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I think MS's husband is a controlling freak that's why he kept forcing his son to study abroad despite he didn't want to.  The husband is also egotistical as well.  He didn't admit that was his fault for causing the death of his son, did he?


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MS's husband died at the end due to illness in the webtoon, right? 

I think he has bipolar characters, sometimes he's soft and gentle; the other time, he's violent when his anger is out of control. He's alcoholic too, maybe he died due to consuming too much alcohol.

I'm curious about their past story. MS is an orphan, and a college professor like him falling for her was somewhat a beautiful love story (not like JH and her husband's marriage *sigh again for 100 times*). He and his mom mean a lot to MS. I think MS insists in fixing him partly because she loves him sincerely, she cares about his health, she keeps saying he was not like that before. If this man knows better, he should consult a psychiatrist... 

PS: many ppl already said this, but now I say this: MS's daughter, SY, is so annoying. What a daughter! she's not 5 year-old kid, she's high-school student for God's sake! she hurts her own mom so much... a selfish girl, who only cares about her own feeling and well-being. SG, don't fall for her! you hear me? 

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Yeah maybe there is still something more about MS' son's death. Especially since none of their friends even know of the truth.

I also wonder if MS is also indirectly at fault since from the beginning it look as if she's trying to pay for it (At least based from everything she said and little bits of flashbacks we have seen)

1. She said her house wasn't that bad from the beginning.

2. The first time we see her getting beaten up, the words she was saying were "I did wrong, it's my fault" - or something like that.

3. Her daughter was defending her from her husband and then she said that her daughter change because she has change. So something must have happened to change her like that and based from her daughter's attitude, it doesn't seem that she grew up in that kind of environment or that they have been like that ever since she was a child.


Her husband is probably a jerk but not that worst. So maybe they were hiding something or more to it. Or maybe their son is gay? Husband didn't like it and pressure him to become a man and send him way but then he killed himself.? or maybe MS was the one who really wanted to send him away for some reason maybe that's why she felt that she's also to blame for it.


Yeah I really am completely disappointed with all of those guys, so i hope there wouldn't be a happy ending for them.

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2 hours ago, yanki said:

Yeah maybe there is still something more about MS' son's death. Especially since none of their friends even know of the truth.

I also wonder if MS is also indirectly at fault since from the beginning it look as if she's trying to pay for it (At least based from everything she said and little bits of flashbacks we have seen)

1. She said her house wasn't that bad from the beginning.

2. The first time we see her getting beaten up, the words she was saying were "I did wrong, it's my fault" - or something like that.

3. Her daughter was defending her from her husband and then she said that her daughter change because she has change. So something must have happened to change her like that and based from her daughter's attitude, it doesn't seem that she grew up in that kind of environment or that they have been like that ever since she was a child.


Her husband is probably a jerk but not that worst. So maybe they were hiding something or more to it. Or maybe their son is gay? Husband didn't like it and pressure him to become a man and send him way but then he killed himself.? or maybe MS was the one who really wanted to send him away for some reason maybe that's why she felt that she's also to blame for it.


Yeah I really am completely disappointed with all of those guys, so i hope there wouldn't be a happy ending for them.


My Goodness, your imagination goes farther than mine...  how come you think of this possibility? :lol: 

I only think that MS blames herself for not trying hard enough to convince her husband to let her son stay. Their son must be an awesome kid, because there are many trophies in his room. Maybe, the husband had high expectation for him, so he sent him abroad for better study, but the son didn't want to. 

But still, there must be something really dark or depressing that they both must hide the truth from the public. 

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Quite a fashion show: 1 scene, 1 outfit? 







Even in sleeping pajama, she looks attractive... how though? That pajama may cost a fortune, btw. 

My favourite photos :wub:





Many of her outfit looks really pretty, but too bad, they only appeared in 1 or 2 scenes.


