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[Drama 2012] Fashion King 패션왕


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Guest kcomments

Okay, let me rant this out :w00t: Next week, I want YG to go all badass, go out there and find her, drag her back to the factory and give that necklace already (tho I'm not sure how that supposes to effect GY's feeling) even if she's with JH. Just punch him and take your girl back! And put an end to our misery -_-

For crying out loud, for 16 eps, the tough guy doesn't know how to handle a girl that he's known all along that she's in love with him? fury.gif I was hoping YG and JH will become friends at the end, cuz their scenes together were sizzling hot, but oh well, at this rate, only accident, amnesia, sudden illness, travel 300 years forward :w00t: etc. can make that happen.

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I really hope that we will see GY show up in their little apartment. YG had enough abandonment issues at it is and I hope the writers won't let GY abandon YG too. It would make GY too stupid to fall on Anna's trap and YG will become more cynical. For GY to chicken out would be too predictable.

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Guest smokegetsinyoureyes

I wish YG and GY will not allow JH and Anna to manipulate them by pulling the guilt trip card on them. I feel that finally YG is able to show his feelings for GY because he's now more confident that he can do anything for her and that they are now both making their dreams a reality. The guy suppressed his heart for so long, I'm happy he finally has the courage to be true to his feelings. 

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Guest didisalma

POOR ANNA, rejected by both !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"i feel so cold" that she could've said at that time AWESSS i think she'll do some no many dirty tricks to GY next eps, wooo

i think i'm evil i was so happy when she got rejected for the 2nd time raw... tongue2.gif

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what do you think K2H compared to Fashion King? I don't feel like watching K2H coz seems like the story line is predictable

The King 2 Hearts is very unpredictable, that show is gold, but you need to understand some N-S Korean stuff to enjoy its beauty.

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hi tiamama...you're welcome.. yes...like i said quite a few times, this is "WHIB"..only i hope it has a happy ending...:)

Yes, thowysg1, this is ""WHIB" indeed, all characters are no angels, they're all making  mistakes, having issues, and being hurt.

But surely FK is WHIB in a more simple way, I mean, when Ga Young kissed Young Gul, and later she declared that she loves him, things are so predictable for me that the writer-nim won't go the hard way she did with the amazing WHIB blush.gif . Oh well.

See, I love the complicated WHIB, including its shocking ending, IMO, that's  among the reason why WHIB is so special, like, a way out of the other K  drama's league.  I just hope that  the pressure of the viewers won't turn the writer nim to change the story into something more predictable than it already is. Yeah, IMO it is YG who will definitely get the girl, Even, here they add the scenes from the past,  (unlike in WHIB), the scenes with the child actors for me is just to emphasize the reason why YG deserves the girl more than the rich boy.

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Guest altinneen

I was happy for GY and YG when they got together but did feel sad for Anna. She keeps getting thrown away. Poor gal

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omg....jinjja..???..got kissing scene between YG and GY in recent epi?..i cant wait to watch full epi...haha

JH must be jaelous and angrier towards Yg..haha

thank you for sharing the scene...im gonna watch it now..haha

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I don't care if most of you will hate or disagree with me, and I'm perfectly aware how cute YG and GY looked this episode together and I even don't care that most of you afraid that GY will abandon YG. I swear I wanted to let them be, although I preferred GY start afresh with new, simple, loving guy. But once he yelled like a lunatic that she must listen to him and resign her job, I almost throw something on him! He wants a pet, not a woman. He needs the control feeling and the knowledge that he is the MAN and she need to follow his orders. Major turn-off.

Anna made another stupid insecure move. Woman like her are so pitiful, seriously. Why to hold on someone who doesn't love and want you in force? Why not look for a guy who actually will love and see only her as woman in his eyes? It so typical character and therefore so cliche and boring. Where the interesting and powerful woman who dare to confront JH's mom? So sad for her, really.


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This series really has a "Happened in Bali" vibe--with GY and Anna getting traded back and forth, and with no clear picture of who really loves whom, and how much. I doubt the ending will be as frustrating, though.

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Just caught up with the past 5 episode since i read about YG and GY progression.Okay soo i still dispise JH ,i was rolling my eyes when he was trying to be cute ,all i could think about is `ahh this is how he must have treated anna when she was new and fresh for him`. Whateva he does for GY it doesnt make me like him even a bit , i mean i dont understand how being nice to one person and a complete d*** to everyone makes him loveable . The way he treats his assistance is disgusting , i really hope that the assistant just leaves him and goes to YG side . Hearing Anna say how he had left his ex for her just confirmed how much of kn** he is , the guy obviously doesnt realise that the world doesnt evolve around him . He needs to be brought down a notch or 2 , its me,me,me with him . What has he really done for GY or for anyone else for that matter ? the guy doesnt have any respect for his parents, no wonder why they look down on him cause they know they are partly to blame for what they have raised him to be .But the rest he only has himself to blame . No matter what upbringing he had to endure he didnt have to disrespect the people around him they are not to blame .

YG .. yes he can be a complete a** at times but he does everything he can to protect the person he loves , he has done alot for GY eventhough he treats her baldly sometimes but somehow he makes up for it . I loved that he finally acted upon his feelings for GY , i think this is very new for him since its clear hes never really opened his heart to anyone.. so hes aloud to make mistakes ,this is the first time hes been in a serious relationship hes been in .

GY .. she really needs to be her own person , does she have to be such a puppy ? seems half of the time she doesnt consider herself as a person just a pet for both guys . Im glad she kept with her feeling for YG , shes already opened YG heart to her which is a big thing especially since he has abandonment issues . Shes slowly changing him which i love ,the YG who use to love money has finally started to realise that love is is better then money .

Both GY and YG will go through much more now that the evils in the drama knows about them , JH and A will do everything to cause misunderstanding between them but i hope that they both stand strong no matter what .

Anna at first i felt bad for her eventhough i kinda still do lol but seriously the girl needs help , what has JH done to the poor girl ,hes totally messed her up . I dont blame JH entirly but he is mostly to blame for her state . He practically ruined her life ,he brought her back with him only to treat her like the gum at the bottom of his shiny shoes . I really wish the writers had not made her such a depressing person , i would have loved to have seen her become a strong individuale showing JH that she doesnt him anymore and that she isnt as talentless as he made her out to be . Unfortunalty they made her into a depressed sad woman .

As far as 2nd leads go in the dramas i have watched JH tops being the most hateful character for me .

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Guest kelly

YG and GY' s great chemistry is because yoo ah in's such a good actor! I'm not being bias I wasn't even an ah in fan till this drama he got me as YG. Todays episode made up for the lame episode yesterday but how it ended omg seriously why can't the two main leads ever have peace I've enjoyed the drama up till here can I have some more cute scenes? Lease I have a feeling this time around YG won't be as dumb about how he feels but if anything I fear GY will be the one taking a step away?

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Guest jordi

Full Ratings

AGB Nielsen Korea

16th episode:

Nationwide: 9,2% (-/+0,0%)

Seoul: 10,0% (-/+0,0%)

TNS Media Korea

16th episode:

Nationwide: 10,9% (+0,2%)

Seoul: 12,3% (-0,3%)

Light & Shadow leads - ratings AGB: 22,7% (Nationwide) / 25,9% (Seoul)

Love Rain - ratings AGB: 5,8% (Nationwide) / 6,8% (Seoul)

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