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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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Guest shariman66

Hmm, yes, agree with @vivian, the puppy-eyed guy looks like our precious guy ~ those lips too.

I think everyone of us is missing him like crazy ~ I know I am.

By the way, that article posted by @AhKimHj is really an eye-opener! Describing the behaviours as 'creepy' is actually an understatement ~ 

So Teleri dear, want to get the story of our boy to Dr Tara?

Then at the least we could reach out to other like-minded people out there ~ what do you think, dears?

Do you think she's still keeping tabs on that site? I would love to let more people know about our boy having to deal with that psychoi & her equally nutty lawyer plus others.

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cr: @Rukubebe唯爱贤

距離退伍還有501天(退伍日期: 2017-02-11)
16個月 & 12天


Hi newyorkcitygirl, looking at the date he entered the military, ye, it's 501 days. It looks soooo long. But, we know that time flies so fast.  But, spending two years in the barracks is taxing for anyone not looking to pursue a career in the military. ;)

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Let me tell you - I'm retired US Navy and  the SK military service experience is much more like being in boot camp for 2 years than just being in the military.  I lived on base in barracks the first year I enlisted, but my time off-duty was MY time.  I could leave the base, w/o my uniform mind, see people, go places etc.   What I've read, SK MS is like being on a ship in the US Navy, or stationed in a restricted area (oh, like the DMZ lol).  No cell phones, uniforms all the time, leaving the base restricted, no cell phones & limited computer access :(  

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You are right - there WAS that text where Choi made it sound like he was drunk & practically passed out on her doorstep or something - you know what works for the goose works for the gander & if she had sex w/him when he was totally plastered, then yep! LOL

She's disgusting.  Throw her in jail.  It will be better for that kid if he IS KHJ's child - although for KHJ's sake I hope not since he needs NO ties to her!!!!!

sorry, but I'm a little lost, there is a text where Choi sounds like he was drunk?? When? I'm lost. 

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Let me tell you - I'm retired US Navy and  the SK military service experience is much more like being in boot camp for 2 years than just being in the military.  I lived on base in barracks the first year I enlisted, but my time off-duty was MY time.  I could leave the base, w/o my uniform mind, see people, go places etc.   What I've read, SK MS is like being on a ship in the US Navy, or stationed in a restricted area (oh, like the DMZ lol).  No cell phones, uniforms all the time, leaving the base restricted, no cell phones & limited computer access :(  

Hi teleri, in SK their "VL" is their time - the time that they're outside the camp gate, they could roam/stroll around without their uniform, anywhere they want.  Their "off-duty" is nighttime. During this time, they could watch TV & do their own thing, have fun with co-soldiers. There are lots of restrictions when you're an "active-duty" soldier. Unlike when you're a Public Service Personnel where they're enlisted for the social service. It deals with public services, such as working at train stations and selling tickets or transporting goods for the military or working in parking lots & cultural centers. It’s a fixed hourly job that doesn’t involve a lot of physical stress. Being a Public Service Personnel you could only work regular working hours and you’re allowed to spend your free time on your own.           This still applies to active-duty soldier : They are banned from leaving a designated residence between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. without a commander’s permission and, needless to say, possessing private cell phones and wearing non-military clothing. If you are junior, you are not allowed to do anything such as going somewhere, eating by your own decision. You need permission or order to do it from the senior.

Ye, BEFORE - technology gadgets were not allowed in the military - this is also the reason why military restricts soldiers access to the public even to their family & loved-ones, causing concern among military leaders that high military secrets could be leaked. But, I heard that mobile phones now are allowed inside the military but it depends on the base where you’re stationed. A lot of bases now have regular Internet access, although a lot of them (particularly those on the front line) do not have yet. Completely free Internet access is generally not available, given the understandable security concerns. After the four-week basic training is over, the soldiers now are generally free to use the phone after the day's schedule is over.

NOW - The Ministry of National Defense will distribute mobile phones to military barracks by the end of this year (2015). They will distribute one mobile phone for a group of eight to 10 soldiers in a barrack to share so that they could use it during free periods after working hours or during weekends. For security reasons, the phones will be programmed only to receive calls and will not be smartphones. The military explained that soldiers will be able to send text messages to ask their relatives to call them. The military plans to test-run the phone service in frontline units first before expanding it to other barracks nationwide.:P

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This is from LAZERKIM 'S BLOG

Please allow me to post a comment from LAZERKIM 's blog .

