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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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note1.gifPrelude to BH's Birthday

OMEGA 2004 with Cindy Crawford

Omega - 070704clip1 (1.94 MB)


Omega - clip3 (2.46 MB)



news clip-Oricon_No1 (1.88 MB)


» Clips courtesy various fan-sharing, compiled by EverythingLBH-soompi.com


A - A Bittersweet Life, Addiction, All In, All Star Summit 2005, Anti-War, Arena Tour 2007, Arirang, Awards » pg 784

B - Beautiful Days, Beautiful My Lady, Birthday, Bungee Jumping of Their Own » pg 785

C - Calendar, Career Talk, 58th Cannes 2008, Charity, CF, Cinema Today, Chevalier » pg 786

D - Dancing Hunnie, (KBS1 Photo) Documentary » pg 787, pg 788

E - Elegy of the Earth, English, Everyone Has a Secret » pg 788

F - Fanmeet, Fashion, Father, Fragrance of Love » pg 789

G - The Good The Bad The Weird, Gucci HK 2006 » pg 790

H - Hallyu Cultural Prize 2006, Harmonium in My Memory, Happy Together, Hero, Home, Honey My Love, Hanamaru, Haneda » pg 791

I - I Come With The Rain, Interviews » pg 792

J - Joint Security Area (JSA), Japan » pg 793

K - KAIST, Kill the Love, Kiss, KNTO 2004 » pg 794

L - Lee Eun Hee, Lost Planet » pg 795

M - Message, Military Service, Music Video, My Beautiful Girl Mari » pg 796, 797

N - NHK, NHK RedWhite Kouhaku Uta Gassen 2004 » pg 798

O - OMEGA 2004, Once in a Summer, Oricon » pg 799

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Another hunnielious photo cum difficult to understand interview :D

‘놈놈놈’ 이병헌, 액션신 연습중 부상…역시 나이는 못 속여


펄펄 끓는 용암 같은 열정이 느껴졌다. 영화 ‘좋은 놈 나쁜 놈 이상한 놈’(이하 놈놈놈, 감독 김지운)의 개봉(7월17일)을 앞두고 만난 이병헌은 한마디로 ‘에너제틱’했다. 예상했던 나이에서 오는 안정감보다 20대 초반 청년의 패기와 정열이 느껴져 더욱 신선했다. ‘한류스타’에 안주하지 않고 ‘월드스타’로의 도약을 위해 달리는 이병헌. 불혹을 앞둔 나이에도 그의 마음은 항상 출발점 앞에 서 있다.

#승부욕은 노, 경쟁심은 약간?

남자에게 ‘자존심’을 빼면 죽은 목숨이라는 말이 있다. 이병헌은 ‘놈놈놈’에서 죽을 수는 있어도 질 수는 없는 마적단 두목 창이 역을 맡았다. 만주웨스턴무비를 표방하는 ‘놈놈놈’은 1930년대 만주를 배경으로 지도 한장을 두고 ‘나쁜 놈’ 창이와 ‘이상한 놈’ 태구(송강호), ‘좋은 놈’ 도원(정우성)이 펼치는 각축전을 그린 액션물이다. 이병헌은 강렬한 카리스마가 느껴지는 악역으로 완벽히 변신했다. 연기가 너무 생생해 실제 모습도 그러지 않을까 생각될 정도다.

“하하하. 그렇게 극단적이지는 않죠. (폭소) 창이는 명예와 자존심 빼면 아무것도 없죠. 현실적인 태구와 도원에 비해 이상주의자라고 할까요? 자기보다 싸움을 잘하는 사람이 있으면 꼭 승부를 보고 싶어하거든요. 저도 명예는 무척 중요하게 생각해요. 그러나 승부욕은 별로 없어요. 내 만족이 중요하지 꼭 이겨야 한다는 생각은 없어요.”

그러나 송강호·정우성 등 충무로를 대표하는 선후배 배우들과 호흡을 맞춘 ‘놈놈놈’의 개봉을 앞둔 현재 심경은 다르다. 영화가 첫선을 보인 지난 5월 칸국제영화제에서 세 배우의 불꽃 튀는 카리스마 대결이 많은 화제를 모았다. 이병헌은 현재 두 배우를 의식하지 않을 수 없다고 고백했다.

