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[Drama 2011] Indomitable Daughters-in-Law 불굴의 며느리

Guest C51236

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I hope someone can tell us the content of the conversation between SW and YS when he confess to her.  She was totally shocked. ;)

As for SR, she must be very desperate to get money for her family to sacrifice her husband this way.  It's obvious that she's creating circumstantial evidence of an (non-existent) affair between JW and HW, in order to up the monetary settlement.  And, she may come to regret her actions if she, later, realizes that she actually loved him.  (Just like that one character in "New Tales of the Gisaengs".)  :phew:

And, in the preview for next week,

SW shows up at YS' home because I think she quit her job at the call center.

Thank you to sweetkiss, DaracyCollie, C51236, semi-fly for all the tidbits and links. :)

Also, did SW know YS' whole story?  Did he find out from YJ when they met for drinks that time?

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Oh dear us, BIG THANK YOU for those recaps!!! I honestly feel like i'm floating in heaving now, being able to understand what's really going on.laugh.gif That chart alone is priceless, as i can finally figure out who is who. 

I'm worried though that things may go downhill now with the two daughters in law. Their connection to the Moon men are getting even more tangled up.sweatingbullets.gif

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Auntie Mame, it was the big confession time. I love seeing how she's totally unaware of his feelings while he's been struggling to figure out how he feels. It's rather refreshing but I wonder how her feelings will come to turn around to match his. Here is the confession conversation between SW and YS:

SW: My name isn't 'young man', it's Moon Shin Woo. Please call me by my name from now on. And I will no longer refer to you as ahjumma, but call you Oh Young Shim.

YS: Are you listening to me at all? I have no intention of playing with fire with you, young man.

SW: What I'm doing right now is not joking or playing with fire, especially not the latter. I... like you.

YS: What are you saying? Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?

SW: I'm not suggesting that we do anything right away. I just wanted to let you know about how I felt. Now that I've told you, I would like you to start thinking more seriously about me.

YS: Young man...

SW: I've always kept my feelings inside of me and I'm not very good at saying the right things. I only want to be truthful about how I feel.

YS: Why a young man of your standing and forthrightness is saying such things to me, I just can't understand it. I'm a lot older than you are.

SW: Such things are not important.

YS: My husband died only a little while ago, I'm a widow.

SW: Everyone suffers a separation. Young Shim, you are not my first either.

YS: I appreciate how you are nice to me, young man, but..

SW: I'm not being nice to you, I like you. The thorns that have been in my mind for the last 4 years, you have removed them. While I was with you, I no longer felt the pain. I have never had this feeling of liberation during those 4 years.

YS: You should go before we have to face my in-laws.

SW: We'll leave it here for today. Rest well, Young Shim.

As for SW's awareness of YS's story, I believe he knows that her husband use to work as a PD in the home shopping and that he died recently, hence the job offer to YS as his widow (he found this out from his brother when he requested YS's personnel file in an earlier episode). He is unaware of Ji Eun's relationship in that marriage but I love the fact that he gives her the brush off whenever she comes nearby. I realize that this may not last throughout the drama, but I'm enjoying the change for now.

As for the preview, YS is absent from work due to illness and SW visits her at her home because he's worried about her being sick.

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YJ is my favorite character. Ttoday she slapped some sense into her sister's head and next week, oh my, I might download the episode so I can reply another anticipated favorite scene ... tongue.gif

YJ decks the baby maker!

You go girl! w00t.gif

YJ needs to cross over and visit SB in MLBMS wink.gif

DarcyCollie thank you for the dialogue, it's so cute I'm blushing from sweetness.  Aww, we got a another Rocker who knows what he wants and won't take no stuff from a stalker! Don't you just Luv SW, especially since it looks as if he has no intention of taking on the younger role in the relationship. rolleyes.gif He's the man!wub.gif

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@DaracyCollie:  Thank you for translating the conversation.  Sooo sweet.

