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[drama 2008] Robbers 불한당

Guest o-cha

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ripgal : can't wait for the captions and what you'll write. Now go watch episode 4! :lol: then hurry back with what you think. I'm sure you'll enjoy eps 4...maybe even more than eps 3.

canyayasis : you are so good with songs. I think you mentioned some song names for eps 1-2 as well a few (well more than a few..lol) pages back. Do you by any chance still remember what songs have been used in this drama so far? I'd like to make a list of it.

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Guest lilyrose

name='canyayasis' date='Jan 11 2008, 01:21 PM'

AND when you want to hate Oh Joon

- you MUST remember that we are led to feel that way because of an amazing actor,

who is only following a writer's script and a director's direction.


and also, if we all wanted to see the same things, same themes, hear the same dialogues...

we would only need a ONE CHANNEL TV----IN ALL THE WORLD.

Amen to that.


QUOTE (Mr.Saturday @ Jan 11 2008, 10:14 AM) *

And also this drama makes me feel worse when I watch it.

Well, I don't think dramas are supposed to make anyone feel good or bad about themselves--that's more an issue of personal sense of self. Are some dramas/literary texts supposed to be inspiring? Sure. Are they also supposed to disturb, shake, surprise? Sure. There are Cinderella narratives and then there are "Crime and Punishment" narratives. It's a matter of taste which one one will gravitate towards. Neither storyline is without merit, however.

All the characters are bipolar and I don't understand their "personalities".

Maybe what you see as contradictory elements in the characters are layering effects/qualities that lead to more grounded and rounded characters. Of course this a story about an unsavory character, so he is supposed to be unsavory. But not seeing the forest for the trees (that is, not seeing the subtle hints/reasons behind this Oh Joon's actions--and the nuances within) may undermine the complexities of this drama.


I for one am just glad NOT to be watching a drama where I can tell within the first episode what I can expect to unfold over the next several episodes: the triangles and quadrangles, the inevitable separations and rejoining and possible death (terminal diseases seem to be an epidemic among young Korean lovers :rolleyes: ), and pretty black and white romantic leads.

I am on my toes with this drama, and I see the fact that some find this drama annoying to be a compliment.

I really hope that the negative responses from viewers of this drama will not make the writers wimp out and rewrite Oh Joon as a more conventional romantic lead that we come to expect from the preponderance of dramas out there. That will be a really downer for me.

kalchi, you are most definitely not alone in not hating Oh Joon. I actually like him (so I don't even hate him!)


I cannot stop watching the BTS Kissing Scene. Seriously. I think I pretty much have it on permanent rotation. The smiles that light up both actors' faces in between takes are luminous. The scene was perfect to begin with (sorry, I am sappy enough to have actually liked the lights coming on), and now it is even more perfect because the filming of it was also so endearing.

Thank you ripgirl for bringing that clip to us.

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oh my god im soooooo behind.... im like 13 pages behind this thread.... waaaaaa i hate school for doing this to meeeee!!!! haven't backtracked the forums pages just yet but im really excited with the comments i've caught a glimpse at... weeeeee off to backtracking the pages... please do not say anything yet lemme catch up with all of you first harhar(joke) ill come back with all my thank yous later after im done reading harhar...

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Guest imogene_af

The ep. 4 KISS NG is fantastic!

The first 1/2 of the video they're playing Rascal Flatts singing,


Which does seem to keep with a developing theme we had going yesterday (now 5 pages back)

that oh joon can find a way to be good again.

I noticed the song too. How significant for the characters in this story.

I hope the next episodes really flesh him out and as lilyrose said for Dal Rae to

finally kiss back in the later episodes.

It's so cute looking at their NGs the director, the actors, the set people seem to be really having fun. Hehe.

