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Posts posted by enigmatic_zephy

  1. 2 hours ago, shuwei said:

    hmm I wish ep 20 did more with WWX's experiences in Yiling. like that's the one thing they could have spend their extra runtime on instead of all that time at Wen Qing's place. but I am pleasantly surprised at all the gory details of his return and how good he looks whew


    one thing that I really dig though is the "confrontation" between LWJ and WWX. although the lines are pretty much completely intact, the scene conveys a totally different dynamic from the novel and other adaptations. them adding this WWX expression after LWJ left is SO good.

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    aaaahhh I love Xiao Zhan so much, talented king!

    can you translate what was that confrontation about.. didn't understand

  2. 20 hours ago, moon-flower said:

    @JoyceDreamer I am assuming from the current trend of episodes, we are going to be in flashbacks for a bit until Wei Ying dies. I'm hoping we at least get 15+ episodes in present day. I would like to see present day wangxian. The book was like 80% flashbacks so...we're going to be in the past for a bit... 

    there are videos on vimeo..

    so i think they will play out all scenes from present too


    there is a scene with them breaking walls to pull XJ out.. paper man on LZ , when WX runs to JX's room to find about his secrets.. we will get there!

    • Like 2
  3. 8 hours ago, Gumiho9 said:

    He thinks Igutus are superior than others and wants Tagon to embrace his Igutu identity and rule Arthdal as a proud Igutu king with himself as his son and heir. so for now he wants Tagon to succeed and he is helping him in his own twisted way. He wants power but he needs Tagon to achieve it, without Tagon he is nothing and he knows it but of course things could change if he becomes the crown prince.


    Btw, I think the older Neanthal is Itzrub, he was present in the meeting between Sarams and Neanthals  that happened twenty years ago. We don't know where the second Neanthal kid is yet.

    second kid could be the other girl / younger sister of second lead actress .. the one who was looking after eunsome in hut when he was hurt and older sis and dad were away


    1 hour ago, chawminn said:

    It's somehow strange that people think the 2 Neanthals are the 2 kids that Asa Ron and Ragaz saved. While Rottip (Nichkhun) is one of them, the other Neanthal is basically Yisooroobeu. He was there with Ragaz (the twin's' father) and Raknrup (the previous Chief) at the meeting between Neanthals and Saram. 

    (On a side note, I wonder whether the woman who translated back then, is actually Tagon's mother. She seems to have exchanged looks with Sanung Niruhua.) 


    Just before when Asa Hon ran away to Iark, we have met the two kids as one boy and one girl. We still don't know who the girl is, but people's assumptions are on Saenarae or Nunbyeol. But then, the girl is at least 7  up to 10 years older than the twins, should be same age as Nichkhun so we must not have seen her yet. 


    How did Rottip reunite with Yiseuroobeu? 

    Why did they come to Harim's house and encounter Nunbyeol? 

    Is Nunbyeol Igutu or Neanthal? 

    How could have Yiseuroobeu sensed Saya in the market? (Because he's family or he's Igutu?) And why did Rottip hold him back? 

    Why was Tagon excited to save the baby Saya? 

    How will Eunseom meet the Neanthals or Saya? 


    I hope we all get the answers before the Season 2 ends. If not, we all will be dying during those July-August weeks!

    did you read that the relationship chart states that taelha is naenthal descendant :P.. or atleast initially drama had that planned


    who knows maybe she is indeed not M's daughter hence he made her the spy

    • Like 3
  4. 1 hour ago, lebeaucouple said:

    Yes ,  agreed. All history proved that the imperialism would take place because of human nature that hunger for power and vanity. When all human needs are fulfilled, there will be reaching the level of self actualisation, where we could see Tanya would be the one who display the "spiritual world" in this drama, probably in season 3. 


    I like the theory of maslow's hierarchy which well defined of  human needs and desires. A good ironic example of well written story : "Animal Farm" by George Orwell,  "Can all animals (human) have equal treatment??" A very thought-provoking story when i read this many many years ago, and followed by the hollywood animation movie which i loved it.