The reason I asked if SW knew YS' story was because in ep. 19, when he met with YJ, she said something about Home Shopping, her brother and call center.  So, I thought YJ asked him to watch out for her sister-in-law, i.e. YS.  :huh:

(And, the irony is that I don't speak Korean.) :w00t:

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Guest shondrea2

I Know!!!! Isn't it fun!!!!! *quoted image*

Yes!!!! I can't wait for the first kiss from both brothers and I love how Vivianne is with SW brother . I hope he and Vivianne mom gets together soon he deserves to be happy and you can tell that he really wants a child of his own, he is great with Vivianne they already looks like a happy family.

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Yes!!!! I can't wait for the first kiss from both brothers and I love how Vivianne is with SW brother . I hope he and Vivianne mom gets together soon he deserves to be happy and you can tell that he really wants a child of his own, he is great with Vivianne they already looks like a happy family.

Yes, didn't his own mother say Vivianne looks like him.  JW and Vivianne look sweet together.  I wonder how VA really feels. When she was on the phone with her father she was shedding blood tears because she missed him so hard. I wonder if she is capable of replacing him with JW. Because she is such a loving child I think it's possible. However, I am sure Vivianne will initially give her mommy (HW) and JW a hard time.  sweatingbullets.gif 

So is anyone excited about the upcoming sock?? I can't wait to see the baby-maker stagger laugh.gif

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Yes, didn't his own mother say Vivianne looks like him.  JW and Vivianne look sweet together.  I wonder how VA really feels. When she was on the phone with her father she was shedding blood tears because she missed him so hard. I wonder if she is capable of replacing him with JW. Because she is such a loving child I think it's possible. However, I am sure Vivianne will initially give her mommy (HW) and JW a hard time.  *quoted image* 

So is anyone excited about the upcoming sock?? I can't wait to see the baby-maker stagger *quoted image*

I don't think Baby-maker just staggers.  I think he went down for the count.   Matter of fact, if he has any intelligence at all, he'd stay down.  Getting up would only earn him more socks.  :P

If this thread becomes like the one from YDKW, I'd be happy.  Everyone on that thread was funny, reasonable and mature.  We laughed at the drama, characters and ourselves. :D

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Wow, because of DarcyCollie and other helpful members of this thread watching the raw videos

is not frustrating. I too am a diehard for UDKW, just as I am for DIL. Thanks everyone for

translation, comments and extra tidbits. This drama if going to be a fun rollercoaster ride to the end.

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Wow, because of DarcyCollie and other helpful members of this thread watching the raw videos

is not frustrating.  I too am a diehard  for UDKW, just as I am for DIL.  Thanks everyone for

translation, comments and extra tidbits.  This drama if going to be a fun rollercoaster ride to the end.

I'm in for a roller coaster ridetongue.gif. I haven't been on one since YDKW. As we all know, the forum is more than half the fun in watching a daily drama (especially with Auntie Mame on board laugh.gif) There's so many people who add beautiful color laughter and information that it's a treat when we can meet over a good drama. 

Anyway, since prego has met Mr. Coffee do you think she will be in his corner when he tries to pursue her mother. I think so especially since he gave her a hankie. Another father daughter pair.wub.gif

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Guest shondrea2

I'm in for a roller coaster ride*quoted image*. I haven't been on one since YDKW. As we all know, the forum is more than half the fun in watching a daily drama (especially with Auntie Mame on board *quoted image*) There's so many people who add beautiful color laughter and information that it's a treat when we can meet over a good drama. 

Anyway, since prego has met Mr. Coffee do you think she will be in his corner when he tries to pursue her mother. I think so especially since he gave her a hankie. Another father daughter pair.*quoted image*

I think Mr. Coffee is her father. when he gave her the hankie he really didn't see her face because she kept her head down.Mr. Coffee has a old photo of him and I'm sure that's her mother. Someone posted the families and their connections and he is connected to her mother. YS wanted so badly to have a child now she has a  drop dead gorgeous guy to give her one lollaugh.gif YS certainly was lost in thought when she was sitting down I don't think she even thought about a relationship with SW before but now the seed has been planted. On another note has anyone  besides me seen Que Sera,Sera ? It may not be for everyone, but I love it. If you would like to see it you can find it at Dramacrazy. I hope it's OK to name the site if not PLEASE LET ME KNOW AND I WON'T DO IT AGAIN. THANKS.  I'm waiting for some new dramas something worth watching like this and I wish there were recent recaps for Sweet Pitapat . I gave up New Tales of Gisaeng a long time ago.

