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[Drama 2010] Flames of Desire 욕망의 불꽃

Guest yeohweping

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Guest flower pot

Lord knows i adore Seo Woo! I LOVE HER!

But i absolutely can not get what In Ki's character is all about...

She is just seething with anger and it seems soooo unjustifiable given how it was of her own volition that her life is now the way it is... (she had a perfectly pleasant life with Jung Sook in the past... the reason why she left her seem so shallow in my personal opinion)

However, i am still fascinated by this drama thanks mostly to the great acting by everyone in the cast!

You may visit my blog donnapie.wordpress.com for my full episodes 7-8 review...

Thanks for sharing the link to the OST... been searching high and low for it as i love it! :wub:

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Guest imogene_af

I think it is a good, addicting makjang. Na Young is one despicable character, even, she herself seems to think she is beyond redemption. Her thirst for money and power is both innate but also due to her bitter environment

after getting gang raped like that... who would not turn ruthless?

. Shin Eun Gyung as Na Young is just delectable and full of awesome. Even in her most evil moments, she somehow shows some elements of sympathy... and you cannot quite explain it. Even in her shrill core, there's still a moment of softness/tenderness to her.

I actually have problems with the younger ones in the drama.

Yoo Seung Ho though very cute, I think is too boyish for the role. Granted, the young man is supposed to be a controlled robot, a mama's boy which he can embody but as a leading man, I feel like he isn't quite ripe yet. I shall reserve my further judgments for later. I think it still is a bit distracting to see him as an angst-ridden, brooding love interest when he just brings out a vibe of a high school student who hates his Algebra homework. I could be wrong. we'll see. *ducks tomatoes from fangirls*

Seo Woo's In Ki character is actually the most interesting and complex of the bunch, since she can play on the angel-devil vibe. She has her mother's ruthless "weed" elements but you know, there is still something in her that is just like her kind aunt. She was brought up by a loving "mother", and unlike Na Young, I don't think she's way pass the road of redemption. But I think Seo Woo is playing her too much like a caricature rather than the complex character the script offers.

Seo Woo is a great actress, and I think she needs a better understanding of her character which calls for a LOT of subtlety and she insanely lacks that... for now. She does look the part though and I cannot wait for her "sparring" with Na Young.

In Ki is a self destructive character with a broken heart, she needs subtlety to play her, this is why we are going that she is "unjustified" she lacks the required tenacity for the role.

THAT SAID... I do love this drama.

This drama is dark, it goes to the deep bellies of our desires and ambition, but even with the exaggerated plot and usual cliches on birth secrets... it has a fast paced and emotional teleplay and engaging direction. The characters seduce us as they draw us into their own pits of darkness. It's like, come on down to the end of the world. Best of all, this drama KNOWS what it is. An emotional rollercoaster of a ride with the forefront of two very complex female characters. I have been disappointed with the "identity crisis" of some of the Kdramas lately (I am looking at you Daemul and Plan B ) but this one knows what it wants... even though, it seduces you to its darkness. It is definitely not for everyone, but if you want a good makjang (YES. THERE IS SUCH A THING) give this a try.

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I really enjoy reading everyone's commentary :)

Episode 8 brings me back on my toes - while In-ki / Seo Woo stole my attention in 6, Na-young is rocking all the way in this, man, she is truly despicable and I both detest her and enjoy her (I can't wait to see what Na-young has in store for her exboyfriend Deok-seong). But when she breaks down it's pretty heartbreaking. It's so hard to see the real her and when we do what I see just makes me squirm, and then I'll doubt if that's real or not. And I find it harder to understand her relationship with Young-min, and Young-min himself actually. The adults are surely rocking.

Seo Woo, yeah, I know In-ki's trying so hard to make the public hate her, but subtlety will make it million times more effective. Actually my fave scene of her is in ep 8 where she answered reporters' questions and Jung-sook looking from afar. A combination of a lost little girl and someone who's really weary and tired. I wish she has more of these moments instead of looking evil and doing crazy eyes all the time.

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Guest marinai

INKi character is so interesting

1) wavering between good and bad!

2) strong attraction for death!

