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Kim So Eun 김소은

Guest ilikemangoss

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ㅎㅎㅎ Just have to share this ARTICLE

It talks about her pictorial in Grazia etc. What got me LOLing is that the reporter referred Sso as  ‘밤을 걷는 선비’의 여주인공 (the heroine/leading lady of TSWWTN) :P

So, I guess we are not the only ones who cannot move on from the fact she's not the heroine, but still the awesome MH/HR. Indeed, uri queen slaying in her own way...

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KSE's cuts from TSWWTN#10 (8/6/2015)

1 2 3 4 (ct TV Naver)

Will update on the views & comments later (if I have time)

This article by TV Report on the scene of HR got jealous with YS is currently in the top 5 of most viewed articles in Naver. 

The rating for TSWWTN#10:

Nielsen: 7.4% (Nationwide) 7.4% (Seoul)  <== Wow, what a plunge!



(+225,-18) 김소은 분량이 조금은 많아진것같은데  그래두 더 많이 해주세요~~!! 근데 이 와중에 김소은 이쁘다~~^^
(+225,-18) The amount (of) KSE (screen time) has slightly increased, but please increase it further~~!! However, KSE is beautiful in here~~^^

(+221,-8) 아버지가 딸을 망쳤네 ㅠㅠ  그런데 귀의 정인은 아이는 누구일까?  귀가 혜령을 믿고 비밀을 털어놓은게 나중에 성열과 이윤이 귀를없애는데 열쇠가될듯 흥미진진 혜령이 더 많이 나와라
(+221,-8) Daddy's daughter has became spoilt ㅠㅠ But who were Gwi's lover (and) his child? Gwi trusted Hye Ryeong and revealed his secret, when later Seong Yeol and Lee Yoon to destroy Gwi, she might become the key, indeed (it's) very interesting, Hye Ryeong please appear more

(+150,-8) 혜령 이쁘네.. 세손 많이 좋아하나보네 과연 세손을도울지 귀를도울지..
(+150,-8) Hye Ryeong is beautiful...it seems that she likes the prince, I see, she (whether) will help the prince (or) will help Gwi..


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Hello everybody

I translated briefly an article by Osen that came out today. Since I am getting lazier, I only translated parts that talk about Sso's performance.


[어저께TV] '밤선비' 김소은, 같은 배우 맞아? 깜짝 놀란 '1인2역'
'Night Scholar' KSE, the same actor? 'Frightening' '1 person 2 roles' [t/n: 'frightening' in a good sense almost similar to 'getting goosebump']

[OSEN=이지영 기자] 사랑스러웠던 김소은은 온데간데 없고, 독기만 남은 김소은만 남았다. 같은 인물이 연기했다고는 믿기지 않을 정도로 1인 2역을 제대로 소화하고 있다. 김소은의 재발견이다.
The lovely KSE suddenly disappeared,  what remained only maliciousness, only KSE. It is almost unbelievable that same person is acting/performing (these characters),  that is (how) precisely she is digesting her dual role. This is the rediscovery of KSE.

[untranslated parts under spoiler]

MBC 수목극 ‘밤을 걷는 선비’는 조선시대를 배경으로 한 뱀파이어들의 이야기를 그리고 있다. 귀라는 흡혈귀는 조선의 왕 위에 군림하며 나라를 쥐락펴락하는 캐릭터. 그에게 복종하는 왕만이 살아남을 수 있다. 
(explaining the story in TSWWTN on HR and Gwi)

성열은 정현세자의 벗으로 정현세자가 귀에 맞설려고 할 때 도움을 준다. 그 과정에서 귀의 스승에게 물려 흡혈귀가 된다. 명희는 성열과 열렬한 사랑을 나누는 사이. 두 사람은 결혼까지 약속했지만, 성열이 흡혈귀가 되면서 두 사람의 행복은 물거품이 된다. 명희는 흡혈귀가 된 뒤 피를 먹지 않아 죽어가는 성열을 위해 자결을 하고 자신의 피를 준다.
(explaining the story in TSWWTN on MH and SY)

120년이 흐른 뒤, 성열은 우연히 혜령을 만나게 된다. 명희와 똑같은 외모의 혜령에 복잡한 마음을 가지지만, 결국 혜령과 명희는 전혀 다른 인물임을 알게된다. 명희가 사랑하는 이를 위해 자신까지 희생하는 착하고 사랑스러운 여자였다면, 혜령은 복수만을 위해 살아가는 여자. 혜령은 귀에게 복종하기 위해 자신까지 바친 아버지를 원망하는 힘으로 살고 있다. 딸을 흡혈귀에 바친 아버지 때문에 어머니마저 충격으로 정신이 온전치 않은 상황.
(explaining the story in TSWWTN on HR and MH)

혜령은 귀의 수하가 된 뒤 아버지보다 큰 힘을 갖기 위해 왕의 여자가 되려고 한다. 6일 방송에서도 귀의 명령을 수행하는 혜령의 모습이 전파를 탔다. 성열이 양선을 좋아한다는 사실을 안 귀는 혜령을 시켜 양선을 감시하게 했다. 혜령은 양선을 감시하며, 세손 윤도 양선을 좋아하다는 사실에 “정말 대단한 아이다”고 질투와 경멸이 담긴 시선을 보였다.
(explaining the story in TSWWTN#10)

이날 혜령은 귀에게 자신의 야망을 밝히면서도 독기 품은 눈빛으로 시청자들을 섬뜩하게 만들었다.
On the same day, (the scene where) HR explained her personal mission to Gwi while expressing maliciousness, (such) eye-expression has given goosebumps to the viewers. 

