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Joo Won thought he was going to die during filming?

On October 12 airing of SBS 'Healing Camp,' actor Joo Won guested on the show where he talked about the burden of taking on main roles as well as the physical toll that he's endured through filming.


When asked about being burdened, Joo Won said, "Being burdened is inevitable. I think its natural to feel burdened as the lead role since the production costs are no joke." 


He continued, "I don't like to burden anyone so no matter what happens, I try to tolerate it. If I try, I can understand anything. With time, it can happen."


MC Kim Jae Dong then asked, "When do you feel the most disappointed?" to which Joo Won answered as his eyes started to fill with tears, "I blow up when people don't recognize how much of an effort I'm making.


He continued, "I was filming for nearly three months and for two months I couldn't sleep and felt like a crazy person. I was physically... I thought then that I would die like this. I had an IV in my arm while traveling. I just lived like that. Then, I thought, 'Is it okay to just tolerate this?'


In the past, I would think what's good is good. But then I thought that people were just like this because I kept tolerating. So I blew up. But the problem was when I blew up, when I felt that disappointment, I ran to my car and cried.


Check out Joo Won on 'Healing Camp' above.


credit: allkpop 

Gah, just break my heart.  Go right ahead.  Aw.  That seriously makes me want to cry just reading this.  And I'm not a crier. 

This feels like Win Win all over again.  Is it going to make me cry?  Someone tell me.  Haha.  I still haven't watched it...

You know, people have been saying this about him for years, that he refuses to complain when things are difficult to the point that it is just insane.  So I'm not surprised that he would just snap at some point. 

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It's an Asian sensibility thing... this "tolerating everything" behaviour. Not saying all Asians are like that, but generally when you're younger, you are taught to tolerate because it is the right thing to do, it is the respectful thing to do, and as difficult as it is, I still advocate such a perspective in life because it is what builds resilience. Increasingly, in our overly permissive and "understanding" world, young people are exactly not building up this resilience. Therefore as much as I feel bad for him (it is a sucky life to say the least), I am glad that he is willingly choosing to do it this way - he will become a better person, a more stable man, a sturdier personality. I do hope people close to and around him constantly reassure him that he is doing alright, and that he too learns how to take care of himself. I applaud him. Fighting, Joo Won ssi!

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Article: 'Healing Camp' Joo Won, "I've been in two relationships thus far"

Source: OSEN via Naver

"I've been in two relationships so far. There was a time after my debut that I liked someone but ended up working on a drama and had to stop. It's not that I didn't want to date but that I was in so many projects at once that I had to put aside my feelings."

When asked on his ideal woman, he said, "A nice woman with a pretty back and some fat on her tummy."


1. [+1,576, -38] I fit his criteria, I have a tummy

2. [+821, -26] ㅋ I feel like two relationships is not that bad... it all depends on who you are as a person as to whether you have lots of relationships or not many;;

3. [+803, -40] I have tons of tummy fat, let's get married

4. [+747, -22] Seems like he's the type who dates someone for a long time

5. [+544, -52] He must have high standards if he's only been in two.. ㅠㅠ but sure, it's Joo Won.. whoever those two were, I'm so jealous of them

6. [+191, -12] Tummy fat ㅋㅋㅋ but I bet once he gets into a scandal, his girlfriend will end up being someone with an amazing body ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+186, -12] He seems like the type who'll be sooo good to his girlfriend, like she'll feel every second that he's in love with her

8. [+186, -12] It's not how many relationships you've been in that matters but how long you were in them for. Anyone who's been in longer relationships proves that they don't get tired of people easily. I much prefer someone who has a low number of past relationships but over longer periods.

9. [+139, -11] He definitely treasures his work over love ㅋ probably because he hasn't met someone he truly loves yet. He's greedy when it comes to his work, he probably takes extra acting practice so he doesn't fall behind ㅋ

10. [+135, -8] I remember he was on a talk show in the past and he cried while talking about his ex... seemed like a girl from before he debuted. He must've really loved her.... I wonder who it is, a woman who can make Joo Won cry..
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Just watched the video. Don't understand Korean but just looking at him, his expressions... he is such a sincere young man. I too would be very happy if my son grew up like that. :rolleyes: He's just so sweetie, sweetie, sweet, sweet, sweeeeeeeet!!! And how could anyone live with an IV?!?! I'm always joking about how I need an IV to survive, but I didn't think people actually did it! GOOD GRIEF! No wonder so many Koreans are leaving their country and coming out here to live and work! It's really tough surviving there!

