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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest d3j1k0
































































I just wanted to say that I am so thankful to the cameramen and the crew for having them do tons of skinship... but mostly, thank you to WGM, Yong and Hyun. If not for WGM, those two may have remained strangers for God knows 'til when. Thankful to Yong for being SO PATIENT and UNDERSTANDING!! He really is a dreeeeeeeeeeeamm guy!! He ASKED Hyun's permission as to whether kiss her or not <3 I just want to go to Korea and kidnap him for my own XD LOL Seriously.... He never coerces Hyun to do stuff she won't fancy :)














































































































AND SEOHYUN!!! Where is the innocent little lamb we saw on the 1st episode?! She walked in as a lamb and coming out as a fierce little lion <3














































































































For a girl who LOVES anime and J-dramas (an otaku), you should be very much aware of what scarves symbolize... a hand made one at that! And no Hyunnie! It is not JUST out of gratitude towards Yong...! Your relationship has long been transcended from the friendship stage, and you know it (^-^)

















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Thanks Juhee for translation.
































































































































































































































































And special thanks to Lalacakes for translation of preview and summary
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'll spazz more later
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































Omo! Translations are already out?! Thank you Juhee! I will read them after this post.. can't wait! :wub:
































Just wanted to share some caps from this episode..
































Look at where Yong's hands are.. this scene feels so intimate... I almost felt like I was intruding on them! *_*
































































































Both his hands around her! >___< AIGOO, THESE 2! :wub:
































And another screencap.. I loved how after she gave him the scarf, she looked up at him smiling, and he looked back at her very lovingly.. ugh! TOO FREAKING CUTE! YongSeo is so real!
































































Hope you enjoy these caps.. now to read translations!

































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Guest Faith_memory
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"oh yeahh!!!! THAT'S RIGHT!"

















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Guest juejashik
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i guess this is really the first time everytime i refresh this forum,it's 600++ users! u guys really love the backhug and kiss huh?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































dont worry u're not alone coz i love it to0! jinjja! today's episode is the daebakkiest! LOL seriously i sit in front of laptop start from 5 pm untill 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































now i didnt get up!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































joohyun chingu yah, u really are daebak! u refuse having a kiss scene in TRAX MV just to have Yong kiss as ur first kiss eh?chukae!! love it !!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yonghwa oppa! i didnt know that this is also ur first kiss *according to jungshin* i bet both of u really cant sleep after the photoshoot right?hehe~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i dont know why but i really love hyun face after yong grab her body next to him. n i also love to see hyun face after she grab yong neck.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































overall,i just love this episode! i think i can survive till next week bcoz of all sweetness they give to us! wub.gifw00t.gif

































































































































































































































































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Guest talulet
















sneaky yong~ he turned his head when hyun was about to kiss his cheeks! kkk. was he trying to do what kwon did that made gain kissed him on the lips? LOL
































and we're already familiar to what yong looks like when he's hiding how happy he was at the moment.=))

























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Guest nafa_yongseo















This is the first part of the translation~









The rest would be up soon~





Remember to take out using full credit~










edit~ oh i topped a page!! WHOOT!





Day of Yongseo Couple Wedding Photo Shoot





SH: Is it alright?





YH: I decided.





SH: Really?





<Picking out both their clothes>





SH: This one? Stand over there.





<Although it’s an awkward dress and tuxedo>





SH: why do you keep coming out?





YH: It’s embarrassing standing here!





SH: 1…2…





<Nervous and Fun First Wedding Photo Shoot>





SH: Pose!





<Waiting After He Put His Clothes First>





MC: Pretty~










NY: Hello!





<Seulong & NahYong Surprise Visit>





CNBlue: Hello.





NY: For a top star their quick with their pace to greet us.





<To Cheer for the Bride and Groom?>





YH: Thank you.





SL: You look so cool Yonghwa!





NY: You look like a cool groom. You look so cool!





JH: Wow, Hyung is this pizza?





SL: Yeah~





<Having >





SL: Is SeoHyun inside?





YH: Yes. She’s getting ready.





JH: Thank you for the food!





SL: You guess must look so cool together!





SL&NY: Oh Hello!





MC: His mouth is hanging wide open. So pretty!





MC: Really, isn’t SeoHyun pretty?





NY: Oh so pretty!





SH: Somehow you came.





NY: Wherever I go I’m usually a welcomed face. But here…





SL: You guys match each other well.





SH: Thank you.





<Really well match Couple>










SH: Seriously, I mean it.





