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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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@Ma OO There was a caption in the beginning saying, "Based on the Korean Broadcasting Station Program" or something like that - I don't remember the exact wording. It was shown after the introduction and superimposed onto the actual action/footage, the same way that, say, a producer or director would be credited.


Since, up to this point, promotions had only ever said, "From the Creators of 'House'" or something similar, I'll take what I can get.


lol - The ABC series' Facebook page, in the days leading up to the premiere, got bombed with comments about this. There were a group of...I suppose they were drama fans, who were replying to just about every single comment that people posted about looking forward to the show, and directing them towards the Dramafever link for the Korean version. I only knew about this because I was on the same site looking for pictures to use for my recent blog post, and thought it was funny - if a tad preachy.

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4 hours ago, Ma OO said:

How did they credit the Original K drama?


3 hours ago, kittyna said:

There was a caption in the beginning saying, "Based on the Korean Broadcasting Station Program" or something like that - I don't remember the exact wording. It was shown after the introduction and superimposed onto the actual action/footage, the same way that, say, a producer or director would be credited.

Yeah, it did say something like that at the beginning of the first episode.  In addition, it was interesting that they listed Ki Min Soo, the original show's director (and also the director of OB!), as a producer of the adaptation:



I didn't scour the rest of the credits or anything, I just happened to notice his name.  I don't recognize the other name listed with him at all, though.


I watched most of the first episode and I'll probably finish it tonight.  I'm not super-attached to the Korean version, even though I love Si On, of course :)  It might be a plus for me if they don't follow the original tooooo closely, haha.

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27 minutes ago, ecs707a said:

I watched most of the first episode and I'll probably finish it tonight.  I'm not super-attached to the Korean version, even though I love Si On, of course :)  It might be a plus for me if they don't follow the original tooooo closely, haha.


Good to know! I think this forum could use a perspective other than mine :) So, please - feel free to share your thoughts!


There's a good chance I won't be continuing with the show myself - I just can't get past the points that I really disliked, and because I somehow can't disconnect the original drama and ABC's adaptation in my head, I'm worried that the stuff that I disliked in the ABC version will end up affecting my love for the original. E.g. Claire Brown's introductory fling - hell, I'm not even sure if I could look at Moon Chae Won's take on Cha Yoon Seo the same way ever again if the ABC version were to pull a stunt like that again! And I don't want to risk that, so I may have to sit out on this one.


It's unfortunate, I know, but....it's like...I really liked 80%, and really disliked 20% - but that 20% is turning me off the whole thing, because it's just making me miss the original version that much more.


So, if anyone wants to take up the mantle and continue watching/updating us on the American adaptation of "Good Doctor", please feel free to do so.

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4 hours ago, kittyna said:

There's a good chance I won't be continuing with the show myself - I just can't get past the points that I really disliked, and because I somehow can't disconnect the original drama and ABC's adaptation in my head, I'm worried that the stuff that I disliked in the ABC version will end up affecting my love for the original. E.g. Claire Brown's introductory fling - hell, I'm not even sure if I could look at Moon Chae Won's take on Cha Yoon Seo the same way ever again if the ABC version were to pull a stunt like that again! And I don't want to risk that, so I may have to sit out on this one.

I honestly remember very little about the characters other than Park Si On, so as far as I'm concerned, they're all different anyway.  From what I do remember, they're not making Claire anything like Moon Chae Won's character, so I don't think I'm even making much of a comparison in my mind as I watch.


I'll probably try to watch at least the first few episodes, but I'm not very good at this follow-through thing with American TV shows unless I really love it.  That's probably the main attraction of kdramas for me - that they end, and they don't take 7 seasons to do it :wink: 



...on a totally different topic:

I know I just said this movie was terrible, but Sweet Sixteen was just added to dramafever a couple of days ago!  So for those of you who have dramafever and want to see it...



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Just popping by with this week's Throwback Thursday contribution.


This is from 2012, and it's JW's guest appearance on "Gag Concert" to promote "Gaksital" before it officially airs on KBS.


