and that girls tended to like him too and find him approachable (examples just in wgm of how comfortable girls are with him (notice I only said comfortable) are limited. but still, if you remember episode one, during the invitation cards scene with kara, and sistar, and gna, or during his LA self cam with snsd members, or how eunjung called him oppa so comfortably, you can see that he tends to have a rather friendly, comfortable, if not close rapport with many girls).  So sungmin's first part of his revelation wasn't surprising to me as an ELF. Nor was bae ki sung's revelation, or soyeon's comment about teukie having girls' group phone numbers, or being not interested in the males' phone numbers, or him being nice to girls (plus, i got the impression that they didnt give the chance for the full story to be told). Perfectly normal behavior for an unattached guy to have, imo. If anything, that's exactly how Fighting Junior are behaving right now. lol.

2nd Revelation: He's as nice to Sora...??

So that wasn't what made me doubt. What DID made me doubt, was sungmin's second part of his comment, saying that teukie is nice to sora, and he's nice to other girls too. It somehow implied that his treatment to Sora is the same treatment he gives to all girls. That, on top of all the other worries I had beforehand about how strong teukie's feelings for Sora might be knowing that he can  be rather controlled about his emotions at times, made me doubt. The issue here for me isn't whether or not he's nice to plenty of girls, including Sora as well, but whether or not his niceness to Sora is DIFFERENT from his niceness to other girls. And when I finally was able to distinguish those two points, it just clicked in my head and made me feel a whole lot better. ^^

2nd Revel: Part A - Fanboying

Because my answer is YES, he is different with Sora than he is with other girls, EVEN the girls he liked as a fanboy and have interacted with (girl's day, apink, eugene, and even han ga in). With them, even though he also gives a very excited response, it is clearly more that of a fanboy than of a boyfriend, unlike his reactions to Sora, which are as uncontrolled as a fanboy, but also mixed with behaviors a boyfriend would have. (I might be giddy for Super Junior, but my giddiness differs from one I would feel for a boyfriend, if I make any sense).

2nd Revel: Part B - Other girls

As for the other girls he is with, even though he's nice to them, and despite his tendency for flirting playfully to tease, it is clear that his niceness is different. His behavior towards them is very calm, or with full control of oneself, his flirting, rather non spontaneous, confident (since both parties knows it's not serious) and frivolous. However, with Sora, a lot of time, his reactions to her are definitely spontaneous, and rather go off "script" from what he originally intended to behave, which is not uncollected, and uncool. His, uh, can we even call it flirting?... completely clumsy and embarrassed.

2nd Revel: Part C - Testaments from his acquaintances and friends

Furthermore, I thought of all the instances where people who knew him for a long time behind the scenes, commented about his odd behavior when he's with Sora (and those are only from the top of my head, there's probably more):

Super Junior members, with Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk saying he was behaving like a crazy guy, and Kyuhyun clearly not used to his leader making a total fool of himself over a girl,

the studio MC's and guests (with whom Teukie  have interacted with for the past 6 years) being surprised to see Teukie being so different and saying that they are seeing a new side of him they haven't seen before, being clumsy and shy and all that,

and even Eunjung from T-ara (who probably have seen him as many times as t-ara soyeon who commented about witnessing him being nice) said at the beginning of the christmas special part 1 that his blushing was so interesting to watch because she's never seen him like this.

So did the two sowon brave couple confirm. From they way they talked to him in that first room, it looked like they knew him at least a bit to talk familiarly with him, and they also said that he acted bizarre and they never saw him like this.

Even Sungmin, who pushed him under the bus (lol. im thinking the caking was a revenge for this... XD) said he didn't see teukie holdiing hands before like he does with Sora.

Final revelation?

conclusion from all of that is that, regardless of whether or not he's behaving with sora the same way he has behaved with his past girlfriends, it is clear that it is at least different from how he behaves with, and treats all the other girls he's "nice with." And that the way he's being nice to Sora is at least partially different from how he is nice with other girls, whatever that fact may imply.

My issue for this episode is solved. Hope this helped do the same for some of you as well.