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Just done watching episode 7 with subbed. I feel so sorry for MS, she was super happy and excited to see her husband changing, when he asked her to throw those liquors away she threw them away and excitedly called out her daughter to help her and telling her that his father is changing. At the same time I can't help but think that something is wrong with her,  but I guess she just really want their family to return to the way it was before.


And JH's husband scared me for a bit lol. I thought he might end up going berserk and throw things in their house and try to hurt JH. Lol I think the writer also know of those who ship stepsonxJH haha


I cannot believe that there are only few episodes left, I still feel like there still lots of things to be solve, not just about revenge but also about their whole family matter and still can't see a better revenge than ruining not giving these guys a happy ending and ruining their career(especially abusive husband and perverted principal). And the whole thing about JH's family. I was really annoyed and disappointed with JH's husband in this chapter, he scared me a bit when he was arguing with JH; I thought he's going to go berserk inside their house and hurt her like MS's husband good thing it didn't go that far. Although at the same time I couldn't help but think that JH and his situation in their family is a bit the same[being looked down on by their siblings]


I was just thinking,,, JH seems to have a lot of free time compared to her sister, husband and the rest of those chaebol's; could it be because she was an illegitimate child that's why they didn't gave her any important roles for their company and just raised her to become daughter they can sent off for marriage? I mean at least compared to her older sister who's been doing a lot of job acting like a boss and probably can stand on her own even without a husband or at least having to endure as much as JH does.


Thanks for the pictures. I love the clothes she wear and the way she handle it.



My Goodness, your imagination goes farther than mine...  how come you think of this possibility?


:lol: Just that, that sometimes happens in other k-dramas so :lol:

DH's son did't get much exposure lol I still hope the bullies at least learn their lesson, so far there's still no satisfying result for any of them, not even for the bullied mother and kid.

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13 hours ago, vaiduakhu said:


PS: many ppl already said this, but now I say this: MS's daughter, SY, is so annoying. What a daughter! she's not 5 year-old kid, she's high-school student for God's sake! she hurts her own mom so much... a selfish girl, who only cares about her own feeling and well-being. SG, don't fall for her! you hear me? 

I can't say I disagree with everyone's assessment on SY.  She is very inconsiderate of her mom's feelings.  Poor MS.  She deserves much better than a selfish husband and lousy child.  She is too nice to knocking some senses into that rebellious daughter of hers.  But it looks like SG could teach SY a lesson or two to have better attitude towards her mom.  I don't think he would like her so don't worry, vaiduakhu.

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2 hours ago, yanki said:



I was just thinking,,, JH seems to have a lot of free time compared to her sister, husband and the rest of those chaebol's; could it be because she was an illegitimate child that's why they didn't gave her any important roles for their company and just raised her to become daughter they can sent off for marriage? I mean at least compared to her older sister who's been doing a lot of job acting like a boss and probably can stand on her own even without a husband or at least having to endure as much as JH does.



Man, I just watched the whole ep8 last night... and so far, it's the episode where all bad ppl irritate me the most, from 3 unbearable guys to SG's blood-mom to JH's step-sister to DH's rival and her son. All the annoying and sad things gather in 1 episode. I guess this is the only episode I can't bring myself to re-watch anytime soon. 

About what you concerned about, yes, I think JH is almost jobless. In the webtoon, her dad gave her opportunities to prove her ability, but the results turned out not so good, so the step siblings looked down on her. What the step-sister said to JH in ep8 angers me so much. The family used her as a tool, no more no less, for their business purposes to tie up 2 corporations. Because she's an illegitimate child, they raised her and she must use her life and sacrifice her happiness to pay off. What the heck? Unbelievable. Which century we are living on? 18th or 19th? Now, I fully comprehend why JH (and even the husband) can't get divorced on their own. There is no way! except 2 families agree on a divorce. Their families are too powerful. They can cover any scandal, and use their money to control everything. 

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1 hour ago, QSD said:

I can't say I disagree with everyone's assessment on SY.  She is very inconsiderate of her mom's feelings.  Poor MS.  She deserves much better than a selfish husband and lousy child.  She is too nice to knocking some senses into that rebellious daughter of hers.  But it looks like SG could teach SY a lesson or two to have better attitude towards her mom.  I don't think he would like her so don't worry, vaiduakhu.


