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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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why do these dark circles and fine lines around my eyes that i got because of pulling all nighter during my exam week stay just the same???
been getting enough sleep since the sem break begins but why cant i see any improvement? QAQi hate my major! you are giving me too much stress!! what's with those lab practice and report?? you professors!! why do you demand so much from us??seriously, i want to graduate ASAP to quit this nerdy lifestyle which is causing my premature aging... TTATT

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Guest madbrows

Just finished the hardest quiz I ever took in my whole 22 years of life. This professor is all over the place. He was late for posting up his course materials, and the assigned book for the class is so vague and barely helped on the quiz (I'm guessing he just picked the cheapest book on amazon so students would register for his class), late on sending out power points to the class, doesn't even compile the class power points himself (I'm guessing he gets them online), just reads off power points and no expanding on them (wtf I could do that myself), looks as lost as students when they ask questions. I can admit I'll fail a quiz if its my fault for not studying, paying attention, etc.but this isn't one of those cases, this guy sucks at teaching.

I've taken cumulative finals that were easier than this 4 chapter quiz

End rant.

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Guest motherducker

Furrrrrk. So much for eating healthy. I've consumed so much chocolate over the past couple days. I don't know why, but I figured since I was already in so deep, a couple or dozens of potato chips wouldn't make too much of difference.

Furrrrrrk. I havent had a decent workout all weekend, gonna have to make up for it this week.


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Guest motherducker

Why do muffins have to crumble away so easily? Like 3/4 of it falls on you and the ground. That's 25% more you could eat, but no... It just crumbles.

Why am I eating a muffin in the first place? I'm on a diet. Idk.

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Guest softochre

I's so frustrated. My eyesight is getting worse everyday. I went to get a Lasik evaluation but I'm not a candidate. My eyes are not stable as of now, so I was told to come back in 4 to 9 years. To make it worse my eyes went from -8 to -12 in the course of 3 years (remember, 20 is perfect vision).

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Guest usermizzy

Just met two bad Korean women with offensive, impolite, inappropriate behaviors yesterday. I mean I almost need to call the police for help. They're likely tourist (or maybe not because at least one can speak certain local language) who left off airport express station with luggage. I do not work for the airport authority or related fields by the way. And the day before, I have a bad experience in a small/medium size Korean CD shop which located at city center, with ads on magazines accepting orders of overseas albums. Well the funny thing is that certain incident happened after my payment for the ordering, I ordered a few Korean albums. (I initially/actually prepared a huge list with more than 10 Korean albums and intended to try to order all of them.) Yes that was just an ordering (try to) and I will or need to come back there again. But surely I wouldn't back any further in the future. Luckily I'm day off today at least I can take a short breathe from the most ruling organism on Earth. Peace~

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