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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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Guest motherducker


I didn't even have a bad day, I'm just in that mood where I want everyone to f*cking leave me alone and let me fume in peace.

But no. My poor family has to come and constantly bother me.


I dunno wtf is up with this sudden mood change.
...maybe it's that time of the month again omg NO.

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Guest cosplayziguang

Sometimes, some cosplayers use to try to appearance some candied derma and allure audiences and supporters. The accepted faculty to a lot of of these cosplayers is that they wish to acknowledge added of their derma and attack to be sexier and added absolute in nature.<b><a href="http://www.molitop.com/">cosplay buy</a></b> Some of the accurate blooded otakus would anon admit the attributes of how abundant is to be appear in the appearance of best to be able to act out the role of getting a cosplayer. It is accurate that a cosplayer would accede the close role of the character. For example, if a assertive appearance is accounted to be sporty, boyish, artful and others sexy, they would tend to be added appetizing and would be bad-tempered and be added absorbed in caressing. You as a cosplayer should be acute with <b><a href="http://www.molitop.com/">cosplay store</a></b> these types of amenities and accomplishments because a bodies who tends to become added blow could be abhorrent and irritating. Some who are accurate to the attributes of their appearance would appearance some derma on the chest area, acknowledge their break and some accouterment of their panties but at the end of the day, you should consistently be accessible to face the challenges ahead. If you wish to asperse in that blazon of character, you should be holistically ready.

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Guest undr.bullshit

I've had quite the life, many bad days here and there, but most have lost there importance (mostly because there was nothing making them important) but a couple definitely stand out. When I was really little I lost my dad to a heart attack, growing up without a father definitely has its tolls on a young boy. And even more so, a family. We struggled but had friends who helped us through many tough times.When I was in 6th grade my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Not the easiest thing for a single mom with three kids. Money was always tight, emotions were high strung. Yet we persevered.She passed away when I was a junior in High School. To this day that's the worst bad day I've ever had.However through all of this, I have forced myself to look at the good things in life, find anything nice and cherish it. It got me through a lot,  but it took a lot of work. That's why I want to help others out as well. We all have bad days whether the boss was just extra rough, things just didn't seem to work out right, or something more serious. It helps to have a real person to talk it through with and help you figure things out. That's why I started this new project, http://notquitetherapy.blogspot.com/ Check it out. Hopefully I can help make bad days less bad, and help you have fewer of them. 

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Guest Kskano713

(Sorry guys, its a long rant.) Its unbelieveable. Why won't you even talk to me? You keep insisting that we put off the conversation. Though I am frustrated with you not letting me do something simple, its the fact that I can't live up to my parents expectations that were set by my brother. Yes, my brother is great is academics and sports, but so am I. Even more so, in some areas. You even say that I have potential to grow. But why do you not allow me the same opportunities as him? Why do you make everything non-negotiatable? Why can HE get what he wants, when he wants, yet I never get a chance to talk about? I saved your life when you were about to get hit by a train, yet you still believe me to be childish and immature. Do you know what I want to be when I grow up? Do you know what I like to eat, what I like to wear, what I dream about doing? The biggest question: Do you even care? You are blindsighted by your love of your son. Why won't you even look at your daughter? What did I do that made you so.... careless? You are my MOM. Then why don't I even turn to you when I have problems? When I make All A's and one B, you say "That isn't good enough! Do better next time or else you will be punished!" When my brother comes home with a C and several B's on his report card, you congratulate him on the single A he received. Why can't you do the same for me? Why do I get cut out of opportunities that he gets? What did I do to receive this awful life-sentence of a punishment? I told you that I wanted to drive to school. I didn't tell you why, but here is the explanation: I was bullied on my bus for being an Asian. Do you know how hard it is to listen to those comments day after day? Or come home to find my shirt marked on by pens, gum stuck to my pants, or even spit on my bag? No, you'll never understand why. You say "Well, I went through this during my high school years, too." Well then, if you hated it so much, why are you forcing your daughter to go through all that HELL that you went through? And your son gets pampered by being driven to school at whatever time he feels like it, no matter if school already started. All I am asking is to drive MYSELF. We already have a car, you bought it for him. I'll even pay the gas money myself! It takes ZERO percent of your day to take me there. But you mutter some excuse about not being on time and turn away. When I ask, you scream back at me, "NON NEGOTIATABLE, SHUT UP!" I've heard 'shut up, damn you' from you so many times, its ridiculous. Who even speaks to their daughter like that? Do you have any idea what that does to my self-confidence? Trying, always trying, to keep up my grades, I don't (barely) have any friends because I was studying so hard. I can play the piano and flute excellently, yet my brother can't even read music. But you refused to stay at my piano recital because "Your brother has a fever of 100 degrees. We need to stay home and take care of him.". He is richard simmons 18 years old. He can take care of a small fever. Yet I practiced everyday for a year for this recital! You never seem to want to listen to me. To most people, they turn to family when they have a problem or when they feel sad. What should I do? The pressure from my family caused me to drop all of my friends as a sacrifice, yet they still don't love me as much as my brother. Who do I turn to now? You really shouldn't have had a second child if you were going to treat me like this. I wouldn't wish it on ANYONE, living through this hell once was bad enough. Trust me- in 2 years, I am leaving for college. You must be so happy, right? You never have to see me again.