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Actually, I have been wondering about the age difference between YJ and SJ.  YJ is listed as 30 and SJ is listed as 19.  That's quite a few years between births for the mother.  Could SJ be adopted?  :huh:

I don't think Mr. Coffee is SJ's father.  I think Mr. Coffee is interested in that family because his first love was 12thG. DIL, Hye Ja.  And, he's been hoping to bump into her. 

Shin Woo is so cute/funny when he's with Young Shim.  It's no wonder she calls him, 'Young Man'.  Almost like the principal talking to a grade-schooler.    Actually, he's even funnier talking to himself, in his room.  He looks like he, himself, can't believe what's happening to him.  hahaha   :lol:

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Guest shondrea2

Actually, I have been wondering about the age difference between YJ and SJ.  YJ is listed as 30 and SJ is listed as 19.  That's quite a few years between births for the mother.  Could SJ be adopted?  :huh:

I don't think Mr. Coffee is SJ's father.  I think Mr. Coffee is interested in that family because his first love was 12thG. DIL, Hye Ja.  And, he's been hoping to bump into her. 

Shin Woo is so cute/funny when he's with Young Shim.  It's no wonder she calls him, 'Young Man'.  Almost like the principal talking to a grade-schooler.    Actually, he's even funnier talking to himself, in his room.  He looks like he, himself, can't believe what's happening to him.  hahaha   :lol:

I was about to correct myself about Mr. Coffee and that girl being his daughter.

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Guest shondrea2

I was about to correct myself about Mr. Coffee and that girl being his daughter.

Can someone recap 24 when SW mom confront YS after she gets the phone call from woman PLEASE!!!!!!!

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Guest bimbibap

Episode 24

Shin Woo's mother's confrontation

Oh Young Shim brought the colander of bean sprout to peel

Oh Young Shim: I can do this on my own….tomorrow there is no need for you to come at all

Moon Shin Woo: Do you really dislike me for helping you?

Oh Young Shim: Really dislike….it bothers me to death

Moon Shin Woo laughed

Oh Young Shim: Why the laugh?

Moon Shin Woo: Hearing you say, it seems to say that you like it to death

Oh Young Shim: Again…. you are saying nonsensical again

Moon Shin Woo: Have you eaten the Han Oriental medicine?

Oh Young Shim: I forgot about that

Moon Shin Woo: You should take the medication on time, how can you forget about that

Oh Young Shim: I know…I know….therefore don’t go on nagging

Oh Young Shim took a packet of tonic

Moon Shin Woo: Give it to me…..

Moon Shin Woo peeled the packet and poured the contents into a cup

Moon Shin Woo: Quickly drink this!

Oh Young Shim: I feel really uncomfortable with this Royal Princess treatment you are giving, therefore I beg you to stop this…please

Moon Shin Woo: How can this be considered as what Royal Princess treatment, do you wish to see what actually a Royal Princess treatment is like?

Oh Young Shim: I am already advance in age, what Royal Princess treatment…

Oh Young Shim drank up then continued with the bean sprout as Moon Shin Woo smiled at her

Hyeon Myeong Joo came to the restaurant and seeing Moon Shin Woo peeling bean sprouts with Oh Young Shim. Hyeon Myeong Joo recalled the telephone conversation with Im Ji Eun

Im Ji Eun: Eomeoni, I have thought over this a while, don’t know whether I should tell you about this matter but then I felt that you should have knowledge about this

Hyeon Myeong Joo marched into the restaurant as Oh Young Shim greeted her as a customer

Oh Young Shim: Welcome

Hyeon Myeong Joo slapped Oh Young Shim. Moon Shin Woo stood up in shock to see what his mother had done

Moon Shin Woo: O…Omma!