This is a comment from NEMESIS i find it is interesting to read. It is quite long but it is worth to read.Nemesis on September 29, 2015 at 11:40 pm said:


Hello everyone. Here’s my 2 cents about the current situation. I can’t but agree with this comment from FB:

“As I see it, Choi wanted to threaten KHJ with a criminal lawsuit last year when she said she got assaulted. But let’s not forget police and prosecutor didn’t proceed with the charges. Media may twist the fact KHJ got fined for having some sort of physical altercation with Choi and say he admitted abuse but not even in the apology letter he nodded to that. He mentioned “mental pain” as we all know. It’s evident Choi’s camp wanted to somehow revive the cause, yet the only way for them to do it was to file a civil lawsuit. One who doesn’t have convincing evidence to support their version of events but can rely on the media may think they’ll take advantage of the situation when they get months to “gather more evidence” when in fact all they do is badmouth the other party in public. They mean to create pressure of manipulated public opinion that would make KHJ think he can’t even live in the country anymore, as everybody allegedly hates him (which we know is not true) and if it’s still not enough, they’ll share touching stories about pregnancy and childbirth and struggles of a single mother (who never proved she was pregnant in the first place and acts very arrogantly). It’s all meant to bully KHJ, his family and supporters BUT – and always remebers this – they want to actually distract everyone from the actual problem they’re facing and hope to somehow win with smoke and mirrors. KHJ filed criminal lawsuit against Choi = if she won her case, he’d at most have to pay some sort of settlement. If he won his case, she’d go to jail and take her supporters with her. Apparently he has a fair chance to win here, as since summer Choi is prohibited to leave the country – that means she is suspicious in front of authorities. Everything she is doing now aims to make people forget about this but KHJ can’t and we can’t either. Mr. Lee said it clearly – in 2, 3 months the police are supposed to have finished investigating Choi’s activities and she’ll face criminal trial. The only problem for KHJ until then is strictly avoid contact with her, so that she’s not able to create further incidents between them. Can you see how she and her lawyer are desperate when he is unreachable for them during his MS? They want to get him out of there to meet her at any cost. But he musn’t, so that they can’t create more mess. It seems he knows that :) and that’s good news.”


I see many fans are angry that Choi ridiculously demands more and more time from the court to submit more evidence. That’s understandable, since we feel she is hurting an innocent family. But is it right to blame the court? Mr.Lee said the good news is the only “evidence” Choi could bring were text messages – that really is good news, if she had something better, she’d use it. If the court gives her time now to hinder her from future complaints, it may seem like the case takes very long but in reality it shall save KHJ lots of time. Imagine she’d say the court didn’t let her submit all evidence because they side the celebrity. She already questioned KHJ’s DNA test from a reputable lab, so she’d question the court too and the whole thing would start anew. That’s why I would not suggest to write petitions to the government to “fasten” the trial – Choi would twist it and say KHJ won illegally. The only petition that could help in my opinion would be against media who wrongfully inform and label people as if they were found guilty by authorities when in fact they are innocent. That is one thing SK government will have to change – every and any rich reputable person may be afraid their opponent will hire media to ruin them. That gives the country a bad image.


As to the text messages – hopefully they’ll be able to organize those billions of messages – ORGANIZE when they’re supposed to follow one after another, so even if someone is so creepy that they will keep every single message they ever sent and got (should we believe these are real), they’d only have to print them and that’s it. Honestly I don’t know what Choi wants us to think when she says they were together all the time but on the other hand they kept sending messages back and forth… How weird. (Personally I prefer talking to my partner in person or call him than writing endless messages – the more when we live together and talk about serious problems)


The truly interesting point now is the criminal lawsuit against Choi where she will have to promptly co-operate with authorities in case she doesn’t want to go to jail. Here nobody will wait for her “evidence” and “witnesses” for months. I trust Mr.Lee knows what people he’s dealing with (Choi + her lawyer + her sponsor + friendly media) and before he asked police to start investigating he gathered information he will need later. I noticed so far he didn’t publicly say almost anything he found out about Choi’s background but he must have given the court a good reason to forbid her from travelling abroad. My guess is he doesn’t want to give us hope sooner than police finish their work simply because he could alarm Choi & Co. and they’d get an idea as to what they should expect. It’s better that we now don’t know details when those details will be used in court in favour of KHJ. Anyway we’ll hear the whole story, I believe so, when they want to clean his name. This includes also Keyeast and KHJ’s former lawyer who both broke their promise to do everything they can to help their client. I’ll be interested to hear what was their reason to do so.


