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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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When i read what they bashed him i just feel pity for these people they seem to enjoy bashing him the comment they wrote are so ignorance and groundless or keep repeating choi 's lies or seon medias play. i therefore stop reading. i decide it's not worth to respond because i believe their brain can't take it.

I hope HJ stay strong and stay firm on his stand. let seon dance around using his manipulative tactic. i believe SK public are not stupid the more seon try to stain KHJ the more he looks stupid and ugly.

HJ fighting . This is just a beginning .  I will always support you and waiting for your return. ,

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Even after he admitted to the assault, said he didn't want the child, tried to lead her to another abortion, proof of his verbally abusive messages to the mother of his child, physical abuse to the point where she's had multiple miscarriages, and defamation of her character, you poor excuses for humans/women have the nerve to still say absolute nonsense in his defense.

I hope you wake up one day and realize how far your heads have spun for a damn celebrity/stranger who has committed crimes of all sorts on people he should have cared, loved, and respected the most: his ex- girlfriend, child, and his unborn children who he killed himself through his rage and abuse.

This woman has been proven to have told the truth time and time again while that vile POS you people revere has been caught in nothing but lies.

What a cesspool of idiots here. 

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1 hour ago, Bissu said:


Even after he admitted to the assault, said he didn't want the child, tried to lead her to another abortion, proof of his verbally abusive messages to the mother of his child, physical abuse to the point where she's had multiple miscarriages, and defamation of her character, you poor excuses for humans/women have the nerve to still say absolute nonsense in his defense.

I hope you wake up one day and realize how far your heads have spun for a damn celebrity/stranger who has committed crimes of all sorts on people he should have cared, loved, and respected the most: his ex- girlfriend, child, and his unborn children who he killed himself through his rage and abuse.

This woman has been proven to have told the truth time and time again while that vile POS you people revere has been caught in nothing but lies.

What a cesspool of idiots here. 

Nice to meet you, too. 

Please stop wasting your time. 
Cesspool of idiots? Go research the facts yourself.  

I hope YOU will wake up one day and realize that the woman you are defending, is in fact a criminal suspect.

Not everything the tabloids print is true.

I think saying anymore is a waste of time

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I really don’t care what you say or think about me, in fact let me tell you that I’m very proud of what I said because is the truth you like it or not, and will repeat it as many times as I can. 

We are very polite here, all the contrary of you who have the nerve to come to criticize and insult us, so I think is other who is talking nonsense but I’m not going to low at your level, so leave it so if you are happy and proud in bashing others.

If you want to defend Choi Hye Mi, a proven criminal who was banned from leaving a country, who is under a police investigation by defamation and extortion, and dare to use an innocent to earn a money that she hasn't worked a penny, please go to Allkpop or Netizenbuzz, there you will be well received by those equal to you. The last time someone came to insults us, I said that was better for her stay out of this thread so I'm telling you the same, if not you will be banned of visit and leave a comment here.

I will not reply to you once again because I'm a busy person who has more important things to do that lose my time with you.

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The only idiot here is you, Bissu - you know NOTHING of this case, obviously.  You come on here with your biased, hate-filled, unsubstantiated and unresearched nonsense and expect what?  

Listen, sweetheart, KHJ has never admitted to assaulting anyone, not once.  There is no proof of any assault.  There was a mutual fight.  But also, Choi Hye Mi told him she was pregnant and that he caused her to have a miscarriage by shoving her in that one fight.  Which has proven to be a lie since it's been shown with medical records that she was not pregnant in May 2014.  That alone is enough to make HER the despicable one.  

You go right ahead and stick up for this lying, money-grubbing creature.   But don't expect a soul on this board to pay any attention to you and your uninformed, biased little rants.

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For the one UPSTAIRS saying we're a bunch of idiots & disgusting people still defending KHJ....well you can say what you want & believe what you want to believe but!!! I say BUT you also have to respect our own beliefs & opinion about these case...How do you call yourself coming here & making nasty comments about the people who love KHJ...YOU have to respect that this is their own space.

Actually its seldom that I post in here but I do visit this thread just to have an update about KHJ but after reading your nasty comments about the people in here I cannot  contain myself to comment about your post.

I am not blinded by the situation. I know Choi is hurting because she is obsess with the guy. She wants to posses him as if he is an object.But one thing is clear we cannot demand LOVE...All the damage has been done on both sides..The right thing to do is for everybody to move on, because at stake is the poor child's welfare.... Choi must make amends with HJ and vice versa for the welfare of their child.

As a woman we are the one to be blame for every choices we made. If!!! I say IF I am on Choi's shoes I have broken up with KHJ the moment he lays his hands on me because that is a sign that he doesn't love & respect  me as a woman. Why stay in an unhealthy relationship? Why make yourself pregnant 5x ( as what she have said), She is at a legal age & OLDER than him, she cannot only give the blame on the MAN because as a woman with brains you have a CHOICE.You can choose whether to walk out of the relationship or  to say  NO even if he's the most handsome man on Earth.

As for KHJ...well he's the one who introduced me to KPOP & I liked HIM since BOF days & still as of now... Im hurting for HIM & for his family for what they're going through this is not an easy matter specially for HIM. I do hope that they will overcome all of this & everything will be settled in the future, I do hope that he learned a good lesson on this because there is no one to be blamed except himself because AGAIN  there are lots of choices but you choose to walk on this path.

Sorry for the long rant... Happy holidays to all!!


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Do not feed in to people like that...  Those people don't care about truth and facts based on the fact its two sides in this story.. They only care about what they know wither its true or not,  or concrete facts: they over look details , like the fact that he said from the start that the BABY could be his, but he just wanted to know for sure. Or the fact he has actually been very quite but the moment he dose say something ohhh he messed up human or that instead of wasting your time coming to his fans do something more productive with there time..  ( like voluntary around batter women and men( cause they get hurt by women to) and make a difference to help change these things instead of wasting time spreading hate just cause people want to stay a fan... 



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These ordel is so long honestly. From 2014 to 2016 even an ordinary divorce among married couple doesn't take these long. HJ is suffering so hard just because of his wealth. I mean these affair was dead long before but gosh the pain he is enduring from that person is so hard to handle anymore. I do understand the tears of both parents.  These girl is heartless I dnt care what her fans are saying. They plan all these in the name of money. 

For Hj plaease boy pray without ceseasing God is by your side. You are human. If you dnt have appetite take vitamins. 

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3 hours ago, newyorkcitygirl said:







I think we all know that she was fake but now we have the pictures to prove it.

Okay...so let's play:  What plastic surgery did Crazy Choi get game?  LOL!!

My guess is:

Eye Job and Boob Job  (from looking at other pictures).

If you think she's had more, copy and past the above list in your message and add to the list.

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Wow this lady , is a trip and here were called Idiots..  How can you try for alimony when you were never married..  Child support is different that is why its called  child support..  And its funny how the child support money is low compared to the request for Alimony money..  Wow and were the idiots....   

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There are some pics of Choi as a teen circulating, but there is another picture which apparently isn't her. I hope fans can be responsible posting...and check for reliable sources. 

After tonight's interview with HJ's Dad, exposing text messages between Choi and her Mother... wow. I am glad HJ's family are fighting hard like this, beforehand, they were even asking Choi's permission to reveal text messages exchanged between HJ's Dad and Choi. What a turn around, Choi has abused their kindness. 

Anyway, these messages must have come to light during the criminal investigation. So, I take it that it's going well ;) 

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