드라마 초반 이준기와 알콩달콩 사랑을 하며 사랑스러운 모습을 보여줬던 김소은. 특히 이준기에게 했던 “은혜한다”는 사랑고백은 두고두고 회자가 됐다. 그런데 120년 뒤 전혀 다른 인물로 나타나 시청자들을 놀라게 하고 있다. 그 사랑스러웠던 김소은이 맞나 싶을 정도로 차갑고 독한 눈빛과 표정으로 돌아왔던 것. 김소은은 1인 2역을 제대로 소화해내며 성장한 모습을 선사하고 있다. 
During the opening of the drama, KSE displayed the story (lit. appearance) of lovely/charming, 'happily-ever-after' romance with LJK. In particular, her '은혜한다' love confession to LJK became the topic until later episodes (lit. further future). However, the viewers are surprised (to see) her becoming a totally new person (character) after 120 years.  lovely KSE has returned so fittingly with her cold and intense stare and expression. KSE is digesting her dual role accurately and delivering a mature performance (in the drama).

[article by Naver, translation by me]




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Hi, it's me again. Hope you won't get bored. I briefly translated another article by TV Report  on Sso and Changmin's performance. 

TBH, I do not follow the drama so I am not sure how accurate the writer's appraisal on their performance. It seems like the writer was over-praising them. But, even it is a bit hyperbole to me, I am happy to see great responses by the media and viewers alike.


[TV줌인] ‘밤을 걷는 선비’ 심창민·김소은, 반전 속내 뭉클하잖아
'TSWWTN' SCM-KSE, overwhelmed (lit. choked) with reversal intention 

[TV리포트=박귀임 기자] 그야말로 반전이었다. ‘밤을 걷는 선비’ 심창민과 김소은의 안타까운 사연이 안방극장을 뭉클하게 만들었다.
It was really a battle. 'TSWWTN' SCM and KSE filled up the inner theatre with choking, sorrowful conversation.

[untranslated parts under spoiler]

지난 6일 방송된 MBC 수목미니시리즈 ‘밤을 걷는 선비’(장현주 극본, 이성준 연출) 10회에서는 김성열(이준기)이 정현세자 비망록을 찾아내는 모습이 그려졌다.

이날 방송에서 이윤(심창민)은 아버지를 잃고 노비가 된 조양선(이유비)을 찾아갔다. 앞서 조양선은 역모 죄로 죽을 뻔 했으나 이윤의 도움으로 노비 생활을 하게 된 바 있다. 아무 것도 모르는 조양선은 분노했고, 이윤은 속내를 숨긴 채 냉랭하게 대하면서도 가슴 아파 했다. 자신을 따랐던 노학영(여의주)에게도 마찬가지. 하지만 노학영은 자신을 내치는 이윤의 속뜻을 간파하고 있었다.

이렇듯 이윤은 노론의 편에 서는 등 기존과 다른 행보를 걸었다. 이는 현조(이순재)와 함께 귀(이수혁)를 잡기 위해 수를 쓰고 있는 것. 하지만 겉으로는 달라진 면모를 드러내며 모두를 혼란스럽게 했다. 김성열도 이윤의 모습에 의구심을 품을 정도.

결국 몸과 마음이 지친 이윤은 친모를 찾아갔다. 잠시라도 편하게 쉬고 싶었기 때문. 이것도 잠시, 이윤은 자신을 홀로 찾아온 김성열이 정현세자 비망록과 귀를 잡을 비책을 설명할 때 혼란스러워했다. 현조 역시 귀를 잡기 위해 또 다른 방법을 준비하고 있었던 터. 이윤이 어떤 결단을 내릴지 관심이 모아지는 대목이다.

최혜령(김소은)은 귀의 명령을 받아 조양선을 지켜봤다. 귀가 조양선의 곁에 김성열이 있을 것이니 그를 주시하라고 지시한 것. 그러던 중 이윤이 조양선을 찾아간 것을 보고 최혜령은 질투했다.

또한 최혜령은 이윤에게 의도적으로 접근했으나 이를 티내지 않았다. 귀 앞에서도 절대 주눅 들지 않았다. 차가운 무표정으로 일관, 도도한 매력을 발산했다. 하지만 최혜령에게는 아픈 사연이 있었다. 자신을 알아보지 못할 정도로 정신이 온전하지 못한 친모가 있었던 것. 아버지와의 사이 역시 좋지 않다. 이에 최혜령은 친모 앞에서 감정을 숨기고, 뒤로 눈물을 훔쳐 안타까움을 자아냈다.

