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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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putriN, we all here have the same love towards Kyo :wub: .

Yeah, it seems the tweet was pretty late, well, it was late for me here in my time zone means much later over there (certainly early morning 25th in korea).

I hope everything will go well for Kyo presscon tomorrow, no rude Q please. Feel scared and excited at the same time and It's like I'll have an exam :P . I suppose the presscon will start early morning and i'll certainly brzzzz at that time hehe. Hope to see our girl glowing tomorrow...Aja aja fighting!

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^oh no ! i'm late..... so preeeeetty.... but she put on eh :P

omo omo look who's here.... Halo!!, great to see you dear , we miss your help and presence.. thanks :rolleyes:

thanks to our chief too... and Hi everyone !

NJH grown-up to be a pretty lady :rolleyes:

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^ you are just welcome, Gisella18 :D

In this report Kyo said 4 years back to domestic screen, there was no burden as Kyo is a fan of the director and she had been waiting for the script to complete. She also got a lot of help from the director.





the twitter is going on now at Today_2011 twitter, dun know how to tweet though :lol:

edit: putriN, Now I'm back my own world, my reality :P . See ya!

khxy, thanks

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song hye kyo thank the media for coming to the press conference,there's full throng of media and reporters that came,much more than expected.She said the most fortunate thing is meeting a good director.


Hye kyo is now compared to sim eun ha,when asked about the comparison hye kyo said she's honoured to be compared to such amazing actress.Director lee was asked the same question and she said it's difficult to compare as they have different characters and personalities in the movies.

edit: the director actually said,sim eun ha and hye kyo are both like her children,they have different personality and character so she never have the intention of comparing them and will never do so.


Hye kyo said"director really trust me"

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^thanks khxy... wow... pressure, pressure blush.gif

kim, can't sleep ? you better do, you posted twice same pics... 1st & 2nd :)

yes, i noticed that someone put ON too B)


i like it when she plays with her mouth, lips... she looks adorable :D

looking at njh and her dressing... i guess it's confirmed that she's the one whom prompted ^_^

what is she doing ? calm her nervousness :P


teaching something ? :lol:


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Guest Gisella18

There are tons of pics out there, and before i really have to leave, please let me post this beautiful pic hehe "ultimate beauty" :wub:

Well, Kyo makes me totally cannot work today. :D She is so glowing and stunning. :wub: Happy to see her again. :wub:

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^hi Annsit, long time no see :)

hi gisella, we're in the same boat.. not only can't work, can't eat too..

i skip my lunch actually, seeing her pics i'm full already... :lol:

hi nino... i'm so happy to see her back in smiling mode :rolleyes:

kim, indeed that pic is the best among the best... ultimate beauty... epitome of beauty :wub:



credit as labelled

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Guest jjeennyyccaa

Argh!!!!Why is dt whenever I'm busy dt new photos/news came out from SHK and whenever I'm laid back this thread is also on its laid back mode.. <_< kekeke..Anyway, why complain when lots of good things is coming... :sweatingbullets:

Wow!!!She's glowing...and she looks happy..this was like the first photo ever since dt big anouncement and for me its like a confirmation dt she's totally fine..... :lol: Uhm!I guess I'm wrong there's her brief appearance for roem but her smile there doesn't deceive me... blush.gif

She's wearing extensions right?She looks younger than NJH..kekeke..

Just came across this one.....

A look at Song Hye-gyo’s new movie Today

by javabeans

It’s been four years since Korean audiences have seen Song Hye-gyo on the big screen, which they’ll get to do next month with the release of her new movie Today [오늘], or its English-language title, A Reason To Live. (She did film indie project Fetish in 2008, but that film wasn’t well received and only screened briefly in Korea two years after it wrapped. It’s in that category of sorta-doesn’t-count on her resumé, brought out when desired to make a point, but mostly ignored.)

Anyway. Song has looked at this project as a turning point in her acting; it’s a somber, more serious project than her previous roles. She’s got a few rom-coms under her belt, a sageuk romance, and a few big melo K-dramas; this movie, on the other hand, is more introspective and sensitive. She plays a documentary PD, Da-hye, whose fiancé is killed by a 17-year-old boy. She forgives him, but a year later, finds that her forgiveness gave rise to some unintended results, throwing her into chaos and sadness. The poster above reads, “I’m sorry for forgiving too easily…”

The clip starts out with a faceless man telling Da-hye he loves her, who then dies in an accident, and ends with the intriguing comment, “My forgiveness killed a person.”

The movie also stars premium child (now teenage) actress Nam Ji-hyun (Queen Seon-deok, Will It Snow For Christmas), Song Chang-eui (You’ve Fallen For Me), and Ki Tae-young (Creating Destiny). That’s a great lineup, and hopefully makes for solid dramatic acting. I think Song Hye-gyo can be a decent actress, but often find her cold; I’d love to see her tapping into some real emotion for once. I hope this movie does that for her.

Lee Jung-hyang directed Today; she’s the director who lent her sensitive touch to 2002′s The Way Home, starring a 10-year-old Yoo Seung-ho.

Today releases on October 27.

credits from dramabeans...

I think dramabeans isn't a great fan of SHK but whenever news from SHK came out they always write something about it...

Today...A reason to live....Nobody Somebody....La Quotidienne...FIGHTING!!!!!! :lol:

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