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[movie 2009] Haeundae 해운대 (7/23/2009)

Guest White Star

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Guest purpleZ

I'm excited that this is happening already. There's some changes in the casts. Hwang Jung Min and Lee Jun Ki are not in anymore? That's a pity. It would've been very nice with 2 such great actors. Nevertheles the actors now should be ok too. Lee Min Ki is also a good actor.

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credits: http://cafe.daum.net/pusanextra/2QGh/602



the caption reads:

유경이를 기억하시나요???

해운대 마지막촬영을 하고 왔어요^^

춥지 않아 다행이었어요~~~

즐거운 촬영현장이었습니다^^




clip = filming a scene from the movie: http://www.tagstory.com/video/video_post.a...a_id=V000239888

해운대 "광안대교"촬영

credits: http://www.cyworld.com/kim37000

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Guest purpleZ

“하지원 저 가스나 부산 사람 아닌교?”…하지원, 완벽 사투리

[동아일보] 2008년 09월 06일(토) 오전 08:03


[클릭하시면 원본크기 이미지를 보실 수 있습니다.] [스포츠동아]

설경구 등 ‘해운대’ 출연진 완벽 사투리에 부산시민 ‘깜짝’

영화 ‘해운대’의 두 주인공 설경구와 하지원이 부산시민들까지 깜짝 놀라는 완벽한 사투리 연기를 선보이고 있다. ‘해운대’ (감독 윤제균) 제작사 두사부필름 관계자는 “두 사람은 연기가 아닌 일상생활에서도 사투리로 대화한다. 맡은 배역이 부산의 평범한 시민이어서 연기하다 쉬며 잡담을 하면 부산토박이로 착각이 들 정도다”고 밝혔다.

이들의 이같은 면모는 지난달 29일 부산 사직구장에서 진행된 야구장 신에서 확인됐다. 설경구가 롯데 자이언츠 이대호에 게 부산 사투리로 야유를 퍼붓자 이를 지켜본 시민들이 그의 연기에 환호성을 보내기도 했다. 극중 무허가 횟집을 운영하는 억척스러운 여주인공 하지원도 비교적 강한 억양의 부산 사투리를 쓰는 모습으로 시민들의 인기를 한몸에 받고 있다.

설경구는 사투리 연기가 처음이지만 베테랑답게 짧은 시간 완벽하게 사투리 억양을 구사하고 있다. ‘형사’에서 사투리 연기를 경험한 하지원은 일찌감치 성실하게 촬영을 준비해왔다. ‘해운대’는 주요 출연진 중 박중훈과 엄정화를 제외하면 거의 대부분 배우가 부산 사투리로 연기하며 리얼리티를 강조하고 있다.

‘해운대’는 본격적인 첫 한국 재난영화. 부산 해운대를 배경으로 쓰나미 지진이 몰아친 뒤 혼란을 딛고 일어서는 시민들의 이야기를 그린다.

이경호 기자 rush@donga.com

"세상을 보는 맑은 창이 되겠습니다."

ⓒ 동아일보 & donga.com, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지

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  • 3 weeks later...

credits to purpletiger86 for the brief translation:

"Haeundae" Seol Kyung Kyu, Going to San Francisco for a location shoot

This is Seol Kyung Kyu's first time going to San Francisco for a location shoot. Scenes that were shot in Korea were finished last July and the cast members had a little get together, except Park Joong Hun and Uhm Jung Hwa (who comes out as a married couple in the movie). Many of the actors/actresses and staffs on that day, especially Seol Kyung Kyu and Ha Ji Won felt sad that everything has come to an end (well...all the scenes that were shot in Korea that is...). With the exception of Ha Ji Won who is preparing for another movie to do (My Love Beside Me), the rest of the cast members flew to San Francisco. They are shooting a Tsunami scene inside a big water tank/aquarium. Director Hans Ulrik is in charge of the CG for this movie. He is known for his work in movies such as "Deep Impact", "Perfect Storm" and "Tomorrow". Actors and staffs are expected to stay in America for about a month.

‘해운대’ 설경구, 샌프란시스코 로케 촬영 떠난다

[JES 김범석] 설경구가 데뷔 후 처음으로 샌프란시스코 로케이션 촬영을 떠난다.

