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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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Yeah, someone was stalking him.  He only had the equivilant of 2 shots according to blood alcohol level reported.  Fell asleep in the car after moving it.  Is that illegal in SK?  To sleep in your car (in the driver's seat)?  It's nothing really.  There are many, many idols w/this kind of thing, & our boy does drink (maybe too much) :(


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1 hour ago, Teleri Nyfain said:

Yeah, someone was stalking him.  He only had the equivilant of 2 shots according to blood alcohol level reported.  Fell asleep in the car after moving it.  Is that illegal in SK?  To sleep in your car (in the driver's seat)?  It's nothing really.  There are many, many idols w/this kind of thing, & our boy does drink (maybe too much) :(


Seriously,  what a joke !!!!

If that's the case why not just ban the liquor altogether! Also the last I check the offence shud be 'DRIVING under alcohol incluence' not 'SLEEPING under alcohol incluence' :rolleyes: our guy was just sleeping & his car wasn't even moving but he got his licence suspended....this on top of altered sms msg as evidence & no birth record of a so called KHJ's son nor a proof of his existence, also picture of a used pregnancy test kit as proof of prenancy *roll-eyes* hmmmm...some weird law they practice there in Korea :blink:

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Yes!!!! Our poor boy... he was just sleeping on the driving seat,after trying to move the car to a diff place at the request of parking assistant. he was not even driving! Guess he needs one of us with him full time!.. we can take turns.. hourly shift-to keep him safe!

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Hi Henecias....

I'm  not KHJ fan but I'm  triple S & respect  him as our leader , he is our  very nice & Strong  Leader...

I just came here to say this :  I believe  that this one is another Media play to bring him down , don't  know  when they'll  leave him alone ...

I and all of Triple S belive in him & Will support him , I believe  he can make it again if Medias  allow him , So Fighthing  Hyun Jung , our Strong  Learder ...ppl will know about the truth  one day ... 

Fighting  Henecias , Fighting  Hyun Jong , Fighting  Ss501 ...

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I have been away for a while , and I have been seeing a lot of people saying that there might not be a child.  That the child might be A's sisters baby. So this is where i'm confused.  I also feel this DUI thing was a set up in order to get him in some trouble. The attendant could of offered to move the car for him... 

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There's nothing confirmed yet

It says"insiders claims dat the drunk-driving issue could bring a negative effect onFM so it could b canceled"

It is a totally biased article .. (from Allkpop)



hope all this article be fake...
i'm so worry for hyun joong...
& think he is felt so lonely now...

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HJ has the upperhand in the case, HJ is about to do FM that SOLDOUT, he opened an IG which is a big deal bcuz he is private and hes about to upgrade his website,hes about to drop a album .. THEY MAD that HJ is still WINNING and moving forward despite all the hate and they will do any and everything to mess it up ..THE SABOTAGE IS REAL YALL!!! 

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From Lynn Kim: ( My thoughts exactly and I am sharing this to all)

Hello beloved Henecia sisters.
I just want to share my thoughts regarding HJ’s drink driving matter that was discussed among fans.
No doubt every fan is disappointed & upset that this has happened because of his lack of judgement on that night. It is because HJ is a very special person to us all in different ways, that is why it hurt even deeper.
But please remember that HJ is also a human being just like all of us, flaws & all. As a fan, we love to see that our bias do not make any mistakes, but in reality, this is impossible. Drink driving is definitely NOT acceptable as it can, not only hurt himself but it could hurt others too. I am not giving excuses for his indiscretion but I would like that we see the possible good that can come from the bad at this moment.
Yes, he should have known better than to be on the driver’s seat after drinking, but he did not. He should have had sleep every day, and he did not. He did not sleep because he is a workaholic & wanting to please us fan to his best ability. He did not intentionally want to drive while drunk (he was asked to move his car by parking attendant), and I believe because he was so lack of sleep, his judgement was impaired & did not think it through about getting into the driver’s seat. Once again, I want to be clear that I am not giving excuses for his actions, but I simply would like us all to take a step back & consider all the circumstances he was in so as to help understand & accept what had happened & not be too harsh on him because it is a mistake that he made. We do not condone his action, but he also did not do it intentionally.
Sometimes bad things happen to prevent worst things from happening. I hope we all can see the half glass full rather than half glass empty.
The good that can come out of this is he will be more careful next time…a prevention of worse things that could happen, and hopefully he can see that he needs to take care of himself & think of himself more (that’s where we as fans need to tell him & remind him constantly) & not just work to ‘repay’ his ‘debt’ to us for our continued support.
He is the one who is hurting the most from this now, so please be gracious in our chats, comments & stop sharing, tweeting or retweeting articles that are not helpful.
What other artists would have done & expected by netizens is to withdraw from public eye. But KE said in today’s article that there is no change to his FM & it is still happening. This is truly good news. This is one good thing happening already, he is a fighter, that he does not go with the ‘trend’ & just accepting what is expected of him withdrawing, hopefully this is a start of where he can change the judgmental culture of Korea. He faces things head on.
The fact that the FM is continuing despite what had happened may even make the FM more precious….
Please cheer up all & continue to cheer him on…and remember he is a man with flaws & all, just like us. 
An imperfect human...270c.png

