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[Drama 2011] Women In Our House / My Bittersweet Life 우리집 여자들


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Guest mflwrs66

EP 121

Jumi faces the company's Board and looks like she gave back her shares and handed the company back over to Sein .

Everyone is in the office all happy happy joy joy , EN gets a call from Sein she runs and hugs him.EN called

to tell her mom the good news, Hy tells her husband the good news.Jumi and Mr. Slim Shaddy go to the store to buy

Juni a toy, Jumi gets a call from Juni but she did not answer.Sera hears Mrs. Troll in the kitchen humming a tune,

Shes in a good mood I guess she heard the good news too.Just when Sera was feeling giddy who calls?, Jumi's Uncle lol .

she ignores the call SERA IS CUTE WHEN SHE GETS MAD LOL.Gpa talks to SJ and Jinsk, Sera and YM and YJ are

back at the store Talking about YM's uncle.Sera is jealous to see how happy YM and JY are together. She has flash

of her and YM's uncle she starts to blush a little.

YM and JY and Sera And YM's Uncle are having dinner together. YM's Uncle looks at Sera she starts pouting,

She is jealous because JY is Feeding YM. YM's Uncle says something to JY and YM about him. and

Sera hes in shock lol. YM gets a call and her JY have to run off, Leaving Sera and YM's Uncle alone

shes still pouting lol .EN's Mom and Jumi's Dad Visits Gma and GGms house, They have a conversation about

EN/Jumi and other things.

Sein and EN are back at the office talking about Jumi. Gpa and SJ and Sein and Mr. troll are back at the family house,

Sera and Jinsuk and Mrs. Troll are in the kitchen , As per usual Mrs. Troll is getting on Jinsuk last nerve lol.

Jumi comes home her family is waiting for her they have dinner, Jumi leaves the table her father goes to talk to her

about her Mom. Jumi leaves the house she looks sad, Gma and GGma told EN her Mom and her husband came to visit.

Mr. Troll and SJ are back at the office, It seem as though Gpa wants SJ to take over the business again. I could be wrong

but that what it looks like Mr. Troll is in shock. Jumi comes to work she runs in to Mr. slim Shaddy they talk.

Sein Meets with Jumi and they talk,. It looks like Sein is going to give Jumi her job back noone in the office

is happy at all. Jumi walks in the office its as if someone died noone is happy to see her.

Then just like vintage EN, She whoops in and sticks up for Jumi , Jumi is dumb founded lol.

Well Fellow Kdrama Fans it looks like this drama is truly winding up, There is not anything left

to reveal. Gm/GGma/HY have all kiss and made up, EN/JUMI/SEIN seem to have forgiven

each other. JY and YM are Together , Hopefully Sera will warm up to Jumi's uncle by the

finale lol. OH YEAH AND THE WEDDING! I love kdrama weddings. I hope there is one for the

finale. All in all its been a fun ride watching this drama with you all, I loved reading your

commentary and comments daily, A Special thanks goes out to Devilslob who tirelessy

post the english subs, I couldnt get through kdrama without you lol , Thank you so

much for your hard work. Also to Semifly for posting the episodes, Some days when I dont

get to watch the eps I always know whats going on . Thank you both so much for your hard

work and to others who take time out from there busy lives .

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I think it was earlier mentioned Eun-nim and Jumi are the same age.

Thank heavens for little mercies.No unnies. I saw a few minutes of 121 and EN was indeed defending JM when the woman who's her officemate, always there with a male officemate, said something not so nice to JM...... what a saint indeed!! ( again apologies to those who believe in saints).

I think there will be major lovey-dovey scenes soon and if my stats are correct JM will be going to the US in penance for her evil deed....or maybe Paris...yes make her pay for evil deeds :D Some punishment.

If Daunte is correct, JM's adopted status will made known soon. But puhleeese... giving poor silly Sera to the old guy is (hack, hack... barf, barf...) Sorry people.... I shall try to be nicer.. :P

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Guest mflwrs66

EP 123

Opens with the Lee family Gpa, Sein, and Mr and Mrs. Troll in the living room. Mrs. Troll has had one too many

drinks, Rice wine? Soji? I dont know lol, Either way you look at it shes ripped lol.

She gives the family a mouth full about how she feels, She says in any language Im not going to take your

S*** anymore , Sein's Dad drags her to the bedroom, She's balling her eyes out Sera is trying to get her to stop.

