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[Drama 2011] Gyebaek 계백 (가제)


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T-ara’s Hyo Min is working hard for ‘Gyebaek’


T-ara’s Hyo Min recently released pictures, which were taken at the set of MBC’s historical drama Gyebaek.

Hyo Min posted the pictures with the comment, “Today is the first day shooting the drama. I will learn many thins from veteran actors. Please keep an eye on the drama.”

Hyo Min plays the role of Cho Young, who is a friend of Eun Go. She looks like a tomboy but she is smart and also good at martial arts and horseback riding.

Hyo Min is practicing hard for the drama, including, horseback riding, martial arts, and fencing. She is trying hard to transform into Cho Young thoroughly.

Meanwhile, T-ara will release limited edition of ‘Roly-Poly in Copacabana’ on August 19th and debut in Japan on September 2nd.

Source: Newsen from Nate

Episode 7



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OMG...ep7 is a bom. I totally didnt expect that to happen. I cant believe Uija killed MJ and worst still GB saw it and misunderstood the whole situation. GB ended up being Shilla slave and went to war with them

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Guest serenityx3

I just recently got into this drama--it's just so good!!!

Finished watching episode 7 this morning, and I sure shed a lot of tears. :tears:

And the child&teen actors/actresses were absolutely fabulous, and I will miss them dearly (especially Hyunwoo and Younghak.)

It'll take some time for me to get used to the adult actors--especially Euija... :sweatingbullets:

Anyways, I can't wait to watch episode 8~

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Guest ms.KPOP.LOVE

Hi Everyone,

Gye Baek Episode 5 and 6 English Soft-Sub Subtitle are out.


Gye Baek 1-6 English Subtitle can be found Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project:-

This is a new project for the DSS CTS Team

URL: http://www.darksmurf...-gye-baek-2011/

Please visit the link for more information about the Community Translated Subtitle (CTS) Project. CTS Project is about FANS helping FANS for FAST SUBTITLE RELEASE! Enjoy!

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Ep 6

Kwieun wanted to attack Moojin. Sataekbi stops him. She ask if its her fathers order to kill her as long as they can get back the scroll. She reminds him that its her that is the Queen and his master.

Bi scolded Mj for being stupid to block for her. He tells her not to misunderstand, that he needs her alive to undercover the truth.

Moogeun ,his mom and gyebaek tied up. Dokgae asking where is Mj. Moogeun said what is with him and MJ. Moogeun’s mom begs dokgae to let MG and GB go, that they are not MJ’s son, their real father had pass away early. MJ is just someone that passes by and later lives with them as a family.

She asked them to hold her as hostage and release both of them.

Dokgae doesn’t believe her and he doesn’t care and is going to hand them over to wuijae gang anyway.

GB interrupts and warn him to let them go orelse next time when he meet them again he wont let them go.

Dokgae hits GB but his follower stops him that they receive instructions from wuijae gang.

MJ and Bi reach the cities gate. She ask him if he is still going to go on with his plan. Mj said the king wont let me down. She said she might not even be able to meet him with his body condition he might not even pass through the guards.

The guards at 1st didn’t want to let them in but Bi said how dare they stop her live savior. She sees that they are heading towards gong nam wan? the place where MJ and the previous queen make a promise.

King , Uija and the generals are still waiting. Uija suddenly speaks that Mj must have gone to the gong nam wan. They headed to that place.

MJ and Bi reach 1st. They cross the bridge to the place and wuijae gang waited at beside the bridge.

Moogeun, his mom and gyebaek are still tied and lock up. GB tells mom not to worry, that the king will save them. MG said that its ridiculous. He scolds his mom saying that she should make it clear he is her son and GB is MJ’s son. GB ask what is he talking about (clearly doesn’t know that she isn’t his birth mother).

MG said to his mom, that does she thinks that he didn’t know, even if she didn’t tell him. He said that she never sleeps with Mj. Mom tries to stop him from talking. He said that he isn’t stupid , he heard that she saved MJ and take them in.