특히 심창민과 김소은은 물오른 감정 연기로 몰입도를 높였다. 심창민은 자신의 사람들을 지키기 위해 일부러 막 행동하는 이윤의 괴로움을 섬세하게 잘 표현했다. 김소은은 말 못할 사연을 품은 채 살아가야 하는 최혜령의 아픔을 잘 살려냈다.
In particular, SCM and KSE got more engrossed with the increasingly emotional performance. SCM has managed to express delicately the suffering of Lee Yoon, who (has to) purposely put an act for the sake of his own people. KSE has successfully breathed into life the pain of Choi Hye Ryeong, who has to continue on living with (such) inexplicable circumstances.  

뿐만 아니라 심창민과 김소은은 어느 누구와 호흡을 맞추더라도 어색함 없이 환상적인 장면을 완성했다. 상대에 따라 분위기까지 달리하며 극을 이끈 것. 심창민과 김소은의 연기 호흡 역시 일품이었다. 이에 두 사람을 응원하는 시청자도 늘어나고 있을 정도다.
That's not all, SCM and KSE are in-sync (lit. match the rhythm) with anyone and completed fantasy/magical scenes without (any) awkwardness. According to (their) co-stars, they took lead of the shooting by transforming the atmosphere (during the shoot). As expected, the acting rhythm of SCM and KSE is a gem. Accordingly, the viewers who are supporting these two in this (drama) are increasing.

‘밤을 걷는 선비’ 2막이 화려하게 열리면서 흥미가 고조된 가운데 심창민과 김소은이 또 어떻게 활약할지 귀추가 주목된다.
While the interest is rising on (what) will unfold with the two splendid acting, there's no other way but to pay attention to how SCM and KSE play out their roles in 'TSWWTN'.

한편 ‘밤을 걷는 선비’는 남장을 하고 책쾌 일을 하며 살아가는 조양선(이유비)이 음석골에 사는 신비로운 선비 김성열(이준기)을 만나게 되고, 그가 뱀파이어라는 것을 알게 되면서 벌어지는 판타지 멜로 사극이다. 매주 수, 목요일 오후 10시 방송.
(explaining on TSWWTN)

[article by Naver, translation by me]


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So Eun's CF filming for MAYCOOP at Jirisan today~

Update #1: MAYCOOP coming soon #stay tuned #coming soon #get prettier #Friday's bait


Update #2: Our team is the best [thumbs up]


Edit: the 1st update should be without caption on Instagram (captions are from So Eun's Weibo update)

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Hi, it's me again. Hope you won't get bored. I briefly translated another article by TV Report  on Sso and Changmin's performance. 


[article by Naver, translation by me]


Here are the translation for the comments for this article:

[+2955,-129] 김소은 확실히 사극에서 빛이나ㅋ
[+2955,-129] KSE is certainly a light for the sageuk (or in general?)ㅋ

[+2600,-161] 김소은 진심 너무 존예다
[+2600,-161] KSE's sincerity (in her acting) is really good

[+1917,-142] 김소은진심졸예♡♡♡
[+1917,-142] KSE's sincerity is good  ♡♡♡

[+1526,-160] 윤은 정말 누구와 함께 있어도 잘 어울어지는 느낌이 들어요. 세령도 마찬가지구요. 단순하지 않은 캐릭터인데도 불구하고 화면에 나오는 짧은 시간 동안 캐릭터의 감정이나 맞닿아있는 다른 캐릭터와의 연계도 매우 부드럽구요. 길지 않았지만 두 사람 같이 있을 때 진짜 잘 어울렸어요. 둘 다 분홍색 한복입은 것도 귀여웠구요. ㅎㅎ 더운 여름에 촬영 힘들텐데 마지막까지 힘내서 촬영해주세요. 잘 보고 있습니다.
[+1526,-160] (omitted Yoon's part). Although (their appearance together) is not long, they really well-matched when these two (HR & Yoon) are together. These two even look charming donning hanbok. ㅎㅎ It is probably difficult to shoot during this hot summer, please work hard to film until the end. We will be watching the drama well.

[+413,-70] 여주와 서브여주의 주객전도ㅋㅋㅋ이유비볼때마다 집중안되..
[+413,-70] The hierarchy of heroine & sub-heroine is reversed ㅋㅋㅋ (omitted LYB's part) 

[+404,-61] 심창민의 재발견! 생각보다 잘함!그리고 김소은 넘 이쁘다ㅠㅠ윤혜령 커플 짱좋!
[+404,-61] The rediscovery of SCM! (He) has done bette than expected! Moreover KSE is really beautiful ㅠㅠ Yoon-HyeRyeong couple jjang good!

