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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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Guest rynhanna

coolreborn said: If I ever said offending words yesterday, then I am sorry for those who are offended. We are all shocked and still is, about the news and for me, it is only normal that we say some things but I just hope we will not continue this in the thread. Beside I don't want to see some bashing here. I am now going to be a Joo Won lover in here. If I'm going to say something about this pairing, I will do it in PMs. If I'm going to post pics about them, then I'll just post it and if I'll comment... hope you will just understand me. :)>-

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Joo Won

Loving Him For The Man He Is And The Man He Wants To Be



I have been a fan of Joo Won since Ojakgyo Brothers which aired a year back. Never before have I been so captivated by an actor. I am even amused and shocked at myself. Since I have started watching dramas not too long ago,  I do have my favorite actors and actresses. There are some whose dramas I have followed but never has anyone come close to what I have been doing since I got to know Joo Won.

This sounds cliché but I just love him for his talents, passion, charm and good heart. On top of these, he is very good looking and very attractive. But more enduring are the treasures you uncover when you know more about this man.

In the past year, I have read whatever articles, news, blogs, comments I can lay hold of about him. I have taken to translate articles from Joo Won’s fan site on Chinese Baidu page- 朱元吧_百度贴吧 from Chinese to English. Joo Won has a huge and growing fan base in China. The fans there are one of the fastest in uploading news and photos from Korean websites. They have a few who can read and/or understand Korean so I find that it is faster to translate from their Chinese translation into English then to wait for the official English version of Korean news or articles.

I endeavored to write this because I have read many articles, news and interviews on Joo Won, and I thought I will like to pen what I have gleaned from all the information. Especially after the success of Bridal Mask, there has been a shower of interviews on Joo Won. If you have been following Joo Won and reading all about him, this will be nothing new to you. For someone who just started being his fan, you might get something more out of this. I am also sharing my thoughts here, please remember that they are my own opinions and should not be taken as a fact or a piece of information taken from a quoted source.

It was meant to be a rather short piece of work which I started two weeks back. I should have known better because once I get started on Joo Won, it’s hard to stop, even when it comes to writing. And I am no writer. Interestingly, as I backtracked and checked on some information and videos which I have read and watched before (to ensure as far as possible what I have written is accurate), I found myself more and more amazed and enchanted by this man.

I have segmented this into parts:

Joo Won, the Good Son, the Good DongsaengJoo Won, the ActorJoo Won, the Hoobae, the "Dongsaeng", the OppaJoo Won, the Man in VarietyJoo Won, his Real and Reel LovesJoo Won, the Anatomy of a ManJoo Won, the Boy, the Man and His Dreams


I hope you will enjoy reading this as much as I have writing it.

1. Joo Won the Good Son and the Good Dongsaeng


Joo Won grew up in a closely knit family. He said that although he comes from a very average family (in terms of income), his family showered him with love. His parents had 2 sons, him and his older brother. With an age gap of 5 years, I would imagine that he was the ‘baby’ of the family. His mother had wanted a daughter and she must have kind of lamented aloud that she has no daughter because Joo Won said he didn’t like hearing his mother saying she wished she had a girl. He thought to himself “What’s wrong with boys?” But being the obedient son that he was, he would help his mother do household chores and also in the kitchen. That must have spurred his interest in cooking. In the 1st episode of 1N2D, I remembered that Joo Won had to “beg” for his lunch on a remote island where no one knew who he was. After having a meal with one family, he reciprocated by washing up the dishes. But he did not stop at that, he finished the task by washing the sink as well. This is one man who clearly knows how to do household chores.


Although he is the maknae of the family, Joo Won does not come across as spoilt. If anything, his parents have brought him up incredibly well. He said that they impressed upon him two most important things when he was growing up. One is good manners and the other is punctuality. When I first read that, I was kind of incredulous, especially with the latter. But Joo Won has reiterated it so many times that I think he truly believes in them and applies them faithfully in all aspects of his life. He seemed really annoyed by people who do not have good manners. So it is no wonder that Joo Won gets along so well with people since he is always so polite and in a similar fashion, he respects people.

Joo Won gets along infamously well with his sunbaes and the older generation. They all love him. He is very respectful and well mannered, truly a gem in today’s society where the young no longer hold dear such values. Recently, he said he was looking forward to celebrate Chuseok with his grandparents. I was so happy to read that. His grandfather must be so proud of this grandson. I remembered reading in one interview way back, that Joo Won looks up to his grandfather as someone he wants to emulate. He said he learnt a lot from his grandfather. His grandfather is a very generous man, he would give scholarships to students he does not even know and to the needy. His mantra is to give and do not expect rewards in return, to care for others and to be a humanitarian. That’s why, to this day, Joo Won still says that his goal is to be a humane actor.

 All these sound very impressive and too good to be true at times but when you see how people young and old interact with him and how he conducts himself be it in a BTS(behind the scenes), a reality show like 1N2D or in interviews, they are all very consistent with what he says.

