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Guest donnapie

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Guest shin mi rae

Just an observation. No negativities intended. Just noticed that lee si young has been following ksa's choices of leading men lately. Before soaw, ksa made a movie with kim joo hyuk - fighting spirit. Then soaw with wookie. Then lee si young did a movie with kim joo hyuk too - couples. Now she is doing a drama with wookie. Wild romance. What a coincidence?!?

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Guest anitrak

We hv 6 tickets. I am with christy n mzzhe n we collected 6 tickets. Now hving coffee n celebrating.

Hi Congrats and i'm celebrating too.. with my pillow at home.. trying to sleep :blink:

@christysg : thanks for your assistance and motivation .... hahaha

@etee7114 & ebrigid :when i saw 2 ladies going up the escalators, it's as if i already knew that it was you, nice to meet you ladies

see you ladies real soon!

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Guest jastinel

We hv 6 tickets. I am with christy n mzzhe n we collected 6 tickets. Now hving coffee n celebrating.

Congrats to all of u ladies, that means more spazzing news after the FM...waaaah!

I wish all of u can take photos and autograph of our SunWook couple!

ebrigid, anitrak it`s your time for u to meet Suna, good luck guys!

when is my time...huhuhu?!

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Guest arashi76

Wow congratulations to everyone! It's like all of us here have won the passes. Are we still going to push through with the gift for the couple? This is a good chance. As early as now, I can't wait for your fan accounts. Please post your pics! :). So next Thursday we have the taxi guesting and the following Monday and Tuesday we have the SOAW meet and greet. What a great way to start the December. I'm optimistic kler2009 can get the passes too. :) fighting!

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Guest donnapie

Hi welcome to SUNWOOK shippers world choia!

Hi shippers, we can feel at home here, no more warning...we have the freedom to keep on spazzing...yehey!

I love reading all your post, it made my imagination go wild.

I wish Donnapie knows the details even she`s on vacation, may be she can find time to post here!

donnapie, if u read this post of mine and ur still in Korea, please look for a poster of SOAW, somewhere there, for me please, I will just pay for it when we get to meet....hihihi!

donnapie's actually back in Manila already :) I think since yesterday or Tuesday, I'm not sure. She's updated her blog, too. I'm also looking forward to her post here ^_^

Annyeong Haseyo to all of my dearest SunWook sisters! It's good to see everyone still here and that we still have a safe haven to spazz to our hearts content without being warned or fearing that the thread might be closed just because we're airing our love for our dear SunWook couple. :)

I missed all of you.

Jas, i'm sorry i was only able to read your post when i got back.  I wish i could have read it sooner so that i could have bought you the poster. :(

Mianhe! Probably i can buy you one when i visit Seoul again. :) 

I would also have loved to post as soon as i returned but my internet connection has been messed up and that has prevented me from posting as much as i want to my hearts content.

I'm using a prepaid connection right now and though it might be slow it's better than nothing.

There were so many things to spazz on and issues to address while i was gone and i would like to take this opportunity to give my two cents about it though much of my opinion might be old news to some.

1.  ON WOOKIE'S TRANSFER TO KING KONG - I have unexplainable feelings about this piece of news. All positive of course. Surprise, elation, giddiness but mostly i was moved because of how great the influence of Sunny is in Wookie's life and it showed in this decision. Though non Sun Wook shippers might discount the fact that Wookie moved as a professional choice rather than a personal one,  i am still in awe of how greatly Wookie  values Sunny's advise and how much he listens to her that he would really consider and listen to her suggestions about such a major decision in his life.

Of course, as a Sunwook shipper i can't help but feel that this is also a great way for them to continue the closeness without fear of  intrigues sorrounding them as they can always disguise it behind the facade of being colleagues.  Overall, I really feel that only great things can come from this transfer both for Wookie's professional career as an actor and also for the budding relationship that Sunny and him now share as this can only present more opportunities for them to get together and get even closer.

2.  ON THE UNSEEN BTS PICS THAT SUNNY POSTED IN HER VIDEO - I died. They say a picture paints a thousand words but those painted a thousand and one. The skinship was undeniable.  I guess for other actors, it is natural to attain a certain level of skinship after they mess up on a take or botch a line but i have never seen co-actors looking as cozy as our dear SunWook even when they're just sitting around and waiting for the next take. Somehow, the timing was also perfect for me to think that it might be Sunny's subtle way of reminding Wookie to behave during his shoot for Wild Romance.  He might now be taking on a new role in a new drama and moving away from his Kang Ji wook persona but Sunny would always remember him as that and maybe she wanted to remind him how much the drama has meant to both of them not just then but even till now.

3.  ON THE TAXI GUESTING AND SUNNY'S CONCERT - I only have one wish.  That we get more things to spazz about during these times and that there are more revelations about our dear OTP that are yet to come.  I really, really wish Wookie can make time to give support to Sunny during her concert. (although i think it might be impossible knowing he might be busy and all but one can dream and that's what i am doing).

4.  ON THE UPCOMING SINGAPORE HONEYMOON errrr... FANMEET -  I am green with envy but soooooooooooooo happy for our dear SunWook sisters in SG who got passes and who can get to meet them face to face. Bring us spazzworthy fan accounts sisters.  And Enjoy every minute of it.  On a different note, with just the two of them together during this trip, it would be another great opportunity for them to bond and get together.  I can't wait for next week.  I am salivating at the news and bits and pieces of information that we can get about them being together once again out of the country. :)

Lastly, a big warm welcome to all of the new and not so new SunWook sisters who are now onboard and who have come out of the woodwork.  We're glad to have you here with us guys.  We hope that our SunWook family can grow even bigger as truly shipping this two is very rewarding because they are the only OTP i know of that just keeps on giving and giving.  :wub:

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Guest ebrigid

Hi Congrats and i'm celebrating too.. with my pillow at home.. trying to sleep :blink:

@christysg : thanks for your assistance and motivation .... hahaha

@etee7114 & ebrigid :when i saw 2 ladies going up the escalators, it's as if i already knew that it was you, nice to meet you ladies

see you ladies real soon!

