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[Drama 2011] City Hunter 시티헌터

Guest adikkeluangman

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Guest myphim

Now that everything is out in the open what will YJ do? I'm also anxious about JP next move since he is the only one now who knows target #5 identity unless target #4 confesses. This is too exciting!!!

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Guest good123

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*sigh* I must admit, I'm a little..no, a lot disappointed that we weren't shown YS giving CPR to NN ;) or NN having chills and YS deciding to give her some bodyheat ^_^ or even a kiss or a hug :( A bed scene. blush.gif Yes, I know that the show is revenge oriented and not romance but they balanced both of it just fine in the starting.

I seriously feel deflated now. What are the chances that we will get romance in the last two episodes? Almost none. There's so much to solve for our CH: The truth about his real dad. MY-KH, President-KH, JP and his revenge. Also that the 5th target is the President and only death will satisfy JP as punishment for the Pres. Why does JP ONLY want death for the Pres. Why exactly the Pres went on with the assassination of the 20 agents. KH's illness.

God, it totally boggled the mind.

Seriously show? You expect us to move on with only 2 kisses? :(

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Guest webby

Officially the MOST hilarious thing I ever read on CH gall. someone said that YS should tell YJ in ep 19 opening that he also put on a mask to go meet City Hunter. LOLOL.

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Guest myphim

Officially the MOST hilarious thing I ever read on CH gall. someone said that YS should tell YJ in ep 19 opening that he also put on a mask to go meet City Hunter. LOLOL.

That's so funny! :lol: :lol: :lol:

It would make such a witty comeback too. I can totally see YS saying this. Definitely something he would say...

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Officially the MOST hilarious thing I ever read on CH gall. someone said that YS should tell YJ in ep 19 opening that he also put on a mask to go meet City Hunter. LOLOL.

LOL i seriously cracked up the moment i imagined what you wrote there webby... YS dropping his gun and said to YJ, "i'm late for the city hunter costume parade... and since you shot my tire can i get a ride?" lol... too funny..

for those who are disappointed with the lack of interaction between YS and NN.. well let's just hope that they'll make it up to us with next week's last two episodes. oh did i just say last two? could you believe it?????

and i need somebody to confirm/ clarify this:

1. so president doesn't know he made KH pregger??? coz i thought that little talk with YJ he had in this little food stand about not admitting mistake is referring to him not taking responsibility for making KH pregnant, as well as for not keeping his promise to MY and JP.

2. is the second lead actress in this drama DH/ SH??? coz i don't see SH at all in this episode but i see DH being her usual clingy self in almost every episode. is it because earlier many ppl sense that SH and YS have great chemistry? or is it because of go hara being an idol?

3. what happened to chun jae man's lackey? and how come in the airport nobody chased after YS when he drove that thing (dunno what it's called) i mean only airport officers are allowed to drive that thing right???

i can't wait for wednesday to come but at the same time i don't want to see the ending this fast.. i believe the story could use at least 4 more episodes... stretch it another week, PD and SBS! cheballlll~

and since we are DYING here of MINMIN i suggest they make a channel on youtube like what playful kiss did with the special episodes... maybe a few episodes like a comic's side story about the characters... for instance maybe dedicate one episode for MINMIN's romance, their date/marriage life after YS starts living a normal life, NN suddenly feeling sick and wanna vomit (which is kdrama's definite sign of pregnancy), one episode for ajusshi and eun ah and ki joon, one for YJ and SH, and one for JP learning his lesson that life is not all about revenge, and maybe flashback of his bromance with MY.

i vote for no season 2 please... i've watched so many american series that got ugly because of further and further extensions... plus if there's a season 2 i doubt that it's gonna top this one and as viewers we couldn't help but to compare. so no, thanks.

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Guest mochamist

Ok, YJ is getting on my nerves. So haha, you finally got the mask off of City Hunter. Congratulations. TOO BAD YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE THERE. What's his deal? If he knows City Hunter is the good guy now, why does he keep wanting to uncover him? Inferiority complex... :phew: But YJ and YS really have the best chemistry lol

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Officially the MOST hilarious thing I ever read on CH gall. someone said that YS should tell YJ in ep 19 opening that he also put on a mask to go meet City Hunter. LOLOL.

LOL i seriously cracked up the moment i imagined what you wrote there webby... YS dropping his gun and said to YJ, "i'm late for the city hunter costume parade... and since you shot my tire can i get a ride?" lol... too funny..