(and wae do my posts always end up a lot longer than i ever planned them to be?? another sleepless night ahead I see... T_T)

*_* thankyou for your long and interesting post! I love the way you can analyse teukie into that same things I keep thinking of. I had the same worries after Sungmin playful game. But as you said, some things he said were known, so I was wondering abaut the same matter: is he treating also the other girls the same way?? because all the things I saw abaut him in other show/occasions, were abaut a totally different teukie. That's why watching DC since the first episode I was totally taken aback. He was showing a new side of him, that was noticed not only by my eyes, but also the MCs (and most of DC shippers) and later by Fighting juniors. So, that playful phrase of Sungmin were nagging a bit my head. Your reasoning helped me seeing it in a different light. I know I should not expect to much from them, since it's a show... still I'm glad I can keep hoping ;)

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Guest Zee_933

Hey Everyone:)


I'm new around here and have followed this couple from day one. I thought maybe I should contribute a bit in making the 100 pages before their 100 days.

I must say that I have been quite surprised at the comments about Leeteuk coming from ELF and people questioning his intentions and whether or not he is being genuine. I myself am not an ELF and never really loved nor hated Leeteuk before watching WGM, I just found 'MC Teuk' kinda irritating. I gave this couple a chance and they have becomeone of my favourite couples to date on the show. I find that the two of them have undeniable chemistry on camera that really work and make them likable.

I think Leeteuk has always been fond of girls and very friendly towards them [Park Barem? isn't that his nickname within SM Entertainment?]. So hearing stuff

like that he "collects" girls numbers and stuff not so surprising and so what actually...? He is in the entertainment industry where networking is a must. Some might say that why doesn't he then also give his number out to guys, maybe he isn't as comfortable with guys as he is with girls...?[just pure speculation] The fact that he dated in secret isn't new news but i would actually find it quite strange if he hadn't dated at all. Even though he is an idol, he is still a person who

goes through all the same emotions as all of us.

My only concern about this couple was that they seem very real on camera. The reason why I prefer Leeteuk on WGM is because he isn't as poised and practiced as other times and rather then seeming like a well spoken celebrity idol he seems like a genuine person in love[ not that he isn't a person at

other times, it's just that he doesn't come off as rehearsed]. Sora seems like a very down to earth person. Even though she is an actress doing a reality/variety show is very new for her so a lot of her actions are still very innocent because she isn't very experinced with relationships.

So basically I was concerned that because she is so inexperienced all and because Leeteuk is such a romantic that it would be hard not to develope feelings. And actually also with Leeteuk, he seems like a hopeless romantic that could easily fall in love. This is his one opportunity in years

to be openly affectionate with someone and he could easily get swept up into the romance of it all.

I really hope the two of them the best of luck, because the worst would be a one sided love affair...

The thing that really made me feel reassured about everything was the moment when Leeteuk was court sending a secret message to Sora. To me it seemed more like an opportunistic moment for WGM producers to catch that moment. Leeteuk seemed very uncharacteristic and serious to his normal giddy tv persona.

To me the look in his eye was so weird that all i think of was that Leeteuk as his true self was looking out for Sora.

The reason i felt reassured was because it was confirmation that they have their own little understanding about their relationship and that they were supporting each other through  it.

Whether or not they really have feelings for each other is a different story and we will never know unless they officially start dating and announce it.

I am excited for this couple and think instead of worrying about their personal lives with each other anymore we should just enjoy their time together on TV.

Sorry if my opinion on the couple[ or the individual people] offended anybody, i know we all have our own take on this couple and I just though it would be cool to express mine:)

>>Naming of the Dimple Couple Shippers

I think who ever suggested the Dimples that it is really cute.

@ szillion

I always wondered why WGM only seemed to show Fighting Junior and not the rest of Super Junior and this might be the reason. I remember when Kangin was married they allowed the whole group equal face time whereas now its different.

It would be kinda cool if the spin off is with them.

There was something similar before with U-Kiss and Girls Day... I think it was called We Are Dating or something like that. I dunno if it was the same producers as WGM or not.

Happy New Years to all!

