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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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I would be shameful if I was her mother or her sisters or her relatives not because she has a child that needs to catch for a father but because of her shameless actions. Everybody knew she  wrongly accused HJ lied to him and lied to public. This woman lied about many pregnancies to  trap HJ and blackmailed him. She is a real national criminal of South  Korea that has been supported by SK reporters and SK medias.No medias and reporters in SK have  guts to use their professional to analyze this psycho woman's actions and behaviors.

When i saw the picture there are some thought come to my head.  I think her mother probably worse than her. What kind of mother that support  her daughter to lie and blackmail a man to get money and fame. The choi family behave like a group of criminal . In my opinion her mother somehow the big part of this game..

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4 hours ago, shariman66 said:

Well, she's that Criminal Suspect A or Ms psy-Choi, take your pick ~

I just noticed, that place is one of Jaksal's branches, right?

If I were KHJ or any of his family members, I would definitely fumigate the place or any of the other locations, including his apartment, that she has visited to get rid of even a whiff of her 'diseased' presence.

No reminders of 'Her Royal Nightmare', please ~


I read that her brother played football with HJ. Her sister in law had a child this summer too! What a coindidence!!!!

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6억 (이미 작년에 받음)+16억(정신적 스트레스)+11억4천(양육비)
정말 꽃뱀 아니예요?

6 billion (which is already in the last year) + 16 billion (mental stress) + 11 million (child support) I'm not really flower snake? http://me2.do/5J7tWQxM

Lol Seon says his client feels a need to step out and correct the Korean public's misconceptions of her as a fraudster and flower snake- they are a team of snakes, blood sucking family, even his lawyer a pig 

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4 hours ago, newyorkcitygirl said:

6억 (이미 작년에 받음)+16억(정신적 스트레스)+11억4천(양육비)
정말 꽃뱀 아니예요?

6 billion (which is already in the last year) + 16 billion (mental stress) + 11 million (child support) I'm not really flower snake? http://me2.do/5J7tWQxM

Lol Seon says his client feels a need to step out and correct the Korean public's misconceptions of her as a fraudster and flower snake- they are a team of snakes, blood sucking family, even his lawyer a pig 


In my opinion  choi hye me and Seon are acting like a gang of bandit who work as a team to lie and rob people.

The truth is not only the South Korean public that think choi and family are fraudster and gold digger gang but KHJ's international fans and non-fans think the same. The more they try to humiliate KHJ the more they reveale choi's criminal acts.

Now, we know choi's mother has involved in her wrong action too. What' a desperate act to use an innocent child to earn sympathy from public and to cover their wrong doing. Of course  everything they have done just for one ultimate goul.......money money and money.  

Seon should know better that the Koreasn public have heard enough story from a criminal suspected , choi hye mi ,  and now they knew her much better .i think seon did under - estimate the public.


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Hello frens of KHJ... 

I think KHJ is full of regrets that his path came across with this B****....   that is why he totally avoid meeting her again...!!!!    my concern is ... the paternity test... can it be manipulate to make KHJ the father of the baby eventhough he is not...?   mmmmm.... my wicked brain .... forgive me guys...

TTW... Fighting KHJ !!!


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Even if they can try to manipulate it they are giving him the right over the baby meaning he can do another test to confirm. I know we dnt wish but we must preper the possibility.  The main issue HJ has reach a boiling point of hate of her he won't even go back to her again. Our prayer is over Mr Lee to help him gain custody while she rot in jail. She is awer that her stakes are narrowing that's why she is using the baby for sympathy. She destroyed HJ caree now she wants him to fall for her drama. 

My prayers are for HJ mother who is over looking choi mother triying her tricks with her daughter to milk her son. 

pathetic group of thieves 

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And here we go.....she is going to speak to the public herself.  She wants everyone to see her face who hasn't seen it before.  She wants her 15 minutes of fame of being KHJ's ex-lover.  If that baby is his, he will forever be tied to this monster.  

