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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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Interview From www.kpopstarz.com.  this seems not real to me.


Kim Hyun Joong's Child To Be Born In September, Reveals Mother In Recent Interview

By Michael Jamias | May 04, 2015 09:26 AM EDT


Kim Hyun Joong will officially become a father in September, according to the actor-idol's ex-girlfriend who is bearing his child.

The ex-girlfriend revealed the due date for Kim Hyun Joong's child in an exclusive interview by South Korean 'K-Star' reporters, according to Netizenbuzz.

She also said Kim Hyun Joong accompanies her to OB-GYN appointments.

"I went to the hospitalicon1.png with him. The baby is growing fine. The baby will be born in September," the ex-girlfriend reportedly said.

She also stirred hope that the couple would be able to work out their issues.

In recent months, the couple has been hounded with controversy as a series of text messagesexposing their personal issues were revealed to the public. While Kim Hyun Joongicon1.png has confirmed the pregnancy and was engaged in mapping a future of the child, the ex-girlfriend has confirmed that she has no plans to marry Kim.

While the fate of the couple is still up in the airicon1.png, the ex-girlfriend suggested that she and Kim Hyun Joong will likely retain some form of connection because of the soon-to-born baby.

"As for now, Hyun Joong and I aren't in a situation where we can stay together or break up. We have a baby now so even if we do end things, it won't completely be the end."

Kim Hyun Joong decided to postpone his enlistment despite having received a notice in March, but despite not pinpointing the reasons outside of "personal circumstances", sources close to the actor have suggested that it was because of his ex-girlfriend's pregnancy.

​Sounds about right.... seems this was her plan all along. This is if she IS pregnant and the baby is actually his. 
She appears slightly deluded because it seems to me that Hyun Joong has no intentions of being with this woman! I guess she is hoping he will change his mind...or she will use the baby to blackmail him *sigh* What a mess! 

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Hi lkh2,

In my opinion KHJ is different from most Korean I knew and I always feel grateful to his parents


Sigh - Vivian - not sure I know what you mean - I do know one thing though - you love KHJ -

For all of us - Let's try and keep this forum as a unified one for all of its international fans -

do you recall how sweet the Korean fans thought the Japanese fans were when they were trying to write out Hangul signs saying they loved KHJ?

Or how the Japanese fans thanked the Peru fans for loving him when he went there on youtube vids comments?)

Or how All of us adored the fans in Bangkok for loving him so well the week after that nonsense in August? 

or how the biggest and most fact-filled KHJ site is run by those glorious Filipinas on Hyunnies Pexars?

or how some of the best Youtube defense on KHJ were by a group of Persians?

Not to forget all the UK,American, Irish/Keltic fans who have such a gift to be able to speak in his defense on other sites....

Hi lkh2,

Sigh - Vivian - not sure I know what you mean - I do know one thing though - you love KHJ -

Yes I do.

I mean his uniqueness quality is one of a kind and full of positive energy...healer energy and I think he has a wonderful parents 

You said it so well in the comment above. I can not agree more. It did make my heart so blooming and feel so happy just to go through every words of it...This is really a power of love isn;t it ? It sent out such a wonderful energy. We love KHJ and he made us care and appreciate each other. 

 For all of us - Let's try and keep this forum as a unified one for all of its international fans -

Yes, let's do that.


Happy Hyun Joong on stage

credit as tagged1357832402-4cf9f5f2b2-o.jpg



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Dear Chingus... 

At this moment all of us are very disturbed ... reading the news  is making most of us feel angry, confused and etc. etc.   let HJ legal side take the lead and we pray that every thing will be solved amicably... I m so frustrated reading "her" so called accusation and report to the press/media and  it is making me moody... so I decided to just go with the flow... the "evil" in me wish that she is not having his or any baby... I couldn't imagine how can "this" happen ????  Every time I read the new ... my mind keep seeing the "your story" video... OMG... !!!!   Just get enlisted KHJ... let go of everything else... let your lawyer deal with it...  come our clean by May/June 2017.... and start fresh... your life, your love...your career... FRESH.. !.