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Annyeong chingus!
I just went to heaven on Saturday... just came back to this hella world... ;) 
I am not able to post pictures... Anyway, my pictures were not so well-taken...
Anyway... my first fan account... on my first time (ever) coming to a Fan Meeting.... Which I only did just because of our Cutie... The man who I admired since Baker King, Kim Tak Gu.. Although he played as the second lead actor at that time, but he captured my attention with his daebak acting skills... And also his voice for "My Love" at that time... The only actor I've even been crazy with with his persona. Joo Won... my great actor..
So... I reached Suntec at around 10.30 am, after being notified that the queue had started... I sat on the queue, blur like sotong, didn't know what to do, what to expect... On my left and right were half of my age girls who were very friendly... I took some pictures of the big posters there, excited to see even his face on the posters... Having not being able to sleep the night before due to excitement, however, I started to feel very sleepy, but then one of my angels appeared, @farbarri  ~ I was so glad to meet her finally!! Then I met the other angels ~  @Ma OO and @Pris0980 and @Rionae and so we talked about Joo Won...
The wait was so.... exciting, although my old big body was really forced to handle the situation... :)  Kept on telling myself... IT WAS MY ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY!
Started at around 7.15 pm the MC started to heat up the crowd... Though I felt a it dizzy, I hung on... I stood 2nd row to the barricade, near the stage, in the middle... A very lucky position, to get a clear view of the stage..
I got ready my handphone (which was already in critical condition - 30% powered) to take video for Joo Won's first appearance... Glad I did, and I was able to take quite a clear video of him.... I trembled and joined the crowd to scream my lung out... Joo Won!!!!!! 
Then, it was Park Hye Su's time to be introduced and interviewed and then she sang... Her voice was beautiful... I enjoyed the song, but also feeling impatient to see Joo Won to appear...
And then he entered the stage... I quickly took some snaps..... then at one point, I put down my phone, and saw him with my bare eyes... Joo Won, in front of me... I was in awe and cried... He was smiling so handsomely... His eyes were sparkling... and he kept his smiles on most of the time... GOSH!!!! HE IS SOOOOOO HANDSOME!!! He's more handsome in real life... He's more handsome than he was in his pictures, dramas, movies.... He's just so handsome! 
I kept on looking at him, and kept my phone inside my pocket, I just wanted to capture him inside my eyes and in my memory... 
Ah well, I kept on looking at him and really enjoyed listening to his voice... until I felt my legs were numb and my vision was blurry.... I wasn't able to see him until the end of the meeting... I wasn't able to get more pictures of him... I was escorted by the security out of the crowd, to be seated on a chair... until I decided to go home...
Although my moaty spirit screamed to me to jump to the stage to hug him... but I guess, this old body denied all the spirits inside of me... 
Thank you for the great memory, great experience.... thank you to the kind girls in front of me, who helped me to call out the security... I didn't even get your names... Thank you for the ladies from JWCIFC... Thank you @mrdimples ~ also @ameliajjh 

Thank you Joo Won... For finally coming to Singapore... For letting me seeing your handsome face, tall body, sweet smile... For letting me listening to your voice... I will never forget the experiences... the memory...
That would be my first and LAST fan-girling experience...
If Joo Won comes to Singapore again... I hope I could join the seated VIP meeting... *grin*    


PS: Why can't I tag??? :w00t:

Edited by Tasia
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@Tasia, never too old to fangirl, yo... ;) The more you look at him, the dreamier he gets, don'tcha think? Hahaha...  

@gilaswan (arrrhhh I cannot tag you!) Yea you're right... He is very dreamy especially when you look at him in real life... in person... ;) 

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Joo Won thought he was going to die during filming?


On October 12 airing of SBS 'Healing Camp,' actor Joo Won guested on the show where he talked about the burden of taking on main roles as well as the physical toll that he's endured through filming.