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yay i just finished backtracking and my God i swear my contact lenses are totally dried up... all of your insights held my eyes fixed to my monitor i couldn't even manage to blink for a sec... really interesting and intelligent insights, i really admire you threaders!!! all the speculations are quite funny yet haunting... anyway here are my thoughts and thank you's

I just rewatched the last scene of Ep 2 again just now.. Dal Rae managed to get me teary within seconds :tears:

I usually don't rewatch sad scenes immediately just after watching them..cos I don't think I'd be able evoke that sad and depressing feeling, I need to see some kinda story before I can cry. But Dal Rae's crying scene was able to stand on its own. I didn't need a LONG story to see how much Dal Rae loved her husband..it's amazing how a short 10 min can make me cry in an instance.. which goes on to show how capable Da Hae is in doing mellow scenes. Good job Da Hae!

ripgal im sorry to be commenting about this even though its quite far back the thread pages but i wouldn't miss on any well deserved credit given to our princess da hae ^_^ and with that i sayyy.... hear here...

o-cha thanks for your response but nevermind i already got my download from the other link provided in the navigation... anyway i would just like to commend you for your wonderful job on administering and maintaining stuff organized in this thread... what would we do without you thanks a lot for everything...

I couldn't really judge the dialogue, for I am not a Korean speaker. I know as someone with a second language, some things may work for another language and when translated, just seems random and loses its meaning.

So, I have no idea if the 500 years line is good or not, but I do see why it would come off as if it's in a random play or something. :lol:

my thoughts exactly... maybe some korean language loses some of its essence in translation...

ohhh myyy javabeans showed some interest with Bulhandang? i thought her review was great and i really love that she gave this a chance and tried it out although she is wavering a bit its enough for me (especially without some bashing/rants on da hae's acting harhar)...

I am not surprised from the reactions I get from my mums. They adored JH in Thank You. I mean, loved him to death!! When I showed them Ep 1 & 2, they absolutely refused to watch the rest as they have this romantised idea of JH and to see him less then his macho self, they somewhat refuse to tarnish that image. One of them said it gave them goose bumps (in disgust) watching him that way and from what I hear of the ahjumahs (ok, what's the equivalent to obachan in Korean? Hal mo nee? ) power in Korea, they can wield a severe blow to ratings!

ohhhh now i get it... so ahjumma's share in the viewership is quite significant huh? harhar this explains a lot... thanks for the info.... anyways the heck with the ratings right?!

Re: Imogene's Review of episode 3

as always imogene aka javabeans-in-the-making thanks for the wonderful third episode review... i must say you got me all dizzy from the continual nodding i made with the every word you wrote... i completely agree and echo all you've said about the unfolding of the weaknesses underlying each characters' exterior completely gives the drama a more significant depth and meaning...

Re: jahye

woah... i can sense your anger from here... you're really pissed huh? oh well i kinda agree but im still impartial on the whole issue of Oh Joon's despicability... i understand that what he did was rather really mean... but i still feel bad for him... because somewhere deep inside his character i think that he does not really mean to do these despicable things and he even hates himself for doing so that he cannot even summon enough courage to face the single most important woman in his life... his sister... i do think that what he's done is really unfirgiveable but i am still holding off my judgements for now...

Re: Imogene's review for episode 4

imogene another wonderful and insightful review... your perceptions are really right on the spot... I love how you've discussed Jin Goo's character development its really comprehensive and quite interesting to view it from these perspectives... harhar i can sense that you're really thorn of waiting for another week for the next episode... harharhar Thanks for the intelligent review...

And I am grasping hard!

i'm sorry but i just have to get this out of my system... i can't help but this particular line in your post had me laughing... i know it's not supposed to but didn't this phrase sound dirty? (harhar feel free to ignore me.. this is just the effect of lacking sleep kicking in...)

But here's what I think - and here's what I'm holding on to...

I read a book which you've probably all heard of called the KITE RUNNER -

and now there's a movie -

and the THEME of the book - and part of the movie's ad campaign is this -


and my hope for this series is just that -

that a bad man, who KNOWS better - will find his way, THAT WAY -

the way to be good again...

i haven't read this book yet... but i think im gonna have to now... i love how you referenced the potential turn of redemption of Oh Joon... it somehow gives off this warmth feeling of hope towards a new beginning...

Overall, just the fact that this drama conjures up great literary references says a lot about the story. I am awed by the lead actors (the female lead is slowly growing on me) because they evoke such strong emotions in me.

I wish Ep 5 would be aired tomorrow :( . I don't want to wait a week.

Lilyrose i loved reading your thoughts on the episodes... i really enjoy them as much i i enjoy imogene's... i hope you'll continue to share them with us... anyway as for thispost i must say again hear here...