“참 이상하죠. 촬영할 때는 너무 힘들어 전혀 없었는데 영화를 보고나니까 경쟁심이 막 생기더라고요. 영화를 보니 강호형이 연기를 너무 잘하고 우성이도 너무 멋있어 보였어요. 그런데 강호형도 우성이도 똑같더라고요. 다 다른 사람이 더 멋있게 나왔다고 불평하더군요. 모두 남의 떡이 커 보이는 거죠. 하하하.”

#어디로 튈지 모르는 배우가 되고 싶다

이병헌은 지난해 ‘놈놈놈’ 촬영을 시작한 이후로 트란 안 홍 감독의 ‘나는 비와 함께 간다’, 할리우드 블록버스터 ‘G.I 조’ 촬영을 위해 250일간을 외국에서 보냈다. 세 영화 모두 큰 변신이 필요한 작품. 이병헌은 중국에서 홍콩, 체코, 미국을 돌며 배우로서 자신의 한계를 계속 시험했다.

“‘G.I. 조’ 촬영을 마치고 집에 오니까 너무 좋더라고요. 첫날은 꿈만 같고 실감이 되지 않았어요. 어머니가 해주는 밥 먹고 편하게 영화를 볼 수 있어 너무 행복했어요.”

안정된 인기가 보장되는 ‘한류스타’로서 안주할 수 있는데도 왜 이런 고생을 사서 하는 것일까?

“어깨에 힘이 들어가고 싶지 않아요. ‘한류스타’에 만족하다보면 격식화되고 정형화될 것만 같아요. 실패를 두려워하지 않고 싶어요. 모든 사람들의 예상을 깨고 럭비공처럼 어디로 튈지 모르는 연기자가 되고 싶은 게 현재 제 꿈이에요.”

이병헌은 올 하반기부터 드라마 ‘아이리스’ 촬영에 들어간다. 불과 두세 달밖에 쉬지 못하고 다시 촬영장으로 달려가야 한다. 이런 살인적인 스케줄에 도무지 연애를 할 시간도 없을 것만 같다. 나이도 있는데 결혼 생각은 도무지 없는 것일까? 이병헌은 그런 질문이 지겨운 듯 씁쓸한 미소를 지었다.

“독신주의자는 아니에요. 그렇지만 결혼이라는 게 계획하는 대로 되는 것은 아니잖아요. 내 의지와 상관없이 할 사람이 나타나면 하게 될 거로 믿어요. 조바심을 내지는 않아요.”

인터뷰 내내 넘치는 에너지에 이병헌도 나이를 실감할 때가 있는지 궁금해졌다.

“당연하죠. 마음은 똑같은데 몸이 그렇게 안 움직이네요. 지금도 ‘올인’ 때처럼 날아서 이단옆차기를 할 수 있어요. 그러나 이제는 다쳐요. 하하하. 그래서 ‘놈놈놈’ 촬영 준비할 때 다쳐서 한 달간 깁스를 해야 했어요. 나이는 역시 숨길 수 없나봐요.”

특유의 ‘100만달러’짜리 미소를 지으며 고개를 젓는 모습에 인간미가 물씬 느껴졌다.

<글 최재욱기자·사진 이석우기자 jwch6@kyunghyang.com>

source: http://sports.khan.co.kr/news/sk_index.htm...40401&pt=nv

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Another hunnielious photo cum difficult to understand interview :D

‘놈놈놈’ 이병헌, 액션신 연습중 부상…역시 나이는 못 속여


What is that "image" on his t-shirt? :mellow:

BH really have this funky yet abstract taste sometimes.. :sweatingbullets:

ps: no gist to guess, ylin.. :blush: .. always wonder what our Hunnie has to say in long interviews.. obviously..

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A MUST watch video clip on behind the sceen of Movieweek magazine photo shooting session



will be back later to edit to give alternative link as I know some can't watch via mms :D

alternative dl link : http://www.sendspace.com/file/rk3dgi

Thanks to ping@bhjwlove for sharing

p.s. rubie dear, can't really figure out what's the print on his T-shirt and my brain is a bit dead now, will try to "lego" the gist of the article tomorrow :D

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^ How fabulous! :w00t: BTS clips (and NGs) are always the best to watch! Thanks ylin & Ping, for sharing with us. But looking at the capture of the GBW guys.. isn't it for the Movieweek photoshoot. :mellow: But either way.. can't wait to watch it.. somehow the connection is incredibly slow tonight :wacko: .. arrrgghhh! Thanks for the Sendspace link especially, it really is a cool thing that helps a lot. I might have a bit of error uploading on SS but downloading time.. shouldn't be a problem unless the connection goes on strike.