NY: But when you guys are taking the pictures together the size of your height is important. I guess the groom has to take a step up.





<I Guess the Groom Has to Take a Step Up>





YH: Just hurry up and go!





Everyone: Thank you for the food!





NY: Where you guys not able to sleep last night? Friends have told me that it’s hard to sleep before the wedding shoot.





<Not Able to Sleep Before the Wedding Photo Shoot>





<Truthfully Hyun was in a Deep Sleep>





SL: For example, you don’t eat because you think you’ll gain weight.





YH: Something like that.





SL: YongHwa you really have a catch.





NY: Right, how long has it been now?





SL: It should be more than 200days.





SH: Us?





YH: More than a year





<Already More Than 1 Year>





SH: It should be more than a year.





NY: If it’s pass a year…





SL: They should be ready to kiss.





<Ready to Kiss>





SH: Huh?! Why always this…





<Eventually They Would Go to This Topic?!>





NY: And also it’s usually on the wedding shoot that they kiss.





SH: That’s what I meant!





NY: Kwon with Gain





<The Bride and Groom Have No Words>





NY: In Bali… or Guam…They did it on their wedding shoot. You did at least prepare yourselves right? Why are you so serious?!





MC: So I’m guessing he did think about it!





<Without Knowing He Overreacted>





MC: He’s turning red!





NY: But for SeoHyun, isn’t it your first kiss? (Really meant for first kiss in her lifetime)





SH: Yes??





YH: We can’t~





SH: It’s not!





NY: It’s not?





JS: It’s YongHwa’s first kiss as well (in his life)





SL: You too??





NY: It’s your first kiss?










<Everyone With >





YH: Drink your Cola.





SL: We’re not trying to pressure you guy but still if you can do it today, it’ll be great~





NY: Yeah, it would be great if you can do it today.





SL: We’re really not trying to pressure you! You don’t have to show us this side to us now.





<Is Does He Mean What He’s Saying or Not>





<Now It’s Time For the Couple to Take Their Photos>





SL: After you eat do you have to take your photos?





YH: Yes.





NY: Why won’t you use some mouthwash? (clean your breath)





SH: Huh?





SL: You should use mouthwash since you just ate. You’re not going to?





YH: What is your true goal?





<The People Who Need to See Their Kiss>





NY: I always use mouthwash after I eat.





SH: Really?





NY: I’m always prepared for it.





MC: Just if they do have a kiss scene it’ll be SeoHyun’s first kiss, ever.





MC: You’re saying her first kiss?





MC: Yes her lips are pure.





MC: Pure lips?!





<The People in the Back have a Strong Wish for These Two to Kiss>





<A Group Shot>





NY: It looks as if I’m the only one having fun~





<Real or Fake Laugh?>





MC: Friends are meant to do that





<A Harmonious Group Photo>





NY: They came out great~





SL: NahYoung unnie, are you pregnant?





<I want to get married too!>





Photographer will be P





P: From now on it’s only going to be the two.





<Explaining the next scene>





P: Having them back to back, Yonghwa will serenade her with his guitar while she goes “oh Yonghwa oppa you’re so cool”





<Next Motif is the Guitar!>





SL: How about, there are some shots where they can kiss.





MC: Right! Nice!





SL: Or something with a similar feel?





P: That’s what I was going to do right after. I’ll be on the ceiling shooting down





<Already Prepared Kiss Scene?!>





NY: We leave them in your care.





P: It’ll be right after~





SH: What?





YH: You can slow while taking the pictures.





<So Does This Is the Confirmation for a Kiss Scene?>





<Photo Shoot Starting Again>





YH: You look as if you’re riding on a cloud.





SH: Really?





YH: Yeah.





MC: NahYoung what are you doing?





SH: Return safety!










MC: What did she shout?





MC: That she’s pretty.





P: Now give YongHwa his guitar.





<First with the Guitar Scene>





MC: It’s already been a year





YH: Now C





<The Way for the Couple to Find a Connection Was the Guitar>





YH: G. If you keep going at it, you can be a guitar genius.





SH: Really?!





<The Reason for the YongSeo Couple’s Together is the Guitar>





P: Right toward Seohyun, you have to give me a smile~





MC: She was a girl, now she’s looks like a woman.





<Time to Take Pictures of the Ring>





<The Couple Ring they Share From Their KangWanDo Fishing Trip>





MC: Ah their memories from their fishing trip.





SH: I have something to give you. Push open the bottom.