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Guest imogene_af

:lol: Hagrid! Thanks for your great insights and I am laughing so hard at your "dirty" comment, I didn't mean it that way, but I'm pretty sure the people I know would say otherwise. HAHAHA!

With that said, I hope the ratings do go up. Maybe they would need to aggresively market this drama, pity because it is a very good one. When the ratings for Hello! Miss dropped last year, I understood why, for this one it's a shame. But being pitted against big dramas that were given quite a buzz in advanced can be a bit hard.

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hagrid and lilyrose, aye aye to your insights on the drama as well..

I just love how you guys can analyse deep into the characters.. makes me appreciate the drama more..more than what was shown on the surface.. ^_^

I did mention about capping my fav scenes from Ep 3..aiks..I think that will have to wait.. or it might not come at all..

Cos I have so much homework to finish..aiks >.<

I'll try to finish Ep 4 tonight.. and leave some comments..hehehe..

(as if you guys are waiting for mine..HAR HAR..)

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Guest trustno1file

Amen to that.


I for one am just glad NOT to be watching a drama where I can tell within the first episode what I can expect to unfold over the next several episodes: the triangles and quadrangles, the inevitable separations and rejoining and possible death (terminal diseases seem to be an epidemic among young Korean lovers :rolleyes: ), and pretty black and white romantic leads.

omg i agree, i love how the story line is unpredictable! im usually really fast at guessing whats going to happen, but the characters are still a mystery :]]

i love jang hyuk, but his character is so mean! im actually rooting for the other man :P i love how he is so stiff XDD

gosh darn it, im so far behind on this thread XD

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Guest pinklily

chinggus...episode 4 wasn't quite as enjoyable for me as the first three episodes were. the story and character development seemed a bit weak in 4. i can only judge from how the episode seemed to flow from scene to scene, and what i can assume the characters are doing or saying in each scene...so my assessment maybe unfair. overall the episode seemed a little raw...a)some imperfect editing (nothing glaring...but i noticed it); b)some scenes that seemed cut and paste...if you were to rearrange them into any order...they would still give the same effect...which means the flow of the story seemed a little random at times...which leads to the possibility of... c)things (the story?) moving, but not necessarily forward...or even in one direction; and d)some instances where the acting was distracting...it's because this story is heavily character driven...so i rely a lot on the acting to understand the characters and be able to fall into the story. i'm trying to build a good sense of what these characters are like...they are three dimensional characters, yes...their motivations may take some time to develop, and that's fine...but their superficial behaviors, little quirks, simple reactions to common things...things like these should be somewhat consisitent.

this is only my first impression though...maybe it'll change/improve after i've rewatched the episode. that's another thing though...with the first three episodes...i couldn't wait to rewatch them over and over...with 4 however, i didn't find myself so eager. ^^;

some things that didn't sit well w/ me:

scene w/ Man Doo in the cafeteria: the whole time watching this scene i kept thinking it was very deliberate. he's in a cafeteria...yet no free napkins? he has to go buy tissue paper to clean his mess? he needs to use his wallet...so naturally, he sees the picture of him and Oh Joon that's in it. and that was the whole point of that scene...just so he can see the picture and start reminiscing. it just seemed needlessly elaborate...they could have showed him sitting there, wondering intently...then pull out his wallet to look at the picture. it would had the same effect. i would of preferred them include a flashback to their younger days...when that picture was taken...that would have been nice because they could have managed to flesh out a bit more of Man Doo's as well as Oh Joon's character...answer some of our questions about Oh Joon's past, or at least give us some new insights about his history.

gangpae boss + mil: nothing new about these two? come on! she's still mad at him? (and i'm not sure i understand why) and all he can do about it is...have his men follow him in the car while he walks ahead of them, moping about it? i know mr. gangpae boss has a soft inner core...but this is just silly. i hope the writer fleshes out this character a bit...he's a talented actor, he should be given something more to work with. i don't want him to be there just for comic relief...his gangpae minions have got that more than covered...although i found in this episode that their scenes were a bit much...also too silly.