Choi sleeps with KHJ to get pregnant.  The brother plays football/soccer with KHJ to keep an eye on him for his sister and to soften him up/pretend to be a friend.  Choi's parents met with KHJ's parents with an envelope where they never revealed/told what was in the envelop (playing games with KHJ's family).  The sister was trying to be a witness in the court case but got rejected.  The sister-in-law gives birth around the same time that Choi was due (whose baby was that?). 

IS THIS WHOLE FREAKING FAMILY INVOLVED IN THE SCAM!!!   I would bet my last dollar that Choi's entire family plotted this scam from the moment she started working with him.  The entire family is in on this blackmailing and wanting money.

 If that is KHJ's baby, he had better get that baby away from that family or else the baby will turn out just like them: liars, scammers, blackmailers, etc.   

And what the SNAP happen to the half million dollars he gave her back in September?  Like who blows through half a million US dollars in less than a year?  What did she do with that money?

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A manipulated DNA result,that's what I'm expecting for. I dont know why but their actions,their over confidence about a positive result make them more obvious,apparently they did something devious. My mind was like, "Here comes their black magic tricks again"! From where they steal that confident considering the fact that they can't even provide an accurate info about the child,e.g blood type.

Funny thing is,this moron lawyer was the one who got the nerve and gave assurance for a thing that i think was beyond his damn knowledge. " Ask the mother..or just wait for the result" should be a better reply if he can't pull himself out among curious news reporters. Well,what should I expect from a richard simmons lawyer like him,but a dumbest answer as well

How to tamper a result? Simple but atrocious! Take the DNA of the real parents(since we're very suspicious about her pregnancy and delivery) or presumably she is,just take from the real father(thing is,if she still remember who's the one) and hire someone who got access inside to maneuver their plot by altering the original to faked one. Or simply doctoring the result by an unethical medical expert. A hefty punishable malpractice but some people are so greedy,doesn't care much about the aftermath,putting their integrity at risk in the name of money. A perfect example of course is "choi", a money worshipper richard simmons. The DNA test they did last Dec.14 was just a props. A despicable tactic to materialize their ploy. If KHJ didn't show himself to the time and place as they expected and publicised, their plan turns out to be unrealistic,if you guys know what I mean.

Assuming she'll win this case,hence,Kim Hyun Joong can appeal on court for his paternal rights. Great possibility,court decision will be on his favor coz we all know that,that girl isn't financially and mentally unfit to raise their child. I do suggest him to do a retake when the baby is already under his custody to a more satisfying paternity result that baby is indeed his. And also for him to be able to exercise his paternal responsibility without any doubt.

I'm not claiming this is true,but it might be real. Therefore, I,Maribel Henecia,saying " This is my own perception,my only concern."

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If the kid is shown by the testing to be his, then yep, he should sue for full custody.  Later, quietly, he could always test the child again, but you know, for that child's sake I would hope at that point that he'd keep it quiet (although not very realistic with the attitudes SK has towards adoption etc).  The only way the DNA testing matters is if that kid is NOT KHJ's which would prove what a liar Choi Hye Mi really is, although she's already given ample evidence of that.  It's the only thing she's managed to prove LOL LOL LOL

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It's such a heartach to see that the whole process just gave the time to the gang of Bandit to plan and set everything up to make it 's difficult for a person.  In my opinion 2-3 persons that always comments in allkpop to discredit HJ with false information and illegal evidents are part of this Bandit gang ( actually looks like the family gang of bandit ). I have a lot of doubts with allkpop and some others  online website that they got pay to support choi and discredit KHJ. The particular commenter who hide himself/herself under the name " maccoy " has too often mentioned HJ must be ripped off as if she/he is sure that her/his idol choi and her associates some medias include, have made a well set up plan to do so since the started. That's why we saw new thing came up one after another. It has been proved that no matter what the right thing he did they will not satisfy until they get the big money they want.  This is not a normal case that you can fight back with fact and honest evidents but you have to deal with an organized crime that has been prepared to destroy a person's dignity if they do not get what they want and to rip off his money.