[+355,-34] 밤선비 재미남. 특히 심창민 연기에 놀라고 있슴. 비주얼도 대단. 김소은도 한복자태가 이쁘더라
[+355,-34] Night Scholar is interesting. (omitted SCM's part). KSE also was beautiful dressing in hanbok

[+428,-125] 김소은이 여주인공했으면 차라리 더 낳았을꺼 같다,, 이유비가 여자로 변신하면 그때 예쁘겠지 생각했는데 ,, 이준기씨의 그 감동스런 키스씬을 이유비의 돌덩이 같은 무덤덤 표정과 넙대대한 얼굴 흘러내리는 턱선으로 망쳤다,, 이럴수가,, ㅠㅠ 무슨 돌덩어리를 데리고와서 눕혀놓고 열심히 연기하는 이준기씨 ,, 대단하다 ,,김소은과 이준기 투샷이 더 화면이 이쁜거 같다 ,, 이유비 안티는 아닌데,, 좀,, 그래도 수목이 이드라마로 넘 행복합니다 ^^ 홧팅,,
[+428,-125] If KSE was the leading lady, probably she can deliver even if we return back,, (omitted LYB's part),, Moreover KSE and LJK's photos and (in) drama scenes look beautiful,,(I am) not LYB's anti,,please,,whatever it is (my) Wed-Thu is fun because of this drama ^^ hwatting,,

[+358,-66] 나도 이유비안티 아닌데...어제 이유비 턱선보고 깜놀...얼굴이 부은건지 살이 찐건지 얼굴이 너무 넙적하게 나와서정말 턱선이 흘러내려서 장면에 몰입이 안되더라구요살을 빼던지 턱살관리를 받는지 아님 앵글을 잘 잡던지

[+331,-46] 김소은 예쁘다.,...그런데 왜 김소은이 이 드라마 여주가 아닌지
[+331,-46] KSE is beautiful....but why  is KSE not the heroine in this drama?

[+291,-24] 이 장면 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 심창민 뭉클ㅜㅠㅠㅠ 김소은이랑 케미도 존좋
[+291,-24] (omitted SCM's part) His chemistry with KSE too is really good

[+291,-37] 여주빼고 나머진 자신의 배역을 중상이상 해내는듯하다 일단 여주는 여린 이미지도아니고 사그콰 너무 안맞아. 다른사람과의 투샷에선 두드러지는 얼굴크기. 어쩔겨.

[+274,-28] 김소은 짪은 분량이지만 연기력 하나는 뛰어난것 같다 등장할때마다 존재감 갑!!
[+274,-28] Although KSE's screen time is short but one thing (is) her acting ability is excellent (surpassing expectation) every time she appears on screen screen-presence, 1st class!!

[+259,-28] 김소은너무이쁘다.윤과혼례올리고세손빈되서 같이귀에게 맞설것같은데 전개는 허구헌날 어울리지도않는 남주여주비쥬얼로 러브씬에 몰두되있으니 답답하다!
[+259,-28] KSE is really beautiful.After getting married with Yoon and becoming the queen, I wish (they) can fight Gwi together but whether the (plot) development is getting lighter or darker, (when) the visual between the leading man and lady does not match, it is really difficult to get immersed into the love scenes!

[+277,-57] 정말 재밌을 것 같았는데 여주+작가+음악감독이 골로보내버린 드라마.진짜 이준기,김소은 때문에 참고 본다
[+277,-57] (I) think (the drama) is really interesting, but this is a drama (where) the heroine+writer+music director kicked (it) to the goal [t/n: this part has negative nuance] Really for the sake of LJK, KSE (I am) trying to endure (it)

[+218,-20] 한복 입은 배우중 이렇게 단아하면서 참한규수처럼 보이는 이뿐 배우는 김소은이 참 잘어울림. 너무 너무 좋음~~~~
[+218,-20] It is really an ideal to be able to watch beautiful actress KSE, who is graceful like a 'young lady', with this kind of elegance wearing hanbok. Really really good thing~~~~

[+211,-14] 김소은 첫화처럼 환하게 웃는모습도 보고싶네요ㅜㅜ 엄청예쁜데 맨날 무표정이라.. 그게 양선이랑 대조되는모습으로 이드라마에서의 이미지겠지만 첫화가 자꾸생각나요
[+211,-14] (I) missed KSE's cheerful smiling face like in the 1st episodeㅜㅜ (she is still) beautiful but (now) she's always expressionless..(that is) if we were to compare with YS and (that is) her image for this drama but I always recalls (her appearance) in the first episode


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@XXXlatebloomerXXX thank you and we will never get bored at your translation in fact you're more than welcome to share it here. Thanks to you at least I know that Knetz loves Soeun for whatever reason. She got a lot of praise although her appearance only for a few minutes. I'm so proud of her but I hope Knetz can continue praising her without making any comparison (dissing) with other artist.     

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Hello Lovelies :wub:

Thanks for all the updates.

Finally (!!!) I managed to complete my long-pending translation of Sso's interview with ELLE Magazine for July 2015 edition.

Although some parts have been translated before, I found it satisfying to be able to read through and translate the overall article.