YH: Oh what is this?! Are you sure it’s the right size?





<To Have their Couple Ring Memory Now >





SH: Please don’t do that~





<Following to Hyun’s Facial Expression>





SH: Ah ~ Seriously!





YH: Why?





MC: It’s so pretty~





MC: She really looks like a princess.





P: After a 5 minute break we’ll go right back in.





YH & SH: Yes!





<By Any Chance the Next Scene is…!>





YH: Seo Ju Hyun~





SH: Yeah~





YH: Is it hard?





SH: No!





YH: It’s fun, no?





SH: Yes.





P: Just sit there, because I’ll be going up there.





YH: How will you be going up there?





P: By a ladder! You guys are going to lay down next to each other. The scene is that the oppa is reading a book to her.





<While Laying Down the Groom will be Reading to the Bride>





P: After reading the book, we see that the bride has fallen asleep. That is your chance.





MC: AH, is it finally the kiss scene?!





P: Slowly, slowly go to her and kiss her slightly on the forehead.





<This is the Forehead Kiss?>





SH: Huh? Seriously?





YH: You really want this…





MC: AH, it’s been a while that I got a forehead kiss!





P: Now, staff please get ready!





<In Agony, Yong Husband?!>





MC: It’s him laughing.





<Already the Photographer is Going Up>





P: Alright, get ready~





YH: You have already arrived up there?





MC: YongHwa should have been nervous as well.





YH: We shouldn’t have brought Seulong.





MC: For us, we’re grateful for Seulong.





P: Naturally you can move your hand.





YH: Huh?





Staff: You can get closer.





P: Now we’re starting with you reading the book.





YH: Ah it’s in English.





MC: It looks like they gave him an original English book.





YH: I can’t do it. I …. And will have~ (in a heavy accent)





P: Ah it’s in English, sorry~ This time have the groom slightly lowered down next to her.





<The Couple Comes a Little Bit Closer >





NY: So Pretty~





MC: The feel is great!





SH: How should be do this?





YH: Obviously…





<Starting the Photo Shoot>





P: Since you keep reading in English, the bride falls asleep.





<Hearing This the Bride Falls Asleep>





P: Now, seeing that she’s fallen asleep. Slowly and slightly on the bride’s forehead…





<Forehead Kiss>





SH: I have to be asleep?





P: Or you have your eyes open…





SH: No… No… that’s alright.





P: Naturally close your eyes.





SH: Yes.





P: With a feel of a smile.





<Finally the Bride Has Fallen Asleep.>





MC: This should be hard for Seohyun.





JS: It’s only the beginning that’s the hardest, then they should get used to it.





MC: Right the beginning should only be hard.





NY: Ah, that’s so old fashioned.





P: Alright now this time lower the book a little.










P: I can’t tell who you guys are from the pictures. The groom should have courage.





<Conflicted Yong Husband>





YH: Really, do it?





SH: Don’t you just have to get close.





YH: SeoHyun should I really do it?










YH: You decide.





<Scared Hyun is left to Decide>





YH: Should I or Not? Yeah~





SH: Yes…





YH: Should I or not?





MC: She said to do it.










P: Alright~





<The Seriously Careful Yong Husband>





YH: You really have to do it in one shot!





P: Slowly just go ahead. Okay… now… the book… what is the book?





<Slowly… Slowly…>





<This Time…>





P: You’re not trying to smell her hair right?





YH: Why did you put so much hairspray?





SH: I don’t know!





P: This will be the final and only shot.





<This Time…>





P: More… a little bit more!





YH: Thank you for the hard work(?)





SH: Thank you for the hard work.





YH: Seohyun, I’m sorry.





P: From there I’ll take a shot of you looking up.





<And That is How They Completed Their First Kiss>





SH: Just… as it is… that… if he came slowly it would be fine.





YH: I just thought a lot if I should do it or not. Because It’s Seohyun’s first I thought I needed it to be respectful. Seeing her like that was cute. Always having her eyes shut… pretending like she’s sleeping. Even when I was close to her forehead it felt as if it was far away…





<After the Hard to Shoot Forehead Kiss…>





<Yong Waiting For Hyun>





MC: For him to see her from the side would be pretty~





<Just Seeing Her Makes Him Smile>





MC: Because of the kiss they should feel closer.





<The Guitar Making an Appearance with Yong Husband>





YH: Seo Ju Hyun… hurry up and come out.





SH: Please wait~





YH: The photographer is waiting as well~





<This Time Wearing a Mini Dress!>





YH: Oh~ Miss Seo Ju Hyun. Pink lady~





SH: The pink ribbon is cute!