When asked about being burdened, Joo Won said, "Being burdened is inevitable. I think its natural to feel burdened as the lead role since the production costs are no joke." 


He continued, "I don't like to burden anyone so no matter what happens, I try to tolerate it. If I try, I can understand anything. With time, it can happen."


MC Kim Jae Dong then asked, "When do you feel the most disappointed?" to which Joo Won answered as his eyes started to fill with tears, "I blow up when people don't recognize how much of an effort I'm making." 


He continued, "I was filming for nearly three months and for two months I couldn't sleep and felt like a crazy person. I was physically... I thought then that I would die like this. I had an IV in my arm while traveling. I just lived like that. Then, I thought, 'Is it okay to just tolerate this?'


In the past, I would think what's good is good. But then I thought that people were just like this because I kept tolerating. So I blew up. But the problem was when I blew up, when I felt that disappointment, I ran to my car and cried.


Check out Joo Won on 'Healing Camp' above.


credit: allkpop 

I am so glad that JW actually blew up. Thank god! You are not Cha Yoo Jin. But still this makes me sad. When the Yongpal was airing,he showed us great acting.Then during BTS,they showed him smiling and playing around.Then in V app,we saw him chatting with fans during his breaks and smiling happily. He hide his hardships well and we fans quickily assumed that he is coping well.

But behind those "act", he was actually suffering and taking in all the burden.For the sake of everyone. For fans,for production and for his co-workers. I can't imagine how he survived it. That's why I respect him and any other actors who put in their 100% efforts.

I can't believe he went around with IV dangling in his arm. OUCH! That's hurt! Just an injection makes me want to cry and he had needles inserted to his veins while travelling? That's crazy.I really hope there is no side effects for IV. He doesn't deserve this.

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I love Joo Won more when I read about him here :wub:

I want  Joo Won just like this..he  will be honest actor and give excellent acting...as a reward the fans will respect and take care of Joo Won..


Edited by shynaz
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I know I am repeating myself but it's something I want to share with new fans here. 

I have been translating interviews of Joo Won for the past few years. I think when I did those translations, somewhere I delved deeper into what Joo Won said in those interviews than I would as a reader. Joo Won's interviews are always interesting and he gives so much of himself, particularly his thoughts. I don't follow other actors but there are some interviews I have come across. After I strip the sugar coating some interviewers add in their writing, most of these stars' interviews are pretty generic. Sure, you get titbits of their personal life but not much of their thoughts. And I say this without the assumption that many are trained how to respond to the media. I get a feeling that Sim is not exactly a 'control' freak, they are best at stopping people from taking pictures, asking for autographs etc. That's about it. In short, Sim doesn't have the machinery to produce nicely packaged stars. Whether it's something they set out to do or they can't, I am not interested. Oh before I forget, did I tell you that Sim dig their grave by pulling a publicity stunt just before Tomorrow Cantabile aired. I don't think I shared this but this is what our Korean translator sdee told me. Sim organized their own interview session with Joo Won at Morning Calm Village(for those in the dark, this is Sim's side business and guess who's the attraction?). I can't remember the details but I think Sim didn't inform the media or they published their own interview. It's considered a snub as far as the media is concerned. This incident, according to sdee made the media turned away from Joo Won and Sim. Apparently, this resulted in few interviews of Joo Won for Yong Pal. 

I digress. So back to the part where Joo Won isn't a Sim manufactured robot who gives standard answers. For the better or worse, Joo Won is kind of given a free reign. Sometimes, when I was translating his interviews, I would go "What! Did you just say that?" It was anything bad or rude, I was just taken aback by his frankness. It also means he's open to misinterpretations or misunderstood. Korea has fanatic fans and also fanatic anti-fans. I am not sure who are these but presumably, they are mostly people who are fans of other actors and feel that their job is to protect their bias at all cost. So, if another actor seems to be piping their favorite in terms of popularity, drama ratings and recognition, they must immediately go into action and put down this threat. Someone should write a paper on fan behavior, LOL. And again, according to sdee, Sim does not defend Joo Won from attacks. I am ignorant of such things but it seems some powerful agencies are very good at controlling these kind of things. Paying people to promote an opinion or view online, shutting down critics and stuff. It must be tiring to be a fan in Korea. 

