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[drama 2008] Daughter-in-law 며느리와 며느님

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Guest Bijan630

gerryg, you're just one sick puppy! :w00t: The thing about it is, everything you said is so true! Let's see, the praying mantis lets it's mate enjoy intimacy, and then bites his head off, right??? You're really good, I just kept hearing a whip crack every time I think about her being with a man whose a virgin!

Here's today's episode.

Daughter-in-Law EPISODE 73

Opening scene with Soon-jung receiving a phone call telling her that her father has been in a car accident

SJ.....It's Dad. Yes, Dad? What? A car accident? Is my dad alive? What am I going to do?


SJ.....What am I going to do?

GS.....Hello? Where is he? Yes, yes.

SJ.....Not my dad! Honey I can't let him die?

Moving to the living room

MM.....Why isn't dinner ready yet?


MM.....Where is she going?

GS.....Mom, her dad's been in a car accident.

MM.....What? Is he seriously injured?

GS.....I don't know but I think he's in critical condition. Watch Ae-kyung.

GS to SJ.....Honey! Wait for me!

DD.....Who's been in a car accident?

MM.....Soon-jung's dad


We're now at the hospital

SJ to nurse.....Excuse me! Where's the car accident victim? His name is Lee Sang-man.

RN.....Lee Sung-man? Ah, he's in emergency surgery right now.

SJ.....What? How seriously injured was he? Why are you operating on him without the family's consent?

RN.....We had to operate on him immediately.


GS.....Honey! Where's father?

SJ.....Dad! What's going to happen to my dad?

GS.....Honey, he'll be okay


Standing outside of surgery

SJ to self.....Mom, please save Dad. Don't take him away from us. He's lived a hard life. I can't let him go like this.

SJ to GS.....I can't let my dad go. He can't leave me.

GS.....He'll be okay. Don't worry.

SJ.....Dad! I can't live without him...My poor dad...

Now we're in front of the Lee home with Young-hoon and Yu-jung

YH to self.....The letter's going to get wet. It stopped raining. Yu-jung!

YJ.....Now you're even trespassing. It's a good thing I saw you because if someone else did, you'd be in jail.

YH.....I didn't want this to get wet.

YJ.....Who said I'd read your letter? Why do you keep...?

YH.....Must you keep doing this?

YJ.....So come to your senses!

YH.....All right...

(phone rings)

YJ.....What is it Gang-san? What? My dad? How serious are his injuries?

YH.....What happened?

YJ.....My dad was in a car accident.

Back to Gang-san and Soon-jung in the waiting area at the hospital



YJ.....Where's dad? How serious is Dad's condition? Did you see him?

SJ.....I came as soon as I got the call, but he was already in surgery by then. They needed to operate on him right away.

YJ.....What will we do sis?

GS.....Don't worry. He'll be fine.

YH.....I know her father

GS.....I see...I think the surgeries done.

SJ.....Doctor! How's my dad?

MD.....The surgery was successful. He's been moved to ICU. Let's wait and see until he wakes up.

SJ.....He's in ICU? How serious were his injuries?

MD.....He lost a lot of blood, so we had to operate on him right away.

YJ.....Is he going to be okay now?

MD.....As I just said, let's wait and see.


SJ.....He'll be all right. Dad's strong. He'll be okay.

Scene has changed to Joo-ri at her office in the boutique

JR to self.....He hasn't even called once yet! He never calls first when he's upset! So must I call him first because I'm impatient? I'm not going to call.

Gang-min in his office looking over some paperwork

GM to self.....Wow, the company's much bigger than I thought. I can't even imagine it's net worth, and the company's very strong and solid. All right, now since I'm here, let's go all the way to the top. Vice-President Ma Gang-min.

(phone rings)


JR.....Why haven't you called me yet? Are you still mad at me about last night?

GM.....I have to go.

JR.....Are you going to be like this?

GM.....I'll be home late, so don't wait up for me.

Joo-ri at her office

JR.....Gang-min! Gang-min!

JR to self.....How dare he hang up on me! Okay, I won't call first. I didn't do anything wrong. His family's the one with a problem for taking issue with him living at Mom's. It's all Soon-jung's fault. Why did she bring Father to Mom's? That despicable witch! She's getting on my nerves even more lately!

Now we're at Min-hyuk and Joon's house

MH.....Joon, did you say you saw your mommy?


MH.....Did you go somewhere went you went to Mrs. Ae-kyung's house?

Joon...To the hospital.

MH.....What hospital?

Joon...Where they have many mommies with babies in the hospital.

MH.....You mean to an obstetrician's? Go ahead and play.

MH to self.....Did Joon see Joo-ri at the doctor's office? Soon-jung would've asked me about Joon calling Joo-ri, "Mommy". Did Joon see Joo-ri when Soon-jung wasn't with him?

Scene returns to the ICU ward at the hospital

YJ.....Why is he attached to some many tubes when the surgery was successful? Is the doctor a quack?

SJ.....You should go home. I'll stay.

YJ.....I don't want to. What if Dad regains consciousness when I'm not here?

GS.....Do as your sister says. Your sister and I will stay here, so you...

SJ.....No, you should go home too. You have to go to work tomorrow.

GS.....But I can't leave you alone when you're pregnant.

YJ.....Sis, you're pregnant?

GS.....She's 7 weeks pregnant.

YJ.....Then you should take her home. I'll stay here.

SJ.....No, I'll stay

YJ.....Gang-san, Soon-jung and I will be here then.


YJ to YH.....You should go home too.


In the other corridor


YH.....What is it?

YJ.....You have a lot of money, don't you?


YJ.....You're a dentist, so you must have a lot of money. Save my dad. If something happens, take him to America and save his life.

YH.....I'll save him no matter what.

YJ.....I can't let him die like this! He can't die like this! He has to watch me live well! My poor Dad1

YH.....Don't worry.

Scene now moves back to the Ma house

DD.....All right. How is he?

GS.....He had surgery, but he hasn't regained consciousness yet.

DD.....It must have been a big accident.

GS.....A drunk driver crossed the center divide and hit him.

MM.....What a stupid idiot! Why did he drink and drive? The drunk driver should be sued.

GS.....He died at the scene.

MM.....Oh my!

DD.....Mr. Lee has to be okay.


DD.....Why did you come home instead of staying at the hospital?

MM.....He has to go to work tomorrow.

DD.....What does work matter when his father-in-law is seriously injured? Soon-jung shouldn't be alone!

GS.....Her sister's with her. She didn't want me there tonight. So I'll stay there tomorrow night.

DD.....Okay, go to sleep.


Scene is switched to Soon-jung and Yu-jung with their father in ICU

SJ.....Dad, open your eyes.

SJ to RN.....Why hasn't my dad regained consciousness yet?

RN.....Wait a little longer.

YJ.....How much longer do we have to wait? Maybe the surgeon didn't do a good job!

SJ.....Don't say that.

YJ.....He should be awake if the surgery was successful!

SJ to RN.....I'm sorry. We're just worried.

RN.....You're in ICU. You can't raise your voice when there are other patients in here.

Other visitor.....Honey! Nurse! Doctor! What's the matter with him? Do something.

RN to SJ and YJ.....You have to leave now.

OV.....Hurry! Don't do this!

Soon-jung and Yu-jung standing outside of ICU

YJ.....Dad's going to be okay, isn't he?

Back with Min-hyuk and Joon

Joon...Why isn't Mrs. Ae-kyung here yet? Oh! It's past 8 o'clock.

MH.....She's always prompt.

(MH on cell)


(At the hospital)


MH.....Where are you?

SJ.....I'm sorry, but I can't go to work today?

MH.....Are you sick?

SJ.....No, it's not that...Something happened at home. I'm sorry, I don't know if I'll be there tomorrow either. I'll call you. I'm really sorry.

YJ.....Do you have another job besides the home shopping network job?

SJ.....Oh? Yes


SJ.....You don't have to know.

YJ.....Why can't you tell me what you do?

SJ.....I work as a housekeeper.

YJ.....What? A housekeeper?

SJ.....Mi-ra got me the job. I'm more like a babysitter than a housekeeper.

YJ.....You're pregnant! Why do you have to work two jobs? You make me so mad.

SJ.....I was doing it before I got pregnant. Another housekeeper comes to cook and clean. It's like I'm getting paid for nothing.

YJ.....You don't get paid for doing nothing! You get paid for doing work. What's the matter with Gang-san? I don't care that he and you don't live with Dad, but at least he should make you happy! Why did he marry you if he was going to make you have a hard life?

SJ.....He doesn't want me to work, but I insist on working.

Returning to Min-hyuk

MH.....I wonder what happened...She's a very responsible person.

We now go to the Ma house

DD.....Why is this so salty?

MM.....Is it salty? Put some water in it.

DD.....It's obvious that Soon-jung didn't make it.

MM.....Stop being so picky. You should thank me for making breakfast instead of complaining about it.

GJ.....Soon-jung, give me breakfast!

DD.....Do you think this is a restaurant?

GJ.....Good morning Dad.

DD.....Why do you always come here to eat? How many times do I have to tell you?

GJ.....Soon-jung, I'm hungry!

MM.....She's not home. Go get your own food.

GJ.....Where did she go?

MM.....Ae-kyung's grandfather was in a car accident.

GJ.....Oh no! What happened?

MM.....A drunk driver crossed the center divide and hit him.

GJ.....I saw that on the news last night.

DD.....Was it on the news?

GJ.....Yes, it said that a taxi was involved. I had no idea that it was Soon-jung's dad.

DD.....He hasn't regained consciousness.

GJ.....He's unconscious?


MM.....She knows...

GJ.....Look at her. This is why everyone needs children. Even little Ae-kyung is worried about him.

DD.....It's all right, it's all right, don't cry. Your grandpa will be fine. Good girl.

Scene goes back to the hospital with Soon-jung, Yu-jung and Young-hoon

YJ.....Why did you come again?

YH.....I'm not a bad son. Remember that I gave Father a ring as a promise to be his son. Where's your older sister?

YJ.....I don't know. She went somewhere.

YH.....I bought some porridge. I brought two different kinds because I didn't know which one you liked. Be strong. I'll have my cell phone with me at all times. So call me as soon as Father regains consciousness. Okay?

YJ.....Mister, thank you.

YH.....Don't say that. Eat the porridge.

Back to the Ma house



GJ.....You made the soup, didn't you?

MM.....Yes, I did.

GJ.....You really are not a good cook are you?

MM.....But you ate a whole bowl full of it.

GJ.....I just had to tell you. I'm full. Mom, I want some coffee

MM.....Hey! You really think this is a restaurant! There's self service even at restaurants! Make your own coffee1

GJ.....Then I won't have any. I'm too tired.

MM.....You're my daughter, but you sure are annoying.

GJ.....By the way, how's Gang-min doing at his new job?

MM.....He's living at his mother-in-law's house.

GJ.....What? Who told you that?

MM.....Joo-ri told me and your dad went and confirmed it.

GJ.....He went to Joo-ri's mom's house?

MM.....Gang-min's become a live-in son-in-law. It's infuriating! That Joo-ri's something else. I told her that I didn't like Gang-min living at her mom's, and she talked right back to me. Poor me! I have such bad daughters-in-laws! What are you laughing at? Are you crazy?

GJ.....Mom, Gang-min living at his mother-in-law's house is completely different from Gang-san wanting to live with his father-in-law.

MM.....What do you mean?

GJ.....Wait and see. Gang-min will be that company's chairman.


GJ.....Joo-ri's uncle is a dentist, so he's not interested in running the company. So who do you think the company's chairman will be when Joo-ri's mom retires? Gang-min's going to be the Chairman, so he should live at Joo-ri's mom's house and learn as much as he can. I hope Gang-min won't ignore me when he becomes chairman. After all, I was his match maker.

MM.....So you're saying it's a good thing that he's living in Joo-ri's mom's house?

GJ.....Of course!

At a meeting being held in Gang-min's office

GM.....So how have you resolved the issues with the surrounding areas?

emp....We're going to hire an expert in the area and discuss with him what the best solution is. We'll need some advice from...

Mr. and Mrs. Ma with Gang-san and Ae-kyung inside his bedroom

DD.....So he hasn't regained consciousness?

GS.....No, the doctor says it might take a day or two.

DD.....So we shouldn't go see him now.

GS.....You should visit him later.

MM.....Are you going to sleep at the hospital tonight?

GS.....Yes, we don't know what might happen to him.

MM.....You shouldn't sleep uncomfortable at the hospital. You have to go to work tomorrow.

GS.....It's all right.

MM.....It's not all right. You're going to make yourself sick.

DD.....You should go sleep there tonight, and send Soon-jung and her sister home. They've already been there for two days. They need to rest.

MM.....Why couldn't their dad have a son?

GS.....I'll call you when I get there.



GS.....Ae-kyung, be a good girl and listen to grandma and grandpa.

AK.....Is grandpa very sick?

GS.....No...I'll be back.


Joo-ri at her desk in her office

JR to self.....Why hasn't she brought the revised designs?

JR on cell.....This is Joo-ri from Julia Boutique.

At the hospital

YJ.....I'm sorry, but give me a few days. I'm finished with the designs, but I don't have the time to take them to you. Yes, thank you. Good bye.

YJ to YH.....Mister

YH.....Father's not awake yet?


SJ.....How do you know my dad? You've been coming here often.

YH.....I'm an aquaintence...

YJ.....He's a man I'm going to marry.


Min-hyuk getting out a a car with Ae-kyung and Joon

JR to self.....He lied to Uncle. I have to make Soon-jung quit working for him.

Joo-ri follows them until she sees them meeting Soon-jung


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  • Replies 428
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Thanks again, Bijan630! I'm out of the country right now and the Korean dramas here are different so I can't keep up with the show anymore. Thank goodness for your episode write ups!

Mrs. Ma and GJ makes me so angry! All they ever think about is themselves and money!

Can't wait for the next episode! Thanks so much : )

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Guest Bijan630

Hi reenee, I'm glad you're still around.

Now, for your reading pleasure!

Daughter-in-Law EPISODE 74

Opening scene with Yu-jung telling Soon-jung that she will be marrying Young-hoon as they stand outside of ICU

SJ.....How do you know my dad? You've been coming here often.

YH.....I'm an aquaintence...

YJ.....He's the marry I'm going to marry.

SJ.....You never said that you were dating someone.

YJ.....Is sort of happened.

SJ.....Will you excuse us for a minute.


Soon-jung and Yu-jung move to another area of the hospital

SJ.....What's the meaning of this? You haven't even graduated from college yet.

YJ.....You don't have to wait to graduate from college to get married.

SJ.....No, but he looks much older than you. When and how did you meet him?

YJ.....I don't have to tell you who I see.

SJ.....You said you were going to marry him. Dad and I should know. What does he do?

YJ.....He's a dentist.


YJ.....Why do you look so surprised? You look as if I shouldn't marry a dentist.

SJ.....Is's not that.

YJ.....What else do you want to know. Ah...he's 37.

SJ.....That means the age difference is...

YJ.....14 years.

SJ.....He's older than Gang-san. He's never been married?

YJ.....Just what do you want to ask? Are you asking if I'm seeing a rich, married man? HUH!

SJ.....Yu-jung. Did you have to say it like that when you know that I didn't mean it that way?

YJ.....How would I know what you mean when you kept saying you'd move in and take care of Dad, but didn't?

SJ.....Right...I know you're upset with me. I'm sorry. Believe it or not I always think of you and Dad.

YJ.....He's a nice man. I met him through Dad.

SJ.....So he knows that you're going to marry him?

YJ.....He knows that we're dating and I just made up my mind about marrying him.


YJ.....I decided I should marry him after seeing what happened to Dad.