I don't know how comfortable he is with sketch comedy, although he does do quite well for himself here. Adding a musical theatre plug helps, too :wink:



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Thanks for more info on that personality test, @airplanegirl



Tree frog or Blue frog temperament is what parents call children who insist on walking their own path, and most often would refuse to listen other people's opinions.

People either classify them as "hard headed' or 'free-spirited.'


Well, I do think he has a stubborn streak in him, so this must be it. You see his determination a lot in general, but it veers more into stubbornness when he decides to get a bit sassy about it. Like on "Healing Camp", when he said, "I'll be acting until the day I die - let's see how many of us [referring to the Hallyu stars in his peer group] are around then!"


What I find interesting, though, is how he ended up "hard headed" without becoming a rebel - usually, when I hear those words "hard headed" and "free spirited", I think of the sort of child that just won't listen to their parents and just want to do their own thing. Yet we know that JW's not like that - instead, he's so stubbornly FOR his parents and what they've taught him, that he said that even one of his teachers thought it was odd. But he's definitely "hard headed" now in that he sticks to his more conservative/traditional views no matter what people think about him - and, from all our conversations, I also know that he's willing to put aside popularity in order to hold to that.

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1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

and it's Joo Won's Birthday... So.........are we celebrating? Any ideas..??


I subbed a video?


@flutterby06 I deleted it cause of some spelling errors, I re-uploaded it! 


2 hours ago, kittyna said:

Thanks for more info on that personality test, @airplanegirl



Well, I do think he has a stubborn streak in him, so this must be it. You see his determination a lot in general, but it veers more into stubbornness when he decides to get a bit sassy about it. Like on "Healing Camp", when he said, "I'll be acting until the day I die - let's see how many of us [referring to the Hallyu stars in his peer group] are around then!"


What I find interesting, though, is how he ended up "hard headed" without becoming a rebel - usually, when I hear those words "hard headed" and "free spirited", I think of the sort of child that just won't listen to their parents and just want to do their own thing. Yet we know that JW's not like that - instead, he's so stubbornly FOR his parents and what they've taught him, that he said that even one of his teachers thought it was odd. But he's definitely "hard headed" now in that he sticks to his more conservative/traditional views no matter what people think about him - and, from all our conversations, I also know that he's willing to put aside popularity in order to hold to that.

I think this is mostly a testament to his parent's upbringing. They might have encouraged him to hold on to that hard-headed-ness without letting him go down the wrong path. Plus, he has said that he's a pretty religious person. So that probably plays a big part in him not becoming a rebel during his teen years. 


They probably brought up their children encouraging them to live their own lives, but not at the expense or hurting the people around them. 

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lol - Time zone differences means it's not quite Sept. 30 for me yet.


But I'll try to do a special post of some sort tomorrow (for me!) when the time comes.


This'll be fun - first time actually celebrating a celeb's birthday with other fans....

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1 hour ago, airplanegirl said:

I think this is mostly a testament to his parent's upbringing. They might have encouraged him to hold on to that hard-headed-ness without letting him go down the wrong path. Plus, he has said that he's a pretty religious person. So that probably plays a big part in him not becoming a rebel during his teen years. 

Methinks it's more the former - I've seen a number of church kids just completely break off from their upbringing as they grew up.


Sorry for not including this earlier - too excited about the whole birthday business. :tongue:

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It's 1:15 am where I'm.


Wishing Joo Won a very happy birthday. Hope he'll have fun with his mates in military. :D



I think it is from 2013 birthday or around that time( correct me if I'm wrong). I saw a video where Joo Won received many cute character dolls from fans. These two are Lee Kangto and Park Shion.

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14 minutes ago, flutterby06 said:

I think it is from 2013 birthday or around that time( correct me if I'm wrong). I saw a video where Joo Won received many cute character dolls from fans. These two are Lee Kangto and Park Shion.


