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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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I thot we should see her in China, a bit dissappointed..ok, not a bit, but a lot 40833d7a34d2b62cbc9bd8e8506e69ba82e7f406

More gifs of TWTWB can be seen here.

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wahhh what a beauty!!! thanks putriN...she looks ultra gorgeous and chic in that outfit...   :x 

khxy: wow twtwb activity on 8th? tats awesomeee!! guess il be fully awake on 7th night highly anticipating the next day event  :D thanks much for the info dear..

kim: i know,disappointing indeed but hopefully we could see her in berlin fest atleast   :-S 

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^ Thanks putriN for the pretty Laneige pics..lovely :x
ria, they said tgm press con will be tomorrow ....I am still hoping to see our dearie there  [-O< . oh, some activities for TWTWB on the 8th? i still can be here to join the fun hehe. Thanks for lovely pics dearie.

edit: i can't find her name at the presscon's message 

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^^ putriN: welcome for the pic and hehe i like ur train of thoughts.. even if it is just wishful thinking,love to dream that those two seats are reserved for kyo and her translator  :P  but *sigh*,guess we wont be able to see her there,like u said her schedule seems tight and no surprises if she cant squeeze in time for TGM presscon!! 

beth: reiterating what putriN said,i really think noh will give us a pleasant enough ending unlike the jap drama and movie version!! my confidence got reinstated as soon as i heard there was a kiss scene between in sung and hye kyo...she made that altercation in the script,so i guess she will change the ending too,lol atleast i hope so..!!  :)

kim: welcome dearie,and cheer up,i guess our girl will make up for it by attendin the berlinale and also lets not forget the TWTWB activity on 8th..wohoo getting excited just thinking about it and great that ul be here with us  <:-P i duno what sort of activity its going to be,but at the least im expecting the kind of interview kwon sang woo and soo ae did for their drama,i was disappointed that our couple did not give interview together like that...hopefully wel get to see one on 8th...  

kamille: yes,dont miss out the action on 8th!! :D

about her endorsements i really am sad her contract is going to end..!! iv always loved her ROEM endorsement..they were simply awesome..i seriously cant imagine ROEM without song hye kyo and the same with LANEIGE..tsk tsk... :(    

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ira and putriN, I totally understand if Kyo can't attend TGM press con...it's just....I'm sad cos looking back and knowing how many times Kyo had been forth and back between china and korea in these 3 years, how much efforts she had done for the movie, the time using for language, waiting etc...i'm glad we can see her doing some activities for TWTWB, but i wish her more for TGM press con, i must admit...oh well, what to do? bad timing, i guess.

ria, i think i had enough for ROEM for all these years dear. I thot they have boring concept though our girl looks stunning on them....opss..sorri, please don't throw rotten tomatoes on me..

From Hyebaragi

edit: hey, i saw a tweet saying to have seen Kyo went to china??? haha, i think i'm getting nuts  :)). Can always dream right?

ria, "cross our fingers" fingers_crossed_zps8bae23d9.gif . Thanks for the banners dear, so pretty.

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^^ kim: lol *throws rotten tomatoes* heehe just kidding dearie...i respect ur opinion.. >:D< and about TGM,agree with ur point,but yes it really is nothing else but really unfortunate timing.. and i really pray she has decent amount of screen time in the movie.. hope wkw did not cut too much of her scenes..after all, like u said, she put soo much effort into this,for years travelling to and fro!! *fingers crossed* and thanks for the posters dear...

few awesome wallies from dc  :x


EDIT: @utkim: wooow itl be great if she attends tomo..*dreams along with you*  <:-P welcome for the banners dear and yes *crossing our fingers*  god,please make it happen  [-O<

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Read reviews from some that has watched TGM:
"Eventhough it's just January, but i dare to say to say that TGM is the best movie of the year"
"Hye Kyo is full of classic beauty and charm,she didn't utter more than 5 sentences in the whole movie,but her being in this movie is already a blessing for the audience"
"Watched it midnight  and i cried watching TGM ,it's still Wong Kar Wai's (style) movie.This movie respect all lost dignity,put down all memories and bury all deep feelings"
Quoted lines that touched some;
"All the encounter in this world is a long waited reunion""If you say life is without regret,it's what you say in a fit of anger.If life has no regret,it will be boring""I choose to live in my own time"
The movie duration in about 2 hours and 10 minutes.
edit:summary of Hye Kyo's performance by the review: little screen time,but it's really beautiful.Hye Kyo's 3 years of hard work has been paid off."She's really beautiful and she acts with expressions in her eyes""She'acted well,WKW filmed her beautifully.Every scene can be taken as a painting"
Reviews keep pouring in for TGM,most if not all has nothing but praises for the movie.Many said that when you watch TGM ,what you see is not skills but intentions,moral and message. 

