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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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4 hours ago, partyon said:

Joo Won featured in question 3 - Please vote !


Thanks for the heads-up! I tried to vote, but it didn't work for me for some reasons described in my post over there. That being said, I hope a verbal shout-out still counts for something ;) 


And, for those who don't want to head over there (or in case it's buried), here's what I said re: JW's abs ;) 



To be honest, I haven't participated in any of the Soompi Awards polls yet, since I don't think I've watched enough 2020 dramas to judge anything properly :P There are a ton on my "to watch" list, but I've only gotten to Alice so far, so....


That being said, I did decide to stop by this time, because I also want to give my shout-out to Joo Won's abs scene in that. Honestly, big muscular builds and six-pack abs aren't my thing. Like, I get what the fuss is about, but it's not what I personally find physically attractive. However, that being said, I know just how hard JW worked for those abs: starting from wanting to be able to build himself up like that years ago (at least as far back as 2013), to starting physical training in 2014, to looking fit but still without visible abs in his shirtless scene in Nae Il's Cantabile in that same year, to his enlistment, to maintaining his post-enlistment build up until now. And seeing him featured on a poll like this, it's great to see how all of that paid off. :) 


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5 minutes ago, kittyna said:


Thanks for the heads-up! I tried to vote, but it didn't work for me for some reasons described in my post over there. That being said, I hope a verbal shout-out still counts for something ;)


Oh, but every vote counts. Can't believe Lee Dong Wook is overtaking Joo Won soon - especially since he has no abs to mention of. :D


Just press "None of the above" for Q1 and Q2. :kiss_wink:

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17 minutes ago, partyon said:

Oh, but every vote counts. Can't believe Lee Dong Wook is overtaking Joo Won soon - especially since he has no abs to mention of.

Yup, Joo won is leading by one vote against Kim Soo Hyun :grin: Unfortunately his drama "Alice" is also leading in "Worst Ending" section :sweat_smile:

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25 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

Unfortunately his drama "Alice" is also leading in "Worst Ending" section


And that's where I got stuck earlier. :sweat_smile: There were plot elements in Alice that I disliked (mostly that the whole "he's fated to kill his mother" thing just felt really random and like it was thrown in just for the sake of drama), but I liked the ending itself. And even if I did dislike that ending (or, at least, I understood why many viewers did), Alice is the only 2020 on that list that I actually watched (the other one was My Unfamiliar Family - which, by the way, was awesome). So I couldn't really say Alice had the best or worst of anything in 2020 :P I just know what I liked (great acting performances all around, great OST, etc.) and didn't.


25 minutes ago, kireeti2 said:

Yup, Joo won is leading by one vote against Kim Soo Hyun :grin:


Well, Kim Soo Hyun's shirtless scenes have been winners for as long as I could remember, so I wouldn't be surprised if he wound up taking this. Nor would I be begrudged by it :)


Alice got featured on a list of "12 Korean Dramas that Prove Age is just a Number" - While I would disagree with the author, who described Alice as a "noona romance", I do have to say that it does play around with characters' and actors' ages in ways that I've never seen before :thumbsup: 

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5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Yup, Joo won is leading by one vote against Kim Soo Hyun :grin: Unfortunately his drama "Alice" is also leading in "Worst Ending" section :sweat_smile:


Talk about irony :lol:


I just came from there. While I didn't expect JW leading in his section because I thought many viewer passed on Alice but I definitely knew Alice is going to be the top on disappointed ending list. Can't blame because if the ending wasn't so disorganized the drama would have been a perfect drama experience for many without having to explain too much to people and with out having too many different POV. :eats2:


Hey, this is random but I just wanted to mention I love this :partyblob: reaction. So don't find it wired when I use it without context. :P


Also Joo Won commented on Gi Kyung Pyo's IG post.


"Drive Safely, Kyungpyo~"



Source: https://mobile.twitter.com/kokyungpyoth/status/1347460920373510145



Btw, I was hoping for movie 'Firefighter' release in January-February. But I guess now that covid alert is strong in Korea so it may take more time to get release. Considering the situation I don't see it getting released in January. Hoping for the best and the situation to get better.