....The acting wise :

Seo Woo:

It's just my two cents but I think the evil eyes are on purpose because if it was executed more subtly I guess it would feel natural as if she is not faking being a Bit*h! and I guess it just a mask she just took off once "on purpose" when she was talking to her unni that she slapped "on purpose" the d-day! We felt that she actually cares/loves her unni! and of course like you said the scene with the journalist when her "mom"/aunt was looking from afar was just in my opinion the proof that she can't fake 24/7! when she cried after meeting the man is interesting !She wants to be REBORN again, she feels stuck because this man is here to make her remember the dirt of her past! She's different from NaYoung cause she's between two lines !

Cute boy got on my nerve for overdoing his cuteness in episode 8! whatever I think his cuteness will take an imporatant place for Inki change but my perverted person would have liked him to be more manly cause this drama is called Flame of Desire ....Lol I expect KISS(ES) and a real passion between the leads (is it possible?)!

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Guest imogene_af


My thing is, I do get that what Inki has is mostly a facade but sometimes it comes off as unintentionally comedic, she was getting better in Episode 8, though. That I have to admit. I guess not everyone can be a young Go hyun Jung, who can play a caricature but show little moments of the soft and raw human core. That's what I am looking for and I think Seo Woo is capable of it. It should happen soon, I've seen her play offbeat roles before. I remember I thought Yoon Shi Yoon from Baker King was incredibly bad in the first few episodes he came out in, then gradually he gave such an impressive and heartfelt performance. Seo Woo being capable of intricate characterization should be doing well later on. In Ki is actually the most interesting one of the bunch because she's neither here nor there, unlike the other characters who I feel are well imprinted to what they should be. i.e. fatalistic, fighting fate, passive, etc.

as for YSH... it's not his looks, it's just the way he delivers his brooding characteristic but yes, I'll give him a free pass because it's too early to tell.

and THANK YOU for this thread because I can finally express my fanaticism for the drama. :lol:

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ha, finally watched the last few episodes, and wanted to post while it was fresh in my head, and before reading other posts.

Na young - I know she is evil and we are supposed to hate her, but I don't. I wish they hadn't made her cross the nonredeemable line of attempted murder, but other than that, she is the main force behind this drama. I can't wait for her power struggle.

Min Jae- love the actor, and how he chooses to play the subtle, easy going sweet boy, that has been over cuddled by his mother and almost doesn't have a mind of his own.

All the other actors are also doing a good job, except the Baek In Ki actress..

I am sorry, I just don't like the smirky way she is playing the role, I keep wanting the mother to crush her, and it drives me nuts that she wins, ala the first episode when NY begs her, I don't get why she is so angry, she chose to leave her "mother" since she doesn't know the truth yet, chose to live a life on the streets, steal? become a prostitute? etc. so why is she so angry? She left her mother wondering what happened to her for 10 years, and is going around like the world wronged her, whatever. When I compare her to Eugene's character in Baker King, who was another young female character, supposedly who had a rough life growing up, the difference is clear, with, Eugene's character, I sympathized with her, and when she had the scene with the Edith Piaf song, No regrets, I shed a tear, with In Ki, I am like, whatever, which saddens me, cause I like Min jae, and I would hate to fast forward the scenes they have together.

oh, I have some questions from Episode 8,

what did the eldest sister-in-law, give NY, and was she setting her up, with the mother in law?

Who was the guy, introduced to NY at the end?

I hate to say this, but am I the only one that finds In Ki's looks weird, something about her face, I thought the same in Tamna, and in Cinderella's Sister

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Guest je_amourx

In the drama, isn't Seo Woo's character, In Ki older than Min Jae since she was born before Na Young went to the states and took Min Jae as her own child?

Min Jae has such an angelic sweet innocence about him that it's hard to see him as an "adult" and being with Seo Woo.

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Guest lucky_moon

In the drama, isn't Seo Woo's character, In Ki older than Min Jae since she was born before Na Young went to the states and took Min Jae as her own child?

Min Jae has such an angelic sweet innocence about him that it's hard to see him as an "adult" and being with Seo Woo.

Yes she gave birth to her before getting married and going to the state and take MJ in to raise it.

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Guest sasgrace

All the other actors are also doing a good job, except the Baek In Ki actress..

