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The Official Dooley/YongShin Couple Thread (Jung Yong Hwa & Park Shin Hye)


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Guest mamaatay


"Shinhye, thanks for helping me always. Please continue to help me from now on."

for me,, it's like Dejavu from Heartstrings... like Lee Shin statement for Gyo Won " Don't stop liking me" :)

and for Shin hye lyrics,, why do i always thinking of Yong Hwa when i read those lyrics??? i am sure they have their own stories ^^

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Guest youngsoo1430285098


♥♥♥ The first time i saw lyrics , I think she writing for her best friends and fans of her,...and awesome my ShinHye. I alway love you so much :X ♥♥♥

[ But my dooleysional re: that is the story of our Dooley

:D ]

Thanks @All : because everything ♥

Ps : I titled the picture by my feelings when I read her lyrics :)

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Guest citaphils

Good morning, Dooliers!

A photo of Shinhye singing while playing the guitar.....wish we could see the vid..


CR. nate news

Here's the longer version of the YH's message to Shinhye on her birthday FM..as posted by avantbolmae on twitter


Hello! This is Jung Yonghwa.

(Shinhye/fans: Wow~ what's in the background? haha)

What day is Feb. 18th?

(Shinhye's fans: SH's bday~^^;;)

Yes--It's Miss Park Shinhye's birthday.

Ah, I really want to be there and um, congratulate with you together but since I heard she's having a birthday party with many of her fans now, I'm relieved. I'll also send my wishes from here. (clap clap)

Yeah. and also, (turns around, sees and laughs at the wall, filled with Andy Warhol-esque pop art pictures of his own face) SH's really cheerful and a friend who helps me out a lot. I'm sorry I can't be there to congratulate you, Shinhaeya (little mumbled).

And, um...eat a lot of your birthday cake. (fans: hahahaha) Also, I'd like you to keep progressing much more.

(fans: hahahaha-perhaps they connnected "eating cake" and "progressing/growing up" as correlated events^^;;)

And please keep helping me, too.^^

Have fun, and happy birthday! (clap clap)

CR. sd (@heich_)

And the audio link of his message as posted by avantbolmae on twitter. http://soundcloud.com/user9242831/120218-fanmeeting-yh/s-1WrW9

CR. the rightful owner of the audio clip


YH's message is really so cute especially with that wall of his photos as background.YH , you are so Lee Shin, the narcissistic prince turned perfect boyfriend....so loving and thoughtful. You really know how to make Shinhye laugh and that makes us, Dooliers so happy also.

A proud member of TIDC - The International Dooley Community

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Guest AsiantvpopN21

This is my card to Shin Hye:


Source (Made by): Me! :sweatingbullets:

Look at this Hong Ki is a doolier too!


Source (Made by): Me! :sweatingbullets:

Yong Hwa's first loves remembered me someone (Yong Hwa's first loves article):


Source (Made by): Me! :sweatingbullets:

Look at the difference when she said:

1. 용준형 씨? = Yong Jun Hyung Ssi? Member of BEAST/BE2ST (ᅧ = yeo/yu ).


Source http://aymightyzone....m/tag/junhyung/

2. 홍기? = Hong Gi? Member of FTISLAND (ᄀ = G/K).


Hong Ki's profile.

Source http://www.crunchyro...oup/Lee_Hong_Gi

3. 씨엔블루 용화? = CNBLUE Yong Hwa? (씨엔블루 = ssienbeullu = CNBLUE).


Source http://minmijunior.w...member-profile/


Source (Made by): Me! :sweatingbullets:


Source avantbolmae


Sources omonajungyonghwa             yonghwainmyhead


Source (Made by): Me! :sweatingbullets:

Did you noticed that Heartstrings Japan's logo is so similar to Go Mi Nam/Nyu's signature?


Source (Made by): Me! :sweatingbullets:

容和信惠 Jeju Island BTS 濟州島獨家花絮【中字】

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Guest pyaarhia2

wow!! there are a lot of new happenings here.. aahaha... i'm so glad that shin hye's birthday went well.

let me just quote some of YH's bday greeting to Shin hye.

"Ah, I really want to be there and um, congratulate with you together but since I heard she's having a birthday party with many of her fans now, I'm relieved. I'll also send my wishes from here. (clap clap) " --- SH is really special to him by the fact that he is really eager to be with her, but due to series of concerts in japan, he can't. i am somewhat curious as to why he felt relieved knowing that fans are there to celebrate with her? would that mean that if fans won't be there, he would fly to korea just to be there for her?? ahaha.. i'm delusional again... it only gets to show how caring he is to shin hye.

"Yeah. and also, (turns around, sees and laughs at the wall, filled with Andy Warhol-esque pop art pictures of his own face) SH's really cheerful and a friend who helps me out a lot. I'm sorry I can't be there to congratulate you, Shinhaeya (little mumbled)." -- i also like him for always finding time to cheer her up. but, i also wanted to know how does shin hye helps YH? and he said a lot right? would that be by just attending concerts? writing songs? for what i observe, she seemed to be a bit cautious with it comes to YH compared to hongki. hahaha.. it's also funny how he repeatedly apologize for not being there. why? is it a must for him to be there? that i don't really know. but nevertheless, shin hye's birthday gets to show that up until this very moment, the DOOLEY couple treasures the relationship (whether secret couple, best friend, close friend whatever) now. and that's the most important thing.

