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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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I have a bad cold and need to close my clinic. so wont be able to spazz much. errr... how's our face revealing project? is it still on.?.. Ive already said yes! :DThanx for Taehui pix.
@mei I can see you know so much about ghost musical?can you gimme JW schedule date for next year coz I could not find the actual date of JW;s performance  ... I may consider a trip to korea with my family middle next year and at the same time may be able to watch the musical. my hubby has given me a green light. not this year coz melbourne trip stays.
anybody want to join me?going home now.

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Guest mei8805

ezze said: I have a bad cold and need to close my clinic. so wont be able to spazz much. errr... how's our face revealing project? is it still on.?.. Ive already said yes! :DThanx for Taehui pix.
@mei I can see you know so much about ghost musical?can you gimme JW schedule date for next year coz I could not find the actual date of JW;s performance  ... I may consider a trip to korea with my family middle next year and at the same time may be able to watch the musical. my hubby has given me a green light. not this year coz melbourne trip stays.
anybody want to join me?going home now.

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Good Doctor Episode 18 recap


by mrdimples

I know I will sound like a broken recorder on how this drama surpasses itself each week but I kid you not. Episode 17 was so awesome and when I started on episode 18, I was thinking for once the Tuesday  episode will take a backseat to Monday’s in terms of pace and things happening. But I was totally blindsided in the last quarter of the show where we got a glimpse of heaven showing us what if.

continue reading here


I am so in awe of the dream scene for many reasons and I will end up writing pages analyzing it and the love story between YS and SO. So, I decided that I will first discuss the other parts of the show which are no less significant to the drama and should not be passed.

I think DH’s silly bravado with his infected wound has revealed a significant change in the pediatric team dynamics. Previously, the team and others in the hospital relied on DH as the undisputable leader and genius surgeon in the department. This surgery involving KHT’s son is a very important one with high stakes involved. Yet, the twist is that DH sits out this surgery with YS and Dr Han taking the limelight. Although DH supervised the surgery, I am heartened that YS and Dr Han are much better surgeons now than at the beginning of the show. More than skills, it’s their degree of confidence that is different. I also note that SO plays a vital part in every surgery despite not performing them himself and DH really values SO’s opinions. This surgery demonstrates how far the pediatric team has come. SO’s joining the team, his growth and DH’s change clearly affected everyone in more ways than one.  

I am touched by SO telling off Dr Kim in his face when the later insulted YS. That’s what I call true courage. True courage is not just about being able to defend yourself but also protecting the people you love. Often, it is construed as protecting your love ones from physical attacks. However, in reality that is much less likely than standing up and defending your loved ones from personal attacks. Not many people, even more senior doctors would have dared stand up to Dr Kim like how SO did.

DH has grown so much from being the dour, sourpuss professor in the early episodes. Although we never really got to know if DH has gotten over blaming himself for his brother’s death, we can see it in his demeanor towards everyone around him. There is a remarkable difference in the way he treats his young patients and now, I can truly say that he cares for SO. He has become a true leader who inspires and leads by example.

I still have that ominous feeling about In Hae. For certain, there is something wrong with her. SO is seldom wrong and I just cannot get that dream of her in the garden out of my mind. These days whenever In Hae appears and talks, I feel as if she is speaking her last words. Please, show don’t kill this precious young one. If In Hae dies, the entire mood will be gloom and doom. For a show that’s been getting more and more upbeat, this is not one spanner that I will like to see thrown in the works.

Okay, now for the long rave.

I am so impressed with what the writer has done with the romance between SO and YS. That said, I still need to add a caveat that this is provided he doesn’t end it stupidly like YS and SO deciding to be friends instead in the last episode.

Before the show started, I was piqued at how the romance between an autistic person and a neuro-typical will pan out. I do not think it has been dwelled before in kdramas. I did not put too much hope in it because the genre of this show is medical and of course a human drama. Romance does not seem to be a big part of it. True, romance was not at the forefront for most part of the drama but it became something that I was rooting for. There is that much you can savor from interesting medical cases and surgeries, right? No matter how exciting and nail-biting they may be. Thankfully, the writer gave us as realistic a romance as I can hope for.

When SO was stuck in his child-like frame of mind, it was only believable that YS treated him like a child. Over time, as SO gains confidence and stands on his own feet, it became apparent that he may have the innocent, child-like perspective on things but his mind is as mature, or better still, more mature than any man his age. Frankly, there is nothing that SO cannot do except for things like expressing his feelings well and reading cues. These should not have dire effects on his love life as long as his partner understands and accepts him for who he is. Thus, I find it totally believable that YS changes her mind and how she sees SO as he grows and demonstrates that he is not a child but a man. Love can develop slowly and Love can also strike one in an instance. There is no explaining why the colleague or friend whom you have been with all this time suddenly sparks a reaction from you. It could start from a shared experience, an interesting conversation or an accidental brush of hands.

