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[Drama 2005] Sky/ Dear Heaven 하늘이시여

Guest mily2

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Guest my2centsworth

@jadecloud I'm curious......what sparked all the new interest in this drama. It is truly a great drama. One of my favorites. Great cast, director and writer. Did you know that this writer, Im Sung Han also wrote Jewel Bibimhap/Assorted Gems?  Some of the same actors and actresses were in this one too. Love the character that Han Hye Sook played. Totally opposite of the quiet, reserve mother she played in Dear Heaven/Love in Heaven. Another great drama by the same writer.

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14 minutes ago, my2centsworth said:

@jadecloud I'm curious......what sparked all the new interest in this drama. It is truly a great drama. One of my favorites. Great cast, director and writer. Did you know that this writer, Im Sung Han also wrote Jewel Bibimhap/Assorted Gems?  Some of the same actors and actresses were in this one too. Love the character that Han Hye Sook played. Totally opposite of the quiet, reserve mother she played in Dear Heaven/Love in Heaven. Another great drama by the same writer.

Helloooo :) curious? LOL. @lenet and you mentioned it in IHAL thread. So I looked it up. When I saw YJH and LTG were the main OTP. I decided to watch it. Once I've started, I was hooked, and binged through it during the thanksgiving+christmas hols, alongside IHAL. So, to me, it was new interest in an old drama. I've liked YJH the actress and this drama reminded me of my liking of her. Hope she'll take on a new project soon.

Assorted Gems? I haven't watched it but since I like the mom YS in DH, I looked her up and realized she was in AG, which was also by this same writernim Im. Now that you've stated it was another great drama (thank you chingu), I'm inclined to watch it soon :) 

PS: I guess it will not be better than DH for me, I don't see YJH in the mix :( 

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Guest my2centsworth
7 minutes ago, jadecloud said:

Helloooo :) curious? LOL. @lenet and you mentioned it in IHAL thread. So I looked it up. When I saw YJH and LTG were the main OTP. I decided to watch it. Once I've started, I was hooked, and binged through it during the thanksgiving+christmas hols, alongside IHAL. So, to me, it was new interest in an old drama. I've liked YJH the actress and this drama reminded me of my liking of her. Hope she'll take on a new project soon.

Assorted Gems? I haven't watched it but since I like the mom YS in DH, I looked her up and realized she was in AG, which was also by this same writernim Im. Now that you've stated it was another great drama (thank you chingu), I'm inclined to watch it soon :) 

PS: I guess it will not be better than DH for me, I don't see YJH in the mix :( 

Forgot about mentioning it in the IHAL forum. To me the best part of the drama was at the end when JK found out the truth about her real father and grandmother and decide to take her newborn son and husband and leave their house. I loved it when she told them that the way they pushed her mother aside because the grandmother didn't feel that she was the right type of person for her son, set the wheel in motion for all the bad things that happened to the mom character which in turn caused JK to have a terrible life. But JK was more concerned over the way her real mom was treated than herself. It was something you don't see very often in Kdramas. I like the unexpected from writers and got it in this drama.  

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2 hours ago, my2centsworth said:

Forgot about mentioning it in the IHAL forum. To me the best part of the drama was at the end when JK found out the truth about her real father and grandmother and decide to take her newborn son and husband and leave their house. I loved it when she told them that the way they pushed her mother aside because the grandmother didn't feel that she was the right type of person for her son, set the wheel in motion for all the bad things that happened to the mom character which in turn caused JK to have a terrible life. But JK was more concerned over the way her real mom was treated than herself. It was something you don't see very often in Kdramas. I like the unexpected from writers and got it in this drama.  

Oh yes. Absolutely agree with you. That too was a very good development from this writer Im. I'm scratching my head over Im, how can she be so good on a couple of dramas and then veer way off ridic on others? From a recent news vid of 2015 (posted above), it seems she has retired (really?) amidst much controversy over her most recent project AMS (which I watched mid-way and dropped). I hope she changes her mind. She does have good 'thinking cap' if she imagined hits like DH and NToG, which were so well developed and entertaining.

