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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest walastek

Hello fellow YongSeo fans!

I just want to thank all the translators.  Thank you very much for taking so much time translating for us...Korean illiterates...hehehe...Kamsahamnida from the bottom of my heart!   Maraming salamat po!

And for those who are sick, struck by the flu virus...get well soon!

My sister barge into my room wondering what happened to me...coz I was like screaming when YongSeo had their first kiss!!!!

Gosh, I just can't stop smiling...hehehe...I am so in love with this couple!  :wub:

Can't wait for the next episode...

Thanks also to all of you who posts beautiful pictures of our loving couple!

Ok, back to lurking mode... :ph34r:

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[TV Ratings] March 5th 2011
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Nationwide: 15. 스타주니어쇼붕어빵 Star Junior Show 8.8% 16. 우리결혼했어요시즌2 WGM S2 8.2%
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seoul: 11. 스타주니어쇼붕어빵 Star Junior Show 10.8% 12. 우리결혼했어요시즌2 WGM S2 10.0%
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































source: TNmS

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest dangshin

wah... just finist watching the sub Videos! and and if anyone can see me well Im Flying to Go-Chun right now.. hahaha.. what a very Beautiful Episode! Im sooooo HAPPY!!!! ^_^ ...

I was Clapping and Laughing and Teary Eyad while Watching it..

thanks to all the Translators and everyone who work so Hard to Share this Episode..

the Photographer, Seulong, nayong and the Bro in laws.. was Purely DAEBAK! a

and to YONGSEO!

thank you thank you thank you!

and Yong was very respectful of Hyun :-)

I love it!

and to all Fellow Gogumas! thank you! Happy Sunday!



 is M3 and Dduk ok now.. Get Well Soon.. :-)

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Guest Germbaby





Hi Goguma family,



I am guessing Yong loses the Yongseo story book which Seohyun made to hide the ring. And  I have a feeling maybe Yong is lying to her. Make an excuse to get out of the house and appear with a car. Maybe, he gets his licence already. OH!   My brain is being messed up by these two. Ha! Ha (It should be very cold and if you observe Yong's dressing, it seems that he did not dressed warmly)


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My fave scene's/scaps for today



























































































last for my fave scene's

























this are iphone taken so sorry for the low quality


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At first I was a little unsure because of the angle and stuff but now after watching it for the 5th time? lol I am very sure that seohyun had to kiss yonghwa twice!








now it wasnt as obvious because of the editing, the second one was more close up than the first one but they edited to make it seem like they kissed once.








First time (which is actually second in sequence) was when she said "I did it!", the photographer said something like "okay" now then they edit it to the second one, which is a close up angle and you can hear the photographer said something else like "i got it, okay" or something like that. I know what it means in korean but I dont know what its best translated to in that situation.








So i conclude that she had to kiss him twice. :) haha hence the yonghwa happy grin after the kiss. cause it gets easier after a few attempts. the second kiss was easier than the first failed one and the third one easier after the second. :)





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I have yet to watch the subbed videos and I have not yet finished reading the full translations. the raw videos were more than enough to make me come out of lurk mode! everyone has spazzed about the episode and i felt that i need to do it as well! :P

OMG! how much our couple has changed! one would find it difficult to picture seo hyun as the same girl we knew a year ago! though the shyness is still there, i feel that there is an aura of confidence about her now, brought about by the rich experience she has gathered from her WGM stint, not to mention the obvious genuine affection Yong has given her! :wub: And Yong, really, i can sense that sometimes he wants to keep it cool but just can't do it! the shy smiles, the stares, the double looks, and the skinships just give him away! :wub:

i'm truly glad that they waited for almost a year to do this wedding photoshoot, that they're in this level of closeness and comfort with each other for it was worth the long wait for us gogumas! if the previous episode kept me hanging and wanting for more, wow, they reeled me in this time! thank you, yong seo!

my fave scene is actually the one after the photoshoot, they are most comfortable and natural when they do not have missions, their actions and conversations come out very real!

sorry for the long post as i cannot keep this bottled up anymore! sorry if i bored you, :P Special thanks to our resident translators, M3 and Dduk and juhee who filled in for them! To the subbers and uploaders, thank you! Thank you to all gogumas for the MVs, pictures, screencaps and views/opinion! :)