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^gah........ i'm more excited than ever.......... it's certainly nice to hear those comments.

khxy, thanks so much for the gist     :-*


i just love this feeling of classic and nostalgic looking at the cap  :x


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putriN: thanks for the cap..it really is classic..!!  ;;)

khxy: wooow,thanks much for the reviews!! im sooo happy hearing soo many positive reviews ,especially the one which says"little screen time,but it's really beautiful.Hye Kyo's 3 years of hard work has been paid off" awesome,this is what iv been wanting to hear!! screentime is not important but screenpresence is!! even though our hye kyo seems to have little screentime,she is still remembered by the audience,and what more, they praise her for it!! weeee... so ecstatic... cheer-1.gif  

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Khxy, Thank you so much for providing us with the translations/summaries! So happy to hear that all of the time and effort that she put into the project is being recognized through positive praise! 
Thanks everyone for all the goodies - the new Laneige CF, Screen captures, Elle photos (still waiting on mine!), and more! :) It's always a treat coming here and being surprised with lots of eye candy :)
Oh, and I agree with Kim - I have grown quite bored of Roem, and i am not sad to see that endorsement go away. I do love Laneige though!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone!!

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^ Have a nice Sunday too Shanda  :D. I'm still waiting for ELLE.

ria, did you have a good dream dear? hehe

Thanks khxy for the translation of various reviews :x . SO good to hear good reviews of Kyo's performance, that's enough for us. Read Tony praises Kyo's performance and he didn't feel Kyo as a Korean..... Can't see Kyo at the press con though :P .

btw, it also said tony+kyo didn't talk much...perhaps talk to each other through the eyes only 6a65c58343039b6076108c37d9959bbed2d1a346 keke

From shkHb Baidu
此 次梁朝伟与两位女星有对手戏,一是饰演宫二先生的章子怡,二是饰演叶问妻子的宋慧乔。他介绍说,“我跟子怡完全是那种就是江湖里面的那种自己朋友,最好像 在戏里面王家卫说其实你的最好的对手就是你的自己,只有她才明白。我跟子怡是因为一场交手才认识,认识以后就有那种惺惺相惜的那种,但是我一个在北方,一 个在南方,后来就因为打仗,然后就一直没有机会见面,但是一直都希望在交一次手,结果战争爆发以后逃难到香港就碰到子怡,碰到的时候已经很多年以后了。”
宋 慧乔和梁朝伟饰演夫妻,他俩拍戏时一个说粤语一个说韩语,“但是还好,戏里面角色的那个设计的很妙,两夫妻话不多,所以还好,可以弥补这方面的不足”,梁 朝伟回忆说。他还称赞宋慧乔是一位专业的演员,“宋慧乔也很好,拍出来有那种东方美,不感觉她是一个韩国人,在戏里面表现也蛮不错的”。

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Thanks for the news.

From interview with zzy,she said she need to assure kyo to relax, that wkw always takes a long time to shoot a movie.Thus those actors who have worked with him before never ask how long the filming will take,because at the end of the day it will all be worth it.

Zzy continues to say that in the movie Tony and her have a relationship in the beginning but because of some reason or another they need to let go and turn this love into friendship instead.Later on,she trust him to help her make judgement and this relationship is far more precious than love between a man and a woman.

Also read that cc doesn't have much screen time.

To add on wkw said that he has good teachers and good actors that allow him to persevere.He is willing to continue shooting,however this movie need to be release for everyone to enjoy and he thank everyone that makes this possible.

Tony said that in the movie,kyo and him didn't converse much thus it compliments their acting skills since both of them speaks different language.

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