from ME: Henecia World :The parking attendant asked HJ to change parking why?, exactly at the time the police came... and he was ask to do blood test and his license suspended then the other driver saw HJ slept in his car, not driving,the other driver is HJ's stalker, a relative or paid stalker of choi so much coincidene. Something is really fishy... Lets continue to pray for HJ, they (you know who they are) will not stop until HJ will give -up and drop charges and ruin his career.
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6 hours ago, Teleri Nyfain said:

WHY would this minor incident affect a SOLD OUT fan meet anyway?  Just ridiculous!



Hi Teleri Nyfain, don't worry, he goes ahead with the schedules as planned especially the FM. Can't wait for April 29. .  :lol:

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17 hours ago, odik said:

There's nothing confirmed yet

It says"insiders claims dat the drunk-driving issue could bring a negative effect onFM so it could b canceled"

It is a totally biased article .. (from Allkpop)



hope all this article be fake...
i'm so worry for hyun joong...
& think he is felt so lonely now...


People who were caught sleeping in their car after drinking alcohol, not only got their driving licence suspended,  they can't sing too?????!!!!!! 

What a @*$&/, $&$&$&$&#&$&#;";

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11 hours ago, newyorkcitygirl said:

From Lynn Kim: ( My thoughts exactly and I am sharing this to all)

Hello beloved Henecia sisters.
I just want to share my thoughts regarding HJ’s drink driving matter that was discussed among fans.
No doubt every fan is disappointed & upset that this has happened because of his lack of judgement on that night. It is because HJ is a very special person to us all in different ways, that is why it hurt even deeper.
But please remember that HJ is also a human being just like all of us, flaws & all. As a fan, we love to see that our bias do not make any mistakes, but in reality, this is impossible. Drink driving is definitely NOT acceptable as it can, not only hurt himself but it could hurt others too. I am not giving excuses for his indiscretion but I would like that we see the possible good that can come from the bad at this moment.
Yes, he should have known better than to be on the driver’s seat after drinking, but he did not. He should have had sleep every day, and he did not. He did not sleep because he is a workaholic & wanting to please us fan to his best ability. He did not intentionally want to drive while drunk (he was asked to move his car by parking attendant), and I believe because he was so lack of sleep, his judgement was impaired & did not think it through about getting into the driver’s seat. Once again, I want to be clear that I am not giving excuses for his actions, but I simply would like us all to take a step back & consider all the circumstances he was in so as to help understand & accept what had happened & not be too harsh on him because it is a mistake that he made. We do not condone his action, but he also did not do it intentionally.
Sometimes bad things happen to prevent worst things from happening. I hope we all can see the half glass full rather than half glass empty.
The good that can come out of this is he will be more careful next time…a prevention of worse things that could happen, and hopefully he can see that he needs to take care of himself & think of himself more (that’s where we as fans need to tell him & remind him constantly) & not just work to ‘repay’ his ‘debt’ to us for our continued support.
He is the one who is hurting the most from this now, so please be gracious in our chats, comments & stop sharing, tweeting or retweeting articles that are not helpful.
What other artists would have done & expected by netizens is to withdraw from public eye. But KE said in today’s article that there is no change to his FM & it is still happening. This is truly good news. This is one good thing happening already, he is a fighter, that he does not go with the ‘trend’ & just accepting what is expected of him withdrawing, hopefully this is a start of where he can change the judgmental culture of Korea. He faces things head on.
The fact that the FM is continuing despite what had happened may even make the FM more precious….
Please cheer up all & continue to cheer him on…and remember he is a man with flaws & all, just like us. 
An imperfect human...270c.png

from ME: Henecia World :The parking attendant asked HJ to change parking why?, exactly at the time the police came... and he was ask to do blood test and his license suspended then the other driver saw HJ slept in his car, not driving,the other driver is HJ's stalker, a relative or paid stalker of choi so much coincidene. Something is really fishy... Lets continue to pray for HJ, they (you know who they are) will not stop until HJ will give -up and drop charges and ruin his career.