You both have made my day :lol::wub::lol: It looks like a fanfiction is in the making here, in the CH soompi thread, no less :lol: . Bring it ON!!! :lol:

AGB viewership ratings:

City Hunter - 19,3%

Princess's Man - 9,4%

Heartstrings special - 5,1%

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Guest bashful

only one complaint about this week eps. NOT ENOUGH SCENES OF NN AND YS.. fury.gif Next week will be the end of this drama and I hope they will give us some sweet scenes like SG....

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Guest webby

Episode 18 -- July 21, 2011

AGB Nielsen

City Hunter 19.3(nationwide)/19.3(seoul)

Princess' Man 9.4/11.3


City Hunter 18.6(nationwide)/20.3(seoul)

Princess' Man 8.7/10.1

Ahh... CH just managed to go over 20 for seoul TNmS ratings.... but i'm still happy for it. Production company said they were aiming for 30%.

I was just wondering, since YS knows the tragedy happened in 1983. wouldn't it be common sense to find out who's in charge of secret service during that time since that person is mostly likely linked to the incident, or at least may know about it?

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City Hunter Rocks My Socks.

How hilarious was it when Yoon Sung offer 100Won (~10cents) for Haewon Chemicals? Such sweet karma.

And then also when all those people show up wearing masks. I laughed and laughed.

And Nana... I LOVE NANA. She almost drowned to death and she tells Yoon Sung that she was going to wait for him anyway and will continue to wait for him.

Also, cool little details on how YS doesn't make a sound when he walks, getting noticed by the Head security guy....that was awesome.

Hopefully Chun's lackey will betray Chun and help City Hunter in some way after learning that Chun doesn't give a hoot about his life.

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Guest bashful

they need to extend this drama to 1 or 2 more eps ...I have a feeling they will rush through the ending with only 20 eps..... :unsure:

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Guest chloe.c

:( Sorry I'm not as generous and understanding as some of you here., but I'm still UNHAPPY THAT WE DID NOT GET OUR DOSE OF YS AND NN THIS WEEK :'(

I get that City Hunter is awesome as it is and it was never a romance drama to begin with...but IT'S THEIR FAULT FOR PUTTING SUCH GORGEOUS PEOPLE WITH SO MUCH CHEMISTRY AS THE LEADS!!!

Put two dogs as the leads then I wouldn't care.

But when you put LMH and PMY in a drama together with skinship.... you cannot blame us for wanting such thingsssss!! LOLLLL.

I also hope that the last 2 episodes won't be rushed! I also feel that there seems to be a lot to wrap up in the last two episodes!! It's been GREAT so far and it would suck for the ending to be ruined. Many dramas are like this: start off great, ending kind of ruins it all.

*touchwood* UNHAPPY endings literally ruins the whole drama too !!

So scriptwriters, YOU KNOW WHERE TO GO WITH THIS DRAMA RIGHT???????????/

I think they really need an extension or a sequel...but a sequel would mean lots of waiting!!! ><

Now I'm going to have to decide whether or not I should watch this week's eps since 1. no YS and NN to motivate me, and 2. don't want to kill myself when I catch up with such cliffhangers :(

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To  be honest, I'm all for a CH Season 2.  Sorry MinMin fans as I do not  know where that places the couple if LMH and the PD are going for it...

Well he can always have NANA as his girlfriday.  lol  Action drama without even a hint of romance turns out to be boring  sometimes, so yeah im still pushing for MInmin.heh

leslie,  i'm so with you... i'll pm you the fanfic over the weekend to ease our  frustration - but just dont lose heart because they have affirmed their  love for each other!!! now im praying the scriptwriter will not kill off  YS or else all will be in vain!

(whispering: i know wuri Minho is SO  capable of the shirt-ripping-against the wall- *thrusting* but do you  think Nana can come up with "nail marks - zips pulling - richard simmons-grabbing  actions?????  :vicx:  :ph34r: )

Okies,  i'll wait for that rated 18 fanfic. If PDnim wont give us the  thrusting,rubbin and lots of kissing then id just turn to that fanfic to  ease my frustration.lmao. IDK if Nana can come up with Nail marks  though..................and the richard simmons grabbing actions since her nails  arent that long enough lmao but we just have to wait HAHAHA

he touched her boobies!

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

yeah Nana is an "in-charge" girl. (<3 her)

*HUUUUUUUUUUGS* Dramaok  thanks for the lulzy scene, i wouldnt have notice the boobie grabbing  part if not for you.lMAO. You have eagle eyes Master Dramaok i bow to  thee. Damn so frustrated w/ MinMin for the last two eps but yeah the  lack of romance was a bit justifiable because of the revelations *sigh*

*sigh* I must admit, I'm a little..no, a lot disappointed that we weren't shown YS giving CPR to NN ;)  or NN having chills and YS deciding to give her some bodyheat ^_^ or even a kiss or a hug :(  A bed scene.  blush.gif Yes, I know that the show is revenge oriented and not romance but they balanced both of it just fine in the starting.