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So when Jungshin had so subtly stated that this was Yonghwa's first kiss also, I had of course taken his statement as a joke and as just some light hearted teasing... BUT THEN, Yonghwa's goes and gives Jungshin this look. fishy fishy. :phew:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but in the end, I'm sure it's just Jungshin trying to embarrass his hyung. but it's something nice to think about huh?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































flip, why do I always top the page. <_<

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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i know that in few episodes to come, they will finally pick up their wedding photoshoot album and a framed blown up picture which they could hang at the wall probably behind the infamous yellow couch. if you were to choose just one pic for the framed blown up picture what would it be? :wub:


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Thank you yongseorockin and p!nk22 for sharing your views. Its interesting to know that Yong makes an effort to find out what hyun is up too. Miss her do yah yong? jashikk.lol. I bet it is seo's manager the one that likes yong who he goes to for some info on his buin.
































































































































































































































































































































































































I think i've watched the latest epi almost 5 times since yesterday and i love love the last part like most of go-chun's here. When yong was about to back-hug hyun he had this aegyo voice :wub: too adorable and at the end when he thanked seo for her hard work as well. YongHwa showing some aegyoness just for seohyun ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































When yong pulled hyun close to him, you can practically see the warning bells going off in seo's head like oh-uh whats going on? i bet her heart was beating super fast.Probably the first guy to ever do that to her :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































and Yong that smile on your face is so obvious. He probably has some internal battle going off on his head. The happy-omg-i-have-a-beautiful-wife-and-i-think-she-likes-me-and-i-like-her-too part of his brain VS keep-it-cool-dude-your-on-a-tv-show ,something like that. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































Also even though both of them were shy about the kiss/peck whatever, both of them actually wanted to do it! our shy innocent seobaby gave her consent and that obvious CNBlue boy just goes for it. Aigooo you two :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks again to all the go-chun villagers<3 i must really stop visiting this thread too much.lol!

































































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the missing one..

i've been replaying this epi, and i'm sure i do not see this one scene...hmm


and now for my thank u's..


juhee for fast translations, lalacakes for the prev translations

tetsuya and bee_ichigo for fast subbed vids

semifly and ALL for fast links

the gifs experts and caps experts and story tellers..*u know who u are*

and to the rest of In_Go_Paem

THANK U SO MUCH....keep them coming..

i love it when gogumas are active.... :P

back to some of my faves part..

and this is why gogumas love seulong v much

SL: We’re not trying to pressure you guys but still if you can do it today, it’ll be great~

riiight...no pressure, yongseo

SL: How about, there are some shots where they can kiss.

and what do u call this, seulong yah?! :rolleyes:

SH: Just… as it is… that… if he came slowly it would be fine.

this coming from the girl who know nothing abt boys and relationship.

YH: I just thought a lot if I should do it or not. Because It’s Seohyun’s first I thought I needed it to be respectful. Seeing her like that was cute. Always having her eyes shut… pretending like she’s sleeping. Even when I was close to her forehead it felt as if it was far away…

i want to hug and thank yong for his gentlemanly act.

but i don't understand what he means by his last sentence..

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Guest ahn_annann





Ep47 Because of you, Only you



T.T I just feel move between writing now .. oh ! They are my routine, my energy and cheers.



share my caps :: sorry my caps have a little different color shade.



































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Guest hottest-generation


just because i couldn't get over yesterday's episode backhug,

i had to do this. LOL. Of course and the 'lips touching skin'

scene. it's not even a kiss though , but i still love it. hahaha!

