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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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[TWEETS] KHJ "snippets" 

KHJ "snippets" fr Baebb:

<KHJ> (bb: this is a cute Account of HJ's trademark behavior ^^)

the KHJ whom i know... has never gotten his exit right at the airport, gets his dates wrong, smiles till his eyes 'disappear' when he's happy, likes to put his hands to his chest when he's frightened, feet are always turned inwards when seated, likes to close his eyes slightly and tilts his head lightly when he's thinking, has a tendency to take microphones apart, and oh, also has the habit of parting his fringe with chopsticks... all so typically KHJ. 
can you imagine these in your head? hahahaha, all are welcomed to contribute more to the list~


<KHJ> when the City Conquest sneaks were being played during te FM in japan, emcee had said contents were from eps 1&2, actually those were from eps 6&7. more clips will also be released in korea soon, so do look forward to these. the promotion activities in january will see participation of many many actors and actresses too.

(info from japanese staff blog, chinese trans from weibo)

Tweeted by @lafone0606
 RT @lafone0606: Another digest version of City Conquest will be released very soon in Korea, according to CEO of Trend Beaute:

The special digest version of City of Conquest covers episode 6 and 7 though it was introduced as EP 1 and 2 at the event. Further, it was cut back from 30-minutes edited in Korea to the shorter one in Japan. They had to take into account the time for Hyun Joong's live performance.  

It may be difficult to understand the entire story from the digest, but another version will be released very soon.  

After the event, we moved to the restarurant for a closing party, I happened to listen to very interesting conversation in a car on the way to the party venue.  

It was the first time for me to listen to his songs live at Budoukan.  All the songs were rearranged for the purpose of band performance; he really worked hard to prepare for this live. 

The director (Mr.Yang, CCQ director) who had also seen Hyun Joong ssi's live in the past mentioned as follws:

Hyn Joong ssi usually sings at his high tone, which, he thinks, a bit womanlike style and maybe good as if continues only as a singer. The director feels today's performance much matured and deep, which he thinks will be better if Hyun Joong ssi continues as actor as well. Everyone in the same car preferred band performance. 


Tweeted by 5starsAs1
[FANACCOUNT] A DCGallery fan went to Budokan possibly for KHJ's City Conquest promotional event. Later, she went to KHJ's favorite ramen restaurant, Gyushu Jangara Ramen. Maybe there's a lot of fans who also went there before, when this fan entered the restaurant, the waitress helped her to take a photo even when she didn't request for it, after that, the waitress also guided her to the seat where KHJ used to sit, and friendly introduced the menu ^^ (cr: DC/내사랑♡현중):http://yfrog.com/h6zdjndj (from http://tl.gd/jhvnmo)

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class="post-title entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; font-family: Arial, tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; color: rgb(30, 89, 142); text-shadow: rgb(255, 255, 255) 1px 1px 1px; line-height: 22px; overflow: hidden; "Kim Hyun Joong holds successful fan club event
CREDIT TO: http://www.dkpopnews.net/2012/10/kim-hyun-joong-holds-successful-fan.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

Hallyu star Kim Hyun Joong successfully held a first anniversary event of his official Japanese fan club.

On October 4, Kim Hyun Joong met over 10,000 fans at Budokan in Japan to celebrate the first anniversary of his official Japanese fan club and to introduce his upcoming TV series ‘City Conquest.’ Director Yang Yoon Ho and actress Jung Yu Mi, who is also starring in the series, attended the event as special guests to talk about the new drama.

The highlight of the event was Kim Hyun Joong’s special performance. Kim Hyun Joong, who always has been showing quality sounds and fantastic performance, rearranged his hit songs with a band and impressed the audience with his amazing talent.

The audience went wild with excitement as the Hallyu star performed his songs, “Do You Like That,” “Lucky Guy,” and “Heat.” His sweet ballads, including, “Marry Me” and “I’m Your Man” also captured the audience.

