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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest firstimelovers












Hellllo shipppers!







I'm here to share my favorite episodes of YongSeo!!







I know we are suppose to choose one







But, greedy me wanna share my top 3 favs!! 







Let's reminisce!!







(I shall put it as spoiler just in case. hehehe)














Number 1: Episode 27







I guess no one can deny how DAEMAK, episode 27 was.




Not only it's their double birthday celebration, but also Seohyun's first event!!








Honestly, from the beginning Yonghwa was more expressive in his feeling toward Seohyun.




On the other hand, Seohyun was still in the process of adapting and learning.




SO i was dying to see her expressing affection to Yonghwa, and this episode totally satisfy me!!! 




It's became the major milestone in their relationship, as well as the turning point!:wub:








Awwww~the beginning of eyeship(s)








I love the way he called her "Seo Juhyun"







Awesome to max!








How he unable to sing while looking at her charming eyes~




And, finally the climax of all, the ring!










































I almost died when they exchange the ring!







With love light playing in the background....OMG :w00t:










































And, the confession.....AWWWW!:wub:








I find that Seohyun's gaze toward Yonghwa changed...







like she falling in love...:wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:








My heart totally melt and almost wanna cried like Seulong




when they finally held hands!




It's like they finally say they love each other, and together




happily forever! Omooo~




I was so depressed when watching episode 28







which was the mildang period.







It's like everything back to square 1 :tears:











My no2 and no3 fave!




Number 2: Episode 33







Struggle between episode 33, 35 and 42 for my no.2 fav




But, Episode 33 my fave b'cos of the honest heart to heart chat they have!











Due to mildang, i was worried their skinship would be affected again.







Was screaming when Seohyun made the first move!! hahahahah




























Then the best of all, heart to heart talk!







My heart goes out to Yonghwa when he ask her to call!! T_T







And, Seohyun's confession how much he changed her







Realllllly... AWWW







It's like they both made an impact on each other life!! :wub:




























The natural response of Yonghwa!! Then its like he remb they're on camera. LOL!







After watching this episode, i was praying " I dont want anything, just them be together! FOR REAL!!!!"














Number 3: Episode 35







I LOVE this episode tooo! Because it's after my first two faves.




Can greatly see how close they had become.




Seohyun become more talkative and expressive.




AND, the main thing is the eyeship in this episode was to die for!




Like they only have each other in their eyes!!








Finally the teaser of 'Banmal Song'








Really, which girlf won't melt when boyf wrote a song for you.




Somemore it's make believe only..




Can see how important Seohyun is to Yonghwa..




I esp love the part where he ask Seohyun to speak banmal to give him inspiration,




and Seohyun replied, he laughed so heartedly.




Like from the bottom of his heart..























Can't wait for their one year anniversary!!!!





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i am having the flu bug now and am down down down with the fever,

so before i succumb into the deep sleep sweatingbullets.gifphew.gif

(flu medicine does this right?)

i just want to thank YSInternational and the gang for the 2 FMVs.

i was quite sleepy during the bus ride this morning, but watching those MVs jerk

me up instantly and i lol..i mean i really... laughed out loud!! :lol::lol:

and do i care abt ppl giving me the :crazy: look?

no i did not.. :P

so tks for making my day brighter guys! group hug!

maybe37, so that is what u've been working on eh? awesome!

post more pls... :D

bee_ichigo, those are some awesome b'day gifts...

tks for sharing them here..and say tks to your wonderful friends for me ya..


lets continue supporting yongseo's banmal song vid and their latest MBC unseen clip

okay...sleeping beauty i am not.. :rolleyes:

but i really need to sleep now... :P

and its only 9 pm -_-

gogumas hwaiting!!