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Guest citaphils

Hello Dooliers!

Got this on twitter as uploaded by @ydnew.....

Its so cute,  as cute as YH's method of greeting shinhye...


FR. weibo...CR as tagged

With YH's message "shinhye always help me a lot, please keep on helping me", i just thought that this scene from HS is art imitating life. They help,support and cheer up each other(silently).


And a picture of MS. Dooley during her FM with the lyrics of her song. 

Isn't the lyrics the story of the Dooleys?


CR. as tagged

Some more photos of  Ms. Dooley during her FM as posted by @chinita at the nest..

With her VIP guestslaugh.gif wub.gif




courtesy of  YONGSHIN facebook

                                                           A proud member of TIDC - The International Dooley Community 

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My dear fellow Dooliers!!!

Thank you all for keeping this thread alive and for keeping me updated - am such a lousy Doolier in the past few months because of work!! But that doesn't mean I no longer adore our Dooley Couple! I am still a Doolier - heart and mind!! Dooley Couple fans are exceptional that's why I can never astray! I frequent our Dooley House too in the suburbs but I do there when everyone's away!!

It's been months but how come love is still in the air???? What's up Yong Hwa and Shin Hye?? :wub::wub:

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hello, new Doolier here.

i've been browsing this thread for a few days (almost finish reading the entire thread lol). couldn't resist from posting anymore after seeing all these dooley-sional thoughts.

i've watched tons of Korean dramas for years but i don't recall having spazzed over any pairings this much before. heck, this is like the first time i've ever shipped celebrities sincerely, believe it or not.

not gonna repeat what everyone's been saying for over 100 pages. i just want to point out something.

so SH is participating in a romantic reality show with Yoon Gun this February.  something was also going on around this time 2 years ago.

is the media trolling our Dooley couple or is it fate

it's a small world after all.

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Guest emmy_shin

Good Day Dooliers!!!!t

Just like everyone here, love the lyrics of Shin Hye song.

For me it's like telling a person how she fell for a long time. And now she'll be courageous and let that person know how she feels. 

As Shin Hye said in her FM that the song is for her fans......Thank you very much.  But for us Dooliers who sometimes become Dooleysional we think its really dedicated to Yong Hwa. Or maybe we can say she dedicate it to the fans and to the love of her life which *cough Yong Hwa cough*.


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Guest lolamitzzz

hello dooliers!

so inspired and in love today wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif....so don't mind me if i'm over dooleysional laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif




*waves to all dooliers ....hi emmy wub.gif miss U hehe

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Good Day Dooliers!!!!t

Just like everyone here, love the lyrics of Shin Hye song.

For me it's like telling a person how she fell for a long time. And now she'll be courageous and let that person know how she feels. 

As Shin Hye said in her FM that the song is for her fans......Thank you very much.  But for us Dooliers who sometimes become Dooleysional we think its really dedicated to Yong Hwa. Or maybe we can say she dedicate it to the fans and to the love of her life which *cough Yong Hwa cough*.

*quoted image*

Ms. Dooley has to use some CODE that maybe Mr. Dooley is the only one who can understand! But too bad - the Dooliers have a thick dictionary and code book so nothing escapes us!

Lovely day!!!

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Guest anamikaela

To the regulars, thank you for still visiting our 1st home and for the newbies, welcome aboard! I know it's been a while since my last post because I've been busy lately. Since I miss our Dooley couple and I miss you all, here's the much awaited 3rd SHIP and I hope you'll like it...

CONFUSED? TORN? How about a short Q&A to give you a glimpse why many have fallen in love with the Dooleys?

Part 3:

Dooley of Troy

(from Helen of Troy)

If Helen of Troy is "the face that launched a thousand ships which initiated Trojan wars" then the term Dooley of Troy is for "the OTP that launched only 3 ships and yet others wanted to initiate wars". The last but not the least is...



If there's something that Dooliers are really proud of is the fact that this 3RD SHIP DOES EXIST.

The ship that is widely-recognized and cannot be denied even by non-Dooliers...

The ship that I don't need to be DELUSIONAL just to say it's REAL...

The ship that I know will last FOREVER...

The ship that I consider the best foundation of a RELATIONSHIP...

The ship that gives HOPE to Dooliers that maybe someday, this ship would be more than just a friendSHIP!

If others will claim that their OTP are also friends, piece of advice, better check the definition of friendship first...

FRIENDSHIP is defined as a personal relationship shared between each friend for the welfare of other, in other words, it is the relationship of trust, faith and concern for each other feelings. It is a relationship of mutual caring and intimacy among one another. (Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1267049)

According to Jim Marrison...

Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself - and especially to feel. Or, not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is.

Considering the definitions mentioned above, let's find out if our DOOLEY COUPLE perfectly fits the description.