However I belive the Soutrh Korea court and the South Korea police will never allow any group of bandit gang or any criminal to fool them around with an organized crime to destroy a person and get away with it

I think by now people have seen how an organized crime and a gold digger works . However one person can not think to create such a complicated situation and fool public by using medias play unless she got strong back up from medias .Therefore she can always fool public with a big noise over the simple issue. I pray that the Korean public will value sincerity and honesty over the manipative action with a criminal attitute . I hope to see that SK is the safe place for the one who honest and sincer not a place for a liar  and a criminal to prosper.

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19 hours ago, Teleri Nyfain said:

If the kid is shown by the testing to be his, then yep, he should sue for full custody.  Later, quietly, he could always test the child again, but you know, for that child's sake I would hope at that point that he'd keep it quiet (although not very realistic with the attitudes SK has towards adoption etc).  The only way the DNA testing matters is if that kid is NOT KHJ's which would prove what a liar Choi Hye Mi really is, although she's already given ample evidence of that.  It's the only thing she's managed to prove LOL LOL LOL


I was thinking the same thing.  He should get that baby tested by a couple other testing sites and not just one.  Like he should get test done another 2 or 3 times to absolutely make sure it is his child.  I think it's weird the first DNA test he did was thrown out so I don't trust anything she might have set up.

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On 12/18/2015 at 3:39 PM, newyorkcitygirl said:

 to hate her more


Actually this woman is not worth enough to hate.

This video just help to recognize how a maniputer and a gold digger looks like. Needless to say more the charecter, the gesture and the vibration from her said it all. 

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The fact that the DNA sample HJ submitted (very publicly, at that) was totally disregarded, I think that is suspicious in itself. I am sure LJM is on top of all of this, just he has class and doesn't run to the media every week. 
Plus Seon betting his career on the DNA results.... showing pictures from his phone, of a handbag HJ supposedly gave Choi, it's unbelievable! Surely nobody could take these things seriously, yet... it's been dragging on for nearly a year and a half. 
I honestly have no idea what to expect. I think the DNA results will be positive, whether they are legit or not is another matter. 

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It's desnt matter for now but let HJ also confirm it by himself. They have to collect all the necessary documents of her pregnancy labour and child birth first then repeat the DNA TEST. She has to be re screen again. 

Thats another battle in store. Let's wait for the 23 for the real criminal law suit. 

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I saw this comment from Lazerkim blog. While reading this  HJ's face suddenly appears in my head . Love every words of it.
Credit to Ella the one who posts this meaningful words .
ella on December 17,2015 at 9.02 am said:






Does it sounds familiar?! Love u all."


Love you Kim hyun Joong . You have my respect for being you as you are.

They can destroyed your image, your career and your character but they certainly can not destroy your pride for being a good person. compassionate , sincerity , honesty and trustworthy.   


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We know how Allkpop and Netizenbuzz behave whenever Seon give a statement, and in this case more that  is so inflammatory. Is clear that he did it with the sole purpose of diverting the attention from the issue that really matters, the accusations of extortion and defamation against his client Choi Hye Mi, who also is banned from leaving Korea. Seon indeed expects that we forget that the court dismissed their evidence and the witnesses he pretended to present, but what matters here is not the circus mounted by him and the big fish who is protecting her. Perhaps Seon is afraid of going to trial because he knows that is lost by not having consistent evidence.

About those who enjoy bash others in Allkpop, Koreaboo, Netizenbuzz and other media, they should be a little smarter and not be swayed by the manipulations of Choi and company.But sadly they are just proving an important point here, those who kiss Choi's feet as if she was an innocent angel *I insert a laugh here* are ignorant and really stupid to let a nobody control their way of thinking. I wonder how many Choi are waiting to do the same with their idols, so when this will happen they will see how it feels be insulted and bashed by express an opinion and defend the truth.

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