He concluded the event saying, Thank you for those who are always there for me. I’d love celebrate endless anniversaries. I hope we will maintain our healthy relationship forever, and I’ll do my best to return with better music and better acting.”
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[NEWS] Kim Hyun Joong holds a Japanese event with over 10,000 fans


reposted from: lovekimhyunjoong.com

Kim Hyun Joong holds a Japanese event with over 10,000 fans

Kim Hyun Joong recently held an event to celebrate the first anniversary of his Japanese official fan club.

On October 4, Kim met over 10,000 fans at Budokan in Japan to celebrate the first anniversary of the fan club Henecia Japan.

At the event, Kim also introduced his TV series City Conquest, which he is currently working on.

Director Yang Yoon Ho and actress Jung Yoo Mi of the series attended the event as special guests to talk about the series.

They also had some time to talk to those in attendance about the series and Kim.

The digest version of the series and the making film were released for the first time at the event and received considerable attention.

The highlight of the event was Kim’s special performance. Kim rearranged his hit songs with a band and impressed the audience with the high quality sound and fantastic performances.

He made the audience wild with excitement by performing songs, including, “Do You Like That,” “Lucky Guy,” and “Heat.” His sweet ballads, including, “Marry Me” and “I’m Your Man” also captured the audience.

Kim made people laugh by saying, “I want to thank Henecia Japan members for always supporting me. I want to celebrate the fifth, tenth, and the hundredth anniversary with you. In order to do that, I will perform good songs and act well, and you stay healthy with good food and medicines.”

The series, which is starring Kim, will air on KBS in the first half of 2013.

Source: TV Report

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id="watch-headline-title"121004 Kim Hyun Joong(김현중)-Mir's Love(Don't re-upload,Don't re-edit)@City Conquest promotion


This is the pre-video screened City Conquest promotion..
So "Never" "Don't make" any video using this..

Don't re-upload, re-edit & erase the logo!
Don't re-make any other video using my video!
(No capture & No flash video)
Don't move this video to everywhere that are related "We got married"
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id="watch-headline-title" style="font-family: Arial, Verdana; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; line-height: normal; "[121004] Kim Hyun Joong(김현중)-Talk@City Conquest promotionuploader: hollishyun
Don't re-upload, re-edit & erase the logo!
Don't re-make any other video using my video!
(No capture & No flash video)
Don't move this video to everywhere that are related "We got married"

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class="yiv1128758533post-title" style="font-size: 20px; margin: 0px; "[Photos] [직찍]KIM HYUN JOONG ‘HENECIA JAPAN’ 1주년 기념 & 드라마 ‘도시정벌’ Memorial Event -2012.10.04 class="yiv1128758533post-title" style="font-size: 20px; margin: 0px; "
reposted from : HYUNNIE PEXER'S BLOG by crazy4hyun

Credit:   http://blog.daum.net/a-hlia



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ENG TRANSLATION : tlbpc of soompi
At the FM two days ago in Japan with the director of City Conquest, HJ was interviewed and answered questions from fans on stage about the drama.  Quite a lot were said as I read from the lengthy translations into Chinese on Baidu but out of all of it there are only two "highlights" HJ said that I think is interesting enough for me to spend time to translate it to English for sharing here.  Well, it's for those who are interested and can't read Chinese -

Source: Baidu KHJ BarTranslated to Chinese by : HYLCA@Baidu KHJ BarTranslation from Chinese to english by tlbpc of soompi
Fan's question:  What similarities do you have with the drama character?
HJ: (After long and much thinking) Although I don't know whether you believe or not, like Mir having some one who likes him or already have someone he truly loves, will think of using his life to protect her that sort of thinking, can't say it's the same but I also have very much the same thinking.
Q: For the drama you have been working very hard on it so what are the audience to watch for?
HJ: The scene on the roof top used the most time to film it.  I really work very hard on filming it and also the kissing scenes (big commotions from fans) .....so does it mean don't have to work hard on it is better?  Can't do it carelessly right? But if everyone think so then will film it carelessly then.....joking (laugh)...... (the rest, no time to translate, not so important....keke)
Just want to add that after the teaser of "CC" was shown and the director with JYM appeared on stage with HJ.  
JYM: Earlier when the trailer was shown I was very worried backstage because towards the end I can hear that everyone reacted intensely, if you are angry then I'm really sorry.
HJ: (In Japanese) Never mind because it's only acting (fans claps, how reassuring is he....keke)