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Guest ASerEt

[Full Audio] Super Junior LeeTeuk ft Shinee Key - Bravo [salaryman OST Part 2]

Check out this video on YouTube:

Sent from my iPhone

Credits to owner of video.

Super Junior‘s Leeteuk and SHINee‘s Key have teamed up to deliver an OST track for SBS‘s hit drama, ‘Salaryman Cho Han Ji‘!

Released on January 3rd, the SM labelmates’ pop song is called “Bravo“. It’s a refreshing track meant to encourage the listener to overcome all the difficulties and obstacles in their way in order to chase down their dream.

Credits to allkpop news

Allkpop news link

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Guest xianlie90

Female bond, and antipathy towards male

To  be honest, I'm not surprised by the fact that an6e7ic felt  uncomfortable and insecure about leeteuk's sincerity or intentions.  First, I assume most of DC'ers and wgm watchers in general are female...  and I guess it's normal for girls to feel more emphatic or sympathetic  towards another girl, especially one as likeable as Sora, while being  more easily defensive towards males, and taking sides, especially when  women either consciously, or subconsciously expect the possibility that  most men can be too loose, or too easy with other women.


Also,  even as an ELF, even though I feel like I know him enough to trust my  instinct, even though I've repeatedly said that I truly believe  Leeteuk's behavior towards Sora during many moments, to not be his usual  "flirty," uh "smooth talker" or let's say "nice" behavior towards  females in general, in that his reactions to her are sometimes very  natural, spontaneous, or out of his control (which he would still have  possessed even when he would playfully be nice to other girls....)  Despite all of that, and believing that his liking and attraction to  Sora to be genuine, I have to admit that while watching the special part  2 episode, I was finally swayed into doubting myself. So no wonder  an6e7ic had doubts as well.

1st revelation: Leeteuk is nice to girls

But  because I was annoyed with myself for doubting, and didn't like what it  meant... I thought about it in the back of my head the whole day  today... and i finally had my peace of mind restored.  First, I always  knew that Teukie was nice to girls, and actually liked girls (in that  non-platonic way) and tended to be giddy about them (as would many men.  lol.), and that girls tended to like him too and find him approachable  (examples just in wgm of how comfortable girls are with him (notice I  only said comfortable) are limited. but still, if you remember episode  one, during the invitation cards scene with kara, and sistar, and gna,  or during his LA self cam with snsd members, or how eunjung called him  oppa so comfortably, you can see that he tends to have a rather  friendly, comfortable, if not close rapport with many girls).  So  sungmin's first part of his revelation wasn't surprising to me as an  ELF. Nor was bae ki sung's revelation, or soyeon's comment about teukie  having girls' group phone numbers, or being not interested in the males'  phone numbers, or him being nice to girls (plus, i got the impression  that they didnt give the chance for the full story to be told).  Perfectly normal behavior for an unattached guy to have, imo. If  anything, that's exactly how Fighting Junior are behaving right now.  lol.

2nd Revelation: He's as nice to Sora...??

So that  wasn't what made me doubt. What DID made me doubt, was sungmin's second  part of his comment, saying that teukie is nice to sora, and he's nice  to other girls too. It somehow implied that his treatment to Sora is the  same treatment he gives to all girls. That, on top of all the other  worries I had beforehand about how strong teukie's feelings for Sora  might be knowing that he can  be rather controlled about his emotions at  times, made me doubt. The issue here for me isn't whether or not he's  nice to plenty of girls, including Sora as well, but whether or not his  niceness to Sora is DIFFERENT from his niceness to other girls. And when  I finally was able to distinguish those two points, it just clicked in  my head and made me feel a whole lot better. ^^

2nd Revel: Part A - Fanboying

Because  my answer is YES, he is different with Sora than he is with other  girls, EVEN the girls he liked as a fanboy and have interacted with  (girl's day, apink, eugene, and even han ga in). With them, even though  he also gives a very excited response, it is clearly more that of a  fanboy than of a boyfriend, unlike his reactions to Sora, which are as  uncontrolled as a fanboy, but also mixed with behaviors a boyfriend  would have. (I might be giddy for Super Junior, but my giddiness differs  from one I would feel for a boyfriend, if I make any sense).