By the way, I have read most of the interviews covering Joo Won's Press Con and fan meet in Singapore. Did you notice that not one but a few reporters mentioned that Joo Won pondered and answered with a lot of thoughts put into each. Words like sincere were used very often. Perhaps anyone who works in the media or @gilaswan can comment on this. Am I reading too much? 

After Healing Camp aired, I came across some knet's reactions. Most were positive but some were ambiguous. for example:

 [+139, -11] He definitely treasures his work over love ㅋ probably because he hasn't met someone he truly loves yet. He's greedy when it comes to his work, he probably takes extra acting practice so he doesn't fall behind ㅋ

I am going to address this in my nest post but for now, I want to share something sdee translated for us which I think I missed out sharing on this thread These are some audience reactions and their comments posted after Healing Camp. 

Some comments from audience after attending live show <Healing Camp>


cr: SBS Star


__________ from ____________  Healing Camp viewing!!

I was soooo curious who the guest is going to be Drum roll~!!


Saw a side of him that I did not see on TV h

#Seoul trip3#Reason for Seoul Trip is this# JooWon

#Very handsome#dandy#nice#even pretty

#pure and innocent#up-right young man#let’s go slowly for a very long time


#JooWon#Healing Camp#Healing Camp viewing#Yesterday#HealingCamp1007#Healgin Camp1007

An actor with warm heart. Actor who’s every words he said had deep thoughts.

Viewing Healing Camp made me think about JooWon once again.

And made me think of many things while listening to JooWon,

Made me empathize, reflect/regret, and vow.  It was very meaningful 4 hours. 

My cheek hurts because of JooWon. Because of smiling. 

h h h



An Actor who deserves to be receiving love# JooWon

I will meet a guy like him in the future J in reality, possibility is zero…



___________from____________- Healing Camp

#Healing Camp 1007@sbshealing #JooWon#KwangHee

#SuhJangHoon#Viewing Review

It was time that you can feel JooWon’s upright heart throughout the whole recording time. Submc Kwang Hee and Suh Jang Hoon were very funny!!

You can feel strong conviction JooWon grew up uprightly!

Thought …That kind of person cannot help but to be loved/receive love.

The humility which is his nature must be the reason for his success at an early age!!!The 4 hours

Were not boring at all #Regrann



From______________the kind heart and character hiding behind his cool eyes were felt wholeheartedly.

He is an actor who lived so hard and well…

Healing with the finest/best guest and mom.

#Healing Camp107#sbshealing#JooWon

#People’s Male Dong-seng#YongPalYi#KwangHee#KimJaeDong#SuhJangHoon




I viewed Healing recording, JooWon, how could he be so cute? 

Although he’s much older than me, I was about to call him JooWon ah~ because he’s so cute kk

He’s full of cuteness from within kkk



Translation : sdeehc from joowoncutie.wordpress.com

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sdee who watched last night's Healing Camp shared her thoughts with me


edited on writer's request

Also, as you know JW's ep of Healing Camp aired.  I have to say, it teared me up.  JW is really genuine, sincere, and brutally honest to a point of being brave.  He bore his everything out.  As you know, JW is not the typical Hallyu actor type where they must be trained how to answer questions in a way to avoid the real core of the answer it's asking for... but very factory like feel(?) although sounds polished.  
anyway, JW answered every question coming his way with real sincerity and brutal honesty with genuine JW's heart that always touches the receipient's heart.  
But due to this, the antis are up at roar again.
To give you a short of the issue is the talk touched upon JW's acting life and his belief about his acting path... anyway, he was asked a question of are there any actors he feels jealous of.  Being JW, he answered honestly and sincerely, that there are many and he struggled with this at one time too and consulted his sunbaes about it.  
He further said that he was kept repeatedly asked from reporters that although he's dramas were so successful, he seems different than other actors in his age group.  One ex/ is JW is rarely seen on CF's while his age group who had successful drama(s) always can be spotted on TV for CF.
JW said he contemplated on this to give a genuinely thoughtful answer back to the reporters... and he said he concluded that he must be going the different road than others at this time.