Can't wait to watch the clip.. still halfway to go :sweatingbullets: and of course, the LEGO-gist tomorrow! :lol:

--- whoops.. edit to add!

OMGosh! :w00t: I can't believe that outrageous polka-dot necktie they made BH wear! :lol: It's just not him! :P Luckily.. BH's pic was taken from sideways.. the tie wasn't obvious. *phew* Must say that SKH's aura is just awesome. Totally different from 'The Weird' movie persona. JWS without his moustache.. looks 10 years younger.. too young!

And Hunnie in that black sweatshirt or whatever you call it.. he's just 3drool.gif3drool.gif3drool.gif

Maybe it's just me.. but I think.. during his interview.. it feels like BH was a bit overwhelmed with emotion, trying to hold back something.. but yeah.. maybe.. it's just me.. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest ylin

^ How fabulous! :w00t: BTS clips (and NGs) are always the best to watch! Thanks ylin & Ping, for sharing with us. But looking at the capture of the GBW guys.. isn't it for the Movieweek photoshoot. :mellow: But either way.. can't wait to watch it.. somehow the connection is incredibly slow tonight :wacko: .. arrrgghhh! Thanks for the Sendspace link especially, it really is a cool thing that helps a lot. I might have a bit of error uploading on SS but downloading time.. shouldn't be a problem unless the connection goes on strike.

Can't wait to watch the clip.. still halfway to go :sweatingbullets: and of course, the LEGO-gist tomorrow! :lol:

My apologies, it shd be Movieweek instead of Screen ..... brain can't sync with hand last nite :blush:

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Wah! :w00t: The new photos of BH that Eldri posted (thanks utkim!).. I don't know what to say.. yet! :lol:

Our Hunnie is back into the pages everywhere! :w00t: So many new pics! :w00t: The facial hair again :blush: .. he's just being himself.. enjoying the time back in Korea.. till his next role (in IRIS) started... or when the film fest starts again. Fans in Toronto would be delighted to see him later. :D

LOL.. ylin.. no worries.. it's normal panda blurr moment.. already late last night when you posted, huh. Now.. if the Screen BTS clip is available :rolleyes: .. that would be fabulous.. this is where the HANDCUFFS came in :w00t: .. kekee..

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A BTS clip on poster shooting of GBW from KBS World with English Sub.

Many thanks to yc@bhjwlove for sharing.


Such fabulous, fabulous clip! :wub: Thanks so much ylin & yc! Mwah!!!

The English subs just said it all.. the 3 actors really had a good time shooting for the poster. Even though it took them a week at location to film everything.. the guys are having a lot of fun and never complained. BH and JWS are just soooo funny..

The actors.. despite their differences in age, etc.. are just so awesome. Love how JWS complimented SKH & LBH.

LOL. SKH-ssi is really afraid of the horses.. that's why he got to ride the motorcycle which was much easier to handle. But I think it suits his character, too. While.. Byunghun on the horse.. just so sexy. :P :blush:

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Guest ylin

Such fabulous, fabulous clip! :wub: Thanks so much ylin & yc! Mwah!!!

The English subs just said it all.. the 3 actors really had a good time shooting for the poster. Even though it took them a week at location to film everything.. the guys are having a lot of fun and never complained. BH and JWS are just soooo funny..

The actors.. despite their differences in age, etc.. are just so awesome. Love how JWS complimented SKH & LBH.

LOL. SKH-ssi is really afraid of the horses.. that's why he got to ride the motorcycle which was much easier to handle. But I think it suits his character, too. While.. Byunghun on the horse.. just so sexy. :P :blush:

You are welcome rubie :)

Just like it when they said BH was "fooling around"..... he was so funny.

Btw, I think if SHK was to ride a horse, I think the other 2 horses need to slow down otherwise I think you can see only 2 instead of 3 horses .... :lol::lol::lol:

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butter10.gifTime to Celebrate!

Hunnies all.. have you send out your birthday cards to BH.. it's already July.. obviously! :lol: Quickly mail your special greetings to BH.. huh.. huh.. just a few more days left! :sweatingbullets:

Btw.. anyone who would like to share birthday MV clips on BH's special day.. we would be very happy to upload and post it up at 'Byunghun of our Hearts' on July 12th. The more the merrier!

