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[[Alice `N I N E]]

Guest JASON;

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Guest choppsueyy!

oh my i love those pictures! ^_^

they all look gorgeous, especially nao ;)

haha i love tora's lenses.

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Oh dang, those pictures are hot. I love it!

They all look great <3

I love Tora's contacts but he looks creepy there & so does Nao with him holding the juice xD

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Guest mikamoui


Casual Shou (:

And that avatar game thing that I've been seeing on LJ has Shou playing it now! Here's his character.


Haha. I wonder if this is how he sees himself. Pouty XD

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Guest atel

^ they all look soo good & that really does look like tomato juice

i think they look better with eyeliner than i ever will =="


for me, esp. like how hiroto, tora, and nao came out in those photos.

these are from Fool's Mate July 2009 issue. hope these are new for this thread... :sweatingbullets: ahaha...






credits-hojahoja, atel (for uploading)

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Guest strawberrylove

OMG that is so hot *fangirls*


i noticed shou still has his red eyes though.

and it looks worse D:

cus usually it isnt visible in the photoshoots.

hope it gets better T_T




(i wonder what happens to fan mails in english, do they even look at it T_T)

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Guest syunikiss

どうも お久しぶりで~す

anyone remember me =3?

*waves hello to joanna* it`s yuu

the thread doubled while i was away O____________O

anyway i`m here to pimp my LJ community aliceinrainbows

BTW that cartoony avatar thing is Shou`s amepig!

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Guest mikamoui


どうも お久しぶりで~す

anyone remember me =3?

*waves hello to joanna* it`s yuu

the thread doubled while i was away O____________O

anyway i`m here to pimp my LJ community aliceinrainbows

BTW that cartoony avatar thing is Shou`s amepig!

Welcome back :o.

-Is a new kid- :D

I've seen amepigs a lot on LJ. What is it about? o_o

Happy Birthday Shou! XD


Oh lawd. Nao is very creative in a way...



^Messy even!

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Guest apple_time

Oh wow I didnt even knew it was Shou's Birthday until it was announced all over the forums and communities.

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Aww its only pictures of Shou and Saga?

I love that solo picture of Shou, so pretty <3


May all his wishes come true! (:

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Otanjoubi Omedetou Shou!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stay as beautiful handsome as you are!!!!!! I hope you'd always be safe and healthy!!!! Keep the awesomeness and kawaii-ness coming!!!!!! Gambare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest mikamoui

Ah...I can't help but to be even more jealous of those in Club Alice. XD I just saw one of the small clips of a fan club meeting....Nao playing guitar, Tora playing drums, and Saga singing....<__< They should at least let us non-able-to-become-fan-club-members-because-we're-poor-as-heck see some of this XD. -Jealous- Saga's voice sounds different from his vocals in Q. o__o Has anyone else seen the video? :o


Actually, I found it on youtube.

The internet going down actually helps me find things I never notice.. :D

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Guest choppsueyy!

how does one become a member of club alice?

don't you have to live in japan?

stupid a9 noob here, sorry.

and it also wouldn't help that i'm poor as well <_<

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Guest mikamoui

^I heard that you need to fill out an application and send it to them? I'm not sure...

I deciphered [did I use the word right?] their roles in that song battle thing haha. Tora =drummer, Nao = guitarist, and Shou = stand there randomly and make hand gestures and looking cool. haha

Saga is taking after Shou's movements. I can feel it!

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Guest choppsueyy!

^yeah i looked online and didn't find much except an online club/forum thing -_-

ahh anyways i was just wondering... do any of your friends like alice nine?

or in my case, even know what alice nine is?

my friends like to go searching through my ipod and what not, and one of my friends stumbled across my a9 playlist, listend to it, and asked me "what the f*** kinda shi* is this?!"

oh man, my heart dropped to the floor and i wanted to punch her.

so i breifly explained to her what a9 was, and she um, LAUGHED AT ME :angry:

she asked why i listened to music in a different language, and my i simply responed that i don't care what language they sing in, they sing with such passion and emotion and put so much hard work into their songs and they are just amazing (er, something along those lines anyway), and i just happen to love japanese and korean culture (you should see all of the kpop artists on my ipod, hah).

(and to be honest, i really don't like whats on the radio these days, so viola, i stumbled across jrock, jpop, and kpop out of my love for the japanese and korean culture)

so, for a while she made fun of me for listening to my "asian music".

pshh, some friend right? <_<

and my sister does too, but i make fun of her for everything too haha.

my parents are cool, they accept my weirdness XD

and as for the rest of my friends, they think its weird as well.

well excuse me for being able to appreciate another culture's langauge/music -_-

ok im done ranting.

but it's really heard for me to find friends that have similar interests as me.

ehh anyways, so do any of you guys have friends who like a9 as well?

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Guest strawberrylove

lol shou patted some girl in the clip :o LAWL.

^ mahjority of my friends listen to asian music so i guess they dont think im a freak ._. (pft; they are asian biased --' LOL)

We spazz about hot guys together XD Pretty much all my friends know i have a love for visual kei/jrock and they personally think the style/music is weird and they are freaks but they dont judge me for it (though a few actually like the fashion but not the music) And i have a few friends who like alice nine as well so yeh.

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