Back Hug

Pure Lips

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aisuo415-When I saw that translation I almost died. I know I have kind of played on the sexual-hidden meaning of things before but I wasn't going to touch this one with a ten or maybe tweinty foot pole. I was waiting for some brave person to point it out. Hopefully, it will be corrected before our show with subs becomes X-rated. But still have never laughed so hard in my entire life.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have gotten pretty good at almost cutting off my air supply by covering my mouth to quite any laughs, screams, or and other noises when I watch live steaming and elderly husband is trying to sleep. It is so good when he wakes up and I can do whatever I want to when watching the replays or the episodes with subs.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To toot my own horn, I did say earlier in my expect the unexpected post that mayby Hyun would kiss Yong on the cheek, and also the piggyback in the pink dress. Well, not piggyback but something better. What do you call a piggyback in the front?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For the people wondering about Yong's first kiss. I think he said on an interviiew before WGM that there was one in middle school or first year of high school. He also did the epic forehead kiss with PSH is YB. But JS was kidding about it all given the laughter and JS's reaction to what he said. But I think it was not far off base. I think this whole thing about a kiss centered around someone that you really care about. I think in a way it is Yong's first kiss in that it is not part of a drama or a CF and not something with a middle/1st year highschool crush. Yong's being careful and Hyun's maybe thinking this is a good thing. It is two people reading the same book but on different pages.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Walking home scenes. OMG. I don't want to think how many times I covered my face but peeked through my fingers. About the scarf- I am a knitter, weaver, spinner of wool and can tell you that someone knitting a 1/1 rib scarf for someone is not an easy thing to do, especially given that it was a long scarf with lots of yarn add ins and I only saw a couple of tiny errors. And the fact that the store owner said she couldn't be there for the full time for lessons. The girl is amazing and so was the scarf she knitted. If she knitted in their YS then it is ever more amazing that she did this. The only thing I can think is:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Walking home part. Breathing heaily and trying to figure out what to say. My Lord if this isn't a real couple then I don't want to live in the real world. Everyone one is right in that this time with them together was way more daebek than the photoshoot but the photoshoot was amazing in itself.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The hugship, and eyeship is enough to kill even the most doubter in the world.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Question, the blackroom , talking about the scarf, at the end of the episode, after yong spoke, the sniffle, was it because of a cold or was it because of emotion?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wish WGM could bring back Seolong and Jinwoon as MCs. They really are close to the couples and know the couples like no one else does. Or maybe Seolong and NaYoung as the next couple. That I could really go for but will never happen. Please bring back Seulong and Jinwoon. I love the MC cuts but it is not the same without them.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For me, one of the things that makes this show fun is the MC's reaction to what we are see because they can say the things we want to say or react in the way we want to but for me, aside from Mison, MC Kim and NaYoung, only Seulong and Jinwoon could do it. Please WGM, bring them back. They have a great relationship with so many groups and they are the perfect people to be permanent MCs on the show.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Watching the preview, Yongs head to the shoulder thing is so killer. I would probably forgive him anything if he did that but:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Expect the unexpected. I think this is something he planned and it is going to be another great episode.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































After 2 1/2 years of looking after mommy, hubby and I are going away on a cruise together to celebrate our 44th anniversary. Wondering how I can watch episodes the middle of the ocean with no internet connection. Costly but I might pay for it.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I will bring DVD's and ipod video with me to watch on at sea days. Lord help me but this addiction is getting a bit out of hand.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have been up since 1:15 am to watch the live broadcast and it is now late evening here so I think I should think about going to beddy-bye. Night, night to all.

































































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Guest Puge2
















































































































































































































Thank You Juhee, M3, Dduk for the translations Kamsahamida [HUG]
















































































































































































Thank You Tetsuya @sonem and all the uploader for the video really thank you so much [HUG]
















































































































































































love your screencpas ahn_annann thank you [HUG]
















































































































































































and to All my Goguma Chingoos Wooow this is DAEBAK nee~~  Really thank you so much for all about this Epi.
















































































































































































Watch it again until next saturday!! :wub:
















































































































































































See you next Saturday Gogumas :D

















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what can i say REALLY DAEBAK EP EVEEEER!!!!!! the fuuny thing is i'm streaming with my friend and she scream and close her eyes while all the skinship happening lol...but the loudest scream we have is the back hug we're clapping screaming and hit each other soooo funny w00t.gifw00t.gif












usually when i'm streaming it's always lagg!! but God love me and yesterday was crystal clear no lagg at all!!! :phew:












and may i say i was spechless!!! i predict the peck in forehead and it did happen but what shock me when hyun peck yong on the cheek!!!! it's so sureal for me!!!! the girl is gone and standing there a woman in love!!! (may i say??)