YH: You thought it wouldn’t be?





SH: I have to think whether to compliment you or not. Ah sweet potatoes!





<This Concept Is…?>





<The Concept of Sweet Potatoes >





MC: Ah you can’t forget the sweet potatoes.





SH: If we grew sweet potatoes like how great would that have been.





YH: Seriously…





<At Their First Meeting Together: Sweet Potatoes>





SH: Do you like sweet potatoes?





YH: What did you say?





SH: I really love sweet potatoes.





YH: From now on I’ll forever love sweet potatoes.















SH: Come~ OUT~





YH: The sweet potatoes won’t even come out~





SH: We messed it up!





P: We’ve completely filled it with sweet potatoes. So the feel is to pleasantly go back to the hostel.





YH: Is this a repayment from last time?





MC: But the radish-like sweet potatoes were delicious.





<Beginning the Shoot with the Sweet Potatoes>





MC: We did receive and ate it well.





<A little bit of drastic skin ship(?)>





P: Now this is really like a wedding. Just lean everything onto the oppa. Don’t worry. Hold onto her waist…





MC: Like this~





YH: Like this?!





<Tough Yong!>





MC: Ah~ still the hand is awkward!





<Hand is awkward>





<But Their Facial Expression Seem Real!>





P: More softer.





MC: At this point the girl would be holding their breath.





MC: Do you even know how much strength we put into our stomach? Your internal organ feel as if they would come out.





SH: This is alright, right?





YH: Your bad posture is coming out~





P: This is the final pose by you lifting her up.





<Lifting Up the Bride>





YH: You want me to life SeoHyun up?





SH: I don’t think he will be able to.





YH: I’ll lift her up and…





SH: Throw me?!





P: Ah you have to trust the groom.





<Fully Determined>





SH: I understand!





<His Expression is Like a Stone!>





P: Right like that! Be happy!









thanks for your translation... i'm waiting for next part...:)


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Okay, I've lost it. The whole I don't care if they are together, I'll just enjoy what's shown - screw that. There's definitely something between them and let's face it, it's so obvious in this episode. I guess I was wrong when I said that there wouldn't be a kiss at all. I should've kept the expect the unexpected quote in mind, but it did make the streaming a lot more fun. Gosh, this is my favorite episode. I swear it is.
































































































Also, when Yonghwa asked her whether he should kiss her or not, it totally reminded me of Khuntoria's cut of last week; it's like the exact same thing except for the different scenarios. And Seohyun actually replied. I don't know about other people, but I find it extremely awful when a guy asks you permission to kiss. It's totally embarrassing, even if you do want it. Seohyun obviously didn't have a problem with it, lol.
































































































I don't think anyone had mentioned this before:
































































































































































































You can see the white on their jackets which means they probably had a snowfight. Isn't that the cutest thing?! Playing in the snow together with your boyfriend/girlfriend?
































































































And the backhug... <3. SWOON. I initially thought Seohyun wanted him to either hold her hand or hug her as well. I mean, HELLO. Saying you're cold that many times - it's a well-known strategy among us girls and reminds me of this quote: I pretend to be cold just so you'll hold me. :lol:
































































































I shouldn't be doing this, I promised myself not to do this, but I do wonder what their relationship at the moment is like. Have they once again confessed to each other, have they decided to commit to each other or is it still the fine line of not lovers yet not quite friends either? Honestly, they don't strike me as the types of people to 'casually' date - as in having all these feelings, doing all these things without officially being together. Oh excuse me, that's the mind that I just lost talking.
































































































The preview looks really cute and I'm ecstatic and excited and living on heaven. Kthnxbai. :ph34r:

















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Guest street.k2































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































       [110305] We Got Married S2E73 - Sweet Potato Couple































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































               110312 YongSeo WGM Preview  































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest AngelVillian



Gosh, after i watch the episode i was too busy spazzing and i said to myself 

"I will not take any caps of this week's episode"

But look. I broken yet another promise about YongSeo


Just some of my favorite scenes in this daebak episode






Okay! Seohyun was embarrassed, look at her awkward hand movement

(CUTE!) Keke







Hm... Our handsome Yong!






Let me hold you all through the night~~~

(Moment of bliss / happiness / (key in yourself))

But really, this looks like Seohyun had a baby 

and then Yonghwa had a look of a proud husband / father






Eat that!





How dare you elbow me??

I'll flung you away!