Oh Joon's bad side: this scene was really hard for me to watch...the scene of him yelling at Yoon Ah(sp?). wow...how can you not hate Oh Joon after this scene? we know he's not a saint...so it shouldn't have been a surprise...but the reality of how cruel he is...his profression...really only dawned at me after this scene (i said that before about episode 3...but him running away from her was one thing...this scene he was just short of physically abusing her :angry: ). i guess this could be a reason why i didn't quite enjoy episode 4. this scene took place early on in the episode...the rest of the episode sees Oh Joon trying to work his tricks on Dal Rae. i guess it sorta pissed me off >_<...the whole time i'm thinking...'wow, you're going to do the same to this poor woman. you scoundrel! she's already lost a husband...and neither is she rich. you're going to take everything that she has...the worst of all being her heart?! she's going to fall apart...and those two people who depend on her for emotional support...they'll be suffering too!' TT_TT the majority of this episode had scenes of the two of them together...since this thought was in my mind the whole time...i guess that's why i didn't enjoy watching it.

i love Jang Hyuk the actor...and i think he's doing great job portraying Oh Joon (perhaps too great of a job ^^;;) but there's a problem with the character. what's his motivation? i want to know...so i can TRY to justify his actions. the writer really needs to clue us in on a bit of his history...why he is who he is now...give us something to go on that makes us think he is still redeamable...do it before it's too late. and another thing is...if he can bear to treat someone as vulnerable as Yoon Ah so cruely...what's going to make Dal Rae's situation any different? (it's only episode 4, but i'm already starting to feel like the writer might need to do some magic...pull a rabit out of his/her hat...to try to come up with reasons that justifies his actions...and make them believable so that the character can win back our hearts)

Dal Rae + Oh Joon: so it shouldn't be any surprise that i wasn't thrilled by their scenes >_<; one particular scene stuck out though...where Dal Rae was teaching Oh Joon how to meditate. aigoo...i could have done w/out the bathroom humor. i also didn't like this scene because i felt the actors themselves fell out of character. when they started laughing uncontrollably...it was very distracting because it didn't seem consistent w/ what their characters are like. they both seemed too bubbly...they're still at the stage of getting to know each other...so they shouldn't be so comfortable just yet. it kind of threw me off a bit...and took me out of the story to where i didn't see Dal Rae and Oh Joon...but Da Hae and Jang Hyuk...which is unfortunate. ^^;;

Soon Dae: eeks!...you guys are going to throw rocks at me i think...but let me just say right off the bat that i LOVE kids! and i think the child actress is adorableeeeeeee... @(^_^)@V but Soon Dae seems a little spoiled >_<; ...i was a spoiled, bratty little girl too...so i should know >_<;; i suppose that is my real problem with this character...it's hard to be reminded of yourse... *ahem*coughcough*...yourself at ONE point in time *nods skeptically* :P

but really, i'm not sure if i like the fact that mil and Dal Rae spoils Soon Dae so much. though i can understand how and why...the child is so precious to them...the only real, tangible part of him they have left.

the kiss: i didn't like the kiss...which is crazy because i NEVER dislike a kiss! (i've not seen every kdrama there is...but of those i've seen...i've NEVER disliked kisses :o ) is it because i'm still biased against Oh Joon's character? maybe. because i don't trust him...thinking this is another part of his plan...and not genuine? *nods* i'll be thrilled if later, in the next episode, it shows that he did kiss her on the whim...completely in the moment and w/out any ulterior motives... but after all we've seen of this character...i can't risk giving him the benefit of my doubt. ^^;;

the only scene in episode 4 that i liked

was the one where we see Jin Goo opening up a bit...attemping to "fly". goodness! there's hope for him yet! haha...that was really so cute!

but that scene of him speaking in English...w/ the America actor (hmmm, you know, he could be Canadian...hahaha...and actually, this one was pretty decent i thought ^^; )...i really couldn't understand what he was saying...especially towards the end. lol...but i love how Kim Jung Tae the actor is so confident saying those lines. he does a great job staying in character...you almost want to believe you can understand him. :lol:

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Aww..Kirsten, Ep 4 was a bit disappointing for you huh? Haven't had the time to watch it yet..sighs..

Anywayz, I think it's good that we're able to spot inconsistencies and disparities in dramas.. It makes us grow :D

Of course, I don't want Robbers to decline in any way.. but hopefully it's just a minor glitch in the editing and flow in this episode. I'm still hoping for the best! ^^

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