I am sure your fans will be waiting for you ....   

Be'coz I am stupid... the song...very meaningful...  you will be missed... but time flies ... 2 years ... well ... fans will be waiting....



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Since we are gonna be missing Hyun Joong for the next 2 years, I've been thinking...and realized how many videos, radio interviews and variety shows etc are about, with no English translation! (I sadly watch anything I come across and pretend to understand :/
If I understood Korean, I'd be subtitling these shows in a heartbeat. In fact, my love for Hyun Joong/Kdramas inspired me to invest in the Rosetta stone Korean speaking series a year back (I haven't had the time to practice much :(

Anyone know of any kind people who could translate some shows? There are so many... I.e The guru show 2011, prob 20+ radio interviews and more!   
It would be appreciated so much!! I am often trying to piece together words, my brain recognizes Korean as familiar, but that's about it! It's frustrating! (I WILL learn, but my husband is Filipino and I'm currently trying to learn Tagalog also, yikes! ) 

Anyway, most of the things I come across are without subtitles! It's hard for international fans. I'm prob in the minority since I am living in the UK. KPop and Kdramas are completely unheard of here! 

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I don't know anyone that seems to love Kim Hyun Joong as much as Lazer Kim. Whether you like her articles or not, she raises valid points for discussion.


Kim Hyun Joong…[article] FIGHTING BACK!

Posted on May 7, 2015



By: LazerKim


In May 4th there was a news article stating that Choi had gone to the hospital together with Kim Hyun Joong to visit her OB Gynechologist to have her medical check up stating this:

“I went to the hospital with him. The baby is growing fine. The baby will be born in September,” the ex-girlfriend reportedly said.

While Kim Hyun Joong has confirmed the pregnancy and was engaged in mapping a future of the child, the ex-girlfriend has confirmed that she has no plans to marry Kim.

“As for now, Hyun Joong and I aren’t in a situation where we can stay together or break up. We have a baby now so even if we do end things, it won’t completely be the end.”(source: http://www.kpopstarz.com/articles/198151/20150504/kim-hyun-joong-baby.htm)

This news item was published in May 4th in the morning, followed by another news item pertaining the massive lawsuit filed by Choi, and finally the US$ 1.4 Million lawsuit on Kim Hyun Joong! On may 5th quite surpricingly Hyun Joong’s MS schedule was published which is due on May 12th.

From Choi’s statement, it appears as if everything is going fine with her and Hyun Joong but why would she file for a lawsuit against him? Then followed by this news about Hyun Joong’s MS, made me doubt on her motive! Something seemed not to be right again!



On May 6th late in the evening the official lawyer of Hyun Joong Atty Lee Jae Man was on SK national TV clarifying this statement from Choi that I wrote above, which is a complete LIE again! Here’s a part of that interview with Atty Lee Jae man as follow and I quote:

1.) In March 12th Kim Hyun Joong and his family went with Choi to do an untrasound. But neither Hyun Joong nor his mom were allowed to go inside the  consultation room. It was only later on after the check up Choi presented a pregnancy report!

2.) In Choi’s recent interview, Atty Lee could not understand as to why would Choi stated she had pre-natal with Hyun Joong to create a false image that they have good relationship?

3.) Atty Lee also could not understand why she was one sided telling media that she and Hyun Joong are back together when it is NOT TRUE!

4.) At the end of March to early April Choi was PRESSURING Hyun Joong to admit that he is the father of her baby!! But Hyun Joong ask for DNA test after birth. Then she filed for US$1.4 Million lawsuit. Atty Lee strongly stated they will not settle.

5.) Atty Lee stated that Kim Hyun Joong is famous and he’s known to be honest and tough he also said to tell who’s telling the truth just look at Hyun Joong’s eyes. Hyun Joong only wanted to know the truth whether Choi is pregnant or not, if he’s the father of her baby.

