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[THE OFFICIAL] Taeyang 태양 Thread

Guest shinhdeplol

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Guest Lavire

@ Haruharu94--

In Move, Teddy even says "I like them girls". xD

Hahaa, I feel like Move is fast becoming one of my favorite songs.

Teddy's intro is really great and awesome-sounding!

Taeyang's vocals are really smooth and the chorus itself is really catchy.

I hope he promotes this song just once.

*1 step and 2 step*

EDIT: I just heard "After You Fall Asleep"--it's really catchy!

(Hahaa, ALL of the songs are awesome! I can't wait for MCD.)

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Guest blizzardsy

More pics from the CD:


The card was stuck on the box. Didn't notice until I started uploading the photos. So no pic on that blush.gif

I didn't get any freebies from the CD itself but the shop gave me posters of other groups as freebies. There isn't a poster for this CD itself so they couldn't give it to me. :tears:

Now is the countdown to M! Countdown comeback. Hope I can catch it live on the TV. :lol:

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Guest Jaejoongsgirl<3

OMG I love all the songs. Their all very different. Some upbeats some slow r&b numbers. Amazing Album!!! and YG FAMILY SUMMER DOMINATION begins! :)

So my favorite songs in order

1. You're My

2. Just a Feeling

3. I Need a Girl

4. Move

5. Break Down

6. Solar (Intro)

7. Superstar

OMG the album is HOTT!!!

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Guest tohoblaq

I love MOVE the most!!! I hope this will be his follow-up song. And why are album intros always so short but awesome? I want a longer version of SOLAR! I like Break Down and Just a Feeling too!

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I honestly think I Need A Girl is a good choice too :)

But i cnt help but love AFter You Fall Asleep and the others

more XD Hahaha. I guess i was used to upbeat songs or

smething? But really, I Need A Girl is new to my ears :)

And i believe im going to love it~ It's on repeat now ;;)

It can be quite addicting too like the other songs from his album :)

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Guest lov-ii-n

omgosh it is july 1st in australia ahha!!

do you guys know what time the album will be released..

i am so excited!

cant wait ......

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"I need a Girl" a two tries for me to officially fall in love with it!!!! I love everything about it!!! GD's rapp was bomb too and this song just made me realize how much I miss Taeyang singing, GD rapping and BIGBANG all together!!! I feel like crying!!!!

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Guest oh`retro

I Need A Girl is a good choice for the title track.

It's my favorite song from the album.

So funny when GD goes "I LOVE girls, girls I do adore."

I like burst out laughing, oh GD, you would say something like that.

Okay, I can't believe I'm saying this...

I actually don't really like any of the songs.

I don't even know why cause I LOVE Taeyang, GD, Teddy & Choice37!

Like, wtf is wrong with me, I don't even know.

But, I'm sure I'll like it more once I listen to it more.

Anyways, Taeyang's voice is SO STUNNING.

Gosh, he has improved so much, so proud of him.

Can't wait for his come back stage!

GDYB collab is gonna be epic.

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Guest xxUntilwhenever

omg!!! the album is awesome!!!!!!

I love "Move" and "You're my" the most *o* "Break down" is awesome too.

I like "I need a girl" but it's not my favorite.

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

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Guest syao_sid

i think we're all expecting for an upbeat song so after hearing "I Need a Girl" it is a pleasant surprise.

I just simply LOVE the beat and everything. It left me smiling from ear to ear after hearing it.

And don't get me started with GD's rap. It's so diff. from his usual rap.

He sounds so hella sexy to me and it goes with the melody really well.

I'm a sucker for smooth and soothing songs. That's why I'm really lovin' "I Need A Girl".

My early faves also includes "Just a Feeling", "After You Fall Asleep", and "Solar". Gawd. i'm IN LOVE with the whole album.

Makes me anticipates of the performances so much!

I really hope that Yes-asia would be selling the deluxe edition but if not i'll gladly settle for the normal one.