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class="yiv338659528post-title" style="margin: 0px; "[Pexers Article] Call Him Mir. Baek Mir class="yiv338659528post-title" style="margin: 0px; "
Reposted from : Hyunnie Pexer's Blog 

I don't think this was posted here ... ....... 

Author:  Aprilstarr
Caps Credit as Tagged

In South Korea, the fans waved goodbye to a familiar figure and yet strangely felt like another man was leaving.Cameras almost in his face. In Japan the scenario was a little dissimilar.The airport slowly filled up with anticipating fans lined in one side barricaded with posts. The fans had their cellphones aimed at one direction. Then the commotion began.The familiar figure emerged from a room with a contingent of males clad in regulation escort/security black suit.He was not the lone celebrity but everyone knew the screams were for him alone.The waiting was for him. Burst of screams started: Rida! Rida! Oppa ! Oppa ! The fancams began taking shots.


Of course he acknowledged the greetings -bowing here and there.Flashing smiles, waving hands, standing briefly with his costar while the gathered crowd just couldn't get enough of their man.Mostly fans were preoccupied recording the moments with their fancams but not a pre-adolescent girl in the goodbye airport who managed to almost touch the almost unrealistic goodlooker passing by. Is he even human with his looks and demeanor?


Who's he? Why call him Rida/Oppa? Can't they not tell ? The bird nest hairstyle.The facial expression "me fighting the ugly and cruel world". The rugged attire. Excuse me -it can't hide the broad shoulder,the manly demeanor, the strong fast strides, no cutesy patootsy this time.


The guy is Mir. Baek Mir. He who was left by a father for his job. But it isn't simple absentee fatherhood -it is a complicated matter. This is what Baek Mir got himself into.


In City Conquest.The drama we are all waiting for but he is doing the production conference also initial promotion in Japan as I am writing this article. Not in the customary land of origin -in this case SK. What's going on? But does it matter? What matters is that airing will be soon be available -wherever it is from, that is through the technology of telecommunication the drama will make it to the small screens to us.That's all we care. In case it premieres in another geographical space it can only truly turn him into global star and another first after YouTube showed his Playful kiss extension. This guy is doing a lot of first times.


In the meantime, meet and greet Baek Mir. Nah,he is not Kim Hyun Joong. Should I tell that to the marines instead?


Is it still the same -the actor but not his roles? Can we not even for a short duration believe he is Baek Mir? We have affectionately called him Jihoo. Many still do even after he has said goodbye to this BOF landmark drama for him. We can do the same this time.This time he has transformed again -internalized as well as externalized the new role. I had to take second,third,fourth look and every time is convinced I am staring at a different man.


It is best that we didn't see him for awhile.The old form is gone and replaced by the new image. The less public exposure would be effective for actors to have that change it is often said. And to think we are just seeing him from just still pictures,bits and pieces of teaser shots and videos now the airport scenes. Now, what if we are already watching the drama ? Oh come first episode.Start now.


Yes,Raven -he is not your singer /performer anymore. Baek Mir has arrived - a living, breathing man who strode to us from the pages of the Korean Manhwa City Conquest.

