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❤️Kim Soo Hyun ❤️ 김수현❤️


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Global K-Star Ranking [ December 13 - December 19 ]
TOP 5 :

1. Hwang Chi Yeul

2. Kim Joong Kook

3. Lee Min Ho

4. Rain



Global K Star Ranking [ December 5 - December 11 ] , TOP 5 :

1. G Dragon

2. Lee Min Ho


4. Rain

5. Kim Joong Kook

Global K Star Ranking , Global Korea Star Ranking System developed by Star Seoul TV [ SSTV ]

Star Seoul TV (SSTV) announces the selection of Global K Star Rank [Global K Star Ranking]. [Global K Star Ranking] is a global Korean star ranking that selects Korean stars and Kpop stars who are active in the world stage as well as domestic based on various global data.

This week [Global K Star Ranking] selected the top 10 Korean men 's star ranking in November, while the still - strongest stars in China and emerging popular stars are fighting.

November fourth [K Star Global Ranking] is the largest Chinese portal Baidu ( www.baidu.com Korea Male Star ranking, the '123fans' China Star voting site one days (123fans.cn) of) and Weibo' star power chart & Quot ;, and the ranking is the sum of the number of visitors and the number of searches of the SSTV. The rankings change slightly depending on the topic of the stars every week.


Global K Star Ranking [ November 21-November 27 ]

TOP5 :

1. Huang Chi Yeol

2. Lee Jun Ki


4. Rain

5. G-Dragon

Kim Soo Hyun has risen in two steps compared to last week's ranking

Kim Soo Hyun who caused the Korean Wave syndrome with the drama 'You from the Stars' and 'Producer'. He has been featured on the show 'Top Brain', a popular Chinese performing arts show that only the top Chinese stars will appear in 2014. In addition, Kim Soo Hyun has photographed 35 commercials in China and proved the continental trust of the continent by raising a guarantee of 2 billion won each. Currently, he is digging various advertising shooting schedules since the movie "Real" crank-up.


Global K Star Rankings / SSTV Rankings [ November 8 to November 14 ]

TOP5 :

1. Huang Chi Yeul

2. Lee Jung Ki


4. Rain

5. Park Si Hoo


We have re-posted the last 4 GLOBAL K STAR RANKINGS.

Global K Star Ranking is a Global Korea Star Ranking System developed by  (SSTV) Star Seoul TV. It selects Korean stars and Kpop stars who are active in the world stage as well as domestic based on various global data. The ranking is based on the number of visitors and searches of the SSTV.

Inspite of Soo Hyun's no show of dramas or movies or fan meetings in korea or internationally, he is always at  the top 5. Besides Rain, the other actors/idols changes according to their activities during the period. The love and support for Soo Hyun from Korea or international does not change or simmer down even when he is out of public views for more than  a year. A deep rooted tree indeed.

Soo Hyun, fighting. Whether there be Rain or sunshine, you will always be on the chart as you are being loved by not only your fellow citizens but everywhere.




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:heart: & :heart: & :heart:

Good Morning everybody

Feeling lethargic early this saturday morning and thought of  just  relaxing and read other threads instead of posting. Unfortunately while translating  ONLY LOVE postscripts last night set us thinking seriously again and so maybe just this post for today before we "apply for 1 day leave from this thread". HaHa. Who are our bosses here? Soo Hyun?

We saw the title on the below embroidery "Only :heart: KSH" and we agree totally that there are such love though "NOT IN FASHION" nowadays. There are many out there who have many oppas. There are many out there who follow the fashion of the day and love the popular actor/actress during that period. There are many out there who love every oppa they see in any dramas/movies. Finally there are a few out there who love one and only one actor. They dont hate others but just cant spare their time on them. How do we come to such conclusion?

 Just by reading some of the threads.

1. In certain threads, there is only 1 (or maybe 2) very devoted and ardent fan keeping the thread moving. Not only that, the thread is very active which shows that he/she is faithfully up dating every movement of the actor. We admire the great love of  fans of this category  and hope that we can be of help though our time and health may not permit. We are grateful that the anchor ardent fans of Soo Hyun, both Rossy and Hwonhwon are keeping this thread moving. They are classified most correctly  and aptly under "ONLY LOVE KSH"

2. In certain threads, we see the same people swooning over different Oppas with totally different looks and dispositions. How is that possible?

3. In certain threads, we see the same people  joining the discussions with the exciting crowd when there is a new  drama and expressing their love for the actor/actress.

4. In certain threads, we read the fiery attachment or declaration of love for an actor over just a drama. What comes into our mind is "Easy come and easy Go." If one goes gaga over an actor just over 1 drama, probably that "Oppaism" (meaning not found in dictionary) may not last long.

Having said all, whatever category a fan falls under is not important as the most important factor should be that he/she is enjoying herself/himself.


Foto Amanda Natalia.

cr to the owner

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100 Korean Drama , the most popular K-Drama for Chinese audience [ Winter 2016 edition ]

Still use the data to speak , over the years , still YWCFTS / MLFTS in Chinese hearts

All Soo Hyun's drama in the list :

1. You Who Came From The Stars ranked no 1

2. Moon Embracing The Sun ranked no 23

3. Producer ranked no 49

4. Dream High ranked no 50


Foto Amanda Natalia.