6.) Since Choi’s lawyer no longer wants to talk so I think it’s what we have predicted is that this Choi is lying through out since last year and I suspect she and someone has planned this for sometime.

(Translation shared by ptahhacs fr Tweeter, thanks for sharing!)



Based from this interview with Atty Lee and from his other statements to the media, until at this point it is NOT CONFIRM as yet whether Choi is pregnant or not! Yes she went to that hospital of her choice with Hyun Joong and his mom but they were not allowed to go inside the consultation room, therefore legit pregnancy cannot be confirmed!

Being the father of that child if there is, I think Hyun Joong has the right to speak to Choi’s attending physician which is normal. Or she doesn’t really want them to be there to begin with! Weird! It’s so obvious this Choi is making Hyun Joong a big fool of himself!

Of course with just a piece of paper or just ultrasound picture doesn’t even prove anything knowing Choi is becoming famous with her releasing fake documents! I may speculate but it’s so possible Choi has connivance with whoever that OB Gyn is! Just take it from history Aug nightmare with fake evidences has my reason to doubt!

Another point, why would Choi file a lawsuit of such unbelivable amount against Hyun Joong when nothing has been confirmed as yet? As Atty Lee stated Hyun Joong simply wanted to know the truth, meaning if she’s pregnant or not and if that baby is his.

Then all of a sudden she filed for a lawsuit. Does this mean she not pregnant at all? Or if she is who is the father? You don’t file a case against the father of your own child! Choi stated that Hyun Joong is causing her psychological harm! Why is that? Is it because she has nothing to prove about that so-called pregnancy? What a weird way for escape goat!

NEWS UPDATE   Kim Hyun Joong will take responsibility once the DNA is confirmed source HanCinema (http://www.hancinema.net/kim-hyun-joong-will-take-responsibility-once-dna-is-confirmed-81689.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter)



I’m sure one of these days Choi will counter attack again! There’s a news that Hyun Joong’s MS is scheduled on May 12, I was hesitant to post this since the news came from Choi’s bestfriend Dispatch!! But Atty Lee assured that this case will not be affected even Hyun Joong is in his MS.

Oh I’m really very thankful Hyun Joong finally got a good lawyer for himself to defend him and knows how to counter attack through media on the dot without delay! He knows exactly how to play this game with media, and I can see that now.

I would like to thank KHJ fans who has been translating the news update from Hangul to English, your effort is very much appreciated. As we can see until today I have been waiting for reports from English media outlet pertaining the interview of Atty Lee but I have not read anything yet.

Specially in clarifying that statement that Choi made which is another lie. I’m still giving the benefit of the doubt about media. I hope they have learned their lesson from Aug nightmare and it’s slowly coming to light from those lies! Just a simple balance reporting and revealing the truth is enough to be called professional journalist!



Hyun Joong may be enlisted on May 12th, it may not be too peaceful as we hope for him but at least he knows now his legal team will defend him in his absence. This is his battle, as well as our battle too, whether we like it or not. As I have said a fan is not always a fun. But the greatest fun here is that we are together in this battle with Kim Hyun Joong.

There are fans who fight in silence, that’s alright because I know within your silence you are deep in your prayers for Hyun Joong. There are fans who voice out, that’s alright too. We are simply airing out whatever we feel and think. Even we are all different in views and ways it doesn’t matter, the important thing is we are united in supporting Kim Hyun Joong.

In the absense of Hyun Joong, Atty Lee will be his mouthpiece, he will be his acts therefore we support even Atty Lee. We pray for him, we give him moral support, and he needs this too in order to keep up his strength wisdom and inspiration in defending Hyun Joong. He is now in the hands of Atty Lee and I believe he will win this game.