SJ.....So you and that man love each other?


SJ.....Good. I'm happy for you as long as you and Dad decided together.

Scene is moved back to the ICU


SJ.....Yu-jung told me. You know my Dad well?


SJ.....I wish we'd met under better circumstances. I'm sorry to meet you like this.

YH.....Don't apologize. It hasn't been long since Yu-jung accepted my feelings for her. My name is Oh Young-hoon.

SJ.....Please be good to Yu-jung. I don't know if you know, but she grew up lonely because our mom passed away when she was litte. She seems confrontational, but...

YJ.....You should go home. You should go home and take care of Ae-kyung. Besides, you're pregnant, so you have to think about the baby.

SJ.....No, you should go home. Gang-san and I will stay. He's on his way.

YJ.....No, I want to stay.

SJ.....Go home and come early in the morning. I have to turn in my review tomorrow at work and stop by where I babysit.

YJ.....You shouldn't work as a babysitter! Gang-san has a job!

SJ.....Can you take Yu-jung home?


SJ.....You're so irritating! Why do you have to live like this!

YH.....Yu-jung, do as she says.

YJ.....Call me if anything happens to Dad no matter what time it is.


YJ.....Let's go Mister.

YH.....I'll see you again.

Yu-jung and Young-hoon after they leave the ICU area

YH.....Thank you for accepting me back.

YJ.....You should thank my Dad. I wouldn't have accepted you back if it weren't for my dad.

YH.....Let's ask Father to set our wedding date when he regains consciousness so we can get married when he's discharged.

YJ.....That soon?

YH.....I realized after what happened to Father that we shouldn't think he'll always be with us. I want to marry you, live with him and take care of him.

YJ.....When did I say that I'd live with my Dad? I never said I'd live with my Dad.

YH.....Remember our rings? The three of us will always be together. All right, we'll live with Father.

YJ.....It's been my wish to move out as soon as I get married. You've ruined it for me.

YH.....Then think of it as living with your Father-in-law.


YH.....I'll be good to you.

YJ.....What's with the bag?

YH.....I brought a change of clothes because I was going to sleep here.

YJ.....Do you think you're Superman? You have patients to see tomorrow.

YH.....I canceled all of my morning appointments because I thought you'd be here for a while.

Scene now takes us to Joo-ri in her bedroom

JR to self.....He's not going to call again? No, I might really get sick of him if we keep fighting like this.

(JR on the cell)

JR to GM.....Where are you Gang-min?

GM.....I'm at the office.

JR.....Oh, you're working too hard. What time will you be home?

GM.....Around midnight. Don't wait up for me.

JR.....Okay, don't work too hard.

(Gang-min at his office)

GM to self.....Why was she so friendly? I thought she'd yell at me for not calling her.

Back at the ICU with Soon-jung and Gang-san

SJ.....Dad, open your eyes.

GS.....Soon-jung, go get some sleep. You look exhausted.

SJ.....My body's tired, but I can't go to sleep even when I close my eyes.

GS.....Then, do you want to go and get some fresh air? Honey! Soon-jung what's the matter? Honey! Soon-jung, are you all right? Honey! Honey! Honey! Did you throw up? Is it morning sickness or are you sick?

SJ.....I don't know.

GS.....come here.

Gang-san takes Soon-jung to sit on the steps in the stairwell

GS.....Your legs are so swollen. I know this is hard on you, but let's be strong and get through this. Father will be all right.

SJ.....Okay. I'm such a bad daughter.

GS.....No, you're a very good daughter.

SJ.....No, my Dad's always been worrying about me ever since I got married. He's always worried that your family doesn't like me. He has never received a gift from me without worrying about how I was doing financially. Not everyone who only has daughters are always apologetic like my dad, but he always apologized to your parents for me. He can't even see his only grandchild whenever he wants.

GS.....It's all my fault.

SJ.....I can't let my dad die like this. I don't think I could live without my ever taking care of him. I'll regret it for the rest of my life. Dad...

We now go to the living room of the Ma house

DD.....Good girl...Don't cry baby...Don't bark doggy...Go to sleep my baby Ae-kyung...Sweet dreams...

Scene is moved the bedroom

DD to MM.....Get up

MM.....Why did you wake me up?

DD.....I just got Ae-kyung to sleep.

MM.....So why did you wake me up?

DD.....Unfold the blanket.

MM.....My pathetic life! You have to eat well, sleep well, and go to the bathroom regularly to be healthy. My life is so hard because of our busy daughter-in-law.

DD.....Help me.

MM.....My whole body aches because I had to cook and babysit.

DD.....How can you say that when you didn't make any new side dishes for dinner and only played cards instead of playing with Ae-kyung?

MM.....Are you saying I'm exaggerating?

DD.....Can you say you're not?

MM.....Okay! So I always exaggerate!

DD.....Turn off the light.

MM.....Don't you have hands?

DD.....Turn it off.

The scene is now switched to Gang-min's office

GM to self......Who could that be?

GM.....Yes? What are you doing here?

JR.....It's ll:50, exactly 10 minutes before midnight. I came to drive you home since you must be tired.


JR.....I took a taxi so I could drive your car.

GM.....Wow, I'm touched.

JR.....You must be having a hard time learning new things. I'm sorry I haven't been a supportive wife.

GM.....I'm sorry too. I thought I'd be a good and understanding husband, but I haven't been all that understanding with you. I'm very sorry that I haven't been as good as I wanted to be.

JR.....I love you.

GM.....That was unexpected.

JR.....We shouldn't have gotten married.


JR.....We didn't have a long courtship, but I used to miss you like crazy if I didn't see you for just one day. I'm sad that we haven't been as passionate as we were when we were dating.

GM.....You shouldnt' be sad.

The next morning we're with Yu-jung leaving her house

YJ to self.....How long has he been here?

YH.....Did you sleep well?

Moving along with Young-hoon and Yu-jung in the car

YH.....Stop giving me such a dirty look. Your pretty eyes are going to hurt.

YJ.....why did you sleep in the car? You have to sleep well so you can treat your patients at work. You're not so young you know.

YH.....I left after I saw you sleeping, but I couldn't lock the door.

YJ.....Then you should've come inside and slept.

YH.....How could I have slept in the same room as you. We can't do that until we get married.

YJ.....Are you sure you went to dental school?


YJ.....You could've slept in my dad's room.

YH.....Oh...right! Why didn't I think of that? I kept thinking of only your room

YJ.....You can be so dense. Like the time you went bungee jumping even though you're afraid of heights...

YH.....But you still like me, don't you?

YJ.....If you do another dumb thing, you have to stay away.


YJ.....I won't see you for a week.

YH.....That's too harsh! I'll die if I can't see you!

YJ.....Then don't be stupid next time! Be smart.

YH.....I've always been smart, but I keep doing dumb things in front of you.

Now we're at the Kim's house

Maid.....Dr. Oh didn't come home last night.

MK.....What? Maybe he left for work early.

MD.....No, his room looks the same as yesterday. He didn't come home last night.

JR.....Maybe he spent the night with his girlfriend.

MK.....I wish he'd do that and bring her home. I saw him writing her love letters.

JR.....What? Love letters? He's so old-fashioned.

GM.....That's so like him and I think it's romantic.

JR.....Yes, that is so like him. He's so old-fashioned when it comes to love. I can seduce any man I want.

MK.....Joo-ri! Gang-min, what else do you like besides crab?

GM.....I think I'll be home late again.

JR.....Mom, you're working him too hard. He comes home later than when he worked as a judge.

GM.....I'm going to work.

MK.....What's the matter with you?

JR.....I finally made up with him and I had to open my stupid mouth!


Upstairs in the bedroom with Gang-min

GM to self.....Was there someone else besides Woo-jin? Just how many men did she seriously date?

Scene now moves to Min-hyuk and Joon

(MH on cell)

MH.....Did something bad happen at home? I'm just worried.

SJ.....It's personal, I'm sorry. Tell Joon that I'm sorry.

MH.....Then can you come tomorrow?

SJ.....I can't guarantee it, but I'll try. I was going to go today, but I can't.

MH.....All right. I hope everything's all right.

MH to self.....I wonder if it's something really bad...

Joon...Is Mrs. Ae-kyung coming?

MH.....She can't come because something happened.

Joon...No, No! I want to play with Mrs. Ae-kyung!

MH.....She'll come tomorrow.

Joon...No, no, I want to see her today!

MH.....Joon, Joon!

Joon...Mrs. Ae-kyung! Let's go to Mrs. Ae-kyung's house! Let's go! Let's go!

MH.....Joon, Joon, please don't do this!

Joon...Let's go! Let's go!

Min-hyuk and Joon are now standing outside of the Ma house


Joon...It's Ae-kyung!

MM.....Stop crying so much.




MM.....What are you doing here? I can't watch you too!

MH.....Hello, I don't know if you remember me. I'm Joon's dad.

MM.....Of course I remember. Why did you come when Soon-jung's not home?

MH.....She's not home?

MM.....Didn't she tell you?

MH.....She did. She said something happened at home...

MM.....So why did you come here? I can't watch your son! Watching Ae-kyung is hard enough for me.

MH.....I came because Joon kept asking for Ae-kyung's mom. I just wanted him to see her for a second.

MM.....That's too bad, she's not home.

MH.....May I ask what happened?

MM.....She's at the hospital because her father was in a car accident.

MH.....Was he seriously hurt?

MM.....Yes, he hasn't regained consciousness yet.

MM to AK.....Ae-kyung, stop crying, and let's go to your daycare. Come on.

MH.....Which hospital is it?

MM.....You want to go?

MH.....Yes, as you know, Joon has special needs. I don't think he'll calm down until he sees her.

MM.....Then why don't you take Ae-kyung with you? She keeps asking for her mom.

MH.....All right.

Now we're at the boutique with Joo-ri and Gang-ja

GJ.....Is it more comfortable living back at home with your mother?


GJ.....You must've been hurt that my parents were upset with you.

JR.....I have to admit that your family does take issue with everything.

GJ.....It's because my family's too conservative.

JR.....You know that Soon-jung works as a housekeeper, don't you?


JR.....You should tell her to quit. I felt bad when mother told me she was having a hard time doing all of the housework. I don't know why Soon-jung insists on working as a housekeeper especially now that she's pregnant.

GJ.....Who knows. She might quit anyway.

JR.....What do you mean?

GJ.....Haven't you heard? Her father was in a serious car accident. He's still unconscious.


GJ.....So she probably won't be able to work anyway.

JR.....Ah...I see...

GJ.....But who knows? Soon-jung's really stubborn.

JR.....She must quit...


Gang-ja has left, and Joo-ri is alone in her office

JR to self.....I have to make Soon-jung quit. The fact that Joon has a picture of Min-hyuk and me means he's related to Min-hyuk somehow. What if Min-hyuk lied to Uncle.

Min-hyuk has just parked his car near the hospital

MH to AK and Joon.....Get out. Be careful. Let's go.


Min-hyuk, Soon-jung, Joon, and Ae-kyung are having lunch together while Joo-ri spies on them

JR to self.....What if he's my son? I have to do something before Soon-jung finds out.

MH to the kids.....Let's go.

SJ turns around after Min-hyuk and the kids have left to find Joo-ri standing there.

JR.....We have to talk.

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Guest Bijan630

I have truly run out of words when it comes to Joo-ri and you'll find out why when you read today's episode.

Okay, it's Friday and the weekend. I hope you all enjoy yourselves!

Daughter-in-Law EPISODE 75

Opening scene with Joo-ri spying on Soon-jung, Ae-kyung, Min-hyuk, and Joon from her car

JR to self.....He is Min-hyuk's son. Why did Min-hyuk lie to Uncle saying the baby was dead? This means that Soon-jung's known all along that Min-hyuk's Joon's dad. Just what are they up to? Does Min-hyuk know that I'm married to Soon-jung's husband's brother? How much do they know? What if he's my son? What if Soon-jung knows? No, I can't let her find out.



SJ.....Hi my baby!

AK.....I missed you so much Mom.

SJ.....I missed you too.

Joon...Mrs. Ae-kyung.

SJ.....Joon, you look so handsome (pretty?, nice?)

Joon...I missed you.

SJ.....I missed you too. I'm sorry I couldn't go to see you.

MH.....Let's go sit somewhere.

SJ.....What time is it now?

MH.....It's about 12:25, why?

SJ.....Visiting hours are almost over...

MH.....Is your Dad in the ICU?


MH.....He must be seriously hurt.

SJ.....How did you bring Ae-kyung here? Did you go to my house?

MH.....I took Joon to your house because he kept saying he wanted to see you. Ae-kyung was home crying for you, and her grandmother asked me to bring her to you.

SJ.....Mother's impossible...Let's go somewhere and talk. I'm tired.

MH.....Have you eaten lunch?

SJ.....I don't want to eat.

MH.....If you don't have to go back for a while, let's get something to eat. The kid's must be hungry. If you don't want to go too far, we can eat at the cafeteria.

SJ.....Okay then.

MH.....Let's go eat kids.

JR to self.....What are they doing? They seem so at ease with each other. Are they having an affair?

Inside the ICU with Yu-jung and Young-hoon

YJ.....Dad, were you that tired? Please wake up. You've slept long enough.

YH.....Yu-jung, we have to leave now.

YJ.....Dad, will you open your eyes if I tell you some shocking news? I'm going to marry Mister.

YJ to YH.....You should say something.

YH.....Okay...Father, please wake up so I can get married.

RN.....You have to leave now. Visiting hours are over.



RN.....Can you see?


YJ.....Dad, you're going to be okay! You're going to be all right now!

Meanwhile, at the hospital cafeteria

AK.....Joon, why are you smiling?

Joon...You two look alike.

SJ.....You think we look alike?


SJ.....You look a lot like your dad too.

Joon...I look like my mommy. Mommy's pretty.

SJ.....You're handsome because you take after your mommy?


SJ to MH.....I could've carried the trays.

MH.....A woman should be treated like a princess. It's a man's prerogative.

SJ.....I remember how you used to get upset if I carried anything heavy. I'm sorry Joon's mom passed away. I'm sure she was happy being married to such a kind and considerate man.

MH.....Let's eat.

MH to AK.....Enjoy Ae-kyung.

AK.....Mom, rice

SJ.....What do you want to eat?

MH.....You should eat too. You don't look so good.


JR to self.....If I didn't know any better, I'd think they were one big happy family. What does Soon-jung think she's doing? How could she see her ex-boyfriend when she's married? Doesn't she feel guilty? What if he's my son? No, he can't be. I was told that he died. I have to do something before Soon-jung finds out.

Back to Yu-jung and Young-hoon

(YJ trying to make a call on her cell)

Message.....Please leave a message after...

YH.....You haven't talked to your sister yet?

YJ.....No, I think her cell phone battery is dead. Gang-san can't come today either.

YH.....The doctor said Father will be moved out of the ICU.

YJ.....Do they have a room for him?

YH.....Yes. Father will go to a VIP room.

YJ.....But that must be expensive. Dad might be here for a long time.

YH.....Don't worry. I'll take care of everything.

YJ.....Why should you pay for my Dad's hospital bills?

YH.....I'm his son. Why do you keep forgetting that?

YJ.....No, but...

YH.....If this happened to my dad, I'd want him in the VIP room. So how could I let Father be in a regular room? Don't say anything more. Also, I have to go back to work. So you stay with Father, okay? I'll be back soon.

YJ.....All right, go.

YH.....See you later.

In the cafeteria again

MH.....You should eat too. You have to be healthy to take care of your dad.


MH.....What's wrong?

SJ.....We can be so shameless and self-centered. My dad's in critical condition and here I am eating to survive.