His relationship with his elder brother is incredible. He said people were envious at how close they were. We had the good fortune of seeing his brother for the first time, on a recent 1N2D episode. He is tall like Joo Won and looks like a really nice guy. He was asked if they had often fought when they were growing up together and his answer was surprising. He said they never fought. I was like, “Hey that’s too perfect to be true!” Even if he had said they fought all the time, no one would have batted an eyelid because that’s what brothers commonly do. If what he said is really true, I am thinking how more perfect can this family possibly get? He went further to explain that Joo Won is a very good brother, so they had no occasion to fight. Joo Won had said before his brother got married, he would always look forward to spend time with his brother. He remembered they had plenty of fun in their childhood and they shared many side-splitting moments. In a recent interview, he said his wish is to buy a house that’s big enough for his parents, himself and his brother and sister-in-law. I guessed he really misses having his brother staying under the same roof.


I think Joo Won’s parents are really great. When he was at the onset of puberty, they noticed that he had become very introverted and quiet. He could not carry a normal conversation and would keep to himself and not socialized with his peers. Because he was shorter than his peers at that time, they thought that had led to his loss of confidence and coupled with the psychological stress of puberty, they had better do something with him. They suggested enrolling Joo Won in a speech or public speaking class but there were no vacancies so he ended up in drama and dance class instead. As the saying goes, the rest is history. Joo Won ended up enjoying the class so much that it became the turning point in his life.  Joo Won said he obeyed his parents in almost everything. There was only once he was determined to stand his ground even if they disagree. That was when he decided that he would pursue his passion in performing acts as his course of studies and career. Although we see many successes in the Korean Entertainment industry, I am very sure there are many many more who failed. Life as an artiste cannot be an easy one. Even if one breaks into stardom, it may be temporary. Likewise, Joo Won acknowledged that no sensible parent would want their child to suffer or have a job with no stable income. True enough, his parents were taken aback by his choice and said they will have to think it through. When the young Joo Won remained resolute and said he would still do so even if it mean he had to eat ramen 3 times a day, his parents gave in. Joo Won’s mother understood her son very well, she said to him “Since this is your own decision, then you should not have any regrets, work hard towards this path.” Joo Won engraved his mother’s words deep in his heart. His parents attended his performances and were proud of him His mother very often watched his musical performances. Joo Won said if other parents watched once, his mother would have watched 10 times. I think the determination and the pride he takes to deliver good works stemmed from this fact of being true to himself and also to make his parents proud of him. 


Joo Won is very close to his mother. We saw how he sweet he was on the phone with her and he’d pepper his calls with *pyong* which are like blowing kisses. He said he takes after his mother’s looks and his father’s personality. Going by this, I gather that his mother is the lively sort? Because Joo Won has always said he is not lively by nature. Although we have little information about her, without doubt, she has a lot of influence in his life. He said his family has always lived harmoniously so I guess there were no shouting and fighting in the Moon household. I can totally imagine that when Joo Won gets married, he would not want to move out but stay with his parents. So in this aspect, his wife will probably be someone who can get along with his mom. I am not sure if it’s common or not to stay with your in-laws after marriage in Korea. If Joo Won had his way, he would also want his brother and sister-in-law to stay with them. But he did add in the same breath that his sister-in-law probably would not like the idea. So, I guess Joo Won’s mother cannot be the ultra-traditional type as this type would normally insist that the elder son stays with them after he gets married.


There was another interesting tidbit that Joo Won shared about his childhood. Apparently, his parents sent him and his brother to the United States to study but due to unknown reasons they came back. In Korea, there is this phenomenon called “Girogi Kajok” in Korean, or “goose families.” The children, often accompanied by their mothers, attend public schools in English speaking countries, while the fathers remain in Korea to support them. The “goose” refers to the seasonal visits reuniting the separated families – the way geese migrate each year. Koreans believe that sending their children abroad at a young age will give them an escape from the notoriously cutthroat Korean school system and an opportunity to master English. In Joo Won’s case, it seemed that his mother did not go with them and perhaps the two brothers, being too young, missed their parents too much, put paid to the plan. If Joo Won comes from a middle income family, his parents must have been willing to sacrifice a great deal when they sent the 2 boys to the States. This was a family who couldn’t live apart from each other anyway, so I am glad at how things turned out, although Joo Won said he did wonder how different his life might be if he had stayed on in America. 


credits: photos from joo won facebook pages, Joo Won Tie Ba on Baidu, King and various web sources


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Guest sunshine4ever

Dear everyone,

I just wrote a message at the Battle of the Secret Lovers thread in general to everyone. Please do not take offense at my message.

Thanks & love,

(going to sleep with love and charity is the most awesome thing in the world..i wish the same for all of us and Joo Won.  I agree with a lot of you that I'll support Joo Won no matter who the leading actress is...)

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Guest septmoon16

@mrdimples - looking forward to the rest of your take on joo won. :)
to me - the best part of any fandom is the sharing of thoughts between fans, thank you for sharing these beautiful nuggets with us.

(gosh can he be any cuter with the mouse ears? ^^)

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I remember reading ctfrsgp's post where she put this link to Joo Won's Cantata fan meet at Morning Calm Village. But I cannot find it. Anyway, I'll just post it again and some kind soul, pls upload to YT
I was grinning from ear to ear when I saw this. Ohhhh....those lucky fans

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