@ anitrak: nice to have met you too. Yeah, it was interesting that you could recognise us once you saw us. And I kinda knew it was you once I saw you at the top of the escalators! :)

@chilipadi70: It was great hearing your stories! Please share more with us next time. And any goodies that you have too ;p

@ Jastinel: honestly speaking, I'm real surprised that you still haven't met KSA, and you're a much bigger fan than me (or even Alodia - no offense)

@etee7114 @anitrak @mzzhe Thanks for all your help in getting me that pass! It was a most eventful Saturday morning! A mega big THANKS to etee7114 for driving me around Singapore. I don't think I've ever gone so many places in one morning!

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my heart beat fast everytime i press the submit button for the contest, its like anxious to meet  the love of my life for the first time hehehe...laugh.gif.OOhhh the thing i could do for them if i really get the chance ..orrr asked them to dooocool.gif..maybe lee dong wook will be more less tension face after the big changing in him...

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Guest kait_new

Congratulation to all SG ladies.... I got big smile right now, though I'm only a silient lurker but sooo happy for all of you who got the pass....seems like I'm part of it. Awaiting your great experience on 5th Dec

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Guest etee7114

Reposting from SOAW thread :

Dear SOAW fans in SG,

For all those who PMed me, I'm pleased to announce that everyone has a pass.  So, at least 6 of us have passes.  Thank you for your assistance, hard work, tenacity, for providing legal advice and for sacrificing your beauty sleep.

Anitrak was there at Tampines Mall at 6.30 am and had the no. 1 spot.  *applause*

Next step : Please don't forget to bring your pass and NRIC/photo ID on the 5th of Dec.  Die die must bring OK? (Sorry for the Singlish).

Good news !

We have one extra pass for grabs here on Soompi on a first come first serve basis.  Please PM me.

Conditions apply : Priority will be given to an SOAW diehard fan and able to understand/speak Korean.

Self collection only.  Bring IC and Korean language certificate for verification.  

Wah!  I sound like the organizers. 


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hi ladies from Singapore! I am really happy for you all for getting passes. Though I never doubted that you'd get them. All these shipping and fangirling surely couldn't go to waste! And true enough, the heavens rewarded you:-) I can't wait for your fan accounts!

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Guest jastinel

Welcome home and welcome back Sis donnapie!

It`s ok sis, I should ask u to buy me the poster before u left, I`m just too shy to ask...hihihi!

Wow, congrats ladies, job well done and to Anitrak and etee, sis I`m so happy for U both!

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Guest missy_k

Dear SOAW fans in SG,

For all those who PMed me, I'm pleased to announce that everyone has a pass.  So, at least 6 of us have passes.  Thank you for your assistance, hard work, tenacity, for providing legal advice and for sacrificing your beauty sleep.

Anitrak was there at Tampines Mall at 6.30 am and had the no. 1 spot.  *applause*

Next step : Please don't forget to bring your pass and NRIC/photo ID on the 5th of Dec.  Die die must bring OK?  (Sorry for the Singlish).

Good news !

We have one extra pass for grabs here on Soompi on a first come first serve basis.  Please PM me.

Conditions apply : Priority will be given to an SOAW diehard fan and able to understand/speak Korean.

Self collection only.  Bring IC and Korean language certificate for verification.  

Wah!  I sound like the organizers.

Congrats to all of you who will get to see SunWook. Ahhh, I'm so green with envy!!!! I live in Jakarta,but  I actually dont mind flying in to Sgp. So pls pls pls, if any of you cancel (yeah i know, almost 0% chance, eh), but if any of you cancel, plsssss keep me in mind :)

Thanks a bunch!!!

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Just thinking, did we ever imagine whiIe we were watching, commenting, discussing and spazzing here that we ever get the chance to meet them face to face and together and as YJ & JW? Never once the thought came in to my mind that there is a chance they wiII be promoting SOAW together and in MaIaysia... he he he.. stiII cant beIieve it though..

about the passes, if I do get them the first two are aIready taken as I used my friends accounts and she suddenIy is very excited at going, I have used another 3 accounts so I'm hoping I get another pair..

Anyway I'm reaIIy happy for aII of you who got the passes... he he he... is so exciting isnt it.. so any gift you gaIs sharing from soompi, I'm in.

JastineI - I did come across some phiIIipines forum that discuss about korean drama, maybe you can post/ask them to request sunny and wookie for promotion visit from the broadcasting channeI, maybe you aII get Iucky..

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Guest etee7114

@etee7114 & ebrigid :when i saw  2 ladies going up the escalators, it's as if i already knew that it was you, nice to meet you ladies

see you ladies real soon!

You know, we've been here for 4 months now and I think I have SOAW embossed on my forehead.  We didn't even say "Hi".  Nothing was awkward or embarrassing.  Some of us were even entrusted with someone else' ID.  It took us only a second to register each other's faces and the next, we were talking like old friends.  This is a strange phenomenon.  Only SOAW drama can cast this magic spell on us.  tongue.gif

Sleep well.

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Guest noopie_1

congratulations ladies! i wanna go but i can't queue as i'm just back from my holiday tonight :(

seems i can't meet sunny n wookie in person :( and I don't dare to ask anyone for extra ticket, because I know everyone is really work hard for it, queue to get it.

Too bad I cant speak or understand korean >_< 

So, what I can do here, waiting for photos n updates from all of SOAW fans that attend the event...

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