The biggest obstacle is not SO’s disability but how he perceives himself in the area of romance. At this point in SO’s life, he has seemingly conquered all his fears and challenges except in love. In his words, he has achieved the qualifications of being everything except for the right to love, how sad is that? Last episode, I cried for SO when he said he didn’t want others to know that YS is the woman he confessed to because that will make her a target for teasing. As shown, SO does not mind being teased and insulted even but it hurts him more when his loved ones suffer the same thing on his account. How terrible he must have felt for being different?

When SO poured out his heart to YS in the balcony scene, it was so romantic and yet awfully sad. My heart goes out to him for wishing he is ‘normal’ and having the right to love. The truth is we cannot fault SO for having this thinking because society is still steeped in its prejudices on what people with disability can do or not do. Just read all the comments on SO and YS’s romance and you will know. Some are creeped out from the word go simply because SO has a disability. Some questioned his maturity and wonder how can a man stuck in a mental age of a 10 year old know what is love. Some debated valid issues like challenges in communication and daily life the partner will have to accept. And some comments are downright insulting, they tantamount to saying that SO has no right to love simply because he is disabled.

I only agree that the partner in question must be able to accept a person like SO with all his quirks and deficits. No matter how much he improved, there are some things which SO will continue to find a challenge or never conquer. Other than these, I do not see why a romance or even marriage to a person like SO, not work? He has a stable and good income. He is gentle, kind and loving. Although he may not express them in words, they are written all over in his actions. He is very good and patient with children and will make an excellent father. He most possibly can and will father children. What else can a woman look for in a man? To borrow what In Hae said about love - the bigger love is, the harder it is to see. We fail to see the enormity of a good man that is in SO and see only his disability.

The idyllic dream where SO and YS were together on a perfect date totally caught me by surprised. I think the writer was clever in painting this picture in our minds. How many of us have wondered what if SO is ‘normal’ because as I wrote earlier, there is really nothing that should stop this two from loving except for his disability, right? The writer also achieved giving the viewers the kind of romantic scene they clamor for without sacrificing any logic. Nearing the end of the drama and with YS just realizing her feelings for SO, we can’t have them suddenly going out on dates like this, can we? Still I hope the show will give us a real date for SO and YS because as perfect the dream scene was, it is still not real. I must give credit to the director and our two leads for giving us such a beautiful scene, from the way the sunlight shines so prettily on everything to the awesome chemistry that the actors brought onto reel. It was surreal and breathtaking to say the least.

My question to the writer – Is this date dreamed by Si On or Yoon Seo?

Some viewers think it is Yoon Seo because as Si On sang the song, she imagined how perfect their love will be if he is ‘normal’. Dramabeans writer gummimochi writes that the thought of this brought tears to Yoon Seo’s eyes. Some may also think it is Yoon Seo because Si On is unable to imagine or dream of such a scenario.

My first thought and still remains is that it is Si On who imagined that dreamscape. It is congruent to his song “If I Were” where the lyrics speak of how Si On wants to be everything for Yoon Seo. So I guess this imagined scene was from him because it was exactly what he was dreaming and hoping for - an alternate world where he is normal and qualifies to love Yoon Seo and be loved by her.  

Share your view with us.

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ezze said: I have a bad cold and need to close my clinic. so wont be able to spazz much. errr... how's our face revealing project? is it still on.?.. Ive already said yes! :DThanx for Taehui pix.
@mei I can see you know so much about ghost musical?can you gimme JW schedule date for next year coz I could not find the actual date of JW;s performance  ... I may consider a trip to korea with my family middle next year and at the same time may be able to watch the musical. my hubby has given me a green light. not this year coz melbourne trip stays.
anybody want to join me?going home now.

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ezze said: I have a bad cold and need to close my clinic. so wont be able to spazz much. errr... how's our face revealing project? is it still on.?.. Ive already said yes! :DThanx for Taehui pix.
@mei I can see you know so much about ghost musical?can you gimme JW schedule date for next year coz I could not find the actual date of JW;s performance  ... I may consider a trip to korea with my family middle next year and at the same time may be able to watch the musical. my hubby has given me a green light. not this year coz melbourne trip stays.
anybody want to join me?going home now.

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@mrdimples: that was some clever writing by writer-nim right? So was it Si On or Yoon Seo who dreamed of it?

Initially, I really thought it was Yoon Seo who dreamed of the date. Who thought of the future and saw Si On beside her. I felt that it was the realization of her love for Si On. That she sees a future with him.

But after thinking about it from what you wrote, it could really be Si On and it does fit with his "If I Were" song and his perhaps regrets on not being 'normal' enough to deserve Yoon Seo's love.