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class="yiv1707048090post-title" style="margin: 0px; "[Pexers Article] KHJ: The Birth of a Rocker Hunk class="yiv1707048090post-title" style="margin: 0px; "
reposted from: Hyunnie Pexer's Blog

Author:  Aprilstarr

Fan Arts:  leperez

Another evolution in a celebrity lifespan has happened before our eyes. The rocker hunk has been born.Oh, we have seen details here and there. The form, the sounds, the movements, the looks were there way early on in this singer's career. Dance music with a boy band,however, prevailed for many years. But the rock spirit has been there in the DNA of this rocker. In fact, never left.

Maybe laid dormant for some time...stunted growth but waiting to be out in the open finally.In its almost full bloom we are now witnessing the transformation. The rocker in Kim Hyun Joong we saw again after a few hibernating years when he launched HEAT. It must have been liberating and energizing to perform with a live band -a heavy metal band at that -the Downhell in creating the MV. But nothing more exhilarating than performing live with them when HEAT was launched before the Japanese fans.

Repeated performance and confirmed status at Budokan with the band we no longer see a gangly rocker wannabe but a hunk, a gorgeous one, singing with all his might and force.Moving his head and the rest of his body with the rock beat.

Who said, a dream can't come true after all ? One just needs the right timing to find one's groove back. City Conquest,the drama gave him the booster power in a way,the push to get away from the box he was stuffed in for a while.He likes that and most of us also acknowledged that, yeah, it's about time he graduates from the soft, quiet strength of flower boy images of Jihoo and Seung Jo into the hunk, alpha male (though he has always been one personally)of Mir now battling the rough social terrain of the world.

Shall I specify how hunk he has become? Shall I name the ways we are now swooning over him? He could be in shiny leather upper attire,or in his most casual Tshirt. And yes in his tight jeans. But they all scream buffed arm muscles, manly chest, broad and strong shoulders as well as virility for the rest of his anatomy. No doubt the stunning report card of physical fitness efforts earnestly pursued. The handsome face on the other hand , no hairstyle can possibly mess up, is still there -only handsomer than ever. Wonder what Jung Yumi felt when his strong arms caged her even for the brief episodes shoots of the drama.

Now partner the thought of being the hunk with his newfound freedom to be the rocker. Did you notice his movements -all confident, so sure of himself not that he wasn't in his old form, so very at ease, so happy to be in that stage with the band.Every part of his body in sync with the rock beat. He has found his old genre all over again. I can see a different music to be written for him and by him in his next musical productions.

And so he can now bid goodbye to the flower boy looks and persona, though his commercials might still hang on to that. Some of his fans might find weaning themselves from the familiar image is hard. But then he can bequeath that to the new kids on the block and those waiting at the wings.

But for me, I don't know about you, I embrace the reborn Kim Hyun Joong.

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class="yiv690235524post-title" style="margin: 0px; "Kim Hyun Joong…[article] TEASING SCENE class="yiv690235524post-title" style="margin: 0px; "
by LazerKim


By: LazerKim          

At last a teaser of Kim Hyun Joong's City Conquest is at YouTube and had been posted all over internet since yesterday, that his fans started feasting about the teaser!! There were two clips of teaser which actually taken from the concert at Budokan, one is an action scene and the other is an emotional scene. Watching from the teasers even made the fans activate their eagerness to watch City Conquest!! That for me, if I can only pull up the time hoping it's already January 2013 as from this month I'm sure we'll be moving closer to its airing date!!

Watching from these teasers I would say it's worth waiting for. Is this really him?? Hyun Joong's character here is completely different from his previous dramas and showed a lot of challenges even seeing from just a sneak pre-view. Hyun Joong was right as he was so excited in his message to show this sneak previews to us. It was said that there shall be other teasers to be released in Korea that for sure it shall be shown at the internet as well. We just have to wait for those other teasers, but I'm happy now to have at least an idea how his drama is coming around, that's it's definitely a piece of work worth waiting for.