2nd Revel: Part B - Other girls

  As for the other girls he is with, even though he's nice to them, and  despite his tendency for flirting playfully to tease, it is clear that  his niceness is different. His behavior towards them is very calm, or  with full control of oneself, his flirting, rather non spontaneous,  confident (since both parties knows it's not serious) and frivolous.  However, with Sora, a lot of time, his reactions to her are definitely  spontaneous, and rather go off "script" from what he originally intended  to behave, which is not uncollected, and uncool. His, uh, can we even  call it flirting?... completely clumsy and embarrassed.

2nd Revel: Part C - Testaments from his acquaintances and friends

  Furthermore, I thought of all the instances where people who knew him  for a long time behind the scenes, commented about his odd behavior when  he's with Sora (and those are only from the top of my head, there's  probably more):

Super Junior members, with Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk saying  he was behaving like a crazy guy, and Kyuhyun clearly not used to his  leader making a total fool of himself over a girl,

the studio MC's  and guests (with whom Teukie  have interacted with for the past 6 years)  being surprised to see Teukie being so different and saying that they  are seeing a new side of him they haven't seen before, being clumsy and  shy and all that,

and even Eunjung from T-ara (who probably have  seen him as many times as t-ara soyeon who commented about witnessing  him being nice) said at the beginning of the christmas special part 1  that his blushing was so interesting to watch because she's never seen  him like this.

So did the two sowon brave couple confirm. From they  way they talked to him in that first room, it looked like they knew him  at least a bit to talk familiarly with him, and they also said that he  acted bizarre and they never saw him like this.

Even Sungmin, who  pushed him under the bus (lol. im thinking the caking was a revenge for  this... XD) said he didn't see teukie holdiing hands before like he does  with Sora.

Final revelation?

conclusion from all of that  is that, regardless of whether or not he's behaving with sora the same  way he has behaved with his past girlfriends, it is clear that it is at  least different from how he behaves with, and treats all the other girls  he's "nice with." And that the way he's being nice to Sora is at least  partially different from how he is nice with other girls, whatever that  fact may imply.

My issue for this episode is solved. Hope this helped do the same for some of you as well.

whoa... akane_tran ! i had nothing to say anymore! *salute* :lol:love your explanation about this.. really make my heart feel better~^^

guys,  i think we need a nickname to our lovely Dimple Couple's shipper. Maybe  we can launch our name when we celebrate 100 days dimple couple  anniversary... For example Yongseo shipper, they were named GOGUMAS. Maybe  after we have nickname, we can be more like family, happy family... i'm  not really creative about this stuff. Can we all give our opinion?*quoted image**quoted image**quoted image*

I agree with everyone here, DIMPLES sounds great~ but something popping in my head just now.. how if we put something in front of "Dimples"? *coz it kinda looks like we're copying "Gogumas" ~~kkk just my thought >_< no offense everyone~*

and since we have Fighting Junior (who appear whenever there is awkwardness, LOL) how about....... FIGHTING DIMPLES (we  appear to support Dimple Couple??? :lol: anyone with me? :)

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As the only person now posting on the Hwanyobi soompi thread(sad I know LOL) I would like to say that when there is no info out on one of them i have no choice but to post on individuals. I think if you post pics of Leeteuk or Sora and provide some sort of insight into it like Leeteuk smiling hugely it's okay. Fighting junior Super Junior members are fair to post on since they are part of the coupledom from episode 1. Whenever a post is made with fighting junior there is always a DC connection so that is fine. Also I think those who post on this thread are the fans of the couple moreso than anything else so it is just us trying to find what is going on in their lives right now that we take any info found and post it. I love seeing Leeteuk pics. I think some of the threads that have been cited/warned by soompi in the past were for stuff like writing off topic, quoting images,and not writing more than a sentence.

It's basically all common sense...let's just post and enjoy reading each others comments. I really enjoy this thread because it is full of positivity so let's keep it that way.