To the KHJ Korean fans, I can understand your silence and you may keep it up that way being silent. But I would like you to know that we other KHJ fans from around the world support you wholeheartedly. I believe other KHJ foreign fans shall be your voice and I’m one of them.

Do not be scared, you did nothing wrong, you are simply defending the truth and the innocent. Stay strong don’t give up your support to Hyun Joong, this is just a test to all of us and I believe we can surpass all of these, just as much as Hyun Joong will. The truth is on our side and we will win this battle till the end.

To all of us the battle has begun, and I’m glad we’re taking this the positive way of laughing it out instead of anger with what Choi has been doing! LOL!  Hyun Joong finally reach his time to fight back not for revenge but to fight for the truth and his right as a human being.

The time has come to clear his name and we help him out by spreading the truth. Let no single LIE created by Choi stay in the mind of the public. By this way we can bring back what Hyun Joong had lost which is his name his dignity as a man and his image as a public figure and as a human being. God bless the twins GEMINI!

                                                                                                LazerKim here writing


Choi’s cronies, Dispatch, Soompi, koreaboo, ect. you were so fast in writing about Choi’s lawyer’s report but now KHJ’s lawyer had spoken and revealed Choi’s lies, yet you couldn’t write about! LOL Yes you surely will choke in writing the truth and you would rather write false stories and support the LIES of Choi! LOL! You will never gain respect to be called professional journalist! How I wish to change my mind about you guys!! LOL


Kim Hyun Joong’s agent confirmed that Hyun Joong leaves for his MS on May 12th. He still has the same intention to go quietly. His agent appeal to foreign fans to refrain from joining any tour group for this purpose. In short, can we just respect Hyun Jung’s wishes just for once, to go quietly? Thank you!


I would like to appeal to any KHJ fan for HELP! If anyone of you can put in English sub-title to this view clip interview of Atty Lee. Your effort shall be well appreciated. I think this video can be a big help in spreading the true color of Choi and her motive, for the public to somehow be enlightened as to what kind of person this Choi is. Thank you!

VIDEO LINK > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIXEHwV5qVU&feature=youtu.be

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This is a translation of the new notice on KHJ's official site - Statement from KeyEast 20150507 today.

So I am a little confused....If he wants to go quietly - why is his date of departure being so clearly announced on KHJ's Official Site?  I believe KeyEast will not say anything without KHJ's express approval so ...I am seeing this announcement as coming from KHJ...



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Since we are gonna be missing Hyun Joong for the next 2 years, I've been thinking...and realized how many videos, radio interviews and variety shows etc are about, with no English translation! (I sadly watch anything I come across and pretend to understand :/
If I understood Korean, I'd be subtitling these shows in a heartbeat. In fact, my love for Hyun Joong/Kdramas inspired me to invest in the Rosetta stone Korean speaking series a year back (I haven't had the time to practice much :(

Anyone know of any kind people who could translate some shows? There are so many... I.e The guru show 2011, prob 20+ radio interviews and more!   
It would be appreciated so much!! I am often trying to piece together words, my brain recognizes Korean as familiar, but that's about it! It's frustrating! (I WILL learn, but my husband is Filipino and I'm currently trying to learn Tagalog also, yikes! ) 

Anyway, most of the things I come across are without subtitles! It's hard for international fans. I'm prob in the minority since I am living in the UK. KPop and Kdramas are completely unheard of here! 

​When the permanent Soompi forum comes back on - be sure to check out the translation for the Guru show - the one done by Cheroo here at Soompi - and I put the full translation on this forum in march of this year also. Its like PAGES long....and so fact filled...

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Interview From www.kpopstarz.com.  this seems not real to me.


Kim Hyun Joong's Child To Be Born In September, Reveals Mother In Recent Interview


Cut the interview out.  Don't want to make long post.

​Sounds about right.... seems this was her plan all along. This is if she IS pregnant and the baby is actually his. 
She appears slightly deluded because it seems to me that Hyun Joong has no intentions of being with this woman! I guess she is hoping he will change his mind...or she will use the baby to blackmail him *sigh* What a mess! 