Thanks so much for posting this thoughtful comment. i totally agree with her point of view.  choi hye mi and the gang will do whatever they can to discredit HJ and discourage his fans and his supporters.. He just need to be firm and clam and do what he needs to do. They are now try all tricks they can even called him as a witness. That is her character which is the same thing when she made several big lies to him and to public. We will see how the judge and the persecutor handle her trick.

I believe the support from fans will help him a great deal .It's so funny but not funny to see those criminal supporters gather together again in allkpop and soompi forum to repeat choi hye mi 's old lies.These haters are full of suffering in their life and learn nothing.  The recent lesson will help him to be more careful and take care of himself much better. I wish i can order him not to drink. However I think the incident kind of unusual and strange. He needs to be more careful about stalker may be.

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I used to feel frustrate to see bias harsh comment in allkpop and soompi.  i thought where these horrible people come from. Some haters are really horrible their hateful hearts and their evil minds reflect strongly in the language they used and the actions they showed in the comment box. Now I feel totally different i have sympathy toward them they are sad ignorant people or people who seem to be unhappy in their life. Some of them probably are mentally disordered . Coming to internet to show off their power by condemning other people are the way to feel good about themselves.  I think some of them are paid and some are choi's friends if not herself.

I realize the most important is KHJ knew those who still condemn him will continue to do so no matter what and he has people especially his fans who believe in him and will continue to support him no matter what. He should have just to focus on doing the best for his life and live his life the best he can while he can. Haters is just haters let them suffer their life as much as they want but not let their suffering to cause him suffer. .

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Guest shariman66

I'm feeling the same as the previous poster ~ hyunjoong is getting sabotaged.

He's sleeping in his car & that's a crime?!!

Psychoi & gang are getting desperate, aren't they?

What does it mean about him being called up as a witness?

I've watched too many shows where the prosecutor deliberately questioned the witness in such a way that made it seem as though the witness was the one at fault & not the defendant.

I do hope it's not going to be the case in real court cases.

That loathsome AKP ~ no one said anything about cancellation yet once again they deliberately misconstrued their report.

One of these days I hope some agency will sue them well & truly.



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From what I've gleaned, he was totally exhausted, got together w/his buddies & had a couple drinks, then for whatever reason decided to drive home.  Since he only had a couple drinks MAX (per published blood level alcohol), nobody thought anything about it.  But once he started driving, he apparently did, stopped at the intersection to call his buddies to come, then fell asleep at the wheel.  The cops got there before his friends did.
Someone was most likely following him, to see if he messed up, that's my opinion.  Anyway, it was the exhaustion that did him in.  This would probably have happened even if he'd been under the SK legal limit, cause of fatigue :(

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Kim Hyun Joong’s Agency Responds To Reports Saying They Lied About Drunk Driving Incident




KeyEast Entertainment has come under fire for possibly lying about the circumstances surrounding their artist Kim Hyun Joong’s recent driving under the influence incident.

See also: Kim Hyun Joong’s License Suspended For Drunk Driving

According to a report by news outlet Channel A on March 31, the singer was not moving his car as per request by a parking attendant nor did he drive less than one kilometer, a different story than KeyEast Entertainment’s original explanation.

While showing reported security camera proof, the news outlet explained that Kim Hyun Joong had fallen asleep behind the wheel at a stoplight while under the influence for approximately 15 minutes before the police came. The location of his car was not near the place he was drinking with friends, but supposedly around three kilometers away. The newscaster also stated that they have confirmation that Kim Hyun Joong was actually driving home, rather than moving his car.




When Channel A asked KeyEast about the discrepancy, the agency stated, “We were not attempting to justify a wrongdoing.”

To another news outlet, the agency reiterated that they were not trying to excuse his wrongful actions, and further elaborated, “We explained what we confirmed as the truth about what happened during the situation at the time. [Kim Hyun Joong] acknowledges his mistake of driving under the influence and is reflecting, just like how it was revealed the first time around.”

Kim Hyun Joong was recently revealed to have had his license suspended after his blood alcohol level was measured to be 0.075 percent while behind the wheel. The singer will be proceeding with his scheduled activities despite this recent incident.

What are your thoughts on this latest development?


Source (1) (2) / soompi news

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