We knows Yong don't have the heart to.





Yes! Another moment of bliss.

Look at how Yonghwa is smiling like a fool!






Did i kiss him yet?






I didn't? How about this....






*WAIT!* They always close their eyes when they kiss...














My ultimate favorite scene.

Yonghwa's backhug...

Sooooo random i like it!





Kekekeke. MC Reaction is daebak as usual.

I love MC Jake for his reactions :P



Omg. First time topping a page.

Thanks YongSeo.

Letting me have a first time with you guys like always.

You guys have alot of first time together.

I have alot of first times with you guys together.


Thanks, sincerely.




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They look SO MUCH like a married couple! I will not post a long analytical post this time because I'm still in the process of smiling my face off. But I just want to share a few caps; credit to DC MARRIED.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is a side note, but I've never seen Seohyun smile so much before! Seobaby must be really, really happy. If you're a fan of her like I am, and even if not, you'll notice she barely smiles widely in any of her or SNSD's photoshoots. I think she said once that it makes her self-conscious. But there's no hiding her smile this time. <3 She looks lovely. And our Yong choding looks lovely, too. What a beautiful couple! Thanks for the translations, juhee, and thanks for the preview, beeichigo! <333
































































































































































edit/ Another cap made by me. Sorry for the low quality. And I'm ashamed to say this, but I'm a graphic student =_= yet I'm so overwhelmed by joy that I put little thought into making this pretty. Ah! Chincha. Soompi keeps cutting me off. Cannot say what I intended to. T-T

































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































woohoo, what a beautiful saturday indeed. TONS OF SKINSHIP!!!! lazy to share my POV now, will do it later after full translations are out and after I download the raw video (gosh it takes forever)....... thanks Juhee for translating!! you are DAEBAK!
































































I just want to share something. THIS IS TOTALLY RANDOM!! those who like random post (jnj and the others), this is what I found. To those who do not read random posts, you can skip hahaha......
































































































errr....... any idea who is the guy in the picture? funny guy with moustache, suddenly thought of Chaplin....
































































ok, forgive me for this random post......... lazy to spazz now :sweatingbullets:
































































































EDIT: sun_sun!!!!!!!! welcome back!!! it has been a while since you last posted here........ where have you been? GOGUMAS here really miss you you know?? btw, you came back on the right time!

































































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Guest sun_sun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Can i say " YongHwa kissed at SeoHyun's Forehead TWICE" ??? ^^ THIS EP. >>> DAEBAK!!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest yongseo_forever
































This is my first time making screen caps :P
















Anyway, this is a collection of all the wedding photos shown to us, hopefully i didn't miss out any.
















I'll put it under spoiler cus there's quite a lot of pictures :D
































Part 1:
















(I apologise that it's not in chronological order.)
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My fav <3 ^^ :
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Tetsuya9




















110305 Seohyun @ We Got Married S2E47 English Subbed + Preview - Progress












Currently done Part 1 and Preview for Next Episode only












Guess I Will be going to sleep now~It's nearly midnight here my timezone (GMT+8)












Try to finish it tomorrow












Part 1 :























Part 2 :























Preview :
















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Guest yongseoisreal



















































I'M LATE FOR SPAZZING!!! :sweatingbullets:















































i love every moment of it...
















oh yeah, the KISSING (even only on the forehead and the cheek), it's already is an EPIC and should be put inside the BOOK OF YONGSEO HISTORY (if there would be one in the future)
















and the HUGS!! :wub:
















OMG again, i'm still dying of happiness...
















can't stop screaming around my room hostel that full with my roommates..
















ahh, i don't care about them anyway..
















i'm just too happy to contain my feelings anymore..
















and after the wedding, the SCARF!!
















with YONGSEO knitted on it???!!!
















and the sweet moments between them!!!
















i feel like i'm infiltrating their private time..
















are they really oblivious to the camera or what??
















yonghwa's BACK HUG is one..
















plus with the reaction seohyun gave like she really enjoying it..
















they are so HAPPY..
















another winter trend i would guess..kekek
















after this episode,
















are you saying that they are not real???!!! what the heck?????
















they are real dude..duh~~ <_<
















The Precious is one (i don't watch other couple but so far, only YONGSEO got the couple ring like permanently stuck on their finger in and outside filming)
















the scarf (why bother to make something like that, in a show, if they are not REAL!!)
































ok, i think now i've been able to share with you guys, my excitement still won't be able to subside..
















now with the translation is out, thanks to JUHEE, i have to watch it again for the fifth time today..
