    Evolving from the history until today,  sad to say, we still can see one side of people desire for peaceful and equality world while another side of people hunger for power in this decade.  Look at the current world, big country continue to fight for the land or island ownership because of oil and gas exploration purpose, it would never end. Our world faces a persistent gap in access to opportunities and decision-making power which continue happening in all countries.  


    I am very curious to see how the writer put the ending for this season 3. I hope his message that he want to send across will not disappoint us. :)


    Have a sweet weekends to all chingu :D

    Hmm.. well to be that 6th phase of self actualization is also not related to spirituality and awakening..

    it is just increased hunger for being differentiated from others.. (not sure how ot explain this)


    But humans are fairly simple, people make it complex when they try to bring in some high end concepts..


    its just another animal specie

    • Like 3
  5. On 6/27/2019 at 8:54 PM, lebeaucouple said:

    I recap the 1st EP to have a deeper understanding and i realised that it was an intelligent writing from the writer (took 7 years to complete) who raised an underlying question How did we move away from the primitive life to the abundant life of agricultural society, and learn to pick up the bronze weapons and slowly developed into a new kingdom in ancient time (and now people called it nation). As the drama involved with politics, religions, and social issues , these would certainly resonate with us in today life.


    Interestingly, the writer using four fictional characters to bring out the conflicting historical story which tackled the birth of civilizations and nations, humankind struggle thru their hardship before reaching their goals. Their lives intersect surrounded by power and ambition, love, hate and survival that are inevitable for humankind. The strong vs. the vulnerable characters, how the few tribes combine evolving into a new kingdom will be exciting to see in the next few ep and next season. Using fantasy scenes including the legendary horse and white wolf are adding flavour to the drama to make it more imagination.


    While everyone wishes to have an utopia society, which unlikely happen in this era due to the human nature, i am sure the key message take away from this drama is to “accept the diversity and encourage people to embrace otherness" so that all human can stay in harmony. My wishful thinking :D:)


    Well in simplest terms, imperialism all over again


    the one with the best weapon will dominate

    humans are not "nice" by nature.. that is the 6th level of maslow's hierarchy, when all needs are fulffilled then arises the need for being "respected" for more than mundane

    • Like 5
  6. 8 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

    Dear chingu @UnniSarah, long time no see. :)


    Yet, I have to disagree with you in one aspect. Tagon doesn't deserve pity because he killed his own mother, although she did nothing to him. He killed the Neanthals and the Igutus on his own accord. Remember that Tagon proposed the idea of getting rid of the Neanthals in exchange of his stay in Arthdal.

    Sure, on the other hand, his father is partially responsible for Tagon's actions. He attempted to kill him in order to stop the prophecy to come true which actually triggered Tagon to change. Yet, his ambition has nothing to do with his father. After killing him, he declares that he wants to create a huge strong nation which outlines Tagon's hunger for power. Tagon had his own dream from the start but he let his father use him as long as it was helping him to realize his own dream. He was definitely not satisfied with the way the things are... 

    Agree.. thing with igatus is.. they learn fast

    tagaon saw sarams and given his high intellect , perceived politics even faster..

    and given his high intellect and the strong base of high level mind games of saram, he could think beyond (just as Eunsome can think beyond what he has been taught by wahans')..


    so tagon is a fairly calculative guy. .. not lusting for love or companionship.. but he likes power

    • Like 4
  7. 16 hours ago, Erafera1 said:


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    sorry @tomo74 I only watch CXX:lol: (Chen kun sorry:DI'm being disloyal with you bcos cute baby:lol:but he choose same character like you)

    interesting, i always thought fox was male waiting for his girl

    but with your screencaps it makes sense.. XF is the fox.. the one who always dreamt of love, wanted to be in love..waited for love


    Now, the last dialogue makes sense to me when she told LCYin that ultimately the fox could not wait for the girl.. and i was like but LCYin came.. 


    But it was her who could not wait and killed herself..



