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[drama 2008] Powerful Opponents (강적들)


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Guest puela
















































































































































EPISODE 03 ENTAL SINGLE MU LINK for premium accounts http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZLEN9EIA
















































































































credits to JTRANLA

















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Guest CindyW88
































































































































































































































[TV Ratings] 4/21/08
































































































































































































































































































































Lee San (MBC): 30.2%
































































































































































Powerful Opponents (KBS2): 7.3%
































































































































































I Love You (SBS): 6.6%
































































































































































Source: http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=200804220701241001

































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Thank you Cindy,
































The rating goes up. Keep on fighting . The trend is looking good. I watched EP01 last night and it is superb.
































Many thanks to all of you who is taking your precious time to upload for all of us CR fans to enjoy her good work.
































Thousand thanks to WithS2 subbing team for subbing this drama .





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Guest smoon4ever




































OMG Chaerim, be careful! Hope you'll not hurt yourself again :(





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Guest ~XoX~
















[TV Ratings] 4/21/08




























Lee San (MBC): 30.2%
















Powerful Opponents (KBS2): 7.3%
















I Love You (SBS): 6.6%
















Source: http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=200804220701241001































It went up! :lol:
















Thank you Jtranla for the MU links!





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Guest simply_dream
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YAY! ratings went up!!!! =] i watched ep 1 and 2, and i knew it had to be a hit!!!! i think lee jin wook's style is really good =] so far i am not catching any chaerim and lee jin wook chemistry except for that little 'accident' they had in ep 2... i hope more can come from that... AND OMG...!!!!! two guys did cpr... chae rim missed out! HAHA!!! anyways, cant wait till next ep, this show is so intense!

































































































































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Guest fashionista
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for those who wants to watch ep 3 now, here are the links. they're cut into 7 parts. just click to watch full screen.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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part 2
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































part 3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































part 4
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































part 5
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































part 6
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































part 7

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest christyc1995

I can't seems to watch the link when I click on. Its in black screen and keeps on reading....

Really can't wait to watch Epi 3!!! M hooked!

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Guest puela
















































































































































quick posting will fix later..
















































































































Episode 03 shinhwa
















































































































part 01: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SBC0ZXFU
















































































































part 02: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0ZAZFX1G

















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Guest Cerise

I haven't seen episode 3 yet. I'm downloading the shinhwa version, thanks puela. and thank you everyone for the caps and spoilers.

Updating the episodes titles...

Episodes Title:

E01: 상상, 그 이상! Imagine, there's more!

E02: 열 vs 냉! Heat vs Cold!

E03: 뛰는 놈, 나는 놈. The escaper, and me.

E04: 트러블 메이커. Troublemaker.


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Guest fashionista


I can't seems to watch the link when I click on. Its in black screen and keeps on reading....

Really can't wait to watch Epi 3!!! M hooked!

i've just tested it. it played right away. try again.


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For the 3rd episode title,



뛰는 놈 could also mean runner, jumper, escaper






나는 놈 I think they meant "flyer" as in person who is fast so he is "flying"

Updating the episodes titles...

Episodes Title:





E01: 상상, 그 이상! Imagine, there's more!



E02: 열 vs 냉! Heat vs Cold!





E03: 뛰는 놈, 나는 놈. The escaper, and me.





E04: 트러블 메이커. Troublemaker.















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Guest SweetKim
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just saw the first Episode and really enjoyed it!! :)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I haven't seen CR's last drama, I only saw the 1st episode and I didn't like it but i saw All about Eve and I liked her performance there, not to mention here. She is a great actress. But i think her character tries too much to show off that she is as strong as men. To be hones when it comes to the strength of the body, men will always win unless it is monster woman with big muscles. :P To my opionion that isn't soo bad because we women will always win at the other categories. :P






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now to the guys































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lee Jin Wook as Kang Soo Ho: I have to admit it that is for the 1st Time that I like his acting. I really love his character her. Bad Boy, kind of sad and with a hidden story behind him. To be honest I am not a really great fan of him but the preview of the 2nd episode showed me that I will love him even more.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lee Jong Hyuk as Yoo Gwang Pil: hmmm... hard to say. Since I have seen him acting in Green Rose (and I really got pissed of from him :fury: ) i just couldn't get used with him in any other dramas. This is for the first time that I like him and his character, because I love the type of man who doesn't talk much but acts more.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think that at the end she will end up with the president's son. Why?? ... just because he is the type of guy who has a urge of self-destruction, and strong girls/women tend to be attracted from such guys because we want to cure his wonds. hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Or am I wrong?? :unsure: well let's see what will happen! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