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2 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Also Joo Won commented on Ki Kyung Pup's IG post.


I have no idea whether that was a typo or a nickname for Go Kyung Pyo I wasn't familiar with - either way, it's cute, and makes me think back to Yoo Il Rak for some reason :) 


2 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

While I didn't expect JW leading in his section because I thought many viewer passed on Alice but I definitely knew Alice is going to be the top on disappointed ending list. Can't blame because if the ending wasn't so disorganized the drama would have been a perfect drama experience for many without having to explain too much to people and with out having too many different POV. 


Yeah - In hindsight, I think Alice serves as a good example of a strong idea or concept, but poor execution. Like, I don't want to criticize the writing too harshly, knowing that JW himself was drawn to the script (and trying to judge his taste is going down a rabbit hole that I'd rather avoid), but the story did end up really disjointed and loose at times.


Again, it's the sort of thing I've come to expect in live shoot dramas (which have to constantly adapt in response to audience feedback, possible cuts or extensions, etc.), but not a pre-produced one. Especially not one that did such an awesome job in terms of its casting/acting, directing and production value.


2 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Btw, I was hoping for movie 'Firefighter' release in January-February. But I guess now that covid alert is strong in Korea so it may take more time to get release. Considering the situation I don't see it getting released in January.


I don't know if the Korean movie industry has tried this, but many Hollywood films decided to release straight to streaming or on-demand services rather than in theatres. If so, then Firefighter can still keep with its original release date, whatever it is. But if not, a delay's not the end of the world: I'd rather it be held off until after COVID-19 when it could reach a full audience, than released at a time when restrictions are still in place or people have to risk their health to see it.

2 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Hey, this is random but I just wanted to mention I love this *insert bouncing multicoloured blob* reaction. So don't find it wired when I use it without context.


Don't worry - I feel you :) It's so fun and happy and aegyo (for some bizarre reason I can't explain) that I feel like it's perfect for this forum



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3 hours ago, kittyna said:
6 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Also Joo Won commented on Ki Kyung Pup's IG post.


I have no idea whether that was a typo or a nickname for Go Kyung Pyo I wasn't familiar with - either way, it's cute, and makes me think back to Yoo Il Rak for some reason :) 


Damn auto correct.. laughed out at my own typo due to auto correct.. :partyblob:


3 hours ago, kittyna said:

Don't worry - I feel you :) It's so fun and happy and aegyo (for some bizarre reason I can't explain) that I feel like it's perfect for this forum


Oh great.. true it's just gives a happy vibe.


3 hours ago, kittyna said:

Yeah - In hindsight, I think Alice serves as a good example of a strong idea or concept, but poor execution. Like, I don't want to criticize the writing too harshly, knowing that JW himself was drawn to the script (and trying to judge his taste is going down a rabbit hole that I'd rather avoid), but the story did end up really disjointed and loose at times.


Also we've to consider that Pre-production or ongoing actors usually don't get the full script as in FULL STORY. They may be usual get an overview of the story along with may be script of important scenes. I don't know the full details but surely they don't get full story, right? So I won't criticize JW's judgement for choosing Alice is because Alice did had a solid start with attractive story line and the two main character Yoon Tae Yi and Park Jingyeom might look attractive to people who like challenges because there's scope for versatile acting in both character. None who watched Alice denied it so far. Some people complained about the 2nd half and most people are confused what to truly conclude from ending other than the message given by the production at the ending, surely there's more. And I saw few people on twitter had praise for Alice regardless of the solid ending because over all the execution and acting of the drama was very solid. Even I have quite a few idea how the drama could have the most perfect striking ending.


But I'd rather not go deep in there.. And humbly accept it if people say Alice had weak ending.


Also I really had few interesting and refreshing things I really loved in Alice. Not many dramas had this humane side that Alice has tried to portrayed. So yeah I don't really mind Alice at all like how some JW fans are complaining it out there.