@Lyana87 I think you are right.   She planned this from the very start with the abuse charges down to the pregnancy.  If she really gave the interview above, she  is delusional about the relationship.  When looking at the text messages she released, it sounds like he didn't really want to be with her.  I'm glad KHJ is beginning to fight back.  I was not able to pull over the interview by the lawyer (from LazerKim's site) but I think you or someone else already posted the english translation.  I wish he had this lawyer back in August vs. having KeyEAst. Maybe, this would have been fished back then if he fought her back from the start.  In my opinion, KE gave him bad advice telling him to apologize to this girl.  I really thought when this first all started, he was going to fight the charges.  In fact, I'm pretty sure he was going to fight the charges. Then, all of sudden, the apology for hurting her feelings was posted.  To me, he gave in to her back then and she realized her tactics would work in getting his attention, getting media attention and getting what she wanted out of him.   I  hope his lawyer is able to clear his name from both the abuse charges and her latest accusations.  

On another note totally off topic, I really hate this temporary forum.  I'm so used to the other forum that I just don't like this one.  I hope this is not the model of what the new forum will be. 

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Kim Hyun Joong Confirmed to Enlist to Military Quietly on May 12


Kim Hyun Joong Confirmed to Enlist to Military Quietly on May 12


Actor Kim Hyun Joong has decided on the date of his military enlistment. On May 12 he will be entering quietly without public schedules.

On May 7 on Kim Hyun Joong’s official website, an announcement regarding his military enlistment was posted. They said, “Kim Hyun Joong will be enlisting to active duty military service on Tuesday, May 12. Kim Hyun Joong has always wanted to enlist quietly so not to disturb the fellow recruits and their families, and his mind hasn’t changed.”

They also said, “On the day of the enlistment, there will be no official events. We ask for our fans’ understanding and in particular, we ask foreign fans to be careful and not be tricked by various illegal tours.”

The agency added, “Thank you very much to fans who are always support and love Kim Hyun Joong by his side. The company will continue to do everything for Kim Hyun Joong to return healthily after serving in the military.”

Meanwhile, Kim Hyun Joong, born in 1986, has delayed his military service multiple times. In particular, in April, he delayed his enlistment for his ex-girlfriend’s pregnancy.


Source (1) / soompi news

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Go KHJ... we will respect your wish... 


Dear Chingus... let us all respect  KHJ's wish to enter MS quietly... for certain reasons...  lets just pray that god will look after him.... and until then.. let him complete his duty in peace... 


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Since we are gonna be missing Hyun Joong for the next 2 years, I've been thinking...and realized how many videos, radio interviews and variety shows etc are about, with no English translation! (I sadly watch anything I come across and pretend to understand :/
If I understood Korean, I'd be subtitling these shows in a heartbeat. In fact, my love for Hyun Joong/Kdramas inspired me to invest in the Rosetta stone Korean speaking series a year back (I haven't had the time to practice much :(

Anyone know of any kind people who could translate some shows? There are so many... I.e The guru show 2011, prob 20+ radio interviews and more!   
It would be appreciated so much!! I am often trying to piece together words, my brain recognizes Korean as familiar, but that's about it! It's frustrating! (I WILL learn, but my husband is Filipino and I'm currently trying to learn Tagalog also, yikes! ) 

Anyway, most of the things I come across are without subtitles! It's hard for international fans. I'm prob in the minority since I am living in the UK. KPop and Kdramas are completely unheard of here! 

​When the permanent Soompi forum comes back on - be sure to check out the translation for the Guru show - the one done by Cheroo here at Soompi - and I put the full translation on this forum in march of this year also. Its like PAGES long....and so fact filled...