I'm not confident about it, QSD. They have quite some romantic scenes together, like listening to music from same earphones, or SY defended SG from her friends' badmouths. Remember in the webtoon, they met each other at the end. Is it a hint of romance? 

I don't think she's a bad girl, her living environment makes her personality that rough. But I'm not able to be fond of any child who hurts their parents. MS proves herself so much, SY should at least understand 1 or 2 things about her Mom. I tried to believe SY was hard on surface, but deep down, she cared and understood her Mom. However, when she thought that her Mom had kind of paid relationship with SG, I think this kid is so hopeless. How a child thinks that abt their Mom? like she doesn't know her Mom at all after being raised for 16+ years by her Mom. How though? 

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I also think MS’s son committed suicide although they didn’t speak it frankly. MS did say something about his son didn’t turn back when Do Hee asked her in ep 5. Her husband is a professor, it’s not surprising that he put huge pressure on his son in study to save his face ( but how on earth they can cover up the death to all reporters and friends by just telling a lie “ he’s studying abroad “ ? The other two bad guys , even as close as they’re, didn’t seem to know it as well. No funeral maybe)

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MS's son died abroad. So, MS's husband can use his relationship to cover up as confidential info... of course, no funeral, nothing. Poor the son! 

3 bad guys' relationship, ugh, they are not close at all, they are just partners with benefit. If their benefits conflict, they will part away in 1 blink. While the ajummas' relationship, they are literally like sisters whom they can share secrets with.

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4 hours ago, may2429 said:

I also think MS’s son committed suicide although they didn’t speak it frankly. MS did say something about his son didn’t turn back when Do Hee asked her in ep 5. Her husband is a professor, it’s not surprising that he put huge pressure on his son in study to save his face ( but how on earth they can cover up the death to all reporters and friends by just telling a lie “ he’s studying abroad “ ? The other two bad guys , even as close as they’re, didn’t seem to know it as well. No funeral maybe)


I just watched Ep 5 again towards the end where MS revealing about her son's death.  It's true he did take his own life.  What a loser MS’s husband is.  Not only he didn’t regret for pushing his son to no turning back path, he turns out even more violent towards MS since then, and of course, still about himself “Let me become the Superintendent first”, he said in Ep 8.

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I remember a fan said does he know he beat his wife? Another fan replied of course, one should remember his own doings, but he acts as if Mi Sook’s phobia towards him was a very strange thing ( in episode 1 remember when MS tried to clean his shoes then she jumped when his hand moved up) The husband was like “ why the hell?” 


I can’t stand his lying about their son still studying abroad, and also blaming MS for everything, he said something like “ you’ve back to normal “ to MS when she brought him health pill, which means he thinks she is not normal these days. He is just typical male chauvinist, all he wants is a puppet wife, a brilliant son to show off to everyone,  and I don’t think he cares about daughter that much. Actually I thought he would slap or beat his daughter at home after she ran away from interview. If he really beats the daughter, then there will be no excuse for MS to defend her husband anymore. 

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just dropping by to share my amusement  at the scene I am watching right now,  the avenger's club members doing a group study to get an idea of a revenge.. I thought it's so crazy and hilarious! 


btw, our lee yowon is so pretty in the scene where she was talking to her husband and step-son in their living room. i love the color of her clothes, pink blouse and white jeans.:wub:


need to get back to watching, only have 30 minutes break and will be working again.

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Just done watching episode 8... my god! I am so angry! especially at those bullies, I really hope to see them get deserving punishment both mom and son!  I almost got upset that DH went there and trying to act polite again even though her kneeling didn't work on that woman the first time, so I am at least glad that DH changed her view later on. But still, please let those bullies get punished first and asap!