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Guest Sabrina1430291727

I just noticed now that... I'm alone. Its always me alone. Ever since I got into that fight with my friends everyone has been downing their thoughts about me and now people think that I'm a bad person.. I have no more friends at school because of this. I would do anything just to have my friends back, I would beg onto my knees... But I guess its too late for that. I feel so worthless and low after they blasted me on facebook and pounded almost every insult at me. I just want to go in a corner, cry and just stay there till I die. Whenever I tell people about this, they never give me good advice or tell me all this stuff on how I'm overreacting and such.. I just want my friends back... thats all that I ask...

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Guest happygal2011

I spend part of my time in office yelling at my colleague for not knowing what the heck she's doing.I'm very rude to those who don't know or rather don't be bother with their work and only in the end bringing nothing for extra works to other.

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Well today has been the worst day ever, lost all of my friends and just beofre that the one person i thought i still had, my boyfriend. Goes out and gets other girls to sleep at his house, speaks to loads of other girls including MY CLOSE FRIENDS (well when i had any) and expects me not to fine out!! OMG asdfghjkl are you stupid? lost all my friends and you, aww. i love you to baby xoxoxox.

lol joke, sh. you can do1 to!

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Guest xxiaoMEI

I don't know why this is making me so angry, but seriously...I don't understand you. You're the one that told me I should practice more, and I totally agree, I think I should practice more too and so I agreed to postpone the date, but after saying all that, you're not even letting me practice. Wtf...I thought you wanted me to practice? You're not even giving me the opportunity to, and then when I ask you when I will be able to, you get all annoyed and angry because I keep asking you. Honestly, I'm just trying to let you decide because I know you have things planned, but you turn it around and blame it on me for not asking. I'm brought it up a lot of times, you just never do anything about it. It seems like you don't even give a richard simmons. All I'm asking for is a little support.

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omg why r people so damn loud at the library? its a library not the mall. especially CERTAIN teenagers. OMGGGGG i now understand the rage and frustration i must have given people as a youngster not realizing how DISTRACTING i am to other people. GRRRRR i hate this generation. trash music trash kids trash entertainment trash movies, ALL TRASH. 

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I am so annoyed right now.  As a boss, you should know that you have no damn right to look into a person's schedule - someone who isn't your employee - yet you're demanding to see it.  If you need someone to work where you're at, then hire someone who lives there.  I'm not going to drive 30 minutes for crappy hours.  I need to work around my sister's schedule, so don't even think about trying to pull me over there.  She's not your employee either, so stop trying to act like she is!!!

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Guest asuka1430291743

I'm sad no one's following my amazing new tumblrs linked below in my sig.  ;_;  Even a like would be nice, just to show someone acknowledges my interests out there.  /doneattentionfishing
On a serious note I'm feeling pretty low because after tomorrow I have two exams two days in a row (a midterm and a final I was supposed to a long time ago for online school).  I'm really nervous.

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Guest kaboom

I asked for light brown hair, why on earth do i have freaking orangey-brown hair? I HATE THAT STUPID ORANGE TINT! and I paid $200 for this? POS!!

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Guest eunchannn

When people seem to bash you all the time on the interet for making a post hen if someone else made the same post they wouldn't get bashed on. Is it because I am a tomboy? Does everyone hate tomboys these days? Or is it because of where I am from and that? What is it with people and hating on others so quickly over the damn internet? - rant over -


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Guest sunye~

I've been pretty busy lately and these idiots who are screwing around with me aren't much help. I feel like I'm not doing anything productive. Hm.

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Warning! This post contains many grammatical errors.

I feel like I'm falling behind in my classes even though school just started last week and my 4 of my 6 teachers don't teach and go off in tangents by themselves constantly. I also found out that the girl next to me hates Latinos even though almost 85% of the school population is from Latino/Mexican descent. And to the kid trying to convince me to join his very obvious pyramid scheme, you do not call potential clients pinkberries and John Tesh at them until you found out that I might have been interested. I worry about my very gullible friends who eagerly joining this scam when the people who told them about it haven't even made money yet even though they have been part of that business for months now! Also, this person is full of shady secrets so why would you trust this person? If you really don't like someone, then don't associate yourself with them and pretend to be nice to them! That just makes you look like a two faced pinkberry, especially how you tell everyone and their mom you don't like that person! I do not know if I love my father or if even loves me. He said it to me this morning but when I came home yesterday he called me a useless piece of **** and the gtfo of the house. My dog has been acting quite strange lately and this concerns me a great deal. Stop it with the FB relationships that are just photoshopped pictures of you two! You're my beset friend and I love you but stop getting boyfriends and telling them you will be together forever when you'll just break up the next month anyways. :[ Wow, this week has been a stressful week and its only Tuesday. I need to get  a hobby or job asap because I am going crazy and need something to distract me from the crazies in my life.

Thank goodness for food, sleep, my lunch buddies, and my friends in second period who can always make me laugh. : D

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I can understand some people have a lot of national pride, however, you're pushing it when you start to bad-mouth another nation as though your nation is so perfect.  I'm not saying I agree with anything that nation did, but if you really look into historical events, many nations have done something horrible.  I don't see why you think you have the right to be saying that country has no pride and should be shameful of their actions.  You're a close-minded person and need to think before you speak.

Also, I will never understand people who pretends to be close to a person after that person passes away.  Do you want that much sympathy from others?  You want people to tell you they're sorry for losing a loved one?  I don't understand it.  Who they were, you never knew them.  You never cared, so keep their names out of your mouth.  Don't create stories like you were a best friend to them.  Their existence meant nothing to you when they were alive.  Now that they're gone, you pretend to care.  You'll forget them one day.  You won't keep them in your heart like everyone who truly loves them.

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