Mr. Troll says something to her she goes postal on him lol (WHAT A DRAMA QUEEN LOL). She leaves and goes to the sauna. The next morning Gpa is giving Mr. troll a ear full lol .liquor does bring out the worst in some folks lol.

Sein's Mom meets up with one of her freinds at the sauna, They get into it about Sein.

EN and Sein are at work talking about his parents. Jumi enters the office as per usual

everyone is cold to her except EN. Jumi and Mr. Slim shaddy have a convo about EN.

EN and Jumi are at work EN leaves the room, Her phone rings Jumi answer it its

Sein's Mom. Sera meets Jumi's Uncle in the park. (She decided to accept his feelings as of ep122).

Gpa,Sera. and Mr. Troll are having a convo about EN and SEIN and Mrs. Troll.

EN's Gma is driving along when she spots Sein's Mom, They have tea together they discuss EN and Sein.

YM and JY are back at the store , She tells him she told her Father they are dating he wants to speak with him.

JY is at the back of the store with YM's Dad , Hes as scared as a mouse being stalked by a cat lol.

He accepts their relationship. Sein's Mom arrives home still pissed, Mr. troll tries to calm her down but shes

not in the mood. Jumi arrives home, Her Mom is there they bicker about EN.

EN and her Gma have a convo about her Mom. Back at the Lee house Gpa,Sein, and Mr. Troll

are having a convo about Sein's Mom. Sein and Sera and Mr. Troll go to the bedroom to comfort her,

Sein's Dad pisses her off she leaves. She goes to talk to Gpa shes in tears.

Back at the Hong house HY and Jumi's Dad talk about EN, JY and YM.

Jumi is at a travel agency , It seems she may be leaving for the States, She

has her passport. Back at the Lee house Jumi arrives and tells Sein's Mom shes leaving.

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Guest mflwrs66


Opens with HY and EN entering Jumi's apartment looking for her, She

has already left. She has left a note for HY saying she is sorry.

HY burst into tears EN tries to console her. Back at the Hong house

HY is still upset about Jumi, Her huband tries to calm her down.

Back at the Lee house Gpa is having a familly meeting.

Sein and EN meet up to try and find Jumi, They go to a hotel

shes not there , But at another hotel , She sits in her room and

looks at the picture of HY and YM, HY does the same back at

the Hong House shes very sad. EN goes to the hotel where

Jumi is staying, She runs into Jumi they bicker about HY AND Sein.

Sein waits for EN She tell him what happened with Jumi, She is


Jumi is at the airport sitting alone, Back at the store YM is very upset

about Jumi leaving. JY tries to console her. Back at the Hong house

HY is still very upset, Jumi's Dad tries to calm her down but she

does not want to hear it. Juni arrives home and tells HY that EN

is outside, They sit and talk about Jumi, While They are talking Jumi

walks up they all start tearing up .

Back at Gma and GGma house Sein Mom is having

a convo about Sein anf EN. Sein's Mom looks as

if this is the last place she wants to be lol, She approves of EN and Sein getting

married. Gma and GGma are floored.Back at work Sein is happy, He meets

EN in the hall to tell her the good news, He hugs her she is embrassed blush.gif,

He kisses her.Back at the store Gma and GGma are picking out fabric for Hanboks,

EN's Mom shows up.

EN and Sein take their wedding Photos, (WHAT A CUTE COUPLE!). JY and YM and Sera

join in the photos too. Its a year or a month later ( My korean is iffy at most lol). Back at the

Lee house EN and Sein are in bed asleep, EN awakens to look at the clock and finds they

have overslept. Sein's Mom calls for them to come down stairs. Everyone looks happy.

Back at Gma and GGma house they are making Kimchi, Back at the Hong house HY and GM

are cooking too.Back at work Sein is now in charge of the company.

Back at the store Jumi and JY and YM are working at the store.

Mr. Slim Shaddy shows up Jumi is happy to see him they chat.

Sera and Jumi's Uncle are together, She is driving him insane lol.

Well he wanted to be a Sugar Daddy, Be careful for what you wish for

:w00t: . Gpa and SJ an Jinsuk work in the garden, SJ lets the cat out of

the bag, He tells Gpa him and Jinsuk are expecting hes elated.

Back at the Hong house HY is getting ready for a family celebration,

Back at Gma and GGma house everyone is there except Jumi, Jumi arrives everyone is

happy to see her. They take a family potrait together.


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Opens with HY and EN entering Jumi's apartment looking for her, She

.... They take a family potrait together.


