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If you could live in another country other than yours, which one would it be?

Guest morningskyx

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the country i would live into is on asia region, because of the girl and i don't like live in western cause they are so racist to asian#1 taiwan: many beautiful chinese, not communist, healthy food, healthy lifestyle(used to much walk and public transport)#2 china: almost the same with taiwan but id don't consider it much due to communist and too many polution( cause i don't like to live in small town)#3 south korea/japan : if more korean do plastic surgery i will choose south korea but if not i will choose japan, but i will be a gaijin and they wll racist i afraid

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Guest hyungkiller

South Korea~ ^.^Because I want to live in that sort of city.I will be able to improve my Korean and see the sights of old and new Korea at the same time.Especially at night time with the lights ^.^

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Guest mlenil

Actually I have many options. It would be:
1. Japan because I love the culture, food, and the city
2. Korea because it's a beautiful and chic country
3. England because I love the old landscape and the buildings

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Guest pandiculation

I would definitely go for South Korea and Japan because the nature around them is just beautiful. I also have a thing for city landscapes and these countries' cityscapes are so lovely.

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Gosh, it'll be hard leaving Australia. It's a good country to live, expensive but one of the best in terms of medical services, benefits etc...though at the moment the government is being screwed with by a bad Prime Minister.

I would either live in Thailand, Japan or South Korea aha I'm sorry but I can't narrow it down to 1.

Thailand - Where I am from and I already have citizenship there as well as in Australia. It wouldn't be for the rest of my life, more like for a few years maybe working with some big companies. Just to become more familiar with my heritage and experience some good times. Thought Thailand is actually quiet dangerous and they're still trying to get up to speed with equality between social statuses and stuff like that.

Japan- I've studied the culture and langauge and would die to live here for the rest of my life. Particularly in Tokyo, crowded with people yes but I've learnt so many amazing things about the culture and life style. The food is also a massive one for me.

Seoul Korea - I'm still learning more things about but it looks cool aha.

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Guest severus

France. Paris to be exact. It's just so beautiful, with the exception of the abomination known as the Eiffel Tower, and the fugly pyramids in front of the Louvre.

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Guest 3laze3leau

1) Rome - Italy - Would never get bored with the archtecture, food, and lifestyle of the city. 
2) Paris - France - My grandmother was French. Never explored that part of my heritage much.

3) Hokkaido - Japan - Been to Sapporo city when I was young. I have fond memories of it, would like to go visit again.

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