Among all JW dramas there's only one drama that I didn't like - 7th Grade Civil Servant. I think I got through that drama because Han Gil Ro was cute and adorkable there and majorly because Moon Jun Won was in Military. Yeah.. I watched it in 2018 when he was in Military, purposefully left this drama for this time so I can be less critical about it. I wouldn't criticize it too much because some people liked it and JW himself was once sulky in a fan meeting because his fans left out Han Gil Ro, cutely saying to his fans that he likes Han Gil Ro character very much because he was patriot. I forgot where I saw this tho. But this is a drama I would have given up at first 1/2 episodes if it's not Joo Won's. 




(Most of the time I was watching it had this expression at its comical side...)




(I had overall this expression at how messy the storyline and characterization of the drama overall was...)


Sorry Joo Wona ~ Me still love you..:hooray2:


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9 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Also we've to consider that Pre-production or ongoing actors usually don't get the full script as in FULL STORY. They may be usual get an overview of the story along with may be script of important scenes. I don't know the full details but surely they don't get full story, right? So I won't criticize JW's judgement for choosing Alice is because Alice did had a solid start with attractive story line and the two main character Yoon Tae Yi and Park Jingyeom might look attractive to people who like challenges because there's scope for versatile acting in both character. None who watched Alice denied it so far. Some people complained about the 2nd half and most people are confused what to truly conclude from ending other than the message given by the production at the ending, surely there's more. And I saw few people on twitter had praise for Alice regardless of the solid ending because over all the execution and acting of the drama was very solid. Even I have quite a few idea how the drama could have the most perfect striking ending.


The overall story, I think, was solid. And I personally really liked the overall messages implied by the reset in the ending:

  • You can't change the past, but you can make up for it. So if you regret something wrong you did in the past, it's never too late to start doing the right thing now.
  • Nobody's perfect - everyone's got darker and lighter traits in themselves. But if you take a fixed mindset (i.e. This is who I am; it's society's fault I'm like this, etc.) rather than a growth mindset (i.e. I'm always learning and there's always room for improvement) about our all-too-human greed, arrogance, or selfishness, they will fester and end up overshadowing our good traits.
  • Sometimes, the only way to do what's right and to grow as a human being is to destroy the toxic parts of ourselves

Most of the flaws I saw in the writing were in middle parts of the drama: the points when it felt like the mood/tone was going all over the place, or objects or characters that were set up to be important seemed to just get tossed aside and never spoken of again. But I have nothing against the general arc of the story, and could envision it as a more-or-less a finished product (maybe not a finalized script, but a story that's already been plotted out) by the time filming started.


By the way, in case anyone's wondering: my own experience writing fanfics (especially Seolleim in Salzburg, which is comparable to a drama in length) has, strangely enough, made me simultaneously more critical and more forgiving of the writing I see in dramas. More critical, because I can now actually say, "Okay, that doesn't seem to work - I would've done it like XYZ", but also more forgiving, because I now realize just how difficult it is to actually come up with the storyline for a 16-episode drama. Even if the writer(s) has a general idea how the story will end, there will be a gazillion points in the middle when they go, "Um, okay...how are we supposed to get there again???" - especially once characters start getting fleshed out enough to actually feel like real people and start going off-script :P 


So, I knew from the start that Alice's writers had their work cut out for them, and I do like some of the overarching themes/devices that were used to keep the story intact: strong influences from Oedipus, for example (in terms of the prophecy - both in its nature and its roundabout way of fulfilling itself via people's efforts to avoid it). But the mood whiplash throughout was really jarring and the various subplots were not as cohesive as I think they could have been.


9 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Also I really had few interesting and refreshing things I really loved in Alice. Not many dramas had this humane side that Alice has tried to portrayed. So yeah I don't really mind Alice at all like how some JW fans are complaining it out there.


