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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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I guess I could have posted a pic of my letter - but my penmanship  :(   LOL  It's pretty bad in English :D  My post office had these pretty, round, international stamps & the letter only required one of them.

Edited by Teleri Nyfain
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I guess I could have posted a pic of my letter - but my penmanship  :(   LOL  It's pretty bad in English :D  My post office had these pretty, round, international stamps & the letter only required one of them.

Teleri - this is exactly why I print the envelope - took me a half hour and numerous tries, and 1 ruined card before I got it to print on the correct side. That being said, I am so impressed that you HANDWROTE the address?????!!!!!

ROUND International Stamps??? Ohhh - I just googled  them...Wow! Very nice - good to know when next I find an excuse to send a card! 

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【Kim Hyun Joong completed recruit training & entered to guard soldiers service】
Kim Hyun Joong graduation will be held today 11:00 located in Goyang City, 30th division recruits education teams participate in recruit graduation ceremony, and tomorrow go to Paju, located in Paju first 30 division troops as a guard of soldiers serving until February 11, 2017

Kim Hyun Joong will serve his remaining 20 months of military service in Paju camp as military guard 김현중, 30사단 예하부대 경계병으로 군복무 
cr:deannahyun weibo
cr: @新浪韩娱 via deanna dsc


Kim Hyun Joong,actor in military service as a guard soldier.

Kim Hyun Joong recently, was assigned to the 30th Division under the control of the troops of Gyeonggi Paju. Kim Hyun Joong is at 18 am 11, will attend the closing ceremony to be performed in the 30th Division recruits Education Corps of Gyeonggi Goyang. Go to the Paju on the 19th, to work as a guard soldier.
In addition, Kim Hyun Joong will be demobilized on February 11, 2017.
source: http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20150618-00001399-chosun-kr


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OMO! Henecians lets pray for KHJ's safety always, as a Border Guard they are the 1st to be hit for those who wants to enter S. Korea Premises. Always Pray for him and his team, it's not an easy task, The hostile relationship between North and South Korea means new recruits are on constant alert..
thank you illublue for sharing this.

BBC News 


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Kim Hyun Joong to Serve as Border Patrol in Army
ilmare42 June 17, 2015



Kim Hyun Joong to Serve as Border Patrol in Army
Singer and actor Kim Hyun Joong will be carrying out his military service as a border patrol.

Kim Hyun Joong entered the army on May 12, and has since been going through basic training. According to a source in the military, he has now received orders to serve in the city of Paju, Gyeonggi-do, which is located just south of the border with North Korea.

On the morning of June 18, Kim Hyun Joong attended a ceremony that marked the completion of his basic training at the 30th division recruit training center. On June 19, he will be heading to Paju, where he will take up his post as a border patrol with the 30th division.

Normally, soldiers are permitted to go on leave for a brief period or visit with their families or friends after their completion ceremony. However, according to the military source, Kim Hyun Joong and other soldiers will not be able to leave the base or have family or friends come visit them due to the MERS scare.

Meanwhile, Kim Hyun Joong is currently still in a legal battle with his former girlfriend. She has filed a lawsuit against him for 1.6 billion won (approx. $1.44 million USD) in damages. Kim Hyun Joong’s representatives have stated that they are preparing a counter-suit for 1.2 billion won (approx. $1.08 million USD) for damages from what they state to be her groundless allegations of pregnancy and miscarriage.

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On December 3, the city held a meeting with the 25th Infantry Division to promote mutual cooperation, and signed an agreement to launch the ‘DMZ Paju Hope Camp,’ a visiting counseling program, to provide soldiers carrying out their military service in Paju with a healthier and safer army life.  Currently, five percent (about 20,000 people) of the population in the city are soldiers. As Paju is located in the northern region of Gyeonggi Province -- close to the Military Demarcation Line -- and as there have been a number of incidents of concern recently in the military, the demand for mental health counseling programs for soldiers who have trouble adjusting to military life has emerged. For this reason, Paju will be running the ‘DMZ Paju Hope Camp,’ which will be the first time a local government in Korea has led this kind of an initiative.


The camp, which has been promoted to build a community that embraces soldiers as citizens of Paju, will form a partnership with five specialized counseling agencies (Unlimited Care Center, Mental Health Center, Addiction Care Center, Mindlle Hospital and MyungSung Hospital) to help emotionally unstable soldiers adjust to military life, to develop professional counselors by educating army executive members, and to provide suicide prevention education. It will not only lead communication by providing mental health counseling to soldiers who need special attention, helping normal soldiers adjust to military life and providing counseling for future paths, but also provides comprehensive military welfare services such as helping people who need welfare services to avoid falling “into the cracks” in the system, and helping soldiers carry out their military service safely in association with the hope welfare support team for underprivileged soldiers.