Enjoy reading (and hope my translation makes sense:sweatingbullets:)


[disclaimer: some parts are translated based on my overall understanding of the article. apologies for any misinterpretation]



Interview with ELLE Magazine for July 2015 edition

오늘 마침 [우리 결혼했어요] 하차 뉴스가 났어요. 왜 울었어요
정이 많이 들었어요. 9개월 동안 추억이 많았어요. 촬영 전에 어디로 가는지 말을 안 해 줄 때가 많아서 그냥 상황에 맞게 하는 일이 많았어요. 그러다 보니 드라마 촬영장과는 분위기가 완전 달랐죠. 그런 현장과 거기서 만나던 모든 사람들하고 헤어진다고 생각하니까 울컥했어요.

Today, the news (on) the completion of ‘We Got Married’ just came out. Why did you cry?
I have made a lot of friends (thru WGM). Throughout the 9-months (filming WGM) there were many memories (made). There were many times (where) we were not told where we were going or we did not know what to talk about before the shooting (of WGM), so during such circumstances we have to work collectively, (such thing) happened many times. And then, if we compare with the drama shooting scene, the atmosphere was completely different. With such (warming) scene, when I thought of separating with all the people I met there, suddenly I just burst (of tears).

원래 눈물이 많은 가봐요
많은 편인데, 되도록 안 울려고 해요. 혼자 있을 때 울면 울었지. 누구 앞에서 약해 보이고 싶지 않아요. 연기할 때 빼고는.

Basically, it seems that (you shed) a lot of tears.
Although (it turned out that I shed) a lot (of tears), I (actually tried) as much as I can to not cry. I only cry when I am alone. I do not want to show my weak side in front of anybody. Except during the filming.

배우 김소은은 [우결] 덕을 봤다고 생각하나요
그럼요. 배우는 자신의 본모습을 어디 가서 보여주기 힘들잖아요. 제 진짜 모습을 대중에게 조금이나마 보여주고, 진심도 보여줄 수 있었으니까요. 주위에서 “아무리 그래도 너무 편하게 하는 거 아니냐”고 했어요. 여배우인데 좀 숨기는 것도 있어야 한다고.

As an actor KSE, do you think [WGM] has benefited you?
Of course. (As) an actor, it is really hard since wherever you go you have to maintain a certain self-image (lit. display your own natural/primary appearance), isn’t it? I would like to show a little bit my real self to the public, and also to convey my feeling (lit. to show my heart). (However, I) was told by the (people) surrounding (me) ‘but still aren’t you being a bit too carefree?’. (Unfortunately) as an actress, there are things that you have no choice but to hide.

모니터 열심히 하는 편인가요 
제가 저를 보면 신기할 때가 많아요. 나는 저럴 때 저런 표정이구나, 나한테 저런 모습이 있었구나. 연기 모니터할 때는 철저히 연기만 보죠. 손을 왜 저렇게 했지? 눈빛이 이상한데? 남들은 안 봐도 저만 아는 세세한 포인트에서 아쉬운 것들을 찾아내려 해요.

Do you monitor (yourself) more strictly (lit. to your utmost best)?
If I watch my ownself, there are so many times that I feel strange.  During such time, ‘Ah, I don’t realize I have that kind of expression’, even to me, I did not realize there was that kind of appearance. When I monitor my performance, I thoroughly look only at my own performance. Why did I place (lit. do) my hands in such a way? But wasn’t my eye-expression weird? Even other may not notice, (and even if) I am the only one knows, those small points are able to be captured.

얼굴이 하도 새침하게 생겨 털털한 성격인 게 더 튀었어요. 배우로서 본인의 얼굴에 대해 어떻게 생각해요 
배우한테 예쁘다, 안 예쁘다는 평가는 다양한 표정을 지을 수 있느냐 없느냐의 문제인 것 같아요. 그냥 예쁜 표정은 역설적으로 예쁘지 않아요. 리얼한 표정을 지을 줄 알아야 더 예뻐 보인다고 생각해요.
Your image (in WGM) appeared mostly as prim and with personality that is unaffected (by surroundings). As an actor, what do you think about your own image?
I think the assessment whether or not an actor is beautiful is a matter of whether (the actor) can portray variety of expressions. A beautiful expression is not just about paradoxical beauty. More than that, the ability to portray real expression, I think, looks more beautiful.

예쁘게 생겼으니까, 어떤 표정을 해도 예쁘다는 자신감 아닌가요
아니, 아니, 정말 아니에요. 요즘은 개성 있는 배우가 훨씬 주목받아요. 현장에서도 그래요. 연기 잘하면 다 예뻐 보여요.

When you have discovered the (real definition) of beauty, what kind of expression that you have no confidence with its beauty?
No, no, there is really none. Lately, actors are being criticized individually from far. And also at the (shooting) locations. To act well, you (have) to perform beautifully all the time.

교복 입은 배역이 많아서 그랬는지 왠지 섹시하다고 하면 안 될 거 같아요. 소은씨에게도 섹시함이 있나요
섹시한 거 좋아합니다. 나이가 벌써 스물일곱이에요. 섹시한 면은 여자라면 누구나 다 가지고 있죠. 왜 ‘은섹’이라고 그러죠. 은근히… 전 너무 대놓고 그런 거보다….