Thanks for the updates mflwrs. At least, we have an idea of the ending of the show.

Apparently the damages done by SI father and JM must not be too immense since they were quite easily contained without too much problems.

I would like to thank everyone for contributing to my understanding of the drama and of course, the wonderful side-stories.

I am definitely going to miss watching those delicious kimchi dinners!!

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thank you everyone. It`s been more fun reading the comments and synopses than watching the show itself.:-)

I`m not watching these day shows for a while, the weekend shows are really superior. E. G the princess man is really good. To those who celebrated halloween, hope you had a good time.

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As expected Sein & Eunnim made it as a couple ... and Jumi was forgiven, with the overused ending of a family portrait. Well, better than leaving the viewers guessing.

Thanks everyone. I enjoyed watching the drama though it could have been better. 


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Ep 97 KBSW

Another hilarious moment. Eunnim is in a coma and while she should be in ICU, she's lying there in a hospital bed in a room bigger than a standard hotel room with only an IV drip. No monitors are hooked up to her and no oxygen mask, so how seriously in danger can she be, right?

Meantime everyone except the M&A guy, the doctor in crispy clean gown and the ever cute whiny Sera, fears the worst.

I chuckled when HY reminded Jumi of the time Jumi prayed that EN would disappear forever. What a fine mother she is, piling on the guilt trip on Jumi - yeah, we all know Jum's such a powerful villainess that she can even induce coma to who and when she likes.

The funniest part was when the Mal Nam then unloaded a similar guilt trip on HY - yeah it's all HY 's fault that EN is resting peacefully on the bed, with no oxygen masks, monitors or respirators hooked up to her.

It's fascinating to see all the blame game bouncing around like a pin pong ball in that hospital - if you thought the hospital is the place for healing, think again when it comes to k-dramas.

The situation is EN is unconscious but breathing properly on her own without any machine, and most of all she hasn't croaked.

But everybody around her are crying and blaming each other as if she's already climbed the stairway to heaven.

All of a sudden nobody cares about Jin any more - I mean if he was the reason why EN donated her bone marrow, doesn't he share the 'blame'?

What's more the boy seems to have breezed through the surgery and was even up and about like he just woke up from sleep but nobody is rejoicing about recovery..

In fact HY looks even sadder than sad to see JIn recovering than when before the transplant took place.....duh?

The poor boy was lying there looking at all the commotion and he must have realised - Hey, EN is the star of the show....nobody gives a rat's richard simmons whether Jin dies or lives. Why? Because Jin is the excuse for EN going into a few hours of 'coma'.

There was one short scene that impressed me, acting wise, and that was AFTER Jumi was openly criticized by her 'former' female subordinate and as Jumi teared up thinking about Hwa Yeon's 'accusation', M&A guy happened to walk in. Being the strong-willed woman she is, she tried to hide her emotions from hm but the tears continued to flow, her voice cracked slightly and though she tried to steel herself, her composure began to crumble even as she told him what's melting her insides.

Actress Yoon Ah Jung never fails to deliver those short, sharp and poignant scenes which helps to solidify this drama's little gems here and there.

Back to the comedy - of course there's no guessing what woke EN from her few hours of 'coma' - pretty boy's perfume and hair gel. And if you thought this was the end of it, you could not be more off-tangent.

The writer suddenly throws us this snippet to explain HY's sudden change of behavior - SELECTIVE MUTISM (it's on wikipedia).

Put simply, HY has no more need to memorise the script temporarily bcos there aren't any lines written for her to speak. She needs only to look dazed and give that faraway look, hinting perhaps that this drama has another 28 episodes to go on KBSW.

Hmm...me wonders if there's such a thing as Selective Deafness - might come in real handy when dealing with naggy people.

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KBSW Ep 98...the day uncle Gyuyeong calls Sera's mother "Eomeoni" (Mother)

That uppity expression on Sera's mum was so funny as she gives the once over look - your-DNA-isn't-good-enough-for-my-daughter - at Gyuyeong.

Mum's immediate edict to Sera is to change her hairdresser to which Sera says BUT HE DOES MY HAIR JUST THE WAY I LIKE IT.

When Sera said that, I suddenly found the answer as to whose idea it was for Sera always wearing those humongous bow ribbons on her head.

And I also realised that Selective Mutism has a downside - now Sera's mum thinks HY is unable to utter basic words of courtesy like Hello because SHE MUST HAVE BEEN SO TIRED FROM NURSING (should be CARING) her Jin. Sera's mum hawk eyes sure picks up every fine detail.