and yong!!!! u such a gentlement!!! u ask her permission first and even say sorry afterwards (i'm so touch)really makes me fall for u again and again!!!! for 22 years old man he act so mature and understanding, a knigth indeed!!! i really want someone like yong hehe, this noona is so happy to see both of you!!! i hope u really have good relation for the rest of ur live :wub:












and my thanks to juhee for the sub and all of you with pic, screencap, the sub vid, the raw (been watcing for 5 times already) to all of you many2 thanks!!!!



























i'm also down with flu, so i hope everyone u got it get well soon and stay healthy u all!!!!












i'm in gochun!!!!!!! really happy despite i'm being sick!!! thats the power of yongseo!!!












yongseo is real!!!! fighting :wub:





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Guest fabiistar07
















































I can't wait to have this epi on my computer and watch it over and over :D
















I have a question































When Seohyun says:































SH: Just… as it is… that… if he came slowly it would be fine
















I really didn't understand that part very well
















Maybe since i don't know the question it's hard for me to get it :sweatingbullets:
















Could anyone explain please? ^^
















& [b/c of ITTNE's post] was it really Yong's 1st kiss too?































Since he's had girlfriends before i don't think it would be right?
















Oh! and something else...i don't know if anyone noticed, but when Hyun was playing with the guitar she was playing the chords of Banmal Song :wub:

















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Guest iK_Fen




the missing one...



i've been replaying this epi, and i'm sure i do not see this one scene...hmm


*quoted image*


and now for my thank u's..









juhee for fast translations, lalacakes for the prev translations


tetsuya and bee_ichigo for fast subbed vids


semifly and ALL for fast links


the gifs experts and caps experts and story tellers..*u know who u are*


and to the rest of In_Go_Paem


THANK U SO MUCH....keep them coming..


i love it when gogumas are active.... :P



back to some of my faves part..



and this is why gogumas love seulong v much






SL: We’re not trying to pressure you guys but still if you can do it today, it’ll be great~


riiight...no pressure, yongseo


SL: How about, there are some shots where they can kiss.


and what do u call this, seulong yah?!   :rolleyes:


SH: Just… as it is… that… if he came slowly it would be fine.


this coming from the girl who know nothing abt boys and relationship.






YH: I just thought a lot if I should do it or not. Because It’s Seohyun’s first I thought I needed it to be respectful. Seeing her like that was cute. Always having her eyes shut… pretending like she’s sleeping. Even when I was close to her forehead it felt as if it was far away…


i want to hug and thank yong for his gentlemanly act.



but i don't understand what he means by his last sentence..



hi...jnj (bangapseumnida)



yes i guess...we've missing a lot of scene...but the new epi of YongSeo couple is still daebakkkk....really daebakkkkkk :w00t:



my fav scene is backhug....so lovely :wub:



and so glad i can see Seulong Oppa again...really miss him :tears:


for the last i wanna give a GREAT  thanks to M3 and Dduk and juhee (all the subbers and uploaders, thank you) :lol:



God Bless You all B)



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yong has had only one gf (high school) and he told hyun that he did not know

if what he felt for that girl is love or like...

maybe the kiss that he shared with that girl was not even a true kiss..

*the green monster is creeping in inside of me* ;)

idk..this doesn't seem to ans your Q tho, fabiistar.. :sweatingbullets:

but i definitely get the vibe that JS had done it before...kekeke.

JS: It’s only the beginning that’s the hardest, then they should get used to it.

and one more thing,

what is it abt yongseo and that thing called syn?

they even played the instruments v well together, that even mr photographer

commented abt them ever play together before...

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Guest subliminal

Hello everyone! It seems that everything has been said already. We all seem to agree that this is one epic episode. 

I don't know what to add as of now. Maybe I can just go back and post tomorrow, lol. For now, I'll just share some gifs. rolleyes.gif


Rest of the gifs are under the spoiler. 





/)___(\ Sorry, I am by no means an expert when it comes to photoshop. 

This thread is moving so fast(not that it's a bad thing), that I can barely keep up haha. You are all wonderful, gogumas. Thank you so much to our translators, subbers, graphics artists, fmv makers, writers, the resident gogumas here, etc. To those who are sick, I hope you all get well soon. 


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