부산 시민으로 출연한 영화 '해운대'(두사부필름, 윤제균 감독)의 미국 촬영을 위해서다.

한국형 재난 블록버스터의 효시가 될 '해운대'는 지난 7일 부산 해운대 백사장에서 합동 영결식 장면을 끝으로 국내 촬영을 모두 마쳤다.

이날 현장에는 설경구·하지원 뿐 아니라 김인권·이민기 등 출연 배우들이 모두 모여 무사고 크랭크 업을 자축했다. 극 중 서울에서 온 부부 역을 맡은 박중훈·엄정화는 참석하지 않았다.

이날 설경구는 "정들었던 부산 사투리도 이제 안녕이네"라고 말해 웃음을 자아냈고, 하지원은 눈물을 글썽이며 정들었던 스태프들과 아쉬움을 달랬다.

곧 장 박진표 감독의 멜로 영화 '내사랑 내곁에' 촬영을 앞둔 하지원을 제외하고 '해운대'의 모든 배우들은 이달 말 미국 샌프란시스코로 이동한다. 대형 수조 세트가 설치된 이곳에서 쓰나미가 덮쳐 아비규환에 빠지는 모습을 촬영하기 위해서다.

물난리 속에서 벌어지는 각종 사건 사고와 호텔 복도, 헬기를 타고 내리는 장면 등을 촬영할 예정이다. 미국에선 '딥 임팩트' '퍼펙트 스톰' '투모로우' 등 재난영화에서 시각 특수 효과를 담당한 CG 디렉터 한스 울릭이 가세한다.

두 사부필름 길영민 이사는 이와 관련해 "윤제균 감독을 비롯한 20여명의 스태프들은 이달 말부터 연말까지 한 달간 머물 예정이고, 배우들은 각자 스케줄에 맞춰 열흘 가량 촬영에 합류한다. 한국에서 제작하는 첫 재난영화라 어깨가 무겁다"고 말했다.

예상치 못한 자연 재앙에 휘말린 사람들의 아픔과 혼란, 극복을 담게 될 '해운대'는 내년 상반기 선보일 예정이다.

김범석 기자 [kbs@joongang.co.kr]

source: http://news.empas.com/show.tsp/cp_is/20081...CC%B9%CE%B1%E2+

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Guest valley girl

Seol Kyung Gyu replaced hwang jung min is an equal High Quality Actor i am not dissapoint all cast is amazing must be another 3 noms serial.. seol kyung Gyu i'll guarante must be more than 3 million people at least will watch this movie

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Guest valley girl

Disaster Movie ‘Haeundae’ Gets CG Makeover


South Korea’s upcoming disaster movie “Haeundae“, casting Ha Ji Won and Sol Kyung Gu, has already completed its one month overseas filming and will contain realistic tsunami scenes set to awe the audience when it opens this summer.

The filming for the movie started last August. To replicate the destructive power of tsunamis, the crews flew over to Los Angeles on the 17th Dec and spent near one month shooting at a local studio. The scenes taken were those that required the use of computer effects. Aside from the necessary blue screen props, a specially made gigantic container was also used for the water scenes. Despite being in the winter season, the actors often had to submerge themselves in icy waters during the filming.

Director Yoon Je Kyun said during a recent interview: “I want to thank all the actors and crews for their sacrifices and hardwork. I will put my hearts and souls into the post-production and will not let their efforts go to waste.”

“Haeundae” is the first natural disaster themed movie produced by South Korea and is scheduled to open this summer.

First movie that comes into my mind, “The Day After Tommorrow”.

Source: mydaily


i bet it will draw more then 7 million viewers wow so cool,

last time song kang ho in action, now in fiction seol kyounggyu

many High skill actor in popular movie will be

this year many Great movie came from

haeundae, Bat Etc can't wait

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Morty

My patience gets more little by day.

Does anyone know an exact release date? Until now I also didn't see a poster or other infos. I think we have to wait for June or July until we see a teaser. I'm really curious how the effects turn out.

Director Yoon Je-gyun said in an interview in KOFIC's book "Who's Who In Korean Film Industry: Directors":

"We agreed that we needed to make visual effects that surpassed 'The Day After Tomorrow'. If we couldn't, there would be no reason to do this project."