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I’m back with my 2nd batch of



Ep 8 – 22 anniversary


Ep 9 – Joint bank account


Ep 11 – Photo notebook


Ep 13 & 14 – First breakfast and dinner


Ep 19 – Pool


Ep 20 – Kimchi


Ep 20 – First guest of CN BLUE dorm


Ep 21 – Hyun’s Cream Spaghetti


Random capture – JongHyun heart antidote for his sister-in-law :wub:


video cr : Soshified

NOTE:I tried to limit myself on capturing the parts that they've specifically mentioned it is indeed their firsts. If I don't do it like that, there will be about 100+ pics. :P finally, i got half way through the episodes. stay tuned for more :lol:

jnj yup,was just about to post my 2nd batch when u replied. glad that u like them ;)

to view the 1st batch : 1st Batch of Yongseo Couple Firsts

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Guest mayme27








Hi first time im going to write here but been lurking for a while now..always watching the posts and smiling with all the people spazzing in this forum. I really enjoy every comments and continues to wait like everyone else for saturday to arrive (sub or no sub) :-)



thanks for the subs, the pics and all the efforts of the subbers, translators and everyone who lurks and spazz ;)



i want to join the favorite episode game :) episode 27 i think.. the birthday episode where they started to really be close and i cant stop smiling every time i watch this couple. even on my worst days whenever i see them it just happiness... :) but of course every episode is  daebak!!









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Guest K1L1On1Mr4
































































































































































































































































































































Finally after tons of attempt i could change my avatar wub.gif
































































































































































































Changed my FB's avatar too wub.gif
































































































































































































Happy 1st anniversary YongSeo, i do pray that you two will get marry for real in the future and live happily ever after wub.gif

































































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Guest starsundaepower
































hello fellow gogumas.. 
















let me join the excitement in gogumaville happy.gif
































first, change my avatar --> DONE (what a lovely avatar, kuddos for the maker)
















second, favorite episode: That would be episode 2 
















here's why: 
















1. I watched KBS Music Bank for the first time of my life in mid February. I know nothing at all about the performer cause I wasnt Kpop fans at first. I almost got bored and change the channel when I saw CNBLUE performed, they sang "Rock n Roll Music" by The Beatles, which is one of my favorite song, and I got hooked just like that. And I remember when they sang I'm A Loner, I thought "geez, this handsome vocalist must loves hand gesture that much eh? it was too much" 
















2. After that, I remember group of young girls sang with old singer, and I thought "that girl with a side ponytail, what a cute face she has, she's the prettiest among other girls"
















3. Few weeks later, when I searched about CNBLUE, I accidentally found youtube videos of We Got Married with sub, and thought "well lets watch it,it wont hurt,wont change anything at all"
















4. and then BAM!!! ... you guys can guess what happened next.. 















































third, and it almost a year after all that coincidence, and here I am, a proud YongSeo Shipper, HAPPY FIRST ANNIVERSARY YONGSEO.. !!















































"God, I know u'll say that I better pray for people I know, not some sort of celebrities who lives in another part of the world and doesnt even know me.. But I hope u'll give exception for this, it's their anniversary after all.. I hope that YongSeo couple be together for real and live happily ever after, that would spread happiness around the world, especially in goguma world.. thank you"
































































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hello fellow gogumas.. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































let me join the excitement in gogumaville *quoted image*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































first, change my avatar --> DONE (what a lovely avatar, kuddos for the maker)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































second, favorite episode: That would be episode 2 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































here's why: 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. I watched KBS Music Bank for the first time of my life in mid February. I know nothing at all about the performer cause I wasnt Kpop fans at first. I almost got bored and change the channel when I saw CNBLUE performed, they sang "Rock n Roll Music" by The Beatles, which is one of my favorite song, and I got hooked just like that. And I remember when they sang I'm A Loner, I thought "geez, this handsome vocalist must loves hand gesture that much eh? it was too much" 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. After that, I remember group of young girls sang with old singer, and I thought "that girl with a side ponytail, what a cute face she has, she's the prettiest among other girls"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. Few weeks later, when I searched about CNBLUE, I accidentally found youtube videos of We Got Married with sub, and thought "well lets watch it,it wont hurt,wont change anything at all"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. and then BAM!!! ... you guys can guess what happened next.. 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































third, and it almost a year after all that coincidence, and here I am, a proud YongSeo Shipper, HAPPY FIRST ANNIVERSARY YONGSEO.. !!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"God, I know u'll say that I better pray for people I know, not some sort of celebrities who lives in another part of the world and doesnt even know me.. But I hope u'll give exception for this, it's their anniversary after all.. I hope that YongSeo couple be together for real and live happily ever after, that would spread happiness around the world, especially in goguma world.. thank you"