I did read most translations to the shows that are without subs, it would just be nice for more videos to be subtitled, so they can be watched properly by international fans. 
People think I'm nuts when they see me watching these shows, yet having no idea what's going on! I think I see their point :/ lol

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This is a video of KHJ 's lawyer's  interview Please if anyone can translate into English and make a subtitle to this video in YouTube then people will know more about the accurate information from KHJ's side.

I took this from a daily motion as I can not find the one from YouTube.. I hope it O.K

VIDEO LINK > http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2paq6i_2015-05-06-k-star-news-khj-s-lawyer-s-interview_music


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Lazer Kim ... love you....!!!    Fightting  !!!

You will never walk alone...

​I'm with you on this.  I love LazerKim too!!

In her articles, she:

a. Say what a lot of people want to say but don't have the guts to say.

b. Say what most of us are thinking but don't know how to verbalize it in a tactful way (she just let it all out LOL!)

c. Say what many people don't think about.  She make you go, "Oh Darn!  She right...I never thought about that."

This is why I love reading her articles.  Some people say she is over the top but I prefer to look at her as a die hard loyal Kim Hyun Joong Fan.   Her belief in him never EVER waivers.  

A the beginning of all of her articles, she has posted: THIS IS A FORUM FOR KIM HYUN JOONG FANS.  At the end of all of her articles she has posted: HATERS BACK OFF FROM MY COMMENT BOX!!   hahahahahaxD   You gotta love her.  You have got to love her.  

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I certainly do love LazerKim!  She's voiced what I thought were some wild theories (in might I say a NON-libelous fashion) that seem, perhaps, not so wild now....  She's great!  

Vivian - that pic is just OMG gorgeous!  I'll just picture him like that Tuesday ~sob~  

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Some info on KHJ's lawyer:  Please note: His last name is Lee.  He does seem like a very good representative for KHJ! KHJs%20lawyer_zpspjmavsaj.jpg

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There will be a Best of Kim Hyun Joong [First Press Limited Edition B]  CD + DVD  - 3 disc set that will be released on July 1, 2015 by the Universal Music Group.  Looks like the price will be 5,184 yen  which is about $44.00 today at this time. This is from a link in Twitter  - to the actual Universal Music site -   

 KHJ_forever retweeted

[Released July 1, 2015] Kim Hyun Joong / The Best of KIM HYUN JOONG [First Press Limited Edition B] [CD] [+ DVD] http://store.universal-music.co.jp/fs/artist/uicv9103 

The English translation was via Google: 





Gift! To the total of 200 persons in the application) lottery from inclusion applicants benefits :( different forms 2-neck 
in addition to the Choice of 2 prize, everyone present benefits also there! (3 types of one selected from the privilege)

in Hyun Joong's voice happened is alarm clock (100 people) 
, signed KIM HYUN JOONG JAPAN TOUR2015 "GEMINI" penlight (100 people) 
, all gifts: Clear file two sets 
※ benefits contents there is a possibility of some changes.

Product introduction

Kim Hyun Joong 10th anniversary debut with (from SS501 debut) consisting of this year, announced! In such his "trajectory" long-awaited best album, which was compiled "The Best of KIM HYUN JOONG" is July 1 
narrowly from this year Kim Hyun Joong for a while becomes a hiatus in military service. 

Inevitably be a "memorial work" for the fan. As an overseas solo artist, the first-ever two works ("HEAT", "HOT SUN") in the Oricon Weekly won one ranking! And, three works by South Korea solo artist ("HEAT", "TONIGHT", "HOT SUN ") Continuous first week 100,000 copies topped the record of the first also Uchitate through men and women, more" HOT SUN ", etc. had maintained a single lead eight months since its launch in June 2014 as the music of the male solo artist, numerous first best album of announced a record Kim Hyun Joong.

 In addition to the smash hit single, classic and ringing are Korean music, and the first recording of music also included scheduled for live. 