gosh, i'm going to die again..
















about the preview, i don't want to comment so much..
















have to wait for next week.. ~~
















my most fav pictures!!
















oohhh, yong, your wife is so pretty right??
































sweetest!!! LOVE3!!!
































i'm dying~~ they are TOO CLOSE!!! :blink:
















































yong's FIRST KISS?? (are you serious yong?? :phew:)
































hyun's FIRST KISS!! :lol:
































































































if i take this concept as my wedding concept in the next 7 seven years (i'm 20 y.o this year), am i breaking the copyright issue?? should i ask the permission from YONGSEO?? kekeke :sweatingbullets:



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what i like is this...you can see that they are holding each other hands..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i hope that we could see a copy of this...




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yongseo shippers are now in Gochun...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































because of yongseo i was not able to memorize my speech... today is just daebak!.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and for the next episode...im not worried instead find it cute, yong is really a yongchoding..haha... i think he has something for hyun..since he was given a gift..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































how does yong feel directly touching seo hyuns skin..to which she is careful in contacting to other people..haha..Fortunate YONG! no other man can do that, that she would allow.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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use full credit!
































now i'm off to take a nap~
































<Meanwhile the Next Concept Left for the YonSeon Couple>
































<What kind of Image Would They Show Us…>
































MC: Ah! So Cute!
































P: Oh you look totally cute!
































SH: Really?
































P: Yes!
































SH: That’s a relief. I even have props.
































P: When the groom comes out, I’ll explain what to do.
































MC: Now it’s taking the groom longer
































P: Why is the groom taking more time?
































SH: Groom~ why are you taking so long?
































MC: I guess they’re trying to make look cute.
































<Finally Coming Out Yong Husband>
































<Has Completely Changed to Child Yong!>
































SH: Cute! Like a dog.
































YH: You look like Sailor Moon.
































SH: So~ funny!
































YH: Why…
































P: This whole idea came from the bride.
































SH: Ha Ha HA! It looks fun, right?
































YH: Yeah… looks fun… You’re the best, the best… Did you play the recorder well? I always got an A.
































SH: I can play the short bamboo flute well too!
































P: Did you ever play together before?
































SH: No~
































P: I Can Stop Taking Pictures
































<The Instinct to Not Stop> (not to sure about this one)
































P: Pretend that you guys are fighting.
































<The Competition Between Them Rising>
































SH: It’s as if I’m seeing your usual image.
































P: The main issue isn’t the instrument… It’s the spicy rice cakes!
































MC: Spicy rice cakes!
































<Ah! If It’s About Spicy Rice Cakes…>
































NY: Ah when they went to eat spicy rice cakes.
































<The Couple’s First Meal Together!>
































YH: You eat spicy rice cakes late at night~
































SH: Huh? Thank you for the food~
































<Late at Night Spicy Rice Cakes>
































SH: It looks spicy! Is it really spicy?
































P: It’s really spicy.
































P: Try and eat it.
































SH: Eating it before taking the pictures!
































MC: It seems to be spicy~
































MC: It’s spicy, it’s spicy.
































P: You’re slowly feeding it to her.
































<Feeding Each Other the Spicy Rice Cakes>
































P: Slow Motion~ Ah saying it’s tasty~
































YH: Right into the next one!
































P: Right! Feeding each other~
































P: The Best! The Best!
































MC: AH Cute!
































MC: They really look like a young couple
































<Immediately Bringing Out the String Bags>
































NY: Ah I used to hit everyone with those bags!
































MC: When you were hitting I was forgetting~
































YH: My mom packed me lunch~
































<A Little Bit Too Realistic Acting From Child Yong>
































YH: What grade are you in? What room are you in?
































SH: I’m 6th year
































YH: You’re 6th year? I’m in my 1st year…
































<6th Year Hyun and 1st Year Yong Going to School Together…>
































YH: Rock, Paper Scissor
































<After Playing With Each Other, They Become More Friendly>
































YH: You want it to be real right?
































SH: You can’t!
































P: At this time, you can grant her a wish and get hit instead~
































YH: I’ll grant you a wish and I’ll get hit instead
































SH: So I just hit him?
































P: Yeah! So it can hurt!
































SH: Really?
































P: Yes so that it would really, really hurt!
































SH: I’ll really hit you!
































P: 1…2…3!
































<A Sound That Can Shake the Studio!!>
































SH: AH! I’m sorry!
































MC: A clear wooden sound came out.
