And also: nothing against the acting or directing here. I think both of those were solid for telling the stories the writers intended :thumbsup:


9 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Among all JW dramas there's only one drama that I didn't like - 7th Grade Civil Servant. I think I got through that drama because Han Gil Ro was cute and adorkable there and majorly because Moon Jun Won was in Military. Yeah.. I watched it in 2018 when he was in Military, purposely left this drama for this time so I can be less critical about it. I wouldn't criticize it too much because some people liked it and JW himself was once sulky in a fan meeting because his fans left out Han Gil Ro, cutely saying to his fans that he likes Han Gil Ro character very much because he was patriot. I forgot where I saw this tho. But this is a drama I would have given up at first 1/2 episodes if it's not Joo Won's. 


lol - Level 7 Civil Servant is my least favourite out of JW's dramas, but my experience with it was really different from yours. It was actually one of my first JW dramas (and one of my first overall), so I didn't really go into it expecting much of anything. Itwas enjoyable as light-hearted entertainment, and had some interesting lessons about honesty (the main couple), family relationships (Han Gil Ro and his dad), the long-term effects of childhood trauma (the antagonists), how innocent people are exploited and sacrificed by governments and corporations, etc. I also thought that JW had some really solid acting moments there: that one devastated look on his face when Gil Ro caught Kim Seo Won in his father's office is still stuck in my head.


BUT here's the thing: I watched the Cantonese dub, not the original. And it was only well afterwards, when I stumbled across the Dramabeans recaps that I discovered that I had no memory of the more illogical moments with incompetent characters that viewers complained about. In hindsight, my guess is that in the process of sending the footage over to Hong Kong for dubbing, those moments had been completely cut out (Hong Kong television networks have different run times allotted than Korean networks, so episodes tend to get re-cut anyway). So...I somehow wound up with a "better" version of it? Maybe? I don't know; it's still a mystery, to be honest *shrugs*


So what was my overall impression of Level 7 Civil Servant - Cantonese edition? Good acting from JW, fun if you just want a laugh with the occasional heartwarming moment, but nothing particularly memorable. :P It's not the sort of drama I'd recommend or re-watch myself anytime soon, nor has it provided me any creative fic-writing fodder.

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20 hours ago, kittyna said:


Awwww... Also wanted to add this-



Though it's Park Shi On reaction but considering how much Joo Won invested himself in Park Shi On it will not be a wonder if it's a Park Shi On version of Joo Won gestures. 


Oh and the fan art above is so cute. It seems they sent flower bouquet to JW.


My favourites from behind are-






Picture Source: https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=30417276&memberNo=31542741


I find these pictures quite artsy because of pretty background. Both colors in the background are my favourite.


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13 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Though it's Park Shi On reaction but considering how much Joo Won invested himself in Park Shi On it will not be a wonder if it's a Park Shi On version of Joo Won gestures. 


Yeah, I know what you mean :) Now that you bring it up, JW and Park Si On share a lot of similar mannerisms - another one being a tendency to touch the back of his neck when he's nervous, which I first noticed in the Good Doctor special of Happy Together. Honestly, I'm not sure if these gestures are ones that JW had to begin with, or if he developed them for Si On and then held onto them afterwards.


And speaking of his habit of burying his face in his hands when he's embarrassed, there was also that adorable moment from Healing Camp where Jung Woong In asked as a joke for JW to disclose how much he earned for Yong Pal. Cue JW not only hiding his face in his hands, but literally turning his back to the audience as he tries to curl up into a ball :lol:


Is it schadenfreude for me to laugh at that? Maybe. But I just thought it was a really cute - and totally "JW" - moment.


13 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

I find these pictures quite artsy because of pretty background. Both colors in the background are my favourite.


Yeah - the whole set-up was just gorgeously staged :approves:


I also love those colours, and I also love how the brighter tones contrast with JW's nearly all-black outfit :) In terms of lighting and colouring, I do find the purple slightly more flattering in terms of what it does to JW's skin tone (whereas I generally think JW looks better with a deeper blue than this one), but both backdrops are great in their own way.