Heck I just want my hands on this album! So freakin' awesome awesome album.

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He should have promoted Just a feeling!! Or maybe I'm just saying that because its my fav!! :D


"I support the decision of making I Need A Girl the title song.

We had enough upbeat songs released in Kpop this year, this song is something different.

This song is well-composed, classy, and sexy.

I love it!"

I totally agree!! If Taeyang picked an upbeat track he would only become apart of the "NORM" and thats just not what he or YGE is about!! Truly standing out means stepping out of your comfort zone! DOING SOMETHING THATS NOT BEING DONE! How do you think BB became famous? not by just going along with whats popular but by taking risk and doing their own thing! <3 This is the best album I have heard all year! and one song shouldn't make or break your entire album! Thats the problem with the Kpop industry IMO. If you have ONE good song you can get album of the year (LIKE WTF) and if you have ONE bad song your entire album of epicness gets ignored. Seriously ALL of Taeyangs songs range from EPIC - to AMAZING!! And I need a girl is no exception.

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Guest Lavire

I finally listened to the entire album.

So much variety in all of the songs, yet so much love! <3

I'm going to admit that my favorite song is Take it Slow. Why? Taeyang wrote it himself, and the piano part is simply stunning.

I also really like After You Fall Asleep--Swings puts a nice touch to it.

Move is a very catchy song in general, and the intro by Teddy is pretty cool.

I think I Need a Girl is the perfect choice for a title track. Taeyang can definitely focus more on singing and less on dance for this particular song. I'm so excited for MCD!

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after you fall asleep: Swing rapping!!! OMG, i love his rap <3 love the song as well!

take it slow: it's a beautiful song *sniff sniff

i hope I Need A Girl receives more love though, especially love from Kpop fans because Wedding Dress didn't do as well as Look at only me

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Guest danick

I just cant stop spazzing about this album. Darn it, TAEYANG rules!!! YG ARTISTS are the best!

All the songs are just incredibly great. I can't find any song that I do not like. Now I am wondering why other artists cant find songs like YB songs. Although I was hoping to get a full song for the Solar intro, I do love that intro!!! I am so glad that YG Entertainment got plenty of talented composers, producers, arrangers, mixers that can just give a great platform for their artists.

Now I understand why YG is definitely on a class of its own. They do their own thing, on their own time because THEY CAN!

Glad that they made I Need A Girl the title track, it's different from all the other songs in the KPop charts. The MV will surely be as awesome!

Can't wait for it.

Don't forget to buy the original CD even if we all enjoy freely the tracks right now.

Listening to Take It Slow and I can imagine myself driving around the city at night with it playing in the background. LOVE IT TOO!!!

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Guest powderblue

Just heard 'Take it slow'... it was sooo good!

All the songs are amazing!

Can't wait to get my hands on the album!

SOLAR is the BOMB!!!

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Guest HanEul_14

Take it slow... Love this song. Clearly my fave out of the album.

But the whole album was awesome!! I bet I'll love I need a girl more once the MV is out and when YB performs it live!!! I still can't get over this awesomeness.. <3

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OMG. i was listening to the full tracks off on allkpop and i totally cannot wait until my DELUXE SOLAR ALBUM comes!!!! i freaking love all his tracks. i can't even decide a favorite out of it. there's a huge variety and for some reason they all appeal to me! (lol must be his voice) cannot wait until i see the live performance and the MV with sandara! the makign of the MV looked completely hot. god he's such an eye candy too. *insert long fan girly sigh here*

i wish that he also released solar as a full track instead of just as an intro... iono i can see more from that song. but regardless~! his album has to be one of the very few where the actual tracks exceed the expectations held when listening to the teasers!

oh if anyone wants to know, I think there may be MORE DELUXE SOLAR ALBUMS SOLD ON EBAY. well that's where i got it from -- just watch out for scams. but hey. might as well as spread the love yeah? hehe.

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