P: This is the final scene, where before he bought you spicy rice cakes, and even got hit for you. You’re so grateful so you give him a kiss on the cheek.
































<A Kiss >
































































YH: I won’t grant that wish.
































SH: No… Huh?
































YH: Don’t do that please~
































<When You’re Saying No You’re Lips Are Going Up>
































P: You were just going to go to the neighborhood.
































YH: I understand…
































<Their Ability to Say No Is Weaker Than Before>
































YH: I’ll pretend I don’t know. Huh… What is this?!
































<She got her pose ready…>
































<Uselessly Playing Around Yong>
































YH: AH what is this!
































SH: Look forward.
































P: You have to at least lean toward the bride…
































SH: I can’t go to him.
































<Trying it Again>
































P: Ah~ There a gap by this much~ I’ll do this in one shot~
































SH: I just have to be near him right?
































<This Time Is a Little Bit Closer…>
































SH: I did it~
































P: When did you do it? I didn’t even get to shoot yet!
































YH: You wanted to do it twice?
































SH: You didn’t see it?
































P: You have to touch so I can’t take it!
































SH: I did touch… right…
































YH: it was just air from her nose!
































SH: Alright, I’ll do it again… You have to take it.
































































P: Alright. 1…2…3… Go!
































<Will Hyun’s lips touch Yong’s Cheeks…?>
































<Just In Time Hyun’s Lips Touched Yong’s Cheek>
































































<The >
































MC: Ah Seohyun’s worked really hard.
































<Finally The Difficult Wedding Photo Shoot Ends>
































MC: But now they have a lot of good memories together.
































MC: They look cute
































P: You’re final courage is amazing.
































SH: Thank you.
































P: A courage of love~
































MC: I’m guessing when he came back to the home he felt good. *thanks aisuo415*
































JS: Yes I think so!!
































YH: Thank you for the hard work Seohyun…
































SH: Thank you for the hard work~ It was fun!
































YH: Now we have to go to school.
































SH: Right. Slowly, slowly I went to him a little. I guess I really did ended up giving a kiss… It’s interesting… it was my first time…
































YH: Daring little guy~ She has her charms
































MC: He said she has charms. If that is her charms her lips would faint…
































<After Finishing the Wedding Photo Shoot, the Two Walk Outside>
































SH: Ah it’s cold!
































MC: That looks as if it was a really cold day.
































<Using his bare hands to cold the snow>
































SH: What are you doing?! Don’t do it!
































<Of Course Child Yong>
































SH: Aren’t you cold? It looks like if it’s cold~
































YH: Ah it’s tiring~
































SH: Thank you for your hard work.
































YH: You did really well. I don’t think I’ll be able to see or pick a dress or tuxedo anymore.
































SH: Really?
































YH: Yes, it was really hard.
































SH: This doesn’t seem like anything regular work.
































YH: Starting from the morning to now.
































SH: Right…
































YH: I was hard but it was fun
































SH: I never wore a proper dress
































MC: It must be cold since they can’t open their mouths.
































YH: But you really fit the dress well.
































SH: Really? Ah~ It’s Cold.
































MC: She keeps saying she’s cold.
































MC: At this time you have to hug her.
































SH: Why don’t you go around with a scarf?
































YH: You should wear one too.
































SH: I wear my a lot
































<Worrying About His Neck in the Cold Couple??>
































SH: I usual wear one but today I couldn’t.
































YH: I have a scarf!
































SH: Ah~ Besides that.
































YH: Ah~ It’s stuffy. When it’s colder I’ll wear one.
































SH: If you want to keep safe your voice, you should keep it warm and…
































YH: Miss Seo Ju Hyun
































SH: Listen to me.
































<Child Yong is Not Listening to Mom Hyun>
































YH: Alright~
































SH: You should always wear it.
































YH: I do…
































SH: Child! Child Yong~
































YH: You’re like a webfoot octopus.
































SH: What?
































YH: I’ll make a shop selling webfoot octopus!
































SH: Ah~ I’m really cold.
































YH: What…what… what is it that you want?
































SH: No it’s not like…
































YH: Do you Want me to Hug You or What?
































< Do you Want me to Hug You or What?>
































YH: Why do you beat around the bush all the time?
































MC: Of course she wants a hug!
































SH: You will be moved…
































YH: Why?
































SH: I don’t know…
































YH: You keep saying you’re cold, you’re cold.
































SH: That’s because I’m really cold…
































YH: Don’t make me laugh~
































SH: Ah seriously what is up with this person?
