I  seriously feel deflated now. What are the chances that we will get  romance in the last two episodes? Almost none. There's so much to solve  for our CH: The truth about his real dad. MY-KH, President-KH, JP and  his revenge. Also that the 5th target is the President and only death  will satisfy JP as punishment for the Pres. Why does JP ONLY want death  for the Pres. Why exactly the Pres went on with the assassination of the  20 agents. KH's illness.

God, it totally boggled the mind.

Seriously show? You expect us to move on with only 2 kisses? :(

I  threw my towel last night for MINMIN couple and im in verge of giving  up hoping for some 'bodyheat' lmao. So disappointed because you are  right for the last two eps its gonna be more difficult to get any  romantic plot to satisfy the shipper BOOO. YEah i know this is a revenge  series etc but hey I cant help but want some lovin right? *sigh* We can  only wait....

DEAR Dramaok,Miniejungle and the rest of frustrated MinMin shippers.

This one's for US...lmao

In the land of M and M , the love story between Bear Nana and City Hunter started when they were still teenagers.


They didnt see each other for quite sometime as Bear Nana had to study in Sungkyunkwang and City Hunter curled his hair to join BOF University. But one day

City Hunter saw Bear Nana in the bus and decided never to let her go


Bear Nana and City Hunter worked in the same office, the RED HOUSE. They play cat and mouse, bickering all the time...


but the truth is, they have hots for each other


One day City Hunter couldnt take the 'tension' and during their JUDO practice...


After that the two couldnt sleep well...


He then invited Bear Nana one night to his apartment to cook for him


After cooking, Bear Nana became exhausted and took a nap without knowing City Hunter was all over her


Bear Nana woke up and saw CityHunter looming...


one thing led to another...


after that night, they live happily kissin,wubbing ,lovin....


until Bear Nana gave birth to two cute kids..



I suck at writing and so sorry for NON shippers dont click on the spoiler tag cause you guys may just want to kill me. LOL. Frustration is over the roof right now so yeah...

ack  CITY  HUNTER i shall MISS YOU SO MUCH after next week. Aigoo


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Guest myphim

In the land of M and M , the love story between Bear Nana and City Hunter started when they were still teenagers.

They didnt see each other for quite sometime as Bear Nana had to study in Sungkyunkwang and City Hunter curled his hair to join BOF University. But one day

City Hunter saw Bear Nana in the bus and decided never to let her go

Bear Nana and City Hunter worked in the same office, the RED HOUSE. They play cat and mouse, bickering all the time...

but the truth is, they have hots for each other

One day City Hunter couldnt take the 'tension' and during their JUDO practice...

After that the two couldnt sleep well...

He then invited Bear Nana one night to his apartment to cook for him

After cooking, Bear Nana became exhausted and took a nap without knowing City Hunter was all over her

Bear Nana woke up and saw CityHunter looming...

one thing led to another...

after that night, they live happily kissin,wubbing ,lovin....

until Bear Nana gave birth to two cute kids..


Your fanfic is awesome! Love it!!

By the way, how come one of the babies looks like YJ?

Don't tell me there will be another 'birth secret'? sweatingbullets.gif:oblush.gif

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Your fanfic is awesome! Love it!!

By the way, how come one of the babies look like YJ? Don't tell me there will be another 'birth secret'? sweatingbullets.gif  :o  blush.gif

PWAHAHA havent really thought about it..i just wanted to find a lulzy pic for the 'KIDS' HEHE but yeah for a more complicated storyline there could be 'BIRTH SECRETS'

Glad you enjoyed it....XDDD Im waiting for DramaOK and Miniejungle versions to so that we can survive till Wednesday.haha




Nana: I will wait for you. I am going to wait for Lee Yoon Sung for the rest of my life.

Yoon Sung: Do you really want to keep making this hard for me?

Nana: Let’s go together. I don’t know where the end is, but if we together it won’t be lonely. I don’t want Lee Yoon Sung to be lonely anymore

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Guest zoopia

Was it just me that didn't find ep 17 that great...? I had to skip several parts (first time doing that for City Hunter)

But I AM looking forward to ep 18! I ending was great, YS helping his dad who has been sooooo mean to him with not letting him be with Na Na etc

But that bodyguard guy, kinda creepy... This is when YS's identity is revealed huh?

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