Ahhhhhhh. So who did dream it? Either way, I am sooooo glad that they did! ^^ I kept replaying those scenes all throughout the day! I feel so much love, hope, sweetness, and even sadness with the clip. It's crazy but tears just flow whenever I watch those scenes...


Aww doc @ezze get well soon! Let dr. Ppali ppali treat you and make it better! ^^ I wanted to go watch the musical this December but I don't think I can take another leave, so I might just go next year! :) See you there then? ^^

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it seems like there will be no new member replacing Joowon. however, they're replacing the staffs too! one of the directors or the main director may be replaced with a season 1 director. awww, so upsetting! with the change in pd, i think he will inject a fresh life into the 1N2D concept, and i want Joowon to be part of the casts too. it seems like there's still so much in Joowon that has not been explored. his athletic potential, his modd-swings, his pouts, his cockiness, bromance, etc. :(( :(( :((
full details here:

We reported recently that Joo Won was going to be leaving KBS’s veteran Sunday variety show, ’1 Night, 2 Days.” We’ve now got some addition reports regarding the show with KBS clarifying that Joo Won will not be replaced and the show will continue on as a party of 6. However there will be some changes to the staffing line up with an exclusive report published by “Star Today” revealing that we will be seeing the return of a similar face to the “1 Night, 2 Day” staffing line up.


First off, the lead producer for the KBS Variety Show division, Park Joong Min EP (Executive Producer) has revealed in a phone call with news media outlet “Star News” that “We are planning on continuing the show as a party of 6 after Joo Won leaves” and that “We will not be adding in an additional member.” Regarding this decision, Park Joong Min EP explains that “Up till now ’1 Night, 2 Days’ has not brought in a new member after a member has left” and that “The team work amongst the current members is currently at its peak and when we take this into consideration we predict that adding in a new member might, on the contrary, cause issues as they rebuild their team work again. Hence we won’t be bringing in a new member.”

However while they may not be adding a new member, it does appear that they are planning to once again revamp their staffing line up for the 3rd time this season. While this in itself is certainly interesting, the new producer they’ve convinced to take the helm of “1 Night, 2 Day” will surely cause some excited murmurings amongst fans.


In an exclusive report released by news media outlet “Star Today,” it has come to light that the next producer in line to try and revive the flagging show will be none other than Yoo Ho Jin PD. Name alone might not sound familiar but if you’re a fan of the show and have watched “1 Night, 2 Day Season 1” then you will definitely recognise who this is. For a short refresher, Yoo Ho Jin PD was the “rookie PD” during Season 1 of “1 Night, 2 Day” and is widely known as the PD that got fooled byKang Ho Dong and Kim C during a hidden camera segment. 

A worker from the KBS Variety Show division explains that “The KBS Variety Show Division saw a range of sweeping changes coinciding with the Autumn program reorganizations. A part of those changes appears to be a change in the Main PD for “1 Night, 2 Days.” They continued to explain that “Yoo Ho Jin PD, who became famous for being extremely fooled in a hidden camera corner 6 years organised byKang Ho Dong, Kim C and the original members, is currently the PD that is being mentioned as being the most likely to take the Main PD job (For the show).” 


They also explained that “Along with Joo Won leaving the show and the show reaching a turning point, if Yoo PD is confirmed to be joining the show then it does appear like he will inject some fresh life into the show.” The worker however notes that “There was a lot of discussions regarding a change to the production team for “1 Night, 2 Days” as part of the Autumn Program Organizations. Yoo Ho Jin PD is pretty much confirmed to be joining the show but there is still detailed discussions remaining.”

He also praised Yoo Ho Jin PD saying that “whether it’s his exception abilities since joining the company or his personality, Yoo Ho Jin PD is someone that is praised by everyone.” He continued on by saying “He is already acquainted with most of the core members and he has the experience so if he is confirmed to be joining the show then we look forward to seeing good results.”

After leaving “1 Night, 2 Day Season 1,” Yoo Ho Jin PD has been responsible for co-producing “Music Bank” before moving on to producing the talk show “Win Win” and “Moonlight Prince.” He is currently the producer for the sports variety show “Our Neighbourhood Sports And Variety Stars” or as KBS World would like us to call it “Cool Kiz On The Block” with the “Z.” 

credits to soompi for the news.

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Guest mindymoe

Oh yeah I've seen him in "Cool Kiz on The Block" where Sugeun is in. He is the "bullied PD'" in previous 1N2D season. Ooooh... I'd like to see interaction between this PD with the members, and anticipating some interesting "bullying" scenario like what the members did to Bird PD (somehow it's really interesting watching the staff playing together with the members, enjoy the moments, like a family. Seems like in these recent episodes the members don't have chemistry with the new PD :( ). It's really saddening that Joowon won't be there anymore. :(

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