All in All for the first Episode it left me a good impression, what I didn't except!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wow..it's been awhile that i got attracted to a drama enough to comment about it. i'm pleased at how this is going...i totally agree w/ some of yur comments. lolz. i wasn't a big fan of either of those actors..but wow..they are most def. growing on me throughout this drama. chaerim's not failing to disappoint either--i hope she is feeling better. idk...i can't really figure out who the main "guy" character is at this point. idk..but i'm kinda liking both the body guards together right now...esp. after how much lee jong hyuk worried today. hahah.

































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Guest Cerise


For the 3rd episode title,

뛰는 놈 could also mean runner, jumper, escaper




나는 놈 I think they meant "flyer" as in person who is fast so he is "flying"



Thanks ... with 뛰는 놈 I thought using the escaper serves the meaning because SH escapes in the end of the episode. But do you thing using runner or jumper is better for the meaning.


Can you explain how 나는 놈 means the 'flyer'...? It's really interesting how you put it and I'd love to edit the title.. :sweatingbullets:


Thanks for pointing that out...


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Guest hjkomo

To be honest, Su Ho was really getting on my nerves in Ep. 3 (sorry, LJW fans). I mean, come on - he's 27 for crying out loud! Enough with the childish behavior - you're not a teen anymore and haven't been for a very, very long time! :lol:

Question #1: How many times did Young Jin fall for Su Ho's pranks? Wouldn't she have, at least, got the picture after the second time and stopped going back home? Didn't she score the highest in the tests???

So, from Ep. 3 (let me know if I have this wrong), Su Ho thinks the violin girl is still alive and living happily with Gwan Pil? (Didn't she die?) Su Ho must have also been in love with her, but she and Gwan Pil were in love? and left together??

Love that picture! :D

The preview for Ep. 4 shows that things are heating up - Gwan Pil's going to come to Young Jin's rescue! :D:sweatingbullets:

Loved this part - when Gwan Pil tells Young Jin to go rest in the car and yells at her to listen to him for once:








Question #2: Now, if you were trying to keep those men away from Su Ho, why on earth would you put the bar on the outside of the door?? :huh: If she was really trying to keep them out, she should have had Gwan Pil lock the bar through the door handles on the inside of the doors, so no one could get in. By locking it from the outside, all she was doing was keeping Gwan Pil and Su Ho from getting out. (okay, maybe that was her objective, but it still left me thinking :huh: )






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Question #1: How many times did Young Jin fall for Su Ho's pranks? Wouldn't she have, at least, got the picture after the second time and stopped going back home? Didn't she score the highest in the tests???

Question #2: Now, if you were trying to keep those men away from Su Ho, why on earth would you put the bar on the outside of the door?? :huh: If she was really trying to keep them out, she should have had Gwan Pil lock the bar through the door handles on the inside of the doors, so no one could get in. By locking it from the outside, all she was doing was keeping Gwan Pil and Su Ho from getting out. (okay, maybe that was her objective, but it still left me thinking :huh: )































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I dunno if I can give u the ultimate answer but this is wat i think:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ans 1: No matter how many times YJ has to fall for SH's pranks, she just has to follow. coz her only pirority is to protect him. So no matter how stupid the excuses she has to oblige.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ans 2: The door is a swing door. If GP was to used to rod to 'lock' from his side, I strongly think that SH would dash in to help YJ. So it wiser to lock from her side, all she needed was to kept fighting with the thugs & KP would be able to bring SH to safety.

































































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I'm not 100% sure but that's the way I understood. Maybe I'm confused with "na" vs "nal". Korean writing is so confusing....



Anyway, I'll ask my husband...he is sleeping right now so I'll ask him tomorrow and will post once I find out.

Thanks ... with 뛰는 놈 I thought using the escaper serves the meaning because SH escapes in the end of the episode. But do you thing using runner or jumper is better for the meaning.

Can you explain how 나는 놈 means the 'flyer'...? It's really interesting how you put it and I'd love to edit the title.. :sweatingbullets:



Thanks for pointing that out...




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