You have been casted a lot (as characters) wearing school uniforms (that) it seems you cannot portray sexy image. For you, Soeun-ssi, do you have (the) sexy side?
I like sexy things. I am already 27 years old. (In my opinion) all women have their (own) sexiness. Why does it have to be called ‘eun-sek’? [t/n: i really cannot find the meaning of 은섹’ (eunsek) ] . Inadvertently, I really want to try to put on such appearance…

어떤 역할을 고르나요
시나리오를 볼 때 아무래도 제가 하고 싶은 것보다 잘할 수 있는 것 위주로 고르게 되더라고요. 모험하는 건 아직 무섭기도 하고. 캐릭터가 강한 역할은 연기력을 쌓으면 언제든 할 수 있을 테니까 천천히 보려고 해요. 다급하게 변신을 위한 변신을 하기보다는.

What kind of role will you choose?
When I look at a scenario (script), instead of thinking why I want to do this, it seems that I focus on (roles) than can improve (my acting).  I am still terrified of taking risks. (And) about the character, if I can build up my acting ability, slowly I would like to take up strong role(s). More than rapid transformation, just for the sake of changing.

잘할 수 있는 연기는 어떤 거예요
뭐랄까, 제 이미지와 가장 흡사한 거?

What kind of role that you can do well?
Do you mean what (role) that suits my image best?

흡사하게 고른 게, [마의]에서의 공주… 
아니(손사래를 치며) 제가 했던 역할들이 다 여성스러우면서도 전형적인 천생여자보다는 개구쟁이 같은 면이 있는 배역들이었어요.

From all (roles) that you have selected, the royal princess in ‘Horse Doctor’…
No (while denying) all the roles that I have done are ladylike, instead of typical role-model woman from birth, it was a role like a mischievous child.

웹툰이 원작인 [밤을 걷는 선비]에 캐스팅됐을 때, 원작에서 대체 어떤 역할인지 궁금했어요
원래는 없던 역할이에요. 선과 악을 다 가지고 있는 역할이라고만 말할게요. 아직 베일에 가려져 있지만, 하나의 키를 쥐고 있는 배역이라 감독님도 기대를 많이 하세요. 제 속에 선과 악이 공존한다고 하시더라고요. , 그리고 가족들도 잘할 거라고 말해요. 동생이 “누구보다 잘할 수 있을 텐데, 언니한테 도대체 왜 악역이 안 들어오냐?”고(웃음).

When you were casted to be in the adaptation of webtoon from the original work ‘The Scholar who Walks the Night’, aren’t you anxious (to know) what kind of character (will you be playing)?
It is a character that is originally not (in the webtoon). I was only told that it is a character that has both good and bad sides. (The character) is still covered in mystery (lit. veil), but she is holding (that) one key, (thus) please look forward for the casts and also the director. Even if I have to act with good and bad co-existing within me. Ah, and my family also said that I should be able to do well. My sister said, “Nobody can do it better than you, but why on earth aren’t you (Eonni) taking up (lit.entering) a villain (character)?” (laugh). 

처음 연기는 어떻게 배웠어요
제대로 배워본 적 없어요. 연극영화과는 1학년만 다녔는데 연기를 배우기보다 그냥 선배들 따라다녔어요. 제대로 배운 건 현장에서예요. 체계적인 게 더 좋은 건지 나쁜 건지는 잘 모르겠지만 저는 책으로 배운 것보다 현장이 더 잘 맞았어요.

How did you learn about acting in the first place?
I never had a proper (acting) lesson. I attended the department of theater and film only for one year, but instead of going for class, I just followed (lit. chased) my seniors (to learn from the). The real learning is at the (shooting) scene (itself). I am not sure whether the systematic method (of acting lesson) is good or bad, but I am more suited with (learning hands-on) at site than learning by book (going to lessons).  

연애도 글로 배우면 망하잖아요
몸으로 배운 건 절대 잊어버리지 않아요. 운동도 그렇고요. 게다가 전 그간 있었던 현장에 선생님들이 많았어요. 그때마다 어깨너머로 배우는 게 대단했죠. 저런 건 나중에 나도 해봐야겠다 속으로 생각하고. 연기 외에도 모든 게 피가 되고 살이 됐어요.

(Whatever) we learn, either relationship or writing, will perish, isn’t it?
I definitely will not forget (things) that I learn myself. Just like sports. Moreover, until now I have a lot of people who I can learn from at site.  Every such time, I can learn over their shoulder [t/n: directly from them], it’s great, isn’t it? And later I think to myself that I also want to try things like that. Even beyond acting, everything has become part of my flesh and blood.  