AK.....Mom, don't cry.


SJ.....I won't cry, eat.

MH.....I once felt the same way you did. Joon was born premature and was place in an incubator. He didn't have much of a chance of surviving. Even if he survived, I was told that he would have disabilities related to fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. I thought the world came crashing down on me.

SJ.....I'm sure it was very hard on your wife.

MH.....She never went through the pain of knowing because she died while giving birth to him.

SJ.....You mean you were left alone to deal with everything? It must have been so hard...

MH.....All I thought about at that time was to save Joon. I wanted to raise him well even it was just a few months before God took him away from me. I remember eating a hamburger while crying...I had to go on. I had to stay strong for Joon.


MH.....So don't be weak. You have to eat well and be strong for your dad.

SJ.....Okay, I will.

SJ to AK.....Here you go.

JR to self.....What a sight! What do they thing they're doing? How pitiful! She's even crying!

Scene is moved to the Ma house


MM.....How did you come in?

GJ.....I came through the door. How else? How could you fall asleep without locking the door?

MM.....My whole body aches because I've been doing all the housework and cooking for your dad. My body can't handle all of this work. Soon-jung's dad has to be discharged soon, or I'll end up in the hospital.

GJ.....You really exaggerate too much Mom. Doing housework is nothing compared to having a real job.

MM.....You bad girl! You're so heartless!

GJ.....Mom, are you ticked off? I'm sorry. By the way, Joo-ri cares about you a lot.


GJ.....She said she felt bad for you because you were doing all the housework and babysitting Ae-kyung.

MM.....Oh my, oh my, oh my, she really said that?

GJ.....Yes, so don't be upset and give her stress about Gang-min living at her mom's house. If something ever happens to you, it's Joo-ri who'll take care of things for you. All Soon-jung can do is physical labor. That's why they say money's the best child. If you or dad get sick, Soon-jung will take care of you, but Joo-ri, on the other hand, will take you to the best hospital and the best doctor.

MM.....You're making a lot of sense. I'm afraid to get sick because Soon-jung's always saying she's going to move out.

GJ.....So be good to Joo-ri. Be on her side no matter what Dad says. Okay?

MM.....Okay. Joo-ri's so good.

Back at the hospital

AK.....No, I don't want to go. I want to stay with you.

SJ.....But you're a good girl who listens to her mommy. As I told you earlier, Grandpa's very sick. So go home for now.

AK.....I want to stay with you Mom.

SJ.....You'll get bored soon because you don't have anything to do here. I'll be home tonight, so please go home.

AK.....But Grandma doesn't play with me. She never reads to me.

MH.....Ae-kyung, do you want to go to my house? You can play with Joon at my house.

Joon...Let's go to my house.

SJ.....No, you can't watch Ae-kyung too when you're so busy.

MH.....It's okay. I don't have any plans today. I'll take her to your house after dinner.

SJ.....Then just let her stay at your place. It'll take too much time for you to take her to my house. I'll pick her up. My husband will come here.

MH.....Okay then. Let's go kids.

AK.....Bye Mom


SJ to JR.....What are you doing here?

JR.....We should talk

Scene is moved to outside of the hospital

JR.....You've been working as Min-hyuk's housekeeper?


JR.....How could you be so bold to work as your first love's housekeeper?

SJ.....I didn't know at first. I was only told that the boy had special needs and that he didn't have a mom. I wanted to care for him since I grew up without my mom. I found out much later that the boy's dad was Min-hyuk.

JR.....Then you should've quit when you found out! How could you keep working for him? Now he's taking Ae-kyung around with him, and you ate together like one big happy family!

SJ.....Have you been following us?

JR.....I did no such thing. I wasn't sure if it was you, so I followed you. It was quite a sight! You cried and he gave you his handkerchief. I felt sorry for Gang-san.

SJ.....Okay, you could get the wrong idea, but there's nothing going on between us.

JR.....Us? You're a married woman. You shouldn't even say the word,"us", to refer to you and him. I can't forgive you for what you're doing, but I'll ignore it for the sake of the family. But you'd better quit working for him immediately!

SJ.....Who are you to tell me to quit my job? There's nothing going on between Min-hyuk and me. So I'm not afraid of anything. I don't have to quit because Joon's dad is Min-hyuk.

JR.....So you'll continue working for him?


JR.....Fine, then you leave me with no choice. I was going to ignore this to keep peace in the family, but now I'm going to have to tell Gang-san.


JR.....Even I can't believe there's nothing going on between you and Min-hyuk. Do you think Gang-san would believe it? What Korean husband would be understanding enough to let his wife work for her ex-boyfriend?

SJ.....Just what do you have against me to keep following me and torturing me like this? I'm upset enough as it is about my dad and you have to make me feel worse right now?

JR.....I came because I heard what happened to Driver Lee. It's pathetic to see that this is what you're up to. If he knew what you were doing, he'd collapse. I remember Driver Lee being a very moral man.

SJ.....You despicable witch! If you cared even a little about me or my dad, you wouldn't be saying this to me now!

JR.....Fine, I'll give you time to quit. If you're not an idiot, you'll quit.

JR to self.....She wouldn't dare continue to work for Min-hyuk after I threatened her.

We're now in the private hospital room with Soon-jung, Yu-jung, and Mr. Lee

SJ.....Dad...Thank you God for letting him be all right! Dad!

Scene is changed to Yu-jung at Joo-ri's boutique

JR.....They're good

YJ.....I have a favor to ask you. Could you give me the rest of the money today?

JR.....But the contract was that I pay you for each design as you bring them in.

YJ.....I need some money now, and I'd appreciate it if you could pay me in advance.

JR.....I can't do that. I'd be losing my money if you don't produce good designs later.

YJ.....I'm confident that I could do a good job.

JR.....Then how about this? Why don't you just sell your designs to me? Sell your rights to the designs so I can show them in the store as mine.

YJ.....I'm sorry, but I can't do that. I plan on having my own brand some day. Couldn't you give me the advance?

JR.....I can't do that. I'll pay you for your next set of designs.

YJ.....All right, then let's do that.

YJ.....See you next time.

JR.....I expect good work next time too.


(Knocking at the door)


MK.....She's too young to be wearing your line.

JR.....She's a freelance designer I hired to do some work. Did you get off work?

MK.....Yes. Everything all right between you and Gang-min?

JR.....What do you mean?

MK.....He was upset about what you said this morning.

JR.....I forgot about that. I've been so busy today.

MK.....How could you forget about that?

JR.....Mom, call Gang-min and tell him we should eat at a nice restaurant tonight.

MK.....Should I?

GM at his office on phone.....I'm sorry but I have to work on preparing for tomorrow's meeting with the real estate development experts. Yes, see you at home.

GM to self.....Hey! This man Park Min-hyuk is quite a businessman. He's a billionaire at the young age of 29. What was I doing when I was his age. I was studying day and night for the second exam to become a judge. My days as a judge seem like a long time ago...

Back at the boutique

JR.....Gang-min's been very cold and hard to please ever since finding out about Woo-jin.

MK.....You have to understand and be good to him. By the way, are you even trying to have a baby?

JR.....Stop talking about that!


Scene moves now to the Ma house.

DD on phone.....Hello

GS.....Dad, my father-in-law has regained consciousness!

DD.....That's such good news.

GS.....I'm on my way to the hospital. I think Soon-jung will come home tonight.

DD.....Tell her that I'll go visit him soon.

GS.....Okay, Can you ask Mom to make something to eat? Soon-jung has morning sickness and was vomiting last night.

DD.....All right.

MM.....Honey, turn on the TV. It's time for the soap opera.

DD.....Soon-jung's dad regained consciousness.

MM.....So she'll come home?

DD.....Make something to eat for her.


DD.....Gang-san said Soon-jung hasn't been eating well. She's been taking care of her dad and she has morning sickness.

Back to the hospital

YJ to YH.....Hi!

SJ.....Hello. This is my husband.

SJ to YH.....He's the man Yu-jung's been dating.

GS to YH.....Let's talk.

Outside of the room in the hallway

SJ.....Can't you just forget about it?

YH.....Did you have something to tell me?

GS.....Is it true that you had my father-in-law put in a VIP room?

YH.....Yes. He'll be here for a while and I wanted him to be comfortable. I thought Yu-jung and her sister would be more comfortable too...

GS.....Who do you think you are making such important decisions?



JR to YH.....You should meet Min-hyuk and talk to him. I'm so scared that Gang-min might find out.

YH.....What do you want me to say to him?

JR.....Tell him to leave the country! Tell him to leave as soon as possible!

Min-hyuk is being introduced to Ma Gang-min

emp.....This is our company's vice-president.

GM......I'm Ma Gang-min.

MH......I'm Park Min-hyuk.

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Guest Bijan630

Okay, here's today's episode.

I really hope that before this drama ends, Mad Mother Ma gets down on her knees and begs Soon-jung for forgiveness. I really can't take her thoughtless, vicious mouth any longer. Such a selfish woman and what makes it worse is the fact that even if she had all of Joo-ri's wealth, it still wouldn't make her happy. A pig in a tu-tu, is still nothing more than a pig in a tu-tu. Even that statement is an insult to pigs, because they're really cute and sometimes more intelligent than Mrs. Ma.

Take care,

Daughter-in Law EPISODE 76

Opening scene with Soon-jung, Gang-san, Yu-jung and Young-hoon in the hallway outside of Mr. Lee's room.

YH.....Did you have something to tell me?

GS.....Is it true that you had my father-in-law put into a VIP room?

YH.....Yes. He'll be here for a while and I wanted him to be comfortable. I wanted Yu-jung and her sister to be more comfortable too...

GS.....Who do you think you are making such an important decision?


YH.....I just wanted Father to be comfortable.

GS.....That's for us to decide. Why did you say you'd pay the hospital bills when Father has his daughters and son-in-law?

YJ.....You're being awfully rude.

GS.....You just met him. You're not married to him yet! You should have discussed this with me or your sister! I may not do much, but you can't disrespect me like this!

YJ.....You were out on a sight and couldn't come, and I couldn't get in touch with Soon-jung. So I had no choice.

GS.....You still should have discussed it with me on the phone. Do you know how surprised I was to hear it from your sister?

SJ.....Don't get upset. You don't have to get upset over this.

YH.....I'm really sorry I upset you. I didn't mean to...I wanted to do this for Father because he's given me so much love. We could move him to a regular room if you want.

GS.....He might as well stay there now, but we're paying the bills.

YH.....All right.

Soon-jung and Gang-san walking after leaving the hospital

GS.....Why are you upset with me?

SJ.....Did you have to lose your temper like that?

GS.....He admitted he was wrong. So what if he's a rich dentist? Why did he do that without asking us?

SJ.....You're so twisted.

GS.....What? I'm not twisted.

SJ.....So you'd rather have my father stay in a regular room because his children couldn't afford to put him in a nice room?

GS.....What's that supposed to mean?

SJ.....To be honest, I was thankful. My dad's staying in a really nice VIP room. I could've never done that for my dad, but Yu-jung was able to.

GS.....Be quiet! Do you want to tell me to my face that I can't do much?

SJ.....No, I just realized how little I could do. I thought about what I've never done for my dad and Yu-jung, and I thought about what I could do for them in the future. There was nothing that I could do. Yu-jung's bee more like a daughter than a sister to me, but I didn't even know she had a man she wanted to marry. Even if she gets married, I don't have money to contribute to her wedding. I couldn't afford to have my dad stay in a VIP room. I felt so pathetic that there was nothing I could do! I hate myself for being so powerless!


SJ.....So I was happy that Yu-jung's boyfriend put my dad in a VIP room. I was happy that my dad could be comfortable thank to Yu-jung's boyfriend. Did you have to make me and Yu-jung more pathetic in front of that man? Do you know how you made me feel?

GS.....Doesn't anything else matter anymore? Why is everyone always talking about money?

Meanwhile, back in Mr. Lee's hospital room

YJ.....Don't let what my brother-in-law said bother you. He's just upset because he loves my dad a lot, but can't do much for him.

YH.....No, I was thoughtless. I only thought about my love for Father. Your brother-in-law's right.



YJ.....I love you.

YH.....What? What did you just say?

YJ.....I don't like to repeat myself.

YH.....Please, just one more time. Say it one more time.

YH to DD.....Father! Father! Please, you have to get through this. You're the only parent Yu-jung and I have! Father, we're going to get married the day after you get out of here.

YJ.....The bride's family is supposed to set the wedding date.

YH.....I don't know all of that because I've never been married. Excuse me.

YH on cell.....Yes

JR.....When are you coming home?

YH.....I'll be coming home late. Why?

JR.....I have something important to ask you, so come home.

YH.....I can't

JR.....You have to come home before I go crazy!


YH to self.....She's so self-centered. I told her I couldn't...

YJ.....Who was that?

YH.....My niece. Her motto is, "I live my life the way I want to".

YJ.....She's like me.

Scene moves to Soon-jung going to pick up Ae-kyung from Min-hyuk and Joon's house


Joon...Mrs. Ae-kyung!

MH.....Are you all right?

SJ.....Yes...I'm just tired.

MH.....Do you want something to drink?

SJ.....No...Okay. Can you give me some water?


SJ to AK.....Have you been a good girl?

AK.....Yes. I played with Joon and Mr. Park read us a book.

MH.....They played well together.

SJ.....Joon, thanks for playing well with Ae-kyung.


MH.....You really don't look good. Do you want some vitamins?

SJ.....No, I have to watch what I take.

MH.....Are you pregnant?

SJ.....What? How did you know?

MH.....Joon said he went to an obstetrician's last time...

SJ.....I see...By the way, why aren't there any pictures of you and Joon when there are pictures of other kids?

MH.....He gets sad when he sees pictures of just him and me because he wants his mom in the pictures. He was about 5 years old when he cried looking at a picture we took together saying he wished his mom was also in the picture. Since then, we don't take pictures a lot.

SJ.....He misses his mom a lot.

MH.....Yes he does. I try to give him extra attention, but he needs more. So I'm thankful to you for showing him motherly love.

SJ.....I haven't done much for him. About my working here...

Joon...Mrs. Ae-kyung, you and Ae-kyung should sleep here.

MH.....They can't sleep here. They have to go home.

Joon...But I slept at their house.

MH.....That was because I couldn't come home.

SJ.....I should go. Let's go.

AK.....Bye Joon

Joon...Sleep here, sleep here.

MH.....Joon, they can't sleep here.

Joon...No, no, don't go.

MH.....Joon, stop!

MH to SJ.....Is your husband outside?

SJ.....No, he's at the hospital.

MH.....Then I'll drive you home.

SJ.....No, that's okay.

MH.....But you have to walk far to hail a cab. Besides, Joon might fall asleep on the way.

We now see Gang-san drowning his sorrows and thinking about Soon-jung said to him

SJ's voice.....I can't afford to have my dad in a VIP room. I felt so pathetic because there was nothing that I could do! I hate myself for being so powerless.

GS to self.....Life sucks

Next we're with Gang-ja and her husband Soon-ho

GS.....Darling, you know we can't just go to sleep, right?

SH.....It's already been a month? I feel like I'm meeting a deadline.

GJ.....Don't say things like that. Don't you think tonight we could make a baby?

SH.....Can't we just skip it?

GJ.....But there aren't many days in a month I can conceive! We have to become parents before we turn 40.


GJ.....I don't like that tone of voice.

SH.....I know you don't want to, but let's adopt.

GJ.....I told you I don't want to do that.

SH.....You have to admit that I've always gone along with everything you've wanted to do.


SH.....So go along with me this time!

GJ.....I'm sick of this too! Are you sick of living with me?

SH.....No, I'm sick of our lives revolving around you trying to conceive!