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Guest my2centsworth
1 hour ago, jadecloud said:

Oh yes. Absolutely agree with you. That too was a very good development from this writer Im. I'm scratching my head over Im, how can she be so good on a couple of dramas and then veer way off ridic on others? From a recent news vid of 2015 (posted above), it seems she has retired (really?) amidst much controversy over her most recent project AMS (which I watched mid-way and dropped). I hope she changes her mind. She does have good 'thinking cap' if she imagined hits like DH and NToG, which were so well developed and entertaining.

Will have to research her drama again. Read long time ago that director/boyfriend committed suicide and for some strange reason did not report his death right away. Then the article said his family were suing her.  I thought she had stopped writing since that happened.  Can't read or speak Korean so no use for me to go to their news sites. Don't remember where I read it but will try to find it again.   Also will look for her other dramas this weekend.  Got me very curious about what she is up to.

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22 hours ago, my2centsworth said:

Was thinking about watching Five Children....may check it out. Have not seen The Firstborn, but did watch Daughter Hana.  Was very surprised to see this forum having activity. Guess the great drama never die....always coming back for more...lol

@my2centsworth and @jadecloud...

As usual WBN plays as antagonist...even in Five Children, her character is a woman who steals her friend's husband...LOL :bawling::bawling:

If you have time, try to watch YJH in The Firstborn...she's gain more new fans from this drama that make them watch DH after that... :heart::heart:

Personally i think TFB is more better than My Daughter Hana be it from story lines, the ratings and acting from all casts...even LTG and Park han byul have Zero chemistry there... :blush::blush:

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20 hours ago, jadecloud said:


@my2centsworth Hello again chingu :) Ahhhh JYW, of course. He's the other eye candy in the love triangle. He was good too, and the gentle twin bro was funny. LSK and WBN, hmm I think their roles fell somewhat short for them, or was it then, when they were rookies? Now they are both much better, with better roles and better performances. The one I hate immensely was the adoptive mom. But man, the actress was too good too. So well-casted for her role. TBH, I was most captivated by the main OTP and their development in DH. esp that of YJH. I think she outshone LTG by a bit, perhaps? Both held up the drama, or was the glue that kept it going good. IMO. YJH's very good in her roles so far, all of them. I can't explain the intangibility of it but I'm drawn to YJH's 'aura', 'vibe', and the life she breathes into each role she has portrayed thus far. I can't wait for her next project. 


At about 5:20 of YT vid(in spoilers), YJH was asked to pick a card (chinese tarot?) and she picked a Romance/Prince Charming card. LOL was that the reason for her meeting her 'prince' and getting hitched last year? :P 

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But wait, I just took a glimpse at the cast listing, how could I forget? I LOVE JYS the mom. She was awesome as JK's bio mom. The other main LOVE of DH for me was the mother-daughter pair. Which reminds me, I gotta catch up on Han Hye Sook/Suk's other dramas. Is 'The Jewel Family/Assorted Gems' any good? Anyone seen it? 


I haven't watched GM yet but it is on my to-watch list. And no, haven't heard of confirmed new projects for YJH and LTG. I can't wait for their return!


@badsmuler Annyeong :) WBN in 5 Children now? Hmm...another drama to KIV. I kinda like WBN though not as much as YJH. About FH, I've started, loving it, but am side-tracked with some other current dramas...hehe. When I am on it again, I'll see you in FH's thread :P  

So you've started on IHAL? Don't give up ok? Ep 1-9 are pretty raw and ruffling but I can assure you the journey will be well-worth it. The makjang elements, well, indeed they are if your look at the birth secrets, the amnesia, the vendetta, but all for good reasons. IMO, they are the necessary evil? kkk. If anything, these makjangish development actually add to the goodness of IHAL and kept the plot development interesting. I won't 'spoil' your enjoyment, except to say that I LOVE IHAL, was mesmerized and awed by Kim Hyun Joo's superb performance, as well as the awesomely compaitble chemie of KHJ and JJH. Still can't get over the completion of the drama. No more Jin Eon and Hae Kang to look forward to. Def will rewatch it. I'd highly recommend it!

@Ldy Gmerm Hello chingu :) I see you're still lurking in this thread huh? You must really LOVE it! This DH really is an evergreen. I know it will always have a corner of my heart. And in fact, I'll rewatch it again sometime.


