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Pretty Boy Or Manly?

Guest ong sta

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Guest frappucino

Pretty boys can be adorable and "aww" inducing, but in the end it's manly >>> pretty for me.

I mean if I'm dating a guy like a pretty boy? NO. I'm more likely to have one as a best friend haha : )

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MANLY x 1000000000000000000

im sorry but i hate the fact that like 90% of asian guys are metrosexual. (im korean)

i find it to be a big turn off. never reaaally been attracted to an asian guy :s

i love a boys boy :)

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Guest mukinsvivi

Feminine..but not TOO feminine to the point he steals my role ! XD

Hmm , someone who is HOME Oriented :D! Haha , of course he has

to be manly ! one of us has to be

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Guest kiss_bunny

Boys like 2pm XD

They're manly but not like gross manly.

They're bodies and toned and have muscle but not like super big muscle.


and they're dorky

well im not saying they have to look as good as 2pm


im saying they should be manly

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i mean, they don't have to have buzzed hair - there are definitely guys who are manly that have sort of longer hair but they have to have the body lmao

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Guest ddalgee_FUUUSEx


personally, i think guys are supposed to be manly.

they shouldnt take forever picking out their clothes or styling their hair for half an hour. its just weird.

a great example of a manly dude = taecyeon from 2pm<3

edit: and i love buzz cuts! xD

idk it just has that manly look. and it looks really cool.

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Guest Honey_KizZ

there should be a choice for a little bit of both.

i like guys who care about their looks and dress up,

also a bit built but not too much.

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Guest cHenz--

Personally, I like manly boys..

Pretty boys just seem so.. fragile, while manly guys have this protective aura around him.

Also, some pretty boys are just too pretty that it scared me.. :P

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I chose pretty boy, but I agree with some of the posters on the first page - somewhere in between/manly pretty boys etc.

I like my guys with short to medium length hair who don't care about their hair/appearance so much, but still have decent style. I'm not into really muscular manly guys, maybe just... a little bit of muscle. slim and toned?^^

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Guest you_wish

manly....just like the song from 2ne1 "pretty boy"

and perfect example of manly.....2pm. <3

im not overly girly myself and dating a 'pretty boy' would just be a no-no for me.

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