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image*































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi starsundaepower..  I was smilling after reading your post  because I've been praying the samething too. even my husband is asking me what is going on after i told him that will reschedule our dinner on friday hahahaha!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i just love them! and all the gogoma in this thread!  thank you guys! stay well and happy!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi




HI all!!! looks at this thread now! we are all very excited now..... it's only 2 days left and we are sooo energized today! omomomo I'm really happy right now! lurkers seems to be coming out of their shells now!! come on all of you guys still in LURKER MODE!!! don't tell me you want to lurk all day!!! <_<:ph34r: if all of you post at least ONCE today, we'll get that second thread by tomorrow!!! so..... DE-LURK!!!! ^_^


also , just now I tweeted MC Kim about the video made by YSInternational Tribute To WGM's MCs





look what he said!








he seems soo happy!! :lol:






EDIT: hey, where are the male gogumas????? I thought there are plenty of male gogumas here? luvtokki appa? MountainMadman? for the last 2 pages the posts were dominated by female gogumas. in this page there are only me and K1L1On1Mr4. come on out you guys!! it makes me feel shy you know :lol:. Please please come on out! :sweatingbullets:




those who have yet to change their avatar, change it now or don't forget to change it before 11 feb. the same things goes to those with Twitter accounts. we have to make this event universal, to show the world that YongSeo is loved by all people around the world.. who knows the Korean media will make an article about this, just saying :wub:





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HI all!!! looks at this thread now! we are all very excited now..... it's only 2 days left and we are sooo energized today! omomomo I'm really happy right now! lurkers seems to be coming out of their shells now!! come on all of you guys still in LURKER MODE!!! don't tell me you want to lurk all day!!! dry.gif:ph34r: if all of you post at least ONCE today, we'll get that second thread by tomorrow!!! so..... DE-LURK!!!! ^_^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































also , just now I tweeted MC Kim about the video made by YSInternational Tribute To WGM's MCs































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*quoted image*
































































































































































































































































look what he said!
































































































































































































































































*quoted image*
































































































































































































































































he seems soo happy!! :lol:
































































































































































































































































EDIT: hey, where are the male gogumas????? I thought there are plenty of male gogumas here? luvtokki appa? MountainMadman? for the last 2 pages the posts were dominated by female gogumas. in this page there are only me and K1L1On1Mr4. come on out you guys!! it makes me feel shy you know :lol:. Please please come on out! :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































those who have yet to change their avatar, change it now or don't forget to change it before 11 feb. the same things goes to those with Twitter accounts. we have to make this event universal, to show the world that YongSeo is loved by all people around the world.. who knows the Korean media will make an article about this, just saying :wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hi soshi3 ;) wow you did great tweeting MC jake!;) thank you so much! for sure he is happy watching their tribute made by the YSinternational production team! im proud of you guys!
































































































































































































































































yes im excited too! cant wait for friday and saturday!  your right where are the OPPA's in the gogoma crib?  maybe busy? sleeping? i guess JNJ is off now..;) where is aneng? i miss all the mighty workers! ;)

































































































































































































































































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Guest charmonster















‘Boyfriend-idol’ Jung Yonghwa is now an accessory model'












CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa is now a model for an accessory brand!






Because of his clean, youthful looks, Jung Yonghwa was labeled by many female fans as ‘the idol who every woman wants as a boyfriend‘, or simply, the ‘boyfriend-idol’. His immense popularity prompted LG Fashion’s Hedge Accessories to chose him as their new model.