Bi reminds Mj again that he wont get the result he want, that she understands the king very well and tells him to stop. He said that he wants to kill and why is she thinking of him. She said because he is like a fool, that’s why she likes him. She said everyone around her is like her. That’s why she wants the only fool in the world to stay by her side.

From the 1st time she met him its been that way.

MJ said if she is a fool too he might like her.

Dokgae brought the 3 of them to kwieun and the assassins at the end of the bridge.

Kwieun shouts to Mj whether he sees his family as hostage or not. Mom tells MJ not to come over and the assassins hit her. Kwieun ask who is the youngest and hit and send GB to his father to hand over the scroll and Bi and if Mj doesn’t agree he will take MG and moms life.

GB went over and plead his dad to save MG and Mom that they want to kill them. Bi tells him to listen to his son and cross the bridge towards the assassins.

MJ stop her and brought her back.

GB plead his dad to save mg and mom again that he knows that they are not related to them but MG and mom is still their family. MJ just looked at him. Kwieun kills Mom. MG cried out. Gb wanted to go over but Mj hit him and he fainted.

The king and army arrive. Assassins leave. Moogeun ran away as well.

King walks over to them. Mj and Bi kneels . MJ said that he has come to fulfill his promise even though it’s a little late. The king calls Bi to stand up. She smiles Mj shock.

King, uija and Mj went into a room. King ask him why did he take the queen as hostage just to meet him. Mj took out the scroll and gave it to king. He open it up and look. He asked if it is the live and death scroll, Mj said yes and fainted.

Sataekjukduk asked sataekbi why did he let Mj give the scroll to the king. Bi said the one late is jukduk and he tried to kill her. Jukduk said she is knows that if the scroll is in the hands on the king their family wont be able to live.

She tells her father does he thinks that she is only his daughter.

She said shes also the countries mother as in queen. I’m baekjae, its not the king that determine our life and death but me. She said she is in control of baekjae. That even if the king have the scroll he cant do anything to her.

King asked someone to examine the scroll, the materials used. I think they said something about the paper is only use by queen.

General comes in. King shows the scroll to him. King said he wont let this go. General reminds they need enough proof for the previous kings murder.

King calls his helper to summon all those medical /physicians that is responsible for the previous kings.

His helper arrives but saw that all of the physicians involved is dead.

Medical guy take a look at Mj who is still unconscious. Tells king that Mj has serious injury. King said that he will save Mj no matter what.

Assassin report to Bi and Jukduk that they have done their job. He ask if he had oredi inform the 8 tribes/nobles?

Jukduk ask bi what are they going to do next. She said they just need to wait, the king will find them 1st.

General ask if he wants to kill them all, king said isn’t it a chance given by heaven. General said sataekbi has most of the military power. King said if the news about the previous king is expose, some of the nobles/ministers will be on their side. General said they still dono who is on their side.

General said that dealing with all of them is hard, deal with one by one and take all their powers.

Back to Sataekbi & dad. She said that the king is someone who thinks too much. Too cautious will make them worry about things that have not happen. Jukduk ask what she thinks the king will request. She guess king will request the disbandment of the (something like cabinet consist of the nobles/minister).

Sure enough the king is easily read by sataekbi. I HATE THIS PART…POLITICS. Skip the part. So she knows what is his plan.( I’m not sure what is the kings tactic but its something which determines the life and death of the nobles, my chinese is bad so i cant really understand the subtitles) If they don’t accept the conditions, they will be dead.

Jukduk ask Bi if she will accept all the conditions, she said she will give him a bigger one.

King tells his helper(saguel) to call the nobles/ministers in.

They waited till morning but nobody came.

GB siting outside the house. His fathers friend came out telling GB that they need to buy clothes for dead mom and ask where is his father.

Gyebaek took out all their savings and went to the market. He ask the shop owner to make clothes for his dead mom but the owner sees that he has little money chase him away and Eunko & Choyoung sees it.

GB went home and cried beside his mom (MGs mom) body. Saying that he is sorry. Eunko asked if theres anyone home. He went out and saw all the cloths and coffin.