    • Like 3
  8. 8 hours ago, nuttyz said:

    So sweet! If I were to marry Lao Wu, I can just eat air all day like PXR as long as I get to see CXX face... :wub::wub:


    Who cares about financial troubles??!! :P


    The CCTV is really funny tho. I always found it very creepy when GJ stands on the tree spying on XF! 

    it would be nice to see these two are actually actors shooting some drama.. with all that cctv.. or shooting some reality show :P

    and then bicker away


    Nah!.. anything for this sweet married life.. ready to be poor and have nothing to eat

    • Like 2
  9. 2 hours ago, Le_Amarant said:

    I'm confused...how did we start getting bonus epilogues in present day? Was fan reaction so big that the production company was compelled to produce additional endings?

    More like a project that was some 20 episodes, on shelf to be shelved.. became a runaway hit from the moment go.,,

    i am sure they earned a lot from the drama at no cost..


    so they themselves announced they want to make alternate ending.. and fan reaction was actually to not mess with the ending because everyone thought drama will be changed instead of this way of alternate ending


    what they have done her eis smart!

    • Like 2
  10. 27 minutes ago, nuttyz said:


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    It was implied that the king killed Ming Yue's father in the end. The exchange was very cryptic and needs to be understood with earlier and later scenes. The king just said that he missed chen zheng (chai mu original name) all these years and now that he has brought down the gao clan, he can live his life as chen zheng. Chai Mu replied Chen zheng died a long time ago and chai mu will disappear soon too. 


    From what I understood very subtlely, the king did not like the fact that Ming Yue, Chai Mu and LCY deceived him and could potentially pose as a threat to his throne. He probably thinks with Chai Mu gone, he would not have any influence over LCY. The king is actually very cautious of powerful clans. When LCY visited Gao in prison, he asked Gao why would he kill his mothers family. Gao just laughed at him and said he is smart but also a fool, how could he have brought the strong Gu family down with the Gao family barely having any power at that time. Subtlely implying that the king had an implicit hand in it too. Hence, LCY was very disappointed with his father at his sick bed. 


    The beauty of this drama, all the subtlety... 


    damn!.. and he really loved LCY's mom..


    its like father like son


    he killed his wife's family despite being in love with her..

    he killed her family despite knowing he had fallen in love with her

    • Like 6
  11. 15 minutes ago, pad-hari said:

    if anybody wants to see any cuts on todays episodes, here's the youku GBMP drama page links.  



    @furu.vu217, why is Adu killing General Gao and he is killing her back with his sword?  the drama version of adu's death is completely different.  Can you tell us why?


    because they can't keep making LCY evil.. don't you see all the softening is happening to make sure LCYin has a backstory for every action and is sympathetic character

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  12. 20 minutes ago, furu.vu217 said:

    XF: GXW, you promised me 3 things, do you remember?
    LCY: I still remember
    XF: You haven't done two things for me yet, I want you to do it
    LCY: Yes you say it
    TP: From now on, Li Kingdom must not step in Western State half step.

    LCY: Okay, I promise you, put your sword down. If you die, I also decided not to live
    XF: The last thing is, promise me, live well.


    I never thought that when I heard that First Encounter ver, I cried so much like this.




    darn so sad..

    1. She actually asked for last promise to make him suffer.. you can see it in his eyes

    2. But then when she finally dies, the spite is gone.. and it is pure love for him

    3. She always wanted a love story.. a man who only loves her - she got it!

    4... and yet it came at a high cost

    5. He had no one and he found someone.. he loved her passionately, loyal, true, genuine.. and yet lost her

    6. You want to die but you can't di beause she asked you to not die.. and since you never made her happy.. you really can't break this promise

    7. How at every point, whenever it truly came down to XF vs everything else (throne, revenge etc etc).. his choice was always clear - XF.. it ws always XF


    the music is amazing

    time to rewatch the series .. binge thing time

    • Like 7
  13. 3 hours ago, purplefall94 said:


    Thank you! I also feel the same! I believe that this is because the writing was loosing gas toward this end. It has been doing a good job at justifying everything LCY did and making him a relatable jerk (ok, I know it's twisted but this is how I feel lol). Production team, since you've tried so hard, why can't you spend a little more effort to wrap up this character nicely??? It feels as if he transformed into a monster overnight without a warning. I'm just pure angry now, I can't help feeling betrayed because of what they turned his character into in the last 8 episodes. There's rumor that they will have 2 endings, one that follows the book and one as fanservice. Personally, I don't think any HE will work after all the tragedies and pain LCY caused to XF. Poor our XF, I hope they'll give LCY his due karma at the end.