You all know what this means. He actually aims for the most realistic water effects in movie history - and the fact that this honor will (hopefully) go to a Korean movie is incredible. A Korean film that sets new technical standards... holy god... being it an American VFX studio or not: It's still a Korean movie.

And my favorite Sol Kyung-gu is in it. I really hope this movie gets a successful run at the box office.

Sadly, the story sounds pretty cliched... hopefully it turns out better than the 08/15 synopsis.

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Guest kdramafanusa

Does anyone know an exact release date?


According to papers, 'Haeundae' was already sold to 15 countries: Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Vietnam, Mongolia



Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Cautious optimism as Filmart winds up

Deals done for Universe's 'Warriors,' CJ 's 'Haeundae'

March 25, 2009

By Jonathan Landreth

HONG KONG -- In a market characterized by caution in tough economic times, a flurry of mostly intra-Asian deals closed Wednesday at Hong Kong Filmart, led by Universe Films' sale of all India and Philippines rights to the Pang brothers' $14.6 million film "The Storm Warriors" to PT Parkit Co.

Universe also sold PT the Singapore and Malaysia rights to Benny Chan's $10 million picture "City on Alert."

Korean heavyweight CJ Entertainment, meanwhile, closed deals for its big-budget disaster movie "Haeundae," including presale with Indonesia's Visicom Surya that covers the rights for Malaysia and Singapore as well as the home territory. Indo Overseas has taken the film, along with "The Good, the Bad, the Weird" for India. CJ also inked an agreement for "Members of the Funeral" with Australia's SBS TV.

At the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, Winnie Tsang, managing director of Hong Kong's Golden Scene, said that signing deals took longer than normal this year and there have been fewer presales.

"Everyone is taking longer to consider, to wait and see," Tsang said.

Many buyers from territories whose currencies have dropped against Asian markets were found to be pinching pennies. Buyers from Mexico, Brazil and Russia, for instance, cannot afford to buy what they might have last year, said Fabien Westerhoff of London-based HanWay Films.

Meanwhile, Hong Kong's Mega Vision sold the remake rights to Keung Kwok-man's "Bullet and Brain" to an undisclosed U.S. independent studio and Indonesia's Rapi Films sold the video rights to a package of 11 horror titles to Thailand's GMM International. Rapi also sold the theatrical rights to "Ghost Train" to Taiwanese cinema operator Long Shong Group.

Rapi executive Gope Samtani reflected on his company's luck, noting that when the economy was stronger last year, they'd completed no sales, while "this year there is financial trouble all around the world, but we managed to have sales. So it really depends on the right product."

Japanese independent Hexagon said it has closed a deal for China on "Kana's Big Success" and is close to a number of Asian pacts for "High Kick Girl!" which has been generating a lot of buzz through the market.

"Filmart has been good for a smaller company like us this year, only our second year at the market," Hexagon's Megumi Fukuda said.

Thailand's Phranakorn Films sold all rights in Taiwan and Hong Kong for slasher title "Meat Grinder" to Taiwan's Deep Joy Entertainment. While Thailand's Right Beyond sold TV and video rights for "Diamond Eye" and "Mr. Tim Muay Thai Fighter" to Hungary's Paradigma Film as well as video rights for "King Cobra" and "Black Panther" to NSR of Malaysia.

Shanghai-based Tooncool Digital sold the animated series "Mushrooom Diandian" to Thailand's Mahakit Global Plus for five-year TV rights, two-year DVD rights, one-year merchandise rights and one-year promotional rights. Also sold were one-year TV rights to Kinotour Studio of Ukraine.

China's Hairun Movies & TV sold all rights for "To Live and Love" and "Dancing Girl" to Hong Kong-based Arnos Digital.

Karen Chu and Gavin J. Blair contributed to this report.

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Guest kdramafanusa

Source: Variety

Posted: Wed., Mar. 25, 2009, 5:41pm PT

China pics win Filmart's Open Doors

'Vacation,' 'Help' take home prizes


HONG KONG -- Continuing the increasingly Chinese flavor of this year's Hong Kong Filmart, two mainland films won the inaugural Open Doors Hong Kong-Asia Film Financing Forum (HAF) award.

"Winter Vacation," directed by Li Hongqi and produced by Ling Cai and Zhang Lu, and "Help," helmed by Hang Lu and produced by Zhang Yunhui, won the new Open Doors event, part of a pact between the Locarno Film Festival and HAF.