The representatives of LG Fashion stated, “Jung Yonghwa was selected as our model because of the comfortable image he has shown through entertainment shows like MBC’s ‘We Got Married’.”






Jung Yonghwa will soon meet his fans through various CFs and marketing events.






cr. to allkpop













just sharing some news guys.. smile.gif



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Since I repeated the news so guess I have to share something else too.














This is the parody of Yong and Hyun by a Goguma in Hanamizuki trailer, one of my recent favorite movie starring Toma Ikuta and Yui Aragaki. The movie is based on a song of the same name by Hitoto Yo. Hanamizuki is a kind of flower, which in flower language means "Please accept my desire" and "Return present".














Yonghwa x Seohyun - Hanamizuki Trailer [Parody]














WGM have turned Jung Yong Hwa to become the idol who every woman wants as a boyfriend, including Hyun?
























‘Boyfriend-idol’ Jung Yonghwa is now an accessory














CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa is now a model for an accessory brand!














Because of his clean, youthful looks, Jung Yonghwa was labeled by many female fans as ‘the idol who every woman wants as a boyfriend‘, or simply, the ‘boyfriend-idol’. His immense popularity prompted LG Fashion’s Hedge Accessories to chose him as their new model.














The representatives of LG Fashion stated, “Jung Yonghwa was selected as our model because of the comfortable image he has shown through entertainment shows like MBC’s ‘We Got Married’.”














Jung Yonghwa will soon meet his fans through various CFs and marketing events.














Source: Sports Chosun via Nate






























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Guest constantia11































































































































































































































































































































































































This is my third time typing. I hope it won't get thrown out like the previous one (Soompi is acting weird on me).































































































































This thread is moving fast n furious.































































































































I would like to join the bandwagon too!!






























































































































































































































































I haven't even had a chance to post my take about the latest episode, yet, there are so many good news about Yongseo.































































































































I feel like I got shot so many times! (I don't mind to die because of this tho).






























































































































































































































































What caught my eyes about the latest episode is the genuine concern in Hyun's eyes.
































































































































I can relate to that very much.
































































































































My husband pays little attention on his health so I have to do it instead.
































































































































I get really concern when I feel like something is not right with his body.
































































































































Just like the way Hyun nagged Yong, I do the same thing to my husband.































































































































It just comes naturally because of your concern to your other half.
































































































































































































































































About Yonghwa's interview,his expression when talking about his wife says it all to me.
































































































































So I rest my case.
































































































































































































































































For my lovely couple's anniv:
































































































































I can't believe it's almost a year since I got to know these two beautiful people.
































































































































Unlike some of you here, I'm one of the luckiest gogumas who came to know them since the first episode (thanks to my crazy love towards Kang Shin Woo in YAB)
































































































































Because of Yongseo I get to know so many people around the world, join this wonderful community and welcomed as family.
































































































































So, thank you very much Yong and Hyun.































































































































































































































































I wish you all the best.
































































































































May your love blossom everyday, and becomes your strength when you meet obstacles in the future.
































































































































































































































































































































































































- I'm writing this with Banmal Song UCC as my background music (in refreshed all the time)
































































































































- I can't join the game because for me all the episodes are my fav, I can't just pick one, so I left it to all other gogumas to decide.
































































































































- my deepest gratitude to all translators and subbers.
































































































































- I have to go out of town on Friday and do some work for a change :P . so I will count on my fellow gogumas in twitter to update me with some spazzing.
































































































































































































































































Good nite and love you all.

































































































































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Hello fellow Gogumas!




























I just want to test to see if the YS profile image is successfully up for me. This is the 1st time I've uploaded an avatar (is that the correct description?) since joining Soompi a few years ago. All for the love of uri YongSeo couple! :wub:




























Gogumas enthusiasm is very refreshing to see. I am awed with YS International's projects towards celebrating the Anniversay, especially the SeoHyun song and the Tribute to WGM MCs. Not only is uri YongSeo DAEBAK, but their International Gogumas are also DAEBAK!!!

