Paju has been providing counseling to the five artillery units at the 30th Mechanized Infantry Division since September 2014 (65 soldiers counseled five times/37 soldiers counseled once, 28 soldiers counseled continuously) and its assistance has been well received. Meanwhile, the ‘DMZ Paju Hope Camp’ agreement will also be signed with the 9th, 1st and 30th Divisions, and the program is expected to significantly contribute to helping soldiers performing their military service in Paju to have a healthy and safe army career. 

I remember "A FEW GOOD MEN"  starring Tom cruise
Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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Visited DMZ 3 years ago & it was indeed a quiet but highly guarded military place! 
But on a much lighter and frivolous note I thought the military security guards there are probably the best looking soldiers around especially with their sun-glasses! 
No doubt HJ will look stunning in his military uniform & sun-glass!
cr: @Princessmich123 

credit photos: DMZ-Paju:@圭太子王妃




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[06182015] KHJ'S   Graduation from Basic Training photo
credit loving_khj.com




Huhu first time comment.. after so long been a silent reader...

he soo thin.. sob2...

I cannot tell if this photo has accidentally or purposefully been changed aspect wise - so that it is artificially lengthened - to protect their identity in some way...if so I really like that idea -

on the one hand I was happy to see this pic, on the other hand - I felt that this would be too much exposure.....

I would NOT be surprised at all if N Korea side may be monitoring all new influx of SK soldiers...I really really like it that his name is not visible on his shirt pocket....I do NOT want him to stand out - in any way - while he is in danger....and am SO glad that he has the emblem sewn in correctly.  When his emblem was sewn in on the other side, he stood out TOO much - did not like that....


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[06182015] KHJ'S   Graduation from Basic Training photo
credit loving_khj.com




Huhu first time comment.. after so long been a silent reader...

he soo thin.. sob2...

I cannot tell if this photo has accidentally or purposefully been changed aspect wise - so that it is artificially lengthened - to protect their identity in some way...if so I really like that idea -

on the one hand I was happy to see this pic, on the other hand - I felt that this would be too much exposure.....

I would NOT be surprised at all if N Korea side may be monitoring all new influx of SK soldiers...I really really like it that his name is not visible on his shirt pocket....I do NOT want him to stand out - in any way - while he is in danger....and am SO glad that he has the emblem sewn in correctly.  When his emblem was sewn in on the other side, he stood out TOO much - did not like that....


For the first time i  know about NK and SK border so DANGEROUS..

I thought it just a normal training in army institute.. because i'm not a korean citizen...

Wish all the best to KHJ.. but if this picture is adjusted for safety purpose it is a very2 good idea..:) agree with you..:)

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Kim Hyun Joong we're praying for you, for your Complete Peace of Mind, your focus in Your New Military assignment.

For your strength,Protection,safety and Be thankful for everything. 

Be joyful in everything and whatever you will learn, absorb it from Heart, become a better person.

Always learn to call on Our LORD for Help and Peace of God that passes all understanding will be upon you

credit to OnlyKHJfamily HK (HFHK)



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In this video, it says that that the requirement for [South Korean guard soldiers should stand over 180 centimeters tall & MUST also must have a black belt in Taekwondo] 

Photos of Younger days of HJ! So HJ has the right skills to be a DMZ Border Guard

cr: @Ph2_ 




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Kim Hyun-joong is discharged from training camp




Singer actor Kim Hyun-joong, 29, will be discharged from the new recruit training camp on June 18th. According to a source from Army Headquarter, Kim Hyun-joong will be assigned to his regular duty under Division 30 of the army after the completion ceremony of the new recruit training. It has been known that he will serve the military as a soldier at guard posts for the next 20 months. Kim Hyun-joong was originally going to spend a quiet time with his family members after the completion ceremony on that day. However all visits or outings have been prohibited as a precautionary measure to prevent the spread of MERS, Kim Hyun-joong enlisted in the military on May 12th this year and has received the basic army training for the last five weeks. His scheduled dismissal date is February 11, 2017.


Source : star.mt.co.kr/view/st... Read more at: http://tr.im/CViBf


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