데뷔한 지 벌써 10년이에요. 신인은 지났죠
10년 전, 제가 열일곱 살일 때 ()준기 오빠와 영화 [플라이 대디]를 찍었어요. 이문식 선배님 딸로 나왔어요. 그땐 중학생이었으니 준기 삼촌이라고 불렀거든요(웃음)? 그런데 [밤을 걷는 선비] 회식 날 만나니 오빠 소리가 나오더라고요. 오빠도 감회가 새롭대요. 제가 이 일을 계속할 줄 몰랐대요. 공부할 줄 알았는데 이렇게 연기를 꾸준히 해서 파트너로 만났다고. 10년 만인데 준기 오빠는 정말 그대로더라고요. 저도 그대로긴 했죠. 키가. 5cm만 더 클걸(웃음).

It has been 10 years since your debut. You are no longer newcomer (in this field), right?10 years ago, I acted in the movie 'Fly Daddy' with (Lee) Junki-oppa when I was 17 years old. I appeared as Lee Moon Shik's daughter. Since I was in middle-school during that time, I called him LJK-samcheon (uncle) (laugh). However, when we met up during the get-together day, I heard his voice. Our memories are still fresh. I do not know how long I will be in this industry (lit. continuation in this work).  Although I thought I have learned (a lot), but I want to keep on learning like this with every partner I meet. Junki-oppa is just the same as when I met him 10 years ago. Same goes with me. Except (that) I am now 5-cm taller (laugh).

왜 연기를 그만둘 것 같다고 생각했을까요? 실제로 배우 그만하려고 고민해 본 적 있나요 
했죠. 심각한 건 아니었고, 누구나 한 번쯤 그런 고민, 하잖아요. 그런데 이미 연기에 빠져 버렸더라고요. 너무 재밌었어요. 전 후회할 것 같은 일은 안 해요. 작품을 고를 때도 잘될까 혹은 잘되지 않을까 그런 건 생각 안 해요. 엄마가 늘 말했어요. 사람은 언제나 선택을 해야 한다. 조금이라도 후회할 것 같으면 하지 말라고요.

Why do you think (an actor decides to) stop acting? In reality, actors are worried on (when) they will stop (acting).
It does, isn’t it?  It is not a serious matter, everybody will have such worries once a while, right! However, I once felt like giving up acting. It was really interesting. I never regret (anything). Even when I choose a work, whether it will turn out good or not good, I do not think that (way). My mom always said (to me). People have no other way but to choose. She advised (me) to not regret even a little.

가족들이 배우 하는 것 좋아하나요
부모님이 정말 좋아하세요. 많이 밀어주시고. 집에서 야식을 시켜 먹잖아요? 다같이 치킨을 먹는데 아빠가 못 먹게 하시는 거예요. 화면에 예쁘게 나와야 하는데 살찌니까 자기 전에는 먹지 말고, 차라리 내일 아침에 눈뜨자마자 먹으래요. 너무 먹고 싶으니까 정말 아침에 먹으면 신기하게 그게 또 들어가요(웃음). 지금도 먹고 싶은 게 있으면 아침에 먹어요.

Are your family okay with your work as an actor?
My parents really like it. (They) really push me (forward). At home, they make dinner for me to eat, you know? All (of us) eat chicken but my dad says I cannot eat. Since I have to look good on screen, I cannot eat before going to sleep as it will make me fatter, rather he says that I should eat tomorrow morning as soon as I wake up. Since I really want to eat, (and) if I really eat the next morning, the food turns out tasting strangely better (laugh). Even now, if I want to eat something, I eat it in the morning.

스트레스는 어떻게 풀어요
전 한강 주변을 뛰어요. 아무 생각 없이 뛰고 나면 상쾌해요. 뛰다 걷다 하다 정신차려 보면 거의 3시간을 뛰고 있어요. 다리에 힘이 풀려서 돌아올 땐 택시 타고 와요(웃음). 그러고 들어와서 반신욕 하면 다 풀려요.

How do you release your stress?
I jog around our neighborhood. It feels refreshing after running without thinking of anything. I spend around 3 hours running and walking. After warming down, I take taxi to return home (laugh). Then, I take a bath and (that's how) I release (my stress).

사람들이 쳐다보지 않아요
모자 쓰고 안경 끼고 뛰니까 동네 아줌마인 줄 알아요.

Won’t people see you?
Since I put on cap and glasses when I run, I think I look like the neighborhood ‘ahjumma’.

보통 스트레스 얘기하면 여행 간다고들 대답하던데 
저도 좋아해요. 하와이가 제일 좋았어요. 딱 한 번밖에 안 가봤는데, 1주일 동안 길을 다 외웠어요. 제가 길눈이 되게 밝아요. 국제면허증 만들어가서 내내 운전하고 다니니까 3일째부터는 내비게이션도 안 켜고 현지인들이 가는 맛집을 다 찾아다녔어요.

When discussing about stress (relieving), usually people reply that they will go travelling.
I also love (travelling). Hawaii was the best. Although I have only been (there) once, I memorized all the streets during (that) one week. I have a clear sense of direction. I applied for international license and since I drove around and stopped by (places) all the time, I did not (need to) use car-navigation after 3 days and I went around to find shops that the local people frequent (to).