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3rd batch of














































































































































































































































































































































Ep 23 - Under the Umbrella













































































































































































































































































































































Ep 23 – Kimchi fritters(?) for Ueno Juri













































































































































































































































































































































Ep 24 – MC Misun reaction to the 1st time broadcast of YongSeo holding hands :w00t:













































































































































































































































































































































Ep 24 – Adam couple reaction to the 1st time they saw YongSeo holding hands :wub:













































































































































































































































































































































Ep 26 – 1st birthday celebration together













































































































































































































































































































































Ep 26 – Reminiscing about the 1st time of ring confirmation capture at Music Bank













































































































































































































































































































































Ep 26 – Yong : I’m the first person to say something like this right?































































































































Hyun : Yes.































































































































Yong : So this means I am special~































































































































Hyun : ....































































































































Yong : That is why I’m different from the other men.



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ep 26 (unseen cut) - Music Core MC part












































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ep 26 – Yong’s present to Hyun – 2 rows of Goguma field













































































































































































































































































































































Moving on the DAEBAK birthday episode that is the favourite for most of the Goguma Villagers














































































































































































































Ep 27 – Hyun 1st event…ever! (I think so)












































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ep 27 – Yong’s sarang bit confession ♥













































































































































































































































































































































Ep 27 – Hold hands :w00t:































































































































































































My last post for today before going to Go-chun dreamland :P































































































































































































Ep 27 - Our 5 amazing MCs daebak reaction to the 1st hand holding moment






























































































































































































































































video cr :yukiandjudy@twitter,RDRsubs
































































1st Batch of Yongseo Couple Firsts
































































2nd Batch of Yongseo Couple Firsts

















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Guest qaz_erk






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you so much @quisty86 for helping out my problem :) i'm so glad & credit to RDR :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wanna join the game too :rolleyes: i prefer and addicted with their staring with each other..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































how could i express that their staring is something buried deeply in my heart..it is so pure and sincere...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































showing their enjoyment besides their job to entertain us...as they
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































are happy and we as yongseo die hard fan always give full support....kyaaa
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































:sweatingbullets: i'm too speechless when talk about this lovely couple
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































here i would like to share some picture from ep 28
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































here is the sweetest stares by yong~~~:P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































** i'm sorry if i didnt follow the rules since this's my 1st time insert this image :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































kindly tell me anything if there's wrong...thank you ^^

































































































































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Guest twiddle10















Hello! this is my first post~




i've always been a lurker which i prefer because of my poor english and




this would be my first and again through WGM yongseo goguma couple i too have many first!  .. ehee




but anyway i reallyreally love this thread! and i dont want to regret anything later on! and plus its true, its bad for my health as i want to post but i dont want but i want, erghhh crazy! ahhaa but finally!! i have the courage~~ :D *yay!










just wanna share abit and testing the spoiler if its working~




First thing is that i dont want to regret! really its disturbing and affecting me later~ as i will start my school at the end of this month for pre-u. and i've had 3 months holiday! which soon will END! and i think still alot to learn, catch up with all this kpop~ im addicted to it! everyday ~ till im lazy to look up , search for my future career/course andd ......~ now i have no time! hahaa my fault, yes. but im not regreting it. ehee




i will do my best for my studies and really HOPE i can still read all the amazing posts! and have a happy saturday! streaming, giggling and hope they wont end soon ( also the reason i write this because i dont want to miss the opportunity with IN-Go-paem! ;while it last~ AND SPECIAL FOR YONGSEO 1ST ANNIVERSARY! ehee *proud) okay till here, sorry. but thankyou for reading .. ^_^lalala *malu*










Ohh yeah, manymany thanks to the translator, translation, news,hotnews,subbers and everyone who contribute alot to this thread!! kamsahamnida!!


:) Daebak!


