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Lee Jong Suk’s Taking a Breath (Marie Claire Dec 2015) - Part 2

Source: Marie Claire
Translation note: Part 1. As usual, honest and to the point! I miss him <3

MC: Do you pay effort into your appearance? Most male actors will go the gym for leisure. 

I exercise almost every day. During this rest period, I wanted to really train up my body for once, so I even went for bulking up exercises. However, now I feel my body is too broad so I doing it less. I also tried horse-riding and rock-climbing, but gave up both in the end. Riding a horse made my butt hurt more than expected and my fingers got all scratched up after rock-climbing. (laughs)

MC: Actually, I got a bit flustered when I first came in and saw you, since it looks like it’s been some time since you cut your hair.

Well, since there’s nothing particular to cut my hair for, so I didn’t do so. I also had no idea what kind of project I’d be doing next, so I just let it grow long. Maybe I’ll need long hair for my next role.

MC: You could just wear a wig.

That would look weird and unnatural. I still regret not letting my hair grow long for my role in ‘The Face Reader’. (T/N: Er, how about Namsoon which was filmed at the same time…)

MC: Do you think acting gets easier with experience?

No. I feel it gets harder. It’s getting quite serious; I’m more nervous now than I was when I first debuted. Back when I began to act, it wasn’t hard for me to look my acting partner in the eye, but gradually I started escaping for his/her gaze. It was so difficult for me to stare straight into both eyes that I actually started to look at one eye of my partner. The audience can’t really tell through the camera lens but I just focus on his/her right eye… I can’t receive all of the emotions from the other person though.

MC: You’re overthinking it. At your age, you are allowed to be slightly self-possessed and more brash with your actions!

You’re right. Even when I am acting, I can’t act in a direct manner. I go to acting class with Go Kyung Pyo and even when we are acting from the same script, that friend and I have extremely different styles. I would analyze the scene in detail and plan out my movements before beginning; meanwhile, he acts on pure animalistic instinct. I can’t do that. Whenever I see actors with such raw talent, I look up to that. Even now, if my acting exceeds the boundaries I’ve set for myself, even for just a little bit, I would start to blush with embarrassment. I feel so ashamed and frustrated, perhaps it’s because I have such a desire to act well. I will search for the interviews done by sunbae actors; when they talk about their own struggles, it becomes my source of strength. I would think, ‘Ah, so even sunbaes talk about this’.

MC: Have you ever imagined yourself growing old like those sunbaes?

Many times. When I was checking the photos we took in Paris, I saw the creases/wrinkles around my mouth, and it shocked me so much. I thought about it a lot in my hotel room… I think I’m not the type to grow old in a handsome way. I feel like I can’t become a handsome veteran actor with wrinkles.

MC: What are you afraid of? Compared to many actors your age, you’ve taken many more characters that require you to wreck your looks. You’ve done a role with mop hair and another one dressed in old-fashioned, 70s school uniforms.

I picked those roles on purpose. Ever since ‘I Hear Your Voice’, I’ve been terrifed that people will only see me as a ‘rising star’. I wish to become a real actor so i wanted to show them – “I can do it to this extent”. Not only those handsome but superficial roles, I think these ‘image-wrecking roles’ can display my acting potential more clearly.

MC: Is there anything you want to change for the coming year?

I become really awkward when I am with people I don’t know well. Even though I really want to be close with sunbae actors, but once I’m in a place with lots of strangers, my face flushes red and I just want to escape. At award ceremonies that are filled with strangers, I would be asked to give a speech although I’m dying inside. Even before I go on stage, I’m already thinking of how I can convey my thoughts earnestly but concisely, so that I can get off the stage. My speech would be as short as possible, without crossing the line into sounding insincere. 

I really want to change now. I want to be able to say hi to my juniors and seniors comfortably, listen to their advice on acting. I want to be able to confide all my troubles in someone, but it’s still not easy. Therefore, I tend to listen to my fans a lot, since they are my source of strength.

MC: No matter what, you should be more comfortable with friends. What’s Lee Jong Suk like when he is with friends?

Hm… I hate the whole push and pull for the bill when I go out for dinner with friends, even as a joke. Even back when I didn’t have money, I would pay for it. Even if I end up with no taxi money. That’s it.

MC: Soon it will be the last month of this year… how will Lee Jong Suk remember year 2015?

I probably won’t. Because there’s nothing to remember. A project to a year is like… if I filmed something that year, I’ll remember that year when I think of the project. I didn’t leave anything behind this year.

MC: You’ll probably become busy next year.

I’ll do many projects next year. After this period of rest, I think it’s only right to work a lot. I am not a person who can rest. When I have a lot of time, it doesn’t mean I am relaxed. Now my head is full of all kinds of thoughts, I want to get rid of them; fill my head with nothing but work.


Trans By: hitoritabi 



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Guest Sandy5959

I just finished reading our boy's interview for Marie Claire and I have mixed feeling. I love his frankness as always and it makes me feel like I'm chatting with my next door friend LOL :P But reading his difficulty in acting and choosing new proj makes me worried... Seem there's too much pressure on him and he can't make his mind up yet bcuz of it. It's okay sweetie, as long as you put your best effort into the character, I bet everything will be fine :wub: 

On the other side, I'm proud that our boy never stop reflecting cuz like grandpa said in Pinocchio: "It's a problem if you take up the challenge without knowing to be fearful of it, but you'll be fine as long as you know to be fearful of it beforehand". So although he has many things to worry now but I believe he'll overcome them all and be successful :D Fighting Sukkie ah~ :wub::wub: Release all your passion for acting quickly LOOOL :lol::lol:


*hahahaha, sr dear, teasing you became my habit now :lol::lol::lol::lol:*

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