I am sorry, I just don't like the smirky way she is playing the role, I keep wanting the mother to crush her, and it drives me nuts that she wins, ala the first episode when NY begs her, I don't get why she is so angry, she chose to leave her "mother" since she doesn't know the truth yet, chose to live a life on the streets, steal? become a prostitute? etc. so why is she so angry? She left her mother wondering what happened to her for 10 years, and is going around like the world wronged her, whatever. When I compare her to Eugene's character in Baker King, who was another young female character, supposedly who had a rough life growing up, the difference is clear, with, Eugene's character, I sympathized with her, and when she had the scene with the Edith Piaf song, No regrets, I shed a tear, with In Ki, I am like, whatever, which saddens me, cause I like Min jae, and I would hate to fast forward the scenes they have together.

oh, I have some questions from Episode 8,

Actually when I read this comment it sounds like SeoWoo job is not so bad. Indeed you criticize the character behaviour but not the actress acting.

To me Seo Woo was really bad during the interview scene in episode 6 but she was good at the first episode, during slap scene, when she discussed with Na Young's character, the interview scene in episode 8, and each scene with the unni and glasseman.

About SW's look I discovered that she looks best without or with less make up like in Tamra the island.

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Guest mijoo-pearl

oh, I have some questions from Episode 8,

what did the eldest sister-in-law, give NY, and was she setting her up, with the mother in law?

Who was the guy, introduced to NY at the end?

I hate to say this, but am I the only one that finds In Ki's looks weird, something about her face, I thought the same in Tamna, and in Cinderella's Sister

The guy who was introduced to NY at the end of ep.8 actually her ex-boyfriend and In Ki's real father, I think?

Sometime, Seo Woo's big eyes make me scared to, but she is good acting, I like her as In Ki.

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The guy who was introduced to NY at the end of ep.8 actually her ex-boyfriend and In Ki's real father, I think?


that's what i thought, i knew he looked SO familiar! so i re-watched some earlier episodes and saw him there. oh dear! my imagination is running wild in terms of plot for these two! hahaha.

although i don't think he's IK dad because wasn't NY gang-raped?? although, it could be possible.

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Guest eternityxdream

just curious...na young only get beated up by the gang not gang rape right??...i saw that scene 2 times and i don't think it is and i'm pretty sure seo woo's father is na young's ex-boyfriend (the guy that showed up at the last minute of ep8)..i can't wait for the next episode even that bad guy (seung ho's real mother boyfriend) show up soon...

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Guest mijoo-pearl

I still think that In Ki's real father is Mr.Park too, because if it like that then the story line will even more tense.

So the next ep will be a date of In Ki and Min Jae? They look good together. I can't wait.

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Guest imogene_af

just curious...na young only get beated up by the gang not gang rape right??...i saw that scene 2 times and i don't think it is and i'm pretty sure seo woo's father is na young's ex-boyfriend (the guy that showed up at the last minute of ep8)..i can't wait for the next episode even that bad guy (seung ho's real mother boyfriend) show up soon...

they didn't show it... we simply see her huddled in the corner as she bites the guy.

but in the past episodes when Na Young confessed to her sister, in probably the most genuine moment for her character, she cries because she said she simply does not know who the father of the baby is. And when her ex boyfriend broke up with her, he said something like, he cannot be with her because everyone knows that she was "touched" by the local street thugs. She had a stigma around her.

It is not about the ex-boyfriend being In Ki's father or not... that man was the cause of Na Young's road to destruction. He planned the whole thing for her. Na Young though innately dark was not that vile until what happened to her. So now, we are going to watch Na Young spin her genius wheels of revenge.

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Guest Smelly Tofu

I hope her ex will get what he deserves...even though its a long show with slow progress but i really like the current mood. kinda dark and scheming.

hopefully I'll be able to watch some more of it soon...really anticipating the date scene...wish the two youngster love will progress a bit faster

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Guest Greenrose934

I'm sorry Seo Woo 's fans , I would like to say something in my mind please don't hate me ... :rolleyes:

Her face looks weird ( especially when she's crying.... more weird ), This character ( she's playing )seems .... hmmmm from mental hospital ?? :sweatingbullets:

Fast forward all her scenes ..( even I like MJ but sorry !!!)..I like NY & her husband ...

Epi 9 NY found out her child !!!

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