Did any of you have a fave scene? My fave (fave among the faves) was, before they became lovers, the scene where YJH and LTG were in a rest room, waiting. YJH did some card tricks with LTG, and as she moves her hand over his... that magnestism and chemistry...simply beyond awesome. It brought a squeeze to my weak heart as I watched them...SO GOOD!

Can't say I love this writernim Im. Her recent AMS and PA are not as good. The former I've watched but dropped midway. May pick it back up to complete it when I really have nothing to do LOL. And the latter, I read so many bad reviews I don't even want to start on it. However,  NToG was very good too. Just like DH. Let's hope a better one from her will be out soon.  Below is a YSTAR look (not recent vid) at DH's writernim Im (and also the PDnim Lee, and  both went on to collaborate in NToG.)


Another look at writernim Im, who is apparently well-liked by many actors and actresses:


Oh boy, writernim Im retired after AMS? Drama was controversial, but no need to retire right? esp with good screenplays like DH and NToG. Retire? waeyo? 


Btw, I luuuvvee the OSTs. esp the main theme. So haunting the melody and the singer RIAA's voice is very unique. Quite a gem in the kpop industry. For sure it's another powerful add-on to this awesome drama. Gonna create MVs sometime. M/w, enjoy the music, and sing along if you wanna.... 


Oops..didn't mean to rant on....too much going on in my head, my swooning head for DH, I'd better stop here. :blush: Have a great rest of the week, chinguuuussss of DH+other Ks :) 


Apart from her character as an evil adoptive mom, i love her as the actress...beside DH, i like her acting in My Precious Child...she's very comical there... :blush::blush:

You know chinggu, when our dear YJH was shooting her 2nd drama " Blissful Woman "...she was came to the set to supported her and treated her some foods... :heart::heart:

I agree with you that YJH has strong aura and charisma that most of times outshine her partners...here was LTG then later PSH in FH...but aside it, she always manages to has sparkling chemistry with them... :wub::wub:

Its seems for me that YJH and HHS are daughter and mother in the real life...i've found they're look similar with each other... :P

WOOOOW...you've already started FH, chinggu ??? On which episode now ??? I love Ha Dan Ah...a perfect woman who can you only dreamt of... :heart::heart:

Its seems only me at my home that will continue to watch IHAL...my mother and my little sister don't like adultery theme... :bawling::bawling:

But KHJ is great in the drama...besides YJH, Queens of Weekend Dramas with superb acting are KHJ and Lee tae ran... :glasses::glasses:

Maybe i'm too bias but since i've followed K-Drama almost 20 years ago, The Golden Couple for me will always be YJH-LTG, YJH-PSH, Lee tae ran-Park hae jin and Song yoon ah-Bae young jun though the No.1 Couple in my heart is still the one on my avatar... :heart::heart:

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On 3/11/2016 at 8:11 AM, badsmuler said:

Its seems only me at my home that will continue to watch IHAL...my mother and my little sister don't like adultery theme...

Oh noooo...they are missing the point. But I gotta say they are not alone. Many viewers of IHAL were so agitated by the first 9 eps, with the adultery that they dropped the drama. This is one main reason for the dismal ratings for IHAL. 

The thing is, they/viewers (who dropped drama early) have all/largely jumped to a 'wrong' conclusion about the main theme of the drama. It is not about adultery. IT IS SUCH A PITY, and so sad for viewers who'll be missing out on an awesome drama like IHAL, not to mention the awesome acting of KHJ in multiple roles and KHJ+JJH's awesome coupledom, and so unfortunate for the cast and crew, esp writernim Bae who painstakingly brought this screenplay to life for viewers, It has a very good MESSAGE of LOVE and what LOVE encompasses  - like remorse, repentance, redemption and relook at what each has done and ought to do to get to the destination of forever love, which is not at all easy to attain, but with consideration, communication and steadfast love in each other, it can. 

Of course, no script is perfect and this is no exception. But the meat of it IMO is awesome. It is one of my tops for 2015 and into 2016, still is.


On 3/11/2016 at 8:11 AM, badsmuler said:

My Precious Child...she's very comical there...