GJ.....Okay, then let's put it off until yoiu want to make a baby.

SH.....Let's adopt!


SH.....You won't give up trying to conceive until you reach menopause, and I don't want to live my life this way until then!

GJ.....Then, let's find a surrogate...

SH.....Gang-ja! Are you crazy?

GJ.....I can't raise someone else's child. I'm going to try in-vitro again and I'll raise our own child!

Now we're at the Kim's house

YH.....Joo-ri, what's the matter?

JR.....You didn't find out anything! That boy is Min-hyuk's son.


JR.....I saw it with my own eyes! Min-hyuk was with that boy!

YH.....Where do you keep seeing that boy?

JR.....That's because...He's just close by.


JR.....That's why I'm nervous! What if he's my son? I'm so scared that Gang-min might find out. You should meet with Min-hyuk and talk to him. You two always had a good relationship.

YH.....What do you want me to say to him?

JR.....Ask him if that boys my son! If he says no, tell him to bring the DNA test results!

YH.....How can you be so self-centered? How can you even think of asking that even if the boys your son?

JR.....Tell him to leave the country! Tell him to leave as soon as possible1

YH.....Joo-ri, listen to me carefully! You have no right to demand anything. You're my niece, but I can't do that for you. If the boy's your son, you have to ask forgiveness. You have to beg, and if Min-hyuk has ill feelings towards you, you must beg him!

JR.....Nonsense! Why should I have to beg him? For what? I told him I couldn't raise an abnormal baby, and he told me the baby was dead! He shouldn't ruin my life now!

YH.....So you don't think you did anything wrong at all? That baby was Min-hyuk's, but he was also yours too!

JR.....NO! I don't think I did anything wrong. It was all in the past. I won't let my past ruin my present life.

YH.....All right, I'll find out and tell you.

JR.....Don't just believe what Min-hyuk tells you. Tell him to bring documents showing how the boy is related to him!

YH.....What right do I have to demand such a thing from Min-hyuk?

JR.....My life depends on it! Tell him to go back to America!

YH.....Get out of my room.


YH.....Get out! I have to get some rest.


YH to self.....Min-hyuk doesn't want Joo-ri to know the truth because he knows her all too well.

Min-hyuk has just pulled over after reaching the street near Soon-jung's house

MH to self.....Soon-jung, please be happy. I'll feel even worse if you're not happy and I'm afraid I might want you. So please, show me that you're happy. Be so happy, that I'll be jealous.

Inside the Ma house

MM.....Why did you come home alone? Where are Soon-jung and Ae-kyung?

GS.....There not home yet?

DD.....Weren't they with you?

GS.....Yes, but we didn't leave together.

MM.....Is Soon-jung going to stay at the hospital again?

GS.....No, she went to go pick up Ae-kyung from Joon's house.

DD.....Why did you let her go alone when she's pregnant?

GS.....I thought she'd be home by now.

Back at the car

MH.....You should let me carry Ae-kyung for you.

SJ.....It's okay. Hurry up and take Joon home

MH.....All right. Good night.



SJ.....I couldn't tell you earlier because of Joon...

MH.....What is it?

SJ.....I don't think I can babysit Joon anymore, you know with what happened to my dad and...I'm really sorry.

MH.....You can take some time off until your dad recovers, and just let me know a day before when you can't come. I have a housekeeper anyway, so I just need you to watch Joon...

SJ.....I don't feel comfortable about working for you. My husband will get the wrong idea if he finds out. I just think it's best if I quit.

MH.....Please, take care of Joon while we're in Korea. He loves you and I just want him to feel the motherly love from you that he's never received.

SJ.....Okay, I'll think about it. Bye.

Soon-jung is now inside her bedroom

SJ to self.....Gang-san, why is life so hard? I've lived my life as best I could. Are we really destined to live certain lives from the moment we're born? If so, doing everything I can to make my life better is all in vain.

Next morning at the Kim's house

GM.....Good morning

MK to YH.....Where are you going so early in the morning? What's that?


MK.....Lunch? Who's that for?

GM.....So things are going well between you and that woman you told us about?


MK.....When are you going to bring her home so we can all meet her?

YH.....Not yet. Just be prepared because I will have you meet her family soon.

JR.....Uncle, you want us to meet her family?

YH.....I'm late. I have to go.

JR.....What? Why did he just ignore me?

MK.....Who's this girl that's got him under her spell? As long as she's a woman, I have no objections.

JR to GM.....Why didn't you wake me up?

GM.....You should wake up on your own. I can't continue to wake you up.

JR to self.....He's changed so much. He was so gentle when we were dating. This is so annoying.

JR to MK.....Mom, let's go look at cars today.

MK.....Why do you want to look at cars?

JR.....I want a new one.

MK.....But your car's still new.

JR.....I'm tired of it. I think it'll brighten up my mood.

GM.....That's an expensive pick me up. Just keep your car.

JR.....No! I want a new one. I've been feeling down and shopping's the best remedy.

GM.....Then just buy some new outfits.

JR.....That won't do. I need more than that to feel better.

GM.....Suit yourself.

JR.....I'm so depressed. Gang-min's too busy to spend time with me and unexpected things keep happening...Mom, you'll go, won't you?

MK.....Gang-min's not pleased with it. So get a new car later.

JR.....No one in this family is on my side! I'll go alone!

We're now at the Ma house in the bedroom with Soon-jung, Ae-kyung, and Gang-san

GS.....Why didn't you answer your phone last night?

SJ.....I told you the batter was dead.

GS.....Right. You could have called me from a pay phone. It must've been hard for you to carry Ae-kyung home.

SJ.....You should go to work.

GS.....Wasn't Ae-kyung too heavy for you?

SJ to AK.....Ae-kyung, what do you want to wear today?

AK.....This one.

SJ.....You want that one? Okay.

GS.....I'm sorry. If I see that dentist at the hospital today, I'll apologize. I'll see you at the hospital after work.

Scene now moves to the kitchen with Soon-jung and Mad Mother Ma

MM.....Soon-jung, are you going to the hospital again?


MM.....Then make some soup and side dishes before you go. The fridge is empty. Your father-in-law complains about my food. You've spoiled him with your cooking. He's complaining so much about my food lately. So go grocery shopping and make some side dishes...

SJ.....I'm sorry, but I have to go to the hospital now. I have to go so my sister can go to school.

MM.....That's too bad. All right, then just make some soup before you go. Buy some groceries on your way home from the hospital and make some side dishes tonight.

SJ.....I'm sorry Mother, but I'm going to stay at the hospital tonight.

MM.....So just come home and make some food then go back. It's not like your father's going to die. You don't have to live at the hospital as if he's going to die any minute now...

SJ.....Mother! You're so cruel!

MM.....How dare you yell at me!

SJ.....Even a maid would be treated better!


Young-hoon meets with Joo-ri

YH to JR.....I saw Min-hyuk. The boy you saw is his son.

JR.....Is he really my son?

Gang-min meets Min-hyuk for lunch and a restaurant

GM to MH.....Are you married?

MH.....I'm not married, but I have a son.


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Although I am truly grateful for cococrust's uploads, would anyone happen to know where one may download the episodes elsewhere?

Please help me out, thank you! ^_^

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Guest Bijan630

Here you go......

Daughter-in-Law EPISODE 77

Opening scene with Mad Mother Ma and Soon-jung arguing in the kitchen

MM.....So just come home and make some food and then go back. It's not like your father's going to die. You don't have to live at the hospital as if he's going to die any minute now...

SJ.....Mother! You're so cruel!

MM.....How dare you yell at me!

SJ.....Even a maid would be treated better!

MM.....What did I say for you to yell at me? The fridge is empty, so I told you to make some side dishes. You can go to the hospital, but there are things you're supposed to do! So do what you're supposed to do! How dare you talk back to me! You've become horrible ever since you've been getting out of the house so much! This goes to show you just how uneducated you are!

SJ.....It's only been one day since my dad regained consciousness. Just one day. Not even a week. Do you know how I feel right now, Mother? I'd sell my soul to the devil if it could prolong my dad's life! He's had a hard life, and I've never done anything for him. My poor old dad got into a car accident while driving his taxi. Do you know how much I prayed he wouldn't die? I cook 3 meals a day for my husbands family, but I never even see my dad once a month.

MM.....He's alive! He's not dead!

SJ.....So how can you say what you just said? He's not in ICU anymore, but no one knows what could happen to him. He has high blood pressure and just had brain surgery. I may be here physically, but my mind's at the hospital. So how could you say that I shouldn't go to the hospital?

MM.....What I mean to say, is since he's going to be at the hospital for a long time, you should do what you're supposed to do.

SJ.....What is it that I'm supposed to do? Is it cooking, cleaning, and doing the laundry? Is that all I am to you? I've lived with you for five years. Mother, is that all you can say to me? You really hurt my feelings Mother!

MM.....Hey! Why are you so upset just because I told you to make some side dishes? Did I tell you not to go to the hospital? You said you had to go, so I told you to make food when you come back! It's not like I told you not to go!

SJ.....You might as well have! Mother, please just eat what we have. Please help me out.

MM.....So you're saying you won't cook. Okay, you only care about your dad and don't care about your father-in-law who adores you?

SJ.....Mother! Please stop it! Please leave me alone! Why are you doing this to me?

MM.....What did I ever do? Have you gone insane? Hey! I don't want to hear it!

Mad Mother Ma in her bedroom talking to herself as Soon-jung is crying

MM.....I can't believe I can't even tell here what to do. I can't even say a word to Joo-ri because she's highly educated and rich. Now I can't even say anything to that idiot Soon-jung. How dare she talk back to me! Poor me...My poor life.

We're now at the hospital with Yu-jung, Young-hoon, and Mr. Lee

YJ.....Don't tell me you made all of this.

YH.....Of course...I didn't. My housekeeper made it.

YJ.....I knew it.

YH.....But I helped her make it. Enjoy.

YJ.....What about you?

YH.....I'll eat too. I didn't even have breakfast.

YJ.....Why aren't you writing me letters anymore?

YH.....You want me to keep writing?

YJ.....Of course. I don't know much about you. I made a decision to marry you, but I'm scared about spending the rest of my life with you.

YH.....Okay, I'll keep writing to you.

YJ.....Also, how could you just write on plain white paper, and put it in a plain white envelope? No much thought went into it. Other men write on pretty stationery and even spray it with cologne. I guess it's because of your age...

YH.....Give me your cell phone.


YH.....Just give it to me.

YH.....What? Leech?

YJ.....Hey! We have to respect each other's privacy even if we're dating.

YH.....How could you call me a, "LEECH"? I thought you call me, "Mister". But, "Leech"?

YJ.....Kid? Who are you calling, "kid"?

YH.....It's better than, "Leech". How could you call me, "Leech"? Even, "gum" would be better.

YJ.....Should I call you, "gum"?


Scene is switched to Min-hyuk and Joon

MH on phone.....Come by 11. It takes less than one hour to get there.

MH.....Joon. You're concentrating again. Joon, Mrs. Ae-kyung can't come today, okay? I'll be home right after my meeting.

We now have Gang-min, and the employee waiting for Min-hyuk at the restaurant for their lunch meeting

Emp....Hello Mr. Park

MH.....You're looking even better than last time.

Emp....Thank you. This is our company's Vice-President.

GM.....Nice to meet you. I'm Ma Gang-min.

MH.....I'm Park Min-hyuk.

GM.....Have a seat.


(cell phone rings)

MH.....Excuse me for a second.


MH on cell.....Yes, Young-hoon

YH.....Can you talk now?

MH.....Yes, I have a minute.

YH.....You really don't want to let Joo-ri know about Joon?

MH.....No, I don't.

YH.....All right. I'll tell Joo-ri what you told me to say.

We're with Joo-ri in her office

JR.....I want the car as soon as possible.

Dealer.....Sure. It usually takes two weeks, but I'll try my best. You should've come to the showroom and looked at it.

JR.....Why waste me time when I know the model and the color that I want? Call me when it arrives.

Dealer.....Sure. Thank you.

JR to self.....Fine, I have to keep making myself feel better.

(knock at the door)

JR.....Yes. What brings you here? You should be at work.

YH.....I only have afternoon appointments for a while. I came to talk to you before I went to work.

JR.....But you left home early this morning.

YH.....I saw Min-hyuk this morning. The boy you saw is his son.

JR.....Is he really my son? The baby who I thought was dead?

YH.....No, your baby did die. Min-hyuk adopted his son.

JR.....What? What are you talking about?

YH.....Your baby didn't survive. So Min-hyuk adopted a boy after that.

JR.....Then why does that boy keep calling me Mom?

YH.....He kept asking about his mom. Min-hyuk gave him your picture since it was the only picture of a woman he had. He never thought that the boy would run into you since they were living in America.

JR.....I can't believe it. Maybe Min-hyuk's lying.

YH.....No, if you were the boys mom, Min-hyuk would want to get back at you for leaving them. But...

JR.....But what...

YH.....But he has no intentions of getting back at you and he doesn't want the boy to meet you. He told me that he wanted you to be happy when I told him that you were married. So you should stop worrying about the boy.

JR.....When is he going back to America?

YH.....He'll go back soon. He only came to this country because he has a foundation that helps poor and underprivileged kids. He'll go back when his work is done.

JR.....I wish he'd leave soon. It bothers me that he's in the country.

YH.....Joo-ri, do you want to see Min-hyuk and apologize?

JR.....Never! Gang-min's still upset about Woo-jin! Why would I want to see Min-hyuk? I've long forgotten about him, so don't talk about him to me!

YH.....All right.

Back at the restaurant

GM.....So you're saying we should maintain the image of the brand in the country, while building resorts and apartments abroad.

MH.....That's right. Korea's weather isn't ideal for the resort industry. But you can expect sales all year round from countries like the Philipines, Malaysia, and Vietnam. And the sale price of land is relatively low in those countries.

Emp....We should talk about a lighter subject now. Mr. Park can't eat his lunch because we've only been talking about business.

GM.....You're right. I'm sorry.

MH.....It's all right.

GM.....I have no knowledge in the area, and I'm finding it really interesting while I'm learning. Please enjoy your lunch.

MH.....I was surprised to hear that you were a judge.

GM.....Yes, I was a judge...Are you married? Is that too personal?

MH.....I don't usually talk about my private life. I'm not married, but I have a son.


MH.....I'm a single dad. I never got married.

GM.....Ah...I see. Is that why you got into starting a foundation that helps poor and underprivileged kids?


GM.....You're doing a very good thing.

MH.....I'd like to ask for your support with my foundation.

GM.....Of course. Can I ask you to meet me often so I can learn from you while you're in Korea?


GM.....Please enjoy

Meanwhile, back at the hospital

YJ.....How could five angels and five men end up as couples? This wasn't a question that was on the...

SJ.....I'm sorry I'm late

YJ.....You said you'd be here in the morning.

SJ.....Dad, did you sleep well?

SJ to YJ.....Go to school.

YJ.....I already missed a class because of you. Why did you come so late?

SJ.....I fell asleep because I was tired.

YJ.....That's understandable since your pregnant. Read from here.

SJ.....Okay, go

YJ.....Dad, I'm going to school.

SJ.....Okay Dad, what should I read to you? Let's see...Oh, here's news about an experiment some scientist performed to...

While at the house with Mad Mother Ma

MM.....She did make all of the food. So why did she have to get upset earlier?

We're now with Yu-jung in a designer handbag store

YJ.....I paid $1200 for that one. I only carried it a few times, so it's as good as new.

Salesman.....They're all real. Do you want to sell them or do you want a loan?

YJ.....I'll sell them. Give me as much as you can for them.