JW said he may later in his life, may choose to go that road himself but at this time, he is going the road of focusing only on acting.  And it was evident he really struggled with this so much that he spoke with sunbaes such as Jung Woong-In and Yoo Hae-Jin seriously.  One of the statement from Woong-In must have hit accord with JW.  Woong-In being the actor who seeks stages in between dramas further sharpen his acting ability told JooWon to have the self-confidence and pride about being an actor that's also on stage.  He says he has the pride of being the Musical and Stage actor as well as acting on brown screen.  Now you know this kind of subject with any real answer is like a taboo for actors in his age.  But he further stated that he feels that he has chosen the different road than his age groups but in the end he is telling himself that he's going to be acting until he dies and let's see who's still there/around at that time.  This could sound very cocky but it came from his deep believe of the path he has chosen... and I also think this is how he is consoling himself by telling himself this at time every time reporters and antis/other fans compare him vs other actors... (there have been many comments from both reporters as well as antis/other fans that although JW is successful in dramas, he does not have the star-ability.  Also that he's at a lower level than those around his age group.  I am sure that really hurt his pride as JW's humble in every way except when it comes to his acting.  He is proud of it as well as he has lot of greed for acting.  This he is not hiding at all.  

It's evident he has so much pride for the time he put in his acting in 20's and how much he believes in his acting ability that he has no regrets for his life lived for acting in his 20's and how excitedly he is looking forward to his 30's acting life.  

Anyway, the reason why I am writing this is to prepare you so you know where this statement of JW comes from what and how it was prompted/provoked to bring forth his answer that he gave.
All in all, Healing Camp was successful in showing real genuine JW that we know and fell in love with.  Thus, that SBS comments are done by the real employees of SBS...evidently they fell in love with him as well.  I am also hearing so many accounts how the people who watched fell in love with JW and became his fans or at least supporters and giving applause for his bravery for choosing acting first before being a star.
But at the same time, anti's are running wild... kkk  I am sure they are fans of these other young actors although JW did not name any names although MC's asked for it.  
Long email again... sorry.. ^^
But as JW fan, I say Healing Camp is a must watch... just like Win Win couple years ago.



Edited by mrdimples
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@mrdimples: How would I describe Joo Won just from that 45-minute session with him in that press room? Well... he definitely has presence. By his sheer height alone, when he walked into the room, you could 'feel' him, y'know? Sometimes very tall people hunch a little, but not Joo Won. He walks with his shoulders square, and you sense confidence on the stage. He's comfortable with cameras snapping away. But you also get this sense that he's by nature quiet. He's not an energiser bunny. So that's the visual impression you get of him. The nice, strong and silent type. I reckon if he were a neighbour he wouldn't be someone you would strike a conversation with easily in the lift, but he is likely the sort to hold the door for you and say a 'Good morning' or 'Good evening'. That sort of vibe.

I don't understand Korean, but when he speaks, he comes across as contemplative and sincere in his tone. His speaking voice is very nice to listen to - it's got a very nice quality to it. Not overly rough and manly, but not childish either. A young, thoughtful man's voice with a nice timbre. And like a number of young, artists that I know, his manner of speech seems to reflect a certain contemplative nature. He doesn't rush to answer a question. Strikes me as having a warm personality. I think he's the sort you will feel comfortable with very quickly and become fast friends with if you were on a camp with him or something. Y'know? The sort of person who will become your "camp buddy" in no time. 

SIM might not have "trained" him to be media savvy, but Joo Won does come across as professional and media competent. I suppose stage experience can do that for you. All eyes were certainly on him - as I said in an earlier post, everyone else in the room just faded away when he started talking... it would be easy to not hand any questions over to Park Hye Soo if they weren't planned. 

My overall sense - he's got the characteristics of a younger child that has benefited from the warmth and care of loving parents and an older sibling. He is secure in who he is and it shows. He is thoughtful of his surroundings and not inward focussed. And despite the apparent fatigue that day, he knew he was there for work, and he did it as cheerfully as he could though his eyes were (in my opinion) drifting in and out of focus because (as we learned later) he was running on 1 hour of sleep. Who knows if he might have been having a headache at that point or not? I know if I were surviving on one hour of sleep, I'd be having a headache! 