I also didn't like that SH doubted her mom although I understand why she's acting rebellious against her, it's because she didn't like the way she just kept enduring everything and not standing up against her husband in order to protect her children, probably in her mind she as a mother should've stayed strong for her children and don't let them grow up in that kind of environment and LOL all of my guesses were wrong haha the husband is a control freak indeed as SH said...he's always been like that and MS did nothing but follow, even with his desire to send him abroad.


This episode is really frustrating and depressing indeed. I just hope to see the bullies get punished the next episode.

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8 hours ago, may2429 said:

I remember a fan said does he know he beat his wife? Another fan replied of course, one should remember his own doings, but he acts as if Mi Sook’s phobia towards him was a very strange thing ( in episode 1 remember when MS tried to clean his shoes then she jumped when his hand moved up) The husband was like “ why the hell?” 


I can’t stand his lying about their son still studying abroad, and also blaming MS for everything, he said something like “ you’ve back to normal “ to MS when she brought him health pill, which means he thinks she is not normal these days. He is just typical male chauvinist, all he wants is a puppet wife, a brilliant son to show off to everyone,  and I don’t think he cares about daughter that much. Actually I thought he would slap or beat his daughter at home after she ran away from interview. If he really beats the daughter, then there will be no excuse for MS to defend her husband anymore. 


Ep8 reveals that MS suffered trauma back then at the orphanage and she is still be haunted by it presently. The orphanage scene frustrates me so much. How on the earth an adult forced an orphan to repeat that because she was bad and stupid, she was abandoned by her blood parents??? I think because of that, MS is obsessed with perfection and the fear of making mistakes and being abandoned.

I feel so bad for MS. I think this is why she insists on remaining a family with her abusive husband although her daughter opposes to that. She experienced and she knows how bad a kid's life can be if they don't have a family. 

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11 hours ago, may2429 said:

Yeah ep 8 is depressing except the scene where JH ate chicken feet. Still, the “coincidentally “ meeting between Do Hee and the carpenter looks uncanny to me. So is this going to be growing love from sympathy? 


yeah, I feel the awkwardness in the  air during their accidental meeting too, lol... :lol: Maybe, they can be friends first, and develop the relationship later: an open ending for DH and carpenter. 

Look like JH and MS tail him in ep9, haha. They smell the romance from their Unnie. By the way, this is the sign that HJ and carpenter didn't know each other in the past, right? I don't want any love triangle.

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3 hours ago, yanki said:

Just done watching episode 8... my god! I am so angry! especially at those bullies, I really hope to see them get deserving punishment both mom and son!  I almost got upset that DH went there and trying to act polite again even though her kneeling didn't work on that woman the first time, so I am at least glad that DH changed her view later on. But still, please let those bullies get punished first and asap!


I also didn't like that SH doubted her mom although I understand why she's acting rebellious against her, it's because she didn't like the way she just kept enduring everything and not standing up against her husband in order to protect her children, probably in her mind she as a mother should've stayed strong for her children and don't let them grow up in that kind of environment and LOL all of my guesses were wrong haha the husband is a control freak indeed as SH said...he's always been like that and MS did nothing but follow, even with his desire to send him abroad.


This episode is really frustrating and depressing indeed. I just hope to see the bullies get punished the next episode.


I don't worry much abt the bullies. DH's issue is the easiest one to be solved among the 3 ajummas' headaches, because the mom and her kid are dumb, and their tactics are simple and childish. They are easy to be scared too. Even SG can make the bully pee in his pants while JH is a huge threat to bully mom. The current situation is more complicated than before, but DH's family will be fine. Bully mom & kid's bad deeds will be exposed in public sooner or later. Actually, I feel bad a little bit for the mom, because while she's busy showing off here and there and lecturing ppl about family's proper education, she doesn't know that her own kid is rotten. 

What I worry is MS and JH's messy family issue. How MS can get rid of the abusive husband and how JH can get divorced and be free from family's crawls. And someone, please give Hong Sang Man a one-way ticket straight to hell asap! I hate that by only 1 call, he could ruin DH's 10-year business reputation. 

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