Scene is moved to Young-hoon's dental office

(Translation of what's written on the paper)

Since you don't like white paper...

Dental assistant.....Doctor, the patient is ready.


Now we're moved to Gang-min's office with a knock at the door

GM.....Yes. What bring's you here?

JR.....For you.

GM.....Why the flowers?

JR.....It's to congratulate you on becoming Vice-President.

GM.....Thank you.

JR.....The real gift is inside.

GM.....Aren't the flowers a gift? Huh? It's a car key.

JR.....Right. It's the car Father didn't accept. I think you should drive it, so I got it back from my mom.

GM.....You shouldn't have.

JR.....It's just parked at the parking lot, so you should drive it. I wanted to buy you a foreign car when I bought mine today, but I figured you'd be upset, so I'm giving you this one. Please accept it. As the company's Vice-President, you should drive it.

GM.....I should thank Mother.

JR.....You should thank me since I asked her for it.

GM.....Thank you Joo-ri.

JR.....Why don't you give your car to Gang-san?

GM.....To Gang-san?

Back to the hospital again

GS.....Who's knocking instead of coming in?

SJ.....I must've dozed off...


GS.....You must've gotten off from work early. Come on in.



SJ.....Yu-jung's not back yet.

YH.....She should be here soon.

YJ.....Oh, everyone's here. Let me introduce you. This is the man I'm going to marry.

YH.....I'm Oh Young-hoon.

GS.....I'd like to apologize about the last time. I have a bad temper.

YH.....No, I was thoughtless. I'm not family yet, so I shouldn't have done what I did.

GS.....Thank you for saying that. I feel better now.

YH.....So do I

SJ.....Let's all sit down.

YJ.....Gang-san, this is to help pay for Dad's bills.

GS.....It's all right. Your sister and I will take care of it.

YJ.....I've been working and saving money. Please accept it.

SJ.....Yes, accept it so she'll feel better.

GS.....Thanks Yu-jung.

YH.....I'd like to contribute too.


YJ.....Please let him. He and Dad are really close. They're like Father and son. They liked each other before I ever came into the picture.


YJ.....Yes, I only opened up to him because he was so good to Dad. So accept it.

SJ.....You should accept it. We should thank him for being so good to my dad.

YJ.....You're the one in charge, so you take care of everything, okay?

GS.....In charge?

YJ.....Yes. You're the eldest son-in-law.

GS.....That's right. I am.

YH.....Yes, so please go easy on me.

GS.....All right...I'm going to...

The Ma clan is gathering at the house to visit Mr. Lee at the hospital

DD.....Did you tell Gang-min?


SH.....But you still should call him since he could've forgotten.

DD.....He's right. Call him.

MM.....Why does he have to go too when he's so busy? Let him rest at home.

DD.....But he should go to visit Mr. Lee!

MM.....No, but Mr. Lee regained consciousness now and he's okay now! Gang-min doesn't have to go too!

DD.....You're so bad!

GJ on cell.....Oh, Gang-min? You know that we're going to visit Mr. Lee at the hospital, right? What? Hurry up and get ready now. We're leaving.

DD.....I thought he was the smart one. He forgets what he doesn't want to remember. That jerk!

MM.....Don't call him names! You're being so hard on him lately.

DD.....Nothing he does pleases me!

MM.....And Soon-jung does?

GJ.....Come on

In the bedroom with Gang-min and Joo-ri

JR.....Why did you tell them that we'd go?

GM.....I'm sorry I forgot to tell you earlier when my sister called.

JR.....You should have told Father we'd go later. Why do we all have to go together? I'm tired.

GM.....I know. Let's go eat at a nice place and see a movie too.

JR.....You're making it hard for me to say no. Do I look okay?

GM.....You're the best!

JR.....I can't believe you because you always say I'm the best.

GM.....I always say that because you're the prettiest.

(knock at door)


MK.....Are you ready?

GM.....Mother, are you going too?

MK.....Yes, I should go since Soon-jung's dad's hurt.

JR.....Why would you go?

MK.....How can I not go when he was seriously hurt? He used to work for us.

JR.....Then you can go alone the next time. Everyone in Gang-min's family is going today.

MK.....Should I go the next time then?

GM.....I think you should go the next time.

MK.....All right then.


JR to SJ.....Have you thought about quitting your job as Min-hyuk's housekeeper?

SJ.....Why are you being so obsessive about that? Are you hiding something from me?

JR to self.....I have to keep them apart. I don't have a good feeling about this.



SJ.....Mrs. Kim...

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Bijan630, you just made my day. Thank you for post the episodes. I was so worried I'll miss this since I don't have cable for a week.

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thanks again, Bijan630!

i'm also really really not a fan of the Mother in Law. how could someone be so selfish?? no wonder her kids are so messed up. i mean the bad aspects of Gang Ja, Gang min and Gang san all seem to be coming from her.

Such an accurate observation.

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Guest Bijan630

You're quite welcome playprtnd and nydee . Okay, I love the fact that maybe for the first time in his life, Young-hoon is actually seeing Joo-ri for who she really is. Now, I'm a bit confused about how the writers handled Yu-jung when Gang-san yelled at Young-hoon concerning the VIP hospital room for his father-in-law.

Yu-jung, from the beginning of this drama has never had a muzzle on her mouth. They had her character talk about Gang-san behind his back the first night they were standing outside of the ICU. This is not Yu-jung. Next, she just stood there calmly and explained to Gang-san who Young-hoon was. This again is not Yu-jung. If the writers had kept her true to her character, she would have put Gang-san in his place and ripped a new butt hole for him.

She may not know everything her sister has been suffering through since her marriage to Gang-san, but she could at least speak up on the fact that Gang-san has NEVER shown her father the attention that Young-hoon has during his 5 years of marriage. Also, when he stays at the hospital with Soon-jung, he looks more annoyed at having to be there than concerned for his father-in-laws well being.

I also expect, Mad Mother Ma to make a disgusting comment concerning Soon-jung's father being in the VIP room and how her beloved son will have to pay the bill. After all, "It's not like he's going to die", or, "If you don't know how long he's going to be in the hospital for treatment, why should he be in such an expensive room?". I'm wondering if she will say far worse than what I can imagine.

Okay, see you all later.

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Guest Bijan630

Finally, whew!!! My DVR was set, and it missed the last 5 minutes of today's drama. Who knew SBS would go past their usual 17 minutes after the hour. The good thing is though, there was a part of this evening's preview that wasn't shown this morning. Oh, I'm so happy!!!

Here's today's episode!

Daughter-in-Law EPISODE 78

Opening scene with Young-hoon spotting Gang-min and Joo-ri just as they're getting ready to get on another elevator.

YH.....I guess they came to visit someone.

YJ.....Who are you talking about?

YH.....I just saw my niece and her husband.


YH.....They just went up. Let's go. Oh, what do you have against your sister's in-laws? Why are you avoiding them?

YJ.....I despise them.

YH.....You despise too many people.

YJ.....You said you despised me too in the beginning. It's not the same thing. My sister's in-laws take advantage of the fact that my sister is too nice. Her husband's older brother's wife is the worst.

YH.....So you really don't like them, huh?

In the hospital room with Mr. Lee

JR.....I thought he was a lot better. Why is he still attached to the machines?

SJ.....It's because he's had high blood pressure for so many years. They don't want his blood pressure to go up. They have to check it at all times since he collapsed once before.

GM.....I guess he was in a more serious condition than we thought.


GS.....You can't imagine how scared we all were when we first got the call. He was already in emergency surgery when we got here.

GM.....You must have been very worried.


GS.....She was very worried because Father didn't regain consciousness for days after the surgery.

JR.....So what's his present condition?

GS.....They had to feed him through a tube because he kept losing consciousness. But he's gotten a lot better. He can even say a few words.

JR.....I didn't know when I...Do you have anything to drink?

SJ.....What do you want to drink?

JR.....Is there orange juice?

SJ.....Have a seat.

(EXCUSE ME for this, but shouldn't hospital visitors help out the people tending the sick by bringing things with them instead of the other way around???)

Scene moves to Min-hyuk and Joon playing in the park

MH.....Let's go. That's enough for today. Are you okay?

Joon...What is that?

MH.....It's a kite. A kite.

Joon...A kite...Daddy, it's flying so high!


Joon...Let's send it to Mommy.


Joon...Let's write something to here and send it to heaven.

MH.....Okay, Joon, try it. Pull. Be careful. Cut it.

Joon...Mommy!, Mommy!, Mommy!, Mommy!

The entire Ma clan has finally arrived in Mr. Lee's room

DD.....I'm so glad you're alright now.

ML.....I'm so sorry to have worried you.

DD.....Don't say that. Please eat well and get well soon.


MM.....The room's very nice.


MM.....You should recover soon since you're staying in this nice room


MM.....The room...When do you go home?

GS.....They have to see how he does. He's doing really well, but it will be about 3 weeks before they know for sure. He could stay longer.

MM.....That long? Soon-jung can't stay here that long when there are tons of things for her to do at home!

ML.....My other daughter can stay with me. You don't have to come ever day since Yu-jung and Young-hoon can stay.

DD.....No, Soon-jung should come everyday.

ML.....It's all right. I'm no longer in critical condition. She can't do much here for me anyway.

MM.....Your other daughter's not married yet, is she? So who's this Young-hoon person?

ML.....He's a man she's dating. He's like a son to me.

MM.....So I guess you're going to have her marry him soon?

ML.....Yes. We're going to set a date as soon as I get out of here.

DD.....You must be anxious to go home.


MM.....What does he do for a living?

GJ.....Mom, you shouldn't ask such personal things. You'll know soon enough.

MM.....Hey!...but I'm curious.

ML.....He's a dentist.

MM.....A dentist? Your daughter really got herself a good catch!

JR.....Oh? My uncle's a dentist too.

Now we have Yu-jung and Young-hoon at the park

YH.....What do you want to do?

YJ.....What's all of this?

YH.....This is all exercise equipment.

YJ.....When did you get all of this?

YH.....I bought them for you because you don't have time to exercise while staying at the hospital. Go ahead and pick. What do you want to do?

YJ.....This one.

YH.....That one?

YJ.....I'm not going to play anymore.


YJ.....Why do you make me run all over the place?

YH.....That's the only way for you to get exercise. Come on, get up.

YH.....Catch me if you can!

YJ.....Come here!

Back in the VIP room again....

MM.....Honey, we should go and let Mr. Lee get some rest.

ML.....I'm sorry. You didn't have to come.

DD.....Mr. Lee, I know you don't have an appetite, but you have to eat well. Let's go out for a drink when you get out of here.

ML.....Okay Mr. Ma.

JR.....Driver Lee, please get well soon. I'm sorry, I'm used to calling him that...

ML.....It's okay Miss Joo-ri...

JR to SJ.....Here, buy something good for your dad.

SJ.....You don't have to do this.

MM.....Joo-ri's got such a big heart. Not all rich people are generous, but she's so generous! You're lucky to have her as your sister-in-law.

Outside in the corridor

JR.....Mother, Father, we'll see you next time.

MM.....Aren't you leaving now?

JR.....I want to talk to Soon-jung.

GM.....What is it?

GJ.....I feel left out. What do you want to talk to her about?

JR.....Come to my boutique sometime. I'll buy lunch.

DD.....Let's go.



GM to JR.....What do you want to talk to her about?

JR.....You didn't tell Gang-san about the car.

GM.....Oh, right.


JR.....You two talk. Soon-jung, can you show me where the restroom is?

SJ.....It's at the end of the hall.

JR.....Can you come with me. I'm too scared to go alone.


GS.....Joo-ri really does act like a princess. Soon-jung told me that Joo-ri never goes to public bathrooms. I heard she used to get sick on field trips because she held it in.

GM.....Really, I never knew that.

GS.....What's this about a car?

GM.....Do you want to take my car?

GS.....Your car? What about you?

GM.....I'm going to be driving a company car. So Joo-ri suggested that I should give you my car.

GS.....I'd like that but I don't know what Soon-jung would think.

Now we see Joo-ri and Soon-jung standing outside of the women's restrooms

JR.....Have you thought about quitting your job as Min-hyuk's housekeeper?

SJ.....Why are you being obsessed about that? I told you to stay out of my personal life.

JR.....You're the one who insists on working for him. Is there something between you two?

SJ.....Watch it! Not everyone's like you! Not every 20 year old is conniving enough to bring home a boy she seduces to trap him! (GGGOOODDD SSHHHOOTTT!!!)

JR.....Shut up! You're making it up!

SJ.....Then why can't you tell me what happened? Even Min-hyuk doesn't know what happened, which means only you know the truth. Just what did you do to him that night?

JR.....You two are laughable. Something must really be going on between you two to have talked about that night. Why? Does Min-hyuk want to get back with you? Are you seeing him behind Gang-san's back?

SJ.....I told you to watch it!

JR.....Quit working for Min-hyuk!

SJ.....Are you hiding something from me?


SJ.....Since when do you care about such things that have nothing to do with you? You wouldn't bat an eye if someone were dying next to you if you didn't know him. (OUCH!!! ANOTHER GOOD ONE!!!....If only it was backed up by a punch straight to the face!)

JR.....Stop talking nonsense and quit immediately! You know that I'm impatient. I don't know when I might just tell Gang-san about all this. I had to hold myself back from telling him just what you've been up to. If your only reason for working is money, you don't have to work for Min-hyuk.

SJ.....That despicable witch!

Joo-ri washing her hands in the bathroom while trying to regain her composure as a Saint.

JR to self.....I have to keep them apart. I don't have a good feeling about this.

Back to the corridor outside of the VIP room

JR.....Have you had a nice chat?

GM.....Yes, Gang-san's going to take my car.

JR.....Gang-san, now that you have a car, you should go for nice drives with Soon=-jung and Ae-kyung.


JR.....Soon-jung isn't the nagging type. You know she's special. After so many years of marriage, women start having affairs. Isn't that righ, Soon-jung?

GS.....That's terrible! Honey, let's go for drives when Father gets out of here.

Scene brings us to Min-hyuk and Joon

(Min-hyuk is looking at his cell......FIRST LOVE)

One more time.....back inside Mr. Lee's room with Soon-jung and Gang-san later that evening

(SJ's cell phone recieves a text message)

GS to self.....It's from Joon's dad.

MH's voice.....How's your dad? You should take care of yourself since your pregnant.

GS to self.....What...he even knows she's pregnant.

SJ.....I must've dozed off. Lately, as soon as my head touches something, I'm out.

GS.....Joon's dad even knows your pregnant?


GS.....He sent you a text message saying because you're pregnant...

SJ.....We're married, but we should respect each other's privacy.

GS.....You don't have to get so mad. You were sleeping, and I checked it to stop the phone from beeping.

SJ.....You didn't have to check the message! How annoying!

GS.....She doesn't have to get so mad. What's wrong with checking her messages? That Joon's dad's getting on my nerves.

Soon-jung is now in the corridor

SJ to self.....Thank God that's all Min-hyuk said. What do I have to feel guilty about? I should tell him that I have to quit...but then what about Joon?

Min-hyuk recieves Soon-jung's text message

SJ's voice.....Thanks for your concern, but don't contact me. I'm a married woman. Please refrain from doing things that would be misinterpreted by others.

At the Kim house

MK.....I don't know why such a terrible thing happened to that good man Driver Lee.

JR.....I think Soon-jung was destined to live a pathetic life.


JR.....I'm just saying that as a woman, I feel sorry for her. Her mother died wehn she was in middle school. She was really good at school, but couldn't afford to go to college. No one ever thought she'd become a normal housewife. I pity her.

GM.....Everyone lives differently. You can't assume she's unhappy based on your idea of what happiness is.