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1 hour ago, kireeti2 said:

If Joo won does decides to be the guest, he would still be the Youngest member of the cast just like every other variety shows he has done previously


Funny you should say that - because it did actually cross my mind out of the blue today that JW's the same age now (33/34) that Sung Si Kyung and Kim Jong Min were when he was the baby 20-something on 1N2D. I was just thinking about how much time has flown by, and all of a sudden, he's maknae again :lol:


By the way, this would also be JW's reunion with both Lee Su Geun and Seo Jang Hoon since his appearances on 1N2D and Healing Camp respectively. I'm definitely curious as to how that's gonna play out :) 

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13 minutes ago, kittyna said:

By the way, this would also be JW's reunion with both Lee Su Geun and Seo Jang Hoon since his appearances on 1N2D and Healing Camp respectively. I'm definitely curious as to how that's gonna play out

I don't know about Seo Jang Hoon but Lee Su Geun is not bringing up or sharing any of his previous work with artists with whom he have worked in the past. So, I am guessing there will be no talk about his time with Joo won in 1N2D show. But I am really exited about how joo won is going to handle the Knowing Bros cast members, since they are known for ragging the guest brutally and sort shows no mercy and how Joo won is going to counter them. I think IVY's performance would be interesting to watch since it is her first time in variety show and there seems to be lot of funny things which cast members could use to make jokes. :lol:

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10 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

don't know about Seo Jang Hoon but Lee Su Geun is not bringing up or sharing any of his previous work with artists with whom he have worked in the past. So, I am guessing there will be no talk about his time with Joo won in 1N2D show. But I am really exited about how joo won is going to handle the Knowing Bros cast members, since they are known for ragging the guest brutally and sort shows no mercy and how Joo won is going to counter them. I think IVY's performance would be interesting to watch since it is her first time in variety show and there seems to be lot of funny things which cast members could use to make jokes


JW grilled by too many Hyung- it'd be a sight to see. But Seo Jung Hoon will probably take care of him like he did in healing camp. Oh please someone from KB be on his side.. Don't make our baby Wonnie cry! :Megalol:


Honestly in my excitement of what I will get from JW in KB I forgot he will reunite on screen with Lee Su Guen again.. Don't know if they'll bring up 2D1N or not but hopefully we'd see a brotherly interaction between two. From my view point Lee Su Guen was very fond of Joo Won which his other Hyung's too but LSG being the main MC he'd always pass on praise for JW and try to engage him in conversation.


Also as a long time Hyung he knows JW's strength and weaknesses quite well. So it'll be interesting to see how he exploits those or not. :coolshades:


Joo Won become quite adapted to vareity shows more than before imo. In Radio Star he was quite unapologetically being himself.. and I loved that confident side of him. Before he'd try to apologise that whatever he's sharing isn't as funny as viewers expect from him but now he isn't doing that anymore.


So I'm hoping he'll not be very flustered by all savage attacks from KB members.. Fighting!


Also I'm really hoping to see him sing songs other than Ghost OST. he and Ivy will definitely perform one, probably 'Three Little Words' but I hope he sings other songs too because with no Fan Meeting in 2020 we have no singing video last year other than Ghost and Alice karaoke 'Thanks by Kim Dong Ryul. I'm hoping for 1/2 military stories too.

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1 hour ago, flutterby06 said:

JW grilled by too many Hyung it'd be a sight to see. But SEO Jung Joon probably take care of him like he did in healing camp. Oh please someone from KB be his side.. Don't make our baby Wonnie cry!

That would be fun to watch. I am also expecting him reveal his movie release date on the show, since most of the artists go to the Knowing Brother to promote their projects.

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8 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Lee Su Geun is not bringing up or sharing any of his previous work with artists with whom he have worked in the past. So, I am guessing there will be no talk about his time with Joo won in 1N2D show.


2 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Honestly in my excitement of what I will get from JW in KB I forgot he will reunite on screen with Lee Su Guen again.. Don't know if they'll bring up 2D1N or not but hopefully we'd see a brotherly interaction between two. From my view point Lee Su Guen was very fond of Joo Won which his other Hyung's too but LSG being the main MC he'd always pass on praise for JW and try to engage him in conversation.