[First Press Limited Edition B] 2CD + DVD [CD] all 28 songs will (2CD) ※

Limited Edition A different content [DVD] 19 tracks + Special Feratures② [CD] recording schedule another all 28 songs (2CD) ※ random order※ "☆" ... First Press Limited Edition A different Contents ※ "★" ... Korean music -KISS KISS [JAPANESE VERSION] -Lucky Guy [JAPANESE VERSION] -BREAK DOWN feat. Double K [JAPANESE VERSION] -U [JAPANESE VERSION] -HEAT -Let's Party [JAPANESE VERSION] -Save Today -I'm Yours -Your Story [JAPANESE VERSION] -I [JAPANESE VERSION] those of you · TONIGHT rather erase the only-you - unbreakable FEAT. JAY PARK ★ -HOT SUN -TIMING (feat. SKY-HI) -BINGO -Good-Bye-still words that you want to convey-[JAPANESE VERSION] -Beauty Beauty [JAPANESE VERSION] -Nothing on You (feat. Han -Hae of Phantom) [JAPANESE VERSION] -Please ★ -you even if the same with me ★ -Cappuccino ☆ -YES I WILL ★ ☆ ★ ☆-SMILE -I thing of you ★ ☆ as-earlier ★ ☆ other , recording schedule [DVD] Music Video 19 songs + unreleased video ② recording schedule ※ 19 tracks + Special Features② ※ "★" ... Korean music KISS KISS [JAPANESE VERSION] Lucky Guy [JAPANESE VERSION] HEAT Let's Party [JAPANESE VERSION] Your Story Save Today TONIGHT Cappuccino only not erase Mr. HOT SUN -Jacket Making Film- now even KISS KISS [KOREAN VERSION] Lucky Guy [KOREAN VERSION] BREAK DOWN feat. Double K ★ Marry Me ★ Marry You ★ unbreakable FEAT . JAY PARK ★ Please ★ Beauty Beauty ★ (provisional) KIM HYUN JOONG JAPAN TOUR 2015 "GEMINI" in OSAKA -Special Features②-

I hope someone can translate this better - It seems like version B has 28 songs +dvd

Version A has 19 songs plus special features - hopefully when Hyunnies picks this up - someone can translate it better.....



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Guest shariman66

Latest update from twitter ~ seems that our KHJ's parents found out about the fans' decision to send him off this 12th May.

Not surprisingly they are not only thankful but also hoping that a lot of fans will be there ^_^

Why? Because the news has already been circulated widely by the media & since we know how 'affectionate' those embarrassment to the establishment are towards our boy they'd undoubtedly be there in full force.

So the more fans there to show our undying support, the better & merrier it'd be. Let them try writing that he's lost his fans ~ 

To tell you the truth, I'm not only feeling really nervous & anxious for his enlistment but also the coming court-case.

Then again there's also a heavy feeling that we won't be able to have much news of him for the next 2 years.

I'm praying hard that he'll have a smooth & enjoyable experience in his army life.


By the way, the fans are saying that he'd be in active duty since he's in the 30th Division ~

Does that mean that he'd be in the front line? Really, really hope not, please God!

I know that he's a tough boy but still if he is, then dear All-Mighty God, please protect him from any serious misadventure ~

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By the way, the fans are saying that he'd be in active duty since he's in the 30th Division ~

Does that mean that he'd be in the front line? Really, really hope not, please God!

I know that he's a tough boy but still if he is, then dear All-Mighty God, please protect him from any serious misadventure ~

​Shariman66, I wonder if he is going to that division because he is very physically fit.  I have read that they put the most physically fit on the front line or in more active divisions.  The "entertainment unit" ----- Did they disband that unit?  I think they might have disbanded it due to the abuse from other entertainers whose names I will not mention here.  One of them was dating/seeing his girlfriend a lot while the another was visiting massage parlors.   Imagine that.  You on the front line facing north korean snipers while a singer from YG entertainment is getting a "massage".  Pissed off a lot of SKorean citizens.

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