JR.....At least her younger sister is going to marry a dentist. Driver Lee seemed so happy to be telling us that.

MK.....Oh really? Driver Lee always felt guilty about having his mom raise his youngest daughter.

Soon-jung arriving at her father's hospital room

SJ.....I'm sorry I'm late. I wanted to come before you ate.

DD.....I thought I told you, you don't have to come every day.

SJ.....I brought you some of your favorite foods, and some food for Yu-jung.

DD.....You shouldn't have. You live with your in-laws. You shouldn't do this for me. You shouldn't make your mother-in-law watch Ae-kyung.

YJ.....Stop this! She's your daughter! We're not in the 19th century! Why do you grovel at your in-laws feet? You think you're doing if for her sake, but you're wrong! The weaker you seem, the harder people try to step on you!

DD.....You're talking nonsense! She's married and she's a Ma. Her responsiblility is to take care of her husband, child, and her in-laws. You shouldn't marry Young-hoon if you don't plan on doing that!

YJ.....This is why I can't get along with you Dad. Soon=-jung, you feed him.

SJ.....You should stay and eat lunch. I brought your favorite foods.

YJ.....I think I'll get sick if I eat now.

(Gift basket delivery)

Man....Excuse me, is Ms. Lee Yu-jung here?

YJ.....Who sent this?

Man....Mr. Oh Young-hoon sent it. Can you sign here? Thank you.


YJ to self.....Why didn't he send this when it's not Valentine's Day?

SJ.....He's so romantic. I thought he wouldn't be since he's not so young...

DD.....He's a really good person. He's very respectful and kind. I don't know how he fell for that brat. He's a rare gem.

SJ.....Yu-jung's a rare gem too Father.

Young-hoon at his office

YH.....You have a lot of cavities.

YH's voice as YJ reads his note.....You don't like plain white paper. So I wrote on colored papers and wrapped candies with them. You'll get to know more about me as you unwrap the candies, but don't eat the candies all at once, or I might have to check your teeth.

Young-hoon's voice as Yu-jung opens up a candy

YH.....My favorite actress is Audrey Hepburn. I fell for her bright smile she showed in, "Roman Holiday".

YJ to SJ.....Sis, do I look like Audrey Hepburn?

SJ.....What? The one who was in, "Roman Holiday", and "Breakfast at Tiffany's"?

YJ.....Yes. Do you think I look like her?

SJ.....I don't know. Why do you ask?

YJ.....No reason...When did he wrap all of these? He's a fool. So he wrote everything about himself on these? I'm curious. Sis, do you want a candy?


Later that evening when Young-hoon comes to visit

MK.....Excuse me, is Soon-jung's...Young-hoon!


SJ.....Mrs. Kim

YH.....Sis, how do you know Yu-jung's older sister?

MK.....Why are you here?

YJ.....Mister, is she your sister?

SJ.....So that means...You're Joo-ri's uncle?

YH.....You know Joo-ri? How does everyone know each other?

SJ.....Oh my...


Joo-ri at the GYN

Doctor to Joo-ri.....Congratulations, you're pregnant.

Joo-ri at Gang-min's office

GM to JR.....What brings you here?

JR.....You're going to be a dad.

GM.....Thank you!

***Soon-jung and Joon***

Joon to SJ.....I miss Mommy. Let's go see Mommy. Mommy and me.

Joon opens up his locket and shows Soon-jung the pictures of Min-hyuk and Joo-ri!!!!!

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Guest Bijan630

Ahhh.....now to go and catch up on some other dramas.

Here's today's episode.

Daughter-in-Law EPISODE 79

Opening scene in Mr. Lee's room with Soon-jung, Yu-jung, Young-hoon and Mrs. Kim

SJ.....So that means...you're Joo-ri's uncle?

YH.....You know Joo-ri? How does everyone know each other?

SJ.....Oh, my...

ML.....Mrs. Kim

YH.....Father, you know my sister?

MK.....So the woman you want to marry is Driver Lee's daughter?

YH.....Driver Lee?

MK.....Don't you remember me telling you that Joo-ri's sister-in-law is the daughter of a man who used to be our driver? That's Soon-jung.

YH.....Wow! What a coincidence. Father, I guess Yu-jung and I are really meant to be. We've been connected all along.

ML.....Yes, but...

MK.....I'm sorry, but I think I should go now. I hope you get well soon.

ML.....Yes Mrs. Kim

MK.....Soon-jung, here.

MK to YH.....Come out. I have to talk to you.

YH.....Sis, you should meet Yu-jung.

MK.....I don't have to meet her! Come on.

YH.....Sis! I'm sorry. I'll be back.

ML.....How could this be happening again?

SJ.....Dad, are you okay?

ML.....Give me a cup of water.

YJ.....I'll get it.

SJ to ML.....Here

YJ.....That woman was so rude! She's not your employer anymore, but she sure acted like one!

Young-hoon and Mrs. Kim outside in the corridor

YH.....Sis, how could you be so rude?

MK.....I could've been worse, but I held myself back. Why his daughter of all people?

YH.....Don't say that.

MK.....How could you expect me to be in-laws with someone who used to work for me? I can't let you marry her.

YH.....You're not making any sense. So what if Father used to be your driver? That used to be his job, and what's that got to do with my marrying Yu-jung?


YH.....Yu-jung's the first woman I've ever loved and wanted to marry, and I'm going to live with Father and take care of him. Of course I know you're like a mother to me and I respect you, but I won't forgive you for being rude to Yu-jung and Father. Don't ever do that again!

MK.....He's really fallen hard for that girl.

Back in Mr. Lee's room

YH.....I'm sorry. I want to apologize for my sister's rudeness.

ML.....She must've been shocked. I'm still shocked too.

YJ.....Don't talk as if you're still working for her.

YH.....Yu-jung's right. She's not your employer. She'll be your in-law. Joo-ri's your sister-in-law...I guess it's a little complicated...

SJ.....I'm still shocked about this too.

YJ.....Isn't his niece the one who used to be so bad to you in high school?


YH.....Are you like her too? Now I wonder if you've been acting like a good person only to make me like you.

SJ.....Dr. Oh's sister's a good person. She was always good to me and dad.

YJ.....Then why was she so rude earlier? She seemed to look down on us.

YH.....I'm sorry. I think she was just shocked. Please understand. I'm really sorry.

ML.....I don't think your sister would want to be in-laws with us. Yu-jung's not someone she's want for you.

YJ.....An old man like him can't afford to have such a beautiful young girl like me! He should be thankful.

ML.....That spoiled brat.

YH.....She's right Father. She's too good for me. I'm sure this is all too complicated for you, but I hope you won't let this bother you.

SJ.....You're sister's probably against you marrying Yu-jung, not to mention Joo-ri.

YH.....I'm not too pleased either. Joo-ri's a romantic. I'm sure she'll be all for my marrying Yu-jung. My sister didn't want Joo-ri to marry Gang-min, but she gave in because Joo-ri loved Gang-min very much. Joo-ri thinks that love is the most important reason for marriage.

***(WOW! Joo-ri's a really well trained dog. She's been damn good at covering up all of her crap all of these years!! Poor Uncle Young-hoon hasn't got a clue as to who he's been living under the same roof with!)***

SJ.....I don't think she'll feel this way about this.

At the Kim house

JR.....The woman that Uncle is seeing is Soon-jung's younger sister?

MK.....I almost fainted.

JR.....How could something like this happend? I encouraged him to do well and the girl turned out to be Soon-jung's sister?

MK.....I even helped him write letters.

JR.....How old is she?

MK.....I didn't ask anything since I'm not going to give him permission to marry her. I refused to talk to her and left.

JR.....Good. I'm sure she'll give up now that she knows who Uncle is.

MK.....It was obvious that she's at least 12 years younger than him.

JR.....She's that young?


JR.....How could Uncle fall for such a young girl?

MK.....What am I going to do if Young-hoon insists on marrying her?

JR.....Why do I keep on getting connected to that despicable Soon-jung? You should've told everyone that you'll never allow them to get married.

MK.....I couldn't say that since Driver Lee's injured, but I did tell Young-hoon. He wouldn't listen to a word I said!

JR.....Why her of all the women in the world? Wait a sec...if they get married, she's going to be my aunt? Then I'm going to be in-laws with Soon-jung again! They can't get married! I don't want Soon-jung's sister as my aunt! I don't want Young-hoon to marry that girl either!

MK.....It's bad enough I have less than desirable in-laws because of you!

JR.....Why are you bringing that up now?

MK.....Other kids marry kids from their social circles. Why did you and your Uncle have to choose people who aren't up to our standards?

JR.....But Gang-min was an eligible bachelor.

MK.....That's why I finally let you marry him!

JR.....You can't let Uncle marry that girl, okay!

MK.....Of course not!

JR.....How dare that girl want to be a part of our family!

Scene is moved to the Ma house

MM.....So the dentist your sister's seeing is Joo-ri's uncle? There's some undeniable connection between Soon-jung and Joo-ri.

DD.....You're dad and Joo-ri's mom must've been shocked.

SJ.....Yes, everyone was shocked.

GJ.....What's the age difference between them?

SJ.....14 years

GJ.....Wow! Your sister must be a smart girl! She got a rich man to fall for her!

SJ.....He's the one who chased after her. Yu-jung never liked him in the beginning.

GJ.....That's why she's one smart cookie! Men love challenges. She must have played hard to get to make him fall for her! Hey, how else would a rich dentist have fallen for her?

SJ.....That's not true! Not everyone thinks money is everything.

GJ.....Oh...but you're working as a housekeeper because you want to make money. Don't make me out to be materialistic!

GS.....Why are you raising your voices?

MM.....So is Joo-ri's mom going to give them her permission?


MM.....To be honest, your family's not up to Joo-ri's family's standards. Your family's way below their standards.

GS.....Mom, what are you implying? To be honest, Yu-jung's too good for Joo-ri's uncle.

GJ.....You really don't know anything do you. Joo-ri's uncle is the biggest shareholder of their company. Joo-ri's mom is just running it, but the one who actually owns the company is Joo-ri's uncle!

GS.....How do you know such details of Joo-ri's family's company?

GJ.....I just found out here and there....

SJ.....My sister only accepted Dr. Oh's proposal because of his devotion. He even ended up at the emergency room because he went bungee jumping for her despite the fact that he was afraid of heights.

GJ.....He must have really fallen hard for her.

SJ.....And he's been like a son to my dad! He came to my dad's house every morning and exercised with him. Do you know how far it is from his house to my dad's house? Gang-san could never do something like that.

GS.....Men will do anything and everything to steal a woman's heart.

SJ.....That old man did everything to make Yu-jung his. I'm just saying that Yu-jung accepted his proposal not because of his money, but because of his devotion.

GJ.....How strange...Joo-ri's uncle probably has women lining up to marry him. So why did he choose your sister? Mom, is Soon-jung's sister exceptionally pretty?

MM.....Not really. He probably fell for her youth.

SJ.....Mother, and Gang-ja, we've lived together for 5 years, but you can't say one nice thing about my family? You really hurt my feelings every time you do this to me!

MM.....Hey!, Hey!, Hey!, Hey!....What did we ever say? We only said the truth!

DD.....Why do you two always say things to hurt her feelings?

Back to the Kim house in Young-hoon's bedroom

JR.....Uncle, let's talk.

YH.....If you're going to tell me not to marry her, get out.

JR.....No one's going to tell you not to marry that girl. Didn't her family say they don't want you to marry her? They should know their place!

YH.....Not you too! You think love is everything. I really love that girl! You should be on my side no matter what! You married for love yourself!

JR.....You're right, I married Gang-min despite mom's disapproval because I loved him. But I've regretted marrying him many times because of his family. Gang-min's been so cold to me ever since he found out about Woo-jin. There are times when I just want to end my marriage because I can't stand trying to be understanding of the problems we have! So don't marry her. You can pick and choose someone who has a privileged background. Why hurt Mom's pride and marry that girl when her dad used to be our driver?

YH.....Get out if you're finished. I have to go to the hospital early in the morning, so I have to sleep.


YH.....I said get out!

JR.....Good night.

When Joo-ri steps outside of her Uncle's bedroom, Gang-min is standing there


JR to self.....Why does something like this keep happening?

We now move to Min-hyuk and Joon

Joon...Mrs. Ae-kyung, Mrs. Ae-kyung, Mrs. Ae-kyung, Mrs. Ae-kyung, I miss Mrs. Ae-kyung.

MH.....Joon, I told you, she can't come for a while.

Joon...No, no, no, I want to see her.

MH.....Joon, please stop this. I'm tired of this.

Joon...No! I'm going to her house!

MH.....I said stop it! You're wearing me out!

MH.....Joon, okay, okay, I'm sorry. I"m sorry.

Scene changes to the office of the home shopping network

Boss...We're going to have a cooking contest. Please give me your ideas on what kinds of dishes we should ask for.

emp....How about dishes made with Korean beef since there was controversy over imported beef recently?

Boss...Korean beef? That's a good idea. Any other ideas.

SJ.....That's a good idea, but our customers are middle class. So how about something less expensive like pork?


SJ.....Pork is affordable enough for everyone to enjoy, and it's thought of as high calorie, but it's actually low calorie and good for the complexion.

Boss...That's a good idea. I'll present yoiur ideas to the executives. Thank you for you ideas.

everybody.....Thank you.

SJ's cell phone...text message

MH's voice.....I'm sorry, but Joon misses you so much. Please give me a call.


Joon...Mrs. Ae-kyung. Mrs. Ae-kyung.

SJ.....Joon, it's me

MH.....Hold on. Joon, it's Mrs. Ae-kyung.


SJ.....Hi Joon. Why are you crying?

Joon...I miss you.

SJ.....Yes, I miss you too. I'm sorry I couldn't go to see you.

Joon...I want to see you. Mrs. Ae-kyung

SJ.....Okay, we can see each other. Let me talk to your dad.

Min-hyuk brings Joon to the hospital

MH.....I'm sorry to bother you like this.

SJ.....It's okay.

MH.....What time should I pick him up?

SJ.....come around 4

MH.....Okay. Joon, be a good boy, okay?


MH.....Here, I bought some folic acid and calcium supplements.

SJ.....Why did you buy them for me?

MH.....I'm sure you're taking them already, but I wanted to buy them for you since you're pregnant. It's my way of apologizing for making you watch Joon. You know when to take them, right?

SJ.....Huh? Yes...how did you know I'd need to take supplements?

MH.....Because Joon's mom had to...I still remember the supplements I had to buy for her when she was pregnant with Joon.

SJ.....She was a lucky woman.

MH.....Not really. I didn't do much for her. You should take care of your health. Don't forget to take the supplements for 3 months. I believe it's the parents responsibility to ensure that the baby is born healthy.

SJ.....Thanks, I'll remember to take them.

MH.....Okay, see you later Joon.

Inside Mr. Lee's room




ML.....Who's that boy?

SJ.....I'm just watching him because he doesn't have a mom.

ML.....Why are you watching him too when you already work at the home shopping network?

SJ.....It's not much work Dad.

SJ to self.....I can't believe you bought this for me. Even my husband has never bought it for me. Thank you Min-hyuk.

We're now with Joo-ri in her office

JR to self.....This will sell well



Emp....Do you have an extra pad? I ran out.

JR.....Oh, that? Give me a second. Wait a minute...Could I be pregnant?

Emp....Are you pregnant?

JR.....Oh, I think I am. I should get tested...

At the GYN's office

Doctor.....Congratulations. You're pregnant

JR.....How far along am I?

Doctor.....Five weeks.

JR.....I see.

Doctor.....Did you ever have a miscarriage? (Duh-Duh-Duh-Duh!!!!)