    lol..he was always a monster.. drama messed up by showing  "justifying" and softening him up for the audience.. i think real story makes more sense in terms of his personality


    Plus, think of it this way, all his life LCYin never truly had 1 thing that was his. That's the reason he was not into politics before 1st brother died... he loved his brothers and would happily give up throne or just support them, was obedient to mom..and he was always intelligent (initial episodes, everyone comments on how he is the most capable but its just that he is not interested)


    But then, he learns the truth and that unleashes his emotions that were repressed.. now there was no incentive to sacrifice to keep others happy.

    And he is intelligent, capable, gets what he wants, going to whatever level and is fiercely passionate - JUST LIKE his father the emperor.. he is the closest to him in terms of personality .. and in all of this he found XF who is ENTIRELY his..

    father is father to many kids, mom is dead, other mom is cruel, brothers don't genuinely love.. nothing.. but XF loved him unconditionally

    • Like 7
  14. 7 minutes ago, biancardi said:




    but he isn't dead - it's LCY.  just repackaged. 

    GXW is dead.. what can or should he tell her that LCYin is GXW whom she knows killed danchi and did not want to marry?

    Plus he who she thinks loves someone else.. she will be devasted..

    the only thing that can be told is that GXW is dead.. but that would break her heart too and she will feel as if she is cheating on him with LCYin..


    so basically, you say nothing and let her assume things on her own (even ths is bad)

    everything is wrong

    • Like 3
  15. 45 minutes ago, tomo74 said:

    GJ indeed pitiful, he loves XF, but he's weak, that's why he can't get XF's love in the first place, if he's strong enough, he won't listen to his godfather, he will take XF run away when XF begs him in the beginning, then XF won't meet GXW and fall in love but then there'll not be a "goodbye my princess" drama :open_mouth:

    But I understand why he mislead XF, his health is getting worse, he has only 1 chance left so he wants to use it to spend time with XF as much as he can.

    Why he betrayed XF? he has a mission to complete (to revenge for wiping out his whole family) but since he's a small potato, he can't do much to kill Gao's clan that's why he must collaborate with LCY and his godfather and follow through their's plans.

    The other hand, LCY just wants power, his revenge only to the queen, he has the choice either to betray XF or not, but he likes power.

    So, talking about who is evil, I don't think GJ is evil, he's just weak, how about GXW/LCY?, I think he is, he supposedly is a smart prince, he can think his way how to kill Danchis without using XF (try to get close to her, do something to make XF fall in love to him, when he knows from the beginning that he just want to used XF).

    That's why (from the spoilers) XF forgive GJ, but she can't forgive LCY.


    As per the original story, i agree GJ is not bad. But in the drama, they are trying hard to show that LCYin wasn't bad and is doing everything for a reason.


    However, irrespective of any of that, neither is power hungry. Gu clan is also LCYin's mom side of clan. He wants revenge not just from queen but also from Gao.. and even emperor can't defeat Gao because he is powerful. Only power cuts power. Also, don't forget in the drama even king has been waiting fo the oooportunity to punish queen and gao.. because he remembers that they killed his fav wife/LCYin's mother

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  16. 3 hours ago, jewelsc said:

    GJ is truly getting on my nerves, he is so annoying.  He has been misleading XF since the beginning, he mislead her with his affections then he betrayed her trusts and now he lied having her believe he is GXW..honestly i will not feel sorry when LCY killed him in the end.  He is so pitiful.:crazy:

    edit:just watched, they are trying hard to justify everything LCYin did by changing story line

  17. they are trying to make LCY a nice guy with all of this.. with the plot XF is not wrong beause she remembers half the things.. and LCYin is not wrong because he didn't turn evil because of wrong reasons but his wife indeed cheated on him :P


    this is so stupid.


    today i saw on youtube, they have disclosed some aspects of new ending.. and it is supposed to be happy as in XF does not die..


    Are they redoing all scenes or are they just always wanted to do this

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