Oh? I haven't seen MPC. Will look it up. Thanks  for another rec :P 


On 3/11/2016 at 8:11 AM, badsmuler said:

WOOOOW...you've already started FH, chinggu ??? On which episode now ??? I love Ha Dan Ah...a perfect woman who can you only dreamt of...

Haha Ha Dan Ah? Of course! Only up to ep 3, and only because too many good current dramas I can't ignore... :P 

Btw. who are they in your avi? I can't be sure. They look familiar yet not. For me, it still is DHK and CJE from IHAL, and DH's OTP :P 




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On 3/11/2016 at 5:11 AM, badsmuler said:

Personally i think TFB is more better than My Daughter Hana be it from story lines,

Btw, I agree TFB is far better than AWRDH. The plot is better. I had to fwd a lot of the latter and personally preferred LTG and PHB but aish...too bad that LTG was slighted, it seems. But LTG and PHB did well, esp PHB as Hana, so flower boy and so beautiful when she transformed back to her real female form.

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On 3/12/2016 at 5:16 AM, jadecloud said:

Oh noooo...they are missing the point. But I gotta say they are not alone. Many viewers of IHAL were so agitated by the first 9 eps, with the adultery that they dropped the drama. This is one main reason for the dismal ratings for IHAL. 

The thing is, they/viewers (who dropped drama early) have all/largely jumped to a 'wrong' conclusion about the main theme of the drama. It is not about adultery. IT IS SUCH A PITY, and so sad for viewers who'll be missing out on an awesome drama like IHAL, not to mention the awesome acting of KHJ in multiple roles and KHJ+JJH's awesome coupledom, and so unfortunate for the cast and crew, esp writernim Bae who painstakingly brought this screenplay to life for viewers, It has a very good MESSAGE of LOVE and what LOVE encompasses  - like remorse, repentance, redemption and relook at what each has done and ought to do to get to the destination of forever love, which is not at all easy to attain, but with consideration, communication and steadfast love in each other, it can. 

Of course, no script is perfect and this is no exception. But the meat of it IMO is awesome. It is one of my tops for 2015 and into 2016, still is.


Oh? I haven't seen MPC. Will look it up. Thanks  for another rec :P 


Haha Ha Dan Ah? Of course! Only up to ep 3, and only because too many good current dramas I can't ignore... :P 

Btw. who are they in your avi? I can't be sure. They look familiar yet not. For me, it still is DHK and CJE from IHAL, and DH's OTP :P                


It seems IHAL has the same path with YJH past drama " Tasty Life "...ratings were went down because of adultery and love affair story... :cold_sweat::cold_sweat:

My mother prefers to watch " The Returns of Hwang Geum Book " now... :bawling::bawling:

JK's adoptive mom...she and her husband in MPC were very funny and had good chemistry... :blush::blush:

My avatar : Kim jung hwa and Kang dong won Couple from 1% of Anything... :heart::heart:

Wait until you watch FH full episodes...PSH is LTG's strong contendor for our YJH... :wub::wub::wub:

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On 3/12/2016 at 5:27 AM, jadecloud said:

Btw, I agree TFB is far better than AWRDH. The plot is better. I had to fwd a lot of the latter and personally preferred LTG and PHB but aish...too bad that LTG was slighted, it seems. But LTG and PHB did well, esp PHB as Hana, so flower boy and so beautiful when she transformed back to her real female form.

Until now i still regret that YJH didn't end up with Jae hee in TFB... :flushed::bawling:

PHB's acting in MDHN was stiff...she's more natural in IHAL... :blush::heart:

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  • 11 months later...

I'm so glad I found this drama again. They don't write old, good dramas like this anymore--good plot, interesting characters and not over the top stupid people (stupid people and ridiculous plots seem to be the common thread in today's daily dramas). I hope this thread isn't archived because it's a testament of how good this drama is and what Soompi members had to go through in an effort to watch this drama over the years. It bring back memories for me of trying to find places online to watch the drama, then finding a translated copy or seeing if someone on the tread had translated.