YH: What is it? What do you want?
































SH: You webfoot octopus!
































YH: I was waiting for a while, since you kept saying it’s cold, it’s cold.
































<Something that Caught Yong Husband’s Attention>
































SH: Ah~ Seriously what are you thinking about?
































YH: You’re wondering what I’m thinking?
































































<Certainly SkinShip from Yong~>
































YH: Don’t pretend you didn’t like it. I can see everything from your eyes.
































SH: I really because you I think I’ll catch asthma.
































MC: Why?
































YH: Cough?
































SH: Yes.
































YH: Why do from me would you catch a cough?
































SH: Because I…
































YH: Ah~ hurry up hurry up. Don’t turn it around and just tell me out straight. That you worked hard on the handmade scarf.
































SH: Huh?
































YH: You handmade a scarf.
































SH: Why suddenly a scarf?
































YH: I’m right, right?
































SH: No~
































YH: Gloves? Mask?
































SH: Forget it, let’s just go.
































YH: Hurry up and tell me.
































SH: It’s my punishment… Hold my bag…
































YH: Ah there something in here then…
































SH: No. Hold it on this side…
































YH: I don’t want to~
































<The Fun from Wife Hyun is Slowly Going Away~>
































YH: Stop hiding it and tell me!
































SH: AH! So child-like!
































YH: Why do you keep turning it around? You really think I wouldn’t know?
































SH: It’s cold!
































YH: Who else in the world would know your suffering! Alright I’ll hold it here… See I put it here~
































SH: Thank you. What are you doing?
































YH: You really can be arrogant?
































SH: Fine
































YH: What is it? What if I’m not moved by it?
































































YH: I’ll first act if I’m moved.
































<The Last Jokes by Child-Like Yong>
































YH: Alright, alright!
































SH: Forget it!
































YH: I’m playing around.
































SH: I really worked hard on making this…
































YH: What is it?
































SH: Tada!
































<Surprise Present of a Scarf>
































YH: It’s a scarf~
































<Child-LikeYong Who Really Guessed Correctly>
































SH: You have no idea how I knitted it!
































<Stitch by Stitch Knitted Scarf!>
































MC: If it’s stitch by stitch of course you’ll be moved by it
































MC: The Italian craftsman(?) knitted it stitch by stitch…
































YH: Ah Yongseo~
































<On the Scarf Initials Y.S by Wife>
































MC: She even put their initials.
































YH: I’m really grateful.
































SH: I’ll put it on for you.
































MC: He seems happy about it but at the same time a bit sorry.
































MC: You’re right, you’re right.
































<Revenge >
































YH: I think I’ll die from the heat.
































SH: I really made it from scratch
































MC: It’s the only one in the world!
































YH: Thank you~
































SH: I don’t think I have any sense when it comes to this. I really wanted to pretend that I didn’t know. I was really thankful for him. He did a lot for me. I wanted to thank him for doing so much for me.
































YH: I felt sorry. Maybe I should have pretended that I didn’t know. Because of the knitted scarf I really feel that… it’s warmer than any other cashmere. Yes I’ll wear it around every day.
































YH: What?
































SH: It suits you well.
































YH: It suits me well? Because it’s covering my mouth?
































SH: Yes!
































YH: Seohyun~ again you worked so hard~ Aigoo~
































SH: Ah seriously what am I going to do?
































YH: Aigoo our Seohyun worked so hard.
































SH: Not I did not… Show it off a lot.
































YH: Alright.
































SH: Remember to wear it.
































<As Big As Wife Hyun’s Heart… He Makes a Promise to Wear the Scarf>

















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Guest yongseo_forever
































Part 2 :
































One more:

















































































And of course not forgetting the sweet scarf-gifting-cum-walking session after the photo shoot hehe ^^







































































































































































































































































































































































I love how Yonghwa's arms are constantly wrapped around Seohyun ! :wub:
















And I loved the back hug and the kisses ! ^^ -spazzzzzz-
















I really hope they will release all the wedding photos that yongseo had taken !
































Alright , shall spazz again tomorrow if i have the time . :)
















Wanna type some more but mum is nagging so, nights gogumas! haha
































P.S. I wanna strangle the PD for giving such a preview once again LOLLL. Hah, kidding. But seriously.. it's another Saturday to wait for T.T
































P.P.S I LOL-ed , okay, nearly laughed out loud when i saw the post about yonghwa being a pokemon in his past life and yea, i'm a boice . xD

















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