May I just cut your reading from the topic, allow me to mention an incident yesterday. Much that I wanted to share the video link of the teaser of City Conquest with you I think I have to refrain from doing so from now on and in the future. I'm not so familiar with internet usage, I would just like to be extra careful in posting specially video clips even just the link. There are video clips with this statement:

Don't re-upload, re-edit & erase the logo!
Don't re-make any other video using my video!
(No capture & No flash video)
Don't move this video to everywhere that are related "We got married"

Yesterday somebody violated this rule as stated above from the owner of the video clip. If we see in any video clips of Hyun Joong with the said statement, please do follow. This is just a matter of etiquette and respect to the owner. What happened yesterday was that the video clip of the concert in Budokan was moved to another site and put in some translation to the video, while the rule said not to move the video to anywhere else. The owner have every reason why she stated some rules to be followed, and it is her right, let us respect.

One time I posted links of Legacy but with the consent of Jackie the owner of the video clips to share the links. Since it was only link being posted, it will lead my readers to Jackie's site at YouTube to view the videos from her site. The video clips of Hyun Joong are meant exclusively for viewing only. I think we can save the video in our playlist but it has to be for the sole purpose of viewing ONLY and nothing more than that. Although I trust my readers are matured, however, I would just like to be extra careful. Anyway this blog is meant for reading so I might as well maintain it that way. And thank you for understanding. 



The first teaser is a scene that seems Hyun Joong was wounded, he was in topless that showed a well-developed chest muscles and his abs that looks tough and admittedly sexy.  He looks so handsome as he was laying on a Japanese floor mattress, his skin was a bit soft tan which even emphasized his bulging abs and gorgeous chest, displayed a perfectly proportioned body built. Hyun Joong seriously worked out on his built and turned out an ideal manly figure.

There was a fight scene between Hyun Joong and about 3 or 4 men, the scenes may seem to be in a flash but what I have seen from Hyun Joong is his body flexibility while acting on his stunts. Hyun Joong indeed is a dancer and I can see it from his stunt moves that can't be denied that even looks perfectly natural and not the try hard stiff stunt. Hyun Joong was quite loose in his movements but totally in control. I love this guy, action scene suits him the best! Gosh, he really gotten rid of his flower boy image, this is a different Hyun Joong that we see in action. And I think he had achieved what he was aiming for in image change in his maturing stage of life for real, even in front of the cameras in this drama.

On the second teaser, Hyun Joong was riding in a pick up truck with a friend driving. Hyun Joong noticed a girl at the street side walk who was Yoo Mi. It seem to me Hyun Joong thought he was imagining to be seeing Yoo Mi at the street side walk and realize it was her as he got out of the truck and run to her. Oh such an emotional scene that really struck my heart! There was no dialogue it was simply looking at each other's eyes as tears just fell.

It was purely emotional acting that Hyun Joong speaks of his emotions while slowly walking towards her, that no words was said but simply display of feelings through his eyes that tells what is inside him allowing his audience to feel, as he finally embraced Yoo Mi so tightly as if not wanting to let go! *sigh* How I wish to watch a bit longer teaser!! The OST is also good and I like it. I watched this over and over yesterday and instantly got hooked! That in my mind I was saying, oh my God how long am I going to wait for this!!



Hyun Joong's last drama Playful Kiss was back in 2010, and now here he goes after almost two years back in filming drama. The teaser of City Conquest that we have seen maybe too short but we have somehow seen the difference in Hyun Joong's character. Hyun Joong knows he was being criticized from the two previous dramas he had, although we know it was unjustified criticism, but Hyun Joong did not take those for granted. He took the initiative to be trained in improving his acting ability.

After two years going back to filming feels like starting all over again like a first timer actor which is very natural feeling. Specially with Hyun Joong's case he started filming this drama at the midst of his second album launching. We have seen his pictures on his first week of filming and he seems to be happy enjoying the shooting after seeing him wearing the geisha costume that he couldn't control his laughter! In his concert in Saitama he sung the Japanese song Anata Ni and he said he heard this song, he was struck by it during the period he was worrying about his filming for City Conquest. Then recently he wrote to us feeling excited about showing us the teaser of City Conquest, and now seeing from it, I would say he's right, this is a drama worth waiting for and to be excited about it!