Don't forget to share everyone's birthday messages to Byunghun-ssi as well. All (written) birthday messages to BH posted at this thread will be compiled and posted at the 'Byunghun of our Hearts' as well. :blush:

So.. please share your cool wishes and warmest greetings to BH!

ps: put up your GBW banners and birthday wishes at the siggy space, too! ^^

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note1.gifPrelude to BH's Birthday

On site, he is famous as an "actor tormenting director," who continuously gives his ideas to the director. The scenario of "Once in a summer, which was comparatively passive, was reborn through Lee's ideas. Thanks to his input, scenes such as getting off a bicycle to pull his pants out after he gets a wedgy, or looking at Su Ae listening to music coming from the hardware store, are included.

In the movie, Seok-yeong loves only Jeong-in for his whole life. Would it be possible to love one person an entire lifetime? "Rather than loving the same woman for a lifetime, there was a woman in his life when he was young, and afterwards he didn't feel any emotions that could be called love. It is a difficult thing, but because that kind of love is difficult, mellow movies must give the audience a fantasy."

We asked him vaguely, "What is love?" He didn't answer. After looking out the window at a faraway place, he opened his mouth. "Maybe it's the point when one throws their ego away." As I tried to say it was a fine answer, he smiles again. What am I to do, if he keeps smiling in front of me like that?

Article from The Dong-A Ilbo, November 11, 2006

Once in a Summer (movie, 2006)

700k_That_year_summer (19.86 MB)


1015 KM Culture night (15.24 MB)


20061127preview (5.38MB)


preview press 221106 (26.22MB)


guuzou clip_movie seoul summer (26.22MB)


etn vod_20061201summer media (12.98MB)


etn vod_20061201summer report (11.54MB)


etn_20060829 summer bts (22.70MB)


etn_20060830 summer bts (1.46MB)


20061023ytn star clip (17.86 MB)


20061123press preview (3.41 MB)


KBS2 piffsummer (12.11 MB)


20061123vip premiere (19.23 MB)


20061124summer_preview (12.08 MB)


20061113interview_ch2summer (11.16 MB)


20061009_summer jp1 (1.66 MB)


20061009_summer jp2 (3.42 MB)


bhjpn2006.10.10summer2 (2.91 MB)


bhjpn_2006.10.10summer (2.21 MB)


09102006_bh summer2006 (2.53 MB)


bh tokyo-summer2006 (2.57 MB)


bh tokyo-summer int2006 (1.27 MB)


natsumonogatari1 (18.15 MB)


BHsummer2006 interview jp (20.03MB)


summergoodtimes_yobo712 (15.92MB)


bhsa scenes natsumonogatari (18.15MB)


Once in a Summer_Chinese track (13.46MB)


fan MV_my heart is always summer (3.04MB)


ONCE IN A SUMMER is most notable for the fantastic way it showcases Lee Byung-heon and Soo Ae. They are really charismatic and gorgeous in this film. I think critics with fond memories of CONDUCT ZERO had high expectations for the director, so they were a little harsh on him once they realized that it's a fairly conventional film. Still, it's a well-made conventional film.

Highlight by Darcy Paquet at koreanfilm.org - december 24, 2006

summer scenes funny bh (12.60MB)


summer2006 guuzou int-clip (13.81MB)


Summer Memory_photo MV Kyoko (7.13MB)


Summer mv-could I have this kiss (9.03MB)


summer photo fan MV (13.56MB)


etn_20061124 fan premiere interview (13.78MB)


kbs2_summer int20060829 (16.61MB)


mnet_interview bhsa (14.29MB)


kbs 20061201_Soo Ae interview (14.91MB)


making_summer (3.19MB)


mbc_press preview clip1 (4.39MB)


mbc_summer fan premiere (8.62MB)


mnet_once summer mv (27.44MB)


movie fanmeet 211106 (5.32MB)


once in a summer trailer (14.28MB)


royclark_yesterday when I was young (1.17MB)


summer2007_tokuho_300k (3.02MB)


summer061020_preview clip (4.52MB)


summer061123_trailer innollife (14.95MB)


summer061124_preview innolife (8.61MB)


summer20061202_clip ghostwhite (29.43MB)


summer-060821_zoomin focus (19.33MB)


summer 20061202_premiere rubeurs (24.41MB)


summer bh9.10.06_arrival japan (3.45MB)


summer fan clip 200611kyoko (6.77MB)


summer mv feat. shin seung hun (11.01MB)


summer premiere1_jennifer chan (16.65MB)


summer premiere2_jennifer chan (12.87MB)


summer press 20061123jp tv (26.97MB)


summer_061030 movieweek 11piff (30.02MB)


summer_070105 press preview tvb (18.72MB)


