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Son Ye-Jin 손예진 [Drama “Thirty-Nine” (JTBC/NETFLIX)]


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so pretty!!! thanks mona! wow shiningyejin is one hardworking fan huh..thankful to her/him..hehehe

wah! ko soo, wah~~~~ i wonder what's the message..

---------- from her FB

왼편 정보란에 써 있듯이 예진씨와 소속사가 함께 운영하는 곳으로 행사에 대한 고지, 동영상 및 로고가 박힌 사진들은 소속사에서 제공하며, 예진씨의 글(한국어)이나 셀카나 직찍 사진들은 예진씨에 의해 올려진 글입니다.

Translated by Junhee--

info about upcoming events are from the agency and other stuff like her pictures and stories about her is from her own writing.

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Guest mona_rukia

I had such a great time with everyone on the 23rd of January. ^^ (translation done by a volunteer)

I had such a great time with everyone on the 23rd of January. ^^

Members of Hamil, many thanks to you all for being there whenever we have events. ^^

And also thanks to the always cheerful, energetic and hardworking members of DC Gallery, as well as to those who had attended the event last year who have cotinued to show their support by being here this year...the ladies with the very bashful smiles...

Why is it that my fans are all so good-looking?!

Also, thank you to the Moms who have attended...Aunties, I am waiting for your Kimchi^^

Thanks also to the overseas fans who came all the way to see me...even though we speak different languages, I can feel the warmth through their eyes and I am very touched.

Thanks to Andy for being there even during the stage greeting, as well as to Lina, who's a sister and a friend..

Also, thanks to the cool Hong Kong fans who came to visit me after the camp...

And the Japanese fans who had no choice but to leave due to their flight times...

Even though I am unable to list down each individual's names, I love you all so much that I just want to open up my heart to show you the immensity of my feelings.

Also, thank you to the lady who I met briefly when I was walking by each table...she smiled very bashfully and was embarrassed by her age but said that she was glad she came...

A designer from my hometown Daegu~a young lady who asked me with her beautiful eyes how I overcome my difficulties~as well as a gentleman from America who asked me a question in English...

Sorry I was unable to reply. I will work hard on my English~

As I am writing this, each person's face starts appearing in my mind...

Ah! There's a couple who's welcoming their baby very soon ^^

Is your leg alright? May you have a beautiful baby...

I think if I continue to write on, a day will go by already ^^;

I'm sorry for not being able to put everything down here... TT

Anyway, this event made me want to reach out and talk to everyone about the hardships they may be facing & just about life in general; it's like everyone's an older sister, an older brother, a friend or a younger sibling to me...

It's that deep a connection I felt with you all..

When you're down, I want to lend you my shoulder, when you're happy, I want to be able to share the joy, it's that true friendship I forged with everyone...

I will wear, read, eat, put on, and watch everyone's presents~

And most importantly, I will work even harder because of the love I have received from you guys ^^ with only the happiest thoughts and feelings within me~

Everyone!! I really love you guys!! *Heart marks flying*

from: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialSonYejin

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thanks for bringing that over mona!.. :)

very heart-warming her message..just shows how she values her fans.

i think i know the guy who asked her in english ahahaha...

well it doesn't matter if she understands english or not..she probably doesn't have much time learning the language specially for someone like her who didn't grow up abroad or studied abroad.

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Guest imang_yejin

goodevening. can i join you guys here?

we all love yejin,ivebeen looking for this page. :)

wish i went to yejin's bday :(

i love allthe pics. thanks

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Guest mona_rukia

imang_yejin WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME!!!! we are always glad to have new SYJ lovers come to this site.

have a look around and share some of your thoughts or SYJ goodies with us.....

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Meet Son Ye-jin: The Art of Seduction  

글쓴이: dahye 조회수 : 4 06.09.11 18:12 http://cafe.daum.net/lovelydada/C37n/3

The Journal talked with Son Ye-jin at the premiere of her new film "The Art of Seduction," which was held at Kangnam Megabox in Seoul on Dec. 14.  

The Journal: You're very seductive in the film. Aren't you worried about such a dramatic change in your image?

Son: Not really... I think the challenge of a new role is part of my job.

The Journal:Are those seductive looks a result of practice?

Son: I prepared lots of mirrors to practice the looks, but I ended up playing it by ear on the set because I couldn't find the time to train myself.

The Journal: Any similarities between you and your character Ji-won?

Son: I'm not the type of person who gives my heart to people quickly at all, but I think I'm a people person the way she is. She does her own thing regardless of what people think of her, I kind of have that as well.

The Journal: It takes Ji-won 10 minutes to get a date. How long will it take you?

Son: Well... I'm definitely need more time... maybe a few years. (Laughs)

The Journal: Have you met guys like Min-jun?

Son: I've met them but I have not stayed talking to them very long. I've got a good radar.

The Journal: What kind of guys are you attracted to?

Son: Oh God, that's a difficult question. I'm not particularly picky. A nice guy that makes me laugh.

The Journal: You look more stylish in this film than ever. Are you fashion-conscious?

Son: I love clothes. I'm not particularly fashion-conscious. I know what I like to wear, and I'm a girl, so I enjoy shopping. But I don't like to look too ostentatious or too glamorous.

The Journal: Any dating tips for men or women?

Son: Min-jun is so charming because he makes you think that you are the most import!ant thing in the world. That's how you win women's hearts.            

By Cho Han-yeon, Staff reporter

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imang_yejin: you can definitely join us here! WELCOME SYJer!

Kiki: Thanks for that article..reminds me so much of those laughs watching that movie hahaha

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Guest imang_yejin

wow!!! thank you for welcoming me!!!

i love all the pics that you guys shared thank you.

yejin is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest heidy1791

I'm lurker in this thread. I was surprised to see that the recent pics was from her 29th birthday! I thought they were old pics from April Snow. She definitely looks younger these days!!

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