Source : weibo


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1, the latest exclusive "REAL" message: Feedback film production company's goal is to be released mid-2017, and is currently post-editing, CG, mixing and the like.

2, "REAL" box office should aid the message: Post bar and "REAL" publishers, production company marketing, Keyeast several times to communicate, has reached a pre-sale tickets (5000, estimated 300,000) preliminary agreement, The bar should be pro-pro-late participation in this program can also get a chance to get some VIP screening tickets.


Foto Anna Anna.


Foto Anna Anna.


Foto Anna Anna.


Foto Anna Anna.


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42 minutes ago, pinkroses said:

Hi, My 1st time here. I have read somewhere in twitter that SH is currently considering to act in a new drama next year and still in discussing, is it true? If yes, I am so happy to see him back after producer:wub:

I heard about it, too ... but we do not know for sure ...  because there has been no official confirmation .we can only wait n wait :blush:


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Foto Anna Anna.

Such a memorable christmas gift from Soo Hyun's fans.  As we always say, it is never even 90% accurate when translating from Chinese to English as there is always the diminishing or lost of the actual flavour during translation.

However, still translating a sentence that touches our hearts deeply. The part where the arrow was pointing " Let our drops of internet gatherings form into a loved  Ocean. We want to shout to the world about our love and support for Soo Hyun."

About the entire article, fans are preparing for Soo Hyun's birthday on 16th February 2017 and the release of REAL.

We thought that we are the only fans nervously waiting for the release of the film REAL. We never expect that thousands of his fans in China are preparing (or should have started long ago) for the support of the film.

Due to the printings, we cant decipher most parts of the articles but generally Fans are preparing not only for his birthday celebration but also the first day of the release of REAL in Korea.  Fans are aiming at taking up (hopefully we are correct in our reading) about 300,000 tickets for the first day of the release of REAL in Korea. We believe this is the most ambitious and of course greatest project any fans undertake for their loved actor. We do also believe that just from the Koreans itself, this figure can be easily achieved on the first day of release even without the help of fans. We just read the survey conducted not long ago that the most anticipated movie for 2017 is REAL.

Just imagine the day of release of REAL in Korea where all theatres showing the movie will be swamped by fans of Soo Hyun from China and local and the commotions;

Just imagine the awesome sights of all the gifts (probably rice) donated by the fans for the needy displayed in front of the said theatres;

Just imagine all the busy reporters, journalists or writers in front of the theatres gathering pictures and information;

Just imagine the number of media postings in korea and also HongKong on the following day;

Just imagine his other international fans uneasiness while waiting  for the news of the first day of release in Korea;

Just imagine the young man grinning at every person that pass by him and also not being to sleep for the past 48 hours or more;

Just imagine KeyEast and Alibaba and all organisations involved in the production of REAL anxiously waiting for the actual figures of tickets sold on that day; last but not the least, do check on whether the 3 of us are still breathing.

We do salute to those fans of Soo Hyun working laboriously for the sake of LOVE though Soo Hyun deserves such treatment being such a sincere and humble actor. Never asking for anything from fans but quietly slogging to improve his acting skills to be a real actor.

REAL fighting. SOO HYUN's fans fighting. 3 of us fighting.



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We just read a link naming some of the best kissers (actors) and was so happy that Soo Hyun was NOT named among them. We admit proudly that we are conservative, we are "old fashion" "out of date" etc etc.

Not only was Soo Hyun not named but described by one of the comments as "stiff". This comment was even better TO US than the fact that  Soo Hyun was not included in the list as the next on the list not published may be him.

Why are we so consoled that he was not in the list which is to say that he was regarded generally as not a good kisser?

We dont know Soo Hyun personally. We read his characters from his activities, fans meetings, award winning speeches and from interviews conducted on him. To us, a hypocrite can act as a gentleman  for a while but can never stand the test of time. In our eyes, Soo Hyun is a perfect gentleman. He respects every one around him whether his junior or seniors, whether friends or strangers. Definitely he will also respect his co-stars on screens or off screens.  Our guess for Soo Hyun would be, since he was required to kiss due to the scripts, he would but definitely no taking of  advantage and kissing to hearts content. We trust that from his prowess acting, he is definitely capable of kissing to the contents of all watchers. However, he did not choose to. We respect him even more now.

We heard of co-stars slapping the main lead on site  for being taken advantage of.  So, we are so happy to read that Soo Hyun is very stiff and no good in his kissing of co-stars. Keep it up.  Soo Hyun, you need not show your skill in this aspect since you already exceeded expectations in all other aspects of acting.


Foto Kim Soo Hyun International Fanclub.

cr to owner

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On 24/12/2016 at 1:11 PM, hwonhwon_stv said:

100 Korean Drama , the most popular K-Drama for Chinese audience [ Winter 2016 edition ]

Still use the data to speak , over the years , still YWCFTS / MLFTS in Chinese hearts

All Soo Hyun's drama in the list :

1. You Who Came From The Stars ranked no 1

2. Moon Embracing The Sun ranked no 23

3. Producer ranked no 49

4. Dream High ranked no 50


Foto Amanda Natalia.


Source : weibo


Hwonhwon, any possibility of getting a bigger chart where we can at least read the first 25 dramas. It should be very interesting to know those earlier dramas that had great impact and  are still in the hearts of the Chinese. Please dont give us the link because to date we dont know how to get through to Weibo.


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