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[drama 2008] Powerful Opponents (강적들)


Recommended Posts

Guest Cerise
















Thanks puela.... :)

I'm going to admit this, no matter who the male lead is, CR has a way to make the chemistry between the casts SIZZLE!!!!

She looks SO Good with either SH or KP. :wub::wub::wub:























I totally agree... CR is the sourse of chemistry...












Non of us is loyal to the pairing we're rooting for... kekeke... It's really hard to decide... I started as CR-LJW rooter and now I have a change of heart... I think in these kinda situation, it's safe to say whatever pairing will be just alright with me in the end.



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  • Replies 3.5k
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Guest linh27
















































































































































































































































thanks puela for the video.
















































































































































































































thanks imogene_af. i had fun reading your summaries.
















































































































































































































i'm trying not to watch until the subs are out. from all of your comments this series sounds really good.
















































































































































































































hey, is WITH S2 not planning to sub the shinhwa version? only the ental & crystal? does anyone know what quality & size is the crystal version?
















































































































































































































i'm just not sure if i should get shinhwa.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks mily2. thanks WITH S2 for all your hard work.

















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Guest mily2



shinhwa has been really unstable with their releases lately.. not sure what will happen.. but no worries... if puela can find & upload the shinhwa version.. we can always resync the subs for you guys later.

Crystal is actually quite great ( from my memory).. hehe.. btw.. I am liking this series.. WITH S2 will work really hard to bring you guys the subs soon.. * we're totally working overtime * :blush: - but I'm sure there are plenty of kind members who would be willing to answer questions or give spoilers if you guys want to know about certain things.. so don't be shy.. just ask and let's get this thread more lively with juicy discussions!!

wave wave to queer.. long time no see buddy!! - oh.. and I am not sure if the writer will change the storyline.. but according to the initial character chart at the website.. it seems that the girl in the preview is Su Ho & Gwan Pil's first love - Suh Eun Young.. I think she died at 19 or something.. and it seems that Gwan Pil has a daughter - her name is Yoo GGot Nim .. so I am sure there's more to it to the old love triangle among that EY girl & SH & GP!! Again.. I am not sure if the writer will stick w/ that initial info cuz alot of the character info are not 100% true.


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Guest CindyW88
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OK, something good to cheer up ….. :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this news report released by 'Nation Korea' dated 4/15 - http://www.nakorean.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=6645 mentioned that TV viewers' reactions to the first episode. Many viewers commented that CR still retains her cute girlish appearance. Some wrote on the BBS, “Nevertheless, It is Chae Rim” and “Chae Rim is good”.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As to the storyline, performance, and directing, TV viewers' comment:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































“Fresh storyline”,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































“Since Episode 1, it is interesting and touching”,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































“Oh Gwang Lok and Im Hyun Shik (오광록, 임현식)’s supporting roles magnify the effect”,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































“I have a good time watching this drama”,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































“It’s been a long time that I haven’t seen this kind of peculiarly humorous directing style”,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































“I have high expectation and don’t worry that I will be disappointed at this drama. I am already looking forward to the contents of next episode”,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































“I feel fun and touched to watch the introduction of the main characters’,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































“It is the best. It is fun to watch the whole episode”,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































“I am addicted now.”
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Overall, the BBS of KBS is filled with good evaluations on the first episode.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest CindyW88









Hi Cindy...haven't seen you for so long.

Did you like episode 2?
































































I think 6.4% is not that bad...hehe...
































































Remember when Jumong was on air...everything went from bad to worst...dramas were getting like 3%...lowest ever recorded.































































































































Hi, Luv, long time no see! I have not gone away ... :D I have been translating and posting news on soompi's homepage. :)
































































I really like episode 1 and 2. :D The script writer Kang Eun Kyung tends to focus on triangle love and family values. I like the conversations between various characters in the drama. :) CR's performance is great, as usual. :)
































































I watched the whole series of "Joo Mong". I liked it but I could not figure out how it could elevate to near 50% of TV ratings ... :blink: maybe Korean viewers like those bloody fighting scenes... :rolleyes:









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Guest judybootie








wow..LJH is so hot here hehe..i just loveeee the chemistry between him and CR~ always bickering here and there...but somehow manage to help eachother out wen needed...i dunt know how the pairing is going to be but i sure won't mind LJH and CR together =D hopefully the ratings will go upp..it's such a good drama!



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Guest SweetKim
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Episode 2...Ental 1 File

































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*Ental* | *SHiNHWA*





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Main Translator: ai*































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Spot Translators: hjkomo, saturn































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Timer: Victory































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Editor/QC: ay_link































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Coordinators: mily2, ay_link






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest CindyW88








































































































[News] "Powerful Opponents", Solid Formation, Good Performance, Why low Ratings?
















































































































































































[News Entertainment] 4/15/08
























































































KBS2 Monday-Tuesday drama "Powerful Opponents" receives eye-catching 'Praise Relay'.
























































































The 2nd episode aired on 4/14 recorded poor TV rating at 6.6% (TNS). Nonetheless, there are endless good comments on this drama highlighted as 'solid storylines and stylish characters' posted on the BBS.
























































































Viewers evaluate the storylines as 'well laid out and compact'. Characters appeared in the 2nd episode provide clues to the deployment of later episodes. Especially, the triangle of Young Jin vs. Gwan Bil vs. Soo Ho amplifies viewers’ curiosity.
























































