Is there a timeline of tapings for WGM? I would really love to see when they taped the Christmas special,when the call on sstp was etc...to see how they are progressing outside WGM. i had started doing one just from dates on YT videos...I'll try and find where it is

and maybe everyone can help make it up to date.

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Guest lallinachan

I agree with everyone here, DIMPLES sounds great~ but something popping in my head just now.. how if we put something in front of "Dimples"? *coz it kinda looks like we're copying "Gogumas" ~~kkk just my thought >_< no offense everyone~*

and since we have Fighting Junior (who appear whenever there is awkwardness, LOL) how about....... FIGHTING DIMPLES (we  appear to support Dimple Couple??? :lol: anyone with me? :)

Gosh!! Yes! Fighting Dimples it's an awsome idea!

@hellokittymao: Woah! This song is sooo addicting!!... can I tell that I think Teukie's voice is more melting than usual? well, I wonder if now Sora will add "Voice" to what she thinks is sexy abaut him!!:wub:

Do you think he will perform on Inkigayo/Music Bank? Maybe Sora will be able to cheer for him with a blue baloon like she said in WGM^^

Hope she will reply him by twitter and congratulate him (he really need to be complimented, he is feeling depressed abaut his age...he really shouldn't worry abaut that!) lol

Is there a timeline of  tapings for WGM? I would really love to see when they taped the  Christmas special,when the call on sstp was etc...to see how they are  progressing outside WGM. i had started doing one just from dates on YT  videos...I'll try and find where it is

and maybe everyone can help make it up to date.

Yes! I'm working on it, but you all can add if you have more info^^


111001  (making of) episode 1-2-3





111006 (making of) episode 4-5


111008 (air)------- episode 1






111014 sukira: talk abaut Sora

111015  (air)------- episode 2

111016 sukira: (LT) abaut liking WGM a lot

            sukira: "a human heart became strange in WGM"



111019 sukira: LT likes actress Kang Sora-ssi the best, and sing "sunny"

           (making of) episode 6-7


111021 sukira: talk abaut asking phone numbers to the ladies

111022 SM Town NYC

            (air)------- episode 3

111023 SM town NYC

            sukira: feeling jealous when the wife talk with some other guy

111026 twitter LT: poetry(?) abaut love



111029 twitter LT: missing/wanting to watch WGM


111031 twitter sora foto

111101 strong heart: LT talk abate past love

111102 (making of) episode 8

111103 twitter LT: restless and lonely (deleted)

            sukira: LT using computer to look at Sora's pictures

111104 twitter:changing hair style

111105 (air)-------- episode 4

111106 sukira: abate Sora having broadcast and the staff is missing her

           (maybe) DJ kang sora


111108 sukira: if Sora came to Sukira, LT would sing "Hello"





111112 (air)-------- episode 5






111118 (making of) episode 9 (???)

111119 SUPERSHOW4 (parody sunny)

           (air)-------- episode 6


           (making of) episode 10

111121 sukira: talk abaut watching the solo performance of SS4

111122 interview to Kang Sora (maybe it was made before)



111125 twitter LT/sora : LT is a fan of Sora

            (air)---------episode 7

111126 twitter sora reply to LT

            twitter LT reply: abaut meeting in Singapore + asking Sora to follow his twitter

            MOA concert taiwan mission2 (double victory sign)

111127 twitter LT: members and his heart is in Singapore

            blue dress for LT

111128 twitter LT/sora --->sleepy

111129 twitter sora/LT : "fighting for SuJu performance"

            interview on red carpet

            MAMA (fancam abaut their brief meeting after SuJu perf.)

            They probably meet at the AfterParty

111130 twitter LT ask again to be followed--> Sora follow!


111202 (air)-------- episode 8


111204 twitter sora ambiguous "I love you"


111206 twitter sora- twitter LT








111214 twitter santa u are the one

111215 (making of) episode special (episode 11-12)

111216 twitter sora/ LT  -in a day from 16 to 30 (exept 24-25-28) was made episode 13 (house)





111221 Sora calls LT on SSTP!



111224 (air)------episode special (part I)




111228 rearshal MBC Gayo Daejun (photo- preview)



111231 (air)----- episode special (part II)

           MBC Gayo Daejun: LT/Sora are MC

120103 (making of) episode 14 ( bakery?)