Hyeon Myeong Joo: You…vixen!

Hyeon Myeong Joo threw the colander of bean sprouts onto Oh Young Shim

Moon Shin Woo: What are you doing…now!!!

Hyeon Myeong Joo: Who is our Shin Woo….that you dare to take interest on him, do you think I am a person that will allow him to go with this kind of a person like you that I have raise him so well. You as a widow, how dare to take an interest in my son. If I don’t throw into the earthen urn will not appease my anger

Moon Shin Woo: Really…what is wrong with you, Omma!!!!

Hyeon Myeong Joo: Come to your sense….boy!!!...What do you have in flaw to go around chasing a skirt of a widow like she

Oh Young Shim: It seems there is…some misunderstanding here….Moon Shin Woo and I are just mere colleagues in the same department, as colleagues, we are seen as close acquaintance therefore it seems that a strange rumours had arise that it seems to have reach Eomeoni’s ears. What you fear….it definitely will never happened

Hyeon Myeong Joo: What wretched….what colleagues in the same department?

Oh Young Shim: Yes, it is…but come to think of this, in Eomeoni’s perspective point of view that you raise your son so well, if he was to go with a woman like me who is a widow and is also a working colleague of the same department, I feel that this will make you feel restless…I have never consider that thought of that…I am sorry

Hyeon Myeong Ja: Is this true?....Will you swear on your late husband’s name?

Oh Young Shim: Yes…I will swear on my late husband name that this is the truth

Hyeon Myeong Joo: What this woman has said is true?

Moon Shin Woo: That is correct…what this woman is said is true…Let’s go, Eomeoni

Hyeon Myeong Joo left the restaurant, as Oh Young Shim started to clean up the mess

Hyeon Myeong Joo: Therefore as I was saying…..why do you need to get so close acquaintance with that woman to have everyone gossiping about this everywhere to have your mother misunderstand

Moon Shin Woo: Please get into the car

Hyeon Myeong Joo: How about you?

Moon Shin Woo: You go ahead first, I still have something else to say to her

Hyeon Myeong Joo: Why…is it because that your Mother has just slap that woman on her face, that you felt guilty about that

Hyeon Myeong Joo opened her purse to pulled a few banker notes

Moon Shin Woo: What are you doing?.....

Hyeon Myeong Joo: Just pay her off with money and it will be fine…why is there to trouble yourself to give an apology

Moon Shin Woo was appalled at his mother's action and shouted at his mother

Moon Shin Woo: OMMA!

Hyeon Myeong Joo was taken aback by her son’s outburst

Hyeon Myeong Joo: I know…I know…Quickly return home

Oh Young Shim wept as she cleaned up the bean sprouts. Moon Shin Woo returned to the restaurant

Oh Young Shim: Why have you returned..? You should have gone home together with your Mother…there is no need to feel sorry about this…this kind of happening as for me seems to be normal affairs for me therefore this kind of incident doesn’t bother me at all…I am alright….also..even if it is change to my perspective point of will, I would have done the same thing, if I were to misunderstood that my good son were to like a woman like me, as your mother perspective she has every right to do so….I understand

Moon Shin Woo: Is this really the truth…..?

Oh Young Shim looked at Moon Shin Woo

Moon Shin Woo: You really could swear on your late husband’s name that you can guarantee that you will never have any feeling for me at all…not even a moment

Oh Young Shim: Of course…what feeling would I have….I…although I don’t have much of an education but then I know what my standing are as a woman is

Moon Shin Woo: Is that so?...it look like I am the one who is crazy….I was crazy that was the only one who misunderstood about the matter

Moon Shin Woo left in disappointment

Back home ....

Hyeon Myeong Joo tried to pacify her upset son

Hyeon Myeong Joo: You still being upset with me..Son….Omma didn’t have any trust with her son…it is my fault….Omma say sorry…Son

Moon Shin Woo just walked pass his mother

Hyeon Myeong Joo: He is definitely is very upset…this is worrying

I hope you all enjoy this bit of translation

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