The helmers and producers have received a fast-track invitation to join the fest's Open Doors Factory co-production workshop without having to take part in the usual selection procedure.

It was perhaps inevitable that Filmart would have a greater focus on the Chinese market, where the global downturn has had less of an impact and the biz is still growing strongly.

Hong Kong's secretary for commerce and economic development, Rita Lau, urged filmmakers from all over the world to capitalize on Hong Kong's experience and the benefits of the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) in opening up the mainland film market.

She told a forum that Hong Kong's close relationship with the mainland had broadened the horizon for local filmmakers and led to numerous collaborations on joint productions.

Most of the Filmart festival has been characterized by caution this year, and the deals have been largely regional.

There was a certain reticence about pre-sales given the economic situation, although buzz around some titles has translated into real deals.

CJ Entertainment's disaster epic "Haeundae" pre-sold to VSG for Singapore and Malaysia, Visicom Suraya for Indonesia and IOF Entertainment for India. The film sold to Turkey, Hungary and the Czech Republic at the European Film Market in February.

CJ also sold "The Good, the Bad, the Weird" to IOF.

Fortissimo sold Robert Kenner's documentary "Food, Inc." to Golden Village for Singapore, Cafe Groove for Japan, A-Film for Benelux, United King Films for Israel and Deltamac for Hong Kong and Taiwan.

The four-day Filmart closes on Thursday.


Posted: Sun., Feb. 8, 2009, 9:07am PT

CJ racks up sales

Korean company sets slate


Korean sales and production shingle CJ Entertainment says sales are holding up well as it closed a raft of mid-market deals announced Sunday.

Tsunami disaster movie “Haeundae” -- due for a late summer release -- sold to Czech Republic (Intersonic) and Turkey (Horizon), which also picked up maritime drug trafficking thriller “Marine Boy.”

Romania’s Independenta bought Park Chan-wook’s new film, “Thirst,” about a Catholic priest who turns into a vampire, and Bong Joon-ho’s “Mother,” about a widow’s quiet and withdrawn son who is accused of murder.

“Black House” and “Secret Sunshine” sold to Australia’s SBS and for the ex-Yugoslav territories Discovery picked up “The Good, The Bad, The Weird,” an Asian Western set in the Manchurian desert in the 1930s.

Mike Hyun-Dong Suh, senior VP of international film finance and distribution, said: “We anticipate more sales in the days to come. Although some buyers from Asia and Western Europe are being more cautious because of the world economic downturn others are more aggressive and see this as a chance to secure titles at good prices.”

He added that CJ Entertainment was generally maintaining its pre-crisis price levels.

“If you want quality you have to pay for quality -- particularly for films like ‘Thirst’ and ‘Mother,’ which are by big well known directors.”

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Guest Morty

Thank youuuu! ;)

If you can update this thread (as well as "Jeon Woo Chi") with news (Teaser, Website, etc), I would be very happy.

Some more staff infos from the 2008 Korean Cinema book by KOFIC:

Executive Producer: Yoon Je-gyun

Producer: Lee Ji-seung

Screenplay: Yoon Je-gyun

Original Story: Yoon Je-gyun

Cinematography: Kim Young-ho

Editing: Shin Min-kyeong (won the Best Editing Award for "Seven Days" at 2008's Grand Bell Awards)

Music: Lee Byeong-woo (yeeees!!)

Lighting: Hwang Soon-uk

Recording: Eun Hee-su

Sound: Choi Tae-young (LiveTone)

Art Direction: Hwang In-jun

Costumes: Kim Jung-won

Make-Up: Lee Sun-mi

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Guest kdramafanusa

^ They are still filming? Thanks for the updates.

Both Haeundae and Jeon Woo Chi are big/blockbuster productions, their budget is around 10 billion Won each (don't know if it'll go over that amount or not). Each of them needs to sell around 4 million tickets to break even; a lot of recent films with this price tag ended up being labeled 'huge flops' b/c they really underperformed at the box office (such as The Restless, Hwang Jinyi, Sunny, etc). Believe it or not, 'Good Bad Weird' (with a 20 billion Won tag) sold a lot of tickets, but the numbers were still not high enough to make money at the end.

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