At the same time Mr Choi Joon Young is making further inroads on Yunmi bcos for the past few episodes he's been tok-king nothing except his 'concern' for Jin. In k-dramas, one of the best ways to win a girl's heart is to share and show compassion when one member of her family is in hospital - it's a surefire win especailly if the guy has broad strong shoulders e.g. Joon Young for her to cry on.

To rub it in, JY even tells Yunmi that in her state of worry abt her mum who has temporarily forgotten basic manners in speech, she cannot possibly run the store on her own so he will do his best to help Yunmi. When Yunmi said THAT WON'T BE NECESSARY, JY says BUT I'D BE SO WORRIED NOT TO. Even as many female Korean hearts and some more overseas stopped beating for 3 nanoseconds upon hearing that, JY then erases that 'awkward' moment by changing the subject to Jin.

And they say men have only one thing only on their mind when it comes to the opposite sex.

For example, don't you love a husband that tells his wife I WANT TO HEAL THE WOUND IN YOUR HEART over seafood lunch in a beautiful seaside setting? This earlier scene was HY's hubby's attempt to rectify the brain dysfunction of his wife who was always dysfunctional from the very beginning.

But the best dysfunctional scene goes to chimpanzee face who now realises there's a huge mistake in a missing clause in the contract Jumi signed on his behalf. One could die laughing at his berserk face of an alpha male chimp who has just found out his entire harem and cache of hidden bananas have been stolen from right under his nose. That's the price you pay as a CEO when:

1) you send a very capable woman to do an incapable man's job and

2) the CEO thinks with his butt and uses his head only to yell. And yell some more.

Then this ep limelight went to M&A guy Jiseop - on a not-very-tall rooftop he advises Jumi to stop what she's trying to do - ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO DO THIS & LOSE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE SO YOU CAN HAVE EUNNIM COME BEGGING TO YOU? OR ARE YOU GOING TO END THIS NOW?


Next time you watch k-drama characters talking on a building rooftop, pay attention....never mind the fact our Jumi & Jiseop couldn't find a higher rooftop because they were surrounded by taller buildings....k-drama actors talking on rooftops is a sign that something profound will be made known to all the ordinary masses below..

Whew! Confucius was wise during his time but our M&A guys knows a thing or two about human philosophy beyond his area of work expertise.

His Words Of Wisdom (WOW) might wow any other ordinary girl but as we know Jumi is anything but ordinary - especially AFTER she saw

1). her mum and EN having a kodak moment below their apartment;

2). so much leftover food just sitting there on their dining table and

3) opening EN's cellphone left behind 'inadvertently' in Jumi's own bedroom and discovering the photo-wallpaper of EN & SI.

What amazed me was the writer didn't make Jumi slam the cellphone to pieces (the mortality rate of cellphones in k-dramas is usually quite high) and instead she gave it to HY.

Hmm....this may be a turning point in Jumi's anger management. Or it could be premature to think of it that way.

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KBSW Ep 99...the day Joon Young got cold shouldered

Skirt-chasing isn't as easy as many k-dramas make it out to be & Mr Nice Guy JY got a mouthful of mud in his face.

He started off by stalking....err...waiting for Yunmi at the hospital lobby and as soon as she appeared, instead of a thousand violins playing, he told her one of the cheesiest line ever invented to win a korean girl's heart - IT'S DANGEROUS TO WALK HOME AT NIGHT.

Yunmi then gave JY the brush-off mixed with a strong dose of freezing cold shoulder - I'M IN NO MOOD TO WALK WITH YOU TONIGHT.

Ouch, make that double OUCH.....other than ball-busting his male pride to smithereens, Yunmi gave JY a lesson in the finer points of finesse....never underestimate a girl the likes of Yunmi bcos she can easily manage the store on her own without JY playing the proverbial 'knight in shining armor' of which there are none in the history of Korea....Korean warriors fought without the clankeetee-clank armor.

Most definitely Yunmi is big-boned enough to ward off any wannabe night-time sex-offender who risks having his family jewels and family line abruptly emasculated should he tangle with Yunmi.

By now it shouldn't surprise anybody that HY is as useless as a DVD player that plays the video but without sound.