About the game, hmm i badly want to watch over, but erghh, no time :( and my memory is bad, but i love when thay sang together falling slowly, whats up part! and the 200th annv at incheon! and ofcourse episode 27 and the japan episode!! lovelovelove! and the latest after the busan episode! at that time i really want to spazz but then  again~ .....  ehee (i know im not counted here for the game~ itsokay ehee)










& last, HAPPY 1ST ANNIVERSARY YONGSEO! all the best and keep on loving! and maybe next ten years? italy? ahaha:D *loving it.




sorry for my english. and thankyou. *off to sleep. its late now.





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Guest Jess22803
























































Yeah, after trying almost nth times, i finally able to change my avatar as most the gogumas did!!!






























































































































This is my second post here, i always enjoy reading all the posts here, all your POV , caps and translatations, i would like to say thank you.  I enjoyed reading all the posts that always make me smile and heart-warming. I came out from my lurker mode because i wish to celebrate the very special day of yong and hyun with u guys.  YS International projects for Yongseo 1st anniv. is AWESOME.






























































































































My wish for yong and hyun is stay HEALTHY, and all the success to ur career, and the most important is be REAL couple after WGM.






























































































































YONGSEO forever. GOGUMAS the best.









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Guest lzellski




Hurrah! changed my avatar too!!!!




Happy anniversary Yongseo! It's already been a year. Their relations might have started slow but they are progressing beautifully. Manse! Manse! Manse!



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Guest rainbowatnight

Hi all goguma villagers, just until now I have enough courage to come out of my lurking mode to celebrate 1st Anniversary of uri Yongseo couple. I don't have confidence due to my bad English and I can't contribute to this thread either screencaps or news ( I completely know nothing about photo related thing on computers and sometimes I wish I had learned Korean from my Korean friends when having chances :( ). But now I don't want to regret not posting anything in this wonderful go-chun ( do I write it accurately ? :sweatingbullets: ).

I'm not good at expressing myself even in my own language so I really admire everybody here. You guys seem to say all what I want to spazz about each ep, favorite scenes or skinships. From bottom of my heart, I want to say thank you to all gogumas ( believe me, your comments are very enjoyable to read, I even think some of you must be linguists to be able to write such a great thing :wub: ), translators, subbers, FBI gogumas and of course, lukers. I've been lurking around this thread for quite a long time but I always try my best to support uri couple by refreshing banmal song everyday, for example, so I can understand lukers' efforts :lol:. Anyway, I find myself smile many times as I read your posts, thank you very much for this beautiful family. You guys are jjang !!!!!!!!!!

I know many gogumas say this but I still have to say it again: Time flies so fast !!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's just like yesterday that I watched the super awkward 1st ep but now I'm here, ready to celebrate their 1st anniversary, 2 days more to go. I can't believe it :D In that year, I've transfered from a Khuntoria fan into a proud Yongseo shipper ( yeah, i know, i was used to be blinded by skinships at first -_- ), into a gollum, a Sone and Seohyun bias. I don't love Yongseo at first sight but through each ep, I become addicted to them. I don't know when or how but it's really hard for not falling in love with gorgeous, humble, smart, sweet, choding ( somehow I find both of them are choding but in different ways ~^^~ ) Seo Joo Hyun and Jung Yong Hwa, especially when together they become Goguma couple. Thanks to them, every Saturday has become so special and delightful.

I hope we will reach 2000 page soon and I also created twitter account to prepare for YSInternational project.

Dear God, I will be nice a whole year if Seohyun and Yonghwa can celebrate their 1st Anniv together, plz plz plz, I won't eat hamburgers anymore and I will take vitamin regularly :tears: ( and if you can, plz let us, gogumas, know if they do :rolleyes: )

Yongseo couple fighting !!!!!!!!

Gogumas fighting !!!!!!!!!!! Happy spazzing :)

( Hope that I don't break any rules and take (-) points in the very first post :sweatingbullets: )

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Guest mayme27
































































changed my avatar too :) after several attempts :wub:
































looks like everyone is getting ready for the anniversary of yongseo couple.
































it looks really nice that everybody's preparing for saturday!!!

































































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