summer_20061127 cinema today (19.26MB)


summer_arirangtv 20061025 (1.05MB)


summer_bhsa bts_fan clip (8.63MB)


summer_bts at location (7.14MB)


summer_bts_university (9.79MB)


summer_cine21photoshoot_bts (35.78MB)


summer_fan premiere rubeurs vod (28.70MB)


ytnstar_summer talk (26.70MB)


summer_fan premiere_int (11.63MB)


summer_fan premiere_int2 (5.91MB)


summer_fans misc clip (6.66MB)


summer_preview clip2 (5.73MB)


summer_showbiz extra arirangtv (2.74MB)


summer-photos_fan-clip (2.84MB)


ytn_20061125summer preview (4.19MB)


ytn_20061205_summer etc (4.41MB)



Once in a Summer - Japan Premiere

summer_japanese trailer (4.44MB)


jpn summer_bhsa arrival 1 (4.07MB)


jpn summer_bhsa arrival 2 (7.19MB)


jpn summer_bhsa arrival 3 (5.79MB)


jpn summer_20070117 arrival (8.14)


20070120_ LBH-Fujii Fumiya (20.19MB)


20070118_summer Press conf (4.99MB)


20070117_summer clip S16 (3.06MB)


20070118_summer clip S16 (4.02MB)


summer interview clip S16 (4.05MB)


Summer_TVspot (975KB)


summer_jp clip-1 (5.39MB)


summer-press.jp07 (4.89MB)



» Clips courtesy various fan-sharing, compiled by EverythingLBH-soompi.com

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ok, pls don't panic .... :sweatingbullets:

seems like BH is sick, down due to exhausting :tears:

he was sent to the hospital after he ended his interviews for promo of GBW on 30 Jun.

Whaaaaattt???? :o

Hope he's alright.. :tears::sweatingbullets:

I think all the non-stop hardworking without a decent break he's been doing the past year might have started to crash in.. hope BH is alright. From the pics that came out yesterday.. BH looked ok.. but who knows what he's feeling inside. :( Although the Movieweek photoshoot was probably done long before.. he does seem.. rather.. 'distant'.. somehow. :mellow:

Get well soon, Byunghun-ssi.

ps: hunnies.. don't forget to send your birthday wishes to BH, ok! More than ever.. we should send him our best wishes.

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Guest ylin

ok, hv translated the text to japanese then to chinese :sweatingbullets:

got someone who can read japanese for a clear picture :sweatingbullets:

seems like he was sent to the hopsital for drips yesterday after some interviews but went back to the hospital past midnight for another round of drips and resumed work again today :sweatingbullets:

^ Hunnie dear, please take care ! the Fans will be there to cheer you on 6 July and of course all the birthday wishes are on the way to you :blush:

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ok, hv translated the text to japanese then to chinese :sweatingbullets:

got someone who can read japanese for a clear picture :sweatingbullets:

seems like he was sent to the hopsital for drips yesterday after some interviews but went back to the hospital past midnight for another round of drips and resumed work again today :sweatingbullets:

^ Hunnie dear, please take care ! the Fans will be there to cheer you on 6 July and of course all the birthday wishes are on the way to you :blush:

BH is quite prone for getting IV drips.. isn't he (aish.. I'm not sure all these medical terms).. he had that after filming BD before.. the long hours of working. He just have to take it easy.. if that is even possible.. :sweatingbullets: Maybe Sarah can help us understanding the situation with extreme exhaustion.. and overworked.

From the translator.. most of the articles today are saying that BH is over-exhausted from overwork of continuous activities since the past year. :tears:

He must have been so stressed as well.. doing so many things all at once.. being his own boss, etc. Arghh.. just that the GBW promos are obviously going to be big.. he had no time to completely rest and recuperate as he usually takes a long vacation after each movie.

Byunghun-ssi, please take care of yourself.. you really should have your own missus by your side now.. not just work..work.. and more work.. :sweatingbullets: Someone to love deeply and really care in return..

Thanks ylin for the gist.. hope we'll hear more about the real situation and it's not as bad as it sounds.

--- thanks to the sharing by ylin & yc ♥

Watch the clip of [GBW Postershoot with English subs] Fun & Funny! HERE rbhcool.gif


The Good, The Bad and The Weird Poster Shoot (ER) 080630 clip posted by drolfxil


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Guest TY_KSW

Wow! we reached 800th page!

all recent news are talking about Hunnie's health case... Trust he's fine.. Hunnie is strong !

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