Young Jin and Gwan Bil are assigned the bodyguard duty on the President's son Soo Ho. In the second episode, Young Jin and Gwan Bil's psychological war eliciting laughter in men's locker room as well as Young Jin's bumping into Soo Ho demonstrates this triangle relationship is not smooth. Moreover, "the President being acquainted with Gwan Bil', "Soo Ho - Gwan Bil's scars", and "Gwan Bil's photo" hints the intertwined relationship of 3 main characters developed in later episodes.
























































































Strong personality also leads to viewers' good evaluations. Chae Rim receives passing grade for her enthusiastic but repeatedly making mistakes female bodyguard role. Lee Jong Hyuk is voted as the best performer emanating intense charisma. Comical supporting cast makes it easy to achieve '100 points casting'.
























































































Meanwhile, a volunteer's "Powerful Opponents Mania" blog is engaging in "Boosting TV Ratings" campaign. People are watching closely if the episode aired next week will become the real 'powerful opponent' among Monday-Tuesday dramas.
























































































Source: http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=200804152351411020









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Guest xinfinite

































































































































































































































































thanks puela for the video.

thanks imogene_af. i had fun reading your summaries.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm trying not to watch until the subs are out. from all of your comments this series sounds really good.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hey, is WITH S2 not planning to sub the shinhwa version? only the ental & crystal? does anyone know what quality & size is the crystal version?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'm just not sure if i should get shinhwa.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks mily2. thanks WITH S2 for all your hard work.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































do you know where i can download the shinhwa version? preferably clubbox.. it would be great to watch the eps in hq

































































































































































































































































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Guest imogene_af






*Ental* | *SHiNHWA*




Main Translator: ai*







Spot Translators: hjkomo, saturn







Timer: Victory







Editor/QC: ay_link







Coordinators: mily2, ay_link







AAAAH thank you so much WITHS2!!!! That was very fast! Thank you.




Anyway, thanks everyone for liking my comments, I'm just like everyone else who loves this UNDERRATED show. hehe. I feel like I'm a jinx now, because every time I start loving a show they get lower ratings than expected. But I really like the operation to make PO have higher ratings, maybe good word of mouth could help this show.



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wave wave to queer.. long time no see buddy!! - oh.. and I am not sure if the writer will change the storyline.. but according to the initial character chart at the website.. it seems that the girl in the preview is Su Ho & Gwan Pil's first love - Suh Eun Young.. I think she died at 19 or something.. and it seems that Gwan Pil has a daughter - her name is Yoo GGot Nim .. so I am sure there's more to it to the old love triangle among that EY girl & SH & GP!! Again.. I am not sure if the writer will stick w/ that initial info cuz alot of the character info are not 100% true.








































































































waving back to mily dearie.....








































































































How have U been doing?








































































































So glad so many familar faces catching this too!!!!








































































































Seen from the character chart translanted by the TSXZ team, it was said that SunHo changed becoz GwanPil left shortly after. It seemed like both of them involved in an accident & GP might be guility of it that made him left?? :blink:








































































































As for GP having a daughter, I din even know that..... :sweatingbullets:*puzzle*
































































































[News] "Powerful Opponents", Solid Formation, Good Performance, Why low Ratings?
































































































[News Entertainment] 4/15/08








































































































KBS2 Monday-Tuesday drama "Powerful Opponents" receives eye-catching 'Praise Relay'.















































































































































































































The ratings may be low :crazy: , the positive comments by the netizens is truly encouraging!!!! :rolleyes:









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Guest fashionista
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest antinh85

as long as it's good .. i dont care much about the ratings.. it will give chae rim a another good nod from the viewers...

i can't wait for her and president's son to get together.. so cute..

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Guest imogene_af



shinhwa has been really unstable with their releases lately.. not sure what will happen.. but no worries... if puela can find & upload the shinhwa version.. we can always resync the subs for you guys later.

Crystal is actually quite great ( from my memory).. hehe.. btw.. I am liking this series.. WITH S2 will work really hard to bring you guys the subs soon.. * we're totally working overtime * :blush: - but I'm sure there are plenty of kind members who would be willing to answer questions or give spoilers if you guys want to know about certain things.. so don't be shy.. just ask and let's get this thread more lively with juicy discussions!!




wave wave to queer.. long time no see buddy!! - oh.. and I am not sure if the writer will change the storyline.. but according to the initial character chart at the website.. it seems that the girl in the preview is Su Ho & Gwan Pil's first love - Suh Eun Young.. I think she died at 19 or something.. and it seems that Gwan Pil has a daughter - her name is Yoo GGot Nim .. so I am sure there's more to it to the old love triangle among that EY girl & SH & GP!! Again.. I am not sure if the writer will stick w/ that initial info cuz alot of the character info are not 100% true.







Ooooh! Ohhhh interesting twist if ever, thanks for sharing that.

So is Gwang Pil always talking to his daughter? He seems to talk all the time on the phone? eh?



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Guest linh27

















do you know where i can download the shinhwa version? preferably clubbox.. it would be great to watch the eps in hq
















































































































































































































sorry i don't use clubbox, but i use the MU links posted by puela:

































































































































































































































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Guest o-cha




woaaaaaaa....ep 1 subs are out already? WITHS2 rocks!!! Thanks guys....


I have been avoiding reading any spoilers. I see some of my favorite soompiers here...I think I'll join in the fun..lol.


I barely have time to watch anything nowadays but imogene_af 's positive words is enough to persuade me to give this drama a shot...I just need to find the time :o Plus I am just dying to read imogene's reviews...and I can't or nay I won't do that unless I see the episodes first. I have learned that it's more enjoyable to watch the episode then read her review so I can nod in unison with her.


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