How did I never notice the teddy bears' costumes?!?! This is one of my favourite JW photos, but I only ever noticed that they were Rilakkumas without paying attention to what they were wearing :D


Right now, for me, it's the afternoon...on September 29. :tongue: So, since I'm all the way out here on the other side of the world...by the time Sept. 30 comes around for me, it'll be wrapping up for a number of you. At this rate, the birthday celebration will end up feeling like two days - not that I mind that.

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First of all .... you CUTIES are fabulously getting together and making this thread alive and well and the discussions flowed like the Han River. Well done ..... I backtracked and I want to say kudos to you....and hugzzzz  especially to the effervescent @kittyna who is so lively on every page., to active admin @airplanegirl and to @ecs707a, @sagaseed @Ma OO@flutterby06  Thank you


I am not able to follow your discussions because my knowledge of JW's dramas and movies is near ground zero. But I read with interest. I'm also tied up in 2 dramas TOL and The King's Woman ( I surprise myself watching a Chinese drama.... out of frustration  for Soompi's EXO code.


So it's cutie's Birthday......







Saw this at Keijoowon0930,,,....thank you... so here it is..



AND THE LATEST UPDATE .... D504. Thank you la.zu



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Happy birthday to the most humane actor Moon Jun Won! I hope he is given a birthday off from army and can celebrate this special day with his loved ones.

Thank you @airplanegirl for the subbed video! My first time seeing it too though I remember JW shared he had a scholarship previously. 

Thanks to @kittyna, @flutterby06, @lavender2love for keeping this thread alive. Sorry I have nothing to contribute but I have been reading your posts!

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I know it's late, but it's nighttime on September 29 for me right now, meaning that it's almost September 30 here in Canada.


In other words: it's showtime!


I've seen list-style birthday posts on sites like Dramafever, and since this is the first time I'm marking my bias's birthday in any formal capacity, I wanted to try something similar myself. It might sound cheesy, but the title of the film "Ten Things I Hate About You" came to my mind - or, rather, its opposite: "Ten Things I Love About You". So that's the format my list will take: ten things I love, along with ten birthday wishes/prayers for the future.


So, without further ado...


Ten Things I Love About You - Joo Won Style




1. I love your name. I love that it sounds like the Korean for "Lord willing". I pray that you will keep that name in your heart, and always seek to do as your Lord wills.




2. I love your eyes. I love that they are sharp and observant and are a window to your soul. I pray that you will always be discerning and able to see the right path.




3. I love your smile. I love that it is genuine and warm, and brings a smile to my face, too. I pray that you will be happy and joyful, even when things get tough now that you are in the army.




4. I love your acting. You have brought so many beautiful characters to life - from Gu Ma Jun all the way to Gyun Woo, from Lee Kang To to Park Si On and everything in between. And I love that underneath it all, you are still Moon Jun Won at heart. I pray that your talent and skill continue to grow and that you can continue to challenge yourself in the roles you want.




5. I love your voice. I love that it is so strong and powerful, yet can be so gentle and soft. I love that it reaches into my heart, even if it is in a language I do not know. I pray that you will once again have the chance to sing again on stage in a musical, sharing your gift with the world.




6. I love that you are a Joseon man. You show me that there is nothing wrong with keeping the old ways and traditional values. I pray that you will continue to use the Confucian teachings of our ancestors to guide your life.




7. I love that you are a family man. I love that they are such a big part of your life and that you want to honour them and not rebel against them. I pray that you will have a warm and loving family of your own someday.




8. I love your diligence. You put yourself through so much while acting. You go without food, without sleep, without breaks in order to bring your characters to life - yet no matter how stressful it gets, you never quit. I pray that you can realize your dream to act for the rest of your life, and become the sunbae that everyone looks up to ten, twenty, thirty years from now.




9. I love your innocence. Your aegyo makes me smile, because I can see that there is still a pure and innocent child inside of you. I pray that you will continue to stay pure and that this childlike faith will never die.




10. I love your hard-headed spirit. You are strong and able to stay on the path you have chosen for yourself. I pray that this path will be straight and righteous, and that it will lead you to greater blessings in the years to come.


Happy birthday, Joo Won! 주원 오빠, 생일 축하해요!



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