As to the family court, I’m not surprised Choi came up with another lawsuit – that’s her way to force KHJ to obey like he did before. She desperately needs to meet him at least once, so that she can twist and make up facts again. Everyone knows they have no contact, therefore it’s hard to serve us another episode of her abuse saga. This time he was way smarter than her and she needed to respond – hence the lawsuit. When her lawyer said “KHJ avoids paternity test, well, he doesn’t, as we arrogantly and questionably didn’t inform him about the childbirth”, what could they do? They knew Choi wouldn’t be able to approach him while he’s in the military (thank God!). So she as a victim of a brutal abuser and tyrant first let him know she’s pregnant with him, then concealed the alleged child was finally born (for no good reason in my opinion), then used media and lawyer to call the abuser to go together with her and a newborn baby to the lab. Are we really supposed to believe KHJ is the overly confident person here? That he abused her? And she can’t do better than run to him who doesn’t believe the child is his (if there’s any) and create a situation that could threaten both her and the baby? If I’m not mistaken she presented KHJ as the person who ran after her to get her back (when they didn’t even live together) and she ran away from him, so why the heck did she call him to meet her and the child? His brother could go there, his parents could go there but she – the abused victim – thinks she will dictate everyone. LOL, sure. One thing is certain, KHJ musn’t meet that woman ever again and it appears he doesn’t want to.


I trust it is for the better for everyone who wants well for KHJ to keep away from Choi, so that she doesn’t get the slightest chance to provoke any incident and blame another innocent person.
Unfortunately getting Choi behind the bars will not end this, KHJ will have to exemplarily sue the media and everyone who helped tarnish his reputation – including infamous online commenters and so called netizens who often tend to be aggressive and irrational and probably hope to escape punishment, as they “only express their opinion”. As if, these people know very well they singled out one person, put him into weak position and bully him as a group almost to death. If Choi, who started this mess deliberately and brought it to the public without any response in her favour from authorities, dares to sue people who speak against her, what punishment deserve those who took part in this witch hunt once KHJ wins his criminal lawsuit?


I’ve been thinking about how single fans could help and the best I can come up with is to continuously show support but don’t engage in fights with haters when many of us think these people can actually be paid for provoking long irrational discussions on trash sites. I no longer visit sites as allkpop because a while ago I noticed they are biased against certain artists while they seem to overly favour others. I want to make them stop spreading lies about KHJ, so I won’t help them earn money. The fewer clicks, the fewer ads and the fewer money for them. If some official fan platform started a petition against wrongdoings of the media, I’d be willing to participate. It could help any citizen who was not proclaimed guilty by court, only falsely accused by media.

Take care everyone, xxx


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Well, what else can you say after reading a comment like that.  :)   Nemisis seem to put a lot of effort into analyzing and writing really good opinion pieces about this whole messy ordeal.   When I read her opinions, it makes me see other things about KHJ's situation that I haven't really thought about before.     This statement made me think a bit more:  His brother could go there, his parents could go there but she – the abused victim – thinks she will dictate everyone.  

Women who are victiims of domestic violence do not try to dictate and control the person who abused them.  They are afraid of those men.    They run away from those men.  They do not insist on meeting with them.  It's usually the other way around where the abuser controls the situation.   Choi actions show over and over again and again that she is not the abused victim as she wants us to believe.  

Nemisis' comment also helped me to realize that I must remain patient in this court ordeal to play out with Choi and her lawyer.  Nemesis is right, if the court does not allow her to present all of her evidence, she will come back later and start this whole mess all over again.  So, I must be patient as Choi and Co.  organize and present their billions of text messages.    Even in her statement about that, she is correct, what's there to organize about text messages.  You simply print them out  straight, why do they need to "organize" them.  

Also, Nemisis was correct about the use of the text messages.  When you live with someone, do you write all those messages?  The answer is no.   You see them everyday where you talk to them face-to-face.  You don't write a billion text messages.  

Everything Nemisis wrote, I agree with.  Vivian, thanks for posting this.  I love reading her opinions.   

Edited by theone4me
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It's a lot of  heavy rain lately but the sky after rainy is always so bright and clear and the air is so fresh.


I saw this picture this pic was taken in the mid of the scandal last year.

Looking back I feel so touch that HJ always manages to give his best to the fans regardless how suffer he was at the time.

It's hard to imagine how he managed to do that  I just have to respect and admire him for his big heart and his professionalism.

Hyun Joong on stage : The Japan-South Korea Exchange Festival in Tokyo on 28 Sep. 2014


Credit as tagged



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credit to Jackie Kim: The article I post says....Kim Hyun joong's lawyer asked court order for the girl to get DNA done or will be sue, she said she'll comply but no word yet if she has done it if results are out yet...

KHJ side: "Choi's paternity suit.. Expected" hvnt heard from court yet but wl definitely comply n wait for the result.



Trans Cr: sunsun_sky

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