JR.....No, why do you ask?

Doctor.....Because your uterus is a little too small. Stress could be the reason. Get some rest and come back in two weeks. You may go now.

JR.....Okay.....Uh, doctor. Is there a possibility of a second child having disabilities if the first child had disabilities?

Doctor.....What is it that you want to know?


Doctor.....I can tell that you've given birth before. Was it before you married your husband?

JR.....How did you know?

Doctor.....Everything you tell me is confidential. You have to be honest with me so that I can treat you appropriately.

JR.....Then, you have to keep it strictly confidential.

Doctor.....Yes, go ahead.

JR.....I had a baby when I was young and he was born premature. The doctor told me that the baby had FASD.

Doctor.....How's he doing right now?

JR.....He died...

Doctor.....What the baby had is related to alcohol. You must not consume any alcohol.


Doctor.....There's no possibility that your baby will be born with the same disorder, but you should be more careful than other women. You should try to relax because stress is bad for the baby. Make sure you come to see me every 2 weeks. I'll pay special attention to you.

At Gang-min's office


GM.....Yes? Oh, what brings you here? You shouldn't keep coming to see me at work without a special reason.

JR.....I have a special reason. Gang-min, you're going to be a dad.


JR.....I'm pregnant. I'm coming from the hospital.

GM.....Really? Thank you! Thank you so much!

Meanwhile, back at the hospital

SJ.....It's a beautiful sight. I see it every day through the apartment window. I see the buildings beyond the....

Joon...Mrs. Ae-kyung. I miss Mommy.


Joon...Let's go see Mommy.

SJ.....Joon, your mommy's up in heaven. So how can we see her?

Joon...No, no.

Joon finally opens his locket for Soon-jung and she sees Joo-ri's picture!!!


Gang-san is coming home from work and sees Soon-jung, Joon, Ae-kyung and Min-hyuk ahead of him


SJ.....What's wrong with you?

GS.....Find someone else to watch your son. My wife quits!

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Guest valkyrie

Bijan630, you are a real gem!!

I have so much catching up to do, am at epi 73 right now, but I've concluded that JR is psychotic. She's had overly indulgent parents that helped to short-circuit her brain. She's been raised to think she can do whatever she wants and everyone must be at her every whim and fancy. She's so utterly selfish that she's able to abandon her own child, even before confirming that it'd actually died of complications. And she's found a match in Ma Gangming, an equally spoilt eldest son who abandons HIS own family after he discovers what luxuries and ease a life of wealth and power can offer him. One abandons the child she gives birth to, the other abandons the parents who gave birth to him.

I have to say that none of the men in this drama are MEN! Not even SJ's dad who's humble and nice but also weak and an irresponsible parent, albeit momentarily when it came to deciding SJ's future after college but his weakness did ruin SJ's future for her. YH, JR's uncle, seems to be the most sane and normal, so far. I like the fact that he brought food to YJ and SJ at the hospital the morning after their dad's accident. A thoughtful gesture which son-in-law GS, who eavesdropped and peeped at the sisters like a skulky rat, didn't even think of! The elder Ma, probably the oldest yet the weakest, is saved marginally only cos of his good heart. But aren't they all such a let-down. Bah!

I guess to sustain the 100 and more epis, the writers had to make SJ a total clod when it comes to the MH-JR-Joon connection. Even with so many clues pointing to it, she's not had even one little bit of brain activity in this direction. Amazing. But it's nice seeing her rediscovering her identity which she gave up after marriage. Like you, Bijan630, I can't wait to see MIL Ma admit, which among her DILs, is the worthy one.

Now to go back and savour your beautiful transcripts of epi73-79. THANKS HEAPS!!! :)

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Guest Bijan630

Hi valkyrie!!! I'm so glad to see that you're still around. I guess the transcripts you've read so far must have gotten under your skin a bit.....HUH! :w00t: Some where in the back of my mind, I don't think that Mad Mother Ma will ever admit to her abuse of Soon-jung, which to me, would be very sad. If, after living with her daughter-in-law for five years, she hasn't said one kind word to her, she's never going to do it.

I really don't know how Soon-jung has been able to put up with being called ignorant, uneducated, and idiot. If anything, Soon-jung should have fought harder years ago to move out especially for the sake of her daughter. Once Mrs. Ma verbally told her to her face that she's not responsible for her own grandchild because Soon-jung's mother should have been alive to take care of her, that would have been the straw to break the camel's back. It doesn't matter what people may do or say to you, but if your a mother, another personality takes over when your child, that you gave birth to, may be threatened in any manner. For Ae-kyung to have told her grandmother that she hated her after witnessing Mrs. Ma yelling at her mother, that should let you know that their's a problem.

I also agree with you concerning the men in this drama. I'm am grateful though to the writers for slowly preparing us for the ugly character that Gang-san will soon become. The slap on the face he gave to Soon-jung was the first warning, next came the yelling at her to shut up. Again, what happened to the man who was in fear of losing his wife after the dream he had?

You know, outside of the love that Soon-jung shows to Ae-kyung, there is no love in the Ma family. In as much as Mrs Ma complains about money and being poor, she never had to work a day in her life......isn't that be something to be thankful for?

gerryg, I always look forward to you popping in. In fact, I need some of your quick wit and humor a lot of times. Browsing around and reading your posts always puts a smile on my face.

Okay, it's Friday, and the weekend. I hope everyone has fun.....

Daughter-in-Law EPISODE 80

Opening scene in the hospital room with Joon finally showing Soon-jung his mother's picture in the locket.

SJ.....Don't tell me Joo-ri's your mom...

Joon...Let's go!

SJ.....Joon, who's this?

Joon...She's Joon's mommy.

SJ.....Do you know her name?



Joon...Julia Kim

SJ.....Julia Kim? Julia Kim...That's right. Her boutique's called Julia Boutique. So she and Min-hyuk went to America and had Joon?

SJ to self.....How could she? No, she's self centered and egotistical, but she wouldn't marry someone else after having a baby with Min-hyuk.

Joon...Mrs. Ae-kyung, let's go! Let's go to my mommy.

We're now with Gang-min and Joo-ri in his office

GM.....I can't believe I'm going to be a dad.

JR.....Are you that happy?

GM.....Yes. I never thought I'd feel this way. I feel like I'm on cloud nine.

JR.....I didn't know you liked kids. Hearing you say that you're pregnant with my child, the whole world feels different to me. Thank you for having my baby.

JR.....Thank you for being happy.

GM.....I love you.

JR.....Me too.

JR to self.....No one's going to take my happiness away from me.

Back in the hospital room

SJ to self.....What if Joon's Joo-ri's son? What if Gang-min finds out? That would be horrible. How could something as horrible as this happen?

YJ.....Who's that boy? Sis?

SJ.....When did you come?

YJ.....You didn't even realize I came. Who's that boy?

SJ.....I'm babysitting him.

YJ.....YOu're still working? Your so stubborn.

SJ.....Can you watch him and Ae-kyung? I have somewhere to go.


Soon-jung shows up at Min-hyuk's house

MH.....I told you I'd pick him up. You didn't bring Joon?

SJ.....He's sleeping.

MH.....So why did you come?

SJ.....Who's Joon's mom?

MH.....Why are you asking me that all of a sudden?

SJ.....Don't tell me it's Joo-ri.


SJ.....Tell me the truth. Is Joo-ri Joon's mom? So she is. You're not denying it.

MH.....No, she's not Joon's mom. Joon's mom died while giving birth to Joon.

SJ.....He showed me the locket. He even told me that his mom's name was Julia Kim. Julia Kim. Kim Joo-ri. Don't try to deny it. How could this happen? Was Joon conceived on my birthday 9 years ago?

MH.....No, he was conceived in America...

SJ.....Joon's 8 years old...so okay...I didn't hear that you and Joo-ri got engaged, but broke up in America. Were you two married?

MH.....No, that's not true!

SJ.....So what happened? Why did you break up after Joon was born? Tell me what happened!

At the Kim house

GM.....Work at the boutique only during the day and relax. Think of only good things.

JR.....I don't have to be so careful. The doctor said my uterus was a little small.

GM.....And she told you that it could be due to stress. I'm partly to blame. I'm sorry. I should have been considerate.


GM.....I'll be good to you. So just think abouit your health and the baby. okay?


GM.....Tell me if you want anything special.

JR.....I don't have any cravings yet.

GM.....Okay, think about it and call me if you want something special to eat. Ah, send me a text message if I'm in a meeting. I'll buy it for you as soon as I can get it.

JR.....I fell like I'm a princess.

GM.....Because you are. Just relax. Okay princess?




MK.....Why did you two come home at this hour? Is Joo-ri sick again?

GM.....Yes, she's very sick.

MK.....So why are you smiling?

GM.....You're going to be a grandma.

MK.....What? Joo-ri's pregnant?

GM.....Yes mother.

MK.....Oh my! Really? Did you see a doctor?

JR.....Yes, I'm 5 weeks pregnant.

MK.....I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud of you my daughter!

GM.....Too bad you're going to be a grandma when your so young and beautiful.

MK.....I don't mind being a grandma. Congratulations.

GM.....Thank you.

Back with Soon-jung and Min-hyuk

SJ.....What? Joo-ri ran away? How could she run away and leave her baby?

MH.....You know how she is. She couldn't handle the fact that the baby could have disabilities. She'd cry all day and faint, then get up and cry again. She couldn't sleep without sleeping pills.

SJ.....But women have motherly instincts.

MH.....She just couldn't handle it. She even said we should take Joon out of the incubator.

SJ.....How could she? That's murder.

MH.....She grew up so spoiled and self-centered that she couldn't think of anyone else but herself. All I could think about is saving Joon who was in that incubator. That was all I could thing about...


MH.....When I found out that Joo-ri had left us and went to Europe, I made a decision. I decided I couldn't let Joo-ri raise our baby. I had enough on my hands taking care of Joon. I couldn't handle Joo-ri's hysteria too.

SJ.....So, Joo-ri's family didn't know you two had a baby?

MH.....No, her uncle knew.

SJ.....Her uncle?

MH.....Yes, he was going to dental school in America then. He didn't know in the beginning, but he came running when Joo-ri called to tell him that Joon was born premature.

SJ.....How could you not get married when Joo-ri was pregnant? Why didn't you tell your families?

MH.....It wasn't planned, but when I found out she was pregnant, I told her we should get married. But Joo-ri refused.

SJ.....I don't understand any of this. Whether this was planned or not, Joo-ri was pregnant and you were engaged. She loved you.

MH.....She had always questioned my love for her. Then one day, she found a picture of you and I together. I had secretly kept it.

SJ.....Our picture?

MH.....It's all my fault. My first mistake was leaving you and going to America with Joo-ri. I should've let go of my feelings for you.


MH.....They say there are 2 things you just can't stop no matter how hard you try. It's sneezing and love. I thought it could work since Joo-ri loved me, but I ended up hurting her a lot.

SJ.....So that's what happened...

At the Kim house,Joo-ri is having flashbacks of Joo-ri giving birth, Gang-min, Joon, etc.

Joon...Mommy! I love you! Mommy! Mommy!

JR in her sleep.....No! Don't come any closer!

JR to self.....It was a dream. What's wrong with me? Calm down. What if something happens to this baby because I'm so stressed? Even though that boy's not mine, Soon-jung could find out that I had a child with Min-hyuk. Should I tell Gang-san so she'd have to quit? No, she could take me down with her. I should wait a little longer.

Back with Soon-jung and Min-hyuk

SJ.....Does Joo-ri know about Joon?

MH.....No, she thinks he died.

SJ.....What? But Joon's alive. How could that be?

MH.....I asked her uncle to tell her that the baby was dead before I left. I was going to live in America anyway, so I thought she and I would never cross paths again. Besides, I never thought Joon would survive. He has disabilities, but it's a miracle that he survived.

SJ.....You dumped me so you should have lived happily. Poor Joon. He has to go through life thinking his mom's dead when she's alive and well. Have you thought about how hurt Joon would be if the truth was revealed?

MH.....I don't regret what I did. Joon's my son, and Joo-ri had nothing to do with him.

Scene now takes us back to Mr. Lee's hospital room

YJ on cell.....Hi Mister.

YH.....I don't think I'll be at the hospital until late tonight.

YJ.....Are you going somewhere?

YH.....I think I have to talk to my sister tonight.

YJ.....Okay, you don't have to come if you can't make it. Okay.

Joon...Mrs. Ae-kyung!



YJ.....People would mistake him for your son. Why does he like you so much?

SJ.....His mother....It's because he doesn't live with his mom.

ML.....What do you mean? Are his parents divorced?

SJ.....His mom passed away while giving birth to him...

ML.....Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk,...poor thing.

YJ.....There are so many sad people in this world.

SJ.....Dad, I have to go now.

ML.....Okay, you should go home.

SJ.....Say goodbye to Grandpa



SJ.....I'll come back tomorrow morning.

ML.....You don't have to come anymore. I'll be out of here soon. You should stay home and take care of your in-laws.

SJ.....Dad, stop thinking about them! You upset me everytime you say that! I'll come tomorrow.

ML.....What's with her? Maybe something happened to upset her?

YJ.....I'm sure she's tired of living with her in-laws. I'll never live with mine after I get married.

It's time for the crap from the mouths of Mad Mother Ma and Gang-ja...


GJ.....I don't know how much longer I can do this. My clients are hard to please.

MM.....Why, do you have a client who's hard to please?

GJ.....She keeps changing her mind so I don't know how I can finish the project.

MM.....Why are people so fickle?

GJ.....I'm working so hard because of that stupid rich woman. Where's Soon-jung?

MM.....She's just so happy lollygagging, going to see her dad and babysitting that boy. She doesn't come home until late in the evening and makes me do all of the housework.

GJ.....I was going to ask her to make me some beef soup.

MM.....You want beef soup?

GJ.....Yes Mom.

Min-hyuk offers to drive Soon-jung and Ae-kyung home

SJ.....Traffics bad. I shoud've taken the subway.

MH.....Maybe there's an accident.

(cell rings)

SJ.....Yes Mother. I'm on my way, but traffics bad. Beef soup? I don't know if I have time to buy the ingredients. I'll try to get some as soon as possible. Okay.

MH.....I'm sorry. I thought it would be hard for you to take the subway with Ae-kyung.

SJ.....It's all right.

AK.....Mom, I'm sleepy.


Scene takes us back to the Kim house

YH.....Why won't you meet her? I'm going to marry her. You have to meet her since I'm going to marry her!

MK.....I told you, I'm not going to let you marry her!


MK.....I'm not going to change my mind. I won't become in-laws with Driver Lee.

JR.....I don't want to be in-laws with Soon-jung's family either!

YH.....Okay, fine, I don't care! Mom and Dad passed away, so I'll get married without any family!

MK.....Are you crazy? Are you out to humiliate us? You're the biggest shareholder of Dae Shin Group. Behave appropriately!

YH.....So give me your blessing. I can't live without her!

MK.....Come to your senses! You're so naive! If you want, you can meet even a younger and prettier girl who's from a good family!

YH.....But you said you didn't care who I brought home as long as she was a woman!

MK.....I don't care who you bring home, but I just can't let you marry Driver Lee's daughter! How can I be in-laws with him?

YH.....How could you be so unreasonable? How could the fact that Father used to work for you be the reason for your disapproval?

JR.....You should just give up. It'll be too complicated if Soon-jung's family becomes our in-laws. This sort of thing only happens in the movies!

YH.....Never mind! I'm not a child! I'm almost 40! I don't need your permission to marry!

MK.....OH! Why do you kids give me so much grief when it comes to marriage?

JR.....Mom, you should meet her.