            BLIND DATES for FJ

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Guest bulkgoguma

Xianlee90, i love we are named FIGHTING DIMPLES. I AGREE!!!!!!biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifcool.gif

I really love this thread. This is the place that we discussing about how much we crazy about dimple couple. that's okay if we have different opinion because we are from different country and culture... so, love your life.... FIGHTING DIMPELS (w00t.gifw00t.gif i really love this name)

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hi.. i'm actually a newbie regarding this WGM program. never have interest in watching them before. but i start watching this program only this year. i love dimple couple the most and i like sowon couple as well. anyway, from the preview for this week episode, leeteuk & sora already buy a house. i've been waiting for this & excited bout it. anyway i'm wondering " when they bought this house - ARE THE COUPLE ACTUALLY REALLY LIVE TOGETHER UNTIL THE END OF THIS PROGRAM ? i mean live like a real husband n wife under one roof everyday?

sorry for asking this stupid question but i'm really curious though. blush.gif

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hi.. i'm actually a newbie regarding this WGM program. never have interest in watching them before. but i start watching this program only this year. i love dimple couple the most and i like sowon couple as well. anyway, from the preview for this week episode, leeteuk & sora already buy a house. i've been waiting for this & excited bout it. anyway i'm wondering " when they bought this house - ARE THE COUPLE ACTUALLY REALLY LIVE TOGETHER UNTIL THE END OF THIS PROGRAM ? i mean live like a real husband n wife under one roof everyday? sorry for asking this stupid question but i'm really curious though.  blush.gif

Dont worry. It is not a stupid question. We are here to learn

The show provides them a temporary house for them to stay during filming. But they dont stay there as per say. Once filming's done, they return to their dorm. From what i have seen from all the shows, be it Adam, Khuntoria etc etc, they filmed once a week.

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The thread would not move so fast if we only talk about the moments in the show. I just want more of Sora hahaha Also we have to remember that this thread is for the couple so the things we post has to be couple related. A moderator put up a warning in WJ thread because we were posting to much about their individual activities without linking them with the couple itself.

this is exactly what I was thinking when I posted/replied to something that I consider out of our reasons for being here - this is a thread for Dimple Couple - and everything we discuss here has to do something with both of them.

As a fan of LeeTeuk and Kang Sora, not as individuals but as a couple in WGM, I focus only on everything I see on them that makes me smile. It makes me sad when I read that LeeTeuk's past is being discussed; and then earning bad points from some people. This is a thread for us to discuss what we observe on the couple during their stint in a virtual marriage. What we see from them outside of WGM is a bonus.

Speakiing and wishing ill for the other half of the couple would definitely affect how we see them. LeeTeuk might have had stains in the past - but that was the past - we are here for the NOW and NOT the BEFORE. Of course, we wanted LeeTeuk to show some jealousy - and he already had shown that in the last few episodes - 4, 5 & 6. He knows his wife is an actress and he himself said 'it is all work' - and he doesn't want to get in her way. In episode 2, he said there is nothing he wouldn't want Sora not to do - he will just focus on Sora as his wife. He could have said "I don't want Sora to have kissing scenes" - but he did not - because he cares about his wife and her feelings if he interferes.

Right now, they really look good as a couple - and it is evident they got closer in so short a time - 10 episodes and a few meetings and they are already comfortable. That is all I wanted to focus on. To be honest, every time I read something negative about LeeTeuk and see some links, I end up searching and watching the link - and I start having doubts about his character. But seeing how he is with Kang Sora, those doubts quickly goes away especially hearing the comparisons from the people he's been around with for so many years about the old and the new LeeTeuk.

I think I posted a reminder a few pages back about the moderators hanging around a lot of threads. In one fandom I support, we got big time warning for posting individual articles of the couple.

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lallinachan Here are the things that I added in green to the timeline. I added suju only events that leeteuk was a part of just to see where he was on those days. Thanks for all your hard work. when I have time I'll dig some more and try to find more info.