그렇게 다녀서 어디 피로가 풀리겠어요 
저는 여행 가면 플랜 다 짜놓고 아침부터 저녁까지 돌아다니는 사람이에요. 해뜨기 전에 수영하고, 아침 든든히 먹고 쇼핑하고요. 1시간이라도 낭비하면 안 돼요. 비싼 여행인데(웃음).

(Since) you travel around that much, when (lit. where) do you release your fatigue?
I am a wandering person who makes all the plans, from morning till night, when I go travelling. Before the sun rises, I go for swimming and in the morning I eat a lot and go shopping. I cannot waste even 1 hour. (It’s) cost a lot to travel (laugh).

아까 촬영 중에 파인애플 한 손으로 번쩍번쩍 들 때 알아봤어야 했어요(웃음). 에너지가 많은 사람이군요
아직 제가 쉴 때는 아니잖아요. 목표가 있어요. 서른 살까지 달려보자. 여행을 가든 뭘 배우든 그런 건 나중에도 할 수 있다고 생각해요. 기회만 준다면 저는, 표현이 좀 그렇지만 소처럼 일하고 싶어요. 정말 잘하고 싶거든요. 나중에 후회하지 않게.

Just now during the photography (session), when you glowingly held up a pineapple with one hand, (we) have to ask you (laugh). (We realized that) you are an energetic person.
As you know, I do not have time to rest yet. I have (certain) targets. I want to continue working (lit. running) until I reach 30. I think I can do things like travelling, learning about anything afterwards. If I am given an opportunity, I would like to represent myself, even a little, working (hard) like a cow. I really want to be better. (So that) I won’t have any regrets later (in my life).

[interview by Naver, translation by me]



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Interview -  ‘Scholar who walks the night’ Kim So-eun, “Trying cynical character. I am becoming her”


[Interview] ‘Scholar who walks the night’ Kim So-eun, “Trying cynical character. I am becoming her”

An interview with Kim So-eun playing Choi Hye-ryung in MBC Wednesday-Thursday drama ‘Scholar who walks the night’ was taken.

Q: You are playing a double role as Kim Sung-yeol(Lee Jun-ki)’s ex-love, Myung-hee and an ambitious noble lady, Choi Hye-ryung perfectly.
A: The double role was not familiar to me, but I could do acting well because Myung-hee and Hye-ryung are totally different. Thank you.

Q: You have been serving ‘Ghost’ since you were given to him by your cold-hearted father, the prime-minister Choi Chul-joong. You properly play the character of ‘Cold beauty’ Hye-ryung with mock, cold image, and cool beauty. What do you most work hard?
A: I always played vibrant characters, and this is my first time to act a cynical character. I worried about how to do acting and felt difficulties at the first time. But I got immersed in Hye-ryung’s character and it became natural.


Q: You have a good chemistry with ‘Ghost’ Lee Soo-Hyeok and look sexy with him. Many fans support the couple by calling you and him ‘Ghost-Ryung couple’. A fair number of viewers ask to make their love story. Do you know about it? Which one is the best couple of ‘Scholar who walks the night’?
A: I didn’t know about it. All the couples are attractive and popular, but I am most impressed with ‘Love couple’ of Myung-hee and Sung-yeol as I worked and studied hard for the character in early phase.

Q: What did you feel when Lee Soo-hyuk changed to a vampire ‘Ghost’ and smelt you? Not afraid?
What do you think about Lee Soo-hyuk’s vampire acting? (You can refer to the shooting episode)
A: I am not afraid of him. I know it is not real. When filming, ‘Ghost’ is very charismatic. By the way, he ran away from the flames when we were taking a scene using fire. It was very funny and I laughed a lot. He is a charming actor.

Q: A word for ‘Scholar who walks the night’ viewers?
A: We are doing our best in shooting. We will show you better acting and stories. Please love our drama and enjoy it. Thank you.




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An actoress Kim So-eun’s beauty brightens the scene081104.jpg

An actoress Kim So-eun’s beauty brightens the scene.

Kim So-eun playing Seo Hye-ryung in MBC Wednesday-Thursday drama ‘Scholar who walks the night’, catches people’ eyes by the behind stills with her charms.

In the stills, Kim So-eun is taking shoots for the beauty pictorial of a fashion magazine ‘GRAZIA’. She poses a cute V sign to the camera or chic. As her double role characters in ‘Scholar who walks the night’, she shows reversal charms in accordance with makeup and dresses.

Even though, the shooting was taking a long time in front of hot lighting, she did not lose her smile and was the life of the party. Additionally, she showed perfect beauty in any angles as it was a beauty pictorial shooting, and professionally showed various poses and looks for various concepts.

Kim So-eun is currently playing Hye-ryung, who is a very cold girl totally different to bright and warm Myung-hee in ‘Scholar who walks the night’.  MBC Wednesday-Thursday drama ‘Scholar who walks the night’ would be aired at 10 pm on every Wednesday and Thursday.

credit; getitk

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