After dressing his mom, he went back out and said he will repay Eunko. Uija came. He wants to pay respect but GB said no. GB ask whats with his father. Uija kneels down and bows.

Uija ask GB to follow him. Eunko wants to follow. Uija said its not something she should care. But she said something that impress him and they all went.

When they reach Mj’s room. Uija ask Eunko to wait outside. GB initially wanted to bring MJ back home but Uija stop him. Uija said he also wanted to die, he tell GB be it he be angry with him or the royal family but must save general MJ (let him say to receive medical treatment).

Uija meet Eunko. He wants to reward her but she reject.

She said it looks like Uija always cant solve problems well. It is the worst situation/result? I don’t know who but it looks like the general Uija want to save is in this life and death situation because of uija. Uija got mad and said he is in debt with her but she gone overboard. He said Mj is one and only in the world, don’t talk bad about him and tells her to leave.

Eunko is shock and said if its someone u appreciate then let me help him. She said eventhough its not much help but my Hiangee (the perfume/those that give smell by burning or put in pouch) will help.

GB open his fathers clothes when he is helping to clean his fathers body and saw the scars and injuries and was shock, wondering how he had live. He said that his father told him not to fight but whats with your body. H cried and pleaded his dad to wake up.

Eunko came in to prepare the hiang. She walk over and ask if that is general MJ. GB ask if she knows her father. She said she knows, how could she not. He is baekjae loyal subject. Long time ago, someone I know also said that.

Here comes flash back…

Eunko’s father writing about his opinion about the arrestment of MJ and the Queen. Her father is some kind of Scholar I think. He wrote that he thinks both of them are frame by ppl. Some how what he wrote got into the queens hand and the guards come and arrest the family. Her father was killed.

Eunko at that time is still a baby. Eunko and her mother is brought to be sold as slaves. A old lady(not that old, the mother in sassy girl chunhyang) bought them. Which apparent now the grandma Eunko is helping to deal business. (Grandma is seriously kind to her, not treating her as slave but as her sucsessor)

GB sad that both Uija and Eunko knows about Mj but he doesn’t know anything. Eunko comfort him and gives him a hug. Uija went in and saw them.

Saguel the kings helper reports that the queens side has no movement. They want to gather military force. Wanting to ask help from other 2 generals at other cities.

Sataekbi and dad receive the report on the kings plan. They discuss and after Jukduk left Bi ask her minion about MJ. And he tells her that he haven come conscious. Bi in her mind, ask Mj to wake up, that he cant die after all that has been done( wow…shes so in love with MJ)

MJ woke up. GB, Uija and MJ happily hug each other(really love this scene). They met the king. Mj said he has a wish, he wants to leave and ask the king to give him permission. He said he want to use the rest of his life to forgive.

MJ gave a bracelet( I think) to Uija says good bye and leaves. Uija hug MJ and said that he must come and visit him. Mj said there will come a day that he wont need someone like him. Uija look at GB and hug him, saying that eventhough u dislike, u are little brother. GB shy and push him away. He said since dad is alive I will reconsider. And they smile together.

General report to king that the 2 generals are on the way to the city and will arrive tonight.

Bi came to meet king.

They are arguing about right wrong, for the good of baekjae. She ask what he wants. King ask to disband the ( something like cabinet) and also wuijae organization.

She said she will give what he wants. She returns the queens chop I think and said she will leave the palace.

GB and Mj went to visit Mj’s wife’s grave. They had a father and son conversation. GB carried his father down the hill and fell. MJ said with that feet of Gb he cant even run away froma fight and said he will teach him how to avoid attacks. Mj teaches GB martial arts.

Bi gathered all the nobles/ministers at wuijae organization headquarters. She tells them about kings plan to ‘take care’ of them. Talks about kings leadership ability. Talk about using military force.

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Guest good123

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Gyebaek Eps. 07 + 08

200 Mb MKV File




http://depositfiles.com/files/apzlmwdwx   Gye.Baek.E07.XviD-HANrel.mkv

http://depositfiles.com/files/jrkuh9jpi   Gye.Baek.E08.XviD-HANrel.mkv







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