I didn't find an external link to Sora for her agency..usually they have the schedule of their actors/talents...will see if I can dig it up

111014 sukira: talk about Sora/Leeteuk appears in Sora's drama

111111-Sukira Eunhyuk asks Leeteuk do you like Wonder girls or Miss A and he says he likes Sora

            (air)---------episode 7/Sora at Blue Dragon film festival

            interview on red carpet

            MAMA (fancam abaut their brief meeting after SuJu perf.)

            They probably meet at the AfterParty/same time she presented with DJ Koo Best dance solo award category

111130 twitter LT ask again to be followed--> Sora follow!


111202 (air)-------- episode 8

111203-Leeteuk self cam on airplane with Donghae saying Miss you Sora..Donghae pretends to call Sora http://youtu.be/6PD4jJ4d3dY

111229-SBS Gayo Daejun -

Had dance time LOL Leeteuk joined in the end

also this is when Leeteuk sat on SungMins lap and the ring on SungMin finger was questioned as leeteuks

111230 -KBS 2011 Song Festival SuJu Leeteuk only

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@viyra :

that's why I never open the link, hehe... not because I don't like it but I just couldn't,,, I have a strong feeling about DC and I want to keep it that way,,, (believe it or not, after I watch wgm special eps. I have a feeling abt Kim Woo Joon and Park Soo Hyun as well although not as strong as DC) usually, whenever I have a strong feeling abt couples it became true. I'm not good in analyze or observe the behaviour, so I always put my attention on the "EYES" coz no matter how good are you in acting, you can't fake the "EYES",,, so everytime I have a strong feeling about one couple, I always put positive thinking in mind, so the result is always positive as well... finally, I wil always have a positive thinking about TeukSora :wub: so in the end hopefully will be a positive result as well... B):wub:

I'm sorry if my post is ootp,,,

btw I vote for FIGHTING DIMPLES hwaitinggg B)^_^

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Guest ASerEt

@ lallinachan

Woah! Thanks for the whole list of detailed schedules for our DC :) u really work hard and I appreciate that!

Fighting Dimples! Yes it's a nice name! :)

And back to ep12. The MCs were saying Leeteuk did big events like the concert and plane surprise for Sora and what else can he do next? And Leeteuk said he still got some more to prepare for her.

I was like wow! Really?! I mean wat else more will he do?? For me, I think the plane event was already a unforgettable and romantic event and it's oso from that ep, everyone started calling him Roman Teuk!

And of coz the SS4 concert event was daebak!!! Speechless and it's a event that is gonna live in WGM for history! And of coz, it's gonna be a unforgettable surprise for Sora for her life time!

So I am really anticipating what's Leeteuk gonna do next which is even more intense and bigger than this two events.

Hmmm... Is he really going to do a proposal for REAL with a one carat diamond ring?

Or is he going to surprise her with a romantic honeymoon in Paris? Europe? Or he really going to bring her to Hawaii and propose to her in the sea while scuba diving? Coz I think he likes diving as he went to somewhere and did diving with Donghae..

What do you the rest of Fighting Dimples think? :)

@viyra :

that's why I never open the link, hehe... not because I don't like it but I just couldn't,,, I have a strong feeling about DC and I want to keep it that way,,, (believe it or not, after I watch wgm special eps. I have a feeling abt Kim Woo Joon and Park Soo Hyun as well although not as strong as DC) usually, whenever I have a strong feeling abt couples it became true. I'm not good in analyze or observe the behaviour, so I always put my attention on the "EYES" coz no matter how good are you in acting, you can't fake the "EYES",,, so everytime I have a strong feeling about one couple, I always put positive thinking in mind, so the result is always positive as well... finally, I wil always have a positive thinking about TeukSora :wub: so in the end hopefully will be a positive result as well... B):wub:

I'm sorry if my post is ootp,,,

btw I vote for FIGHTING DIMPLES hwaitinggg B)^_^

Yes I agree with you about the "EYES" part. But I have some more to add on and that's the blushing face and ascending cheeks!

I really think no matter how good an actor u are, u can't fake or act the blushing red face! :)

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