Conclusion: Joo Won's like this little brother I don't have but would like to have. He'd be my children's favourite uncle for sure. 

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Ahhh... So Joowon is moving towards a different path than his other peers~ We've known this since Good Doctor, or even before that, didnt we? We've discussed Joowon's popularity. So now I'm glad to know that the non-popularity path is his decision, and not because he wasnt offered or anything. 

Joowon was also asked about who he thinks will win Daesang awards. Joowon hesitated. He was like "erm...." like he's really thinking if he can/should say what he wanted to say, then the host covered up by saying something else so that Joowon didnt have to answer which could turn out bad.

Anyway, I'm very proud of Joowon! Now I know for sure which path he intends to follow, and I'm loving that path. He was right in saying that acting lasts for a long time until he dies, and to see who is still there at that time. I can understand why fans of other actors are angry with this statement, but it's the harsh truth to certain actors out there. I hope Joowon will last for as long as he can, to continue to do what he loves and keep challenging himself. I hope he stays true to who he is and his targets. Even if he follows that path later on, I trust that he knows what he's doing, and that he will not lose his life's goal.

I cant say that I will fan-girl over him for years to come, but I will do so for a long as I can. I'm loving this man for his heart and his talent~


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@farbarri I would wait for the translation first. 

I don't think he chooses non-popularity. It is just simply not his goal. Yet, he knows very well that one needs to popular enough to get choice roles. Don't you think he is underrated in that sense? 

Even for Yong Pal, I don't think SBS foresaw that they had a success in the making. Compared to other dramas, Yong Pal was flying under the radar, I felt that it wasn't being promoted much.

As for him talking about his long term goal and wanting to be acting to the very end, I think it's all in line with his aspirations ever since he chose this path. Joo Won never thinks that he is more talented, he only thinks of working harder. 

@gilaswan I don't know how much you know of Joo Won but your observations are mostly spot on. He is indeed a quiet person. In fact in his own words, he said as much and that he has 'low energy" , not energizer bunny. In fact these were some of the reasons why he felt he's unsuitable for Variety and left 1N2D. He had always been more or an introvert than extrovert. Only on screen and stage, does he become a different person. But all these do not mean that he's timid. In fact, I sensed his inner strength. 

@ctfrsgp dear, are you here? 

I am bad at these things and need your help. Can you give me a heads up when any magazine of Joo Won appears. Preferably a English one. 

I am thinking of sponsoring some as give aways. I know that fans seldom have chance to buy a Korean magazine. Maybe they might appreciate a SG mag

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@farbarri I would wait for the translation first. 

I don't think he chooses non-popularity. It is just simply not his goal. Yet, he knows very well that one needs to popular enough to get choice roles. Don't you think he is underrated in that sense? 

Even for Yong Pal, I don't think SBS foresaw that they had a success in the making. Compared to other dramas, Yong Pal was flying under the radar, I felt that it wasn't being promoted much.

As for him talking about his long term goal and wanting to be acting to the very end, I think it's all in line with his aspirations ever since he chose this path. Joo Won never thinks that he is more talented, he only thinks of working harder. 

@gilaswan I don't know how much you know of Joo Won but your observations are mostly spot on. He is indeed a quiet person. In fact in his own words, he said as much and that he has 'low energy" , not energizer bunny. In fact these were some of the reasons why he felt he's unsuitable for Variety and left 1N2D. He had always been more or an introvert than extrovert. Only on screen and stage, does he become a different person. But all these do not mean that he's timid. In fact, I sensed his inner strength. 

I mentioned to you briefly before part of my field of work. It actually makes me very sensitive to body language (you can't help but build those capacities because of the nature of the mode of communication used), and I'm mostly very accurate when it comes to reading non-verbal linguistic signals. ;) So while watching Joo Won, I saw more than "him". I also saw slight movements in facial muscles and overall body language. He's *really* the strong and silent type. Heheheh...

With regard to some of the earlier posts about him being "greedy when it comes to work" - I'm not sure if you were referring to that quote from a netizen who attended his Healing Camp recording, but I've noticed that this direct translation "greedy" from the original Korean is actually seen positively in their culture. It points to an industrious character who is steadfast and eager to work. A positive trait. 

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