JR.....You can't change Uncle's mind. So you should meet her and tell her that you're against them getting married.

Back at the nut...I mean Ma house

MM.....Honey. You should've called and told me you were coming home.

DD.....Why, were you talking about me?

GJ.....No, we were arguing because Mom was cheating.

DD.....Don't you have to work?

GJ.....I got off work early today. Dad, I shouldn't be too stressed.

DD.....Go make dinner, I'm hungry.

MM.....Is it dinner time already? Why isn't Soon-jung home yet?

GJ.....She can't make beef soup this late. I've been waiting for it.

Min-hyuk finally reaches Soon-jung's street

SJ.....Can you put her on my back?

Joon...Bye Mrs. Ae-kyung.

SJ.....Bye Joon. Thanks for the ride.

MH.....I'm sorry it took so long.

SJ.....It's all right. Good night.

Min-hyuk had followed Soon-jung and offers to help carry Ae-kyung

SJ.....Why did you follow me?

MH.....I couldn't leave because I was worried about you carrying Ae-kyung. I'll carry her for you.

SJ.....No, it's okay

MH.....Just let me!


MH.....You should let people help you when you're having a hard time.

Joon...Mrs. Ae-kyung..


Joon...Mrs. Ae-kyung, let's sing a song.

SJ.....A song?



MH.....How are you?

GS.....Not good I'm afraid.

SJ.....What's wrong with you?

GS.....I should ask you the same thing! Why were you singing with him? People might think you're a family.

SJ.....You're embarrassing me.

GS.....What? I'm embarrassing you?

MH.....I'm sorry if I upset you. Ae-kyung fell asleep. I was worried since your wife's pregnant...

GS.....Don't you have better things to do? Why are you always driving her home.


GS.....I don't want to hear it! Find someone else to watch your son, my wife quits.

MH.....Mr. Ma...

GS.....As you mentioned, my wife's pregnant, so she should stop working. I didn't want her working for you anyway. As of tonight, she's no longer working for you. Let's go.


GS.....Let's go!


Min-hyuk answers his door to find Soon-jung standing there

SJ.....I put this pin on for the first time today. Thanks for remembering me.

MK.....I lvoe you Lee Soon-juung.

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Although I think the part that was shown in the preview about the 'I love you' thing is going to be a dream that either Min-hyuk or Gang-san has. Just saying.

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Guest Bijan630


So sorry I'm late with Monday's episode. SBS just won the gold for chopping off 8 minutes of it's ending of the morning airing!!! That was 3 lines, 4 scenes, and the preview, which was thankfully aired in the evening.

Hey, playprtnd, you seem to be having a bit of fun, aren't you? I hope today's episode will actually show Monday's preview! After watching yesterday's episode, I'm really feeling sorry for Min-hyuk and Soon-jung. They never stopped loving one another, and if it wasn't for Joo-ri, they might have really ended up together. Such a sad twist of fate, but without it, we wouldn't have a drama to watch.

Okay, here you go and I will be back later on.......

Daughter-in-Law EPISODE 81

Opening scene with Gang-san dragging Soon-jung home after Min-hyuk offered to carry Ae-kyung since SJ is pregnant

SJ.....You're hurting me. Let go of my hand. What's wrong with you? Did you have to act like a raging jealous husband in front of him?

GS.....What? Jealous?

SJ.....He was only helping me because Ae-kyung was sleeping.

GS.....What's wrong with you? Why do you hang out with a man like a woman who's having an affair?


GS.....What man wouldn't be upset at the sight of his wife singing with another man?

SJ.....It's because Joon wanted to sing...

GS.....He upsets me even more.


GS.....I know he doesn't have a mom, but he's too clingy to you. He clings onto you more than Ae-kyung.

SJ.....You don't know how sad that boy is. He was never held by his mom and...

GS.....I don't like him or his dad, so stop working for him. Don't go to work tomorrow.

SJ.....I can't do that.


SJ.....I haven't been watching Joon since my Dad got hurt. Joon's dad brought him to the hospital because Joon kept saying he wanted to see me. I was going to quit anyway since I'm pregnant and my dad's in the hospital. But now that you're accusing me like this, I don't want to quit. I want to keep on working just to spite you.

GS.....But I'm telling you to quit! So just quit!

GS to self.....Why is she being so stubborn? It's just a babysitting job.

Inside the kitchen with Mad Mother Ma and Gang-ja

SJ.....I'm home.

MM.....How could you come home so late? You should've been home hours ago.

SJ.....I'm sorry. I didn't take the subway and the traffic was bad.

MM.....You're father-in-law got mad at me because I was waiting for you to make dinner! He's hungry. Hey, I didn't want to tell you this, but don't go to the hospital everyday.


MM.....Your dad's much better, isn't he?

SJ.....But how could you?...

MM.....I'm telling you not to go to the hospital every day because you're not doing your job around the house! You go out lollygaging all day and saunter in here late at night! I'm not your maid!

GJ.....I've been waiting for you to make beef soup. Did you buy the ingredients for beef soup?

SJ.....You're really heartless. I make soup and side dishes before I leave in the morning, and I come home late at night to do the laundry. But just because I came home a little late today, you're telling me not to visit my dad everyday?

MM.....When did we ever say that? I'm just saying you should go visit your dad every other day. You're pregnant, so you should take it easy.

SJ.....Are you really saying that because you care about me?

GJ.....What's with that attitude? All you have to say is yes! How dare you talk back to her after coming home late! What's gotten into you lately? Why do you refuse to do the things that you've been doing for the past 5 years?

SJ.....Okay, so let me speak! You want me to make beef soup for you? I'm not your personal chef. Why are you always telling me to cook for you? What have you ever done for me?

GJ.....How dare you! You want a piece of me? You want to talk about what you've done and what I've done?

DD.....What's going on here?

MM.....Honey, it's nothing. We're just talking.

DD.....What's going on?


MM.....Hey,hey,hey, hey, why are you crying? Why are you crying now that he's here? This is why people think I'm bad to you!

DD.....Be quiet!

GS.....Dad, I'm sorry. Soon-jung and I argued, so she's in a bad mood. Come on honey.

SJ.....Father, I'm sorry, but I can't live like this anymore.

MM.....What did I ever do to you?

SJ.....I want to go live at my dad's once he gets out of the hospital. Please give me your permission.

GJ.....You're despicable! How dare you talk to dad about moving out after talking back to me and Mom? You're so conniving!

SJ.....Please give me your permission Father. My dad's going to need help, I want to be there for him.

GS.....Talk to him later. Why talk to him about that now?

SJ.....You and I already talked about it. How much longer am I supposed to wait?

MM.....Look at that bad girl! She's already planned everything! I've been doing all of the housework for her! She's so conniving! I can't live like this!

DD.....Do that.


SJ.....Thank you Father.

DD.....Let's eat dinner.

MM.....You can't let her move out! Honey!


At the Kim house

MK.....You're home.

JR.....You brought flowers?

GM.....Thank you Mother.

MK.....These are for me? Not for Joo-ri?

GM.....These are your.

JR.....You brought flowers for both of us?

GM.....I thank Joo-ri for being pregnant, and I thank you for giving birth to Joo-ri.

MK.....Thanks to Joo-ri, I get flowers from you.

GM.....I bought you flowers before we got married.

MK.....You did, I forgot about that.

JR.....You know Gang-min has a very good memory.

MK.....I know he's smart.

GM.....That's not true, I just try hard.

JR.....Our baby should be smart like Gang-min.

MK.....I hope you'll have a son who looks just like him.

GM.....Don't pressure her about having a son. I don't care if its a boy or a girl. Okay?


MK.....But since you're the eldest son, it would be good if you had a son. Did you call his parents?


MK.....What do you mean why? You should tell them you're pregnant.

JR.....I don't have to tell them already.

MK.....You should tell them. They'll be very happy.

GM.....I'll call them.

Back in the kitchen with Soon-jung and Gang-ja

GJ.....Why didn't you turn this off? Instead of trying to earn money, you should save money by not wasting electricity.

SJ.....Why did you turn it off when I just turned it on? It turns off by itself when it's done.

MM.....Pregnant? Congratulations!

GJ.....Joo-ri's pregnant too?

In the living room

MM.....Honey, Joo-ri's pregnant!

DD.....I heard you and so did everyone else.

MM.....I never mentioned it to you, but I've been waiting anxiously for this news. Let me speak to Joo-ri. What? She's sleeping? She's sleeping already? Okay, let her sleep. Tell her to take care.

GJ.....Joo-ri's pregnant?

MM.....Yes, Joo-ri's pregnant. Honey, we're going to have a grand child.

DD.....I heard you, okay! Why are you making such a big deal about her getting pregnant?

MM.....Gang-min always does things right. I told him last time that I wished he'd start a family soon, and he did it.

GS.....Joo-ri's pregnant?

MM.....Yes, Joo-ri's pregnant.

GS.....That means their baby will be born around the same time as our baby's born.

MM.....Joo-ri's 5 weeks pregnant. How far along are you?

SJ.....I'm 9 weeks pregnant.

MM.....That's terrible. You have to help Joo-ri with the baby after she has her baby! Joo-ri should come here and stay for a few months.


GS.....Mom, you're talking nonsense! Why should Soon-jung take care of her after she has her baby? Her mom will take care of her! This is why Soon-jung wants to move out!

SJ.....Mother, you can have Joo-ri come and stay for months. It doesn't matter since I'll be living at my dad's.

MM to GJ.....Why are you crying?

GJ.....How could you be so inconsiderate of my feelings when I've been trying like crazy to get pregnant for the last 8 years?

MM.....Gang-ja...Gang-min called, so...

We're now at Min-hyuk's house

(Remembering words that were spoken by Gang-min)

GS.....I don't want to hear it! Find someone else to watch your son. My wife quits!

MH.....Mr. Ma...

GS.....As you mentioned, my wife's pregnant, so she should stop working. I didn't want her working for you anyway. As of tonight, she's no longer working for you.

MH to self.....I keep making things worse for you...

MH on cell.....Mr. Yoon, it's me. How long will it take for all of the foundation work to be finished? I see. Let's try to get things moving quickly. Joon's having a hard time, and I want to go back to America as soon as possible. Yes, please rush things.

At the hospital with Mr. Lee

YH.....Yu-jung, you can come out now.

YJ.....Did you do a good job?

YH.....Of course. He's very detailed oriented.

ML.....I know because he's my dentist.

YJ.....By the way, when do I get to formally meet your sister?

YH.....I talked to her, but she's very busy with work. Soon, it'll be soon.

ML.....Maybe your sister's against you marrying Yu-jung. We're not good enough for your family....

YH.....Not at all Father!

(cell phone)

YH.....Excuse me.

YH on cell.....What?

MK.....Where are you right now? Are you at the hospital?


MK.....Do you have to marry that girl?

YH.....I told you!

MK.....Then bring her home tomorrow afternoon.

YH.....Really? I'll bring her home then!


YH.....Why in the afternoon? Why not in the evening when everyone's home?

MK.....I want to meet her first and I don't want Joo-ri to get upset since she's pregnant.

YH.....All right. I want your blessing. Okay.

YH.....Yu-jung! Let's go to my house tomorrow afternoon.

YJ.....Your house?

YH.....Yes. My sister wants to meet you tomorrow.

YJ.....But I have school tomorrow


ML.....Just skip school tomorrow. Go and meet her. She's a very busy woman.

YJ.....Is she already being a nasty sister-in-law? She should've asked me what time would be good for me.

ML.....You should listen to your elders.

YH.....Let's just go tomorrow, okay?

YJ.....She'd better not do this again.


ML.....You're sister's such a good person to give you permission to marry Yu-jung. I have to tell you. I've been worried about her being upset with Yu-jung because of me.

YH.....My sister's not like that Father. She was just shocked the other day!

ML.....I know, I know she's a good person, but I was still worried.


Now, back to the Mad house in the bedroom with Soon-jung and Gang-san

GS.....Why are you taking medicine when you're pregnant? You shouldn't be taking these things. Folic acid?

SJ.....Do you even know what it is?

GS.....Folic acid?....Oh, I know. You took it when you were pregnant with Ae-kyung.

SJ.....Yes, you remember.

GS.....I thought you were taking medicine.

SJ.....Why do you stay married to me?

GS.....What's that supposed to mean?

SJ.....I know we married because we loved each other, but the love's gone now. So why are you still with me?

GS.....Because we're married. Passionate love never lasts, but we're husband and wife. Why is my ear so itchy? Maybe someone's talking about me.

SJ.....No one congratulated me for getting pregnant just as no one congratulated me when I was pregnant with Ae-kyung.

GS.....Didn't I say it to you?

SJ.....I got married at 24, got pregnant on our honeymoon and started living here, doing all the housework for your family. We couldn't even move out because Gang-min failed his second exam to become a judge. We had to walk on egg shells around him. I had morning sickness but I had to cook food that Gang-min liked.

GS.....You should've told everyone that you had morning sickness. I didn't know that you had it.

SJ.....How could I tell you that I had morning sickness when your mother kept scolding me for getting pregnant before we got married even though I kept telling her that wasn't true?

At the Kim's house with Gang-min and Joo-ri

GM.....Baby, its your dad. Can you hear me?

JR.....He's your overbearing dad.

GM.....Yes, I think I'll like being your overbearing dad, but it's because I love you. Be healthy inside your mom and come out healthy next year.

JR.....I really hope the baby will be healthy.

GM.....You and I are both healthy, so our baby will be healthy too.

JR.....I hope so.

GM.....You're just nervous because it's our first baby, but just think good thoughts.

JR to self.....The doctor said the posiblity of this baby having disabilities was almost none. I have to relax. Gang-min, our baby and I will be happy.

We're with Soon-jung and Gang-san again in their bedroom

SJ.....How could Mother be so happy to hear that Joo-ri's pregnant? How could she worry about my not being able to take care of Joo-ri because I'm pregnant too? Why should I take care of her? She's so ridiculous.

GS.....That's why I told her she was talking nonsense.

SJ.....Of course, she doesn't even care that I'm pregnant. She was just so happy that Joo-ri was pregnant.

GS.....My mom's...

SJ.....I'm more upset with you than I am with your mother! How could you not even bring home anything for me to eat? Why does somebody else have to buy me...? I just feel pathetic and I feel like I'm not being loved. Turn off the light.

GS.....Honey, is there something you want to eat? Do you want to come to my office tomorrow? Honey! Soon-jung.

SJ.....I want to sleep comfortably tonight.

GS.....Honey, Honey!

GS to self.....Whatever.

Soon-jung is now in Gang-min's old bedroom

(Remembering the words spoken by Min-hyuk)

MH.....They say there are 3 things you just can't stop, no matter how hard you try. It's sneezing and love. I thought it could work since Joo-ri loved me, but I ended up hurting her a lot.

SJ to self.....If I could've put this pin on 9 years ago, we wouldn't have met under these circumstances. Then Joon wouldn't be without a mother right now.

The next morning outside of Min-hyuk's home

MH.....What are you doing here so early? I was worried about you because it seemed your husband got the wrong idea.

SJ.....I made some of Joon's favorite side dishes.

MH.....You should come in and give them to him yourself.

SJ.....No, I can't see him anymore.


SJ.....It's not because my husband wants me to quit. It's because I can't take care of Joon knowing he's Joo-ri's son. I put this pin on for the first time today. I couldn't put it on until now, but I can wear it now without any uneasy feelings. Thanks for remembering me.

MH.....Is this the end for us?

SJ.....Let's shake hands one last time. Be happy.


Soon-jung getting into a cab

GS.....Soon-jung! Let's go back home.

SJ.....I'll never go back there again!

GS.....Soon-jung! Soon-jung! Soon-jung!!!

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