I'm rewatching this drama but the translation is horrible--HORRIBLE. There is so much of the drama's essence that is lost through the translated version I'm watching. The first time I watched it, there was a better translation. You could truly understand the tension between CH and JK; he let her suffer and never protected her from his sisters. You understand the abuse that JK suffered, but good translations would help in understanding her emotional battle when she falls for WM.  Maybe there are better subs out there, but if not, I wish someone would undertake the task of resubbing this drama; not only this one, but many of the old, well written dramas that had good acting and a great storyline--not the foolishness we see today.

If you can find this drama, watch it. It's worth it.

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Guest ororomunroe

@lclarakl I personally prefer many of the older dramas myself but so many of them are not subbed. And it's not profitable for the big companies to do so now. What a pity we're missing out on so many gems :( I recently found an old one that I liked - Fly High (2007) but the subs were not that great :/ 

Anyway, I also hope a better translation pops up for this drama. 

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On 3/17/2016 at 6:55 AM, badsmuler said:
On 3/12/2016 at 5:16 PM, jadecloud said:

Oh noooo...they are missing the point. But I gotta say they are not alone. Many viewers of IHAL were so agitated by the first 9 eps, with the adultery that they dropped the drama. This is one main reason for the dismal ratings for IHAL. 

The thing is, they/viewers (who dropped drama early) have all/largely jumped to a 'wrong' conclusion about the main theme of the drama. It is not about adultery. IT IS SUCH A PITY, and so sad for viewers who'll be missing out on an awesome drama like IHAL, not to mention the awesome acting of KHJ in multiple roles and KHJ+JJH's awesome coupledom, and so unfortunate for the cast and crew, esp writernim Bae who painstakingly brought this screenplay to life for viewers, It has a very good MESSAGE of LOVE and what LOVE encompasses  - like remorse, repentance, redemption and relook at what each has done and ought to do to get to the destination of forever love, which is not at all easy to attain, but with consideration, communication and steadfast love in each other, it can. 


@jadecloud, LOL, I can't help it. I love the drama Sky/Dear Heaven and had been searching for it when I found it again--so I'm watching...translation is not good, but still a good drama.

However, I had to throw my two cents in regarding the drama IHAL....close your ears, you've heard this before on the IHAL thread.  IMO, It was the first 9 episodes which gets the viewers emotionally engaged; yes, hard to watch, but you are so emotionally engaged that you can't wait to see how she turns her life around and her husband pays for his affair and treatment of her.  What disappointed so many viewers is this story doesn't truly talk about real LOVE...IMO:lol:. Her husband was written in such a way that he truly doesn't know the meaning of love. The only MESSAGE of LOVE that came from this drama was the LOVE BS had for KHJ. The writer also wrote KHJ in such a way that she had LOVE for BS by her actions, but had her verbally saying she loved her cheating, underserving ex.  When you feel and say a man is like your lighthouse during a turbulent storm, or this man makes you want to be a better person or you say this man blows warmth into your emotionally cold body and made you live again or you run to this man whenever you have a problem or share all your burdens or you trust him more than your ex-hubby (the man you say you "love") , then THAT is LOVE. The writer had the main female lead say or show in actions all those things towards the second lead, BS not towards her ex-husband and therein lies the problem some of us had with the drama.  


The only thing people could say about HJ and JH was they had 'great chemistry', there was nothing depicted in this drama that showed a good foundation for 'love' or a lasting relationship. The writer tried to re-write their past, but couldn't. There was too much hate and a lack of respect to try and say they will rekindle love

The writer changed her original plot, and I believe this wholeheartedly, because she had a male actor who was badmouthing his own character whenever he had an interview and he was being viewed negatively as the cheating husband. If you listen to what the actor said in the interviews initially about his character, and the woman he cheated with, it's easy to see the writer tried to rewrite both of their characters--making SR ridiculously evil and cruel which just doesn't fit at all--not even a tiny bit with a character who looks after her orphan siblings. Nor did the husband character make any sense.