Yeah, yeah, we know her husband knows MORE about her condition than the best psychologist in East Asia but that's over-simplying the point - Jin is now able to sit up and asking for his big sister EN to come and hug him chest to chest (puberty comes early for some boys, yeah?) and EN is already back at work strategizing with pretty hair boy to stave off the merger which even the washroom attendant knows plenty about except the poor geezer founder-chairman.

So you tell me - wat's the fracking problem with HY? Is she using all this self-pity to disguise what she did 25 years ago? Are we to sympathise with her past sins as a mother who abandoned her child and now embrace and forgive her bcos if we don't, then she won't unmute herself until she gets what she wants?

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Guest Bijan630

Thank you daunte29.  Your posts put a smile on my face.  I just can't understand why the drama itself is slowing draining the life out of me.  I happened to look up at a commercial that was being aired, and the woman had EN's pathetically sad eyes.  Scared the life out of me.

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For fans of Se In a.k.a Jay "Typhoon" Kim, here's his band's Trax latest MV...click the link to see pretty hair boy doing his real job.


Thanks for the link Daunte. ... enjoyed the video.

Good for Jay Kim..he definitely has a very good voice

P.S: Also, thank you for the "interesting" updates

I am glad that I decided to visit this site today!

Was EN's fake marriage registration brought to light?

Yes...early part of the drama

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KBSW Ep 100...when everything looks like it's been seen, done and said 100 times before.

Did you realise suddenly that after 100 episodes, the entire premise of this drama revolves around one inescapable silly notion: that there can be ONLY ONE eldest daughter in the Hong family?

And why can't there be two eldest sisters? Bcos one of them - the one with the silly grin and wide meaty shoulders - is marrying the pretty boy who once belonged to the one with the angry snarl.

To reinforce this ONE ONLY option, we saw (yet again) how Jumi herself says her mum has to choose (actually she's already made her choice like about 40 times already with each outcome in different order - Jumi, EN, Jumi, EN, EN, Jumi, Jumi, En, Jumi, etc (you get the idea, yeah?).....That's the real reason why HY has become semi-numbed-skull - choosing daughter A or daughter B has become too complicating so much so she's lost her marbles and several screws along with them.

Yes, we folks enjoying this drama on kBSW don't even have to fast forward to the end to know that EN & SI are going to make babies but the real suspense is not over these 2 but the other 2 coupling - Jun Yeong & Yunmi, & the unthinkable Sera & uncle Gyu Yeong.

Today Jun Yeong finally laid his cards and male libido bare on the table by 'confessing' his lust...err....love....for Yunmi, who by the end of this episode still hasn't responded if she would 'go steady' with him or most probably give him the answer every man hates to hear - letz just be frens, ok?

On the other hair, I mean hand, uncle Gyu Yeong is laying it thick on Sera by playing hard-to-get....something you don't see too often in TV dramas nowadays....and his many years of rejections must have taught him a trick or two on how to get the human female species called Sera to stop resisting and shout out his name in her whiny voice.

Finally after 100 exciting gripping episodes, old geezer founder chairman finally found out through his 3rd-rate spy network that his son, chimpanzee face, has every intention of merging his company and leaving the founder not on the substitutes' bench but out of the stadium altogether.

With that scenario firmly in his head, founder-chairman was forced to exercise the only power he has - evict chimp face so that he no longer has to sleep next to his chubby wife. Which explains why chimp face, despite shouting at both his father and his own son in quick succession, was double quick in packing his entire collection of wearables into one bag and walked into his new home - an unused drama set in the KBS Drama Annex Building.

After 100 episodes, I must confess I've lost count how many times those 3 - Jumi, HY, EN - against all possible odds and against all permutation possibilities, always end up 'accidentally' seeing each other and no matter where the place is - inside Jumi's office corridor and lobby, outside Jumi's office, in the middle of the street, in the middle of the park outside the Hongs aprtment, inside the hospital, outside the hospital, at the branch store, in the ladies room?....etc

And every single time they 'bump' into each other, instead of happy greetings and pleasantries exchanged, there's always dramatic background music, and extreme close-ups and eyeballs expanding to show the mother of all awkward situations.

Try the same time next time you meet an old acquaintance or friend unexpectedly in the middle of the pedestrian crossing or siiting next to you in a packed baseball stadium...remember NOT to smile, just enlarge your eyeballs and tilt your head backwards slightly like you've seen your unknown twin for the first time, and then open your mouth just a tad to give that look of shock.

So who says k-dramas aren't educational, yeah? It teaches us what to do and how to get out from awkward situations time and time again.

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