Yesterday before these video clips landed on my email, I was actually watching Hyun Joong's behind the scene clips from BOF, that while watching it I was wishing to watch the videos of BTS captured during the filming of City Conquest. Hyun Joong is a very diligent actor, I have watched behind the scene from BOF as Jihoo was trying to save Jandi from being drowned. Jihoo carried Jandi off from the beach and made a lot of NGs!! So Hyun Joong has to repeat until I think take 5 continuously that he has to carry Jandi from the water. But you wouldn't see him react of feeling tired, nor complain, he simply doesn't mind at all and do whatever is gonna be good for the drama and achieve perfection within the scope of his ability being an actor rookie!



While watching those behind the scenes from both dramas, these scenarios reminded me of his documentary as his musical director stated, Hyun Joong doesn't stop, he takes the initiative of repeating until he achieve his own satisfaction to perfect what is needed to. The same statement echoed from Lucas, Artmatic captain, Hyun Joong would keep practicing until his dancers dropped, but Hyun Joong would just take a brief break. Lucas would say Hyun Joong has to rest, and he will rest but while doing so, he starts practice singing!! It's Hyun Joong's passion to his craft that's burning inside him,  that is making him pushed to his limits. And so I can imagine him doing the same thing for City Conquest, having the same work attitude while filming.

I think Hyun Joong was well prepared in this filming despite of his tight schedule running from here and there, preparing for his concert, launching his album, and diving to acting right there, it was tough though. But somehow I can see the difference in his aura in doing this drama from his previous ones. KeyEast has been taking care of him, the staffs were there to support  all the way knowing the gravity Hyun Joong has on his shoulders but he seems happy. Do you know why? Because he had already seen his fans support and he already felt their love for him.

Let's analyse the entire scenario. Hyun Joong settled with City Conquest before he did his Asia Tour. He first revealed about City Conquest on his first stop in Singapore during his press conference. The entire period of his Asian Tour concert which turned out to be a tremendous success, he was already preparing for this drama while on the tour. Then right after which followed by his second album launching Heat, that we all know what transpire during that time. Ranking no.1 at Oricon on its first day launching, the handshake session attended by thousands of his fans and street dancing that brought a lot of noise! And the overwhelming success of his concert in Saitama. Not to mention the advance copyright sales on City Conquest prior to filming, which is very rare to happen.



All of these may be a huge expectation on Hyun Joong which can be such a stress, but seeing his fans with those big smiles and chanting his name, for an artist like Hyun Joong this is such a strength for him and an inspiration. He was worried on his first days of filming in Japan I'm pretty sure of that, but the love he felt during his concerts ease down those worries. Seeing from the time he was doing BOF and PK, I would say Hyun Joong had changed,  I think this time he has a better confidence and I'm pretty sure he had already felt what he wants to feel. And that is your love to him.

He came from a lot of anxieties from his previous dramas, remember?  He had surpassed those and now, the drama production may be having some problem with technicalities but those are doable and bearable to resolve compare to what he had gone through in the past emotionally and mentally. But those challenges made him stronger to stand on his own this time and it's time to prove himself again in acting with a better foundation both in terms of career management and emotional stability with his fans.

After watching the sneak preview of City Conquest, by now we know the drama is worth waiting for. This is just my opinion but I think this drama is made out of love, seeing Hyun Joong happy working on this drama, it's for the love to his fans that has been inspiring him.

The scenes we have seen is such a teaser that fueled up our eagerness and ignite the desire to stay and wait for him, because he did it out of love for us, Kim Hyun Joong indeed is a great teaser to his fans!!!

                                                                                              LazerKim here writing

Photo credits as tagged, Ms.D thanks!


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