When Shin Hye had a car accident, Yong Hwa tweeted this:


“Shin Hye, don’t worry about anything and just hurry and fully recover! I’ll wait for you!^^ Come back so we can have a fun time filming! Hwaiting Shin Hye!!!”

cr: CNBLUE_4 twitter, allkpop.com




Trust = becoming comfortable with a friend only shows that he/she gives his/her complete trust to that friend

Faith = simply believing the things that your friend can do or just believing your friend at all cost

Concern = looking after the welfare of a friend, thus he/she supports that friend in any way he/she can










A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself



I don't want to be redundant so you can refer to the previous ships I posted where you can see how our Dooley couple enjoys being themselves when they are with each other.



"This photo of me with Yonghwa and Minhyuk was taken during Heartstrings DVD commentary photoshoot.. Seeing this photo..our HeartStrings onnie,oppa and friends.. I miss you..^^"













I remember someone said that you cannot marry or fall in love with someone you can not laugh with... And I'm so happy looking at this *points at the picture below*. Our ultimate dream as Dooliers is definitely POSSIBLE!


While searching for some goodies for my post, I found something which proves that our Dooley couple are dear friends in REAL life, see the word DEAR? lol


BTW, the particular pic above reminds me of the recent Dooley happening in Shin Hye's Birthday fanmeeting where Mr. Dooley gave his message to Ms. Dooley and since we don't have any video or picture of it, I created one. hehe...


cr: rightful owners of the pics/gifs, koreanclicks.com, cnbluestorm.com, PSHJKS Baidu Bar, greetandgreen.blogspot.com, citaphils, irish_law, Saturn, AsiantvpopN21, blue_jus7 - Thank you so much!

A proud member of TIDC - The International Dooley Community,

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Guest misty07

Hello to all Dooliers!

Like the rest, the recent happenings gave me something  to spazz about and be dooleysional for a moment... what with SH posting a picture with HY on twitter,  the famous YFFM gesture, Yong Hwa's message to SH and of course the lyrics...even if SH claimed it to be written for her fans,  it also gives  the feeling that it was also written with a close friend in mind, of course that's where mr dooley comes into the picture (talk about dooleysionsbiggrin.gif).

@ ana love your posts, thank you and cheers to their their friendship!

@lolamitzz same with you, feeling in love and inspired today...wub.gif



just want to put Shin Hye's lyrics alongside Yong Hwa's Y Why wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif


cr. to the owners of the pictures and to parkshinhye.net for SY's lyrics translations

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Guest citaphils

Hello, Dooliers!

@haru08...welcome aboard. i love what you said..for the correlation of shinhye and YH's  reality show, it could be both- the media trolling our Dooley couple and Fate working on them. Didn't shinhye once said that she is being linked to FNC by fate? Didn't Fate work for them when they were paired again in Heartstrings after only two years. As we all know, its very rare to see Kdrama couples re-teamed up. 

@viyra...nice to see you here again..

@ana...as always, awesome post and i would like to reiterate need we say more to prove otherwise?laugh.gif

@lolamitzzz @misty@emmy.....i just love your artworks...becoming better and better..so creative and beautiful

And just like you, I'm inspired as well, so here's my share, this time about MR DOOLEY..

From @saturn..YH topping all polls of childrens' websites after Heartstrings. Congratulations, Mr. Dooley!

Aren't we proud as a Doolier/Hearty that YH topped the children's polls after Heartstrings?  It just means that his character Lee Shin  captured the hearts of the kids  and  that YH played his character believably well.



My share of the artwork...hehe

PERFECT HARMONY.....just like their music, their friendship (or whatever it is) is also in perfect harmony. Two minds, two hearts totally in sync with one anothersweatingbullets.gifwub.gif. They both enjoy each other's company..they know how to make each other laugh...they know when the other needs to stop joking...they know when the other one is in a bad mood or in a sulking mood..they just know each other so well. That's why I love them.


   LOVE IS FRIENDSHIP SET TO MUSIC...since their friendship is in perfect harmony, its very possible that it  could/would lead to love. Friendship oftentimes leads to love.tongue2.gifwub.gifwub.gif 


  CR. the rightful owners of the pictures...

 EDIT:  New post  from Springday's reflections.. http://thedooleycoup...ys-reflections/

                                                      A proud member of TIDC - The International Dooley Community                     

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Guest citaphils

Good morning, Dooliers!

Just to share with you Shinhye's uploaded photos on twitter this morning while leaving for Japan for her birthday FM tomorrow.. Look closely...Isn't she so Gyu Won, her travelling bag (except the color), her dress. Is she reminding Lee Shin to meet her just like in Heartstrings. ..pardon my being dooleysional..tongue2.gif wub.gif But  I hope there will be another spazzworthy news for us Dooliers tomorrow.



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Guest anamikaela

This is in relation to @citaphils post. The latest photo of Shin Hye uploaded via Ameblo.jp reminds me of Yong Hwa's twitter pic. They are indeed Mr. and Ms. Dooley...


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newbie here...just want to post this i got this tweet wyl ago CN Blue presscon in Thailand..

MC asked about YongSeo couple, many fans watched the show. YH : ahhh YongSeo Couple is now end. Pls take attend at me only. #finale~ >_<

......i cant stop laughing..coz they are way tooooo over........

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