The ratings began to climb because I think people kept waiting to feel satisfaction with the husband paying for his wrongs; prior to any reconciliation, if any. However, when that didn't happen and the story just lost it's way, it turned people off. It turned me off for sure and I dropped it around ep 35 when I could see that the writer wasn't going to make the husband 'truly' remorseful or made to suffer.  When the writer brought back a JH I didn't recognize; a man who I was supposed to believe had sleep with his student when they first began the affair and lived with her for 4 years in the state, but then we are told they really didn't sleep together after they left Korea for the states.  That is the foolishness that the writer tried to get us as adults to believe after the husband passionately left his wife for this woman and had a sexual relationship. The writer tried to mix her originally written drama with the newly rewritten parts and it became a mess of, "my lips are saying this, but my actions are saying something totally opposite".  The characters became their exact opposite--all of them, except BS--he was the only good man (besides his father and the doctor) in this drama. Baek Seok truly was the epitome of what it means to "Love". HJ's 'reaction' towards BS is also what I call love and the effects love can have on a person and motivate a person to action.


The drama started 'painfully, realistically' strong, but then left a lot of us hanging as if we had stepped into the twilight zone and I think that's what was reflected in the ratings.  

The writer of Dear Heaven did a great job in keeping her characters consistent and you also feel satisfaction when they pay for their actions. This is a well written drama with a good plot.

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24 minutes ago, ororomunroe said:

@lclarakl I personally prefer many of the older dramas myself but so many of them are not subbed. And it's not profitable for the big companies to do so now. What a pity we're missing out on so many gems :( I recently found an old one that I liked - Fly High (2007) but the subs were not that great :/ 

Anyway, I also hope a better translation pops up for this drama. 


@ororomunroe, I know, it's truly sad.  I will have to check out Fly High. Thankfully, I've been watching dramas so long that I can figure out some of the words which is helpful when watching dramas that are poorly subbed. Some of the older dramas were just well written with a better plot. I'm watching a daily drama airing now, Golden Pouch, which so far is really good.......I hope it stays this way.

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This is still one of my favorites.. I really do wish there is a better version without so many broken parts. You guys are right there are a few really good old drama's out there but as stated unfortunately a lot of them if you can find them do not include subs. It is too bad because they are so good.

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15 hours ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

This is still one of my favorites.. I really do wish there is a better version without so many broken parts. You guys are right there are a few really good old drama's out there but as stated unfortunately a lot of them if you can find them do not include subs. It is too bad because they are so good.

I agree chingu @Ldy Gmerm  This is one of the few that you find me binge and rewatch every single episode. Having such great actors and script is very hard to find.  I was such a mess when I watched it and it made me cry every time I watched it. If you guys ever want to rewatch this drama and want to discuss it in this forum please give me a shout out.  :heart::heart::heart:


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18 hours ago, lclarakl said:

I'm so glad I found this drama again. They don't write old, good dramas like this anymore--good plot, interesting characters and not over the top stupid people (stupid people and ridiculous plots seem to be the common thread in today's daily dramas). I hope this thread isn't archived because it's a testament of how good this drama is and what Soompi members had to go through in an effort to watch this drama over the years. It bring back memories for me of trying to find places online to watch the drama, then finding a translated copy or seeing if someone on the tread had translated.

annyeonghaseyo @lclarakl.... Chingu were are you watching it... Love this drama so much.... I think the subs 


kissasian subs aren;t so bad chingu



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21 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

annyeonghaseyo @lclarakl.... Chingu were are you watching it... Love this drama so much.... I think the subs 

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kissasian subs aren;t so bad chingu




I will have to check that site out. I'm just thankful that I watched it before when the subs were a little better because I'm still able to grasp the essence of the drama.

I will say that when I watched it the first time around, I wasn't really bothered by the grandmothers. This time, I'm not sure why JK's mother would want to be with her first love. His mother is way too pushy. Now that she wants a better daughter-in-law (after seeing how good her friend had it) and another grandchild since her other one died, she has become so unappealing to me. I hate that JK and her mother are constantly being manipulated by people.

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21 hours ago, UnniSarah said:

I agree chingu @Ldy Gmerm  This is one of the few that you find me binge and rewatch every single episode. Having such great actors and script is very hard to find.  I was such a mess when I watched it and it made me cry every time I watched it. If you guys ever want to rewatch this drama and want to discuss it in this forum please give me a shout out.  :heart::heart::heart:



I also feel that way about the drama, "Happiness in the Wind" aka "A Good Day For The Wind To Blow".  It's 172 episode and I've watched that drama at least 4 times--the actor from Golden Pouch is in that drama.

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