Also as a long time Hyung he knows JW's strength and weaknesses quite well. So it'll be interesting to see how he exploits those or not. 


I don't know if there's any contractual obligation involved that prevents Lee Su Geun from discussing his past work, but at the same time, he does know JW, and everyone's going to already know that. It would be awkward to sort of pretend otherwise, so even if they don't mention 1N2D directly, I do think JW would be more comfortable around Lee Su Geun as a familiar face.


I haven't actually watched a full episode of Knowing Bros before, so I'm not entirely sure what to expect, but I do think there will be a lot of good-natured teasing from Su Geun's part, given that that was one of the major ways he tried to get JW to open up and let loose more on both 1N2D and Win-Win. ;) 


2 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

JW grilled by too many Hyung it'd be a sight to see. But SEO Jung Joon probably take care of him like he did in healing camp. Oh please someone from KB be his side.. Don't make our baby Wonnie cry! 


Yeah, that's the outcome I'm hoping for from Seo Jang Hoon as well - mostly because I loved that dynamic from Healing Camp.


By the way, the bit about "Don't make our baby Wonnie cry" reminded me yet again of Healing Camp where, after getting asked that awkward question about his pay from Jung Woong In, JW was like, "lol - Do I have to answer that?" and the main host was like, "Or you could just cry :P".


8 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

I think IVY's performance would be interesting to watch since it is her first time in variety show and there seems to be lot of funny things which cast members could use to make jokes.


2 hours ago, flutterby06 said:

Also I'm really going to see him sing songs other than Ghost OST. he and Ivy will definitely perform one probably 'Three Little Words' but I hope to he sings other songs too because with no Fan Meeting this year we have no singing video last year other than Ghost and Alice karaoke 'Thanks by Kim Dong Ryul. I'm hoping for 1/2 military stories too.


I'm not sure what to expect here re: Ghost specifically, but I do think that having IVY on the show as well would lead to a more fun atmosphere :approves:


And speaking of singing, it probably won't happen this time (since the focus will be on Ghost), but I do genuinely hope that in some fan meeting in the future, JW could cover some of the songs from the Alice OST.

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Ghost is expected to be on stage again from February 2021 if covidsituation remains stable.




Just sharing photos of our handsome Ghost.






Source: https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/108/0002314949






Source: https://mnc.asiae.co.kr/view.htm?idxno=2020101611373213058


More at: 



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Joo won promoting Ghost Musical in talk show "Show!terview with Jessi". Hmm, it is interesting to see that joo won is doing lot of talk shows to promote Musical but he sort of done one or two odd interviews for drama Alice. But lot artist do the opposite to what Joo won is doing,like, they always give the drama the first priority than the Musical Drama

Whoa! Joo won is in for a roller-coaster ride. I have seen few interviews of Jessi, she grills her guests as brutally as Knowing bros show, if not more. I can't wait to see how joo won is going to handle her questions and her grilling:lol:

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5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Whoa! Joo won is in for a roller-coaster ride. I have seen few interviews of Jessi, she grills her guests as brutally as Knowing bros show, if not more. I can't wait to see how joo won is going to handle her questions and her grilling


I actually haven't heard of this show until posts about this interview popped up on Instagram. Regardless, it looks like it's gonna be fun :) 


5 hours ago, kireeti2 said:

Hmm, it is interesting to see that joo won is doing lot of talk shows to promote Musical but he sort of done one or two odd interviews for drama Alice. But lot artist do the opposite to what Joo won is doing,like, they always give the drama the first priority than the Musical Drama


You know, I never thought about this before, but...yeah, I think you're onto something. Like, I'm not surprised at all that he's got so many interviews or promotional opportunities for Ghost, but for Alice, there really weren't that many. Especially given that it was his comeback drama - I honestly thought that either SBS, his agency, or both would really want to take full advantage of that and push it as far as they could, but they didn't.

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